SEATEL 1898 Install Manual

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Please record your Antenna Serial Number Here;

Antenna Size: _______ Serial Number: _______________

Sea Tel, Inc. Sea Tel Europe

4030 Nelson Avenue Unit 1, Orion Industrial Centre
Concord, CA 94520 Wide Lane, Swaythling
Tel: (925) 798-7979 Southampton, UK S0 18 2HJ
Fax: (925) 798-7986 Tel: 44 (0)23 80 671155
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February 23, 2006 Document. No. 124591
Revision A
Sea Tel Marine Stabilized Antenna systems are manufactured in the United
States of America.

Sea Tel is an ISO 9001:2000 registered company. Certificate Number 19.2867 was
issued August 12, 2005. Sea Tel was originally registered on November 09, 1998.

The Coastal Series of Marine Stabilized Antenna Pedestals with Antenna Control
Panel complied with the requirements of European Norms and European Standards
EN 60945 (1997) and prETS 300 339 (1998-03) on June 30, 1999. Sea Tel
European Union Declaration of Conformity for this equipment is contained in this

Copyright Notice

All Rights Reserved. The information contained in this document is proprietary to Sea Tel, Inc.. This
document may not be reproduced or distributed in any form without the consent of Sea Tel, Inc. The
information in this document is subject to change without notice.
Copyright © 2006 Sea Tel, Inc.

Revision History

REV ECO# Date Description By

X1 N/A July 25, 2005 Production Release MDN
X2 N/A December 23, 2005 Update text to reflect changes in PCU software Rev 2.06 MDN
A N/A February 24, 2006 Added feed changeout and balancing to Maintenance MDN
chapter. Update drawings to rev A.

Table of Contents

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 1-1

1.1. GENERAL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION...................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2. PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................ 1-1
1.3. SYSTEM COMPONENTS .................................................................................................................... 1-1
1.4. GENERAL SCOPE OF THIS MANUAL .................................................................................................... 1-1
1.5. QUICK OVERVIEW OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................................... 1-2
2. OPERATION ....................................................................................................................................... 2-1
2.1. NORMAL OPERATION FLOWCHART ................................................................................................... 2-1
2.2. SYSTEM START-UP ......................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.1. Power-up/Initialization Phase........................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.2. Search phase ................................................................................................................... 2-2
2.2.3. Tracking phase................................................................................................................. 2-3
2.3. OPERATION MODE SCENERIOS ........................................................................................................ 2-3
2.3.1. Switching Satellites .......................................................................................................... 2-3
2.3.2. Adjusting Polarization....................................................................................................... 2-3
2.4. POLARIZATION ADJUSTMENT ............................................................................................................ 2-4
2.5. LOSS OF SATELLITE DUE TO BLOCKAGE OR RAIN-FADE ....................................................................... 2-4
2.6. LOW NOISE BLOCK CONVERTER OPERATION .................................................................................... 2-4
2.7. RADOME ASSEMBLY OPERATION ...................................................................................................... 2-4
3. BASIC SYSTEM INFORMATION ....................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1. SATELLITE BASICS ........................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.1. Ku-Band Frequency (10.95-12.75GHz) Satellites ........................................................... 3-1
3.1.2. Blockage .......................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.3. Rain Fade......................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.4. Signal level....................................................................................................................... 3-1
3.1.5. Satellite Footprints ........................................................................................................... 3-2
3.1.6. Satellite Footprint Charts ................................................................................................. 3-2
3.1.7. Satellite polarization ......................................................................................................... 3-2
3.2. ANTENNA BASICS ............................................................................................................................ 3-3
3.2.1. Azimuth ............................................................................................................................ 3-3
3.2.2. Elevation .......................................................................................................................... 3-3
3.2.3. Antenna polarization (Linear or Circular) ......................................................................... 3-3
3.2.4. Stabilization...................................................................................................................... 3-4
3.2.5. Search Pattern ................................................................................................................. 3-4
3.2.6. Satellite Identification Receiver........................................................................................ 3-4
3.2.7. Tracking ........................................................................................................................... 3-4
3.2.8. Unwrap ............................................................................................................................. 3-4
3.3. COMPONENTS OF THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ............................................................................... 3-5
3.3.1. Antenna Assembly ........................................................................................................... 3-5
3.3.2. Display Antenna Control Panel ........................................................................................ 3-5
3.3.3. Power Supply ................................................................................................................... 3-6
3.3.4. Satellite Receivers ........................................................................................................... 3-6
3.3.5. Television/Monitor ............................................................................................................ 3-6
3.3.6. Matrix Switch.................................................................................................................... 3-6

Table of Contents

4. INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................................. 4-1

4.1. SITE SELECTION AND CABLE ROUTING ............................................................................................. 4-1
4.2. EQUIPMENT AND CABLE INSTALLATION .............................................................................................. 4-2
4.2.1. Cutouts & mounting holes ................................................................................................ 4-3
4.2.2. Cable routing.................................................................................................................... 4-3
4.2.3. Radome Mounting and antenna cable connections......................................................... 4-3
4.2.4. Other system cable connections ...................................................................................... 4-6
4.3. SYSTEM SETUP ...............................................................................................................................4-7
5. SETUP ................................................................................................................................................. 5-1
5.1. SYSTEM CHECKOUT ........................................................................................................................ 5-1
5.2. INITIAL SETUP ................................................................................................................................. 5-1
5.2.1. Adjusting Panel Brightness .............................................................................................. 5-1
5.2.2. Setting Auto Threshold for Proper Tracking..................................................................... 5-2
5.2.3. SAT1 - First Satellite Parameters .................................................................................. 5-2
5.2.4. SAT2 - Second Satellite Parameters ............................................................................. 5-6
5.2.5. SAT3 - Third Satellite Parameters ................................................................................. 5-6
5.2.6. SAT4 - Fourth Satellite Parameters ............................................................................... 5-6
5.2.7. SAT5 - Fifth Satellite Parameters .................................................................................. 5-7
5.2.8. SAT6 - Sixth Satellite Parameters ................................................................................. 5-7
5.2.9. FACTORY SETTINGS ..................................................................................................... 5-7
5.3. OPTIMIZING POLARIZATION .............................................................................................................. 5-8
5.3.1. Optimizing the Polarization Trim while on the desired satellite........................................ 5-9
5.4. SAVING THE SETUP PARAMETERS .................................................................................................. 5-9
5.5. OPERATIONAL SYSTEM CHECKS..................................................................................................... 5-10
6. MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................................................. 6-1
6.1. W ARRANTY INFORMATION ................................................................................................................ 6-1
6.2. W HO TO CONTACT FOR REPAIRS....................................................................................................... 6-1
6.3. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ............................................................................................................. 6-2
6.4. FAULT ISOLATION/TROUBLE-SHOOTING ............................................................................................ 6-2
6.5. PEDESTAL & PCU TROUBLESHOOTING USING BUILT-IN TEST (BIT) .................................................. 6-3
6.5.1. ADC Test.......................................................................................................................... 6-4
6.5.2. DAC Test.......................................................................................................................... 6-4
6.5.3. AZ Motor Driver Test........................................................................................................ 6-4
6.5.4. EL Motor Driver Test ........................................................................................................ 6-4
6.5.5. POL Motor Driver Test ..................................................................................................... 6-5
6.5.6. Sensor Test ...................................................................................................................... 6-5
6.5.7. AZ move/ Rate sensor test............................................................................................... 6-5
6.5.8. Pol Pot/Motor move test................................................................................................... 6-6
6.6. REPLACING A DEFECTIVE LNB ......................................................................................................... 6-7
6.7. CHANGING TO A DIFFERENT LNB...................................................................................................... 6-8
6.8. BALANCING THE FEED ASSEMBLY ................................................................................................... 6-10
6.8.1. US or DLA Circular Feed ............................................................................................... 6-10
6.8.2. Americas Circular Feed.................................................................................................. 6-11
6.8.3. Quad Linear Feed .......................................................................................................... 6-11

Table of Contents

6.8.4. US or Aussat Linear Feed.............................................................................................. 6-12

6.9. REMOVING THE FEED ASSEMBLY & FEED TUBE .............................................................................. 6-12
6.10. REPLACE/ALIGN POLANG POT OR BELT....................................................................................... 6-15
6.11. REPLACE POLANG MOTOR OR BELT ............................................................................................ 6-19
7. COASTAL 18 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................. 7-1
7.1. INSTALLED W EIGHT ......................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.2. RADOME ......................................................................................................................................... 7-1
7.3. ANTENNA ........................................................................................................................................ 7-1
7.4. CIRCULAR LNB OPTIONS................................................................................................................. 7-2
7.4.1. US Circular LNB............................................................................................................... 7-2
7.4.2. KoreaSat Circular LNB..................................................................................................... 7-2
7.4.3. DLA Circular LNB............................................................................................................. 7-2
7.5. LINEAR LNB OPTIONS ..................................................................................................................... 7-3
7.5.1. Aussat Linear LNB ........................................................................................................... 7-3
7.5.2. US Linear LNB ................................................................................................................. 7-3
7.5.3. European Quad Universal Linear LNB............................................................................. 7-3
7.6. STABILIZED PEDESTAL ..................................................................................................................... 7-4
7.7. PEDESTAL CONTROL UNIT ............................................................................................................... 7-4
7.7.1. DVB Compliant Tracking Receiver .................................................................................. 7-5
7.8. BELOW DECKS INTERFACE ............................................................................................................... 7-5
7.9. POWER REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................. 7-5
7.10. ENVIRONMENTAL .......................................................................................................................... 7-6
8. COMPUTER INTERFACE .................................................................................................................. 8-1
8.1. CONNECTING THE COMPUTER .......................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2. COMMUNICATING WITH THE COASTAL SERIES PCU........................................................................... 8-2
9. DRAWINGS......................................................................................................................................... 9-1

Table of Contents

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Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Introduction

1. Introduction

1.1. General System Description

Your system includes a fully stabilized antenna that has been designed and manufactured so as to be
inherently reliable, easy to maintain, and simple to operate. The equipment essentially permits unattended
operation except for start-ups or when changing to different transponders, or satellites.

1.2. Purpose
This shipboard TeleVision Receive Only (TVRO) system provides you with maritime satellite TV
programming while you are inport or underway. Your Coastal Antenna system will receive signals of
adequately high E.I.R.P. levels (see the Specifications section of this manual), in linear or circular
polarization mode (with the appropriate LNB fitted) from any of the geosynchronous TV satellites at Ku-band.
This input will be distributed to all of your satellite TV receivers which will provide the Audio/Video to your
televisions. Many satellites also provide CD quality audio programming which may also be routed to your

1.3. System Components

The Coastal system consists of two major groups of equipment; an above-decks group and a below-decks
group. Each group is comprised of the items shown, and listed, below. All equipment comprising the Above
Decks is incorporated inside the radome assembly and is integrated into a single operational entity. For
inputs, this system requires only an unobstructed line-of-sight view to the satellite and DC electrical power.
The IF signals from the antenna are distributed to the satellite receivers by the matrix switch. Video and
Audio inputs to your Television(s) are provided by your satellite receiver(s).
For more information about these components, refer to the Basic System Information section of this manual.
A. Above-Decks Equipment (ADE) Group
1 Stabilized antenna pedestal with built-in GPS
2 Antenna Reflector
3 Motorized Polarization Feed Assembly with LNB
4 Radome Assembly
B. Below-Decks Equipment Group
5 DACP Display Antenna Control Panel
6 2 or 4 input active Matrix Switch with desired number of outputs (one output to each of the installed
satellite receivers).
7 Satellite Video Receiver(s) & Television(s)
8 Control, RF and Video cables

1.4. General scope of this manual

This manual describes the Sea Tel Coastal Antenna (also called the Above Decks Equipment), its operation
and installation. Your system may contain other Below Deck Equipments which your dealer provided to you.
Refer to the manuals for those equipments for their installation and operating instructions.

Introduction Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

1.5. Quick Overview of contents

The information in this manual is organized into chapters. Operation, basic system information, installation,
setup, functional testing, maintenance, specifications and drawings relating to this TVRO Antenna are all
contained in this manual

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Operation

2. Operation
Detailed information on operating your Coastal Series antenna from the control panel is contained below. For
quick reference information, please refer to the laminated card titled “Quick Start Operation” or the previous

2.1. Normal Operation Flowchart

The flowchart below is a quick reference from Power ON to Normal Operation Tracking a satellite. The
paragraphs following this flowchart explain these phases in more detail.

Figure 2-1 Display Antenna Control Panel – Operation Flowchart

Operation Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

2.2. System Start-Up

Normal operation begins by

pressing the POWER key and
waiting for the antenna to
automatically acquire and
track the desired satellite
signal. After the system has
been properly installed and
set up, this initialization
should take approximately 1
minute. The following
displays may be seen during
the start-up of the system.
Figure 2-2 Display Antenna Control Panel

2.2.1. Power-up/Initialization Phase

SEA TEL INC. Second line will display the antenna pedestal serial number that
has been saved in the Pedestal Control Unit (PCU), for a few
SN. 98005520 seconds.

COASTAL 18 The Model number that has been saved in the PCU will be
displayed on the top line. “INITIALIZING” followed by a “o” until
INITIALIZING ✴ the GPS has a valid position. When the GPS has a valid position
“INITIALIZING ✴” is displayed.

2.2.2. Search phase

Sat1 NAME12 1234 1

Search Message

First line of the display will be comprised of:

1 Sat1, Sat2, Sat3, Sat4, Sat5 or Sat6.
2 NAME12 is the 6 character name of the satellite being searched for (1 of 6 saved satellites). If
satellite information has been entered (see SETUP MODE) the name of the selected saved
satellite(s) will be displayed.
3 1234 will be the actual value of signal level being received (AGC).
Second line of the display may display any one of the following search messages:
4 Search Delay ## - Number value while the antenna is delaying.
5 Search @ EL 35 - System is conducting a linear search at the Elevation angle displayed.

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Operation

6 Search Wait - Indicates that a signal has been detected and the antenna is peaking the signal
7 NID HHHH EL ## - Will be displayed whenever a satellite signal is found. This message is
comprised of Network ID and the Elevation for the satellite being targeted or which satellite has
been found. HHHH is the 4 digit HEX value of the Network ID reported by the Satellite
Identification Receiver in the PCU. If satellite information has been previously saved and
matches the satellite found, the system will immediately go into TRACKING mode and display
this information. If this is NOT the desired satellite the system will continue searching by
displaying “Search Next UP” or “Search Next DN”.
8 Search Next UP - Will be displayed whenever the system conducts a search for the next
satellite UP (CW/Right) from the satellite location it was previously at. This search may be
initiated automatically or when the operator presses the NEXT key.
9 Search Next DN - Will be displayed whenever the system conducts a search for the next
satellite DOWN (CCW/Left) from the satellite location it was previously at. This search may be
initiated automatically or when the operator presses the NEXT key.

