Chronic Constipation and Homoeopathy

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© Dr. Rajneesh Kumar Sharma MD (Homoeopathy)

Dr. (Km) Ruchi Rajput BHMS
Homoeo Cure Research Centre P. Ltd.
NH 74- Moradabad Road
Ph- 09897618594



Chronic constipation (Psora) is a disorder characterized by unsatisfactory defecation (Psora) that results
from infrequent stools, difficult stool passage (Psora), or both over a time period of at least 12 weeks.

The diagnosis is primarily symptom-based, relying on the patient’s self-report of symptoms; however, the
description of constipation symptoms varies significantly among patients. Common symptoms may
include infrequent bowel movement (Psora), hard stool (Psora), too small stool (Tubercular/ Psora),
difficulties with stool expulsion (excessive straining) (Tubercular/ Psora), feeling of incomplete
evacuation (Psora) or simply a patient description of ―a feeling of being constipated‖ without any of these
constipation-related symptoms.


1- Rome II Criteria

At least 12 weeks, need not be consecutive, in past 12 months of > 2 of:

• Straining in >25% of defecations (Psora)

• Sensation of incomplete evacuation in >25% of defecations (Psora)

• Sensation of anorectal obstruction/blockade in >25% of defecations (Psora/ Psora)

• Manuel maneuvers to facilitate >25% of defecations (Psora)

• Fewer than three defecations per week (Psora)

• Loose stools should not be present and there are insufficient criteria for IBS (Tubercular/ Syphilis)

2- ACG CC Task Force

Symptoms for at least 3 of the last 12 months consisting of:

• Infrequent stools: less than 3 per week, or (Psora)

• Difficult stool passage, which may include: (Psora)

• Straining (Psora)

• Sense of difficulty passing stool (Psora)

• Incomplete evacuation (Psora)

• Hard/lumpy stools (Psora/ Syphilis)

• Prolonged time to stool (Psora)

• Need for manual maneuvers to pass stool (Psora/ Sycosis)

• Can be a combination of both

Abbr. - ACG: American College of Gastroenterology; CC: chronic constipation; IBS: Irritable Bowel

Chronic constipation (Psora) appears to be very common in the general population although its prevalence
varies depending on the diagnostic criteria used. Chronic constipation disproportionately affects women
compared with men (2.2:1), and the prevalence increases with age.

Symptoms may be benign but chronic constipation can significantly reduce life quality, and, if left
untreated, can result in fecal impaction (Psora), incontinence (Psora/ Syphilis), and, very rarely, bowel
perforation (Psora/ Syphilis).

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) (Tubercular/ Syphilis) is the most common and best studied functional
gastrointestinal (GI) disorder.


IBS symptoms (Psora/ Tubercular) are heterogeneous in their expression. The clinical presentation is
abdominal pain (Psora) or discomfort associated with altered bowel habits (e.g., diarrhea, constipation, or
a combination of both at times (Sycosis)) and with a change in the consistency or frequency of stools.
Other associated symptoms may include bloating, urgency, and/or a feeling of incomplete evacuation
(Psora). Although symptoms tend to occur in clusters, individual symptoms may also occur sequentially
and they may vary in type, location, and severity over time.

IBS is classified as diarrhea-predominant (IBS-D) (Tubercular/ Sycosis), constipation-predominant
(IBS-C) (Tubercular/ Psora), or mixed—a combination of both (IBS-M), depending on the most prevalent
bowel pattern. This sub-classification is determined by stool frequency, form, and passage. However,
because the predominant symptom often changes over time, it is not uncommon for a patient to alternate
between these IBS subgroups or between different functional bowel disorders such as IBS-C or IBS-D
and functional constipation or functional diarrhea.

There are no biological markers or specific tests for the diagnosis of IBS. The diagnosis is therefore based
on identifying a cluster of clinical symptoms that are consistent with the disorder and excluding other
conditions by looking for clinical alert signs and performing limited diagnostic testing.

Since the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying the disorder are not known, the current approach to
management is based primarily on the patients’ predominant symptoms and overall wellbeing rather than
on a specific underlying etiological mechanism. The treatment is determined on basis of totality and the
peculiars- whether pain, diarrhea, or constipation is predominant and the targeted symptom is treated
using the same medications as in other conditions.

There are many causes for constipation. The disorder may be secondary to systemic diseases (e.g.,
hypothyroidism (Psora/ Syphilis), hyperparathyroidism (Psora/ Sycosis), diabetes mellitus (Tubercular)),
gastrointestinal diseases (e.g., mechanical obstruction due to colon or rectal cancer), neurological
disorders (e.g., autonomic neuropathy (Syphilis), Parkinson’s disease (Psora/ Syphilis), multiple sclerosis
(Syphilis)). Another common etiology is the use of prescription or over the counter (OTC) medications
that slow down the intestinal transit.

Chronic primary or idiopathic constipation is primarily a diagnosis of exclusion which is made when the
other possible etiologies have been ruled out. Once primary idiopathic constipation has been diagnosed
and ―red flags‖ suggesting other serious diseases such as colon or rectal cancer have been eliminated,
empiric treatment may be started with an appropriate follow-up to assess the response.


By Prescription


Tricyclic antidepressants

Calcium channel blockers

Antiparkinsonian drugs




Over the counter (OTC)

Antacids, especially calcium containing

Calcium supplements

Iron supplements


Antidiarrheal agents


An advice for behavioral, diet and lifestyle modifications is good as the first step of treatment. Patients
are often encouraged to increase their fluid intake, get involved with moderate increase in exercise, and
use the bathroom daily in response to feeling of urge for a bowel movement or at a specific time,
particularly after meals. Patients with more severe symptoms or those who do not respond to this initial
treatment are usually offered an empiric medication treatment with fiber supplements and Homoeopathic

II. Evaluation of chronic primary constipation

The initial evaluation is based on careful history and physical evaluation. Important historical features
include bowel frequency, stool consistency, need for straining, and feeling of incomplete evacuation.
Presence of abdominal pain/discomfort can suggest a diagnosis of other functional disorders (e.g.,
IBS-C). Identifying alarm symptoms (e.g., weight loss, reduced appetite, weakness) are important since
they can suggest other underlying conditions which usually require further evaluation (e.g., abdominal
imaging, colonoscopy). Patients’ medications should be reviewed carefully and initial limited laboratory
tests should be performed to exclude medications (e.g., calcium channel blockers, anticholinergics) or
diseases (e.g., hypothyroidism) to which constipation is secondary.

