Netking: Ahsan Jameel Khan
Netking: Ahsan Jameel Khan
Netking: Ahsan Jameel Khan
Introduction of Hardware and Software (Basic)
Mother Board
Hard Disk
Virus & Antivirus
BIOS setup
Floppy Disk Drive
Disk Operating System
Installation of Win98, Windows XP, 2000, 2003 Server
A Personal Computer is made up of hundreds and thousands of discrete components. While no one can name every
tiny bit of electronics in a PC. A good computer hardware technician should be able to name the major internal and
external components that make up the typical PC. Let us take a brief idea of various components of a PC, and learn
what their functions are.
Software:- Software consist of sequence of instruction in the form of a program to perform a particular task on
a computer is called software.
A collection of program, which contain some coding of programs.
System Software: System Software is that type of software who provides the platform.
Example- All type of Operating System.
Application Software: Application Software is that type of software who uses his platform.
Example- MS Office, Coral Draw, Photoshop etc.
Utility Software: Utility Software is that type of software who uses both system software and
application software. Example- Antivirus, motherboard Driver etc.
Hardware: - A component of computer system which has some physical existence called hardware.
Example- Monitor, Keyboard, Hard Disk, CD-ROM etc.
The motherboard is the main circuit board inside the PC. It holds the processor, memory and expansion slots
and connects directly or indirectly to every part of the PC.
Motherboard is called motherboard because all h components of computer are connected with
Types of Motherboard:
o Intel Original
o Intel Chipset
AT Motherboard:-
AT stand for Advance Technology.
At is old technology.
AT SMPS power connector has 6×2=12pin.
AT motherboard has no inbuilt port.
In AT motherboard all the inbuilt connector are connect with Berge connector.
AT motherboard has no USB port.
AT motherboard has manual shut down.
The connector of keyboard and mouse is called DIN connector.
Power switch of computer is connected with SMPS.
ATX Motherboard:-
ATX stand for Extended Advance Technology.
ATX is a new technology.
ATX SMPS power connector has 10×2=20 pin and 12×2=24 pin
ATX motherboard has inbuilt port.
No need of Berge connector.
ATX motherboard has USB port.
ATX motherboard has automatic shut down.
The connector of keyboard and mouse is called Ps/2 connector.
Power switch of computer is connected with Berge connector which s logically connected with BIOS.
Types of RAM
FPM stands for First / Fast Page Used in 284, 486 and some P1
Module. computer.
No cut n RAM. Capacity 256 KB, 512 KB, 1MB, 2
Inserted in 30-pin SIMM slot. MB.
Stand for extended Data Output. Used in 486, P1 and P2 computers.
72-pin and Single cut in RAM. Capacity 2MB, 4MB, 8MB
Inserted in 72-pin SIMM slot. Processing ability 32-bit
Slot Color always white.
SD RAM stands for Synchronous Used in P2 and P3 computers.
Dynamic. Capacity 8MB, 16MB, 32MB, 64MB,
168-pin and Double cut in RAM. 128MB,256MB.
Slot color always black. Processing ability 64-bit.
DDR stand for Double / Dual Data Used only P4 computer.
Rate. Capacity 128MB, 256MB, 512MB,
184-pin and Single cut in RAM 1GB, 2GB, 4GB.
Slot color always black. Processing ability 64-bit.
DDR2 stand for Double Data Rate Used in P4 computer.
Tow. Processing ability 64bit.
240-pin and Single cut in RAM.
RD stands for Rambus Dynamic. Used in server computer.
194 pin. Capacity 1GB,2GB,4GB,8GB,
Double cut in RAM. 16GB(according to requirement)
Inserted in 194 pin RD slot. Processing ability 64bit.
Hard Disk
The hard disk is a device which store all program The read write head is logically connected with
and data in the computer. The hard disk is referred lance and lance operates the whole information of
to as the memory bank of computer. platter. The head move over the hard surface as
Hard drive as the most popular device for the platter rotate.
store data. Hard Disk drive has multiple hard The internal part of Hard Disk-
mettle surfaces that is called platter. Each patter Platter>Track>Sector>Cluster. (All files and
normally holds data on both side of the platter. folders save in cluster).