2.2.3. Tracking phase

Sat1 DTV101 1876 2


First line of the TRACKING display will be the information for the satellite which is currently being tracked.
In the display example above, the system is tracking the Sat1 satellite selection, named DTV101
(DirecTV at 101W) with a signal strength of 1876 counts of AGC.
Second line of the TRACKING display is the NID currently being received (FFFE) and the current
Elevation angle of the antenna (45 degrees).
This display indicates that the system has now entered into OPERATION mode. TRACKING LED is ON.

2.3. Operation Mode Scenerios

Below are some common examples of operating the system when Sat1, Sat2, Sat3, Sat4, Sat5 and Sat6
information has been programmed and saved. You can also refer to the Operation Flow Chart.
To change previously saved satellites, refer to the Setup chapter of this manual.

2.3.1. Switching Satellites

Press NEXT to switch to the next (numerically) saved satellite. The Elevation, Azimuth and Polarization
of the next numerical saved satellite are calculated and the antenna drives to the next satellite. Press
NEXT again to select the next programmed satellite.

2.3.2. Adjusting Polarization

The Polarization of the feed is automatically adjusted to keep it optimized for the selected Linear satellite.
You do not normally need to manually adjust it from the front panel. If you currently have a Circular LNB
installed to use for a selected Circular satellite, the automatic polarization function will continue to make
polarization adjustments even though they are not required.
Refer to instructions in the Setup chapter of this manual for setting Polarization Trim to optimized this
auto-polarization function.

Operation Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

2.4. Polarization Adjustment

Your feed assembly can be fitted with a circular or a linear LNB.
If you have a circular LNB installed so that you can receive circular polarized satellite transmissions, no
adjustment of the “polarization” of the antenna is required, however, the auto-polarization is still active.
However, when you have a linear LNB installed (so that you can receive linear polarized satellite
transmissions), the “Polarization Trim” is optimized for each desired satellite when the system is initially
installed or additional satellites are saved. Subsequently, polarization is automatically adjusted as the ship
travels around and when switching to one of the other satellites that have been setup. It should NOT need to
be re-adjusted if the boat stays in the same location and is operating on the same satellite.
Refer to the Setup chapter of this manual for instructions for optimizing your satellite setting(s).

2.5. Loss of satellite due to blockage or rain-fade

If tracking is lost due to blockage or rain fade, the antenna will search until a signal is found which is high
enough for the antenna to begin tracking. When the receiver interface is operating properly, the antenna will
automatically continue searching until it has acquired the desired satellite.

2.6. Low Noise Block Converter Operation

There are no operating instructions or controls applicable to the LNB. This unit is energized whenever the
matrix switch and satellite receiver(s) have AC power connected to them.
Satellite signals are either circular polarized (spiraling plane down from the satellite) or linear polarized (fixed
plane down from the satellite). The pedestal will receive circular polarization signals when a circular LNB is
installed on the back of the dish. Conversely, the pedestal will only receive linear polarized signals when a
linear LNB is installed.

2.7. Radome Assembly Operation

When operating the system it is necessary that the radome top be properly installed at all times. This
prevents rain, salt water and wind from entering the radome. Water and excessive condensation promote
rust & corrosion of the antenna pedestal and wind gusts would disturb the antenna pointing.
There are no other operating instructions applicable to the radome assembly by itself.

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Basic System Information

3. Basic System Information

This section provides you with some additional information about the satellites you will be using, basics of the
your antenna system and other equipment within your system configuration.

3.1. Satellite Basics

The Television Receive Only (TVRO) satellites are in orbit at an altitude of 22,753.2 Miles (36,600
kilometers) and positioned directly above the equator. Their orbital velocity matches the Earth’s rotational
speed, therefore, each appears to remain at a fixed position in the sky (as viewed from your location).

3.1.1. Ku-Band Frequency (10.95-12.75GHz) Satellites

Your antenna can be used with any of the Ku-Band (10.95-12.75GHz or a portion of these frequencies)
satellites that provide a strong enough receive signal level. The Low Noise Block Converter (LNB)
installed on your antenna determines the exact frequency range you are currently able to receive. Other
frequency range LNBs are available for use with your antenna.
At these frequencies the signal from the satellite travels only in a straight line and is affected by weather
changes in the atmosphere. There are several conditions that can cause a temporary loss of satellite
signal, even within an area where the signal level is known to be adequate. The most common of these
normal temporary losses are blockage and rain fade. They will interrupt services only as long as the
cause of the loss persists.

3.1.2. Blockage
Blockage is loss due to an object in the path of the signal from the satellite to the dish. If an object that is
large and dense is positioned in the path of the signal from the satellite, it will prevent sufficient signal
from arriving at the dish. The signal can not bend around, or penetrate through, these objects and the
reception will be degraded or completely interrupted. The dish is actively driven to remain pointed at the
satellite (toward the equator) so, as the boat turns a mast or raised structure of your boat may become
positioned between the satellite and the dish. Blockage may also be caused a person standing near the
radome, tall mountains, buildings, bridges, cranes or other larger ships near your boat. Signal will be lost
when the boat is housed inside an enclosure that the signal cannot penetrate, like a paint shed or a berth
with a roof. Moving or rotating the boat to position the antenna where it has an unobstructed view to the
desired satellite will restore the antennas’ ability to receive the satellite signal.

3.1.3. Rain Fade

Atmospheric conditions that may cause sufficient loss of signal level include rain, snow, heavy fog and
some solar activities (sun spot and flare activity). The most common of these is referred to as “rain fade”.
Rain drops in the atmosphere reduce the signal from the satellite. The heavier the rain the higher the
amount of signal loss. When the amount of loss is high enough, the antenna will not be able to stay
locked onto the satellite signal. When the amount of rain has decreased sufficiently, the antenna will re-
acquire the satellite signal. In a strong signal area, rain fall of about four inches per hour will cause
complete loss of signal. In weaker signal areas the effects would be more pronounced.

3.1.4. Signal level

The level of the receive signal is dependant upon how powerful the transmission is and how wide the
signal beam coverage area is. Focusing the signal into a narrower beam concentrates its energy over a
smaller geographic area, thereby increasing the signal level throughout that area of coverage. This
makes it possible for you to use a smaller antenna size to receive that satellite signal. Your antenna
system must be geographically located in an area where the satellite signal level is high enough to
provide suitable reception. This limits the number of satellites that can be used and the geographic areas
Basic System Information Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

where the boat can travel where the signal level is expected to be strong enough to continue providing
uninterrupted reception. When travelling outside this minimum signal coverage area, it is normal for the
system to experience an interruption in its ability to provide the desired satellite services until entering (or
re-entering) an area of adequate signal level (refer to the satellite footprint information in the Drawings
section of this manual).

3.1.5. Satellite Footprints

The focused beam(s) from the satellites are normally aimed at the major landmasses where there are
large population centers. Footprint charts graphically display the signal level expected to be received in
different geographic locations within the area of coverage. The signal will always be strongest in the
center of the coverage area and weaker out toward the outer edges of the pattern. The coverage areas
are intended to be a guide to reception, however, the actual coverage area and signal level may vary.
Also the signal strength is affected by weather.

3.1.6. Satellite Footprint Charts

A Satellite Footprint Chart is a drawing of signal level in a geographic region. You can refer to satellite
footprint charts (coverage maps) in World Satellite Almanacs or on the Internet ( or Many satellites have their own web sites to provide programming and footprint
information. To use these footprint charts you will need to know the minimum EIRP signal level required
for your antenna (refer to the Specifications – Antenna section of this manual).
Contact your dealer for a footprint chart(s) of the satellite(s) you will be using with your model antenna.
These footprint charts show the locations where signal level is expected to be adequate for TV reception
with your model antenna.
Please note that while the coverage area information is believed to be correct, Sea Tel has no
control over actual satellite operation, footprint coverage, or programming. The coverage maps
are intended as a guide to reception and the actual coverage area and signal strength may vary.
Also, signal strength and reception within the footprint may be affected by weather.

3.1.7. Satellite polarization

Satellites may transmit their signals in one of two different polarization modes. Your antenna is designed
to operate with linear OR circular polarized satellite transmissions, but you must have the appropriate
LNB installed for the satellite that you want to receive.
Circular polarized satellite transmissions do not require polarization adjustment to optimize the reception.
Linear polarized satellite transmissions require periodic adjustment of “polarization” to optimize the
alignment of the LNB to the angle of the signal from the satellite.
Your antenna is designed to automatically
adjust the polarization, even when you
have a circular LNB installed. When you
are operating with linear polarized satellite
transmissions the auto-polarization is
periodically adjusting the linear LNB
“polarization” to optimize the alignment of
the LNB to match the angle of the signal
from the satellite.
When you are on the same longitude as
the satellite, its’ horizontal and vertical Figure 3-1 Satellite Signal Polarization
signals will be purely aligned to your
horizon. When the satellite is east or west of your longitude, the satellite signals will appear to be rotated
clockwise or counter-clockwise from pure horizontal and vertical. Both horizontal and vertical signals from
a satellite will appear to be rotated the same amount and are always perpendicular to each other. The
amount of rotation is dependent on how far east or west the satellite is from you and how close you are to

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Basic System Information

the Equator (refer to the polarization information in the Setup and the Operation sections of this manual).

3.2. Antenna Basics

The following information is provided to explain some of the basic functions of the antenna:

3.2.1. Azimuth
The antenna can rotate a total of 680 degrees between two mechanical stops. Azimuth drive, provided
by the azimuth motor, is required during stabilization, searching, tracking and unwrap operations of the
antenna. When the boat turns, azimuth is driven in the opposite direction to remain pointed at the
satellite. The actual azimuth pointing angle to the satellite is determined by your latitude & longitude and
the longitude of the satellite. It is important to know that the antenna should be pointed generally toward
the equator.
Refer to figure 3-1. The azimuth would be 180 degrees true (relative to true north) if the satellite is at the
same longitude that you are on. If the satellite is east, or west, of your longitude the azimuth will be less
than, or greater than 180 degrees respectively.
When checking for blockage you can visually look over the antenna radome toward the equator to see if
any objects are in that sighted area. If you are not able to find any satellites it may also be useful to
remove the radome top to see if the dish is aimed in the correct direction (towards the equator).

3.2.2. Elevation
The antenna can rotate up and down in elevation. Elevation drive, provided by the elevation motor, is
required during stabilization, searching and tracking operations of the antenna. The actual elevation
pointing angle to the satellite is determined by your latitude & longitude and the longitude of the satellite.
In general terms the elevation angle will be low when you are at a high latitudes and will increase as you
get closer to the equator.
Refer to figure 3-1. Additionally, from any given latitude, the elevation will be highest when the satellite is
at the same longitude that you are on. If the satellite is east, or west, of your longitude the elevation
angle will be lower.

3.2.3. Antenna polarization (Linear or Circular)

Your Coastal Series antenna can have a linear, or a circular, LNB installed.
When you are in an area where you want to receive linear polarized satellite signals, you will have to
install a linear LNB. When you have a Linear LNB installed, polarization adjustment is required when
initially setting up the system, when changing from one satellite to another and to compensate for the roll
and pitch motion of the boat when underway.
Polarization is automatically adjusted by the system when changing from one satellite to another,
periodically as the boat changes geographic locations by a significant amount of latitude and longitude
and to compensate for roll and pitch motions of the boat when underway.
The Polarization display will read 000 when the LNB is rotated full CW, 090 when the LNB rotation is
centered and 180 when the LNB is rotated full CCW (as viewed from the back of the dish).
When you are in an area where you want to receive circular polarized satellite signals, you will have to
install a circular LNB. When you have a circular LNB installed polarization adjustment is NOT required,
however, the auto-polarization function will operate as described above.

Basic System Information Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

3.2.4. Stabilization
Your antenna is a “stabilized” antenna. Stabilization is the process of de-coupling the ships’ motion from
the antenna. Simply put, this allows the antenna to remain pointed at the satellite while the boat turns,
rolls or pitches under it. To accomplish this, the Pedestal Control Unit (PCU) on the antenna pedestal
assembly senses the motion and applies drive to the appropriate motor(s) in opposition to the sensed
motion. Azimuth (AZ), Elevation (EL) and Polarization (POL) are actively stabilized automatically by the
PCU as part of its normal operation.

3.2.5. Search Pattern

When the power is turned on, the system will calculate the Elevation & Polarization of the selected
satellite, drive the antenna to the calculated Elevation and adjust the Polarization to the calculated
polarization. It will then drive the antenna in a 400 degree Azimuth sweep at the calculated Elevation.
The Elevation will be increased and decreased in 4 degree increments after each Azimuth sweep until the
selected satellite is found and tracking begins or the system has completed Azimuth sweeps through
several Elevations. If the selected satellite is NOT found, the system will re-target and repeat the search.
Once the selected satellite is found tracking begins.
If you want to change satellites, press the NEXT key until the desired satellite is displayed. The system
will calculate the Elevation, Relative Azimuth and Polarization of the selected satellite and drive the dish
directly to the Azimuth and Elevation, and adjust the Polarization, for the new satellite. The new satellite
should be acquired and tracking begins. If the satellite is not found a search will begin, as described

3.2.6. Satellite Identification Receiver

The Satellite Identification Receiver (Tracking Receiver) located in the Pedestal Control Unit (PCU) is
used to acquire, identify and track a specific satellite. To do this the receiver is set-up to a specific
Frequency, Baud rate, FEC rate and a unique Network ID hexadecimal code (NID) setting for each
saved satellite.
During search, if a signal is found, this receiver compares the programmed settings to the present
satellite signal values being received. The system will track the satellite while the comparison is being
done, If they do NOT match, the search pattern will be continued. If they DO match, Tracking will begin.
Up to six different satellites may be saved for use.
The system should only be set-up for satellites that are going to be used so that you don’t have to
go through so many choices when switching satellites. Unused satellite setups should be left
blank to skip over those choices.

3.2.7. Tracking
The antenna actively optimizes the pointing of the dish for maximum signal reception using a receiver
which is built into the Pedestal Control Unit (PCU). This process is called tracking and is accomplished
by making small trial movements of the dish while monitoring the level of the received signal. Evaluation
of this information is used to continuously make minor pointing corrections to keep the signal level
“peaked” as part of normal operation.