Patients with primary constipation can be further evaluated for the underlying pathophysiological
mechanisms of their constipation. Using functional tests of the colon and anorectum, primary constipation
can be divided into three separate subgroups:

1. Slow transit constipation

2. Normal transit constipation

3. Obstructed defecation
Slow transit Constipation refers to a decrease in colonic transit particularly in its proximal parts (i.e., the
ascending and transverse colon).

Normal transit constipation refers to patients who meet the criteria for chronic functional constipation but
testing of their colonic transit is between normal limits. These patients often have misperceptions of
normal bowel movements and some may have psychosocial disorders.

Obstructed defecation refers to organic/mechanical obstruction at the level of the rectosigmoid colon or
pelvic floor, or functional obstruction due to failure of the anorectal and pelvic floor muscles to relax
during defecation.

Combinations of these three subtypes are possible.

III. Pharmacologic treatments for chronic constipation

Pharmacologic treatments for chronic constipation include several groups of medications with different
mechanism/mode of action.

Bulk-forming agents are organic polymers that absorb water. These agents increase stool mass and water
content thereby making it bulkier, softer and easier to pass. e.g. bran, psyllium and methylcellulose. These
agents are often used as the first line treatment of constipation.
Stool softeners, like docusate sodium and docusate calcium, are surface-active agents that facilitate water
interacting with the stool in order to soften the stool, make it more slippery, and easier to pass. These
agents are often used as OTC medications for constipation.
Osmotic laxatives are poorly absorbed ions or molecules that create an osmotic gradient within the
intestinal lumen, drawing water into the lumen and making stools soft and loose. Examples of this group
of agents include poorly absorbed electrolytes such as milk of magnesia, magnesium citrate, and sodium
phosphate; poorly absorbed disaccharides such as lactulose and sorbitol; and polyethylene glycol 3350
(PEG). These agents are usually used for short-term treatment of constipation or for intermittent use in
chronic constipation. The PEG solution is also used for intestinal purges in preparation for diagnostic
procedures (e.g., colonoscopy) or surgery.
Stimulant laxatives increase peristalsis in the large bowel and fluid and electrolyte secretion in the distal
small bowel and colon. These agents include anthraquinones (senna, cascara, danthron),
diphenylmethanes (bisacodyl and phenolphthalein) and castor oil.
Secretory agents – this group is currently represented by Lubiprostone. It works by activating chloride
channels on the small intestinal mucosa and thereby leading to chloride rich intestinal fluid secretion that
increases luminal water content and stool hydration.

Prokinetic agents – These agents act by increasing intestinal motility and thereby accelerating intestinal
transit. Tegaserod maleate is a 5-HT4 pre-synaptic receptor agonist that enhances the peristaltic reflex,
increases colonic motility, decreases visceral hypersensitivity, and facilitates secretion into the colonic


nux-v. nat-m. op. bry. plb. sulph. lyc. sep. alum. graph.

1. Auerbach-Wilderness_Medicine.4ed 15. Geriatric Medicine An Evidence-based Approach

2. Braunwald-Harrisons_Manual_of_Medicine.15ed 16. Gitlow-Substance_Use_Disorders_A_Practical_Guide.1ed

3. Chronic Diseases and Health Care, Morewitz 17. Goroll-Primary_Care_Medicine_Recommendations.1ed

4. Clinician’s Pocket Drug Reference 2008 18. Habib_Liver and Pancreatic Diseases Management

5. Current Diagnosis & Treatment In Family Medicine, 1Rst Ed (2007) 19. Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine, 17‘Edition

6. CURRENT Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2009 20. Humes-Kelleys_Textbook_of_Internal_Medicine.4ed

7. Current_Gastroenterology.2ed.with_images 21. KEY TOPICS IN GASTROENTEROLOGY

8. Davidson-s-Principles-and-Practice-of-Medicine-2006-20ed 22. Ledingham-Concise_Oxford_Textbook_of_Medicine.2000

9. Diseases And Disorders A Nursing Therapeutics Manual 23. Mandell-Mandell_Douglas_and_Bennetts_Principles_and_Practice

10. Drug Class Review on Constipation Drugs Final Report September 2007 24. Manual of Gastroenterology - Diagnosis and Therapy, 3rd Edition
Oregon Health & Science University
25. McEvoy-AHFS_Drug_Information.2004
11. Feldman-Sleisenger_and_Fordtrans_Gastrointestinal_and_Liver
26. Portland, Oregon 97239
12. Ferri’s Clinical Advisor 2004 - Instant Diagnosis and Treatment. 6th
edition 27. RADAR 10

13. Food protein-induced gastrointestinal diseases 28. Warrell-Oxford_Textbook_of_Medicine.4ed

14. General Practice, 3rd Edition (J. Murtagh) 29. Yamadas_Textbook_of_Gastroenterology.4ed

ABDOMEN - Aggravation - constipation, with- ALUM. Bell. Bry. calc. carb-v. CON. hyos. kali-c. lyc. merc.
Nat-m. NUX-V. Op. PLB. Sep. SIL. Sulph.

Abdomen - BURNING, pain - constipation, during- bell.

ABDOMEN - Colic pain - Concomitants – Constipation- all-s. Aloe Alum. cocc. coll. grat. lyc. Nux-v. op.
Plb-act. sil.

ABDOMEN - CONGESTION - Liver; of - accompanied by – constipation- aesc.


