Assignment 2

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The assignment is due May 16 at 5pm for groups of two and June 7th at 5pm for

individual submissions.

1. Introduction 2

2. Get Started 3
2.1 Virtual Machine 3
2.2 Starter Code 3
2.3 Understanding a Routing Table File 3
2.4. Building and Running 4

3. Background: Routing 7
3.1 IP Forwarding and ARPs 7
3.2 Protocols to Understand 7
3.2.1 Ethernet 7
3.2.2 Internet Protocol 8
3.2.3 Internet Control Message Protocol 8
3.2.4 Address Resolution Protocol 9
3.2.5 IP Packet Destinations 9

4. Implementation 10
4.1 Overview 10
4.2 Code overview 11
4.2.1 Basic Functions 11
4.2.2 Data Structures 12

5. Debugging 13
5.1 Protocols: Logging Packets 13
5.2 Router 13
5.2.1 Using GDB 13
5.2.2 Debugging Functions 14

6. Testing 14

7. Deliverables 14

8. Submissions 15


Static Router
Please use the discussion board to post questions/suggestions. This is a substantial
assignment that will let you get intimately familiar with router-level protocols. You will
understand most of the aspects of building an Internet router after finishing the
assignment. Of course, the focus is not on performance, but on simplified functionality
and that will make the problem tractable!

1. Introduction

In this lab assignment you will be writing a simple router configured under a static
routing table and a static networking topology. Your router will receive raw Ethernet
frames. It will process the packets just like a real router, then forward them to the
correct outgoing interface. Your task is to implement the forwarding logic so packets go
to the correct interface.

Your router will route real packets to HTTP servers sitting behind your router. When you
have finished your router, you should be able to access these servers using regular
client software (e.g., wget/curl). In addition, you should be able to ping and traceroute to
and through a functioning Internet router. This is the topology you will be using for your

You will also use Mininet (developed at Stanford) to set up these topologies of emulated
routers and and process packets in them. Once your router is functioning correctly, you
will be able to perform all of the following operations:
● Ping any of the router's interfaces from the VM (eth1, eth2, eth3);
● Traceroute to any of the router's interface IP addresses (eth1, eth2, eth3);
● Ping any of the HTTP servers from the VM (two HTTP servers);
● Traceroute to any of the HTTP server IP addresses (two HTTP servers);
● Download a file using HTTP from one of the HTTP servers (two HTTP servers);

2. Get Started

2.1 Virtual Machine

You assignment will run in a local virtual machine, which is the same VM image as the
first assignment.

2.2 Starter Code

To obtain the starter code, clone the repo into your VM:

git clone https://[email protected]/cs561-17sp/cs561-as2.git

The starter code can be found in cs561-as2/router/. Your router table can be found in
the rtable file in the cs561-as2 directory.

Note that if you’re using your own VM image, please check in the starter code from the
following repo:

git clone https://[email protected]/cs561-17sp/cs561-as2-yourvm.git

2.3 Understanding a Routing Table File

Each line in the routing table (rtable) file is a routing entry and has the following format:

prefix next_hop netmask interface

Here is the default routing table that you will find on the VM. The first entry is the default
route. eth3 eth1 eth2
2.4. Building and Running

The assignment relies on two tools: Mininet and POX. Mininet emulates a network with
a single router and POX ensures that this router can communicate with your code. To
make your job easier, we have written scripts that start up Mininet and POX in the
proper order. You simply need to run:

sudo ./

The script starts Mininet and POX in 2 different screen sessions. You can check that
both are running correctly by attaching to each one.

For Mininet: Attach to the screen using sudo screen -r mn. You should see something
like this:

Detach the screen and return to the original terminal by typing Ctrl-A Ctrl-D (not just

For POX: sudo screen -r pox should show something like this:
Once again, detach the screen with Ctrl-A Ctrl-D.

Now all that is left to do is run the router logic (i.e. the code you need to write). To check
that the setup was done properly, you should start by running the reference solution
binary that we provide (~/cs561-as2/sr_solution in the VM). You can either run it in the
current SSH terminal (which is not a good idea because then you will not have a
prompt anymore and will not be able to run any tests), or in a new SSH terminal
(simply open a new connection), or in a screen session. Let’s see how to do it with
screen here:

screen -S sr
cd cs561-as2/

The output should look like this:

To detach the screen and return to the main terminal, use Ctrl-A Ctrl-D. You can return
to the session anytime with screen -r sr. If you want to kill the session while attached to
it, use Ctrl-D.

