Effect of Different Levels of Customized Fertilizer On Soil Nutrient Availability, Yield and Economics of Onion

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Journal of Applied and Natural Science 7 (2) : 817 - 821 (2015)



Effect of different levels of customized fertilizer on soil nutrient availability,

yield and economics of onion
B. M. Kamble* and D. K. Kathmale
Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Agricultural Research Station, Kasabe Digraj,
Sangli- 416305(Maharashtra), INDIA
*Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]
Received: March 18, 2015; Revised received: August 12, 2015; Accepted: October 12, 2015

Abstract: A field experiment was conducted to study the effect of different levels of customized fertilizer (CF) on soil
nutrient availability, yield and economics of onion. The results revealed that the significantly highest plant height
(57.77cm), stem diameter (6.03cm) and bulb diameter (15.13cm) at the time of harvest, fertilizer use efficiency,bulb
yield (22.34 t ha-1) and benefit:cost ratio (2.56) of onion were recorded in 100 % recommended dose of NPK
through CF in three equal split doses . The significantly highest available nitrogen (213 kg ha -1), phosphorus (14.42
kg ha-1) were recorded in 125 % recommended dose of NPK through CF in two equal split doses and available K
(804 kg ha-1) in 100 % recommended dose of NPK through CF in three equal split doses over the rest of the other
treatments. The application of 100% recommended dose of fertilizer (100:50:50 N:P 2O5:K20 kg ha-1) either two or
three splits through CF to onion appears to be improving soil fertility, yield and yield contributing character of onion
and getting higher net monetary returns.
Keywords: Economics of onion, Effect of customized fertilizer levels, Nutrient availability of soil.

INTRODUCTION the main limiting factor for low productivity. Fertil-

izer application to crop plants had been to provide
Onion (Allium cepa L.) is one of the important nutrients to plants and in turn obtain enhanced or sus-
vegetable crops in India. It is a rich in sulphur tained optimal yield and hence the fertilizer producers
containing compounds that are responsible for their and users had been and are being attempting to im-
pungent odours (Bankole et al., 2004). Onion bulb is a prove fertilizer use efficiency in terms of nutrient up-
rich source of minerals like phosphorus and calcium. It take and crop yield. It has been realized that the exces-
also contains protein and vitamin C. Onions contain sive use of inorganic fertilizers, which is the common
quercetin, a flavonoid. Quercetin helps to eliminate agricultural practice of green revolution, is not a sus-
free radicals in the human body, to inhibit low density tainable farming practice from either economic or eco-
lipoprotein oxidation (an important reaction in the logical point of view. The continued use of chemical
atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease), to protect fertilizers causes health and environmental hazards
and regenerate vitamin E and to inactivate the harmful such as ground and surface water pollution by nitrate
effects of chelate metal ions (Grubben and Denton, leaching and surface runoff (Pimentel, 1996). The
2004; Scott, 2007). Onions are now being used in excessive fertilizer applications as well as inadequate
several ways as in fresh, frozen, canned, caramelized, timing of application lead to fertilizer loss. Reduction
pickled, powdered, chopped and dehydrated forms. in pre-plant fertilizer and split applications to better
Onion powder is a spice used for seasoning in cooking match nutrient availability in the soil with the plants
(Jilanil et al., 2004). nutrient demand would help reduce the fertilizer loss.
India is the second largest producer of onion in the Split application of fertilizer reduces the risk of nutri-
world, next only to China. In India, onion is being ent loss (Sanchez and Doerge, 1999). The combined
grown in an area of 1.05 million hectares with effect of different levels of potassium and its applica-
production of 16.81 million tonnes and the tion methods was statistically significant like three
productivity is low 14.85 t ha-1. Maharashtra is the split application of 120 kg ha-1 potassium gave the
leading onion producing state followed by Karnataka, highest bulb yield (Islam et al., 2008). Customized
Rajasthan etc. In Maharashtra, onion is cultivated in an fertilizers are multi-nutrient carrier designed to contain
area of 2.60 lakh hectares with production of 46.60 macro and micro nutrients. Use of customized fertiliz-
lakh tonnes and the average productivity is 17.92 ers promotes site specific nutrient management so as
t ha-1 in the year 2012-13 (Anonymous, 2014) which is to achieve maximum use efficiency of applied nutri-
low compared to world average. In onion, nutrient is ents in a cost effective manner. In view to above, the
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818 B.M. Kamble and D. K. Kathmale / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 7 (2) : 817 - 821 (2015)