Abdomen - CRAMPING, pain - constipation, agg.- all-s. Aloe Alum. bac. carc. cocc. coll. grat. lyc. merc.
Nux-v. Op. Plb. Podo. sil.

ABDOMEN - DISTENSION - children, in - constipation, from- plb.

ABDOMEN - DISTENSION - constipation, during- alum. am-c. bry. dol. ery-a. graph. hyos. iod. Lach.
mag-m. nit-ac. ph-ac. phos. sep. ter.

ABDOMEN - DISTENSION - constipation; during- alum. am-c. bry. ery-a. graph. hyos. iod. Lach. mag-m.
nit-ac. ph-ac. phos. podo. sep. Tell. ter.

ABDOMEN - DISTENSION - general - children, in - constipation, from- plb.

ABDOMEN - DISTENSION - general - constipation, during- alum. am-c. boerh-d. brucel. bry. dol. ery-a.
graph. hyos. iod. LACH. mag-m. nit-ac. ph-ac. phos. sep. ter.

Abdomen - DRAWING, pain - constipation, during- kali-c.

ABDOMEN - FLATULENCE - constipation, during- merc.

ABDOMEN - FLATULENCE - obstructed - descending colon, with constipation- AUR. IOD. LYC. rhod.

ABDOMEN - FULLNESS - constipation, during- bry. dios. ery-a. graph. hydr-ac. hyos. iod. lach. lat-h.
nit-ac. nux-v. phos. ter.

ABDOMEN - FULLNESS, sensation of - constipation; during- bar-ox-suc. bry. dios. ery-a. graph. hyos. iod.
lach. mand. nit-ac. nux-v. phos. suis-pan. ter.

ABDOMEN - GALLSTONES - accompanied by – constipation- chion.

ABDOMEN - Haemorrhoids - with – Constipation- aesc-g. Aesc. am-m. anac. Coll. euon. kali-s. Nux-v. paraf.
sil. Sulph. verb.

ABDOMEN - HARDNESS - general - liver - constipation, with- graph.

ABDOMEN - HARDNESS - Liver - constipation, with- graph.

ABDOMEN - HEAT - constipation, during- plb.

Abdomen - HEAT, abdomen, in - constipation, during- plb.

ABDOMEN - HERNIA; ABDOMINAL - Umbilical - accompanied by – constipation- cocc. nux-v.

ABDOMEN - INACTIVITY - Liver; of - accompanied by – constipation- aesc. still.

ABDOMEN - PAIN - burning - constipation, during- bell.

ABDOMEN - PAIN - burning, smarting - constipation, during- bell.

ABDOMEN - PAIN - constipation; as from- cham.

ABDOMEN - PAIN - cutting - constipation, with- am-m.

ABDOMEN - PAIN - drawing - constipation, during- kali-c.

ABDOMEN - PAIN - hypogastrium - constipation, with- tela

ABDOMEN - PAIN - pressing - sides - left - cry out, making him, with constipation and displacement of
flatulence- sulph.

ABDOMEN - PAIN - sides - left - cry out, making him, with constipation and displacement of flatulence-

ABDOMEN - PAIN - violent - hypogastrium - constipation, during- tarent.

ABDOMEN - PAIN, - constipation, from- ars. bell. con. cupr. kali-c. merc. op. plb. sil. sul-ac. thuj.

ABDOMEN - PAIN, - cramping, griping - constipation, during- merc. Op. Plb. Podo.

Abdomen - PAIN, abdomen - constipation, pain from- all-s. Aloe Alum. ars. bell. carc. cham. cocc. coll. coloc.
con. Cupr. grat. kali-c. lyc. merc. op. Plb. podo. sil. sul-ac. thuj.

Abdomen - PAIN, abdomen - flatulence, with pain - constipation, during- merc.

ABDOMEN - PORTAL congestion - accompanied by – constipation- aesc.

Abdomen - PORTAL system, general - constipation, caused by stagnation of- Croc.

Abdomen - retracted, sunken - constipation, with- carb-ac.

ABDOMEN - RETRACTION - accompanied by – constipation- carb-ac.

ABDOMEN - RETRACTION - constipation, with- carb-ac.

ABDOMEN - RETRACTION - general - constipation, with- carb-ac.

ABDOMEN - STASIS of the portal venous system - accompanied by – constipation- aesc.

ABDOMEN - WEAKNESS - constipation, with- plat.

Abdomen - WEAKNESS, sensation - constipation, with- plat.

BACK - PAIN - constipation, with- AESC. all-c. euon. FERR. kali-bi. sulph.
BACK - PAIN - General - constipation, with- Aesc. all-c. euon. Ferr. kali-bi. sulph.

BACK - PAIN - lumbar region, lumbago - constipation, during- kali-bi. tep.

Bladder - BLEEDING, urethra - constipation, with- lyc.

BLADDER - PARALYSIS - constipation, with- bry. carb-v. caust. cocc. hyos. kali-c. nux-v. op. plb. sec.
sulph. zinc.

BLADDER - RETENTION of urine - constipation, with- cann-s.

BLADDER - RETENTION of urine - general - constipation, with- cann-s.

Bladder - RETENTION, of urine - constipation, with- cann-s.

Bladder - URGING, to urinate - frequent, urination - constipation, with- sars.

Bladder - URGING, to urinate - involuntary, urination - constipation, with- tarent.

BLADDER - URINATION - complaints of urination - accompanied by – constipation- lyc.

BLADDER - URINATION - frequent - constipation, with- sars.

BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - constipation, with- tarent.

BLADDER - URINATION - involuntary - constipation; with- caust. tarent.

Brain - SCLEROSIS, brain - alternating, with colic, constipation and wrist-drop- Plb.

Breath - offensive - constipation, with- carb-ac.

Cancer - RECTUM, cancer - constipation, with cancer- alum. grat. kreos. plb.

CHEST - HEART; complaints of the - accompanied by – constipation- spig.

CHEST - WEAKNESS - Heart - accompanied by – constipation- apoc. cact. dig. kali-c. lach. lil-t. naja nat-m.
phyt. spig.