If everything is running correctly, you should be able to run the following command from
your ssh terminal:


Now, to build and test your code, you can simply do as follows:

cd router



If your implementation is correctly, you should see similar output (as our reference
solution) from the ssh terminal when running ping .
If you run into issues, try ‘sudo ./’ and ‘make clean’ first.

3. Background: Routing
This section has an outline of the forwarding logic for a router, although it does not
contain all the details. There are two main parts to this assignment: IP forwarding and
handling ARP.

When an IP packet arrives at your router, it arrives inside an Ethernet frame. Your
router needs to check if it is the final destination of the packet, and if not, forward it
along the correct link based on its forwarding table. The forwarding table names the IP
address of the next hop. The router must use ARP to learn the Ethernet address of the
next hop IP address, so it can address the Ethernet frame correctly.

3.1 IP Forwarding and ARPs

Given a raw Ethernet frame, if the frame contains an IP packet whose destination is not
one of the router's interfaces:

1. Check that the packet is valid (is large enough to hold an IP header and has a
correct checksum).
2. Decrement the TTL by 1, and recompute the packet checksum over the modified
3. Find out which entry in the routing table has the longest prefix match with the
destination IP address.
4. Check the ARP cache for the next-hop MAC address corresponding to the next-
hop IP. If it's there, send it. Otherwise, send an ARP request for the next-hop IP
(if one hasn't been sent within the last second), and add the packet to the queue
of packets waiting on this ARP request.

This is a high-level overview of the forwarding process. More low-level details are
below. For example, if an error occurs in any of the above steps, you will have to send
an ICMP message back to the sender notifying them of an error. You may also get an
ARP request or reply, which has to interact with the ARP cache correctly.

3.2 Protocols to Understand

3.2.1 Ethernet

You are given a raw Ethernet frame and have to send raw Ethernet frames. You should
understand source and destination MAC addresses and the idea that we forward a
packet one hop by changing the destination MAC address of the forwarded packet to
the MAC address of the next hop's incoming interface.

3.2.2 Internet Protocol

Before operating on an IP packet, you should verify its checksum and make sure it is
large enough to hold an IP packet. You should understand how to find the longest prefix
match of a destination IP address in the routing table described in the "Getting Started"
section. If you determine that a datagram should be forwarded, you should correctly
decrement the TTL field of the header and recompute the checksum over the changed
header before forwarding it to the next hop.

3.2.3 Internet Control Message Protocol

ICMP sends control information. In this assignment, your router will use ICMP to send
messages back to a sending host. You will need to properly generate the following
ICMP messages (including the ICMP header checksum) in response to the sending
host under the following conditions:

● Echo reply (type 0)

Sent in response to an echo request (ping) to one of the router's interfaces. (This
is only for echo requests to any of the router's IPs. An echo request sent
elsewhere should be forwarded).

● Destination net unreachable (type 3, code 0)

Sent if there is a non-existent route to the destination IP (no matching entry in

routing table when forwarding an IP packet).

● Destination host unreachable (type 3, code 1)

Sent after five ARP requests were sent to the next-hop IP without a response.

● Port unreachable (type 3, code 3)

Sent if an IP packet containing a UDP or TCP payload is sent to one of the

router's interfaces. This is needed for traceroute to work.

● Time exceeded (type 11, code 0)

Sent if an IP packet is discarded during processing because the TTL field is 0.

This is also needed for traceroute to work.
Some ICMP messages may come from the source address of any of the router
interfaces, while others must come from a specific interface: refer to RFC 792 for
details. As mentioned above, the only incoming ICMP message destined towards the
router's IPs that you have to explicitly process are ICMP echo requests. You may want
to create additional structs for ICMP messages for convenience, but make sure to use
the packed attribute so that the compiler doesn't try to align the fields in the struct to
word boundaries: GCC Type Attributes. In addition to the RFC 792, you can also look at
ICMP wiki page for detailed packet format.

