Thesis-1-June 2015-Final-V2
Thesis-1-June 2015-Final-V2
Thesis-1-June 2015-Final-V2
Saleh Al-umaran
(Faculty of Technology)
De Montfort University
February 2015
Organisation information security culture has become one of the most important elements of an
organisation’s strategy, to promote its image, performance and efficiency. The study of
organisations’ information security cultures has interested scholars, as well as the healthcare
service industry, to research the topic and find appropriate tools and approaches for developing a
positive culture. Health service information increased sharply in recent years due to the increase
in expanding healthcare services as well as the use of electronic recording processes. Healthcare
providers need to ensure the security of the information that they receive due to an increase in
numbers of patients who are wary about providing personal medical details and complying with
national and international legislation. This is to avoid any disputes with providers and
stakeholders. The vast majority of studies on the Saudi National Health Service are on the use of
technology to protect and secure health services information. On the other hand, there is a lack of
research on the role and impact of an organisation’s cultural dimensions on information security.
Several researchers in the literature argue that information security needs to be focused on the
organisation’s behaviour, (McIlwraith, 2006; Da Veiga, A., and Eloff, J., 2010; Van Niekerk and
Von Solms, 2005). They stressed that the organisation’s success or failure depends largely on the
employees’ behaviour towards information security. They indicated that an information security-
aware culture would minimise risks to information assets and specifically reduce instances of
employee misbehaviour. This research aims to investigate and analyse the role and impact
of cultural dimensions on information security in Saudi Arabia’s health service. Two surveys
have been carried out in order to collect data and information from three major hospitals in Saudi
Arabia. The first survey aimed to identify the main cultural dimension problems in the Saudi
Arabian health service and develop an initial information security framework model. The second
survey evaluated and tested the developed framework model for its usefulness, reliability and
culture and developing appropriate information security culture policy and guidelines.
I would like first to express my deepest appreciation and lasting gratitude to my first supervisor,
Dr Giampalo. His wide knowledge and logical ways of thinking have been of great value to me.
His understanding, encouragement and personal guidance have provided a good basis for the
present thesis. Without his guidance, the successful completion of the research and this thesis
might have been a very difficult task. His critique and helpful ideas have shown me the way to
proceed. I am truly grateful for that. I genuinely appreciate his positive comments, which have
I would also like to express my gratitude to the Professor Hussein Zedan, the former director of
Software Technology Research Laboratory (STRL), and Dr F. Chen for their unlimited support
and advice throughout this work. I appreciate their positive comments, as they have brought
I wish also to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my father and mother for their
continuous encouragement and emotional support all the way through my studies, and my
brothers and sisters who with their support have inspired me to achieve my goal.
Table of Contents
Abstract ....................................................................................................................................... 2
Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Information Security ........................................................................................................... 33
2.6 Culture................................................................................................................................. 40
3.3 Work Packages.................................................................................................................... 62
4.6 Role of National Culture on Information Security ........................................................... 104
6.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................... 138
7.4.4 Leadership and Information Security......................................................................... 158
7.7.5 Employees Multicultural Background and Trust ....................................................... 180
8.6 Needs for Changes in SA Hospital Information Security Culture .................................... 196
Chapter 9 : Conclusions, Recommendations and Suggestions for Future Work ........................ 200
9.3 Recommendations ............................................................................................................. 204
Appendix C: Information Security culture model evaluation: Questionnaire design ......... 234
Appendix D: Information Security culture model evaluation: Interview design ................ 243
Appendix E: Published Academic paper and Published Poster in International Conference . 249
List of Figures
Figure 2-2: Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980)................................ 53
Figure 2-3: Intrinsic and extrinsic motivators in information security behaviours (Herath & Rao,
2009) ............................................................................................................................................. 54
Figure 4-8: Hospital leadership likes to share IS power with employees. .................................... 84
Figure 4-9: Hospital takes group vote on what to do next in the IS policy. ................................. 85
Figure 4-10: National culture has influenced the leadership style in the hospital IS culture. ...... 86
Figure 4-11: National culture values and norms have a role in the leadership IS decision-making
process........................................................................................................................................... 87
Figure 4-12: Change in the hospital IS policy from traditional to electronic is a challenge. ....... 88
Figure 4-13: The hospital uses an effective IS policy to protect EPR. ......................................... 89
Figure 4-14: Hospital employees have positive norms and values towards information security 90
Figure 4-15: The hospital has an appropriate information security environment. ....................... 91
Figure 4-16:Trust among the hospital employees is important for the hospital information
security. ......................................................................................................................................... 92
Figure 4-17: Lack of trust amongst the employees due to lack of effective hospital culture. ...... 93
Figure 4-18: Trust between the employees and management is important for IS. ...................... 94
Figure 4-19: There is a lack of trust between the employees and technology regarding IS. ........ 95
Figure 4-20: Shift from traditional to electronic recording represents a threat to job security. .. 96
Figure 4-22: Hospital employees are aware of the current information security policy. ............. 98
Figure 4-23: Hospital employees are aware of the importance of health IS. ................................ 99
Figure 4-24: The employees have never been on a training course regarding IS. ...................... 100
Figure 4-25: Employees do not respect the current information security. .................................. 101
Figure 4-26: The current IS does not reflect the current use of electronic recording ................ 102
Figure 4-27: The current policy does not take patients’ rights into consideration ..................... 103
Figure 4-28: Employees’ behaviours are influenced by national culture ................................... 104
Figure 4-29: SA national culture influences information security culture. ................................ 105
Figure 4-33: Employees’ social interaction has helped to improve IS ....................................... 108
Figure 7-3: Respondents’ job roles and years of experience ...................................................... 148
Figure 7-4: Tribal values and norms have influenced employees’ behaviour towards IS in the
Figure 7-5: Hospital working values and norms have influenced IS .......................................... 150
Figure 7-6: Attitudes towards women have influenced hospital information security ............... 152
Figure 7-7: SA national culture has influenced hospital employees’ attitudes towards IS ........ 153
Figure 7-8: National culture has influenced leadership styles in SA health services ................ 154
Figure 7-9: Hospital leadership style that includes sharing power influenced the IS. ................ 156
Figure 7-10: Leadership sharing vision influenced the IS culture. ............................................. 157
Figure 7-12: Leadership style has influenced employees’ attitudes towards IS ........................ 160
Figure 7-13: Employees’ trust influences hospital employees’ attitudes towards IS. ............... 161
Figure 7-14: Trust between the employees and the management influences IS culture. ........... 162
Figure 7-15: Understanding between the employees has influenced the IS. .............................. 164
Figure 7-16: Social interaction among the employees has influenced the IS. ............................ 165
Figure 7-17: Employees’ trust influenced hospital employees’ attitudes towards IS culture..... 167
Figure 7-19: Hospital intranet has influenced the information security culture. ........................ 169
Figure 7-20: Hospital communication system has influenced the IS. ........................................ 171
Figure 7-21: Electronic information system has influenced the IS............................................. 172
Figure 7-22: Use of technology in the hospital has influenced the information security. .......... 173
Figure 7-23: Technology influences employees’ attitudes towards IS culture ........................... 174
Figure 7-24: Communication system influenced the employees’ trust in IS. ............................ 175
Figure 7-25: Different languages have influenced the information security. ............................. 176
Figure 7-26: Diversity of national culture influenced the IS culture ......................................... 177
Figure 7-27: Diversity in working values and norms influenced the IS culture. ....................... 178
Figure 7-28: Diversity in working values and norms of the employees influenced the IS culture.
..................................................................................................................................................... 179
Figure 7-29: Hospital multicultural working environment influenced trust towards IS ............. 180
List of Tables
Table 3.3: Questionnaire pilot study sample size and justifications ............................................. 71
List of Abbreviations
IS Information Security
SA Saudi Arabia
UN United Nations
Chapter 1 Objectives
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Introduction
On a global scale, information has seen sharp changes in the last few decades in their operations
and the rights of patients and staff members’ to their personal information. It has also shifted
from traditional handling and accessing of patients and staff information to the effective use of
electronic technology. This has led to understanding the importance of, and needs for, effective
policy and strategy to ensure the security of health services information. Effective information
security also helps in improving and promoting health services (Marchibroda, 2007).
Cultural dimensions have become an important part of an organisation’s strategy to promote its
performance and productivity. The study of organisations attracted scholars as well as the health
service industry to research the topic and find appropriate tools and approaches to develop a
positive culture. There are a large number of studies on the role of culture dimensions on society
and organisations. One of the main contributions in this area is Hofstede's work (1980, 1997,
2001). Eloff et al. (2003) argued that organisations need to change to the holistic management of
information security to establish an effective information security culture. The vast majority of
studies regarding Saudi National Health Service are on the use of technology to protect and
secure health services information. On the other hand, there is a lack of research on the role and
argued that information security needs to be focused on the organisation’s behaviour. They
stressed that the organisation’s success or failure depends on the employees’ behaviour within
the organisation. They indicated that an information security-aware culture would minimise
Saudi Arabia is in the process of developing its institutions and healthcare system to cope with
the socioeconomic changes of the Kingdom, as well as regional and internal changes. The main
One of the main challenges of the introduction and implementation of technology is the cultural
changes that will occur as a result. Cultural change can be found at the organisational and
national levels.
The Kingdom has no problem investing in technology, hardware and software due to the large
revenue that it receives from oil. The challenge of the Kingdom is in investing such revenue in
Information can be protected by two strategies. The first is the use of technology to protect
valuable information, which is required when intruders try to access and transfer
information. The second is the human element, wherein the user can either deliberately or
accidentally abuse the information by passing information to a third party without consent of the
information owners. This research is focusing on the role of the human element of the health
services culture on information security. The main reasons for focusing on human include large
number of research carried out in use of technology, lack of research in role of human, and the
1.2 Research Aims and Objectives
This section presents the following main research aims and objectives.
This research aims to investigate and analyse the role and impact of cultural dimensions on
The main objectives of the research that lead to the fulfilment of the research aim can be
• To carry out a critical analysis of the related literature on information security culture in
• To collect quantitative and qualitative data evaluating the designed information security
culture model;
• To develop and design the information security culture model for SA health services;
1.3 Research Background
Saudi Arabian health services have seen rapid growth in recent years to cope with the estimated
population of 26 million with an annual growth rate of 2.2% (Walston et al., 2008; Almalki,
2011). The growth in health services is needed to cope with population growth as well as
citizens’ understanding and awareness of their right to receive the appropriate healthcare
Almost 60% of hospitals in Saudi Arabia are managed, owned and controlled by the Saudi
government, namely by the Ministry of Health. The hospitals’ main objectives include providing
basic health care services to nationals and non-nationals. Saudi Arabia has a large number of
non-national workers in its various industries. It is important to stress that Saudi Arabia has
introduced and implemented mandatory health coverage for all expatriates working in Saudi
Arabia, and they are in the process of implementing this coverage to Saudi nationals. The Saudi
authority established the Council for Cooperative Health Insurance in 1999. The main role of the
insurance strategies for the Saudi health care market (Walston et al. 2008). The main effect of
such implementation is the pressure on health care providers to avoid any legal, (Gerber and
Solms, 2008), disputes with insurance companies, such as the handling of patients’ medical
media, to cope with high health service operations demands, sharp increases in budget
requirements, and meeting the needs of patients and their families. These pressures have led
the Ministry of Health to give the regional directorates some authority in terms of planning,
recruitment of healthcare staff and contracting health care providers within a certain budget. The
second strategy is intended to reduce pressure on the Saudi Arabia Ministry of Health and to
improve the quality of the health services used to support and encourage the private health
sector. It argues that the privatisation of some of the healthcare services in SA helps in speeding
up the decision-making process, reduces care costs, produces new income resources for health
care and creates competition in the health market. This can lead to improvement in the quality of
health care.
It is also important to stress that the SA health authority is adopting e-health initiatives to
improve the services that it provides (Househ et al., 2010). One of the main challenges faced by
the health service is the security of electronic patient records and the necessity to save 10-15% of
One of the main problems in the SA health care services is the lack of clear and effective
regulation to protect electronic patient records and the implementation of appropriate protection
policies (Aldajani, 2011). This leads to the importance and necessity of research, providing
academic evidence to enhance and promote health information security. This research’s main
aims are to explore and identify health information security culture and to provide appropriate
1.4 Research Questions
The researches main outcomes need to provide an appropriate answer to the research question,
(Clough et al., 2002). This study’s main findings aim to provide answers and clear explanations
What is the role of cultural dimensions on information security in the SA National Health
The above research question can be answered by answering the following sub-questions;
Q1: What is the current situation of information security culture in the SA National Health
Q2: What are the main cultural dimensions and sub-dimensions influencing the information
Q3: What is the structure of the information security culture framework model?
Q4 How reliable, practical and useful is the framework to Saudi Arabia’s National Health
1.5 Research Hypotheses
Hypothesis 1:
Hypothesis 2:
H2: Employees’ job satisfaction and job security are positively related to the employees’
Hypothesis 3:
H3: Trust is positively related to the employees’ attitude towards information security.
Hypothesis 4:
H4: Saudi national culture is positively related to the employees’ attitude towards information
Hypothesis 5:
information security.
Hypothesis 6:
H6: Employees’ intentions towards information security are positively related to the employees’
Hypothesis 7:
Health services in Saudi Arabia have expanded in the last few decades, and the implementation
of information security systems has become an essential part of health services. There is an
extensive amount of research that focuses on the technical elements of information security in
health services with a clear lack of research on the role and impact of the hospital culture on
information security. Therefore, it is one of the challenges of the SA health service to establish
and promote an appropriate and positive information security culture among the health service
providers in the Kingdom. The health services lack any framework for the information security
culture that the healthcare authority can use and adopt. This study is the first research in the field
measuring the role and impact of culture on information management in Saudi Arabia. The
framework can be used as part of the authority’s strategic planning on information security
policies, employees’ training and the structure and activities of health services. It is also
important to stress that SA patients have become more aware of their rights to their personal
information and the importance of maintaining security and safety in the handling of their
information. The patient’s rights may include the rights to undertake legal disputes with health
service providers in the event that their information has been handled wrongly or misused.
1.7 Research Plan
Chapter 4
Data Analysis
Chapter 5
Data Analysis
Chapter 9 Chapter 6
Conclusions Chapter 8 Chapter 7
Discussion Model Evaluation Developing IS
Recommendations and Cultural model
1.8 Thesis Structure
Chapter 1: Introduction
This chapter presents the research’s main aims and objectives and provides justifications for
carrying out the research. The chapter also provides a brief background of the Saudi Arabian
Health Service.
This chapter critically reviews related literature in order to establish the research
framework. The chapter focuses on the information security culture and its role on
This chapter presents the main research methodology adopted to achieve the research aims and
objectives. The chapter also provides justifications for adopting the tools and processes used to
collect the quantitative and qualitative data and the selected samples, as well as the pilot study
This chapter presents a data analysis of the first fieldwork visit. This data analysis is intended to
identify the main information security culture dimensions that influence the information security
Chapter 5: Data Analysis: Qualitative Data Analysis
This chapter presents analyses of one-to-one, in-depth interviews conducted with key health
service employees. The chapter aims to explore the information security culture and provides
evidence to support the main outcomes of the quantitative data analysis of Chapter 4.
This chapter presents and discusses the developed information security culture model based on
the main outcomes of the data analysis, located in Chapters 4 and 5, and the literature review in
Chapter 2.
This chapter presents a critical evaluation of the developed information security model. The
evaluation aims to explore the SA health service officials’ opinions and attitudes towards the
developed information security culture dimensions and the relationship between dimensions.
Chapter 8: Discussions
This chapter presents discussions and a critical evaluation of the research’s main outcomes and
This chapter summarises the research’s main outcomes and the main contributions of the
research. The chapter also provides recommendations to improve the information security
culture within Saudi Arabia’s health services fields. The chapter closes with suggestions for
Chapter 2 Objectives
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
Organisation culture has become an important part of an organisation’s strategy to promote its
security has attracted scholars as well as industry leaders to research the topic and find
appropriate tools and approaches to develop positive information about security culture.