Children - COLIC, infants - constipation, with, caused by stimulating food taken by mother or nurse, much
flatus- Nux-v.

Children - COLIC, infants - griping, with constipation in- Nux-v. OP.

Children - CONSTIPATION, children- acon. Aesc. ALUM. Ant-c. apis bell. BRY. CALC. caust. Cham. Coll.
croc. Graph. Hep. hydr-ac. Hydr. kreos. LYC. Mag-m. meph. Nat-m. Nit-ac. NUX-V. nyct. OP. Paraf. Plat.
Plb. Podo. Psor. sanic. Sep. Sil. sulph. verat.

Children - CONSTIPATION, infants- aesc. ALUM. BRY. CALC. caust. coll. Lyc. mag-m. NAT-M. Nux-v.
OP. plb. psor. sel. sep. Sulph. Verat. Zinc.

Children - DENTITION, difficult, teething - constipation, general irritation and cachexia, with- Kreos. nux-v.

Children - FOOD, artificial, ailments from - constipation, succeeds diarrhea- alum. Podo.
Children - INFANTS, general - colic - constipation, with, caused by stimulating food taken by mother or
nurse, much flatus- Nux-v.

Children - INFANTS, general - colic - griping, with constipation in- Nux-v. OP.

Children - INFANTS, general – constipation- ALUM. BRY. CALC. Lyc. NAT-M. Nux-v. OP. Sulph. Verat.

Children - INFANTS, general - meconium, retention, with vomiting of all food, obstinate constipation-

Children - INFANTS, general - nursing, general, - artificial food, constipation succeeds diarrhea- alum. Podo.

Children - MECONIUM, retention, with vomiting of all food, obstinate constipation- kali-br.

Children - WORMS, children, in - dentition, with constipation- Dol.

CHILL - Chill, etc. - concomitants - stool – constipation- alum. ant-c. Bell. BRY. calc. COCC. dulc. LYC.
NUX-V. Op. sep. Sil. staph. sulph. VERAT.

Clinical - herpes, simplex - constipation, from- cop.

Clinical - Malaria, infection, ague - gastric - gastric and bilious symptoms, or consequent upon abuse of
chinona or quinine - with bitter taste of food, and constipation- Puls.

Clinical - portal, system, general - constipation, caused by stagnation of- Croc.

Clinical - vaginismus, vagina - emaciation, and constipation, with- plb.

Constitutions - BILIOUS, constitutions - constipation, tendency to- cub. NUX-V.

Constitutions - ELDERLY, constitutions - blood, quantities of, discharged at once, women, with constipation
and hypochondriasis- psor.

Constitutions - ELDERLY, constitutions - constipation - constipation and diarrhea, alternate- aloe Phos.

Constitutions - ELDERLY, constitutions – constipation- alum. bry. calc. nat-m. Op. Phyt.

Constitutions - ELDERLY, constitutions - diarrhea - constipation and diarrhea, alternate- ANT-C.

Constitutions - HEMORRHOIDAL, constitutions - constipation, with- Aesc. Hydr. Nat-m. Nit-ac. NUX-V.

Constitutions - INFANTS, constitutions - colic - constipation, with, caused by stimulating food taken by
mother or nurse, much flatus- Nux-v.

Constitutions - INFANTS, constitutions - colic - griping, with constipation in- Nux-v. OP.

Constitutions - INFANTS, constitutions – constipation- ALUM. BRY. CALC. Lyc. NAT-M. Nux-v. OP.
Sulph. Verat. Zinc.

Constitutions - INFANTS, constitutions - meconium, retention, with vomiting of all food, obstinate
constipation- kali-br.
Constitutions - INFANTS, constitutions - nursing, general, - artificial, constipation succeeds diarrhea- alum.

Constitutions - MELANCHOLIC, constitutions – constipation- Sulph.

Constitutions - MEN, constitutions - studious, hypochondriasis, with abdominal complaints and constipation-

Constitutions - OCCUPATIONS, general - emigrants, amenorrhea, constipation- PLAT.

Constitutions - OCCUPATIONS, general - sedentary, general – constipation- alum. NUX-V. Podo.

Constitutions - PHLEGMATIC, constitutions – constipation- Op.

Constitutions - PLETHORIC, constitutions - adults, headaches with congestion, giddiness, flushed face and
constipation- Nux-v.

Constitutions - PLETHORIC, constitutions – constipation- Op.

Constitutions - WOMEN, constitutions – constipation- alum. nat-m. SEP.

COUGH - Concomitants – constipation- nat-c.

Cough - constipation agg- con. graph. sep.

COUGH - CONSTIPATION agg.- con. graph. sep.

COUGH - CONSTIPATION, during- con. graph. nat-c. sep.

COUGH - Excited or aggravated by - constipation, from- sep.

Coughing - CONSTIPATION, during- con. graph. nat-c. sep.

EXTREMITIES - COLDNESS - Foot - constipation, during- ol-j.

EXTREMITIES - COLDNESS - general - lower limbs - feet - constipation, during- ol-j.

EXTREMITIES - HEAVINESS - Lower limbs – constipation- tep.

EXTREMITIES - PAIN - burning - lower limbs - feet - constipation, with- ol-j.

EXTREMITIES - PAIN - lower limbs - constipation, with- asc-c.

EXTREMITIES - PAIN - lower limbs - feet - constipation, with- ol-j.

EXTREMITIES - PAIN - rheumatic - constipation, with- casc.

EXTREMITIES - PAIN - upper limbs - hands - constipation, with- ol-j.

EXTREMITY PAIN - BURNING - Foot - constipation, with- ol-j.

EXTREMITY PAIN - BURNING - Hand - constipation, with- ol-j.

EXTREMITY PAIN - GENERAL - rheumatic - constipation, with- casc.

EXTREMITY PAIN - LOWER LIMBS - constipation, with- asc-c.