3.2.4 Address Resolution Protocol

ARP is needed to determine the next-hop MAC address that corresponds to the next-
hop IP address stored in the routing table. Without the ability to generate an ARP
request and process ARP replies, your router would not be able to fill out the destination
MAC address field of the raw Ethernet frame you are sending over the outgoing
interface. Analogously, without the ability to process ARP requests and generate ARP
replies, no other router could send your router Ethernet frames. Therefore, your router
must generate and process ARP requests and replies.

To lessen the number of ARP requests sent out, you are required to cache ARP replies.
Cache entries should timeout after 15 seconds to minimize staleness. The provided
ARP cache class already times the entries out for you.

When forwarding a packet to a next-hop IP address, the router should first check the
ARP cache for the corresponding MAC address before sending an ARP request. In the
case of a cache miss, an ARP request should be sent to a target IP address about once
every second until a reply comes in. If the ARP request is sent five times with no reply,
an ICMP destination host unreachable is sent back to the source IP as stated above.
The provided ARP request queue will help you manage the request queue.

In the case of an ARP request, you should only send an ARP reply if the target IP
address is one of your router's IP addresses. In the case of an ARP reply, you should
only cache the entry if the target IP address is one of your router's IP addresses.

Note that ARP requests are sent to the broadcast MAC address (ff-ff-ff-ff-ff-ff). ARP
replies are sent directly to the requester's MAC address.

3.2.5 IP Packet Destinations

An incoming IP packet may be destined for one of your router's IP addresses, or it may
be destined elsewhere. If it is sent to one of your router's IP addresses, you should take
the following actions, consistent with the section on protocols above:
● If the packet is an ICMP echo request and its checksum is valid, send an ICMP
echo reply to the sending host.
● If the packet contains a TCP or UDP payload, send an ICMP port unreachable to
the sending host.
● Otherwise, ignore the packet.

Packets destined elsewhere should be forwarded using your normal forwarding logic.

4. Implementation

4.1 Overview

The above figure shows the packet path inside the emulated Mininet environment for
this assignment. Your code is responsible for making the routing decision: (a) look at
the routing table; (b) figure out which interface to forward the packet to; (c) make
necessary changes to packet. Specifically, your router will handle ARP and IP packets.
The following two figures show the functional flow chart.
4.2 Code overview

4.2.1 Basic Functions

Your router receives and sends Ethernet frames. The basic functions to handle these
functions are:

● sr_handlepacket(struct sr_instance* sr, uint8_t *packet, unsigned int len, char*


This method, located in sr_router.c, is called by the router each time a packet is
received. The packet argument points to the packet buffer which contains the full
packet including the Ethernet header. The name of the receiving interface is
passed into the method as well.

● sr_send_packet(struct sr_instance* sr, uint8_t* buf, unsigned int len, const char*

This method, located in sr_vns_comm.c, will send len bytes of buf out of the
interface specified by iface. The buf parameter should point to a valid Ethernet
frame, and len should not go past the end of the frame. You should not free the
buffer given to you in sr_handlepacket() (this is why the buffer is labeled as being
"lent" to you in the comments). You are responsible for doing correct memory
management on the buffers that sr_send_packet borrows from you (that is,
sr_send_packet will not call free() on the buffers that you pass it).

● sr_arpcache_sweepreqs(struct sr_instance *sr)

The assignment requires you to send an ARP request about once a second until
a reply comes back or you have sent five requests. This function is defined in
sr_arpcache.c and called every second, and you should add code that iterates
through the ARP request queue and re-sends any outstanding ARP requests that
haven't been sent in the past second. If an ARP request has been sent 5 times
with no response, a destination host unreachable should go back to all the
sender of packets that were waiting on a reply to this ARP request.

4.2.2 Data Structures

The Router (sr_router.h)

The full context of the router is housed in the struct sr_instance (sr_router.h). sr_instance
contains information about topology the router is routing for as well as the routing table
and the list of interfaces.

Interfaces (sr_if.c/h)

After connecting, the server will send the client the hardware () information for that host.
The stub code uses this to create a linked list of interfaces in the router instance at
member if_list. Utility methods for handling the interface list can be found at sr_if.c/h.