ST-506:- ST stand for Serial Transfer and 506 is the number. The ST-506 interface is the oldest
standard and it evolved from floppy drive interface. ST-506 required one 34-pin cable for control
signal and another 20-pin cable for data signal.
ST-506 Hard Disk transmits data serially (1bit at a time). ST-506 data transferring speed is
7.5 mbps.
ESDI: - ESDI stand for Erchance Small Device Interface. The ESDI hard disk uses the 34-pin
cable and 20-pin cable as the ST-506. ESDI Hard Disk capacity and develop the concept of Multy
tasking. ESDI Hard Disk also installs operating system.
SCSI: - SCSI stands for Small Computer System Interface. SCSI Hard Disk generally use for
server computer. The big difference SCSI and IDE is data cable connector. The data cable connector
of SCSI hard disk is 50 or 68 pin.
IDE: - IDE stand for Integrated Device Electronic. IDE is the most useable connector in today’s
IDE Hard Disk is two types:
i. ATA- The data cable connector of ATA is 40-pin. In this Hard Disk we can create master and
slave. Processing ability is 100mbps/16bit. ATA HDD speed 7200 rpm.
ii. SATA- The data cable connector of SATA is 7-pin. No concept of master and slave. It’s
processing ability 600mbps/bit. SATA HDD speed 4×7200 rpm.
File System
File system is process through which operating system searches a file which stored on a disk and also
defines limitation of partition space.
There are three types of file system-
FAT-16 (File Allocation Table-16):- FAT-16 is a basic file system which can not support large disk
space. It means, in FAT-16, we can create maximum 2GB of partition size. It is supported by
Windows95, Windows98 (first edition) and Windows Millennium.
Fat-32 (File Allocation Table-32):- FAT-32 is a advance file system which can support large disk
space. That means in FAT-32 we can create maximum of 32GB of partition size. It is supported by
Win98 (second edition), Win2000 Professional, XP, 2000 server, 2003 server
NTFS (New Technology File System):- NTFS is specially created for security in networking. NTFS
support inscription and description. Which is generally use for security purpose. NTFS can support
very large disk space, it means, in NTFS we can create maximum of 4 TB of partition. It is
supported by Win98, WinXP, Vista, 2003, Win- Exchange Server etc.
System Files
System Files are those files which are generally used when we install operating system software and as
well as application software. Every bootable CD contain their basic system Files. There are some
System Files:
IO.sys:- IO.sys is an important system file for every operating system. IO.sys handle basic input
output function of the input output device which is attached to the computer. is the central system file for operating system. is the
responsible for all the communication between user and computer. handles all the
internal and external commands.
MSDOS.Sys:- MSDOS.Sys is main systems file of operating system because it is logically
connected with BIOS chip. Trough msdos.sys we can set the booting sequence. It also manages the
file management, memory management, and analytical management.
NT A file access in the window XP boot sequence. NT is used to detect
any hardware that is Installed and Add information about the hardware to the registry.
NTLDR:- A file is used to control the WinXP boot process, Until control is passed to the anti
OSKRNL.exe file.
Anti OSKRNL.exe:- A file access in the WinXP boot sequence. The Anti OSKRNL.exe is use to
load the KRNL.
Anti BootDD.sys:- A file accessed in the WinXP boot sequence. Anti BootDD.sys is an optional
file, (the SCSI driver) that is use when the computer has the SCSI adapter.
Boot.INI:- A file access during the WinXP boot sequence. The Boot.INI file is used to build the
operating system menu choice that is displayed during the boot process.
Disk Cleanup helps free up space on your hard drive. Disk Cleanup searches drive on your
computer, and then shows you temporary files, Internet cache files, and unnecessary program
files that you can safely delete.
Disk Defragmentation:-
The process of finding and consolidating fragmented files and folders is called
Defragmentation. The amount of time that Defragmentation takes depends on several factors,
including the size of the volume, the amount of fragmentation, and the available local system
1. Move the mouse-pointer over the Start button and click the left mouse button.
2. Inside the push-up menu, move the mouse-pointer over the control panel and left click.
3. A control panel window appears. Move the mouse-pointer over the Administrative Tools
option and double click the left mouse-button.