In any society or organisation, individuals need to be able to interact with each other based on
a set of accepted rules and values. These rules and values need to be complied with and
accepted by society and organisations. These rules are usually developed over a long period of
time and rooted with their personal characteristics and values. These rules encompass certain
values and traditions that will be part of an individual’s daily activities. It is also important to
stress that these values and norms will become an identity for the society or the organisation. The
society or organisation will be known and identified by these values and norms such as the
Information security has become one of the main concerns of organisation management and has
become one of the information management strategies. Health care service providers manage,
control and transmit large amounts of information in traditional, hard copy and electronic
records. The health service information security has become one of the main challenges that
This literature review aims to explore and provide an understanding of the influence of
organisation culture and national culture on information security with a specific focus on the role
and impact of the health service culture on information security. The literature review also aims
The literature review starts with definitions and discussions of the terms and related issues of
culture in general terms and its role on an organisations performance. The literature closes with
a discussion of the role of the health service culture on information security. The chapter closes
The core of this research is information security in health care services in Saudi
Arabia. Therefore, it is important to explore the term information security in-depth in order to
understand and be aware of its meaning. The term security can denote that there are enemies,
whilst safety refers to the necessity of dealing with such risks in normal circumstances (Pieters,
2011). At first sight, information security can be regarded as the distinction between what needs
to be protected and its environment and the main task, which is determining how to protect the
information from its external environment. Information must be managed and controlled in a
From the organisation’s point of view, information security has become one of the challenges for
their operations and management (Rotvold, 2008). Reed (2007) argued that information security
is reaching a crisis point and that it is one of the main problems facing companies. The author
stressed that this is mainly due to the impact of breaching information security on a large number
One of the main aims of information security is to provide appropriate and effective tools and
mechanisms to protect the integrity, confidentiality and availability of information from any
unauthorized access as well as attacks on such information (Pieters, 2011; Kruger & Kearney,
2006). The authors argued that confidentiality referred to protecting against any unauthorised
information refers to any unauthorised writing. This includes any editing of existing records,
such as updating and adding information to a patient’s record without authorisation. Finally,
availability refers to any unauthorised deletion of information (Pieters, 2011). This includes the
fact that unauthorised individuals are not permitted to delete any patient’s electronic records, nor
are they permitted to destroy hard copies of a patient’s traditional medical record.
Individual privacy has become increasing important in modern society due to awareness and
legislation to protect people’s privacy (Deng et al., 2011). It has become extremely critical that
both traditional and digital information needs to be protected to prevent any intruders from
unauthorised access and use of such information. Therefore, it is not surprising to stress privacy
concerns (Smith et al., 2011). Individual privacy has become important, even critical, for all of
Although the term privacy has been researched for more than 100 years from different
perspectives, such as philosophical, sociological, psychological and legal, the meaning of the
term is still in disarray. There is no one who can articulate what is really means exactly
It is, thus, essential to define and understand the term privacy. This is necessary for two main
reasons. The first is to help establish appropriate information security policies within the field of
health services and for legal requirements, such as in the event of any dispute. There are many
definitions of privacy in the literature. One of these definitions focuses on individual rights, in
addition to moral and legal rights. Clarke (1999) is one of the researchers who defined privacy
in this respect, stating the following: ‘Privacy is often thought of as a moral right or a legal
Pavlou (2011) summarised privacy in simple terms, as his definition is based on how an
individual controls how his or her personal information is acquired and used. He stated the
privacy refers to
Skinner et al. (2006) went further, as they defined privacy from the perspective that it is a human
right. Clarke (1999) identified four main dimensions of privacy rights from the human right
individual communication privacy and individual data privacy. This research is mainly
concerned with individual data privacy. Clarke (1999) defined information privacy as
‘the interest an individual has in controlling, or at least significantly influencing, the handling of
On the other hand, Smith et al (1996) identified four additional dimensions of information
secondary use and errors in managing information. Other classifications of privacy include
(Solove, 2006).
One of the main drives for introducing and implementing information security regulations and
policies is concern for individual privacy. Malhorta et al. (2004) defined individual privacy
concern as
One of the main findings of the literature of individual privacy concern is its role in, and
influence on, individual attitudes towards privacy. These attitudes often play a major role in
individuals’ perceptions, practices and behaviours towards information security policies within
an organisation. Attitudes towards privacy can include demonstrating sensitivity towards sharing
and potentially losing personal information (Miyazaki & Krishnamurthy, 2002; Norberg &
Horne, 2007). However, one of the main concerns of information privacy is that each piece of
Beldad et al. (2011) argued that the main challenge to organisation is the reality that people’s
attitudes towards the privacy of their own personal information are complex. He stated that
individuals sometimes claim that they value the privacy of their personal information; however,
they are often willing to trade this information for certain tangible or intangible benefits.
It is important to understand and acknowledge how privacy and security issues are related in
practice. On the other hand, security corresponds to the organisation’s concerns about the
protection of personal information with three specific elements: integrity, confidentiality and
From the information security point of view, an organisation can be considered successful in
securing an individuals’ stored personal data and information, but it could fall short regarding the
subsequent use of personal information. This can lead to information privacy problems within
the organisation operations (Culnan & Williams, 2009). Ackerman (2004) suggested that
“security is necessary for privacy, but security is not sufficient to safeguard against subsequent
use, to minimize the risk of private information disclosure, or to reassure users” (p. 432).
The distinction between privacy and confidentiality needs to be clarified. Privacy can be
an information custodian under a certain agreement that limits the extent and conditions under
which such information may be used or released further (Smith et al., 2011).
It is important to stress and understand that medical information is highly confidential and
contains private personal information and data. It can also be argued that even legitimate access
to such information and data raises concern (Chen et al., 2012). This has led to health service
authorities taking initiative towards information privacy. McBride (2008) argued that difficulties
facing the organisation in overcoming privacy concerns have contributed to organisations’ taking
One of the main activities of health care services is the transmission of medical information
with the health care stakeholder —for example, patients’ medical information transmission
between hospitals, wards and insurance companies. Therefore, the concerns of the privacy,
integrity and confidentiality of a patients’ data in the transmission process are not surprising.
Health care service providers warned that patients’ highly confidential medical information, such
as diagnostic data results and type and severity of illness, could be breached during the
information transmission process within the health care services activities. Furthermore, Clark
(2008) also stressed the high-profile nature of data breaches of celebrities. The author argued
that clinicians’ unauthorised access to celebrities’ medical information can represent a serious
breach of the celebrities’ privacy and can lead to serious legal disputes between the celebrity and
Adesina et al. (2011) argued that the privacy, integrity and confidentiality of patients’ medical
data information represent the key factors to be considered in the data transmission process in
health care service activities. They stated that the privacy, integrity and confidentiality of a
patient’s data are key factors to be considered in the transmission of medical information for use
They argued that medical information sharing in the medical process is the vital issue of the
authority’s main concerns and that this should not be compromised by any means due to the
2.5 Health Services and Electronic Recording
One of the main features of medical information in recent years is the implementation of
technology in handling patients’ and staff members’ personal information. From the patient’s
point of view, electronic patient records have become central to the health services activities and
functions and part of the reform strategy. Fetter (2009) argues that patient-centric personal
health records (PHRs) are important, even critical, companions to health care services policies
The introduction and the implementation of electronic recording is aimed at improving the
quality of health care, reducing the cost of hospital operations and coordinating care. However,
the implementation of electronic recording raises concerns regarding information security and
Williams (2013) argued that the main drives for introducing information security policy are
the sharp expansion of e-health functionality, the need to comply with the national and
international legislation and directives and the implementation of new medical technology in the
moving quickly towards the effective use of electronic recording. Saudi Arabia is in the process
of introducing and implementing electronic recording through the Kingdom’s health services.
One of the worries and challenges of introducing electronic recording in the health services is the
security of the electronic records. Fetter (2009) argues that the security of the health service data
2.6 Culture
The term culture is Latin in origin. The term means ciltura and cultus meaning care and
cultivation. However the word reflects a variety of meanings (Kahler., 1968, p. 3.). It is difficult
to find one generic definition of culture. Indeed, there are several definitions of culture in the
literature— for example; Haralmbos et al. (2004) defined culture as “the whole way of life found
in a particular society. It was suggested that culture can be learned and shared by members of a
society”(p. 790).
The definition usually reflects the scholars’ opinions and disciplines. Kidd (2002), for example,
stated another definition of culture. The definition is similar to the above definition, as it is
Individuals within a society or an organisation behave in accordance with a set of values and
norms. It can be argued that the values and norms are the main characteristics of individuals or
groups, as these are examples of culture. Cultural value can be described as the end result that
the individual behaviour patterns aim to achieve. On the other hand, the term norm can be
defined as the prescribed ways or patterns of behaviours that a society expects of its ‘normal’
Hofstede (2001) explained culture by illustrating it as having four layers, in what the author
referred to as the onion diagram. The core of the layers holds the values of the culture. It can
be argued that a society or an organisation’s values are the core of the culture. The author
identified the layers of rituals, heroes and symbols, respectively. The symbol represents the
surface layer of the onion diagram. The symbol of culture includes the fact that members of the
same culture wear clothing and buy products that are typical of that culture.
2.6.1 National Culture
The role of national culture on the individual behaviour within the society is well
established. Individuals develop a set of national values and norms that play a critical role in the
individual’s opinions and beliefs that may influence his or her behaviours and reactions to certain
tasks. Therefore, it is important to define national culture. This is needed to help support the
argument and discussions of cultural issues that are going to be used in this research. There are
several applicable definitions of national culture, and usually, the definition reflects the author’s
which is “the collective programming of the mind that distinguishes the member of one group or
Cultural analysis discussions and analyses can be understood by envisaging boundaries around
each cultural group that shares the same culture. The boundary is an imaginary line needed to
split the cultural groups from one another. Drawing boundaries between societies and studying
their cultures can explain this. From the organisation’s cultural point of view, a similar approach
can be used to understand and analyse an organisations culture. It is important to stress that a
society/organisation culture interacts across the boundary with other cultures. The interaction
and flow of materials and values may influence culture over a period of time. Change in a
society’s values and norms, which are due to the impact of external cultural interactions, is
referred to as “cultural contamination”. Craig and Douglas (2006, p. 331) explained this change
by stating the following: “One important consequence of changing cultural boundaries and the
reconfiguration of the cultural context is cultural contamination. No longer can pure “ethnic”
2.6.2 Hofstede’s Dimensions of Culture
One of the most well-established and recognised studies of cultural dimensions in the literature is
a Hofstede’s dimension of culture. The dimensions are based on comprehensive research carried
out on 72 countries between1967–1973. The research was based on a designed questionnaire that
aimed to identify the dimensions of organisation culture. The research collected a total of
166,000 questionnaires from the surveyed countries (Hofstede, 2001, p. 41). The questionnaire
responses were analysed based on theoretical reasoning and statistical analysis to explain the
differences between the surveyed countries’ cultures. The author identified, based on the survey,
four main cultural dimensions: power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism and
collectivism, as well as masculinity and femininity (Hofstede, 1980). A fifth dimension added to
the four dimensions is based on a survey of Chinese national culture, Long-term vs. Short term
social power. Hofstede argued that power is distributed unfairly in any society. This creates a
distance and/or gap in the power within the society. Power distance can be defined
as “a measure of the interpersonal power between boss (B) and subordinate (S)”(Hofstede, 2001,
p. 83). Mudler (1977, p. 90) has also explored the power distance in the society and argued that
the power distance can be defined as “the degree of inequality in power between a less powerful
Individual (I) and a more powerful other (O), in which (I) and (O) belong to the same (loosely or
One of the concerns of Hofstede’s dimensions is gender power within a society. This argument
is based on the existence of the power distance between males and females within one
society. This may depend on the society’s national culture. Stedham (2004) argued
masculinity/femininity. The author also argued that gender power distance exists in Japanese
society. This needs to be considered when analysing Japanese culture. The gender power
distance dimension can be critical in a male-dominant society, in which the power rests mainly in
the hands of the male. In such a society, females have less power in the society and are
controlled by males. From the Saudi Arabian point of view, the gender power distance may need
to be considered in order to identify and establish the role and impact of male’s power as being
dominant on the society’s social and cultural behaviour and in the decision-making process.
unexpected future events. This represents society’s ability and willingness to embrace change
and reluctance to cope and deal with ambiguity (Lucas, 2006). From the organisation’s point of
view, its culture can be influenced by unpredictable future events, such as sudden periods of
recession or war.
society. Hofstede (2001, p. 209) described this dimension by stating that it is “the relationship
between the individual and the collective that prevails in a given society”.
Individualism describes when people place their personal interests and goals ahead of those of
the social group within the society. It emphasises that an individual’s behaviour within the
society is based on his or her own interest and goals, regardless of the group’s interest and
goals. Hofstede (2001) argued that the type of society, particularly whether it is organised from
organisation. These factors include social norms, levels of education, organisation culture and
One of the key issues explored from individual and collective perspectives is the role and impact
of societal norms on the individual’s relationship with the organisation. Hofstede, (1980, p. 217)
expected from its members will strongly affect the nature of the relationship between a person
One of the distinctions between individualism and collectivism is that individuals from cultures
that adhere to collectivism show a greater tendency to cooperate in the organisation and society
at large. They relate more to people within their cultural group, and they feel more part of the
group (Cox, 1991; Wenger, 1995). On the other hand, individualists are considered more
autonomous entities that are independent of their cultural group (Markus &
Kitayama, 1991). Individualists tend to be more competitive in the work place when compared
with collectivists, and they try to improve themselves based on their own personal interests
Masculinity vs. Femininity (MF) Dimension
This dimension can be argued as the only dimension that recognises the differences between
male and female roles in a society. Seldham (2004, p. 239) described this dimension
as “the degree to which gender roles are clearly differentiated within a country. In masculine
countries, gender roles are very distinct and separated. Men are assertive and tough; women are
This dimension argued that males score significantly higher than females in emotional actions
(Seldhom, 2004).
This dimension was added to the original Hofstede dimensions, as based on the Chinese Value
Survey (CVS) around the mid-1980s. This dimension is considered to be the fifth dimension of
culture and is used to analyse and discuss cultural issues. The dimension is based on the
teachings of Confucius, particularly on both of its poles’ items. The dimension argues against
the short-term aspects of Confucian thinking and thrift, and focuses on personal stability, respect
and valuing traditions. Put simply, individuals value their historical tradition and values
(Hofstede, 2001).
An organisation’s employees rely on the established system to protect their job. They provide
little resistance, avoid any conflicts with management, and conform to such a system in an
service employees’ perspectives, nursing practices have a strong history of being task-focused
due to the nature of the job activities (Pearcey, 2007). Ruighaver et al. (2007) explained that
management deals with information security is a direct reflection of an organisation’s
culture. Organisation leadership and management play a major role on developing and
enhancing appropriate working culture, (Van Niekerk and von Solms, 2010; Chang and Lin,
One of the organisation culture’s frameworks is the basis of truth and rationality. The basis of
truth and rationality is the first component of the organisational culture framework, and it refers
Aside from the use of technology, humans themselves play a major role in managing and
controlling health care services information. Over the last few decades extensive research and
development has been conducted in using technology to protect health care information by
strictly controlling access to the information, using technology such as specific usernames and
passwords. Technology also helps to categorise information and users into groups based on their
jobs’ roles and responsibilities, and this will help protect information. Another concern is the
role humans play in healthcare service information security. The role of humans in information
handling is consistently referred to as the weakest link in information security (Huang et6 al.
2007; Huang et al., 2009). Schulz (2005) argued that information security is not a technical
problem or issue that needs to be considered but that it concerns people, and this needs to be
One of the issues raised in the literature regarding the role of people considers users’ awareness
and understanding of what being ‘secure’ actually means (Lacohee et al., 2006). This may be
due to a lack of training and educational programmes regarding information security. Chan et al.
(2005) indicated that one of the main causes of concern and challenges in an organisation is that
its employees often fall short in complying with information security policies and guidelines. It
is important to stress that maintaining an organisation’s information security is not only the
responsibility and duty of the information technology specialist within the organisation, but it is
also the duty and responsibility of all of the employees within the working environment of the
organisation (Rotvold, 2008, p. 33). The author argued that information users need to be aware
of their exact roles and responsibilities in protecting the information and those they should
respond by taking appropriate actions and measures when dealing with any potential security
Several authors stressed clearly that an organisation’s information security problems are
evidently linked to its employees’ behaviour (Thomson et al., 2006; Siponen and Oinas-
Technical controls can provide substantial protection against many of these threats, but they do
many losses are not caused by a lack of technology or faulty technology but rather by users
Patnaik, (2011) carried out a study to understand the role of the organisational working
organisation’s ability to achieve its goals based on an environment that seeks to improve
organisational performance and support employee well-being” (Patnaik, 2011, p.43). Spiers
(2003) argued that the UK’s NHS must have the potential to overcome organisational culture
issues in order to be able to respond efficiently and effectively to patients’ needs, and
Worthington (2004) examines in-depth concepts of cultural management in the NHS. The
author argued that organisational change requires change in the organisation’s culture to
Young (2007) stressed that the organisation’s dominant groups’ power within the
organisation are the groups who control and manage its resources and set the rules.