Note that The server and client here are in the context of the VNS system (which
emulates the topology). You can refer to sr_add_interface (sr_if.c) and
sr_handle_hwinfo(sr_vns_comm.c) for details.

The Routing Table (sr_rt.c/h)

The routing table in the stub code is read on from a file (default filename rtable, can be
set with command line option -r) and stored in a linked list of routing entries in the
current routing instance (the member name is routing_table).

The ARP Cache and ARP Request Queue (sr_arpcache.c/h)

You will need to add ARP requests and packets waiting on responses to those ARP
requests to the ARP request queue. When an ARP response arrives, you will have to
remove the ARP request from the queue and place it onto the ARP cache, forwarding
any packets that were waiting on that ARP request. Pseudocode for these operations is
provided in sr_arpcache.h. The base code already creates a thread that times out ARP
cache entries 15 seconds after they are added for you. You must fill out the
sr_arpcache_sweepreqs() function in sr_arpcache.c that gets called every second to
iterate through the ARP request queue and re-send ARP requests if necessary.
Psuedocode for this is provided in sr_arpcache.h.
Protocol Headers (sr_protocol.h)

Within the router framework you will be dealing directly with raw Ethernet packets. The
stub code itself provides some data structures in sr_protocols.h which you may use to
manipulate headers easily. There are a number of resources which describe the
protocol headers in detail. Network Sorcery's RFC Sourcebook provides a condensed
reference to the packet formats you'll be dealing with Ethernet, IP, ICMP, and ARP.

5. Debugging
Debugging is a critical skill in programming and systems programming specifically.
Because your error might be due to some tiny, low-level mistake, trying to read through
pages and pages of printf() output is a waste of time. While printf() is of course useful,
you will be able to debug your code much faster if you also log packets and use gdb.

5.1 Protocols: Logging Packets

You can log the packets received and generated by your SR program by using the -l
parameter. The file will be in pcap format, so you can use tcpdump to read it.

./sr -l logfile.pcap

Besides SR, you can also use Mininet to monitor the traffic that goes in and out of the
emulated nodes, i.e., router, server1 and server2. Mininet provides direct access to each
emulated node. Using server1 as an example, to see the packets in and out of it, go to
the Mininet CLI:

mininet> server1 sudo tcpdump -n -i server1-eth0

5.2 Router

5.2.1 Using GDB

We encourage you to use gdb to debug any router crashes, and valgrind to check for
memory leaks. These tools should make debugging your code easier and using them is
a valuable skill to have going forward.
5.2.2 Debugging Functions

We have provided you with some basic debugging functions in sr_utils.h, sr_utils.c. Feel
free to use them to print out network header information from your packets. Below are
some functions you may find useful:

● print_hdrs(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t length)

Prints out all possible headers starting from the Ethernet header in the packet

● print_addr_ip_int(uint32_t ip)

Prints out a formatted IP address from a uint32_t. Make sure you are passing the
IP address in the correct byte ordering.

6. Testing
We’re testing your code in the following five scenarios. Please refer to our binary
solution for expected behavior.

● Ping any of the router's interfaces from the VM (ping;
● Traceroute to any of the router's interface IP addresses (traceroute;
● Ping any of the HTTP servers from the VM (ping;
● Traceroute to any of the HTTP server IP addresses (traceroute;
● Download a file using HTTP from one of the HTTP servers (wget;

You should also consider other testing cases (such as “errors”) and describe your
testing details in the document.

7. Deliverables
● Final source code: Remember one of the goals of this assignment is for you to
build a static router that can perform basic routing functions. Therefore, your final
code MUST be runnable as a single shell command (“./router/sr”). We will test
your code in the same setup.
● README: This file should be 1-3 page document describing your high-level
design, implementation, and special testing cases.
8. Submissions
The assignment is due May 16 at 5pm for groups of two and June 7th at 5pm for
individual submissions.

Make sure your names are on the README. Create a tarball of the cs561-as2 folder with your
updates to the started code. Submit your tar-ball to the course dropbox. NOTE: we
recommend you to use the referenced solution (./sr_solution) to test your code before

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