4. An Administrative Tools window appears. Move the mouse-pointer over the Computer
Management option and click the left mouse-button.
5. A computer management window appears. In the left portion of computer management
window, move the mouse-pointer over the Disk Management option and click the left mouse-
6. Now move the mouse-pointer over a disk or partition name and click the right mouse-button.
7. In side shortcut menu, move the mouse pointer over the properties option and click the left
8. A properties dialog box of selected disk volume appears. Beside disk icon, on top of Properties
dialog box, you will find default disk volume name.
9. After typing a new name for disk volume move the mouse-pointer over the Apply button and
left click.
10. Next, click over the OK button. You will reach to computer management.
The steps of Change Drive Letter-
1. First open Computer Management (Start> Control Panel> Administrative Tools> Computer
2. Select Disk Management in left portion of Computer Management window.
3. Next, move the mouse-pointer over hard disk or partition name and click the right-button in the
right portion. A shortcut menu appears.
4. Inside shortcut menu, move the mouse-pointer over the Change Drive Letter and paths option
and click the left mouse-button.
5. A change Drive Letter and Paths dialog box for selected disk volume appears.
6. Move the mouse-pointer over the Change button and click the left mouse-button.
7. Change Drive Letter or Path dialog box appears. You will find a down arrow beside Assign the
following drive letter option.
8. Move the mouse-pointer over down arrow button and selected your desired letter and click left
9. Next, move the mouse-pointer over the OK button and click the left mouse-button.
10. Finally, move the mouse pointer over the Close button present on the top right corner of the
Computer Management window and click the left mouse-button.
Advantage of SMPS:-
Wire Voltage
The smallest part of semiconductor.
Convert AC to DC.
Micro Processor
At the heart of every computer there is a special chip placed on the mother board. This chip is known as
Microprocessor or Processor. The processor determines to great extent, how powerful a computer can be.
The processor is also called the Central Processing Unit (CPU). The CPU executes instructions, performs
mathematical calculations and coordinates input/output operations.
An instruction set is a collection of machine code instructions which enable a processor to carry out all its
tasks. A high level programmer is complied into a number of machine instruction- one high level instruction
(for example, a print command issued by a programming software like Visual Basic) must be changed into a
series of low-level machine instructions or machine language which perform that single operation. The total
number of instructions in an instruction set can be up to 200. Processors use one of two instruction set types:
Most personal computers use a CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer) architecture in
which the CPU supports as many as two hundred instructions. An alternative architecture,
used by many workstations and also by some personal computers, is RISC (Reduced
Instruction Set Computer), which supports fewer instructions.
Reduced Instruction Set Computer (RISC) is a type of instructions set for a microprocessor
that recognizes a relatively limited number of instructions. Until the mid, 1980s the tendency
among computer manufacturers was to build increasing complex CPUs that had ever-larger
sets of instructions
Types of Microprocessor-
PGA Microprocessor:-
PGA stands for Pin Grid Array.
A PGA CPU has a grid of pin on the bottom of float chip.
PGA is physically differentiated from one another by the number of arrangement of pin.
PGA chip are easy to removable and easy to use.
SEC Microprocessor:-
It was the first CPU who starts the concept of cache memory.
SEC microprocessor also called stand alone processor.
SEC CPU is used as circuit board which contains processor with heat sink and fan.
Pentium Microprocessor:-
Intel releases the original Pentium in 1993. Early Pentium had an internal speed of between
16MHz to 200MHz.
Pentium1 microprocessor uses pipeline technology. Which is found in processor? Its internal
speed is between 66 MHz to 223 MHz.
In Pentium2 processor added a new feature called multimedia Extension which is found in
processor. The main work of MMX (Multi Media Extension) is providing the better graphic
quality. The speed of Pentium2 is 223 MHz to 466 MHz.
In Pentium3 microprocessor some processing implementing including Multimedia Extension and
support Windows XP operating system. Pentium3 also support large capacity of hard disk. The
speed of Pentium3 is between 500 MHz to 1.2 GHz.