Martin (2002) observed the organisation’s political, power and conflict tension are associated
with organisation culture. Burke (2002) stressed that individual behaviour within the
organisation is driven by the individual employees’ needs and values. He argued further these
also play a major role in individual employees’ motivation. The author establishes the link
between the employees’ values, needs, belief and organisational congruence. Schein (2010)
Currie and Lockett (2007) argued that moral and ethical considerations are the main drives for
focus on realising public opinion for the delivery of a quality health service.
Robbins and Judge (2008) argued that nursing working culture is changing due increased
bureaucracy across the NHS and this has led to formulated rules and regulations.
Dickson and Smith (2013) concluded that transformational and transactional leadership at all
levels of the organization need to work together to ensure effective change in health services.
They argued that organisational culture needs be considered carefully during organisational
Campbell and Goritz (2014) investigated corrupt organizational culture from the perspectives of
organizational values and norms. The investigation was based on qualitative data analysis, and
in-depth interviews with key experts on organizational corruption. They found that security and
punishment of deviants is an important and valued norm of the corrupt organization. They also
Jung and Takeuchi (2014) compare national culture differences between employees,
organizations, and work attitudes in Japan and Korea. They used 138 Japanese and 144 Korean
employees in the private sector. They found that national culture plays a an important role in
work attitude.
Engelen et al. (2013) showed that national culture plays a major role in organizational culture
due to strong individualism and power distance in advancing entrepreneurial orientation and it
McGuire et al. (2008) argued that organisation culture has a significant influence on
organisational performance. They argued that organisation culture contains a system of beliefs
that require certain behaviours and exclude others. It sets norms on everything in the
McGuire et al. (2008) stressed that organisational change requires senior leadership
Schmiedel et al. (2014) identified organisation culture as one of the main elements of Business
Watson (2006) emphasised the importance and need to create a strong organisational culture
Zalami (2005) noted that organisational culture can either facilitate or inhibit the organisation’s
Schein (2004) highlighted the responsibility of the organisation’s leaders to create an appropriate
culture and develop a positive and productive culture through their understanding of the
In Europe and North America, several steps have been taken to protect information and data
from any unauthorised access and use. The European Union Data Protection Directive requires
the implementation of technical and organisational measures in the design and operation of
information management systems and use of information and communication technology, ICT
(Rubinstein, 2011). However, the author argued that this has been proven insufficient to protect
approach. Privacy by design can be achieved by adopting two main approaches. The first
approach incorporates substantive protection into the organisation’s operational practices, and
the second approach is to maintain and control comprehensive data management procedures
throughout the organisation’s services and products’ life cycles (Rubinstein, 2011).
Muhaya et al. (2012) identified five layers of information security issues. These issues include
security policy issues in the environment layer, security policy issues at the application layer,
cryptography policy issues, security policy issues at the network layer and security policy issues
at the infrastructure and physical layer. The main issues related to this research are the security
policy issues at the environment layer. The main issues identified at this layer include an
organisation’s employees’ awareness, training and readiness, as well as their attitudes towards
information security. Gregory et al. (2007) identified that employees’ awareness towards
information security issues and implementation of the organisation’s information security should
their strategic planning in protecting information and ensuring secure information management
and control. One of the approaches that can be adopted by management to promote employees’
2012). Adams et al. (2005) identified that the communities’ practices in their working
information security. Therefore, it is not surprising information security policy has become an
important part of organisation management plan and strategy, (Kolkowska and Dhillon 2013;
model. There have been many studies in this area in the last few decades due to sharp changes in
the use of technology and e-learning. From this research perspective, the model investigates and
analyses human behaviour based on the individuals’ attitudes towards taking action. Davis et
al. (1989) presented a well-recognised model in the literature for human behaviour towards
Figure 6.1 shows the technology acceptance model. The model is based on two constructs: ease
of use, and technology’s influence on the individual’s attitude. The model states that the
individual’s attitude towards technology plays a major role in the intention of the individual to
actually use the technology. Intention of usage can lead to actual behaviour—i.e., the actual
From an information security point of view, it can be argued that individual employees’ attitudes
can lead to the individual intention to use information, and the intention to use information can
Ease of Use
2.9.1 Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)
The theory was developed and argued for by Ajzen and Fishbein (1979). Figure 6.2 shows the
TRA model. The model is based on the fact that the individual’s attitude and behaviour are
derived from individual beliefs and evaluations of required actions. The attitudes developed play
a major role on the individual’s intention to take action. The model also suggested that normative
beliefs and motivation lead to a subjective norm (SN). The subjective norm plays a role in the
individual’s inclination to act, e.g. buying a product or using e-learning resources. Again,
Figure 2-2: Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980)
2.9.2 Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivators in Information Security Behaviour
Herath and Rao (2009) developed the information security behaviour compliance model. The
model is based on intrinsic and extrinsic dimensions that influence an individual’s intention to
comply with the information security policy, and intention to comply leads to actual compliant
for employees’ compliance with information security. The social pressure for compliance
includes peer behaviour and normative beliefs. Positive peer behaviour towards compliance of
information security policies can be one of the social pressures that contribute to the employees’
intention to comply with the policy. Normative belief is the individual’s perception about
information security policy compliance, which is influenced by the person’s parents, spouse,
friends and relatives. The penalty dimension includes the severity of the penalty for not
complying with the policy as well as the certainty of detection. On the other hand, the
intrinsic motivation dimension includes the perceived effectiveness of penalties for policy
Figure 2-3: Intrinsic and extrinsic motivators in information security behaviours (Herath & Rao, 2009)
2.10 Summary
• Employees’ attitudes towards information security are the main issues for effective
• Employees’ understanding and awareness of the information security issues and their
Chapter 3 Objectives
Chapter 3 Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
Chapter 1 of this research presents the background of Saudi Arabia’s National Health
Service. The background shows that the Saudi Arabian National Health Service has seen a sharp
expansion in the last few decades. There are many SA national health services competing in the
market. There is a lack of data and information on the roles and impact of culture on Saudi
Arabian national health services. This chapter introduces the research methods that will be
adopted to achieve the research aims and objectives. The chapter presents the main research
philosophy and strategies. These help the researchers to understand the principles of the research
and the way that the research can be carried out. The chapter also presents the data collection
methods that will be adopted in collecting both quantitative and qualitative data. The chapter
closes by identifying the appropriate data analysis that will be used when analysing the data.
One of the main steps in the research process is to identify an appropriate research strategy. Yin
(2002) explored five different research strategies. These strategies are the experiment strategy,
the case study, the survey strategy, archival research and the historical research strategy. After
careful consideration, we determined that the survey is the most appropriate strategy for this
research. This is mainly due to the nature of the research. Survey strategy can be defined as a
“system for collecting information from or about people to describe, compare, or explain their
The use of the survey strategy in this research helps in providing quantitative and qualitative data
for describing the research subject trends, perceptions and attitudes towards the main issues in
the research.
The main objectives of the research methodology can be summarised as follows:
3.2 Adopted Methods to Answer Research Questions
This section presents and discusses the primary adopted methods to answer the research
The first step in this research is to critically review the related literature. This is needed to
develop the initial framework of the research and to benefit from other research related to the
The research adopts a multiple methodological approach to collecting data. This includes
collecting quantitative and qualitative data to support outcomes analysis. This type of approach
helps in providing data and information from different resources to achieve the research’s aims
1998; Sekaran, 1992). The mixed approach used in this research includes collecting qualitative
and quantitative data. Data from the research fieldwork—namely, Saudi Arabian health
services—is needed to provide raw data that can be used to identify and explore the current
information security culture in the service and to explore the main challenges in promoting and
enhancing information security culture. The data collection process will be done in two
stages. The first stage is aimed at providing raw data and information to help develop the
questionnaire to three main hospitals in Saudi Arabia. This stage also involves conducting in-
depth, face-to-face interviews with key personnel of the three hospitals to explore key personnel
members’ opinions and attitudes towards information security culture as well as the main factors
influencing their information security culture. The main purposes of the interviews are to
explore and identify information security culture to help with developing the initial information
security culture model, (Walsham, 2006; Marschan-Piekkari and Welch 2004). The main
outcomes of this stage combined with the outcomes of the literature review helped in developing
the initial information security culture model. The developed model is needed to achieve the
research objective.
3.2.3 Modelling
Developing an information security culture model is one of the main objectives of this
research. The developed model will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 7. The purpose of
the model is to provide the SA health authority figures with a model that helps in developing and
enhancing their information security culture strategy and policy. The model has been developed
based on two main outcomes. The first outcome entails the main findings of the data analysis of
the first survey on the SA health services, which are listed in Chapters 5 and 6, and the second
The model has been developed and designed based on a set of cultural dimensions identified and
explored by the survey data analysis and the literature survey. The model consists of cultural
dimensions and sub-dimensions that influence the health services’ information security cultures
and the employees’ attitudes towards information security behaviour. The model identifies and
relates the role of the cultural dimensions and the sub-dimensions to the hospital culture and the
behaviour of the staff towards information security culture. The information security culture
helps in developing the information security culture policy, and this will be discussed in the next
Health service employees’ behaviours and the organisation’s culture play critical roles in hospital
information security, which includes the patients’ medical records and staff personnel
details. Therefore, there is a need for a clear and effective hospital policy to establish and clarify
the expected interactions and behaviours towards information security. The model of this section
aims to develop an information security policy within a cultural context, as the technical aspects
can be argued to require better grounding in research. The SA health authority requires a
framework model for developing an effective information security culture policy to protect the
patient’s medical records. The policy model is based on the main outcomes of the first model—
namely, the information security model. The policy takes into consideration the
cultural dimensions and the staff members’ attitudes and behaviours towards the information
security model. This model will be discussed in detail in Chapter 7 of this research.
The developed model presented in the previous sections needs to be evaluated to ensure its
applicability, usefulness and practicality to SA health authority members. The evaluation of the
model will be based on a second survey, on the research fieldwork of the Saudi Arabian health
service. The second survey will collect quantitative and qualitative data by using the same
3.3 Work Packages
The project plan is to be achieved through the completion of six work packages. The work
packages plan is needed to manage the project time and tasks efficiently and effectively. The
research is based on the completion of six work packages, which reflect the research’s main aims
and objectives. The work packages are presented briefly in the next sections.
Figure 3.1 shows the research plan with all research packages. The plan clearly shows the
starting point of the research is to establish clearly the research aim and objectives. Once the
research aim and objectivise clarified work package one is needed, namely the critical review of
the literature. This package is needed to build understanding the project, increase awareness of
other researches in the area and to develop the research framework. This package will be
presented in the following section. Work package three is the research methodology. This is
needed to clarify and justify research strategy adopted the data collection methods needed, and
the sample of the research. Work package four is the data analysis and work package five is
enforcing the developed model. Work package six is to establish the project main findings,
Set the Research aim &
Critical analysis of the literature
Work package 1
Work package 4
Work package 5
3.3.1 Work Package 1: Critical Review of the Related Literature
This package purpose is to review the related literature and focus mainly on the health service
culture and, in particular, the information security cultural dimensions and the hospital’s
information security culture. This package is needed to help establish the research framework,
enhance awareness of other research on the topics and enhance knowledge and understanding of
the research topic. This package is presented in Chapter 2. The main outcomes of this package
will be used in the next packages of the research process—namely, in developing an information
This package objective includes establishing an appropriate research method, scoping the
research and hypothesis, and collecting data from Saudi health services to identify the current
culture-related information security dimensions, barriers and problems. The research methods
are presented and discussed in this Chapter. The package also includes designing a survey
strategy for collecting quantitative and qualitative data from the SA health service. This includes
on the key personnel of SA health service staff. The package also includes designing, piloting
and carrying out face-to-face, in-depth interviews with key personnel of the selected hospitals.
The task of data collection is to identify and explore the information security cultural dimensions
3.3.3 Work Package 3: Data Analysis
This package objective includes analysing the collected data and articulating the findings. The
qualitative data as well as the in-depth, face-to-face interviews will be analysed manually based
on the research’s main themes. The main outcomes of this analysis are presented in Chapter
5. On the other hand, the quantitative data will be analysed using SPSS due to the nature of the
This package objective includes establishing the research framework model and analysing the
model quantitatively and qualitatively. The package includes two models. The first model is
related to the information security model culture. The purpose of this model is mainly to relate
the main cultural dimensions that influence a hospital’s information security culture and the staff
members’ behaviours towards the information security culture. The model also identifies the
most influential dimensions on the information security culture. The second model, (part of the
first model), the information security culture policy model, was developed based on the main
outcomes of the first model as well as on the outcomes of the literature survey and the collected
This package objective includes establishing a mechanism to enforce the developed model. This
3.3.6 Work Package 6: Establish the Research’s Main Findings
This package is mainly to establish the main findings of the research based on the data analysis
and developed model. The package is also intended to identify the main cultural dimensions that
influence information security in health services at the individual level as well as individual
This section presents the analysis of the role and impact of hospital management on the
hospital’s information security. It is important to stress that the Saudi national health services
are public services with limited private hospitals in the Kingdom. Their operations
include managing the hospital budget, medical staff recruiting, strategic planning and enforcing
Quantitative data is needed in this research in order to provide numerical data to investigate
and analyse Saudi Arabian National Health Service as well as perceptions and attitudes towards
the role and impact of culture on the organisation regarding management performance. This type
of data can be used to survey a large number of the SA National Health Service population.
A semi-structured questionnaire has been used in this research because the questionnaire can
survey a large number of subjects. This is relatively cheap to carry out, and with a reasonable
amount of time and effort, (Newman, 2006). The participant can complete the questionnaire at
his or her own convenience. The main disadvantages of the questionnaire are that the
participants cannot express their views freely and that there is no any way to test the truthfulness
of the respondents.
This project’s researchers have designed a semi-structured questionnaire to identify the current
problems in SA hospitals, which is located in Appendix A. The questionnaire has been designed
for the Saudi Arabia National Health Service to identify the industry employees’ opinions and
perceptions towards the role and impact of culture on information security. Both open-ended and
closed-ended questions have been used in this questionnaire design. This is necessary in order to
benefit from two types of questioning. In open-ended questions, the participant is permitted to
express his or her views freely. On the other hand, the closed-ended questions are intended
to direct the participants towards specific issues, (Creswell, 2003; Frazer and Lawley, 2000).
The questionnaire has five sections, each with a set of questions. The sections are as follows:
The designed questionnaire, Appendix A, will be distributed to the three selected Saudi Arabia
National Health Service hospitals. The questionnaire will be distributed with a self-
addressed envelope to enable responses. The questionnaire will be distributed in-person with the
The National Health Service in Saudi Arabia are extensive, and it would be difficult to survey
the entire Saudi national health service population. Therefore, it is important to carefully
identify a sample that would accurately represent the entire Saudi Arabian National Health
Service. Fink (2003, p. 1) defines a research sample as “a portion or subset of a larger group
called a population“.
It is important to select an appropriate sample process to collect reliable data and to avoid any
biases in the data collection process. The literature has identified several sampling
methods. These samples include simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified
sampling and clustered sampling (Robertson & Dearling, 2004). Simple random sampling has
been used in this research by giving all of the selected organisations’ subjects’ equal
opportunities to select the interviewees. The interviewees are selected equally from the three
selected organisations. Simple sampling has also been used, as the three selected organisations
are located in one city. Table 3.2 shows the questionnaire sample from the three hospitals.
