2007 Cts Proceedings Patterson
2007 Cts Proceedings Patterson
2007 Cts Proceedings Patterson
Structural Issues
World War II, a joint committee,
Roof slope is not only impor
the Uniform Plumbing Code Com Roof Slope Defined tant for roof performance, but roof
mittee, was formed and extensive The need for sloping roofs slope is extremely important in
research was performed at the should be obvious. Roofs that the structural design of a roof.
National Bureau of Standards and drain well last longer than roofs Roof structures with slopes less
several universities, which ulti that do not drain well, and roofs than 1/4:12 must be evaluated
mately culminated in the Amer that do not accumulate water are for ponding instability. The con
ican Standard National Plumbing not likely to collapse. Clearly, cept of ponding instability is not
Code, ASA A40.81955. however, there are still misunder new. The requirement to specifi
Clearly, roofing and the build standings regarding the issues cally design roofs for ponding
ing codes have been intertwined related to roof slope. In 1927, the water first appeared in the
from the beginning, generally as a UBC stated, “Roofs of all building Uniform Building Code in 1967 in
result of increased problems in shall be sloped so that they will Section 2305.(f).
the industry. Today’s Interna drain.” How could it be any clear
tional Building Code represents er? The NRCA published its first
2305.(f) Water Accumula-
the merging of the three national Manual of Roofing Practice and
tion. All roofs shall be de
building codes – the BOCA Build stated, “enough slope should be
signed with sufficient slope or
ing Code, the Uniform Building builtin so that water does not col
camber to assure adequate
Code, and the Standard Building lect in the low areas between the
drainage after the longtime
Code – into one unified building roofframing members.” Unfor
deflection from dead load or
code. The goal was to have a sin tunately, the NRCA finished the
shall be designed to support
gle national building and plumb sentence with “… so that the roof
maximum loads including pos
ing code. The International Build is completely dry 48 hours after it
Ponding instability is critical Below are illustrations that The illustration on the next
in roof drainage design, because show how slope and deflection are page from Roof Drainage shows
one of the typical factors in many interrelated and can result in the the importance of slope and the
roof collapses involves the failure buildup of water on roofs. The depth of water that can accumu
of the structure due to progressive illustration at the top shows a roof late. The lower the slope, the
deflection under water loads. As deck with a slope of 1/8inch per greater the load caused by the
water builds up on a roof, the roof foot and a deflection equal to head (depth) of water at the
structure deflects, and if the slope L/240 (the length of span divided perimeter. Decreasing the slope
is inadequate to permit free by 240). The deflection is equal to from 1/4:12 to 1/8:12 doubles
drainage, accumulation of water 2.5 inches at the midspan, which the load on the structure.
will result. Water continues to results in no slope from the mid
span to the eave (2.5 inches in The more slope on a roof, the
build up deeper and deeper as the less likely that significant water
structure deflects. This progres deflection and 2.5 inches in fall).
The illustration that shows that accumulations will occur, and the
sive buildup of water is one of the less likely a roof is to collapse as a
key factors in many collapses. roof with the 1/4inch slope still
has a slope of 1/8inch from the result of rainwater loads. The
Below is the section from the manner in which water builds up
2006 IBC dealing with ponding midspan to the eave, which elim
inates any ponding. This is an on a roof is discussed below, in
instability, which is a new revi the section on “Controlling Water
sion. important reason for having a
minimum slope of 1/4inch per Depth of Roofs (Overflow Drainage
1622.2 Ponding instability. foot. Systems).” Suffice it to say that
For roofs with a slope less water does build up on roofs, and
than 1/4inch per foot [1.19 The International Building the lack of slope can result in cat
degrees (0.0208 rad)], the de Code that allows roof slopes to be astrophic consequences unless
sign calculations shall include reduced to 1/8inch per foot for the structure is designed for those
verification of adequate stiff coal tar pitch roofs ignores the loads.
ness to preclude progressive importance of positive drainage.
deflection in accordance with Also, the code requires that any
Section 8.4 of ASCE 7.
larly as it relates to reroofing. The roof structure for compliance The Need for an Overflow
1988 Uniform Building Code with Section 3207 shall be Drainage System
addressed the issues related to made and corrective mea Probably the most important
roof slope and reroofing better sures, such as relocation of element of roof drainage design is
than any other code before or roof drains or scuppers, controlling the depth of water that
after. Below is an excerpt from resloping of the roof or struc can accumulate on the roof.
Chapter 32 in the Appendix to the tural chances, shall be made. Controlling this depth is a func
1988 UBC. An inspection covering the tion of the overflow drainage sys
abovelisted topics prepared tem or, as it is sometimes referred
by a special inspector may be to, the secondary drainage sys
Sec. 3210. New roof cover accepted in lieu of the pre tem. Overflow scuppers are prom
ings shall not be applied with inspection by the building offi inently mentioned in the 1929
out first obtaining an inspec cial. Standard Practice in Sheet Metal
tion by the building official Work, which is the forerunner to
and written approval from the the Architectural Sheet Metal
Further, the 1988 UBC
building official. A final inspec Manual published by the Sheet
required that the new roof meet
tion and approval shall be ob Metal and Air Conditioning Con
the requirements of Chapter 32 in
tained from the building offi tractors National Association, bet
this building code, which required
cial when the reroofing is ter known as SMACNA. Also, over
the roof to have a slope of 1/4:12.
complete. The preroofing flow was one of the requirements
Essentially, the roof had to be
inspection shall pay special in the first Uniform Building
inspected and if there were drain
attention to evidence of accu Code. Why, then, is it that so
age problems, the roof structure
area in the pipe, which results in have shown there is a contraction Requirements to Modify
the differences in the charts. Roof in the water flowing through the Drainage for Reroofing
drain manufacturers also publish weir, the equation has been modi The 1967 Uniform Building
drainage design literature, and fied to adjust for this reduction. Code added Chapter 32 to the
most of these manufacturers use The modified form is Q = 3.33(L appendix of the code, which was
the same drainage design as 0.2H)H1.5. Below is a chart derived titled ReRoofing, and the first
sumptions as the International from this equation. section (3209) in that chapter
Plumbing Code’s standards. stated that all reroofing had to
The design of the primary
comply with Section 32 in the
drainage system is relatively
Drainage Rates for Scuppers Building Code. This was a signif
straightforward. There are varia
Scupper drains must be icant change in the code. How
tions in flow rates of drains and
designed, and there are also vari ever, the most significant change
scuppers, and further research
ations in the formulas used for came in 1988 with the addition of
into these variables would be
calculating the flow through a the statement that roof systems
helpful in establishing consistent
scupper. It is important to under shall be sloped a minimum 1/4
stand that water has to build up
to a relatively high elevation in
order to achieve the design flow
rate through the scupper. The
depth of water that develops is
primarily an issue of the width of
the scupper. The wider the scup
per, the lower the head of water
that will develop at the scupper,
which is desirable even if the
structure is designed to support
the loads from a large head of water.
The flow rate of water through
scuppers is generally determined
by the derivation of an equation