3.2.8. Unwrap
Mechanical stops limit the azimuth rotation to 680 degrees. When the azimuth rotation is within 5
degrees of either mechanical stop, the antenna will be driven 360 degrees away from that stop. This
“unwinds” the cables that are routed through the pedestal assembly and repositions the antenna to a mid-
point between the two stops. By rotating 360 degrees the azimuth position of the antenna will have
returned to the previous position and will resume normal satellite tracking. Unwrap will occur when the
boat continues turning far enough in one direction for it to be required. It is normal for the television
picture to “freeze frame” until the antenna completes unwrap and resumes tracking the satellite.

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Basic System Information

3.3. Components of the System Configuration

The following text provides a basic functional overview of the system components and component
interconnection as referred to in the System Block Diagram for your model antenna (refer to the appropriate
page which depicts your system configuration).
The system is comprised of two major sections: The Above-Decks Equipment (ADE) is comprised solely of
the antenna radome assembly which is mounted outside, on the boats’ upper deck or mast location chosen
for best satellite reception. The Below-Decks Equipment (BDE) includes a matrix switch, the antenna control
panel, satellite receiver(s), TV set(s) and all other ancillary equipment that is mounted in various locations
throughout the interior of the boat.
There will be an Antenna Control Cable between the ADE and BDE. This cable supplies the operating
voltage to the antenna and allows you to setup and operate the antenna from the Antenna Control Panel.
The panel also constantly displays the status of the antenna.
Coax cables between the ADE and BDE provide the received satellite signals from the antenna to the matrix
switch. The matrix switch then distributes these satellite signals to the satellite receiver. The satellite
receivers convert the satellite signals to provide audio and video to your television and/or stereo.
You will need to have 4 coaxes between the ADE and BDE if you intend to have a Quad (4 output) LNB
installed on your antenna at any point in time. Usage of this LNB is very popular in Europe.
If you will only have a dual output LNB installed (linear or circular) you will only need to have 2 coaxes
between the ADE and BDE. Unused coax connections in the radome MUST be terminated (75 ohm
terminators) if not used.

3.3.1. Antenna Assembly

The antenna radome assembly consists of a satellite antenna and a linear, or circular, Low Noise Block
converter (LNB) with polarization motor mounted on a stabilized antenna pedestal, housed inside a
radome. The radome provides an environmental enclosure for the antenna pedestal assembly inside it.
This keeps wind, water condensation and salt-water spray off the antenna pedestal assembly. This
prevents damage and corrosion that would shorten the expected life span of the equipment.
The antenna control cable is connected between the antenna radome assembly and the antenna control
panel. This cable provides DC voltage to the antenna and all control signals to and from the antenna.
Two, or Four, RG-6 (or better) coax cables are connected from the antenna radome assembly to the
below decks equipment. These cables carry the intermediate frequency (950-2150MHz) signals from the
antenna assembly directly to a matrix switch (depending on the configuration), and provide DC voltage
and tone switching to the LNB mounted on the antenna. These cables ultimately provide the input signal
into the satellite receiver(s) from the matrix switch.

3.3.2. Display Antenna Control Panel

The antenna control panel allows the
operator to control and monitor the
antenna pedestal with simple dedicated
function buttons, LED’s and a 2 line
display. The control panel can be
surface mounted to any convenient panel
location. It is recommended that the
antenna control panel be mounted near
one of the television locations where you
can see the television screen while you
are controlling the antenna.
The antenna control panel is connected Figure 3-2 Antenna Control Panel
to the antenna and to the +12 VDC
power supply.
Basic System Information Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

3.3.3. Power Supply

DC Voltage - Power for the antenna is taken directly from the vessel’s 12 volt DC system for maximum
power efficiency. At 13.8VDC the nominal current drain required by the antenna is 3.0 Amps.
AC Voltage - An appropriate source of AC Voltage will also be required for the active matrix switch,
satellite receivers and television monitors. Refer to the manuals for these devices for voltage and power
consumption of each. Total power consumption will depend on the number of satellite receivers and
television monitors used.

3.3.4. Satellite Receivers

This antenna can be used with standard satellite receivers, and Integrated Receiver-Decoders (IRD).
Both can receive “free” programming, but an IRD is required when the desired programming is encrypted.
When authorized, it will decode the encrypted signals for use. Authorizing the receiver-decoder is a
process of registering your receiver(s) and paying subscription fees to the service provider. The service
provider then arranges for a signal to be sent through the satellite to your receiver-decoder, which will
“enable” it to decode the programming you subscribed to.
A coax connection from the antenna (via the matrix switch) provides signal input to the receiver, but the
receiver also outputs voltage and tone control to the LNB portion of the feed. A coax connection from the
TV OUTPUT jack on the satellite receiver is connected to the ANTENNA INPUT on the television.
Alternately, individual audio/video or SCART cable connections may be made between the satellite
receiver and the television. Refer to your satellite receiver manuals.

3.3.5. Television/Monitor
An appropriate television monitor is used to view the satellite television programming and to view the on
screen displays from the receiver.

3.3.6. Matrix Switch

A matrix switch must be installed with all of the antenna IF coax cables connected to its’ LNB inputs. A
coax cable (RG-6 or BETTER is recommended) is connected from each matrix switch output to each
satellite receiver. Sea Tel recommends that an ACTIVE Matrix be used in all installations. Matrix
switches with 4, 8, 12, 16 or more outputs are available.
Assure that the 18VDC port is connected to the RED coax inside the radome.

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Installation

4. Installation
Installation of your Coastal Series Antenna system must be accomplished by or under the supervision of
an authorized Sea Tel dealer for the Sea Tel Limited Warranty to be valid and in force. Good planning of
the installation will provide the best results. Below is some guidance on issues that are important to consider
when planning the installation.
Planning is the key to a good installation. Read the installation information below thoroughly before beginning the
actual installation. Then review your plan to adjust for any details that may have been overlooked.
A full scale Installation Template (drawing 118092) has been provided to locate the cutout areas and mounting
holes for the antenna radome and for the antenna control panel. The radome template section of the drawing
includes the outer perimeter of the radome base so you can insure that the radome will fit in the area chosen.

4.1. Site Selection and Cable Routing

Determine the optimum mounting location for the antenna radome assembly. It should be installed where:
1 The antenna has a clear line-of-sight view to as much of the sky as is practical. Choose a location
where masts or other structures do not block the satellite signal from the dish as the boat turns.
2 The antenna is at least 5 feet away from other transmitting antennas (HF, VHF and radar) that may
generate signals that may interfere with the Coastal Series antenna. The further away the Coastal
antenna is from these other antennas, the less impact their operation will have on it.
3 The antenna radome assembly should be rigidly mounted to the boat. If necessary, reinforce the
mounting area to assure that it does not flex due to the boat motion or vibration.
Choosing the best mounting location on
smaller boats, where there are fewer
possible locations to choose from, is
frequently a compromise. Figure 4.1 is
provided to make some location
comparisons. The “poor” location is poor
because over half of the antenna’s
viewable sky is blocked by the overhang
above it. The “better” location has less
blockage, but the upper deck and the mast
will cause some blockage when the
antenna is at lower elevations. The “best”
location has no blockage from raised
platforms, mast or the body of the radar.
Antenna Control Panel - The antenna
control panel should be mounted in a
convenient location for the operation of the
antenna system. It should be near one of
the satellite receiver/television locations so
that the receivers’ TV screen can be
viewed while the antenna is being Figure 4-1 Possible Antenna Radome Assembly mounting
operated. The antenna control cable is locations
routed from the radome to the control panel, so routing path and cable length are also important
considerations in choosing the location of the control panel.
Satellite receiver(s) and television set(s) - Satellite receiver(s) and television set(s) should be mounted near
each other in convenient viewing locations. If enclosed in a cabinet or panel, assure that there is adequate

Installation Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

airflow to prevent the receiver from over-heating and provide forced airflow if needed. At each receiver
location, leave a sufficient length of cable to remove the receiver in order to access its rear panel without
pulling connections off of the rear panel.

4.2. Equipment and cable installation

Refer to the System Block Diagram for component interconnection information.
The system is comprised of two major sections: The
Above-Decks Equipment (ADE) is comprised solely
of the antenna radome assembly which is mounted
outside, on the boats’ upper deck or mast location
chosen for best satellite reception. The Below-
Decks Equipment (BDE) includes a matrix switch,
the antenna control panel, satellite receiver(s), TV
set(s) and all other ancillary equipment that is
mounted in various locations throughout the interior
of the boat.
There will be an Antenna Control Cable between the
ADE and BDE. This cable supplies the operating
voltage to the antenna and allows you to setup and
operate the antenna from the Antenna Control
Panel. The panel also constantly displays the status
of the antenna.
Coax cables between the ADE and BDE provide the
received satellite signals from the antenna to the
matrix switch. The matrix switch then distributes
these satellite signals to the satellite receiver. The
satellite receivers convert the satellite signals to
provide audio and video to your television and/or stereo.
You must install 4 coaxes between the ADE and BDE if you intend to have a Quad (4 output) LNB installed
on your antenna at any point in time. Usage of this LNB is very popular in Europe.
If you will only have a dual output LNB installed (linear or circular) you will only need to have 2 coaxes
between the ADE and BDE.
The coax connector bracket inside the radome has colored heat-shrink on the coaxes that go through the
pedestal. The functional assignment of these colors is:
BLUE - Low Band Vertical
GREEN - High Band Vertical or RHCP
WHITE - Low Band Horizontal
RED - High Band Horizontal or LHCP
NOTE: The RED coax connection MUST go to the 18VDC port of your Matrix switch. This must be the High
Band Horizontal input of your four port Matrix switch when using a Quad LNB, OR to the LHCP port of your
dual input Matrix switch when using a circular LNB.
NOTE: Unused coax connections (on the connector bracket) MUST be terminated with a 75 ohm
terminator (two are provided).

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Installation

4.2.1. Cutouts & mounting holes

1 Using the radome template portion of drawing 118092, mark the mounting holes and cable
passage cutout. Drill the mounting holes for the radome. A hole saw may be used to cut out
the cable passage (for routing the cables into the base of the radome).
2 Mark the mounting holes and cutout area for the control panel using the antenna control panel
template portion of drawing 118092. Cut out the marked area as shown on the template and
drill the mounting holes.
3 If necessary, cut out satellite receiver and television monitor mounting locations. Drill mounting
holes and cut out/drill cable routing holes.

4.2.2. Cable routing

1 Route the antenna control cable from the antenna radome location to the control panel location.
If necessary, disconnect the orange 8-pin screw terminal connector on the free end of the
control cable to make cable routing easier. Adjust the cable routing so that 16 inches (40cm) of
cable extends beyond the radome base-mounting surface and at least 4 inches (10cm) of cable
extends out of the antenna control panel mounting surface.
2 Route the two, or four, RG-6 (or better) coax cables from the antenna radome location to the
appropriate matrix switch location(s). Adjust the cable routing so that 16 inches (40cm) of cable
extends beyond the radome base-mounting surface and an appropriate amount of excess cable
extends from the matrix switch location. NOTE: You may want to color code, or number, your
coaxes for proper connection to the matrix switch below decks.
3 Route 16 AWG (1.29mm) or larger gauge wire (fused for 4 Amp or larger) DC power from the
boats’ batteries or DC voltage supply to the antenna control panel location. Connect +12VDC
to Pin 1 and ground to Pin 2 of the orange 2-pin screw terminal connector on the antenna
control panel (see figure 4-4 in paragraph 4.2.4). Adjust the cable routing so that at least 4
inches (10cm) of cable extends out of the antenna control panel mounting surface.
4 Route additional coaxes from the matrix switch location to the desired satellite receiver locations
as needed for desired configuration. Adjust cable routing for appropriate excess cable at each
5 Route AC power to the satellite receiver and television monitor locations as needed.

4.2.3. Radome Mounting and antenna cable connections

1 Refer to the Installation Arrangement

drawing. Remove the radome top by
removing the four cap nuts from the bolts
that thread up into the recess areas of the
radome base. Set the radome top and cap
nuts aside for later re-use.
2 Remove the 3/8-16 hex jam nuts and
washers (four places) from the under-side of
the radome base. Gently lift the antenna
pedestal assembly out of the radome base.
3 Have the mounting hardware (4 mounting
studs, 4 fender washers and 4 nuts) from
the installation kit ready for use.

Installation Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

4 Pass the coax and control cables through

the hole in the radome base. Connect the
antenna control cable and coax cables to
the connectors provided on the bracket in
the base of the radome. The coax
connector bracket inside the radome has
colored heat-shrink on the coaxes that go
through the pedestal. The functional
assignment of these colors is:
BLUE - Low Band Vertical
GREEN - High Band Vertical or RHCP
WHITE - Low Band Horizontal
RED - High Band Horizontal or LHCP
NOTE: The RED connection MUST go to
the 18VDC port of your Matrix switch.
NOTE: Unused connectors MUST be
terminated with a 75 ohm terminator (two
are provided).
5 Set the antenna pedestal in the radome
base. Assure that the excess cable length
inside the radome does not drag or catch on
the antenna pedestal assembly as it rotates
inside the radome. The threaded inserts
should now be protruding through the
radome base.
6 Apply Loctite 241 (supplied) to the outer
threads of the threaded insert and install the
3/8 washers and 3/8-16 hex jam nuts to the
four threaded inserts. This mounts the
Pedestal Assembly inside the radome base.

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Installation

7 Apply Loctite 241 (supplied) to the top of the

four ¼” diameter x 4” long mounting studs
and install the studs up into the threaded
inserts in the antenna pedestal assembly
from the underside of the radome base.
Thread the stud into the insert until it

8 Install the radome base assembly onto the

vessel by inserting the four mounting studs
through the mounting holes. Assure that
excess cable length feeds into cable
passage where it will not be pinched
between the radome base and the mounting

9 Install a ¼” fender washer and nut to each

mounting stud from the underside of the
mounting surface.
10 Apply Loctite 241 (supplied) to the threads
of the mounting stud up near the mounting
surface and tighten each of the 4 nuts to 24
in-lb (21 kg-cm) torque [finger tight, then
about ¼ turn tighter] with a wrench. DO
11 If desired, the remaining length of threaded
rod that extends below the nut may be cut

Installation Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

12 Remove (cut) the Tiewraps that were used

to immobilize the antenna pedestal
assembly for shipping. Several are used for
the elevation axis, one through a p-clamp in
the dish clip and one around the azimuth
yoke. The Azimuth axis has one large tie
around the bottom of the azimuth yoke and
under the corner of the pedestal base plate.
And one tie for the Polarization axis is
through one hole in the feed assembly to
the diagonal brace of the azimuth yoke.
Assure that the antenna pedestal rotates
freely in azimuth and elevation before
energizing the antenna.
13 Install the radome top. Assure that all four
of the mounting nuts are tightened to fully
mate the lip edges of the radome top and
base. Do not exceed 24 in-lb (21 kg-cm)
torque [or finger tight, then about ¼ turn
tighter] when tightening nuts. Install the
provided white screw covers.

