Introduction To Marketing Management: Learning Outcomes
Introduction To Marketing Management: Learning Outcomes
Introduction To Marketing Management: Learning Outcomes
Introduction to Marketing Management
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this module, students will be able to:
define marketing management
discuss the concepts and importance of marketing management
explain the nature and importance of service marketing
identify characteristics of service marketing
If you ask the average person “What is Marketing?” he or she might respond in one of the
following ways:
These comments are probably all deserved, we have to own up to the fact that our
profession, like any other, has its unsavory members. This module overviews marketing
concepts and terms, beginning with marketing and its vital role in today’s corporation.
What is Marketing?
Market is derived from the Latin word “Marcatus” meaning goods or trade or a place
where business is conducted.
Marketing has been defined in various ways:
Evolution of Marketing
The foundations of marketing in America were laid in Colonial times, when the settlers
traded among themselves & with the Native Americans. Some settlers became retailers,
wholesalers, & itinerant peddlers. However, large-scale marketing in the U.S. did not
begin to take shape until the Industrial Revolution in the latter part of the 1800s. Since
then, marketing has evolved through 3 successive stages of development:
Three Stages of Marketing Evolution
Importance of Marketing
Marketing Concepts
B. Wants - are the options of satisfying needs that shaped by culture and
individual personality. Human beings must require food but what type of food
they will take that is depended on cultural and social of individually. One
person may like a burger but another person might like rich food. Maximum
satisfaction of customers need depends on the quality of a product.
2. Marketing Offerings
B. Services - all kinds of things that are offered to a market to satisfy human
needs or human wants or consumers that is called Services. Service is a work
or benefit that is given to one party to other party. Service is intangible. For
example, service of doctor, lawyer, mason, tailor, hotel service, training
service, security service, entertainment service, beauty parlor service etc.
5. Market
Marketing follows market. Market is a set of present and future buyer. Market
is a place where buyers and sellers are come in touch with detailed information
about what sellers are offer and what buyers are ready to buy. Some people do
not say that in market a place should stay. But a market is where different types
of transactions happen that is also call market. In market, the goods flow from the
sellers to the buyers and money flow from buyer to reach sellers to complete the
In most countries, services add more economic value than agriculture, raw
materials and manu-facturing combined. In developed economies, employment is
dominated by service jobs and most new job growth comes from services.
The American Marketing Association, defines services as activities, benefits,
or satisfactions that are offered for sale or provided with sale of goods to the
customer, that is, pre-sale and after-sales services. Berry states, ‘while a product
is an object, devise or physical thing, a service is a deed, performance, or an
Characteristics of Service Marketing
1. Intangibility
2. Inseparability
Services involve people, and people are all different. There is a strong
possibility that the same enquiry would be answered slightly differently by
different people (or even by the same person at different times). It is
important to minimize the differences in performance (through training,
standard setting and quality assurance). The quality of services offered
by firms can never be standardized.
4. Perishability
The demand for services has wide fluctuations and may be seasonal.
Demand for tourism is seasonal, other services such as demand for public
transport, cricket field and golf courses have fluctuations in demand.
6. Pricing of services
Quality of services cannot be standardized. The pricing of services is
usually determined on the basis of demand and competition. For example,
room rents in tourist spots fluctuate as per demand and season and many
of the service providers give off-season discounts.
7. Direct channel
Company Price
Self-Help: You can also refer to the source below to help you further
understand the lesson
Iacobucci, Dawn (2012), Marketing Management 2nd Edition, C & E
Publishing, Inc., 839 EDSA, South Triangle, Quezon City, Philippines
Multiple Choices: Read each item carefully. Write the letter of your answer on the space
provided before the number.
_____1. What is the most basic concept of essential marketing?
A. Needs C. Demand
B. Wants D. All of the above
_____ 2. What is the ultimate aim of the marketing?
A. To provide more business to the company
B. To provide more profit
C. To provide more staff
D. To provide more production
In a Nutshell!
In this part, you will be required to draw conclusion, perspective, argument, and idea.