Table 3.1: Semi-structured sample and number of received questionnaire
King Faisal Specialist 212
Hospital and Research
300 208
King Fahad Medical
200 138
Specialised Medical
The designed questionnaire, questionnaire distribution and analysis all require significant time
and effort. These steps also incur significant financial costs. Therefore, it is important that the
questionnaire design is tested and evaluated well before its actual distribution to the research
population. It is critical to carry a pilot study to evaluate the designed questionnaire in this
research. One of the main purposes of the pilot study is to ensure the appropriate wording of the
questionnaire. As Oppenheim (1968, p. 26) stated, “Pilot work can be of the greatest help in
devising the actual wording of questions, and it operates as a healthier check, since fatal
In this research, a sample from within the Saudi Arabian National Health Service was selected to
participate in the pilot study. Table 4.3 shows the main sample for the pilot study. The table
also provides justifications for the sample selection. The pilot study selected five subjects from
SA NHS. The sample size is reasonable and manageable with the possibility of creating a focus
group following the completion of the questionnaire to reflect on the questionnaire’s design and
questions. Two subjects from SA NHS were selected for the pilot study, as the interview
Table 3.2: Questionnaire pilot study sample size and justifications
3.4.2 Qualitative Data: Semi-structured Interview
Qualitative data is needed in this research in order to provide in-depth information to explain
information security culture. This is critical in this research due to the nature
of the research topic. Cultural issues need to be explored in-depth to support the research’s
main findings. One of the main advantages of carrying out face-to-face interview is that these
interviews will assist the researchers in exploring and understanding complex cultural
issues (Sekaran, 1992). This is needed in this research, as cultural issues are one of the main
topics of the research. The interviews can be used to enhance the usefulness of the quantitative
data, questionnaire analysis. The face-to-face interview will also use a semi-structured interview
approach. Structured interviews are not appropriate for this research due to the need to give the
interviewees the opportunity to express their opinions and perceptions towards the cultural issues
freely based on their experience, knowledge and understanding and to collect statements from
the interviewees’ opinions and perceptions (Drever, 2003). In addition, the interviews need
to focus on the research topics, which is why semi-structured, face-to-face interview will be
The face-to-face, semi-structured interviews were designed by establishing set of three main
issues, and each issue features three questions; see Appendix B. The same questions and
wording will be used in all three interviews to ensure fairness and reliability of the data (Patton,
1987). The three main issues are listed as the following three sections:
72 Interviewed Subjects Sample
The semi-structured interview designed in this research aims to explore and discuss the opinions
and perceptions of key management subjects in Saudi Arabian National Health Service on the
senior managers were selected from each organisation. There are 24 interviews in total. The low
number of interviewees is mainly due to time constraints as the researchers need to meet the
research submitting deadlines. Table 3.4 shows the semi-structured interview sample, selected
organisations, a sample of the interview and the position of the selected interviewee. The three
SA NHS hospitals were selected due to the organisations’ sizes and establishment in the SA and
international market.
Table 3.3: Interviews sample
2 Managers
(Head of Department/Section
King Faisal Specialist 8 2 Physicians
2 Nurses
Hospital and Research
1 Administrator
Semi-Structured MIS Member
Interviews centre
2 Managers
(Head of Department/Section
2 Physicians
King Fahad Medical 2 Nurses
1 Administrator
City Hospital MIS Member
2 Managers (Head of
Specialised Medical 2 Physicians
2 Nurses
Centre Hospital 1 Administrator
MIS Member
Total 24
A pilot study for the designed interview was carried out to assess the clarity of the questions to
the interviewees as well as to determine whether the response reflects the purpose of the question
74 Documentation Analysis
SA health service and hospital information security documents were analysed to identify and
explore the current state of such documentation from the perspective of the information security
culture. The document analysis includes the annual reports of information security and its
investment in promoting and enhancing information security culture, the hospital’s information
The collected data needs to be analysed to provide results that can be used to support the
research and to argue the main findings regarding information security culture dimensions. The
quantitative collected data will utilise SPSS in the analysis process. Different statistical tests will
be used based on the main variables of the questionnaire design. This many include frequency,
cross tapping, standard deviation. These statistical methods are needed to achieve the research
aims and objectives. The qualitative data and semi-structured interviews will be
analysed manually based on the research issues. Finally, the data analysis results will be used in
3.5 Summary
This chapter has identified and justified the research methodology, data collection methods used,
research sample, plan for a pilot study for the questionnaire of the research. The chapter also
provided the work packages adopted in this research. The next chapter will use this chapter
guidelines and tools to analyse the data collected from the field work.
Chapter 4 Objectives
• To analyse the collected questionnaire using SPSS as a tool in the analysis process; and
Chapter 4 Data Analysis: Quantitative Data Analysis
4.1 Introduction
One of the main aims of this research is to identify the primary cultural dimensions of
the information security culture on Saudi health services. Therefore, it is important to collect
data from the Saudi health services to reflect the reality of the current information security
culture and to help develop a framework that reflects the Saudi health service culture. The focus
of this research is on information security culture. This requires analysis of the SA health
services. This section presents an analysis of the quantitative data. The analysis is based on
is aimed at identifying the current information security culture issues and the main cultural
dimensions. The analysis is needed to help develop an initial information security culture model
A total of 800 questionnaires were distributed to three main hospitals in Saudi Arabia. We
received 588 valid and completed responses. The majority of the responses were from
King Faisal Medical City Hospital, (212 out of 558) 38% and 37% from King Fahad Medical
City Hospital (208 out of 558) as shown in Figure 4.1. Although, the results analysis is specific
for these three hospitals, the three hospitals represents the sample for the Saudi Arabia hospitals.
300 300
No of Questionnaire
212 208 200
100 Distributed
King Faisal King Fahad Specialised
Specialist Hospital Medical City Medical Centre
and Research Hospital Hospital
Figure 4.2 shows the gender of the participants and illustrates that the majority of the responses
There are several disciplines needed in health care services to provide appropriate care to
patients. Disciplines depend on job roles in the care process. The vast majority of the
respondents were residents (168 out of 558) and nurses (144 out of 588); see Figure 4.3.
180 168
160 144
No of Responses
60 48 42
40 28 24
20 8
Figure 4.4 shows the participants’ experiences and illustrates that the majority of the responses
have between 5–10 years’ experience (192 out of 588), and only 42 out of 558 have over 25
years of experience.
200 192
No of Responses
50 42
Less tha 5 5-10 Years 11-15 16-20 21-25 Over 25
Years Years Years Years Years
4.3 Leadership Styles in the Organisation Management
Figure 4.5 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘Hospital leadership creates an
information security environment where the employee takes ownership of his or her tasks’. The
vast majority, 367 out of 588, strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, and only 138 out of
o of Responses
100 85
56 53
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Employees take ownership of their tasks
Figure 4.6 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘Hospital asks employees for their
vision of where they see information security going and then uses their vision
where appropriate’. The vast majority, 424 out of 588, strongly agreed or agreed with the
250 238
200 186
No of Responses
50 28
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Use the employees vision where appropriate.
Figure 4.7 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘Hospital delegates tasks in order to
implement a new procedure or process in the in hospital’. The vast majority, 238 out of 588,
strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, and only 182 out of 558 strongly disagreed or
No of Responses
100 82
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Delegates tasks
Figure 4.8 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘Hospital leadership likes to share
information security power with employees’. The vast majority, 337 out of 588, strongly agreed
or agreed with the statement, and only 146 out of 558 strongly disagreed or disagreed.
200 189
160 148
No of Responses
100 88
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Share power
Figure 4.9 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘Hospital takes group vote on what to
do next regarding the hospital information security policy’. The vast majority, 308 out of 588,
strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, and only 161 out of 558 strongly disagreed or
140 132
No of Responses
89 94
80 67
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Group votes
Figure 4-9: Hospital takes group vote on what to do next in the IS policy.
Figure 4.10 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘National culture has influenced the
leadership style in the hospital information security culture’. The vast majority, 444 out of 588,
strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, and only 82 out of 558 strongly disagreed or
No of Responses
38 44
50 32
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
National culture
Figure 4-10: National culture has influenced the leadership style in the hospital IS culture.
Figure 4.11 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘National culture values and norms
have a role in the leadership information security decision-making processes. The vast majority,
372 out of 588, strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, and only 138 out of 558 strongly
disagreed or disagreed.
No of Responses
100 79
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
National culture values
Figure 4-11: National culture values and norms have a role in the leadership IS decision-making process.
4.4 Hospital Culture
Figure 4.11 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘Change in the hospital information
security policy from traditional to electronic is a challenge’. The vast majority, 321 out of 588,
strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, and only 159 out of 558 strongly disagreed or
200 189
140 132
No of Responses
80 63
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Chgage from traditional to elctronic recording
Figure 4-12: Change in the hospital IS policy from traditional to electronic is a challenge.
Figure 4.13 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘The hospital uses an effective
information security policy to protect electronic patient records’. The vast majority, 332 out of
588, strongly disagreed or disagreed with the statement, and only 134 out of 558 strongly agreed
or agreed.
No of Responses
150 136
42 40
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
IS policy to protect
Figure 4.14 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘Hospital employees have positive
norms and values towards information security’. The vast majority, 331 out of 588, strongly
disagreed or disagreed with the statement, and only 151 out of 558 strongly agreed or agreed.
200 190
160 141
No of Responses
120 102
60 49
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Employees attitude
Figure 4-14: Hospital employees have positive norms and values towards information security
Figure 4.15 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘The hospital has an appropriate
information security environment’. The vast majority, 368 out of 588, strongly disagreed or
disagreed with the statement, and only 121 out of 558 strongly agreed or agreed.
No of Responses
100 89
50 32
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Appropriate IS envciroment
Figure 4.16 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘Trust among
the hospital employees is important for hospital information security’. The vast majority, 328
out of 588, strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, and only 161 out of 558 strongly
disagreed or disagreed.
No of Responses
150 130
66 64
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Figure 4-16: Trust among the hospital employees is important for the hospital information security.
Figure 4.17 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘There is a lack of trust amongst the
employees due to a lack of an effective hospital culture’. The vast majority, 302 out of 588,
strongly disagreed or disagreed with the statement, and only 173 out of 558 strongly agreed or
140 128
No of Responses
120 104
100 82
80 69
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Lack of trust
Figure 4-17: Lack of trust amongst the employees due to lack of effective hospital culture.
Figure 4.18 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘Trust between the employees and
management is important for information security’. The vast majority, 311 out of 588, strongly
disagreed or disagreed with the statement, and only 148 out of 558 strongly agreed or
agreed. The main drive for the disagreement with the statement due to lack of awareness of the
200 191
No of Responses
90 98
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Mangmet trust
Figure 4-18: Trust between the employees and management is important for IS.
Figure 4.19 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘There is a lack of trust between the
employees and technology regarding information security’. The vast majority, 328 out of 588,
strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, and only 185 out of 558 strongly agreed or agreed.
No of Responses
100 78
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Technology trust
Figure 4-19: There is a lack of trust between the employees and technology regarding IS.
Figure 4.20 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘A shift from traditional medical
recording to electronic recording represents a threat to job security’. The vast majority, 251 out
of 588, strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, and only 202 out of 558 strongly disagreed
or disagreed.
No of Responses
120 104
100 93
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Shift from traditional to electroic
Figure 4-20: Shift from traditional to electronic recording represents a threat to job security.
4.5 Hospital Information Security Policy Culture
Figure 4.21 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘Hospital has a clear information
security policy’. The vast majority, 416 out of 588, strongly disagreed or disagreed with the
No of Responses
150 128
100 66
42 32
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Clear Information security policy
Figure 4.22 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘Hospital employees are aware of
the current information security policy’. The vast majority, 319 out of 588, strongly disagreed or
disagreed with the statement, and only 165 out of 558 strongly agreed or agreed.
No of Responses
98 96
67 73
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Employee Awareness
Figure 4-22: Hospital employees are aware of the current information security policy.
Figure 4.23 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘Hospital employees are aware of
the importance of health information security’. The vast majority, 253 out of 588,
strongly disagreed or disagreed with the statement, and only 215 out of 558 strongly agreed or
No of Responses
100 89 92
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Employee Awareness towards imporetance of IS
Figure 4-23: Hospital employees are aware of the importance of health IS.
Figure 4.24 shows the responses following the employees’ training in information security. The
vast majority, 372 out of 588, strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, and only 139 out of
250 234
No of Responses
150 138
100 88
46 51
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Training in IS
Figure 4-24: The employees have never been on a training course regarding IS.
Figure 4.25 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘Employees do not respect the
current information security’. The vast majority, 325 out of 588, strongly agreed or agreed with
the statement, and only 163 out of 558 strongly disagreed or disagreed, and 64 out of 588
200 184
160 141
No of Responses
80 68 64
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Do not respect IS
Figure 4.26 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘the current IS does not reflect the
current use of electronic recording’. The vast majority, 388 out of 558, strongly agreed or agreed
with the statement, and only 144 out of 558 strongly disagreed or disagreed and only 24 of the
No of Responses
100 85
50 24
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Policy does not reflect electronic
Figure 4-26: The current IS does not reflect the current use of electronic recording
Figure 4.27 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘The current policy does not take
patients’ rights into consideration ’. The vast majority, 435 out of 588, strongly agreed or agreed
with the statement, and only 104 out of 558 strongly agreed or agreed with only 28 out of the 588
No of Responses
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Patient right
Figure 4-27: The current policy does not take patients’ rights into consideration
4.6 Role of National Culture on Information Security
national culture. Figure 4.28 shows the responses to the following statement: ‘Individual
and norms’. The vast majority of the responses, 61.8% (345 out of 558), strongly agreed or
agreed with the statement, and only 22.2% (124 out of 558) strongly disagreed or disagreed,
No of Responses
97 89 93
50 31
Strongly Agree Neutral Disgaree Strongly
Agree Disagree
National Culture
One of the cultural sub-dimensions that are most interesting in this research is the role and
impact of the Saudi national culture on information security culture. One of the statements
presented to the SA health service employees was that the Saudi national culture has influenced
the hospital information security culture. The vast majority of the responses, strongly agreed or
No of Responses
102 99
50 28
Strongly Agree Neutral Disgaree Strongly
Agree Disagree
Employees' SA National Culture
The SA BHS has a large number of non-nationals working for the services. This is mainly due
to the lack of skills and competence present in employees in the health service sector. This has
created several sub-cultural groups within the field of health service. These groups have their
own values and norms. For example, there is a large number of nurses from Philippines and
Asia as well as a large number from Egypt on the medical staff. Therefore, it is important to
analyse whether such sub-cultural groups within the hospital’s working environment have
impacts on the information security culture. The SA health service employees expressed their
opinions towards the statement reflecting the impact that the social division of the groups within
the hospital has on the hospital information security culture. The majority of the responses, (227
out of 557), 41% strongly disagreed or disagreed with the statement, and (212 out of 557) 38%
strongly agreed or agreed, and (118 out of 557) 21% remained neutral.
180 166
140 128
Number of Responses
100 84
Strongly Agree Neutral Disgaree Strongly
Agree Disagree
Role of social division
Although Arabic is the official language used in the hospitals, there are other languages used in
the hospital working environment. This includes English, which is used by Western expatriates.
Different languages used in the hospital are barriers for the hospital information security culture.