4.2.4. Other system cable connections

1 Connect the 8-pin screw terminal connector on the control cable to J2 on the back of the
antenna control panel. Leave
sufficient length on the cable
connections to the antenna
control panel to be able to
remove it for testing or
replacement. Excess control
cable length below decks may
be cut off and re-terminated
according to the detail on the
System Block Diagram, if
necessary. NOTE: be sure
to open the screw clamps Figure 4-2 Antenna control panel connections
on the orange connector
sufficiently to allow the wire to properly enter the connector when re-terminating the
2 Connect the 2-pin screw terminal connector (previously wired to 12VDC power) to J1 on the
antenna control panel .
3 Mount the antenna control panel using the provided self tapping screws to secure it in desired
panel location.

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Installation

4 Connect the antenna coaxes to the appropriate “LNB inputs” on the matrix switch. Connect
each of the receiver coaxes to the receiver output connectors on the matrix switch. Connect
each of the receiver coaxes to its respective satellite receiver “SATELLITE IN” connector.
BLUE coax - Low Band Vertical
GREEN coax - High Band Vertical or RHCP
WHITE coax - Low Band Horizontal
RED coax - High Band Horizontal or LHCP
5 Connect a TV monitor to each of the satellite receivers using Audio/Video, RF (TV OUT) or
SCART connections. Refer to the instructions in the receiver manual for details.
6 Mount each of the satellite receivers, and its television monitor, as desired.

4.3. System Setup

Refer to the next section of this manual to setup your system.

Installation Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

This Page Intentionally Left Blank

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Setup

5. Setup

5.1. System Checkout

1 Press the ON key on the antenna control panel. Both LED’s (TRACKING and UNWRAP) should
illuminate for 5 seconds verifying the DC power and LED cable connections between the
antenna control panel and the antenna pedestal assembly.
2 Turn power ON to the satellite receiver and the TV monitor. The television may now be
displaying “searching for satellite signal” verifying proper video connections between the
receiver and the monitor.

5.2. Initial Setup

Initial setup is accomplished by the installer or operator using SETUP Mode to configure the system
parameters (also refer to the SETUP Mode flowcharts on the following pages). Optionally the computer
interface may be used to setup the system (refer to Appendix A).
Press and hold SAVE + ▼ for 6 seconds to access SETUP Mode. “Setup Mode” will be displayed on the
first line of the display while the panel is in SETUP Mode.
Use the ▼ & ▲ arrow keys to scroll down & up through the Setup parameters listed below.

NOTE: You will save individual set-up parameter settings as you modify them in the
procedure below (quick presses of the SAVE key). These will only save the settings until
POWER is cycled to the antenna.
When you are finished making all of your desired changes, you MUST press and hold the
SAVE key for six seconds, “Settings Saved” will be displayed. Saving writes all of the
parameters, including the ones you have changed, to memory in the PCU so they will be
available after POWER has been cycled to the antenna.

5.2.1. Adjusting Panel Brightness

1 Press the NEXT key to SELECT this parameter for adjustment.
2 Once selected, press ▲ & ▼ arrow keys to adjust the backlighting illumination of the display to
desired level. Each keypress steps the value 8 counts.
3 Then press the SAVE key to save the adjusted setting.
4 Press the ▼ arrow key to go to the next parameter.

Setup Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

5.2.2. Setting Auto Threshold for Proper Tracking

Auto Threshold needs to be set to about 1/3 of the difference in AGC between noise floor (OFF satellite)
signal level and peak (ON satellite) signal level. The most common values used are 151for the 18, 161
for the 24 and 171 for the 30.
1 Press the NEXT key to SELECT this parameter for adjustment.
2 Once selected, press ▲ & ▼ arrow keys to increment/decrement the indicated digit to the
desired value.
3 Press NEXT to move the adjustment cursor to the next character to be edited. Press ▲ & ▼
arrow keys to increment/decrement the indicated character to the desired value.
4 Repeat the previous step until all desired character positions have been edited.
5 Then press the SAVE key once to save this setting.
6 Press the ▼ arrow key to go to the next parameter.

5.2.3. SAT1 - First Satellite Parameters

Access all of the SAT1 individual parameters via a sub menu. Choices are:
This choice presets all of the other sub-menu parameters to factory defaults for the satellite you
choose to set this SAT to.
1 Press the NEXT key to SELECT this parameter for adjustment.
2 Once selected, press ▲ & ▼ arrow keys to scroll through a list of choices which this SAT can
be preset to. This list may change in future software revisions. The current choices are:
Empty Blanks/zeros all parameters for this satellite, so switching
satellites (NEXT) will skip over the satellites you don’t want (if
you only use ONE satellite, you should preset all of the other
SAT selections to be empty/blank).
SkMx58 Sky Mexico @ 58W
Dsh 65 Dish Network @ 65W
DTV 72 DirecTV @ 72W
ExpV82 Bell ExpressVu @ 82W
ExpV91 Bell ExpressVu @ 91W
GLA 95 DirecTV Latin America @ 95W
DTV101 DirecTV @ 101W
Dsh110 Dish Network @ 110W
Dsh119 Dish Network @ 119W
Dsh148 Dish Network @ 148W
HtBd13 Hot Bird @ 13E
Astr19 Astra @ 19E
Astr28 Astra @ 28E
3 When the desired choice is displayed, press the SAVE key to save the parameters for this
SAT. This saves the DEFAULT Satellite Name, Satellite Longitude, Frequency, Alt
Frequency, Baud rate, FEC rate, Network ID and Polarization Trim of this SAT.
4 If you want to edit any of the default values that are loaded with preset, press the ▼ arrow
key to go to the next sub-menu parameter.

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Setup

5 If you do not want to edit any other sub-menu parameters, press SAVE again to exit the sub-
menu and return to the SAT main menu display. From there you can press the ▼ arrow key
to go to next SAT numeric menu choice or to the Factory Settings menu choice.
Enter or edit the 6 character Name you want to use for this saved satellite.
1 Press the NEXT key to SELECT this sub-menu parameter for adjustment.
2 A cursor will appear under the leftmost character. Press ▲ & ▼ arrow keys to
increment/decrement this character.
3 Press the NEXT key to move the cursor to the next character to the right. Press ▲ & ▼
arrow keys to increment/decrement this character.
4 Continue editing characters (6 max) until all desired characters have been set to create the
NAME you want to use for this satellite selection. Press the SAVE key to save the NAME
parameter for this SAT.
5 If you want to edit any of the other default values that are loaded with preset, press the ▼
arrow key to go to the next sub-menu parameter.
6 If you do not want to edit any other sub-menu parameters, press SAVE again to exit the sub-
menu and return to the SAT main menu display. From there you can press the ▼ arrow key
to go to next SAT numeric menu choice or to the Factory Settings menu choice.
Enter or edit the Longitude position of this satellite. Range of acceptable values are 0-180, East
or West (E or W).
1 Press the NEXT key to SELECT this sub-menu parameter for adjustment.
2 A cursor will appear under the East/West hemisphere character. Press ▲ & ▼ arrow keys to
set this character to the desired hemisphere (E/W).
3 Press the NEXT key to move the cursor to the number digit to the right. Press ▲ & ▼ arrow
keys to increment/decrement this digit.
4 Continue editing until all 3 digits have been set to the Longitude (0-180) position of this
satellite selection. Press the SAVE key to save the LON parameter for this SAT.
5 If you want to edit any of the other default values that are loaded with preset, press the ▼
arrow key to go to the next sub-menu parameter.
6 If you do not want to edit any other sub-menu parameters, press SAVE again to exit the sub-
menu and return to the SAT main menu display. From there you can press the ▼ arrow key
to go to next SAT numeric menu choice or to the Factory Settings menu choice.
Enter or edit the best Frequency (in MHz) for the receiver to use to track this satellite. Range of
acceptable frequency input is 950-2150 MHz.
1 Press the NEXT key to SELECT this sub-menu parameter for adjustment.
2 A cursor will appear under the rightmost digit. Press ▲ & ▼ arrow keys to
increment/decrement this digit.
3 Press the NEXT key to move the cursor to the digit to the left. Press ▲ & ▼ arrow keys to
increment/decrement this digit.

Setup Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

4 Continue editing until all 4 digits have been set to the desired tracking Frequency for this
satellite selection. Press the SAVE key to save the FREQ parameter for this SAT.
5 If you want to edit any of the other default values that are loaded with preset, press the ▼
arrow key to go to the next sub-menu parameter.
6 If you do not want to edit any other sub-menu parameters, press SAVE again to exit the sub-
menu and return to the SAT main menu display. From there you can press the ▼ arrow key
to go to next SAT numeric menu choice or to the Factory Settings menu choice.
For future use. Set to 0000.
Enter or edit the best Baud rate for the receiver to use for this satellite. Range of acceptable
input is 5000-30000 symbols per second.
1 Press the NEXT key to SELECT this sub-menu parameter for adjustment.
2 A cursor will appear under the rightmost digit. Press ▲ & ▼ arrow keys to
increment/decrement this digit.
3 Press the NEXT key to move the cursor to the digit to the left. Press ▲ & ▼ arrow keys to
increment/decrement this digit.
4 Continue editing until all 5 digits have been set to the desired Baud rate for this satellite
selection. Press the SAVE key to save the BAUD parameter for this SAT.
5 If you want to edit any of the other default values that are loaded with preset, press the ▼
arrow key to go to the next sub-menu parameter.
6 If you do not want to edit any other sub-menu parameters, press SAVE again to exit the sub-
menu and return to the SAT main menu display. From there you can press the ▼ arrow key
to go to next SAT numeric menu choice or to the Factory Settings menu choice.
Enter or edit the best Forward Error Correction rate for the receiver to use for this satellite.
This choice presets all of the other sub-menu parameters to factory defaults for the satellite you
choose to set this SAT to.
1 Press the NEXT key to SELECT this parameter for adjustment.
2 Once selected, press ▲ & ▼ arrow keys to scroll through a list of choices which this SAT can
be preset to. This list may change in future software revisions. The current choices are:
AUTO Automatically scans through all the standard DVB & DSS FEC
SCPC SCPC mode may be selected for tracking narrow band signals.
This is not normally needed for tracking satellite TV signals.

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Setup

AUTO* Automatically scans through all the available forced * (star’ed)

FEC rates. If the satellite does not generate an NID but does
have a unique combination of FREQ, BAUD and FEC lock,
select the appropriate FEC* choice from this list. The system will
then generate its own unique forced NID to represent the desired
satellite. You will need to enter this pseudo NID in the NID
setting below.
NBIF SCPC mode may be selected for tracking narrow band signals.
This is not normally needed for tracking satellite TV signals.
3 When the desired choice is displayed, press the SAVE key to save the parameters for this
SAT. This saves the FEC rate to use for this SAT.
4 If you want to edit any of the default values that are loaded with preset, press the ▼ arrow
key to go to the next sub-menu parameter.
5 If you do not want to edit any other sub-menu parameters, press SAVE again to exit the sub-
menu and return to the SAT main menu display. From there you can press the ▼ arrow key
to go to next SAT numeric menu choice or to the Factory Settings menu choice.
Enter or edit the best Network ID 4 digit HEX value for the receiver to use to Identify & track this
1 Press the NEXT key to SELECT this sub-menu parameter for adjustment.
2 A cursor will appear under the rightmost digit. Press ▲ & ▼ arrow keys to
increment/decrement this digit (only valid HEX values 0-F will be displayed).
3 Press the NEXT key to move the cursor to the digit to the left. Press ▲ & ▼ arrow keys to
increment/decrement this digit.
4 Continue editing until all 4 digits have been set to the desired NID for this satellite selection.
Press the SAVE key to save the NID parameter for this SAT.
5 If you want to edit any of the other default values that are loaded with preset, press the ▼
arrow key to go to the next sub-menu parameter.
6 If you do not want to edit any other sub-menu parameters, press SAVE again to exit the sub-
menu and return to the SAT main menu display. From there you can press the ▼ arrow key
to go to next SAT numeric menu choice or to the Factory Settings menu choice.

Setup Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO TRIM
Individual Polarization Trim offset adjustment to optimize the Auto-Polarization on this satellite.
Some satellite beams aimed at certain geographic areas are purposely skewed in polarization.
During initial setup of this satellite selection, you will have to trim/offset auto-polarization by the
amount of skew of the satellite beam. Once this adjustment has been set, and saved, auto-
polarization will keep the polarization optimized during ship motion and geographic travel. Range
of acceptable input is +/- 40 degrees.
If you do NOT know what amount of offset is required for this satellite refer to the procedure in
paragraph 5.3.
If you know what amount of +/- polarization offset is needed for this SAT, continue with the steps
1 Press the NEXT key to SELECT this sub-menu parameter for adjustment.
2 A cursor will appear under the rightmost digit. Press ▲ arrow key to increment the Pol Trim
plus one degree. Press ▼ arrow key to decrement the Pol Trim minus one degree.
3 Press the SAVE key to save the POL TRIM parameter for this SAT.
4 If you want to edit any of the other default values that are loaded with preset, press the ▼
arrow key to go to the next sub-menu parameter.
5 If you do not want to edit any other sub-menu parameters, press SAVE again to exit the sub-
menu and return to the SAT main menu display. From there you can press the ▼ arrow key
to go to next SAT numeric menu choice or to the Factory Settings menu choice.

5.2.4. SAT2 - Second Satellite Parameters

Access all of the SAT2 individual parameters via a sub menu. If a second SAVED satellite if not needed,
preset SAT2 to empty/blank so NEXT will skip over this selection when you are switching satellites.
All of the SAT2 parameters are set exactly the same way that the SAT1 parameters were set, but would
be set to different choices. Refer to the parameter setting information in the SAT1 – First Satellite
Parameters paragraphs to set PRESET, NAME, LON, FREQ, ALT FREQ, BAUD, FEC, NID and POL
TRIM for a second satellite you wish to use periodically.

5.2.5. SAT3 - Third Satellite Parameters

Access all of the SAT3 individual parameters via a sub menu. If a second SAVED satellite if not needed,
preset SAT3 to empty/blank so NEXT will skip over this selection when you are switching satellites.
All of the SAT3 parameters are set exactly the same way that the SAT1 parameters were set, but would
be set to different choices. Refer to the parameter setting information in the SAT1 – First Satellite
Parameters paragraphs to set PRESET, NAME, LON, FREQ, ALT FREQ, BAUD, FEC, NID and POL
TRIM for a third satellite you wish to use periodically.