present investigation was undertaken to study the ef- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
fect of different levels of customized fertilizer on soil
nutrient availability, economics, yield and yield con- Yield and yield contributing characters: The yield
tributing characters of onion. contributing characters of onion at the time of harvest
i.e. height of plant, stem diameter and bulb diameter
MATERIALS AND METHODS were found significant effect due to the different
levels of customized fertilizer (CF) (Table 1). The
The field experiment was conducted during rabi 2013
significantly highest height of plant (57.77 cm), stem
at Agricultural Research Station, Kasabe Digraj, Dis-
diameter (6.03 cm) and bulb diameter (15.13 cm) at
trict-Sangli (M.S.) India to study the effect of different
the time of harvest were recorded in T1 over the rest of
levels of customized fertilizer on soil nutrient avail-
the other treatments. The treatments T2, T4, T5, T7 and
ability, yield and economics of onion. The experimen-
T8 were at par with each other for plant height, stem
tal initial soil status was pH 8.27, EC 0.27 dS m-1,
and bulb diameter. The increase in plant height, stem
available N 178 kg ha-1, P 10.50 kg ha-1 and K 732 kg
diameter and bulb diameter with the addition of NPK
ha-1.The field experiment was laid out in a randomized
through CF may be attributed to more availability of
block design with eight treatments and replicated in
nutrients, especially N, which enhances the number of
three times. The treatments were T 1-Absolute con-
leaves by its simulative effect on cell division and cell
trol, T2-100% recommended dose of fertilizer (RD), T 3
enlargement that in turn may increase number of
-75 % RD of NPK through customized fertilizer in two
leaves and leaf dimensions. Three nitrogen levels (50,
equal split doses {(50 % at basal + 50 % at 30 days
75,100 kg ha-1) and its three methods of application
after transplanting (DAT)}, T 4 -100 % RD of NPK
(basal, top-dressing and foliar spray) affected bulb
through customized fertilizer in two equal split doses
yield significantly in onion (Tiwari et al., 2002). Al-
(50 % at basal + 50 % at 30 DAT), T5 -125 % RD of
Abdulsalam and Hamaiel (2004) stated that potassium
NPK through customized fertilizer in two equal split
application increase the efficiency of plant for
doses (50 % at basal + 50 % at 30 DAT)’ T6 -75 % RD
utilization of nitrogen that enhances the plant growth.
of NPK through customized fertilizer in three equal
Nasreen et al., (2007) reported that the addition of
split doses (33 % at basal, 30 and 60 DAT), T7 -100 %
nitrogen and sulphur fertilizers exerted significant
RD of NPK through customized fertilizer in three
influence on the number of leaves/plant, plant height,
equal split doses (33 % at basal, 30 and 60 DAT) and
diameter of bulb, single bulb weight, and yield of on-
T8 - 125 % RDF of NPK through customized fertilizer
ion. The lowest height of plant, stem diameter and bulb
in three equal split doses (33 % at basal, 30 and 60
diameter were recorded in treatment T 1 i.e. absolute
DAT). The recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) was
control. The significant effect on bulb and green leaves
applied for onion (100:50:50 N: P205 : K2O kg ha-1) as
yield of onion was recorded due to the effect of differ-
per the treatments. The onion (cv. Phule Samarth) was
ent levels of CF (Table 1). The highest bulb yield of
transplanted on spacing at 15 ×10 cm2. The customized
onion (22.34 t ha-1) was recorded in T7 over the rest of
fertilizer was obtained from the Rashtriya Chemicals
the other treatments. The treatment T 7 was at par with
and fertilizers Ltd, Mahul Road, Chembur, Mumbai
treatments T4, T5, and T6. The highest green leaves
(M.S.) which was having characters viz., N 20 %, P 12
yield of onion (13.02 t ha-1) was recorded in T4 over
%, K 10 %, S 4.0 %, Mg 0.25 %, Zn 0.50 % and Fe
the rest of the other treatments and this treatment was
0.50 % and applied as per treatments. The data of
at par with remaining all the treatments except T 1. The
growth and bulb yield of onion were recorded at the
increase in yield might be due to applying nitrogen
time of harvest. The standard agronomic packages of
improving the vegetative growth and and increase in
practices were adopted for onion crop. The soil sam-
net assimilation rate and accelerating the photosythates
ples were collected from each plot at the time of onion
in storage organs of bulbs resulting in an increased
harvest and air dried and pulverized to pass through 2
diameter and weight of the bulb (Sharma, 1992).
mm sieve for general analysis. These soil samples
Rahim et al., (1992) and Al-Moshileh (2001) have also
were analysed for various chemical properties. The pH
reported a significant interaction of nitrogen and phos-
(1:2.5) and EC of soil were determined by pH meter
phorus on growth and yield of onion. Nasreen et al.,
and conductivity meter (Jackson, 1973). The soil sam-
(2007) reported that the addition of nitrogen and
ples were analysed for available N by the alkaline per-
sulphur fertilizers exerted significant influence on the
manganate method (Subbiah and Asija, 1956), availble
number of leaves/plant, plant height, diameter of bulb,
P (Olsen- P) by 0.5 M NaHCO3 extraction (Olsen et
single bulb weight and yield of onion. Ali et al., (2007)
al., 1954), available K (NH4OAc) by 1N neutral
reported that bulb diameter of onion crop is positively
NH4OAc extraction on flame photometer (Knudsen et
affected by potassium, the bulb diameter increases
al., 1982) and DTPA extractable micronutrients (Fe,
with increases potash levels. The application of CF in
Mn, Cu and Zn) by Lindsay and Norvell (1978). The
two and three split application to onion increased
statistical analysis of the data was carried out by using
nutrient availability and ultimately increased bulb yield
standard statistical method of analysis of variance
of onion. The splitting 250 kg N ha–1 into two
(Panse and Sukhatme, 1985).
applications provided greater grain yield than a single
B.M. Kamble and D. K. Kathmale / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 7 (2) : 817 - 821 (2015) 819