This has influenced understanding and communication processes among the hospital
employees. Therefore, it is important to identify the employees’ opinions towards the role of
using different languages in the hospital working environment on the information security
culture. The majority of the responses, (295 out of 557) 53% strongly disagreed or disagreed
with the statement, and (194 out of 558), 35% strongly agreed or agreed, while (69 out of 558),
Bo of Responses
100 89
Strongly Agree Neutral Disgaree Strongly
Agree Disagree
Role of languse
The hospital management is responsible for creating a positive information security culture
within their hospitals. The vast majority of the hospital management staff members are Saudi
nationals with distinctive conservative SA national culture. The survey is aimed at identifying
the hospitals’ opinions towards the following statement: ‘Saudi national culture has influenced
the hospital management information security policy’. The majority of the responses, (355 out of
558), 64% strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, and (154 out of 558) 28%
No of Responses
49 42
Strongly Agree Neutral Disgaree Strongly
Agree Disagree
Role of hospital management on IS culture
Social interaction of the employees can be argued to be an effective tool in building employees’
trust, respect and understanding of each other. Social interaction within the hospital’s working
environment helps build understanding and trust among employees. This helps in developing
positive hospital information security culture. The majority of the responses, (238 out of 558),
43% strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, and (226 out of 558) 40% strongly disagreed
154 149
No of Responses
100 84 77
Strongly Agree Neutral Disgaree Strongly
Agree Disagree
Social interaction
4.7 Summary
The researchers analysed the quantitative data of the chapter to identify the main cultural
personnel at Saudi National Health Service hospitals. This is needed to identify the information
security cultural dimensions that influence individual employees’ behaviour towards information
The next chapter, Chapter 5, presents qualitative data to enhance the quantitative data analysis of
this chapter and explore any cultural dimensions that the author is not aware of. The outcomes
of this chapter and the next chapter will be used to develop the information security cultural
Chapter 5 Objectives
• Exploring and discussing the current information security culture policy and changes
Chapter 5 Data Analysis: Qualitative Data Analysis
5.1 Introduction
The analysis identified the main culture-related dimensions that have a role and impact
on a hospital’s information security culture. The quantitative data analysis needs enhancing and
main factors of the current information security culture and to provide in-depth information for
This chapter presents an analysis of the one-to-one interviews with 15 key employees from three
main national hospitals in Saudi Arabia. The interviewees were selected based on their
experience and job description (their role in the patient care process). The
interviews were carried out at the hospitals by appointments as convenient for the
interviewees. The main outcomes of the qualitative data were combined with the main outcomes
of the quantitative data to develop the research culture-related model, which is illustrated
dimensions based on the interviewees’ attitudes, experiences and understandings of the current
information security culture at their respective hospitals. This type of information is difficult to
explore and is discussed in the quantitative data analysis. The main aim of the interviews is to
explore the information security culture dimensions in order to use them in developing an
Table 5.1: Interview participants
1 Hospital A
Senior medical staff that
Hospital B
2 Consultant makes decisions on patients
3 Hospital C
4 Hospital A
Manage physical and
Hospital B
5 Hospital Manager human resources of the
6 Hospital C
9 Hospital C records
10 Hospital A
12 Hospital C
15 Hospital C view
5.2 Employee and Information Security
Hospital employees are the main factors influencing hospital culture. The employees’ roles and
impacts, from a human point of view, are the main focus of the research. The role of employees
in the hospital security culture was explored and discussed in all of the interviews. The
interviewees in the three hospitals agreed and stressed those employees’ behaviours and attitudes
towards information security are the main threats to information security. One of the
One of the issues explored in the interviews that had an impact on information security
is employee job dissatisfaction. The interviewees argued that job satisfaction plays an important
role in employees’ behaviour, attitudes towards information security, interactions with health
service users and interactions with other hospital employees. The interviewees stated that due
to a lack of job opportunities in the Saudi market, hospitals have employed a large number of
people in health care administration jobs without appropriately assessing the individuals’
motivation or commitment to working in the hospitals. This has led to the employment
of employees without the right attitudes or proper commitment to information security in the
hospital culture.
evident that there are several employees working in the hospitals without the right motivation
and commitment. This job dissatisfaction has an impact on the employees’ commitment towards
The interviewees stated on several occasions that the employees’ attitudes, awareness, and
main categories. The first group is highly committed and aware of the importance of keeping
the patient’s medical information confidential. This group mainly consists of highly qualified
medical staff, such as consultants and specialists. The second group is less
staff members, especially administrators and medical technicians. This also reflects the diversity
and complexity of the hospital’s culture. Regarding this issue, one of the interviewees stated the
The other important issue explored in the interviews involved the patient’s rights towards his or
her medical records. The interviews also explored the right to ownership of the medical
record. The interviews indicated diversity in the interviewees’ opinions towards patients’ rights
and ownership of their medical records. However, the typical norms and
traditions that were shown by the employees’ daily interactions is that the hospital owns the
medical records and has little understanding and awareness of the patient’s rights. The
without the patient’s consent. The interviewees also indicated that there is no clear patient
consent form, clear policy, or clear processes for transferring patients’ medical records between
health organisations or with other institutions, such as policy or insurance companies. Some of
the interviewees stated that the security and confidentiality of the patient’s medical information
The attitudes and awareness of the employees has been reflected in the employees’ behaviour
within the hospital culture. It has become the norm to pass patients’ medical information on to a
third party when deemed appropriate. Unfortunately, in some cases, employees valued passing
medical information and believed it to be their social responsibility and commitment. This
attitude and behaviour represents one of the main problems of hospital information
security. One of the cases regarding administrators’ attitudes is explored by one of the
One of the main challenges for the health authority members in Saudi Arabia is the need to
invest more in human resources. There is a feeling amongst hospital employees that the health
service authority has not invested in medical and non-medical staff. From an information
security point of view, employees’ awareness, education and knowledge are critical to ensure
investing in medical physical resources and medical staff before the employee. Put simply, the
authority needs to invest more in employee education, such as information security (Interviewee
One cultural factor is the role of hospital leadership on the hospital’s information security
culture. The interviews explored several factors that influenced the development of the hospital
leadership’s views. Individual cultures, such as Saudi culture, have influenced the leadership
style of the hospital culture. One of the main factors explored in the interviews is that the current
The interviews also explored the idea that hospital leadership has an important role in promoting
interactions among the employees. Arguably, these factors play an important role in promoting
and enhancing trust among the employees. One of the interviewees addressed this issue in the
following statement:
The research explored the role and impact of technology on employees’ trust. Discussions with
several employees led to the conclusion that modern technology plays an important
role in facilitating interactions amongst the employees, as well as facilitating knowledge sharing,
social interaction and help in understanding. This is mainly due to the role of technology in
enhancing understanding and respect amongst the employees through the use of the
technology. Understanding and respect between employees helps to promote trust among the
employees of the hospitals. One of the interviewees explored this issue by stating that
Technology, can be an excellent tool for promoting a culture that values information
security. Several interviewees explored technology as a tool for training and promoting an
information security policy, as well as for promoting information security education tools. They
stressed the use of technology, such as the use of three-dimensional visual information security
scenarios and case studies online, for employee training and education. One of the interviewees
From the point of view of promoting Saudi information security, the authority needs to
invest in technology to promote and enhance a culture that values information security. This is
necessary because of the complexity of Saudi national culture and its attitudes towards
information security. The health service authority needs to take
influence from developing countries’ health information security to promote and enhance the
Saudi health service’s information security. These developments can be used in training, online
training, seminars, case studies, scenarios and references to information security policy.
This section presents an analysis of the role and impact of hospital management on hospital
information security. It is important to stress that the Saudi National Health Service is a public
service; there are limited private hospitals in the Kingdom. The role of the
service includes managing the hospital budget, recruiting medical; and non-medical staff,
An important dimension considers the cultural differences that arise in managing the
hospital. The first opinion is held by the hospital senior medical staff, such as
consultants. Senior medical staff members believe that senior medical staff should manage the
hospital. They believe that the senior medical staff members are more aware, that they
understand the hospital processes and operations and that they better understand the medical
staff’s needs and feelings. On the other hand, the non-medical senior staff members believe that
the hospital should be managed by non-medical staff, which would leave the senior medical staff
to concentrate on patients’ medical care. They believe that the hospital organisation needs to be
difference has created an uncomfortable situation in the hospitals, as senior medical staff found it
difficult to accept the decisions and strategies developed and implemented by non-medical
staff. One of the senior medical staff explored this issue and stated the following:
Non-medical staff in managerial posts argued strongly that health services and hospitals need to
be managed by non-medical staff. They argued that health services and hospitals have become
enterprises, and there is a need for skilled, experienced, and competent individuals to
manage these services. They argued that managers need to come from a business and
management background, rather than from a medical background. The argument is based on
the notion that senior medical staff need to be focused on providing and contributing to
patients’ medical services. Investment in medical staff is aimed at developing medical staff, not
managers, and the only way to repay the government’s investment in medical staff is by allowing
them to focus on providing medical services to patients. The non-medical staff members at
senior levels are aware of this. They admit there is a conflict of opinions and attitudes towards
managing the health service. They are aware that medical staffs, especially senior medical staff,
want to manage the health services that they provide. From the organisation’s point of view, the
culture is so divided that the health service need to be managed by a trusted team to eliminate
division. This may create a conflict of interest, as well as conflicts in the implementation of
instructions from the management to the employees, the flow of information and
instructions throughout the health service. The most important division in opinions and attitudes
between the health service’s management and working staff members at the organisation can
lead to trust and respect between them, through interaction that promote awareness and
understanding between them. This will have an impact on the organisation’s performance such as
The interactions and communication amongst medical staff, especially at the senior level
and amongst management, were explored as one of the culturally based problems. Medical
taking instruction from management personnel without medical backgrounds. This has clearly
created clashes and a lack of trust between the groups. This problem was made clear when one
interviewee stressed that their management introduced medical staff scheduling and
ordered physical resources without the active involvement of senior medical staff. Such a
problem develops a culture of conflict between medical staff members and the
management. From an information security point of view, such a conflict will have an impact
on information security. This impact can be seen in two ways. The first impact is in the
implementation of the information security policy by the medical staff through the
management’s instructions. This will be an issue due to the fact that there will be a lack of trust
and belief in the management teams by medical staff. The second impact is in the flow of
information from the management team to the medical staff. These two impacts will contribute
to the information security culture of the hospital. This issue was clearly emphasised by one of
critical. Due to the structure of the Saudi National Health Service, the public sector and the
management are the main decision makers in all of the health service’s operations and
strategies, including the information security culture policy, implementation, promotion and
Management commitment towards the information security culture was explored and discussed
creating an appropriate hospital information security culture and protecting the integrity and
hospitals’ management lacks the appropriate commitment to promoting and enhancing the
hospital information security policy. This lack of commitment was, arguably, because of a lack
of understanding and awareness of the role and impact of hospital culture on information
‘I can say with confidence that the management
lacks commitment towards enhancing and ensuring
medical information security and, especially, the patient
medical records, such as the electronic medical staff’
(Interviewee C).
The main explanation for the lack of management commitment to the hospital’s information
security culture is the hospital management’s priorities. One of the interviewees stated that the
hospital management, at this stage, has several important priorities that may be ahead of the
information security culture. It can be argued that the Saudi National Health Service is still in
the process of developing and creating the most appropriate structure to improve hospital
performance and efficiency. One of the interviewees explored this issue by stating the
Other interviewees echoed the lack of management’s commitment towards promoting and
enhancing the hospital’s information security culture. The interviewees stated in several
statements that the hospital management has not shown any commitment to introducing
information security culture strategies, policies and guidelines. They stressed that the
hospital’s management also failed to invest in promoting and enhancing information security
culture through developing appropriate training courses and establishing appropriate working
‘To be honest, I have not seen or observed any serious
commitment or motive from the management to enforce or
commitment to enhance the security of the medical
information. I am stressing this from a practising point of
view’ (Interviewee G).
The other important issues that were explored were the financial commitment from the Ministry
of Health and hospital management. Financial commitment is needed in two main areas. The
first is the need to invest in the human part of the hospital culture through
training and establishing trust and understanding amongst employees. The second is to
invest in developing and enhancing the hospital’s cultural environment. The interviewees
stressed that there is no financial budget established by the Ministry of Health or hospital
5.4.3 Information Security Policy
The hospital’s information security policies mostly fall short in protecting patients’ medical
records. The current hospital policies are generic and antiquated. They concentrate on access
control policy, which mainly use usernames and passwords to enter the hospital systems. The
policy has been built mainly as a result of the abuse and misuse of passwords and
usernames. There are no policies regarding the punishments and penalties for abusing the
records or transferring information to a third party without permission and patient consent. One
The interviewees from the three surveyed hospitals agreed that their hospitals lacked any policy
or strategy to promote and enhance their hospital’s information security culture. Several
interviewees explored this issue, and they stressed that there is a lack of consideration for the
human role on the abuse and misuse of medical information. The hospital
strategies, which reflect the Ministry of Health’s strategy, fail to recognise hospital culture and
the role of humans in abuse of hospital information security. One of the interviewees stressed
One of the other important issues explored in several interviews is that hospitals lack any
implementation measures to promote or enhance the hospitals information security culture. They
argued that hospitals failed to take any practical measures, such as establishing appropriate
procedures, guidelines and processes to eliminate or reduce any threat to the hospitals by
maintaining the integrity and confidentiality of patients’ medical records. Their hospitals also
failed to take appropriate action on employees who abused the integrity and confidentiality of
Another important issue that was explored was the lack of employee training programmes
on information security policy. This can be explained by a lack of information security policy, a
lack of hospital management’s awareness towards information security, and poor attitudes
towards information security policy. These issues were explored in several interviews in the
Communication was explored as one of the factors that can either impede or
promote a hospital’s information security culture. The first issue regarding the current
communication system is that it is still traditional and ineffective. Internal communication is still
communication is inappropriate because most employees are busy, and there is no time for this
type of communication. This type of communication reflects the hospital’s culture. It has
become part of the norm to handle and transfer patient’s information using paper work. In this
The interviewees indicated that there is a lack of technology used as a tool for internal and
external communication within the hospital. They believed that the use of modern
technology, such as the latest mobile technologies, enhance the interactions amongst the
employees and between the employees and management to facilitate the flow of
systems increase understanding, trust, knowledge sharing and respect amongst a hospital’s
employees. These are critical to promoting and enhancing a hospital’s information security
culture. It is important to stress that this view was shared and agreed upon by several
interviewees from the three hospitals surveyed. One of the interviewees stated that:
The main facture of Saudi culture is generally described as the Bedouin tribal culture. This
culture has an impact and role on the individual employees’ behaviours and
interactions within the workplace. The Bedouin culture can be classified as a collectivist culture,
wherein the individual puts the interest of the tribe or employer ahead of his or her
own interests. For Saudi employees, the values and norms of Bedouin tribes have an impact
on the security of patients’ medical records. The interviewees stressed that the employees’
passed on patients’ medical information to third parties without patient consent based on their
Bedouin values and norms. They feel that it is their responsibility to pass on information
The interviewees stressed that the impact of the Bedouin culture is clear in the administrators’
behaviour, but it has less of an influence on the medical and senior medical
staff’s behaviour. The interviewees argued that this may be due to their education,
awareness and attitudes towards information security. It is also important to stress that many
senior medical staff members come from different cultural backgrounds that are non-Saudi, and
job security for them is a critical factor motivating their behaviour. It seems that non-medical
staff members represent the main threat to information security, including administrators, as well
as the lower rung of medical staff, such as junior nurses. One of the interviewees explained this
problem as follows:
5.7 Cultural Diversity in Hospitals
Firstly, it is important to stress that there is a large number of non-Saudi medical staff working
for the Saudi health service due to a lack of skill and competence amongst medical staff,
nursing and, possibly, the attitudes and opinions of the Saudi national culture. Saudi culture is
a male-dominant culture that frowns on wives, daughters and sisters working in shifts or working
as nurses in hospitals. These attitudes and opinions result in recruiting non-national staff
Based on several interviewees’ opinions, cultural diversity within Saudi hospitals has an impact
on information security. The interviewees indicated that currently, Saudi National Health
Service have several different cultures interacting and working in the hospitals. One of the
features of this cultural diversity is the language barrier that exists amongst employees,
especially between the medical staff and hospital administrators. On the one hand, some of the
employees are not fluent in Arabic; on the other hand, some hospital administrators
and managers are not fluent in English. This language discrepancy is one of the main barriers to
building trust and understanding amongst hospital employees. Consequently, this has a role and
impact on hospital information security. One of the interviewees stated the following:
Another important element of cultural diversity in the hospital is in the employees’ own personal
cultural background and working cultures. This cultural diversity has also created sub-
cultures within the hospital culture due to the presence of several groups within hospital
culture. The diversity in employees’ cultures and interactions with other cultures within
hospitals is a barrier for effective employee interaction in hospitals. This diversity in cultures
impedes effective interaction and communication amongst the employees and has an impact on
the security of medical information. One of the statements on this issue was that there is ‘a lack
of skilled and competent medical staff in SA. The SA National Health Service has a large
number of employees from different cultural backgrounds. This diversity has an impact on the
This section presents the main changes in hospital information security that the interviewees
discussed. The section also presents the main reasons to change the hospitals’ current cultures.
Interviewees from the three hospitals agreed that there is a need to change the current hospital
information security culture. Regarding the hospital culture, one of the interviewees stated that;
One of the main barriers in changing the hospitals’ culture is the lack of appropriate and effective
coordination amongst the hospital departments and amongst the hospitals. Change is needed to
adopt more effective and appropriate coordination, which will help the flow of information and
policies and strategies to promote information security amongst hospital departments and
amongst hospitals. One interviewee stated that ‘the hospital has a large number of medical
departments, and the hospital is part of the Saudi National Health Service, Ministry of
Health. Therefore, there is a need to change the current coordination to help in enhancing the
One of the factors explored that has an impact and role on hospital culture is the hospital
management structure. The current structure is a rigid, multi-levelled and vertical management
style composed of several management layers. This has made the flow of
information difficult. It also suggests that the current structure does not facilitate
employee interaction. One of the interviewees stated the following in this regard:
Based on several interviewees’ arguments, the workplace and rest area environments are some of
the areas that need to be changed to enhance and create an appropriate hospital culture. Several
interviewees indicated there is a need for better working environments to enhance little control
of the employees’ and patients’ documents. The current rest areas are not appropriate, due
employee interaction, share knowledge and build understanding. They argued that
an appropriate rest area is important to encourage social interaction and that it also helps to
build trust and understanding amongst the employees. They stressed that health service
authorities need to change the current working environment and rest areas in
hospitals. Interviewees from all three hospitals raised the argument that this may lead one to
believe that the Saudi National Health Service is unaware of the importance and role of
One of the main changes explored in several interviews was the change in current information
security policies. The interviewees emphasised that the current policies are mainly generic and
out of date; most importantly, they are only focused on accessing control to the
information through the utilisation of usernames and passwords. They indicated the need for
a change in hospitals’ attitudes and opinions towards changing the hospital’s information
The current information security policies are out of date and do not reflect the changes from
traditional recording to electronic recording, which Saudi Arabia’s health service has introduced
in several hospitals and will implement throughout the Saudi National Health Service. The
current policy does not take into consideration the employee’s behaviour or misuse and
abuse of the integrity and confidentiality of the hospital’s information. The hospitals’
current policy should be changed to reflect the hospitals’ needs to ensure confidentiality and
integrity of information.