5.2.6. SAT4 - Fourth Satellite Parameters

Access all of the SAT4 individual parameters via a sub menu. If a second SAVED satellite if not needed,
preset SAT4 to empty/blank so NEXT will skip over this selection when you are switching satellites.
All of the SAT4 parameters are set exactly the same way that the SAT1 parameters were set, but would
be set to different choices. Refer to the parameter setting information in the SAT1 – First Satellite
Parameters paragraphs to set PRESET, NAME, LON, FREQ, ALT FREQ, BAUD, FEC, NID and POL
TRIM for a fourth satellite you wish to use periodically.

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Setup

5.2.7. SAT5 - Fifth Satellite Parameters

Access all of the SAT5 individual parameters via a sub menu. If a second SAVED satellite if not needed,
preset SAT5 to empty/blank so NEXT will skip over this selection when you are switching satellites.
All of the SAT5 parameters are set exactly the same way that the SAT1 parameters were set, but would
be set to different choices. Refer to the parameter setting information in the SAT1 – First Satellite
Parameters paragraphs to set PRESET, NAME, LON, FREQ, ALT FREQ, BAUD, FEC, NID and POL
TRIM for a fifth satellite you wish to use periodically.

5.2.8. SAT6 - Sixth Satellite Parameters

Access all of the SAT6 individual parameters via a sub menu. If a second SAVED satellite if not needed,
preset SAT6 to empty/blank so NEXT will skip over this selection when you are switching satellites.
All of the SAT6 parameters are set exactly the same way that the SAT1 parameters were set, but would
be set to different choices. Refer to the parameter setting information in the SAT1 – First Satellite
Parameters paragraphs to set PRESET, NAME, LON, FREQ, ALT FREQ, BAUD, FEC, NID and POL
TRIM for a sixth satellite you wish to use periodically.


Accessing the Factory Settings parameters should ONLY be done by a qualified technician from an
authorized Sea Tel dealer. The Model Serial Number can be found on the blue and silver label below the
reflector, on the blue frame of the pedestal. The parameters are: COASTAL ##
This parameter sets all of the internal drive, scale factor and limits for the motors, gear ratios and

NOTE: The MODEL parameter setting is saved in the PCU, therefore, MUST
be set whenever the PCU is changed.

WARNING: Improper setting of this parameter WILL cause the antenna to


1 Press the NEXT key to SELECT this sub-menu parameter for adjustment.
2 Once selected, press ▲ & ▼ arrow keys to scroll through a list of model number choices.
This list may change in future software revisions. The current choices are:
18 18 inch diameter reflector
24 24 inch diameter reflector
30 30 inch diameter reflector
3 When the correct model value is displayed, press the SAVE key to save the Model Number
parameters. This saves the drive, scale factors and limits for this antenna. If this parameter
is NOT set correctly, the antenna WILL malfunction.
4 If you want to edit any of the Serial Number parameter, press the ▼ arrow key.
5 If you do not want to edit the Serial Number, press SAVE again to exit the sub-menu and
return to the SAT main menu display.

Setup Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Number
This parameter sets Serial Number of the Antenna Pedestal into the PCU memory. The serial
number starts with 98 followed by 6 digits that are editable. This parameter allows the Serial
Number of the Antenna to be displayed on the Display Antenna Control Panel.

NOTE: The Serial Number parameter setting is saved in the PCU, therefore,
MUST be set whenever the PCU is changed.

After this parameter has been set correctly, it must be SAVED in the PCU.
1 Press the NEXT key to SELECT this sub-menu parameter for adjustment.
2 A cursor will appear under the rightmost digit. Press ▲ & ▼ arrow keys to
increment/decrement this digit.
3 Press the NEXT key to move the cursor to the digit to the left. Press ▲ & ▼ arrow keys to
increment/decrement this digit.
4 Continue editing until all 6 digits have been set to the correct Serial Number of the antenna
pedestal that this PCU is mounted on. Press the SAVE key to save the Serial Number
5 Press SAVE again to exit the sub-menu and return to the FACTORY SETTINGS main menu
display. From there you can press the ▲ arrow key to go UP through the SAT numeric menu

5.3. Optimizing Polarization

Your feed assembly can be fitted with a circular or a linear LNB.
If you have a circular LNB installed so
that you can receive circular polarized
satellite transmissions, no periodic
adjustment of the “polarization” of the
antenna is required, however, the auto-
polarization will still adjust the angular
position of the feed assembly as needed.
When you have a linear LNB installed, so
that you can receive linear polarized
satellite transmissions, the “polarization”
is automatically adjusted as needed for
the desired satellite.
When the system is initially installed, or a
new satellite is set-up, you must optimize
the polarization (auto-polarization) for
EACH of the desired satellites. Once this
has been done, polarization will
automatically be adjusted for you as you
change from one satellite to another and
as the boat traveles a significant Figure 5-1 LNB rotation during polarization adjustment
geographic distance.
The polarization display will read 000 when the LNB is rotated full CCW (0 degrees), 090 when the LNB
rotation is CENTERED (90 degrees) and 180 when the LNB is rotated full CW (180 degrees). Each

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Setup

momentary keypress of the ▲ (POL UP), or ▼ (POL DOWN), will increment/decrement the displayed value
and the mechanical rotation of the LNB by one degree.
The adjacent figure shows the rotation of the LNB assembly mounted on the back side of the dish as it would
be seen if observed while polarization is being adjusted. As the polarization is mis-adjusted, the signal level
will degrade. If it is mis-adjusted far enough, the signal will be completely lost.

5.3.1. Optimizing the Polarization Trim while on the desired satellite

This adjustment should be done while the boat is at the pier and antenna is tracking the desired satellite.
1 Use AGC displayed in the Antenna Control Panel (while tracking) or select the “Signal Strength”
display of the satellite receiver (refer to the satellite receiver manual). Both of these provide
number, or bar graph, values that represent the received signal strength.
2 While monitoring the received signal strength, adjust polarization up or down in one (or two)
degree increments, then observe the received signal strength for 10-15 seconds to evaluate the
change. The second line of the display will indicate “Polarity ###” as adjustments are made.
3 If an improvement is noted, continue small adjustments in the same direction until the highest
signal strength is obtained. If the adjustment causes a decrease, adjust polarization in the
opposite direction to increase the signal strength.
4 When the polarization of the antenna is optimum, press and hold the SAVE key for 6 seconds to
save the optimized polarization setting value to the POL TRIM parameter for this selected
satellite (SAT1-SAT6).
Select another satellite which you have set-up and optimize the polarization of that satellite using steps 1-
4. Repeat until all of the your desired satellites have been optimized.

5.4. Saving the SETUP Parameters

When you have completed setting the desired parameters above, Press and HOLD SAVE for 6 seconds to
save the changes you have made to the settings and exit SETUP Mode. “Settings Saved” will be displayed.
If you do NOT want to save the changes to NVRAM, Press SAVE + ▲ to exit SETUP Mode without
permanently saving any parameter changes.

NOTE: You will save individual set-up parameter settings as you modify them in the
procedure below (quick presses of the SAVE key). These will only save the settings until
POWER is cycled to the antenna.
When you are finished making all of your desired changes, you MUST press and hold the
SAVE key for six seconds to write the changes you have made to memory (“Settings
Saved” will be displayed) in the PCU, so they will be available after POWER has been
cycled to the antenna.

Setup Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

5.5. Operational System Checks

Check-out the antenna and other components of the system on the selected satellite.
1 Assure that your TV(s) and satellite receiver(s) are set to view the Setup/Antenna/Signal Meter
menu of the Satellite Receiver on the selected satellite (SAT 1-6).
2 Signal level will be visible on the receiver monitor and the AGC value displayed on the Antenna
Control Panel.
3 Allow the system to track this satellite for 5-6 minutes. Check to assure that any other installed
satellite receivers are also displaying signal level and the televisions they are connected to are
operating normally.
4 Press the NEXT key to switch to the next (numerically) viewable satellite from you current
position. The system should automatically target and search for the selected satellite. Observe
the Tracking and Unwrap LED’s and the panel displays. The Unwrap LED will flash while the
antenna is searching and search messages will be displayed. The Tracking LED will come on
steady when a valid satellite signal is acquired. The Unwrap LED will continue to flash for 8
seconds while the antenna verifies the satellite signal.

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Setup

Figure 5-2 Display Antenna Control Panel – Setup Mode, page 1

Setup Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

Figure 5-3 Display Antenna Control Panel – Setup Mode, page 2

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Setup

Figure 5-4 Display Antenna Control Panel – Setup Mode, page 3

Setup Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

Figure 5-5 Display Antenna Control Panel – Setup Mode, page 4

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Setup

Figure 5-6 Display Antenna Control Panel – Setup Mode, page 5

Setup Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

This Page Intentionally Left Blank

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Maintenance

6. Maintenance

6.1. Warranty Information

Sea Tel Inc. supports its Coastal Series systems with a warranty program unsurpassed in the industry.
These systems are backed by a TWO YEAR full warranty on parts and a ONE YEAR warranty on labor.
What’s Covered by the Limited Warranty?
The Sea Tel Coastal Series Limited Warranty is applicable for parts and labor coverage to the complete
antenna system, including all above-decks equipment (radome, pedestal, antenna, motors, electronics,
wiring, etc.) and the antenna control panel. It does not include television sets, DBS/DTH receivers, multi-
switches or other distribution equipment, whether or not supplied by Sea Tel. Televisions, DBS/DTH
receivers and accessories are covered by the applicable warranties of the respective manufacturers.
Factory refurbished components used to replace systems parts under this warranty are covered by this same
warranty as the original equipment for the balance of the original warranty term, or ninety (90) days from the
date of replacement, whichever occurs last. Original Installation of the Coastal Series system must be
accomplished by or under the supervision of an authorized Sea Tel dealer for the Sea Tel Limited Warranty
to be valid and in force.
Please refer to the complete warranty information included with your system.

6.2. Who to contact for repairs

Should technical assistance be required to repair your system, the first contact should be to the agent/dealer
you purchased the equipment from. Please record their contact information below for future reference.
Repairs to your Coastal Series system must be accomplished by or under the supervision of an authorized
Sea Tel dealer for the Sea Tel Limited Warranty to be valid and in force.
Agent/Dealer: _________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________
Phone: ______________________ Fax: ____________________

Sea Tel can recommend local dealers that can provide service in your local area that can be contacted for
assistance. You can contact us directly at either of the locations below;

Sea Tel, Inc. Sea Tel Europe

4030 Nelson Avenue Unit 1 Orion Industrial Centre
Concord, CA 94520 USA Wide Lane Swaythling
Tel: 925-798-7979 Southampton, UK S018 2HJ
Fax: 925-798-7986 Tel: +44 (0)23 80 671155
Toll Free: 1-888-798-7979 Fax: +44 (0)23 80 671166
Email: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

Maintenance Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

6.3. Preventive Maintenance

As needed - Clean the outside surface of the radome with warm soapy water to remove dust, grime and salt
There is no other preventive maintenance required

6.4. Fault Isolation/Trouble-shooting

The following table is provided to help isolate problems in the Series Antenna system.

Symptom Possible Fault

Antenna tracking but receiver not 1. Incorrect satellite. Press NEXT to search for desired
providing desired programming satellite
2. Receiver fault. Refer to receiver manual for operation and
Antenna tracking, receiver only gets 1. May be in weak area of footprint
some desired channels
2. Polarization may not be optimized (refer to section 2.3.1)
3. Receiver may not be generating correct voltage or tone
output. Refer to receiver manual for operation and testing.
4. Matrix switch may not be passing voltage or tone output
from the receiver. Contact your dealer/agent.
5. LNB assembly failure. Contact your dealer/agent.

Intermittent freeze-framing of picture 1. Check for blockage

2. May be in weak area of footprint
3. Polarization (Linear LNBs only) may not be optimized
(refer to section 2.3.1)
4. Receiver may not be generating correct voltage or tone
output. Refer to receiver manual for operation and testing.
5. Is matrix switch buzzing or clicking. Contact your
6. Check all coax cables for poor connection
7. Possible receiver failure. Contact your dealer/agent.
8. Possible antenna failure. Contact your dealer/agent.
Antenna does not come on when the 1. Check +12 VDC input to antenna control panel.
ON key is pressed
2. Verify that all connections on the rear of the antenna
control panel are properly seated.
3. Check the 4A fuse in the rear panel of the antenna control
4. Call dealer/agent for further assistance

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Maintenance

Antenna doesn’t track any satellites 1. Assure that at least one receiver is ON
(constantly searching) 2. Check for blockage
3. Assure correct starting elevation
4. May be out of satellite footprint
5. Check all coax cables for poor connection
6. Call dealer/agent for further assistance
Antenna in constant UNWRAP 1. Cycle antenna power OFF/ON to reinitialize the antenna.
2. Call dealer/agent for further assistance
Antenna tracks well at the pier, but 1. Polarization (Linear LNBs only) may not be optimized
loses the satellite when underway (refer to section 2.3.1)
2. Call dealer/agent for further assistance
Antenna does not stay on satellite at 1. Check all coax cables for poor connection
pier, or underway
2. Polarization (Linear LNBs only) may not be optimized
(refer to section 2.3.1)
3. Call dealer/agent for further assistance

6.5. Pedestal & PCU Troubleshooting Using Built-In Test (BIT)

Built-In Test function is ONLY available in software version 2.06 or greater.
The following table is provided to help isolate problems using the Built-In Test (BIT) function in the Coastal
Series Antenna system.

NOTE: Do NOT run these BIT tests while underway or when the
pedestal base is more than 5 degrees off level.

NOTE: The MODEL parameter setting is saved in the PCU, therefore,

MUST be set whenever the PCU is changed.

WARNING: Improper setting of the MODEL parameter WILL cause

the antenna to malfunction.

NOTE: The Serial Number parameter setting is saved in the PCU,

therefore, MUST be set whenever the PCU is changed.

To access the BIT function, turn the antenna system Power OFF at the Display Antenna Control Panel
(DACP). While you Press & Hold the NEXT key, press the POWER key.
After a few seconds, you will see “Built In Test” on the top line of the display and “Press Next to begin” on the
second line. Press NEXT and the BIT tests will begin and run automatically until completed (“BIT Finished
No Errors” will be displayed) or until a test fails. The BIT tests are:

Maintenance Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

6.5.1. ADC Test

This test checks for basic communication with the Analog-to-Digital Converter on the PCU main board. A
bad A/D could make all other tests fail.
“Testing ADC” will be displayed as the test runs. An Error code 1.01-1.08 will be displayed if one of these
tests fails. If any test fails, replace the PCU and re-run BIT tests.