FACE - ERUPTIONS - acne - constipation; with- calc-sil.

FACE - HEAT - general - flushes - constipation, during- term-c.

FEMALE - ABORTION, miscarriage - constipation, with- apis bry. coll. kali-c. nux-v. op. phos. plb. sep. sil.

Female - BLEEDING, uterus, metrorrhagia - constipation, high living, from- nux-v.

Female - DYSMENORRHEA, painful menses - constipation, with- coll.

FEMALE - LEUCORRHEA - constipation, with- NAT-M. podo.

FEMALE - LEUCORRHEA - General - constipation, with- podo.

FEMALE - MENSES - absent, amenorrhea - exertion, from, with constipation- cann-s.

FEMALE - MENSES - absent, amenorrhea - physical exertion, from, with constipation- cann-s.

FEMALE - MENSES - late, too - would come, as if, and constipation- graph.

FEMALE - MENSES - painful, dysmenorrhea - constipation, with- coll.

Female - MENSES, general - late, too - would come, as if, and constipation- graph.

FEMALE - METRORRHAGIA - constipation, high living, from- nux-v.

FEMALE - METRORRHAGIA - General - constipation, high living, from- nux-v.

Female - VAGINAL, discharge, leucorrhea - constipation, with- podo.

FEMALE - VAGINISMUS - emaciation and constipation, with- plb.

Female - VAGINISMUS, vagina - emaciation, and constipation, with- plb.

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - LEUKORRHEA - accompanied by – constipation- hydr. Nat-m.

FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - PROLAPSUS - Uterus - accompanied by – constipation- stann.

FEMALE SEXUAL SYSTEM - Complaints during pregnancy – Constipation- alum. Coll. lyc. nux-v. op.
Plat. plb. Sep.

FEMALE SEXUAL SYSTEM - Complaints, preceding and attending flow – Constipation- am-c. coll. Graph.
Nat-m. nux-v. plat. Plb. sep. Sil. sulph.

FEMALE SEXUAL SYSTEM - Puerperium – Constipation- Bry. Coll. nux-v. verat. zinc.

FEVER - TYPHOID FEVER - accompanied by – constipation- Bry. hydr. nux-v. op.

FEVER, HEAT - ABSENT - adynamia - constipation, with- nat-m.

Fevers - ERUPTIONS, with fevers - blotches, large red, over body, and constipation- Cop.
Fevers - INTERMITTENT, fever, ague, malaria - gastric - gastric and bilious symptoms, or consequent upon
abuse of chinona or quinine - with bitter taste of food, and constipation- Puls.

Fevers - REMITTENT, fever - constipation, with- Hydr.

Fevers - RHEUMATIC, fever - constipation, after- HYDR.

Fevers - TYPHOID, fever, salmonella - constipation, with- Bry. hydr. nux-v. op.

Food - APPETITE, general - loss, of appetite - constipation, with- asc-c.

Gallbladder - BILIOUS, constitutions - constipation, tendency to- cub. NUX-V.

Gallbladder - WEAK, gallbladder - constipation, with- Kali-m. Nux-v.

GENERALS - ANEMIA - accompanied by – constipation- alum-sil. alum. alumn. chin. cycl. ferr. graph.
hydr. kali-c. mang. nat-m. nux-v. plb. puls. sulph.

Generals - COMPLEXIONS, general - dark, brunette - brown, olive, disposed to constipation, sad, gloomy,
taciturn- aur.

GENERALS - CONSTIPATION amel.- Calc. merc. Psor.

GENERALS - CONVULSIONS - epileptic - during epileptic convulsions; complaints – constipation- verbe-o.

GENERALS - DIABETES MELLITUS - accompanied by – constipation- carl. graph. kreos. lac-d. nat-s.

GENERALS - FAINTNESS - accompanied by – constipation- verat.

GENERALS - PAIN - neuralgic - accompanied by – constipation- alum-sil. alum. alumn. plb.

GENERALS - PARALYSIS - one side - accompanied by – constipation- alum-sil. alum. alumn. plb.

GENITALIA - Conditions - constipation, agg.- coll. con. fl-ac. Graph. lach. Mag-m. plat. Sep. sulph.

GENITALIA - Female organs - childbed – constipation- alum. Ant-c. BRY. lyc. NUX-V. op. Plat. sep.

GENITALIA - Female organs - pregnancy – constipation- alum. BRY. Lyc. NUX-V. op. Sep.

HEAD - CONGESTION - constipation; during- aster. crot-h. Nux-v.

HEAD - CONGESTION, hyperemia etc. - general - constipation, during- aster. crot-h. NUX-V.

Head - constipation agg- Bry. colch. Nux-v. op.

HEAD - CONSTIPATION agg.- alet. BRY. chin. coff. colch. con. crot-h. ign. kali-bi. lach. mag-c. merc.
nat-m. NUX-V. Op. puls. sep. verat.

HEAD - Headache - cause – Constipation- Aloe alum. Bry. coll. hydr. nit-ac. Nux-v. op. rat.

HEAD - Headache - Concomitants – Constipation- aloe alum. Bry. euon. Hydr. lac-d. nicc. Nux-v. op. plb.

HEAD - HEAT - constipation, with- verat.

HEAD - HEAT - constipation; during- verat.

HEAD - HEAT, General - constipation, with- verat.

HEAD - Internal - aggravation – constipation- alet. BRY. chin. coff. con. Crot-h. ign. kali-bi. lach. mag-c.
Merc. nat-m. NUX-V. OP. Puls. sep. verat.

HEAD - PAIN - accompanied by – constipation- alet. Aloe alum. am-c. arg-n. aur. bell. BRY. Calc-p. chin.
coff. Coll. con. crot-h. dioxi. dys. euon. fl-ac. gels. graph. Hydr. ign. iris kali-bi. Lac-d. lach. mag-c. merc.
Nat-m. Nat-s. nicc-met. nicc. nit-ac. Nux-v. op. petr. Plb. Podo. Puls. rat. rhus-t. sep. verat. zinc.