‘We need…a change in current policy, as the current
policy fails short to prevent the misuse and the
abuse [of] medical information security, especially the
patients’ medical records. The change should take
into consideration the human behaviour, as the current
policy mainly concerns [policies] on access control to the
system, mainly on using the user names and password
abuse. (Interviewee G)
The interviewees in the three surveyed hospitals explored and stressed that the current training
stressed that the most appropriate approach to protect the hospital’s information is by
creating an appropriate information culture by promoting and enhancing the hospital’s main
changing the current training approaches and policies. They agreed that there is a lack
Other interviewees held stronger views on employee’s patient medical electronic records. Saudi
Arabia is in the process of implementing electronic patient records throughout the Saudi
National Health Service. This represents a shift from the traditional, paper-based patient record
towards the use of electronic records. This represents a change in hospital staff working
culture, and that change will be strongly associated with a risk that is presented to
patient records. Staff members need to be aware of and trained to protect information
security. This can only be achieved through a well-designed and planned training
One of the main issues explored in the interviews was the need to change the hospital
management’s opinions and attitudes. It can be clearly understood that without positive, clear
opinions and attitudes from the hospital management, little can be done to promote and enhance
The interviewees were critical in discussing and analysing in depth the importance and need
for change in the opinions and attitudes towards the importance and role of information
in protecting the National Health Service’s medical records. The senior management, such as the
Ministry of Health, and hospitals’ senior management are the main parties responsible, based on
the interviewees, for the current state of the hospital information security culture. This is mainly
due to the centralised management and bureaucratic system. One of the interviewees stated:
‘In my opinion, as we discuss the hospital information
security culture, there is a need to change the hospital
management and attitudes—firstly, towards the patient’s
medical record confidentiality and integrity and
then [their] importance and
role [in] creating an appropriate hospital information
security culture’ (Interviewee G).
Several interviewees argued and discussed that the changes need to start at the top of
the Saudi National Health Service pyramid—namely, the Ministry of Health. They
argued that the Ministry of Health needs to establish more effective approaches to promote and
enhance hospital environments and provide more support and investment to hospital
employees. They felt that the Ministry of Health has fallen short on investing in the human part
of health service, although the Ministry has no problem with investing in technology. One of the
The interviewees explored the notion that the health authority needs to change their strategy to
environments, awareness and knowledge. These help to create positive, productive working
The stability of a hospital’s workforce and its management was explored as an important
argued that a change in culture requires stability from the main actors in the culture over time to
help with establishing understanding and trust amongst the employees and between the
employees and management. Furthermore, they argued that time was needed to
develop a homogeneous culture and that this can only be accomplished by having stability. They
also explored the critical importance of having stability in the processes, management structure
5.9 Summary
The main outcomes of the in-depth interviews with key personnel in Saudi Arabian hospitals can
• There is a conflict regarding how the health service should be managed. On one hand,
the senior medical staff traditionally—and currently—believes that they are the best
option to manage the health service’s hospitals, due to their medical and management
experience. On the other hand, the management team believe that the senior medical
expertise are needed; management should be those with business and management
experience. This may create a conflict between the two groups due to differing opinions.
• One of the main outcomes of the in-depth interviews is discovering the need to
change managements’ opinions regarding the importance and necessity to enhance and
Chapter 6 Objectives
Chapter 6 : Cultural Information Security Model
6.1 Introduction
One of the main objectives of this research is to develop an information security culture
model. The model is based on identifying the main cultural dimensions and sub-dimensions that
contribute to SA health service employees’ attitudes towards information security. This section
presents and discusses the main model of human behaviour. Information security cultural
dimensions have been identified in the literature and fieldwork data analysis. A framework
model has been designed and presented based on the behaviour models and the main outcomes
There are several models for human behaviour in certain actions. This section presents and
discusses these models to help develop the framework model for an information security culture
One of the dimensions identified in the data analysis is the Saudi national culture. The analyses
showed that the national culture plays a role on staff behaviour, such as behaviour towards
information security. The national culture has three main sub-cultural dimensions. These sub-
cultural dimensions are the working values and norms, tribe values and norms and attitudes and
SA Health Services Leadership
leadership. Leadership has been identified as one of the dimensions that contribute towards staff
members’ attitudes, which, in turn, contributes to the hospital culture. The leadership has sub-
cultural dimensions, such as power sharing, leading by example and developing a vision towards
Employees’ Trust
Trust amongst employees has been identified as one of the dimensions that need to be considered
in the hospital culture of information security. The trust can be developed and enhanced by
social Interaction, respect and understanding. Trust amongst the employees as well as between
the employees and senior management contributes to the hospital information security culture.
Technology Dimension
The hospital’s use of technology in its activities and communication contributes to the hospital’s
culture. The technology dimension contains an Intranet and communication system sub-
culture. The intranet can help in promoting and enhancing information security, training and
updating staff with new policies, procedures and management operations. On the other hand,
technology has become an integral component of communication amongst the hospital medical
and non-medical staff members. Communication helps in building staff members’ understanding
and awareness, and these help in developing trust between the employees and the employers.
Multicultural Interaction
An individual’s job role within a hospitals working environment has an impact on the
individual’s behaviour towards information security, based on the data analysis in the previous
chapter. The job role has sub-cultural dimensions including job security and motivation (i.e., job
Once the hospital develops awareness and understanding of the main drives for its staff
members’ behaviour, the hospital authority can then develop and implement effective
help in promoting and enhancing the hospital culture. From this research perspective,
understanding and analysing staff behaviour will help in recommending practical steps for
A framework model for the information security culture for SA NHS has been developed and
illustrated in Figure 6.1. The model is based on human behaviour theory, which is based on the
employees’ attitudes towards information security. This plays a major role in the individuals’ use
and misuse of information in health services. The intention to use patient’s information
can lead to the actual use of the information. In the hospital, the attitude of staffs’ is a key factor
third party. The proposed model in figure 6.1 illustrates that six culturally based dimensions
contribute to the individual health services’ staff members’ attitudes towards information
security. These six dimensions are as follows: Saudi national culture leadership,
trust, technology, multi-cultural interactions in hospitals and job satisfaction. These dimensions
distinctive organisation culture. Each dimension identified has its own sub-cultures. The sub-
cultural dimensions are the main drives for the cultural dimension, as shown in the figure below.
Figure 6-1: Information security culture model
6.5 Summary
This chapter presented and proposed the information security model. The proposed model is
based on human behaviour theory and dimensions identified in the literature review as well as
data collected for research. The next chapter will evaluate the model by collecting data and
Chapter 7 Objectives
Chapter 7 Data Analysis: IS Framework Model Evaluation
7.1 Introduction
Chapter 6 developed the information security model based on the first fieldwork analysis and the
main outcomes of the literature review. The developed model needs to be evaluated and tested
to ensure its validity, reliability, practicality and usefulness. A second fieldwork survey carried
out between March and May of 2013 collected data and information that is necessary for
evaluating the model. The survey included distributing the designed questionnaire, which is in
Appendix C, and conducting interviews with key personnel in Saudi health services. The
interviews were based on and designed on interview questions discussed in Chapter 5, Appendix
7.2 Responses
The survey included Saudi nationals and non-nationals to represent the actual hospital working
environment. Included in the survey were 64.7% SA nationals (238 out of 368) and (130 out of
368) are non-national. In addition, 58.2% of the respondents were male, and 41.8% were female,
7.2.1 Hospitals Surveyed
600 questionnaires were designed and distributed to three hospitals: King Faisal Specialist
Hospital and Research Centre, King Fahad Medical City and Specialised Medical Centre
Hospital. Two hundred questionnaires were sent to each hospital. The returned and valid
questionnaires were 368 questionnaires out of 600, which represents 61.3%. Figure 7.1 shows
the number of respondents for each hospital. In addition, the vast majority of the respondents
were from King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre, with 161(43.75%) out of 368. 81
out of 368 were from the Specialised Medical Centre Hospital, representing 22.01%.
140 126
King Faisal Specialist King Fahad Medical city Specilised Medical
Hospital and Research Centre Hospital
7.2.2 Nationality and Job Role of the Respondents
Saudi Arabian health services use non-nationals to provide services due to the fact that they have
a lack of skilled and competent nationals. Figure 7.2 shows the respondents nationality and job
role of the respondents’. The figure indicates that the majority (77 out of 141) of the nurses are
80 77
70 64
30 24 25
9 8 9 9
10 6 4
Consultant Resident Medical Nurse Medical Manager Adminstrator
Student Technician
Saudi Non-Saudi
7.2.3 Respondents Experience
Figure 7.3 shows the job roles and the respondents’ years of experience. Consultants are the
most experienced respondents, and medical students are the lowest. This is mainly due to the
Years of Experience
Less than 5 years 5-10 Years 11-15 Years 16-20 Years 21-25 Years Over 25 Years
7.3 Role of Saudi Arabian Culture
Saudi Arabia has a distinctly conservative culture with a special status in the Islamic world due
to the holy city of Mecca. The behaviour and attitudes of Saudi Arabia are influenced, to some
extent, by Islamic and Arabian culture—namely tribal culture. One of the cultural dimensions of
the information security model is the Saudi national culture. This section discusses and assesses
the role of this Saudi national culture dimensions on the information security culture.
One of the sub-cultural dimensions of Saudi Arabia is the tribal values and norms. Figure 7.4
illustrates the participants’ responses towards the following statement: “Tribe values and norms
have influenced employees’ behaviour towards IS in the hospital”. The figure shows that the
vast majority, 62.7%, of the participants agreed or strongly agreed with this statement, and only
% of Responses
20 14.4 16
10 6.9
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
Figure 7-4: Tribal values and norms have influenced employees’ behaviour towards IS in the hospital
The interview with key personnel of the three hospitals agreed with the above results. The
interviewees stressed that tribal values and norms have influenced Saudi behaviour towards
information security. This seems, in particular, to be due to the Saudi focus on collectivism,
rather than individualism. The tribe name and the sense of tribal belonging are stronger than
organisation loyalty and interest. One of the interviewees stated the following in this regard:
Figure 7.5 shows the participants’ responses towards the following statement: “Hospital working
values and norms have influenced hospital information security”. The figure shows that the vast
majority, 87.2%, of the participants strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, and only 4.3%
50 46.2
45 41
% Responses
10 8.4
5 2.4 1.9
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
The interviewees agreed with the result. The interviewees, in several statements, indicated that
this is one of the main challenges and problems with regards to hospital information
security. They indicated that the working values and norms of the hospital have influenced
7.3.3 Attitudes towards Women
Figure 7.6 shows the participants’ responses towards the following statement: “Tribal values and
norms have influenced employees’ behaviours towards IS in the hospital”. The figure shows that
the vast majority, 69.2%, of the participants agreed or strongly agreed with the statement, and
% Responses
20 16.1 15.3
10 3.8
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
Figure 7-6: Attitudes towards women have influenced hospital information security
Several interviewees indicated that attitudes towards women within hospital interaction
environment have influenced information security. They indicated that passing information to
female third parties has become the norm. They indicated that male staff members found it
difficult to not pass along information to female third parties. They argued that this is part of the
7.3.4 SA National Culture and Employees’ Attitudes towards IS
The role of Saudi Arabia’s national culture on hospital employees’ attitudes towards information
security is shown in Figure 7.7. The figure shows the vast majority, 70.2% (259 out of 368) of
the respondents strongly agreed or agreed that Saudi Arabian national culture has influenced
hospital employees’ attitudes towards information security, and only 13.9% (51 out of 368)
50 48.1
% Response
20 15.8
Strogly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Figure 7-7: SA national culture has influenced hospital employees’ attitudes towards IS
The interviewees stated that the SA national culture is clear amongst some of the Saudi
employees’ attitudes towards information security. It seems that they do not value the security
and the need to maintain the confidentiality of the information. They believe, rather, that
information security is not the patient’s right. They believe that it is the hospitals—and the
‘The point I would like to make is the employees’ attitudes
towards IS. From discussion and observation with some
of my SA colleagues, I would say the value of the medical
information is not recognised and [that] some feel that
access to the information is the hospital’s and the staff’s
right and not the patient’s right’
(Interviewee H).
Hospital leadership style in managing the hospital is one of the cultural dimensions investigated
in this research. This dimension aims to investigate the role of leadership styles on hospital
The first leadership sun-dimension analysed is the SA national culture’s influence on leadership
style in health services. The vast majority of the respondents, (444 out of 558) 79.6% agreed or
strongly agreed with the statement, and only (82 out of 558) 14.7% disagreed or strongly
No of Responses
32 38 44
Strogly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Agree Disagree
National culture
Figure 7-8: National culture has influenced leadership styles in SA health services
The interviewees believed that it is the hospitals —and the employee’s—right to pass along
preferred by employees as part of their daily activities. They stressed in various statements that
direct, face-to-face communication is the most effective approach in solving problems and
7.4.2 Leadership and Sharing Power
Figure 7.9 shows responses towards the following statement: “Hospital leadership style that
includes sharing of power in managing the hospital has influenced the information security”. The
figure shows that the vast majority, 80.9%, strongly agreed or agreed with this statement, while
10.6% were neutral, and only 8.5% disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement.
% Responses
10 6.3
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Figure 7-9: Hospital leadership style that includes sharing power influenced the IS.
The role of leadership style, such as in sharing power, with the hospital’s employees was
analysed to investigate whether sharing power has an impact on the hospital’s information
security. The interviews indicated that the leadership style is centralized, with no or little sharing
of power in managing the hospital. The interviewees believed that this has influenced both
complying and monitoring compliance and ensuring information security. They argued this is
mainly due to leadership style and power, without allowing others to contribute and share
One of the individuals stated the following regarding this topic:
Figure 7.10 indicated that the majority of the respondents, 54.5% strongly agreed or agreed that
the hospital leadership sharing its vision with employees towards information security influenced
the information security culture. Only 14.5% disagreed or strongly disagreed with the statement.
45 41.9
35 31
15 12.6 11.8
5 2.7
Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
The interviewees made several statements that revealed that the vision of health service is mainly
decided and implemented by central government, with little or no input by hospital leadership
and management. They argued that at this stage, there is little vision sharing and strategic
planning for medical information security. The main worries are the changing forms of
information from traditional to electronic means. There is a need for quick responses in order to
control and monitor medical information. One of the relevant statements in this regard is as
For this research, we analysed hospital leadership’s influence on information security, and the
analysis showed that the vast majority of the respondents, 78.4%, strongly agreed or agreed with
the statement hospital leadership has influenced information security. See Figure 7.11. The
figure indicates that only 12% strongly disagreed or disagreed with statement, and 9.6% were
40 38
% Responses
9.6 9.8
5 2.2
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Almost all of the interviewees indicated that the hospital leadership plays a critical role in
hospital information security. One of the statements that an individual made in this regard is as
Figure 7.12 shows that the vast majority, 79.2% (289 out of 365) of the respondents, believe that
information security. Only 8.2% (30 out of 365) strongly disagreed or disagreed with the
statement. 12.6% (46 out of 365) of the responses were neutral towards the statement.
70 65.5
% Responses
13.7 12.6
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
The interviewees expressed their opinions on the role of hospital leadership regarding
information security. They indicated that the employees’ attitudes are the outcome of workplace
activities, working values and norms and information security policy strategy and
implementation. In all of these areas, the leadership plays a major role. One of the statements in
7.5 Trust
Trust is one of the culturally based elements identified in the literature, and it is also one of the
dimensions of the proposed information security model. The respondents were asked five
questions relating to trust in order to identify and assess the role of trust in information security
in hospitals. This section presents an analysis of the role of trust on information security.
Figure 7.13 shows the responses towards the following statement: “Trust amongst the employees
has influenced the information security”. The vast majority, 82.3% (303 out of 368) of the
respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, and only 4.9% (18 out of 368)
50 48.1
% Responses
Strongly Agree Agree Nutral Disagree Strongly
Figure 7-13: Employees’ trust influences hospital employees’ attitudes towards IS.