6.5.2. DAC Test

This test checks the basic integrity of the Digital-to-Analog Converter on the PCU main board by looping
back one of it’s outputs to the A/D.
“Testing DAC” will be displayed as the test runs. An Error code 2.01-2.21 will be displayed if one of these
tests fails. If any test fails, replace the PCU and re-run BIT tests.

6.5.3. AZ Motor Driver Test

This test checks the ability of the motor driver to drive current through the Azimuth motor. The current to
the motor is controlled by a PWM circuit. The PWM current is repeatedly sampled and statistically
analyzed during this test.
“Testing AZ MTR” will be displayed as the test runs. An Error code 3.01-3.17 will be displayed if one of
these tests fails.
A failure indicates a failed motor, Motor Driver PCB or harness. Temporarily connect a spare motor to the
PCU in place of the failed motor (or swap the AZ motor with the EL or POL motor connection at the PCU)
to isolate the failure to the PCU or MOTOR. When re-running the same test:
If the test passes, replace the failed motor (if you swapped motors the other motor test will not
fail) and re-run the BIT tests.
If the test fails, replace the PCU and re-run the BIT tests.

6.5.4. EL Motor Driver Test

This test checks the ability of the motor driver to drive current through the Elevation motor. The current to
the motor is controlled by a PWM circuit. The PWM current is repeatedly sampled and statistically
analyzed during this test.
“Testing EL MTR” will be displayed as the test runs. An Error code 4.01-4.17 will be displayed if one of
these tests fails.
A failure indicates a failed motor, Motor Driver PCB or harness. Temporarily connect a spare motor to the
PCU in place of the failed motor (or swap the EL motor with the AZ or POL motor connection at the PCU)
to isolate the failure to the PCU or MOTOR. When re-running the same test:
If the test passes, replace the failed motor (if you swapped motors the other motor test will not
fail) and re-run the BIT tests.
If the test fails, replace the PCU and re-run the BIT tests.

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Maintenance

6.5.5. POL Motor Driver Test

This test checks the ability of the motor driver to drive current through the Polarization motor. The current
to the motor is controlled by a PWM circuit. The PWM current is repeatedly sampled and statistically
analyzed during this test.
“Testing POL MTR” will be displayed as the test runs. An Error code 5.01-5.17 will be displayed if one of
these tests fails.
A failure indicates a failed motor, Motor Driver PCB or harness. Temporarily connect a spare motor to the
PCU in place of the failed motor (or swap the POL motor with the AZ or EL motor connection at the PCU)
to isolate the failure to the PCU or MOTOR. When re-running the same test:
If the test passes, replace the failed motor (if you swapped motors the other motor test will not
fail) and re-run the BIT tests.
If the test fails, replace the PCU and re-run the BIT tests.

6.5.6. Sensor Test

This test checks for null sensor offsets for a level, motionless system. The checks have a fairly wide
pass/fail criteria, but can still fail if pedestal is in motion or out of level more than a few degrees.
“Test Sensor Bias” will be displayed as the test runs. An Error code 6.01-6.05 will be displayed if one of
these tests fails. If any test fails, replace the PCU and re-run BIT tests.

6.5.7. AZ move/ Rate sensor test

This test commands moves the dish at various speeds in Azimuth and checks the results using the AZ
rate sensor.
“Test AZ Sensor” will be displayed as the test runs. An Error code 7.01-7.05 will be displayed if one of
these tests fails. An error indicates a motor drive rate or sensor failure. This could be due to:
• Mechanical binding of the pedestal or AZ Bearing. With Power OFF, visually inspect the antenna and
radome (inside of base and top) for drag against the radome or binding/fouling of pedestal in the
antenna cables or against the cable connector bracket. Rotate the antenna in Azimuth with your
hand/finger to feel for any binding in azimuth rotation. Re-route cables and/or bend connector
bracket to remove fouling with the pedestal. If the pedestal is dragging inside the radome itself or if
the AZ Bearing has failed, the radome and/or pedestal will have to be replaced. If this check found a
problem, and you have corrected it, re-run the BIT tests.
• AZ Belt dragging, or slipping. Inspect AZ Drive Belt for chaffing or wear (leaves black dust). Inspect
AZ Drive Belt proper tension (belt should be taut when pinched in on both sides of the AZ Motor Drive
Sprocket – it should NOT flex more than 1/16th inch on both sides when pinched). Re-align and
tension the motor for correct belt path and tension. If this check found a problem, and you have
corrected it, re-run the BIT tests.
• AZ Motor failure. Replace the AZ motor and re-run the BIT tests.
• AZ Drive or AZ Rate Sensor Failure. Replace the PCU and re-run the BIT tests.

Maintenance Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

6.5.8. Pol Pot/Motor move test

This test moves the feed assembly at various speeds in Polarization and checks the results using the
POL potentiometer.
“Test POL Assy” will be displayed as the test runs. An Error code 8.01-8.07 will be displayed if one of
these tests fails.
A failure indicates a failed motor, belt or potentiometer. This could be due to:
• Mechanical binding of the polarization assembly. With Power OFF, visually inspect the polarization
assembly (including LNB and cables) for drag against the pedestal or dish. Rotate the polarization
assembly with your finger to feel for any binding in rotation. Re-route cables to remove fouling with
the pedestal. If binding is felt, remove motor belt and re-check binding. If the polarization assembly
is still binding (indicating bearing failure), it must be replaced. If this check found a problem, and you
have corrected it, re-run the BIT tests.
• POL Drive Belt or POL Pot Drive Belt dragging, or slipping. Inspect drive belts for chaffing or wear
(leaves black dust). Inspect drive belts proper tension (belts should be semi-taut when pinched in on
both sides of the Motor Drive Sprocket or Pot Drive Sprocket – the belts should NOT flex more than
1/16th inch on both sides when pinched). Re-align and tension the motor & pot for correct belt path
and tension. If this check found a problem, and you have corrected it, re-run the BIT tests.
• Rotate the polarization assembly to center of it’s mechanical range (LNB near vertical) and observe
while BIT test runs. If the POL Motor does NOT drive during the test. Replace the POL motor and
re-run the BIT tests.
• POL Potentiometer (Pot) mounting out of position or failed. Rotate the polarization assembly to
center of it’s mechanical range. Loosen pot mounting bracket to de-couple the belt and rotate the pot
sprocket. If the sprocket is loose on the shaft of the pot, tighten the set screws. If the pot does not
rotate, replace it. Check continuity of the pot from CW to CCW ends (steady resistance) and from
Wiper to CW, or CCW, end (resistance varies with rotation) to verify proper operation. The pot is a
three turn potentiometer, rotate the sprocket to find one end stop and then rotate it exactly 1 ½ turns
away from that stop to the center of rotation. Hold the sprocket in place while re-coupling the belt,
tension the belt as you tighten the pot mounting bracket. If this check found a problem, and you have
corrected it, re-run the BIT tests.
• Check the harness for good continuity from point-to-point and that there are no shorts from wire-to-
wire, or from wire-to-ground that are not supposed to be there. Repair any harness problems found
and re-run the BIT tests.
• If there are NO problems with ANY of the other steps above, replace the PCU and re-run the BIT

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Maintenance

6.6. Replacing a Defective LNB

Follow the procedure below to install and align a replacement LNB. After the LNB is installed, the POL
OFFSET parameter must be re-optimized.

1 Adjust the Polarization setting in the

Antenna Control Panel to read 090. The
Polarization Motor will rotate the current
LNB to a vertical position (straight up).
2 Turn power OFF at the Antenna Control
3 Remove radome top.
4 You may need to rotate the antenna to
gain access the back of the dish.
5 Note that the body of the current LNB is
vertical (straight up) and is aligned with a
line drawn on the counterweight mounting

6 Loosen the Allen set screws on the

existing LNB mounting collar (three set
screws, 120 degrees apart) and remove it
from the mounting collar.
7 Insert the new LNB (same style) into the
mounting collar, assure it is seated all
the way into the mounting collar tube,
rotate the LNB as needed to align the
center of the body of the LNB to a vertical
position (straight up) and tighten the set
screws. All Linear and circular LNBs
must be aligned this way to prevent them
from hitting the Motor or Pot during
polarization drive.
8 Transfer the coax cables from the old
LNB to the new LNB, assure that the
correct color coax is attached to the
correct port on the LNB.
9 Re-install the radome top and tighten
radome hardware. Do not exceed 24 in-lb
(21 kg-cm) torque.

Maintenance Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

10 Turn antenna power ON at the Antenna

Control Unit.
11 If you replaced a linear LNB, re-optimize
the polarization (refer to section 5.3).
12 Verify that the LNB operating properly and
resume normal operation.

6.7. Changing to a different LNB

The Coastal Series antennas can be easily fitted with a variety of LNB assemblies. The feed is capable of
receiving linear or circular polarization signals, however, the LNB must match the desired satellite frequency
and polarization mode. Below are the instructions for changing your LNB to one of the other available LNBs.
When changing to a different LNB the feed may have to be re-balanced and the POL OFFSET parameter
must be re-optimized.

1 Adjust the Polarization setting in the

Antenna Control Panel to read 090. This
will cause Polarization to rotate the
current LNB to a vertical position (straight
2 Open the radome hatch or remove
radome top.
3 You may need to rotate the antenna to
gain access the back of the dish.
4 Note that with the body of the current LNB
is vertical (straight up).

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Maintenance

1 Loosen the Allen set screws on the

existing LNB mounting collar (three set
screws, 120 degrees apart) and remove it
from the mounting collar. NOTE: You
may need to loosen the four screws that
attach the mounting collar to the driven
gear and remove the LNB and mounting
2 Insert the new LNB into the mounting
collar, assure it is seated all the way
into the mounting collar tube, rotate the
LNB as needed to align the center of the
body of the LNB to a vertical position
(straight up) and tighten the set screws.
All Linear and circular LNBs must be
aligned this way to prevent them from
hitting the Motor or Pot during polarization
3 Some LNBs require different balancing of
the feed assembly. Refer to the
balancing counter weight amounts and
locations in the paragraph 6.8 for the LNB
you have installed.
4 After you have balanced the feed
assembly, transfer the coax cables from
the old LNB to the new LNB, assure that
the correct color coax is attached to
the correct port on the LNB.
5 Re-install the radome top and tighten
radome hardware. Do not exceed 24 in-lb
(21 kg-cm) torque.
6 Verify that the LNB operating properly and
resume normal operation.

Maintenance Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

6.8. Balancing the Feed Assembly

Coastal Series antennas can be easily fitted with a variety of LNB assemblies, however, each LNB has a
different weight distribution. The feed assembly must be balanced, through its’ rotational range, with the
desired LNB installed. The picture and text below provide you with the balancing weight configurations for
the most common LNBs.
NOTE: It may be easier to remove the feed assembly, and Feed Tube, from the dish to change the
balancing weight configuration without scratching the back of the dish.

6.8.1. US or DLA Circular Feed

1 The counterweight bracket must be

inverted (mounted from the under-side
of the feed plate with the strengthener
ribs UP toward the LNB, away from the
2 Mount a total of 7 ½ oz of counter
weight in the left hole on the
counterweight bracket.
3 Mount a total of 3 oz of counter weight
in the right hole on the counterweight
4 Mount a total of 9 oz of counter weight
in the hole on the left side of the feed
5 Return to LNB installation procedure.

US or DLA Circular Feed Assembly Balancing

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Maintenance

6.8.2. Americas Circular Feed

1 The counterweight bracket must be

mounted from the upper-side of the
feed plate with the strengthener ribs
DOWN toward the dish.
2 Mount a total of 7 ½ oz of counter
weight in the left hole on the
counterweight bracket.
3 Mount a total of 1 oz of counter weight
in the hole on the right side of the feed
4 Return to LNB installation procedure.

Americas Feed Assembly Balancing

6.8.3. Quad Linear Feed

1 The counterweight bracket must be

mounted from the upper-side of the
feed plate with the strengthener ribs
DOWN toward the dish.
2 Mount a total of 7 ½ oz of counter
weight in the left hole on the
counterweight bracket.
3 Mount a total of 1 oz of counter weight
in the hole on the right side of the feed
4 Return to LNB installation procedure.

Quad Linear Feed Assembly Balancing

Maintenance Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

6.8.4. US or Aussat Linear Feed

1 The counterweight bracket must be

mounted from the upper-side of the
feed plate with the strengthener ribs
DOWN toward the dish.
2 Mount a total of 11 oz of counter weight
in the left hole on the counterweight
3 Mount a total of 1 1/2 oz of counter
weight in the hole on the right side of
the feed plate.
4 Return to LNB installation procedure.

US Linear Feed Assembly Balancing

6.9. Removing the Feed Assembly & Feed Tube

It may be easier to change the balancing weight configuration with the feed assembly removed from the dish
and will prevent unintentional scratching or damaging of the back of the dish.
You will also have to remove the Feed Assembly & Feed Tube to replace or repair either of these

1 Loosen the 4 Allen set screws that

mount the Feed Tube and the Feed
Assembly to the dish. A ball tip Allen
wrench is recommended for this step.

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Maintenance

2 Remove the 4 set screws to remove the

Feed Tube from the front side of the
dish. NOTE: You will need to hold the
Feed Assembly also to prevent it from
falling off the back side of the dish when
you remove the last screw.

3 NOTE: You will need to hold the Feed

Assembly also to prevent it from falling
off the back side of the dish when you
remove the last screw.

4 Repair Feed assembly (refer to Polang

Pot or Pot Belt alignment OR Polang
Motor or Polang Belt alignment
procedures below).

Maintenance Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

5 Assure that you align the phase card

inside the Feed Tube to be VERTICAL
(relative to the top and bottom of the
dish) when you remount the Feed tube
to the dish.

6 Insert one of the set screws through the

Feed Tube (phase card vertical),
through the dish and thread it into the
Feed Assembly (polang Motor down).

7 Install the other three set screws.

8 Tighten all four set screws.

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Maintenance

6.10. Replace/Align Polang Pot or Belt

If the Polang Pot or Belt becomes loose or fails, you will have to remove the Feed Assembly to repair and re-
align it to restore normal operation.

1 Remove the Feed Assembly (refer to

paragraph 6.9 above).
2 If the Polang Pot has failed, go to step 5.
3 If the belt is broken, skip to step 11.
4 If the belt has slipped and the pot is only
out of alignment, skip to step 11.

5 Loosen the 2 Allen set screws in the

sprocket on the Pot shaft.

6 Remove the Allen set screw that mounts

the Pot Bracket to the feed plate and
remove the Polang Pot assembly (the
Pot, bracket and wire harness). The belt
will now be off of the sprockets.
7 Remove the sprocket from the defective
8 Remove the defective Pot from the
mounting bracket.
9 Mount the replacement Pot on the bracket
and mount the bracket to the feed plate.
Do NOT tighten the Allen set screw yet.
10 Put the sprocket on the shaft of the Pot .
Do NOT tighten the set screws yet.
11 Put the belt on the sprockets.
12 Hold light finger pressure on the Pot to
force it down and rotated out (as shown in
the picture) and tighten the set screw in
the Pot mounting bracket.