HEAD - PAIN - constipation, with- ALOE alum. am-c. aur. BRY. CALC-P. coff. colch. COLL. con. crot-h.
euon. hydr. ign. iris jatr-c. LAC-D. lach. lept. lyc. mag-c. merc. NAT-M. NAT-S. nicc-met. nit-ac. NUX-V. op.
petr. pitu-a. PLB. PODO. PULS. rat. tor. verat. zinc.

HEAD - PAIN - forehead - periodic - constipation, with- nux-v.

HEAD - PAIN - pressing - constipation, during- jatr-c.

HEAD - PAIN - ulcerative - forehead - periodic, with constipation- nux-v.

HEAD - PAIN, - pressing - constipation, during- jatr-c.

HEAD - PAIN, - ulcerative - Forehead - periodical, with constipation- nux-v.

HEAD PAIN - GENERAL - constipation, with- Aloe alum. am-c. aur. BRY. Calc-p. coff. colch. Coll. con.
crot-h. euon. hydr. ign. iris Lac-d. lach. lept. mag-c. merc. Nat-m. Nat-s. nicc-met. nit-ac. Nux-v. op. petr.
pitu-a. Plb. Podo. Puls. rat. tor. verat. zinc.

HEAD PAIN - PRESSING - constipation, during- jatr-c.

HEAD PAIN - ULCERATIVE - Forehead - periodical, with constipation- nux-v.

Headaches - PRESSING, pain - constipation, during- jatr-c.

Headaches - ULCERATIVE, pain - forehead - periodical, with constipation- nux-v.

Heart - HEARTBEATS, general - weak - constipation, with- phyt.

Heart - WEAK, heart - constipation, with- phyt.

HEAT AND FEVER IN GENERAL - Concomitants - stool – constipation- alum. am-c. ambr. ANT-T. APIS
Arn. BELL. BRY. Calad. Calc. canth. carb-v. caust. chin. COCC. con. CUPR. DULC. fl-ac. Graph. guaj.
kali-c. kreos. lach. laur. LYC. mag-m. meny. merc. mez. nat-m. nit-ac. NUX-V. OP. phos. Plat. Plb. puls.
rhus-t. sabad. sars. sel. Sep. Sil. stann. STAPH. sul-ac. Sulph. thuj. VERAT. verb. zinc.

Intestines - BLEEDING, intestines, from - women, elderly, large quantities of blood discharged at once with
constipation- psor.

Intestines - CRAMPING, pain - constipation, agg.- all-s. Aloe Alum. bac. carc. cocc. coll. grat. lyc. merc.
Nux-v. Op. Plb. Podo. sil.

Intestines - DISTENTION, from flatus - children, in - constipation, from- plb.

Intestines - DISTENTION, from flatus - constipation, during- alum. am-c. bry. dol. ery-a. graph. hyos. iod.
Lach. mag-m. nit-ac. ph-ac. phos. sep. ter.
Intestines - FLATUS, flatuence, intestinal - constipation, during- merc.

Intestines - FLATUS, flatuence, intestinal - obstructed, intestinal - descending colon, with constipation- Aur.
Iod. Lyc. rhod. Sulph.

Intestines - INFLAMMATION, intestines - diarrhea and constipation, alternate- Ign.

Intestines - PERISTALSIS, general - inertia, feeling of - constipation, causing- Plat.

Intestines - PERISTALSIS, general - inertia, feeling of - of lower, hemorrhoids and constipation, especially
during pregnancy- Coll.

Intestines - PERISTALSIS, general - lost, contractility, in constipation of infants- alum. Lyc. Op.

Intestines - WORMS, parasites, general - children, in - dentition, difficult - constipation, with- Dol.

Joints - RHEUMATIC, fever - constipation, after- HYDR.

KIDNEYS - SUPPRESSION of urine - constipation, with- aral-h.

KIDNEYS - SUPPRESSION of urine, anuria - constipation, with- aral-h.

Kidneys - SUPPRESSION, urine, kidneys - constipation, with- aral-h.

Legs - HEAVINESS, sensation, tired legs – constipation- tep.

Liver - ENLARGED, liver - constipation, inability to lie on right side, with recurring attacks of indigestion -
biliousness and constipation- Mag-m.

Liver - HARDNESS, liver - constipation, with- graph.

Liver - HEPATITIS, infection, liver - constipation, with- Nux-v. Podo.

Liver - INDURATION, liver - constipation, with chronic- Graph.

Liver - JAUNDICE, icterus - torpid, with, and constipation- still.

Liver - PAIN, liver - constipation, with- verat.

Liver - PAIN, liver - nausea, with - nausea and constipation- Merc-c.

Liver - PORTAL, system, general - constipation, caused by stagnation of- Croc.

Liver - WEAK, liver - constipation, with- Kali-m. Nux-v.

Liver - WEAK, liver - jaundice, with, from biliary concretions - jaundice and great depression of mind, with
constipation- still.

LOWER EXTREMITIES - Aggravation - constipation and piles, from- ham. lyc. nux-v. ruta sulph.

MALE - VARICOCELE - constipation, with- coll.

MALE - VARICOCELE - constipation, with- coll.

Male - VARIOCELE, spermatic, cord - constipation, with- coll.

MALE AND FEMALE GENITALIA/SEX - CONSTIPATION agg.- coll. con. fl-ac. graph. lach. mag-m. plat.
sep. sulph.

MALE GENITALIA/SEX - VARICOCELE - accompanied by - constipation; extreme- coll.

MENSTRUATION - Concomitants after menses - stool, constipation- graph.

MENSTRUATION - Concomitants before menses – constipation- aloe alum. am-c. bry. graph. kali-c. lach.
mag-c. nat-m. nux-v. SIL. sulph. thuj.

MENSTRUATION - Concomitants during menses – constipation- alet. ALOE alum. Am-c. am-m. Apis Aur.
bell. Bry. Calc. GRAPH. iod. KALI-C. Kreos. lach. NAT-M. nat-s. NUX-V. op. phos. PLAT. Plb. puls. SEP.
sil. sul-ac. sulph.