The trust amongst the employees was found to be influencing attitudes towards information
security. Trust amongst the employees helps in information exchange and transmission as well
as knowledge sharing. This has a profound impact on the employees regarding information
Figure 7.14 shows the responses towards the following statement: “Trust between the employees
and the management has influenced the information security”. The vast majority, 81.2% (299 out
of 368), of the respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, and only 8.7% (32 out
% Responses
30 27.4
10 6.5
Strongly Agree Agree Nutral Disagree Strongly
Figure 7-14: Trust between the employees and the management influences IS culture.
Trust between the hospital employees and the hospital was also explored as one of the factors for
information security in the survey of the three hospitals. The discussion focused on a lack of
trust leads to non-compliance of any information security policy, instruction or order. The
interviewees have also claimed that a lack of trust can lead to not implementing the hospital’s
instructions and roles, and this can certainly influence the hospital’s working culture. Another
important issue raised is that the lack of trust, in some cases, had led to tension and stress in
relationships and has influenced the hospital’s performance and its operations. Undoubtedly, this
7.5.3 Employees’ Understanding
Figure 7.15 shows the responses towards the following statement: “Understanding between the
employees has influenced information security.” The vast majority, 60.2% (221 out of 368), of
the respondents strongly disagreed or disagreed with the statement, and only 21% (77 out of 368)
50 45.8
% Responses
18 18.8
5 3
Strongly Agree Agree Nutral Disagree Strongly
Figure 7-15: Understanding between the employees has influenced the IS.
Understanding amongst employees was explored and discussed with the interviewees to
assess its role in developing a culture focused on information security. It was clear from the
interviews that understanding amongst the employees is needed to have a healthy and productive
hospital culture. Understanding amongst the employees was explored as an important factor to
facilitate and enhance employees’ interactions, policy compliance, trust and ability to develop a
productive and efficient hospital culture. The interviewees explained that understanding helps
to facilitate the flow of information. They argued that understanding could play a role in
information security. One of the employees, for example, stated the following:
Figure 7.16 shows the responses towards the following statement: ‘Social interaction among the
employees has influenced the information security’. The vast majority, 70.9% (261 out of 368)
of the respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, and only 13.8% (51 out of 368)
60 55.7
% Responses
20 15.2 15.2
10 5.4
Strongly Agree Agree Nutral Disagree Strongly
Figure 7-16: Social interaction among the employees has influenced the IS.
In several interviews, we held discussions on social interaction to assess the employees’ social
explained that social interaction helps develop an understanding of others’ cultural backgrounds,
values, and beliefs. They also explained that social interaction helps in developing and
enhancing trust amongst the employees. This demonstrates that social interaction can help in
improving and enhancing information security through building positive staff relationships, trust,
Figure 7.17 shows the responses towards the following statement: “Employees’ trust among
themselves has influenced hospital employees’ attitudes towards information security”. The vast
majority, 82.1% (302 out of 368), of the respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the
statement, and only 4.4% (16 out of 368) strongly disagreed or disagreed with the statement.
% responses
30 28
Strongly Agree Agree Nutral Disagree Strongly
Figure 7-17: Employees’ trust influenced hospital employees’ attitudes towards IS culture.
One of the questions that was raised in the interviews was the role of trust amongst employees’
themselves and the attitudes towards information security. They argued that attitudes were
outcomes of several factors, such as the trust amongst the employees. Trust amongst the
employees helps in building positive attitudes towards information security. The trust amongst
employees also helps in building a positive hospital security culture. One of the interviewees
7.6 Role of Technology
Hospitals in SA are adopting the use of technology to facilitate managing their operations, as
well as improving patients’ health care. The use of technology has given users of technology the
Figure 7.18 indicates the responses towards the role of technology on information security in the
hospital. The vast majority, 76% (280 out of 368), of the respondents strongly agreed or agreed
with the statement, and only 22.9% (84 out of 368) strongly disagreed or disagreed with the
% Responses
30 27
10 8.3
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree
One of the interviewees indicated that the use of technology could be a threat to information
security as well as the privacy of patients and employees’ personal data. This can be serious,
with the absence of an appropriate data protection act to protect patients’ and employees’
Figure 7.19 shows responses towards the following statement: “Hospital intranet has influenced
the information security culture”. The vast majority, 51.5%, of the respondents strongly
disagreed or disagreed with the statement, and 30.5% strongly agreed or agreed with the
50 46.3
% Responses
10 6.1 5.2
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disgaree Strongly
Figure 7-19: Hospital intranet has influenced the information security culture.
Intranet plays an important role in managing an organisation’s activities and informs and updates
staff regarding the organisation’s activities, rules and decision-making. It helps employees to
communicate with the organisation management and vice versa. The data analysis indicated that
hospital’s intranet is still not used effectively to support hospital staff and promote and enhance
hospital information security culture. One of the interviewees stated the following regarding this
Figure 7.20 shows responses towards the following statement: “The hospital communication
system has influenced the information security”. The vast majority, 77.2% (284 out of 368), of
the respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, and only 13.3% (49 out of 368)
60 54.9
% Responses
9.5 10.3
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disgaree Strongly
Several interviewees stressed that a hospital’s communication plays a major role in helping to
improve the information security culture. They stressed that an effective communication system
helps with the process of interaction. Interactions between employees help in developing
respect, understanding and knowledge sharing. One of the interviewees stated the following on
this issue:
7.6.3 Electronic Information
Figure 7.21 shows the responses towards the following statement: “The electronic information
system has influenced the information security”. The vast majority, 81.2% (299 out of 368), of
the respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, and only 9.5% (35 out of 368)
strongly disagreed or disagreed with the statement, while only 9.2% remained neutral on the
45 42.1
% Responses
10 7.1
5 2.4
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disgaree Strongly
The interviewees also explained, to some extent, the problems associated with electronic medical
information from an information security culture point of view. One of the interviewees stated
7.6.4 Use of Technology
Figure 7.22 shows the responses towards the following statement: “Use of technology in the
hospital has influenced information security”. The majority, 46.5% (171 out of 368), of the
respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, and 43% (158 out of 368) strongly
disagreed or disagreed with the statement, while only (39 out of 368)10.6 % remained neutral.
40 36.7
20 17.4
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disgaree Strongly
Figure 7-22: Use of technology in the hospital has influenced the information security.
Interviewees stated that the use of technology as a tool in managing and handling information
culture. Technology gives employees access to information, and that can be a problem from the
information security point of view if the use of information is abused. Regarding the use of
7.6.5 Technology and Employees’ Attitudes
Figure 7.23 shows the responses towards the following statement: “Use of technology in the
hospital has influenced hospital employees’ attitudes towards information security”. A total of
46.5% (171 out of 368) of the respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, while
43% (158 out of 368) strongly disagreed or disagreed with the statement, and only 10.6% (39 out
40 36.7
20 17.4
10 6.3
Strongly Agree Neutral Disgaree Strongly
Agree Disagree
Employees’ attitudes towards the use of technology on the hospital’s operations and management
were explored, to some extent, in the interviews with key hospital staff. They believed that
employees’ attitudes towards technology definitely had an impact on their handling and
managing of information efficiently and effectively. One of the interviewees stated the
7.6.6 Hospital Communication and Trust
Figure 7.24 shows the responses towards the following statement: “The use of technology in
The vast majority, 66.8% (245 out of 367), of the respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the
statement, and 29.2% (73 out of 367) strongly disagreed or disagreed with the statement, while
only 4.1% (49 out of 367) remained neutral. It is, thus, evident that hospital communication
40 37.6
% Responses
15 13.4
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disgaree Strongly
7.7 Role of Multicultural Interaction
Figure 7.25 shows the responses towards the following statement: “Employees’ different
The vast majority, 77.2% (284 out of 367), of the respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the
statement, and 13.3% (49 out of 368) strongly disagreed or disagreed with the statement. Only
60 54.9
% Responses
9.5 10.3
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disgaree Strongly
One of the interviewees argued that use of different languages among the employees have helped
in developing understanding and trust among the employees through facilitating appropriate
‘As you observing in our hospital, different languages and
Arabic accents are used as a tool in the communication
process. I would say [that] language helps in
understanding, respecting [one another and] passing
information. Knowledge sharing and trust amongst the
employees [are important]. So I can argue indirectly
[that]…language is [an] important factor in our hospital
information security’
(Interviewee C)
Figure 7.26 shows the responses towards the following statement: “Diversity of nationality and
culture of the employees has influenced information security”. The vast majority, 81.2% (299
out of 368), of the respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, while 16.3% (60 out
of 368) strongly disagreed or disagreed with the statement, and only 2.4% (9 out of 368)
remained neutral.
45 42.1
% Response
10 7.1
5 2.4
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disgaree Strongly
Diversity of national culture influence the information security was clear on one the
‘We have over ten nationalities working in this hospital,
and they are coming from different cultural
backgrounds. In my opinion, an individual’s cultural
background and culture play a role on the individual’s
roles and responsibilities. I found different cultural
backgrounds have influenced complying with information
security instruction and policy’
(Interviewee B)
Figure 7.27 shows the responses towards the following statement: “Diversity in working values
and norms of the employees has influenced information security”. The vast majority, 83.5% (307
out of 368), of the respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the statement, and 7.3% (27 out of
368) strongly disagreed or disagreed with the statement, while only 9.2% (34 out of 368)
remained neutral.
% Response
10 5.7
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disgaree Strongly
Figure 7-27: Diversity in working values and norms influenced the IS culture.
Interviewees agreed that there is diversity regarding the working values and norms of a hospital’s
employees. They argued that this is mainly due to the employees’ different nationality and
culture, educational backgrounds and attitudes. Each individual or group has its own values and
norms towards information security. One of the interviewees stated the following:
Figure 7.28 shows the responses towards the following statement: “Multicultural interactions in
the hospital have influenced hospital employees’ attitudes towards information security’. The
vast majority, 57.8% (213 out of 368) of the respondents strongly agreed or agreed with the
statement, and 33.7% (124 out of 368) strongly disagreed or disagreed with the statement. Only
29.3 28.5 29.1
% Responses
10 8.4
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disgaree Strongly
Figure 7-28: Diversity in working values and norms of the employees influenced the IS culture.
7.7.5 Employees Multicultural Background and Trust
Figure 7.29 shows the responses towards the following statement: “Employees
security’. The vast majority, 72.9% (268 out of 368) of the respondents strongly agreed or
agreed with the statement, and 17.4% (64 out of 368) strongly disagreed or disagreed with the
40 37.8
% Responses
15 13.6
Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disgaree Strongly
Trust is explored as a critical dimension for the information security culture. It has been
explored within several issues, which the interviewees discussed during the interviews. The
interviewees believed that trust is critical for creating a positive information security culture in
7.8 Role of Job Security and Job Satisfaction
This section presents an analysis role of job security and job satisfaction on information security
in SA hospitals..
Job security has been explored by several interviewees as one of the main dimensions for
individual behaviour in hospitals. This dimension explored and agreed by both Saudi and Non-
saudi nationals working in the hospital. They agreed non-nationals are complying and behaving
according to the hospitals rules and are very careful on disclosing any information to avoid any
conflict with the management in order to extent their working contract, job security. One of the
interviewees stated:
One of the interviewees explained the secured job, job for life, for the Saudi plays a major role in
the employees’ behaviour in the hospitals. The employee argued the job security has an impact
7.8.2 Role of Job Satisfaction on the Hospital IS
Job satisfaction explored as one of the main cultural dimensions that plays a role on the
employees’ behaviour and attitudes towards information security culture. The interviewees
argued strongly that there is a strong link between the job satisfaction and the employees’
behaviour. They argued satisfies and happy employees’ enjoy their work and respect his or her
role. The work enjoyment and respect of the role can lead to positive behaviour toward
7.9 Summary
This chapter presented the evaluation process and data analysis collected to evaluate the research
model. The evaluation analysis was based on analysing questionnaire and interviews of the
second fieldwork visit. The main outcomes of this chapter will be used to enhance the research
The main objectives of this chapter are as follows:
Chapter 8 : Discussion
8.1 Introduction
The role and impact of a hospital’s culture on information security has become one of the
challenges for many organisations, and several examples are evident in the literature on this
issue. This issue is relatively new and challenging in Saudi hospitals due to a lack of research in
the field as well as the strong and distinctive culture of Saudi society. This research aims to
develop an information security culture framework to help Saudi Arabia’s help health service
authority adopt progressive strategies on this issue. This chapter discusses the research’s main
findings based on the primary outcomes of the research. It focuses on the current situation of SA
NHS IS culture, the drives for IS culture policy, discussions and evaluations of the IS culture
framework, and how to make implementation practical when creating an IS culture policy.
One of the main objectives of this research is to analyse the current situation of IS culture in
Saudi Arabian hospitals. This is needed to help understand the extent of the challenge that this
issue presents. In addition, this chapter discusses the current situation of IS cultures of Saudi
Arabian hospitals based on the main outcomes of the literature review analysis as well as this
8.2.1 Current IS Culture Practice
The literature survey and the data analysis of this research stressed the role and impact of
hospital cultures on information security. Saudi hospitals are not aware of the importance and
cases, employees currently believe that revealing information to a third party is important, as
doing so is part of their commitment to the hospital and to society. They believe that revealing
information to a third party should be part of their norms and values within the organisation’s
activities. It is also has become normal practice in the hospital communication process to give
medical reports and information to a third party, such as giving diagnostic results to a friend or
The research identifies several drives for SA’s National Health Service authority to introduce
and implement clear strategies, to promote IS culture in its services. One of the drives is the
current understanding and awareness of Saudi patients and employees about their rights
regarding personal information (Al-dajani, 2011). Therefore, the working environment culture
protect the individual’s right to their information. Currently, there is no clear IS culture policy
addressing this issue. Therefore, the authority needs to implement an action plan and develop a
The second drive is to avoid any legal conflict due to the expansion and effectiveness of legal
firms in supporting patients’ claims. This has become an important drive due to the fact that a
The other important factor is the image of the service. This needs to be high on the agenda of the
authority due to the support and investment of the authority in the service. Any issue harming
the image of the service may induce prejudice on the service’s authority image and commitment
It also has been observed and explored in several interviews that employees leave their computer
and/or monitor on while they go for a short break, leaving their desks. This leaves information
and access to the information system exposed to any intruder. The other practice identified as
norms amongst some of the employees, which includes providing their password to their
Some hospitals are in the process of introducing and implementing electronic recording
transmission of patient records as part of the hospital’s operations, to improve the hospital, and
the health care system’s efficiency. However, from an information security culture point of view
this is a challenge. This requires a change in the employees’ behaviour towards information
security. It requires awareness, knowledge and understanding of the electronic process to ensure
At the individual level, the research developed an information security culture model to help
identify main cultural dimensions that influence an individual’s behaviour towards information
security. This was achieved by testing several hypothesis related to these dimensions. These
hypotheses are:
Hypothesis 1:
H1: Organization leadership positively related to the employee’s attitude to health information
The research found that there is a positive relationship between the hospital leadership and
information security culture within the hospital working environment. The qualitative data
analysis supports this observed relationship. The research also indicated that Saudi leadership is
impacted by Saudi Arabian national culture and is reflected in leadership management style,
Hypothesis 2:
H2: Employees job satisfaction and job security is positively related to the employees’
Employees’ job satisfaction has a positive correlation with the employees’ attitudes towards
information security behaviour. Job satisfaction in the hospital plays a major role in the
employees’ behaviour towards the information security culture. The qualitative data indicated
that unsatisfied employees are less disciplined in complying with a positive information security
culture. This is clearly evident amongst Saudis who are unsatisfied with their jobs and work in
Hypothesis 3:
There is a positive relationship between employees’ trust and their attitudes towards information
security culture. Trust helps employees in complying with the hospital’s procedures and
regulations within the hospitals. Trust also promotes positive behaviour within the hospital.
Hypothesis 4:
H4: Saudi national culture is positively related to the employees’ attitude towards information
The research confirmed that the Saudi national culture is a positively linked to the employees’
attitude towards information security. The qualitative analysis indicated that the Saudi national
culture has influenced information security culture of the hospitals and influenced the employees
Hypothesis 5:
information security.
The research found that there is no link between the communication system and the information
security culture within hospitals. It is important to note, however, that the qualitative analysis
security culture.