Maintenance Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

13 Check the belt tension by pinching both

sides of the belt. The belt should depress
about 1/16” on both sides with light finger

14 Rotate the LNB, and the large sprocket, to

vertical position. This should align the
marks on the large sprocket (on the back
of the feed assembly) to be lined up with
the shaft of the Pot.
15 Slide the belt up off of the large sprocket
and rotate the pot sprocket to align its
mark to the outside but in-line with the
marks on the large sprocket.
16 Hold the sprockets in alignment while you
slide the belt back onto the large
sprocket. You may need to repeat this
step several times to get the 5 marks
aligned with the belt on the sprockets.

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Maintenance

17 If the Pot was NOT replaced skip to step

18 If the pot WAS replaced, hold the
sprockets in alignment and use a flat
blade screwdriver to rotate the shaft of the
Pot to one end stop of the Pot. The Pot is
has a 3 turn range from one stop to the
other. From one stop, rotate the shaft 1
½ turns to center of the Pots’ range. This
sets the center of the pot to be in-line with
the center of the mechanical range of
rotation of the large sprocket.

19 Check the alignment of the belt travel (Pot

sprocket should be all the way down on
the Pot shaft).
20 Tighten the 2 set screws in the Pot

21 Rotate the large sprocket full CW. The

timing mark on the pot sprocket should be
inside the left side of the belt as shown.

Maintenance Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

22 Rotate the large sprocket full CCW. The

timing mark on the pot sprocket should be
inside the right side of the belt as shown.
23 The distance from the timing mark on the
Pot sprocket to the belt should be same
from both ends (CW & CCW). If they are
not repeat step 15 and re-evaluate CW &
CCW rotations.

24 Re-install the Feed Tube and Feed

Assembly as described in paragraph 6.9
25 Re-attach the coax cables to the LNB,
assure that the correct color coax is
attached to the correct port on the
26 If no other maintenance of the antenna is
required, re-install the radome top.
27 Re-optimize Polarization (refer to section
5.3) and resume normal operation.

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Maintenance

6.11. Replace Polang Motor or Belt

If the Polang Motor or Belt fails, you will have to remove the Feed Assembly to repair and re-align the Polang
Pot to restore normal operation.

1 Remove the Feed Assembly (refer to

paragraph 6.9 above).
2 If the Motor has failed, skip to step 4.
3 If the belt has broken, skip to step 8.
4 Remove the motor 3 mounting set
screws. Each of the set screws has a hex
nut in a slot on the under-side of the feed
5 Disconnect the belt, remove the motor
and harness.
6 Install replacement motor using the
hardware remove in the previous step, but
do not tighten the hardware.
7 If the Motor drive belt was not broken,
skip to step 10.

8 Disconnect the Pot belt and install a

replacement motor drive belt.
9 Refer to paragraph 6.10 to reinstall and
re-align the Pot belt before continuing on
to step 10.
10 Connect the belt from the large driven
sprocket to the Motor drive sprocket.
11 Pull the body of the motor down in the
mounting slots to apply tension to the belt
and tighten the 3 motor mounting set

Maintenance Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

12 Check the belt tension by pinching both

sides of the belt. The belt should depress
about 1/16” on both sides with light finger
pressure. Adjust motor mounting if belt
tension is too loose or too tight.
13 Re-install the Feed Tube and Feed
Assembly as described in paragraph 6.9
14 Re-attach the coax cables to the LNB,
assure that the correct color coax is
attached to the correct port on the LNB.
15 If no other maintenance of the antenna is
required, re-install the radome top.
16 Re-optimize Polarization (refer to section
5) and resume normal operation.

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Coastal 18 Technical Specifications

7. Coastal 18 Technical Specifications

7.1. Installed Weight

Coastal 18
General Assembly: TBD
Radome Assembly (dry*): 35 lbs. (15.6 kg)
Total Weight (dry): TBD
*NOTE: 34” Radome panels can absorb up to 50% moisture by weight.

7.2. Radome
Coastal 18
Diameter 20 inch (50.8cm)
Height 21 inch (53.3cm)
Mounting 4 x ¼-20 fasteners equally spaced on 12.73” D.B.C.

7.3. Antenna
Coastal 18
Type Spun Aluminum reflector
Size 18 inch (45.7cm)
Feed Cassegrain feed with center focus splash plate
Polarization Motorized skew adjustment
Antenna Gain @ 12.35 GHz 35 dBic Typical
Min EIRP 49 dB
LNB See Interchangeable Linear or Circular LNB information below.

Coastal 18 Technical Specifications Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

7.4. Circular LNB Options

The Coastal Series antennas can be easily fitted with a variety of circular LNB assemblies. A circular feed
tube must also be installed. Together they (the feed tube and the LNB) are capable of receiving circular
polarization, however, the LNB must match the frequency band of the desired circular polarized satellite.
Below are the circular LNBs which may be used with this system when the circular feed tube is installed.

7.4.1. US Circular LNB

Sea Tel Part Number: 115075-1
Type: Dual output
LNB Manufacturer: Wistron Neweb, but may vary
RF Frequencies: 12.2 - 12.7 GHz
IF Frequency: 950 - 1450 MHz
LO Frequency: 11.250 GHz
Noise Figure: 1.1 dB max.
Polarization modes: LHCP or RHCP circular
Polarization control: 18VDC (LHCP) or 13VDC (RHCP) voltage switched

7.4.2. KoreaSat Circular LNB

Sea Tel Part Number: 116910-1
Type: Single output
LNB Manufacturer: HET, but may vary
RF Frequencies: 11.7 - 12.75 GHz
IF Frequency: 950 - 2000 MHz
LO Frequency: 11.750 GHz
Noise Figure: 0.8 dB max.
Polarization modes: LHCP circular
Polarization control: 18 VDC

7.4.3. DLA Circular LNB

Sea Tel Part Number: 115075-2
Type: Dual output
LNB Manufacturer: Eagle Aspen, but may vary
RF Frequencies: 11.45 - 12.2 GHz
IF Frequency: 950 - 1700 MHz
LO Frequency: 10.5 GHz
Noise Figure: 1.1 dB max.
Polarization modes: LHCP or RHCP circular
Polarization control: 18VDC (LHCP) or 13VDC (RHCP) voltage switched

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Coastal 18 Technical Specifications

7.5. Linear LNB Options

The Coastal Series antennas can be easily fitted with a variety of linear LNB assemblies. A linear feed tube
must also be installed. Together they (the feed tube and the LNB) are capable of receiving linear
polarization, however, the LNB must match the frequency band of the desired linear polarized satellite.
Below are the linear LNBs which may be used with this system when the linear feed tube is installed.

7.5.1. Aussat Linear LNB

Sea Tel Part Number: 117508
Type: Dual output
LNB Manufacturer: Zinwell, but may vary
RF Frequencies: 12.25 - 12.75 GHz
IF Frequency: 950 - 1450 MHz
LO Frequency: 11.3 GHz
Noise Figure: 0.9 dB max.
Polarization modes: Horizontal or Vertical Linear
Polarization control: 18VDC (H) or 13VDC (V) voltage switched

7.5.2. US Linear LNB

Sea Tel Part Number: 118740
Type: Dual output
LNB Manufacturer: Zinwell, but may vary
RF Frequencies: 11.7 - 12.2 GHz
IF Frequency: 950 - 1450 MHz
LO Frequency: 10.75 GHz
Noise Figure: 0.9 dB max.
Polarization modes: Horizontal or Vertical Linear
Polarization control: 18VDC (H) or 13VDC (V) voltage switched

7.5.3. European Quad Universal Linear LNB

Sea Tel Part Number: 122386
Type: Quad output
LNB Manufacturer: Brainwave, but may vary
Low Band High Band
RF Frequencies: 10.7 - 11.7 GHz 11.7 - 12.75 GHz
IF Frequencies: 950 - 1950 MHz 1100 - 2150 MHz
LO Frequencies: 9.75 GHz 10.6 GHz
Noise Figure: 0.7 dB typical
Polarization modes: 2 Horiz., 2 Vert. Outputs
Band Selection: 2 Hi, 2 Lo band outputs

Coastal 18 Technical Specifications Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

7.6. Stabilized Pedestal

Type Two-axis positioning (Elevation & Azimuth) and Polarization
Stabilization 3 Dimensional Velocity mode Servo
Stab Accuracy 1.5 degrees MAX, 0.7 degrees RMS in presence of specified
ship motions.
Level, Train Motors Size 23 DC Step Motors with PWM Microstep drive
Pol skew Motor Size 23 DC Step Motor
Inertial Reference 3 single axis Solid State Silicon Rate Sensors
Gravity Reference Two Axis Fluid Tilt Sensor
Azimuth Reference Closed Loop Tracking on Satellite signal
Stabilization rates
Roll/Pitch > 25 degrees / second
AZ./Turn > 15 degrees / second
Range of Motion
Elevation Coastal 18 & 24 = 10 to 78 degrees
Coastal 30 = 5 to 78 degrees
Azimuth 680 degrees
Polarization +/- 90 degrees
Maximum Ship Motion
Roll +/- 25 degrees (implied)
Pitch +/- 15 degrees (implied)
Elevation Pointing
+/- 0 degrees of Roll Coastal 18, 24 & 30 = 15 to 70 degrees
+/- 15 degrees of Roll Coastal 18 & 24 = 25 to 60 degrees
Coastal 30 = 20 to 60 degrees
+/- 25 degrees of Roll Coastal 18 & 24 = 35 to 50 degrees
Coastal 30 = 30 to 50 degrees

7.7. Pedestal Control Unit

Size 5 x 11 x 1.2 inches (12.7 x 27.9 x 3.05 cm)
Features Fully integrated controller, sensors, motor drivers, and RF signal
monitor. No external components.
Below Decks Interface 15 pin D-Sub at PCU and 9 pin HD CPC at Pedestal Base
Elevation/Azimuth Motors 9 pin D-Sub
RF Signal Monitor Type F

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Coastal 18 Technical Specifications

7.7.1. DVB Compliant Tracking Receiver

Internal Satellite Identification Receiver
Input Range -85 to -35 dBm typical
Sensitivity 30 mV / dB typical
Bandwidth Selectable 7.5-30 MHz in DVB Mode, 333 KHz in SCPC Mode or
125 KHz in NBIF with AFC mode.
Tuning range 950 to 2150 MHz in 1 MHz increments in DVB Mode, 125 KHz
increments in SCPC or 62.5 KHz increments in NBIF mode.
Polarity switching 13 VDC output to select Vertical OR RHCP polarity.
18 VDC to output select Horizontal OR LHCP polarity
Band Switching: 22kHz continuous tone output to select High band, No tone to
select Low band.
Satellite ID Network ID for DVB signals. QPSK demodulator and FEC
decoder lock for DSS, or DVB without NID (forced NID).
QPSK Demodulator 3000 to 30000 baud (ksps)
FEC Decoder 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 6/7, 7/8, Automatic, SCPC or NBIF.
Pipeline Decoder DVB or DSS compatible.

7.8. Below Decks Interface

Size 3 inch x 5 inch (7.62 x 12.7cm) panel
Display 2 Line, 16 Character Backlit LCD
Controls 5 integrated touch switches
Indicators 2 LED status indicators
Serial Interface 9600 baud RS-232 Interface for diagnostics and computer
DC Power 2 Screw Terminals
Pedestal Interface 8 Screw Terminals
RS-232 Interface 9 Pin Male D-Sub connector (DTE)

7.9. Power Requirements

Voltage 11-16 VDC normal operating range
Current 3.0 Amps nominal @ 13.8 VDC
Transient Protection
Load Dump 60 volts
Inductive coupling +/- 200v @ 1 uSec
Reverse Battery Indefinite
24V Jump Start 1 minute

Coastal 18 Technical Specifications Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

7.10. Environmental
Temperature -20 to +55 degrees C.
Humidity Up to l00% @ 40 degrees C.
Rain Up to 4 inches per hour. Degraded RF performance when the
radome surface is wet.
Wind Up to 100 MPH from any direction.
Corrosion Parts are corrosion resistant or treated to endure effects of salt
air and salt spray.
Ship Motions for specified pointing accuracy
Roll +/-20 degrees with 8-12 sec periods
Pitch +/-10 degrees with 6-12 sec periods
Yaw +/-8 degrees with 15 to 20 sec periods
Turning rate Up to 12 deg/sec.

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Computer Interface

8. Computer Interface
A computer can be connected to the antenna control panel to allow you to provide access to ALL the parameter
settings of the query the Coastal Series antenna and view the responses it provides. The commands to set the
parameters in the Coastal Series PCU are summarized below.
Changing the parameters for the primary and secondary satellites may be easily done using the computer
interface. You may consult the Lyngemark satellite web site at for detailed tuning frequencies
and network ID information (Note hold your cursor over the Ku band transponder frequency to show the L-band IF
tuning value in the lower left status bar display based on the most popular Local Oscillator ffrequencies). If you
LNB uses a different Local Oscillator frequency, you will have to calculate the IF to tune to (RF – LO = IF).

8.1. Connecting the computer

1 Connect the computers COM port to the Receiver

Interface port on the rear of the Display Antenna
Control Panel using a computer “DB-9 Serial
Extension Cable” (male-female) available in most
computer stores.
2 Use Hyper Terminal, or another communication
program, to communicate with the Series 98 system.
If you have previously set up Hyper Terminal skip to
step 7 below.
3 COM port settings should be set to 9600 bits per
second, 8 data bits, No parity, 1 stop bit.
4 Assure that the Flow Control is set to “None”.

5 Open Hyper Terminal and select the settings tab.

6 Click on ASCII Setup to configure Hyper Terminal.

Computer Interface Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

7 Check “Send line ends with line feeds”, “Echo typed

characters locally” and “Append line feeds to
incoming line ends”. Click OK.

8 Type ^0086 and hit ENTER.

9 Refer to the command information below to
communicate with the antenna system. The Display
Antenna Control Panel will be locked while you are
connected to the computer.
10 When you are finished, close the terminal program
and disconnect the computer from the Display
Antenna Control Panel.
11 At the Display Antenna Control Panel, Turn power
OFF. Wait 10 seconds and turn power ON.