MIND - Aggravation - constipation, during- aloe NAT-M. Nux-v.

MIND - ALCOHOLISM - constipation; with- Apom.

MIND - ANXIETY - constipation; with- tarent.

Mind - ANXIETY, general - constipation, with- tarent.

MIND - COMPLAINING - constipation and diarrhea, with- nux-v.

MIND - CONSTIPATION agg.- aloe NAT-M. nux-v.

MIND - DELIRIUM - abdomen, with swelling of - constipation, and- ACET-AC.

MIND - DELIRIUM - abdomen, with swelling of - constipation, and- Acet-ac.

MIND - DELIRIUM - constipation, with- acet-ac.

MIND - DELIRIUM - distension of abdomen and constipation; with- Acet-ac.

MIND - FEAR - constipation, with- bell. lach. OP.

Mind - FEARS, phobias,general - constipation, with- bell. lach. Op.

MIND - IRRITABILITY - constipation, during- pitu-a.

MIND - IRRITABILITY - constipation, during- pitu-a.

MIND - IRRITABILITY - stitches in rectum, from, in constipation- NAT-M.

MIND - MANIA - constipation, during- Verat.

MIND - MANIA, madness - constipation, with- VERAT.

MIND - MANIA, madness - constipation, with- Verat.

Mind - RESTLESSNESS, mental - children, in - constipation, with- Apis

MIND - RESTLESSNESS, nervousness - children, in - constipation, with- APIS

MIND - RESTLESSNESS, nervousness - tendency - children, in - constipation, with- Apis

MIND - SADNESS - constipation; with- olnd.

MIND - SADNESS, despondency, depression, melancholy - constipation, with- ferr. NUX-V. OLND.

MIND - SADNESS, despondency, depression, melancholy - liver troubles, in - constipation, and- still.

MIND - SHRIEKING, screaming, shouting - children, in - constipation since birth, with- aloe

MIND - TORPOR - constipation, in- NAT-M.

Mind - TORPOR, mental - constipation, in- NAT-M.

MIND - UNCONSCIOUSNESS, coma - constipation, with- Stram.

MIND - UNCONSCIOUSNESS, coma - general - constipation, with- STRAM.

Mouth - BREATH, general - constipation, with- carb-ac.

MOUTH - MAPPED tongue - constipation, during- KALI-BI.

MOUTH - ODOR, breath - constipation, with- carb-ac.

Muscles - ATROPHY, muscles - alternating, with colic and constipation- Plb.

NAUSEA AND VOMITING - Concomitants – constipation- cupr. plb.

NOSE - CATARRH - accompanied by – constipation- aur-m-n. hydr.

NOSE - CORYZA - general - discharge - with, fluent - constipation, with- ARS.

Pregnancy - CONFINEMENT, puerperal – constipation- Ambr. Ant-c. bell-p. PLAT. SEP.

Pregnancy - CONSTIPATION, during- Agar. ALUM. Ambr. Ant-c. Ant-t. Apis Bry. Calc. carb-v. cocc.
COLL. coloc. Con. DOL. FERR. Graph. Hydr. Kali-c. Lyc. meny. merc. nat-m. NAT-S. Nit-ac. NUX-V. Op.
Phyt. PLAT. PLB. Podo. Puls. sabad. SEP. stann. Sulph. Verb.

Pregnancy - MISCARRIAGE, spontaneous abortion - constipation, with- apis bry. coll. kali-c. nux-v. op.
phos. plb. sep. sil.

PROSTATE GLAND - SWELLING - accompanied by – constipation- arn. sil.

RECTUM - CHILLINESS - constipation, during- lac-d.

RECTUM - CHILLINESS in - constipation, during- lac-d.

Rectum - CHILLINESS, before stool - constipation, during- lac-d.