Hypothesis 6:
H6: Employees’ intention towards information security is positively related to the employees’
The research confirmed a strong relationship between employees’ intentions and their attitudes
towards information security. Attitude plays a major role in forming employees’ intentions to
use information within the hospital. Having a positive attitude helps employees comply with
information security rules and procedures, and improve the information security culture. On the
other hand, having a negative attitude can lead to abusing information security—i.e., employees
Hypothesis 7:
The research indicated a positive relationship between Hospital multicultural backgrounds and
employees information security behaviour. The qualitative data has also supported this
hypothesis by explaining the main drives for the interaction between employees and the patients
8.4 Implementation of SA IS Culture Policy
The main purpose of developing an IS culture framework is to identify the influence of cultural
dimensions on hospital information and to help Saudi authorities develop practical and effective
IS culture policies. The main drive for this research is a lack of policy and strategy that
recognises and considers the influence of culture on information security and the extents of not
implementing appropriate policies and strategies. This research strongly argues for the
importance and need to change the culture of organisations and make IS a part of their norms and
values. This requires a clear IS culture policy and a clear strategy from the local hospital and
Saudi Arabian authority. The policy and strategy need to be aimed at changing the employees’
behaviour favourably towards information security. The policy and strategy should include the
At the core of the health service authority is the need to focus on developing a clear statement in
understanding. This helps in changing the employees’ attitudes, perceptions and opinions to the
behaviour theory. Education programmes should include training in information security. The
programmes need to take in consideration three main elements of the effective learning
process. The first is to keep in mind the trainee’s learning style, ability, cultural background and
job role. The second element is to select qualified and skilled trainers to facilitate the learning
environment. The training should be aimed at improving employees’ attitudes and opinions
favourably towards information security. One of the interviewees stressed the importance and the
role of employees’ education programmes by stating the following: ‘I do believe and understand
that we need to establish clear and effective training programmes for our employees due to [the]
lack of awareness and understanding of protecting patients’ personal and medical [records] and
employees’ information’.
8.4.2 Promoting Social Interaction
One of the cultural dimensions identified is the trust amongst the employees themselves, and
between employees and management. Therefore, health authority figures and hospital
management need to adopt policies and strategies that aim to enhance trust by promoting
encouraging and supporting interactions to help break down the barriers and establish
understanding, respect and awareness of each other. These will help to develop trust amongst
interaction. This includes developing a strategy for creating appropriate and effective break and
lunch time spaces as well as informal meetings and activities, such Christmas and Islamic
festivals such as Eid activities. The strategy should be based on promoting encouraging and
supporting social interactions for enhancing trust. On the other hand, the policy should be
focused on establishing policies supporting social activities and contributing to social interaction
This section discusses the main barriers and obstacles facing hospitals.
Employees’ Resistance
One of the main barriers to implement information security policies is employee resistance. This
is the mainly due to cultural dimensions that have been established within the
hospitals. Employees need to change their daily behaviour values and norms in order to ensure
effective policy implementation. Employees may resist making changes that are not within their
norms and values. Employees’ resistance towards change is the main challenge for health
authority figures. Therefore, authority figures need to take into consideration employees’
Expertise and knowledge in the role of cultural dimensions in the ISC is critical to develop and
implement a clear information security culture strategy and policy. One of the main problems in
the Saudi authority is the lack of expertise and knowledge of ISC within the hospitals, and this
has impacted on protecting hospital information. The hospitals lack individuals with appropriate
ISC knowledge to help with developing and promoting an information security culture. One of
the hospitals’ employees explored this issue and stated the following: ‘I would like to inform you
in simple language that we, as a hospital, lack [the] expertise and knowledge [of what is needed
in an] information security culture. As one of this hospital’s managers, this is the first time [that
this has] come to my attention—[that is], the need to consider this cultural issue’.
The above statement has been commonly expressed in several interviews, which indicates that
the hospitals fall short in having appropriate expertise and knowledge available to develop and
promote an effective information security culture. It is clear that the hospitals lack an
the employees’ behaviours. Knowledge and expertise can help in developing appropriate
policies and strategies for the hospital, and also in sharing this knowledge with others. It can
Authority Opinions and Attitudes
SA health services are centralised and managed by a central authority. The health authority is
the decision-making group, and there is little for the hospital to argue with or to say in the
decision-making process and in the policies enacted by the health authority. Therefore, the
health authority’s opinions and attitudes regarding information security, in general, and the
information security culture, in particular, has a great influence on the hospital’s information
security practices. It is clear from this research that the authority lacks the right attitudes
regarding information security culture. This has been identified in their management
approach. In the first approach, there is no policy or strategy found in any Saudi hospitals
regarding the development of an information security culture. The current policy is mainly
technology-based and requires a username and password to access information within the
hospitals. From the authority’s perspective, this should be enough to protect private
information. The second approach is found in the following interviewee’s statement. It reveals
the main barrier to establishing a positive information security culture and investing in
employees’ awareness and knowledge about the necessity for protecting a hospital’s
information: ‘I have written several times and mentioned in several meetings with the authority
information security. I have also suggested to give scholarships and invite speakers on the
Hospital Priority
The hospital’s information security culture is relatively new for hospital management and
employees. There is a lack of awareness of the impact of the hospital’s culture on information
protection. One of the main reasons for this, as identified by hospital management are the
hospital’s own priorities. As one of the interviewee says, ‘I do understand the point of view you
are trying to stress. I think that the health services priority is building the medical staff and
infrastructure of the health service. Possibly in [the] near future, the information security culture
Lack of Awareness and Understanding of the Patient’s Rights and Citizen’s Privacy
One of the main challenges in promoting and enhancing information security in Saudi hospitals
is the lack of awareness and understanding among the hospital staff and patients of patient’s
rights and privacy. This has influenced the staff members’ behaviour in managing and handling
hospital information. Misuse of information has become part of the hospital culture. The staff
lacks an understanding of the importance and the right of the individual to privacy, as well as the
fact that his or her personal data and information should also be kept confidential, and the
information must not disclosed to a third party without the patient’s permission. National culture
Lack of National Information Security and Privacy Legislations
This research identified that there is a lack of clear national information security in the Kingdom
with respect to health services information. The research also identified that there is a lack of
national privacy legislation to protect individuals’ privacy. At the national level this contributes
to the lack of policy and procedures to protect information in the Kingdom hospitals. It can also
be argued that the lack of national information and privacy legislations at the national level have
In order for Saudi health services to have effective information security, they need to be able to
cope with changes in the health service, both internally with the use of technology, and
externally in considering economic and political environments. This research is argues that the
changes need to address three main elements of the health service’ strategic planning and
operational activities.
Leadership Change
Employee Change
Organisation Change
One of the changes is organisational, or hospital change.. The hospital should be able to change
to ensure that it can build a positive information security culture. The organisation should have
the capability to change its strategies, policies, systems and processes to help in building its
structure. The changes should also include changes in leadership and senior management’s
attitudes and opinions towards information security. The organisation needs to have the
strategic planning are made by authorities and senior management, with no or little contribution
from others in the decision-making process. Therefore, the current authority’s opinions
and attitudes towards the information security culture need to be changed in order to help with
can be achieved by providing authorities with evidence, such as the outcome of this research and
Change in Employees
The role and impact of health services employees’ behaviour on protecting and ensuring
information security is quite evident from this research’s main findings as well as the
literature. The use of technology is not enough without appropriate employees’ behaviours
towards information. This research identified several dimensions that contribute to employees’
attitudes as well as the role of attitude on actual employees’ behaviours. Therefore, the main
task of the authority is to change the employees’ attitudes towards information security.
8.7 Summary
This chapter discussed and presented the current situation of the SA NHS culture. This includes
the current situation of SA NHS IS culture practice and the current drives for adopting an
appropriate information security culture policy. Barriers and obstacles for hospitals ISC in
SA were also discussed and presented. The chapter also discussed the current drives for
information security culture policy. The chapter closes with a discussion on the need for changes
Chapter 9 Objectives
• To provide suggestions for future work based on the main findings of the research.
Chapter 9 : Conclusions, Recommendations and Suggestions for Future Work
9.1 Introduction
SA health services have developed sharply in recent years due to investment by the authorities to
improve health services. It is also important to stress the development and changes in the
services due to increased awareness of citizens concerning their right to receive appropriate
health care service, and their rights to their own medical information. This is mainly due to a
need to improve the education system and interaction with other societies, as the Saudi society
has become a more open society in recent decades. It is also important to stress that the
authorities are also in the process of introducing and implementing electronic recording,
One of the main challenges in the SA health care services is protecting the patient’s medical
records, while changes and expansion in health care operations and recording processes
develop. The vast majority of research on information security protection in SA neglects the
role of the hospital’s culture on information security. This research’s main focus is on the role of
humans in protecting information security by identifying the main cultural dimensions and sub-
information security culture framework model that can help in developing and implementing an
appropriate information security culture. The research identified the main drives for the IS
culture framework model in Saudi Arabia. The research also carried out a critical review of the
related literature and collected data and information from three main hospitals in Saudi Arabia to
develop an IS framework model. A second survey was carried out to evaluate and test the
This chapter presents the main conclusions of the research’s primary findings and provides
practical recommendations. The chapter closes with suggestions for future research in the
9.2 Conclusions
The main contribution of this research can be described in three main points. The first is in
analysing and evaluating current hospitals’ IS cultures. The second involves analysing and
identifying the main IS cultural dimensions that influence a hospital’s IS culture. The third
entails developing an IS culture framework model based on the employees’ attitudes and
behaviour towards information security. This section presents the main conclusions of the
• The research identified that human behaviour towards medical information in SA is one
of the main threats to information security and one of the main challenges to SA health
authorities. The SA health authority needs to take into consideration the human element
information due the current values and norms towards information security. This is
mainly due to the employees’ attitudes towards IS because of its set of dimensions and
sub-dimensional culture.
hospitals. The model is based on human behaviour theory, where the individual’s
attitude is the key element of the individual’s intention to behave as well as of his or her
actual behaviour. The research identified six cultural dimensions: Saudi national
interactions and employees’ job roles. The research also identified a set of cultural sub-
dimensions. These include working values and norms, tribe values and norms, attitudes
towards women, power sharing, vision, social interaction, respect and understanding,
hospital intranet, hospital employees’ language(s) used, multi-national culture,
communication system, employees’ job satisfaction and job security. These dimensions
and sub-dimensions contribute to the employees’ attitudes towards IS. However, the
weight of each of these dimensions and sub-dimensions varies. The research identified
that Saudi national culture and employees’ job roles are the main issues affecting
employees’ attitudes, and conversely technology is the least important issue in this
• Hypothesis 3: There is a positive relationship between trust and the employees’ attitudes
information security.
9.3 Recommendations
The research identified as important, a need for change in the information security culture within
Saudi Arabian hospitals. It shows the human behaviour part of information security is critical to
protect patients’ medical information. The following are the main practical recommendations
that need to be considered by the Saudi health service authority to promote and enhance an
The lack of an appropriate information security culture policy in Saudi hospitals stresses the need
to develop such a policy. The policy should take into consideration the dimensions and sub-
dimensions that are culturally identified as part of the developed model of the research. The
policy should also aim to promote and enhance the information security culture within the
One of the key elements of information security is the employees’ behaviour towards the
need to take into consideration three main factors. The first is the employees’ learning
styles. The educational programmes need to be designed specifically based on the trainees’
learning styles. The second factor is the trainer and training approach. This
factor emphasises the importance of ensuring that the training programme be delivered by highly
skilled and competent trainers, who provide training that is appropriate to the trainees’ abilities.
The third factor is providing an appropriate learning environment to help facilitate the learning
The research identified several dimensions and sub-dimensions that influence the information
culture environment. One of these dimensions is trust amongst employees and between the
management and employees. The research recommends improving trust through promoting
employees’ interactions amongst themselves through formal and informal events. This may lead
environment for interaction, and establishing an efficient and effective communication system,
such as the hospital intranet, to support the interaction. Improving the working environment,
sharing power with employees and ensuring job satisfaction are all steps that need to be taken
into consideration as part of the hospital’s improving the hospital IS culture strategy.
One of the limitations that can’t be easily implementation even we know changes are needed to
improve the hospital information security culture is the culture factor, employees individual
culture and the hospital working culture. Change in culture required long and careful processes
and strategy.
9.5 Suggestions for Future Work
The information security culture in SA health services requires further investigation and analysis
to enhance the current research’s main findings. This research suggests the following areas for
Implantable Suggestions
• There is a need to evaluate and develop the information security model further by
involving private hospitals to make the model more generic and to help the health service
• One of the main areas related to developing an information security culture is changes in
management styles, structure and communication systems. There is a need for research
• There is a need for research on information security culture policies. This includes
establishing appropriate rules and regulations for the information security culture. At this
Other Recommendations
• One area identified as in need of further research is the information privacy culture within
• There is a need for research that focuses on SA health services employees’ behaviour
recording throughout their services. Therefore, there is a need for research on the
• There is a need for research to clarify the patient’s information ownership with SA
hospitals due to the conflict between the patient’s rights and organisation’s rights.
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Appendix A: Questionnaire: Identifying the problem
De Montfort University
S. Al-omran
July 2011
Dear Participants,
I am currently pursuing PhD research at University of De Montfort, United Kingdom. A key aim
of my research aim is to investigate and analyse information security culture in Saudi Arabia
National Health Services. I would like your kind contribution in the research process by
completing the attached questionnaire. The data derived from the questionnaires will be used in
analysing and recommendations for Kuwaiti Saudi Arabia National Health service and I would
also like to stress that all responses will be treated confidentially and will be anonymous. Please
Please tick √ in the box for your appropriate answer
1 Male
2 Female
1 Saudi national
2 Non Saudi
1 Consultant
2 Resident
3 Medical students
4 Nurse
6 Medical technician
6 Manager
7 Administrator
2 5-10 years
3 11-15 years
4 16-20 years
5 21-25 years
6 Over 25 years
of their tasks
Section C: Hospital Culture
Section D: Hospital information security policy culture
Q10 The current policy does not take patient right into
Section E: Role of National Culture
Appendix B: Interview Design-Identifying the problem
De Montfort University
S. Al-omran
July 2011
Section A: information security policy
Q3: What are the main culture-related barriers to information security policy at your hospital?
Section B: Role of hospital culture on Organisation Management
Q1: What is in the current hospital information security culture and what are your perceptions
for promoting working vales and norms at your hospital?
Q2: What is the role of technology on promoting organisation information security culture at
your hospital?
Section C: National Culture and Organisation Management
Q1: what is the role and impact of Saudi national culture on information security culture at
your organisation?
Q2: Your organisation employees come from different national culture, what is the impact of
such diversity in the employees’ cultural background on your information security culture?
Q3: Is the language is barrier between the employees and the management and the
employees in the information security?
Appendix C: Information Security culture model evaluation: Questionnaire design
De Montfort University
S. Al-umaran
March 2013
Dear Participants,
I am currently pursuing PhD research at University of De Montfort, United Kingdom. A key aim
of my research aim is to investigate and analyse information security culture in Saudi Arabia
National Health service. I would like your kind contribution in the research process by
completing the attached questionnaire. The data derived from the questionnaires will be used
in evaluating and testing role of culture on information security model in Saudi Arabia National
Health service and I would also like to stress that all responses will be treated confidentially and
will be anonymous. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you need any clarification or
Please tick (√) in the box for your appropriate answer
1 Male
2 Female
1 Saudi national
2 Non Saudi
Q4. Please specify which of the following matches your job-role closest
1 Consultant
2 Resident
3 Medical students
4 Nurse
6 Medical technician
6 Manager
7 Administrator
Q5. Please specify your experience in the organisation
2 5-10 years
3 11-15 years
4 16-20 years
5 21-25 years
6 Over 25 years
Section C: SA Hospital Leadership style
Section E: Role of Technology
Section F: Role of Multicultural Interaction
Section H: Hospital culture
Appendix D: Information Security culture model evaluation: Interview design
De Montfort University
S. Al-umaran
March 2013
Could you please describe your current roles and responsibility in the hospital?
Q1: How do you describe the role and impact of Saudi culture on employees’ attitude and
Q2: How do you describe the role and impact of Saudi culture on implementing effective
Section B: SA Hospital Leadership style
Q1: How do you describe the role and impact of hospital leadership style on the hospital
Q2: in your view, what is the hospital leadership role in developing and implementing
Section C: Employees trust
Q1: How do you describe the current trust between the employees and the management on
Q2: How do you describe the current trust between the employees on information security
Q2: What is the role of use of technology on information security at your hospital information
security culture?
Section D: Role of Technology
Q1: What is the role of use of technology on information security at your hospital information
security culture?
Q1: On your opinion what is the role of employees training and motivation towards creating
Section F: Practicality, reliability of the model
Q1: How does information security model helps in improving information security culture at
your hospital?
Q2: How practical the cultural information security model to your hospital?
Appendix E: Published Academic paper and Published Poster in International Conference