Table 1. Effect of different levels of customized fertilizer on yield and yield contributing characters of onion at harvest.
Height of Stem Bulb Onion bulb Green leaves FUE
plant (cm) diameter diameter yield yield (kg bulb/
(cm) (cm) (t ha-1 ) (t ha-1 ) kg fertil-
T1-Control 47.77 4.63 10.85 13.89 8.97 -
T2 -100% RDF 53.27 5.58 14.68 19.19 12.05 19.12
T3-75 % RD of NPK through CF
51.80 5.47 12.97 17.28 12.17 17.18
(2 equal doses)
T4-100 % RD of NPK through CF
56.80 5.63 14.25 21.96 13.02 21.89
(2 equal doses)
T5-125 % RD of NPK through CF
55.40 5.47 14.35 20.91 12.16 19.85
(2 equal doses)
T6-75 % RD of NPK through CF
54.94 5.53 13.40 19.61 12.82 19.52
(3 equal doses)
T7-100 % RD of NPK through CF
57.77 6.03 15.13 22.34 12.61 22.27
(3 equal doses)
T8-125 % RD of NPK through CF
57.67 5.87 14.49 20.23 12.20 19.17
(3 equal doses)
Mean 54.43 5.53 13.76 19.38 12.00 19.86
S.E.+/- 1.78 0.39 0.81 0.93 0.70 0.96
C.D. at 5% 5.40 1.17 2.44 2.83 2.12 2.96
application of N at the same rate (Gehl et al.,2005). turnover rate consist of decomposition, mineralization,
The lowest bulb and green leaves yield of onion were weathering, chemical complexation, adsorption or nutri-
observed in treatment in T1 i.e. absolute control. The ent uptake by crops and soil organisms (Mengel, 1982;
highest fertilizer use efficiency was recorded in T 7 Wallbridge and Vitousek,1987; Marrs, 1993). The lowest
over the rest of the other treatments, this might be due available N, P and K were recorded in treatment T1. The
to split applications of fertilizer and a postponed basal effect of different levels of CF on DTPA micronutrient
application reduced nutrient loss through leaching viz; Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu showed non significant effect
(Sitthaphanit et al., 2009). (Table 3). The highest DTPA micronutrient viz; Fe, Zn,
Soil nutrient availability status: The effect of differ- Mn and Cu in soil after harvest of onion were recorded in
ent levels of CF was found significant effect on soil T7 over the rest of the other treatments. The application of
electrical conductivity, available N, P and K after har- fertilizer through CF increased the micronutrient content
vest of onion (Table 2). The non significant effect was in soil might be due to CF contains micronutrients and less
showed on soil pH might be due to high buffering ca- fixation in soil because of split application. The lowest Fe,
pacity to clay soil and nominal presence of any weak Zn, Mn and Cu in soil were recorded in treatment T1.
salts namely carbonates or bicarbonates, which on dis- Economics of onion: The highest gross returns (178738
solution release free cations might be the possible Rs. ha-1), net returns (108831 Rs. ha-1) and B:C ratio
causes for the stability of the soil reaction. The signifi- (2.56) of onion were recorded in T7 as compare to other
cantly highest available N (213 kg ha-1), P (14.42 kg ha treatments and it at par with treatment T4 for net returns
) were recorded by treatment T 5 and available K (804 and B:C ratio (Table 4). This might be due to higher bulb
kg ha-1) in T4 over the rest of the other treatments. The yield of onion crop was obtained in these treatments as
treatments T4, T5, T6, T7 , and T8 were at par with each compared to other treatments. The lowest gross returns
other for available N, P and K. The more availability (111116 Rs. ha-1), net returns (45209 Rs.ha-1) and B:C
of nutrients was found due to the addition of NPK ratio (1.69) of onion were recorded in (T 1) control.
through CF in two or three split application. N, P and
K availability in soil increased with each increment of Conclusion
fertilizer dose through CF and as compare to one time On the basis of this study it was concluded that the
application (RD-NPK). However, increase in availabil- application of 100% recommended dose of fertilizer
ity was not proportionate to added amount. Nutrient (100:50:50 N:P2O5: K20 kg ha-1) through customized
availability in soil also increased with advancement in fertilizer in either two or three splits to onion crop can
crop age due to split application of CF. Plant roots be recommended for getting higher net monetary re-
excretes organic acids and chelating organic com- turns, bulb yield and improvement of soil fertility.
pounds in rhizosphere. These compounds form multi-
ple complex compounds with Ca, Mg and/or Fe and REFERENCES
thereby increased phosphorus availability in soil Al-Abdulsalam, M. A. and Hamaiel, A. F. (2004). Effect of
(Tinker, 1980). Increased availabilities of N, P, and K planting dates and compound fertilizers on growth, yield
may also result from changes in soil nutrient turnover and quality of Hassawi onion under Al-Hassa oasis. Sci-
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820 B.M. Kamble and D. K. Kathmale / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci7 (2) : 817 - 821 (2015)
Table 2. Effect of different levels of customized fertilizer on soil properties and available nutrient status after harvest of onion.
Soil properties Available nutrient status (kg ha-1)
Treatments EC
pH N P K
(dS m -1)
Initial 8.27 0.27 178 10.50 732
T1-Control 8.30 0.28 169 9.79 653
T2 -100% RDF 8.10 0.44 179 10.90 750
T3-75 % RD of NPK through CF
8.07 0.48 182 13.17 762
(2 equal doses)
T4-100 % RD of NPK through CF
8.03 0.50 199 13.92 773
(2 equal doses)
T5-125 % RD of NPK through CF
8.03 0.55 213 14.42 796
(2 equal doses)
T6-75 % RD of NPK through CF
8.03 0.51 185 12.88 757
(3 equal doses)
T7-100 % RD of NPK through CF
7.97 0.52 210 14.12 804
(3 equal doses)
T8-125 % RD of NPK through CF
8.07 0.54 212 14.09 802
(3 equal doses)
S.E.+/- 0.08 0.04 6.3 0.97 23
C.D. at 5% NS 0.11 19.1 2.95 71
Table 3. Effect of different levels of customized fertilizer on DTPA micronutrients after harvest of onion.