8.2. Communicating with the Coastal Series PCU

The commands listed below are case sensitive, be sure to use the correct upper/lower case of the characters
sent from the computer. The associated responses for each of the commands are shown below. An
explanation for each group of characters in each response is included. While in Hyper Terminal, type in
desired command key to query for desired responses:
COMMAND SUMMARY - Coastal 18, 24, 32 Version 2.05e

Monitor Function Response

@ GPS receiver position DDmm,N,DDDmm,W,A/N/-
@ GPS memory position (second query) DDd,N,DDDd,W,m
V Software version Coastal MM VER 2.nn cr
P Elevation, Azimuth, Polang, Relative EddddAddddpddddJdddd cr
R Signal level, Threshold, Network ID, Status Lddddtddddnxxxx @@@ k@@ cr
G Roll and Pitch rate sensor position RxxxxPxxxx cr
H Cross-level tilt, Level tilt, Auto Thresh, Pol Pot CxxxxLxxxxuddddOnnnn*cr
q(k) (Sat k) Name, Longitude, Pol Offset aABCDEF gddddW o+nn*cr
r(k) (Sat k) Tuning Freq, Alt Freq, Baud, FEC, NID fnnnnhnnnnbnnnnnvXnxxxxcr

Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Computer Interface

Control Function
^0080↵ Start bootloader.
^0086↵ Disable DACP updates and enter diagnostic test mode.
^0090↵ Reboot PCU.
edddd↵ Set elevation target to ddd.d degrees.
jdddd↵ Set pseudo azimuth target to ddd.d degrees.
mnn↵ Set Model type to nn (range 18, 24, 30).
pnnn↵ Set POLANG target to nnn degrees (range, 20 to 160, nominal setting of 90).
tnnnn↵ Set THRESHOLD to nnnn counts (0-4095).
unnn↵ Set Auto Threshold to nnn counts (range 000 to 255, nominal 150).
a(k)aaaaaa↵ Set Satellite (k) Name to aaaaaa.
b(k)nnnnn↵ Set Satellite (k) Baud (symbol) rate to nnnnn.
f(k)nnnn↵ Set Satellite (k) primary tuning frequency (950-2047)..
g(k)ddddW ↵ Set Satellite (k) longitude to ddd.d E/W degrees.
h(k)nnnn↵ Set Satellite (k) Alt tuning frequency (950-2047) ** Not presently used, set to 0
n(k)xxxx↵ Set Satellite (k) Network ID (NID) to xxxx (0000-FFFF).
o(k)[-]nn↵ Set Satellite (k) Polang Offset +/- nn degrees
C Tracking ON
D Tracking OFF, Search OFF.
N Select next visible satellite
W Write parameters to NVRAM
Y Restore DACP operation
Z Send selected satellite tuning parameters to DVB receiver.
2 Elevation DOWN
8 Elevation UP
4 Azimuth LEFT
6 Azimuth RIGHT
1 AZ rate bias DOWN (factory diagnostic only)
3 AZ rate bias UP (factory diagnostic only)
5 Tilt Bias reset
0 Set tilt Bias to current tilt readings (zero tilt display)
7 Toggle Search ON/OFF (no parameter initialization)
9 Reverse Search Azimuth Direction

aaaa Alpha-Numeric characters (1-9, A-Z, a-z)
dddd Decimal digits in tenths of degrees. Equal to ddd.d degrees.
DDmm Decimal degrees (0-90 or 0-180) and decimal minutes (00-59).
nnnn Decimal digits in counts. Range is nominally 0-4095 or 950-2047
nnn Decimal digits in counts or degrees. Range is 0-255.
xxxx Hexadecimal digits. Range is 0000-FFFF.
k Satellite index (1-6)
↵ or cr Enter or Carriage Return

Computer Interface Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

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Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO Drawings

The following drawings are included with this manual for installation and maintenance reference.

9.1. Coastal 18 with Polarization Drawings

Drawing Title

124764 System Coastal Configuration Chart 9-3

124519_A1 General Assembly, Coastal 18 9-4
124518_A1 Pedestal Ass’y, Coastal 18 9-6
124577_A Antenna Ass’y, Coastal 18 9-8
124665_B System Block Diagram 9-10
124736_A1 Installation Arrangement 9-12
117230_C2 Shielded Control Cable Assembly 9-14

118092 Installation Template (provided separately)

Drawings Coastal 18 Ku-Band TVRO

This page left blank intentionally

Radome Radome LNB part System System Block
System Description Polang System part# General Assy GA Install size Assy Feed type: Feed description: number: Manual Schematic Diagram Comments
Coastal 18, EU Yes 124764-001 124519-1 124736 20" 116715 Universal dual linear 117473-2 124591 124735 124665-1
Coastal 18, Aussat Yes 124764-002 124519-1 124736 20" 116715 Aussat dual linear 117508-11 124591 124735 124665-1
Coastal 18, US Linear Yes 124764-003 124519-1 124736 20" 116715 US dual linear 117508-2 124591 124735 124665-1
Coastal 18, Euro Quad Yes 124764-004 124519-1 124736 20" 116715 Euro dual quad 122386 124591 124735 124665-1
Coastal 18, DBS No 124764-005 124519-2 124736 20" 116715 US dual circular 115075-1 124769 124735 124665-3
Coastal 18, Korea-Sat No 124764-006 124519-2 124736 20" 116715 Korea-Sat dual circular 124295 124769 124735 124665-3
Coastal 18, DLA No 124764-007 124519-2 124736 20" 116715 DLA dual circular 115075-2 124769 124735 124665-3
Add Tone Generator
119061 (1x) and Cables
Coastal 18, Americas No 124764-008 124519-2 124736 20" 116715 Americas dual circular 118685-2 124769 124735 124665-3 111115-6 (2x)
Coastal 24, EU Yes 124764-017 123706-1 124736 27" 118302 Universal dual linear 117473-2 124740 124735 124665-5
Coastal 24, Aussat Yes 124764-018 123706-1 124736 27" 118302 Aussat dual linear 123559-3 124740 124735 124665-5
Coastal 24, US Linear Yes 124764-019 123706-1 124736 27" 118302 US dual linear 117508-2 124740 124735 124665-5
Coastal 24, Euro Quad Yes 124764-020 123706-1 124736 27" 118302 Euro dual quad 122386 124740 124735 124665-5
Coastal 24, DBS No 124764-021 123706-2 124736 27" 118302 US dual circular 123559-1 124740 124735 124665-6
Coastal 24, Korea-Sat No 124764-022 123706-2 124736 27" 118302 Korea-Sat dual circular 124295 124740 124735 124665-6
Coastal 24, DLA No 124764-023 123706-2 124736 27" 118302 DLA dual circular 123559-2 124740 124735 124665-6
Add Tone Generator
119061 (1x) and Cables
Coastal 24, Americas No 124764-024 123706-2 124736 27" 118302 Americas dual circular 118685-2 124740 124735 124665-6 111115-6 (2x)
Coastal 30, EU Yes 124764-025 123813-1 124736 34" 121498 Universal dual linear 117473-2 124740 124735 124665-7
Coastal 30, Aussat Yes 124764-026 123813-1 124736 34" 121498 Aussat dual linear 123559-3 124740 124735 124665-7
Coastal 30, US Linear Yes 124764-027 123813-1 124736 34" 121498 US dual linear 117508-2 124740 124735 124665-7
Coastal 30, Euroquad Yes 124764-028 123813-1 124736 34" 121498 Euro dual quad 122386 124740 124735 124665-7
Coastal 30, DBS No 124764-029 123813-2 124736 34" 121498 US dual circular 123559-1 124740 124735 124665-8
Coastal 30, Korea-Sat No 124764-030 123813-2 124736 34" 121498 Korea-Sat dual circular 124295 124740 124735 124665-8
Coastal 30, DLA No 124764-031 123813-2 124736 34" 121498 DLA dual circular 123559-2 124740 124735 124665-8
Add Tone Generator
119061 (1x) and Cables
Coastal 30, Americas No 124764-032 123813-2 124736 34" 121498 Americas dual circular 118685-2 124740 124735 124665-8 111115-6 (2x)
Coastal 24, DBS Yes 124764-033 123706-1 124736 27" 118302 US dual circular 123559-1 124740 124735 124665-5
Coastal 24, Korea-Sat Yes 124764-034 123706-1 124736 27" 118302 Korea-Sat dual circular 124295 124740 124735 124665-5
Coastal 24, DLA Yes 124764-035 123706-1 124736 27" 118302 DLA dual circular 123559-2 124740 124735 124665-5
Coastal 24, Americas Yes 124764-036 123706-1 124736 27" 118302 Americas dual circular 118685-2 124740 124735 124665-5
Coastal 30, DBS Yes 124764-037 123813-1 124736 34" 121498 US dual circular 123559-1 124740 124735 124665-7
Coastal 30, Korea-Sat Yes 124764-038 123813-1 124736 34" 121498 Korea-Sat dual circular 124295 124740 124735 124665-7
Coastal 30, DLA Yes 124764-039 123813-1 124736 34" 121498 DLA dual circular 123559-2 124740 124735 124665-7
Add Tone Generator
119061 (1x) and Cables
Coastal 30, Americas Yes 124764-040 123813-1 124736 34" 121498 Americas dual circular 118685-2 124740 124735 124665-7 111115-6 (2x)

Document No: 124764

2/23/2006 Rev: A



1 1 EA 124518-1 A1 PEDESTAL ASS'Y, COASTAL 18
2 1 EA 124577-1 A ANTENNA ASS'Y, COASTAL 18 W/POL.
DOC# 125011)


DOC# 125011)

DOC# 125011)

10 2 EA 111679-5 0 NYLON CABLE CLAMP, 3/8 DIA

15 1 EA 124649 X3 COUNTERWEIGHT, .86 LBS.
27 4 EA 114178 O ADAPTER, F(F)-F(F) (BULLET), 1.0 IN L
28 4 EA 119967 NUT, HEX, PANEL, 3/8-32
29 4 EA 119952-031 A1 WASHER, STAR, INTERNAL TOOTH, 3/8, S
50 11 EA 114588-108 SCREW, PAN HD, PHIL, 4-40 x 3/8, S.S.
51 9 EA 114588-192 SCREW, PAN HD, PHIL, 8-32 x 3/8, S.S.
52 1 EA 114588-194 SCREW, PAN HD, PHIL, 8-32 x 1/2, S.S.
53 14 EA 114580-005 WASHER, FLAT, #4, S.S.
54 5 EA 114583-009 NUT, HEX, 8-32, S.S.
55 16 EA 114580-009 WASHER, FLAT, #8, S.S.
56 3 EA 114583-005 NUT, HEX, 4-40, S.S.
57 3 EA 111679-1 0 NYLON CABLE CLAMP, 1/8 DIA
58 3 IN 118144-13 TAPE, DOUBLE-SIDED FOAM, .04 THH, 1.0



SHT 1 OF 1
SERIES 98E 23-Feb-06 124519-1 A1
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1




55 51 3X

3X 14
3X 51 55 55 54
SCALE: 1:3
4 57



57 57 55 51




B 26 B
10 51 55
56 50 3X
10 51 55 MOTOR, DRIVE P/N 124902, P/O



Sea Tel
X.X = .050 07-07-05 CONCORD, CA 94520
4X 27 29 28 4 BLACK X.XX = .020 Tel. 925-798-7979 Fax. 925-798-7986



N/A B NOT TO SCALE 124519 A1

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1



2 1 EA 124516-1 X3 ELEVATION ASS'Y, COASTAL 18
4 1 EA 110873-3 D RF SPLITTER
5 1 EA 125092 X1 COUNTERWEIGHT, 2.28 LB
8 1 EA 112573-2 B TRIM WEIGHT, 1.17 LBS
9 4 EA 108517-2 B WEIGHT, TRIM 1.0 OZ
10 1 EA 124468 X1 BRACKET, PCU
50 4 EA 114588-194 SCREW, PAN HD, PHIL, 8-32 x 1/2, S.S.
51 4 EA 114588-190 SCREW, PAN HD, PHIL, 8-32 x 1/4, S.S.
52 2 EA 114586-540 SCREW, HEX HD, 1/4-20 x 1-1/4, S.S.
53 2 EA 114586-538 SCREW, HEX HD, 1/4-20 x 1, S.S.
55 4 EA 114580-009 WASHER, FLAT, #8, S.S.
56 4 EA 114580-029 WASHER, FLAT, 1/4, S.S.
59 2 EA 114588-108 SCREW, PAN HD, PHIL, 4-40 x 3/8, S.S.
60 2 EA 114580-005 WASHER, FLAT, #4, S.S.



SHT 1 OF 1
COMMON 23-Feb-06 124518-1 A1
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


SEATEL SPEC. 122305. 2

2X 53

2X 56



2X 59 60

4X 55
2X 52
4X 50 2X 56
10 4X 51 4X 9

Sea Tel
X.X = .050 06-27-05 CONCORD, CA 94520
X.XX = .020 Tel. 925-798-7979 Fax. 925-798-7986

N/A B 1:3 124518 A1

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1



2 1 EA 124523-1 X2 VERTEX FEED, RX, 18 IN
4 1 EA 122096 B RETAINER, LNB
50 4 EA 114593-145 SCREW, SOCKET HD, 8-32 x 1/2, S.S.
51 8 EA 114580-005 WASHER, FLAT, #4, S.S.
53 4 EA 114593-106 SCREW, SOCKET HD, 4-40 x 1/2, S.S.
54 8 EA 114581-005 WASHER, LOCK, #4, S.S.



SHT 1 OF 1
COMMON 23-Feb-06 124577-1 A
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1



SEATEL SPEC. 122305.


53 4X

54 4X 2

51 4X



Sea Tel
X.X = .050 07-05-05 CONCORD, CA 94520
X.XX = .020 Tel. 925-798-7979 Fax. 925-798-7986

3X 52
51 4X N/A 1898 COASTAL
50 4X N/A B 1:2 124577 A
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


1 1 EA 124519-1 A1 GENERAL ASS'Y, COASTAL 18

2 1 EA 124577-1 A ANTENNA ASS'Y, COASTAL 18 W/POL.


7 2 EA 114178 O ADAPTER, F(F)-F(F) (BULLET), 1.0 IN L
9 4 EA 113480-1 C1 CABLE ASS'Y, RF, RG6, 50 FT.
10 1 EA 110873-3 D RF SPLITTER
11 1 EA 117164-36 A CABLE ASS'Y, RG-179 COAX, F TO F, 36 IN
12 1 EA 120422-1 A1 MULTISWITCH, DUO-SAT, 5 IN X 4 OUT CFE


14 1 EA 117209-2 CONNECTOR, PLUG, .200
15 1 EA 119732-1 A2 MULTI-SWITCH, RF, 3 IN X 4 OUT



SHT 1 OF 1
LIT 23-Feb-06 124665-1 B

117230 C2

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