In Pentium4 processor support higher speed of motherboard and support higher speed of hard
disk. In a P4 processor first time Intel introduces data bus speed. The speed of Pentium4 is
1.4GHz to 3.8 GHz.
CD-ROM is important in today’s computer. In CD-ROM drive the laser project light of beam (Ray) towards
the desired track. All the digital information is originally coated in the form of PIT and LAND.
If light beam strike a LAND the beam is reflected back. If light beam strike a PIT beam is not
reflected back. Light sincere generate digital pulses which is electronic flow of ray. The data transfer rate of
CD-ROM drive is based x factor. When x is 150 rpm.
CD- Media:-
The CD is predicted by stumping the pattern of the PIT and LAND that is molded by polycarbonate
disk. The clear polycarbonate disk is given a silver coating so that will reflected laser light on the
Types of Virus-
1. BIOS Virus:- BIOS Virus are design to attack BIOS chip. Which is called BIOS setup?
BIOS virus defect all the equipment which is logically connected with motherboard. The
solution is that rewrite the BIOS chip and coed the BIOS chip with the help of electronic
pulses. That type of viruses is rarely.
2. Boot Sector Virus:- The cause of boot sector virus is DLL. Boot sector virus is generate
error on hard disk. This virus is generally occurred when we install operating system.
Example- Tunkie, Onio
3. File Infecting Virus:- Most common type of viruses are file infecting virus. File infecting
virus is attached to .exe, .com, .sys and .dll files. Example- Friday13, Eugima, Locke, Name sis.
4. Trojan Horse:- Trojan horse virus do not replicate as a virus but destroy all the data
frequently. It also hides the executable files. Frequently hides a virus program because it
appears as a data file. Example- Twelve Trick, Darth Vader.
5. Worm Virus:- A worm virus is just like a self contain program that spreads to other
computers usually through a network. The main source of won virus in internet.
6. Macro Virus:- A program written in the macro language that is built it some application is
called macro virus. Most often in Microsoft product. Example- Ami Pro.
The antivirus is the remedy of virus. It reduces the bad sector and also checks the hard disk.
Antivirus is helped to save our PC from virus.
Type of Antivirus-
1. Norton Antivirus
2. PC- Cline
3. AVG-7.0
4. MA- Café
5. Awast-7.0
6. Quick Rill
7. Kasper Antivirus
8. Panda etc.
Note- All the Antivirus will work properly when we will take update.
2) Folder Downloading
Monitor is a output device which shows the result of user’s work.
The operation of most video monitor is based on cathode ray tube.
A beam of electronic is called cathode ray tube which is basically based on electronic gun element.
The heat is supply to the cathode ray by directing a current through coil of wire.
The primary component of an electron gun in CRT is heating element.
The whole operation is controlled by raster scan display.
Raster scan display is based on PIXEL.
CGA (Color Graphic Adapter):- In 1981, IBM introduced the CGA, which was capable of
rending four colors and had a maximum resolution of 320 pixels horizontally by 200 pixels
vertically. VGA has 5+4 = 9 pinned.
VGA (Video Graphic Adapter):- In 1987, IBM introduced VGA display system. Most
computers today support the VGA standard and many VGA monitors are still in use. It has
XGA (Extended Graphic Array):- In 1990, IBM introduced XGA display system, offering
800×600 pixel resolution in true color (16.8 million colors) and 1024×768 resolution in 65536
Power Management-
Monitor does not run off the PC’s power supply. Even if the monitor is plugged into the PC’s power
supply, it still gets its alternating current (AC) power from the wall outlet. A PC’s monitor uses more
power than all the other components of the PC.
Power Option for Monitor:- Through option present in a Power Scheme, you can set a period or
duration of inactivity that you want to elapse before monitor, hard disk or system itself goes to turn
off or stand by. The following steps are to set power option for monitor.
1. Move the mouse-pointer over the empty region in Desktop and click the right mouse-button. A
shortcut menu appears.
2. Select the Properties option and click the left mouse-button.
3. A Display Properties dialog box appears with few tabs just below the title bar.
4. Move t he mouse-pointer over the Screen Saver tab and click the left mouse-button.