Treatments DTPA micronutrient (ppm)

Fe Zn Mn Cu
Initial 4.03 0.28 4.95 2.15
T1-Control 3.68 0.35 4.75 2.01
T2 -100% RDF 3.91 0.37 4.99 2.18
T3-75 % RD of NPK through CF 4.03 0.42 5.13 2.32
(2 equal doses)
T4-100 % RD of NPK through CF 4.16 0.47 5.16 2.33
(2 equal doses)
T5-125 % RD of NPK through CF 4.15 0.45 5.11 2.27
(2 equal doses)
T6-75 % RD of NPK through CF 4.09 0.43 5.06 2.21
(3 equal doses)
T7-100 % RD of NPK through CF 4.17 0.48 5.17 2.34
(3 equal doses)
T8-125 % RD of NPK through CF 4.16 0.47 5.10 2.24
(3 equal doses)
S.E.+/- 0.10 0.05 0.22 0.09
C.D. at 5% NS NS NS NS
Table 4. Effect of different levels of customized fertilizer on economics of onion.

Gross Re- Cost of cultiva-

Net Returns B:C
Treatments turns tion
(Rs. ha-1 ) Ratio
(Rs. ha-1 ) (Rs. ha-1 )
T1-Control 111116 65907 45209 1.69
T2 -100% RDF 153534 69907 83627 2.20
T3-75 % RD of NPK through CF
138220 68907 69313 2.01
(2 equal doses)
T4-100 % RD of NPK through CF
175680 69907 105773 2.51
(2 equal doses)
T5-125 % RD of NPK through CF
159258 70907 88351 2.25
(2 equal doses)
T6-75 % RD of NPK through CF
156886 68907 87979 2.28
(3 equal doses)
T7-100 % RD of NPK through CF
178738 69907 108831 2.56
(3 equal doses)
T8-125 % RD of NPK through CF
153823 70907 82916 2.17
(3 equal doses)
S.E.+/- 7465 0.11
C.D. at 5% 22646 0.33
B.M. Kamble and D. K. Kathmale / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 7 (2) : 817 - 821 (2015) 821

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