Windows XP Professional Resource Kit
Windows XP Professional Resource Kit
Windows XP Professional Resource Kit
. Windows XP Professional Resource Kit Welcome > Part VI System Troubleshooting > Ch 28 Troubleshooting
. Introduction Startup > Following a Process for Startup and Recovery
+ Part I Deployment
+ Part II Desktop Management Using Recovery Console
+ Part III Security
If you cannot start your computer in safe mode or by using the Last
+ Part IV Networking
+ Part V Interoperability Known Good Configuration startup option, you can use Recovery
+ Part VI System Troubleshooting Console. With the appropriate permissions, you can use this
+ Part VII Appendices
command-line interface to start recovery tools, start and stop
. Glossary
services, access files on hard disks, and perform advanced tasks,
Infrequently, startup files and critical areas on the hard disk become
using the installed Recovery Console or using the Last Known Good
system CD.
operating system CD
installations appears.
To use the CD-based Recovery Console, you must set the CD-ROM as
the primary boot device (the first item listed in the boot order). If the
Professional operating system CD. You must use startup floppy disks
startup floppy disks, see the Getting Started Guide, which comes with
three seconds, Setup does not run and the computer passes
3. In the Run dialog box, type cmd, and then click OK.
drive:\i386\Winnt32.exe /cmdcons
installation files.
disable drivername
start Windows XP Professional, you can try replacing the System and
Try other recovery methods before using the manual procedure that
Professional tools.
When using the following procedure, do not replace both the System
First, replace one file, and then test whether this action resolves the
startup problem. If the problem persists, copy the other file. Which
file you decide to replace first (the System or Software file), depends
cd system32\config
If they exist, save backups of other files that use file names that
copy ..\..\repair\system
copy ..\..\repair\software
Consider these points when you replace the System or Software file
● The System and Software files in the repair folder might not be
current. If the files are not current, you might need to update
For more information about Backup and saving system state, see
Professional Help and Support Center, and also see "Tools for
can start your computer by using these startup floppy disks. Using
environment that enables read and write access to the disk without
include commonly used tools and additional drivers that provide CD-