RECTUM – CONSTIPATION- abies-c. abies-n. abrom-a. Abrot. acet-ac. acon. Aesc-g. AESC. Aeth. Agar.
agav-a. Agn. aids. alet. allox. Aloe alum-p. alum-sil. ALUM. ALUMIN. ALUMN. Am-c. Am-m. Ambr. ammc.
amp. amph. Anac. anan. anders. androc. Ang. ant-c. ant-t. anth. anthraq. APIS aq-mar. Arg-met. Arg-n.
arge-pl. arist-cl. arn. Ars-i. ARS. arund. asaf. asar. asc-c. asc-t. aster. aur-ar. aur-i. Aur-m-n. aur-m. aur-s.
Aur. bacls-7. bad. Bar-c. bar-i. Bar-m. bar-ox-suc. bar-s. bell. Berb. bit-ar. bol-la. borx. botul. bov. brach.
brass-n-o. bros-gau. brucel. BRY. bung-fa. Cact. cadm-met. Caesal-b. calad. calc-f. calc-i. Calc-p. Calc-s.
calc-sil. CALC. camph. cann-s. canth. caps. Carb-ac. Carb-an. Carb-v. carbn-dox. CARBN-S. carc. Card-m.
carl. carneg-g. cartl-s. cas-s. casc. cassia-s. caul. CAUST. cham. Chel. Chim. Chin. chinin-ar. chinin-s. chion.
chlam-tr. chord-umb. chr-ac. cic. cimx. cina CLEM. cob-n. Coca COCC. COFF. colch. coli. COLL. Coloc.
CON. Cop. cor-r. cortiso. Croc. Crot-c. Crot-h. crot-t. cub. cuph. cupr. cycl. cystein-l. Daph. Dig. Dios.
diphtox. dol. dream-p. dros. Dulc. dys. Elaps ery-a. eug. euon. eup-per. euph. euphr. falco-pe. fel Ferr-ar.
Ferr-i. ferr-p. Ferr. fic-c. Fl-ac. flor-p. Form. friedr. fuma-ac. gaert. gal-ac. galeoc-c-h. galla-q-r. Gamb. gels.
ger-i. germ-met. Glyc. granit-m. GRAPH. Grat. Guaj. guat. haliae-lc. ham. hed. hedy. Hell. helodr-cal. hep.
hippoz. hir. Hydr. Hydrc. hydrog. hydroph. hyos. Hyper. Ign. Iod. irid-met. Iris ix. jab. jac-c. Jatr-c. Kali-ar.
Kali-bi. Kali-br. Kali-c. Kali-chl. Kali-i. kali-m. kali-n. kali-p. Kali-s. kali-sil. ketogl-ac. kola Kreos. lac-ac.
LAC-D. lac-del. lac-f. lac-h. lac-leo. LACH. lact-v. lat-h. lat-m. Laur. led. Lept. Lil-t. limest-b. luf-op. luna
LYC. lycps-v. m-ambo. m-arct. Mag-c. MAG-M. mag-s. malar. Manc. mand. mang. marb-w. med. melal-alt.
meli. Meny. merc-c. Merc-i-f. Merc. MEZ. mim-p. mom-f. Moni. morg-g. Morg-p. morg. morph. Mosch.
mucs-nas. Mur-ac. murx. musa musca-d. myric. nabal. nad. naja Nat-ar. Nat-c. nat-f. NAT-M. nat-ox. nat-p.
nat-pyru. nat-s. nat-sil. neon nept-m. nicc-met. nicc-s. nicc. nicotam. NIT-AC. nit-m-ac. Nux-m. NUX-V. nyct.
oci-sa. OENA. olib-sac. olnd. oncor-t. OP. oscilloc. osm. Ox-ac. oxal-a. ozone paeon. pall. par. paraf. parathyr.
pegan-ha. petr-ra. petr. ph-ac. phasco-ci. PHOS. phys. Phyt. pin-con. pitu-gl. plac-s. plac. PLAT. Plb-act.
PLB. pneu. Podo. polys. positr. pot-e. propr. prot. Psor. Ptel. Puls. Pyrog. querc-r. ran-b. Raph. Rat.
rham-cal. rheum rhod. Rhus-g. rhus-t. rob. RUTA Sabad. Sabin. sal-fr. sang. Sanguis-s. SANIC. saroth. Sars.
Sec. secret. Sel. Seneg. senn. SEP. sil-mar. SIL. silphu. sinus. sol spig. Spong. squil. Stann. STAPH. STRAM.
streptoc. stront-c. STRY. succ-ac. suis-em. suis-hep. suis-pan. Sul-ac. sul-i. sulfa. SULPH. sumb. suprar. syc.
Sym-r. syph. Tab. tann-ac. Tarent. tax-br. tela tell. Ter. tetox. thal-s. thal-xyz. Ther. thiam. THUJ. thymul.
tril-p. Trios. tritic-vg. tub-m. Tub. urt-u. ust. v-a-b. vanil. vario. ven-m. VERAT. Verb. vero-o. vesp. Vib.
viol-o. viol-t. visc. zinc-fcy. zinc-m. zinc-p. ZINC.

RECTUM – CONSTIPATION- abies-c. abies-n. ABROT. acal. acet-ac. acon-l. ACON. adam. ADEPS-S.
adon. aegle-m. aesc-g. AESC. AETH. AGAR. AGN. agri. ail. alet. all-c. all-s. allox. aln. ALOE alst-s. alum.
alumin-p. ALUMIN-SIL. ALUMN. AM-C. AM-M. AMBR. ammc. amph. ANAC. anag. anan. ancis-p.
androc. ANG. ango. ANT-C. ant-s-aur. ant-t. APIS APISIN. apoc-a. apom. aq-mar. aran-ix. aran-sc. aran.
ARG-MET. ARG-N. arge-pl. arist-cl. ARN. ARS-I. ars-met. ars-s-f. ARS. arund. asaf. asar. asc-c. asc-t. aster.
atis. atro-pur. aur-ar. aur-i. AUR-M-N. aur-m. AUR-S. AUR. aza. bac. bacls-7. bad. bamb-a. banis-c. bapt.
BAR-C. bar-i. BAR-M. bar-s. bell-p. BELL. benz-ac. BERB. bism. boerh-d. bol-la. bold. borx. BOV. brach.
bros-gau. brucel. BRY. bufo buni-o. CACT. cadm-met. cain. calad. calc-act. calc-ar. calc-chln. calc-f. calc-i.
CALC-P. CALC-S. calc-sil. CALC. CAMPH. canis-exc. cann-i. CANN-S. CANTH. caps. CARB-AC.
CARB-AN. CARB-V. CARBN-S. carc. card-b. CARD-M. carex-a. carl. carneg-g. CASC. cass. cassia-f.
cassia-s. cath-a. caul. CAUST. cean. cedr. cench. cent-u. cham. cheir. CHEL. chelo. chen-v. CHIM. CHIN.
chinin-ar. chinin-s. chion. chlf. chlor. chloram. chlorpr. choc. chr-ac. CIC. cich. CIMIC. cimx. cina citl-vg.
CLEM. cob. coc-c. COCA COCC. cod. COFF. COLCH. COLL. COLOC. CON. COP. cor-r. corn. cortiso.
CROC. CROT-C. CROT-H. crot-t. cub. cupr-act. cupr-ar. CUPR. curc. cycl. cymbop-ci. cypr. cyt-l. DAPH.
dict. DIG. DIOS. dirc. dol. dros. DULC. eich-c. ELAPS elat. emb-r. erech. ery-a. eucal. eug. euon-a. euon.
eup-c. eup-per. eup-pur. euph-hy. euph-l. euph. euphr. eupi. fago. falco-pe. fel FERR-AR. ferr-cy. FERR-I.
ferr-p. ferr-s. FERR. FL-AC. foen. foll. FORM. franz. fuc. fum. GAERT. gal-ac. GAMB. gast. gels.
GERM-MET. get. geum glon. GLYC. glycyr-g. gnaph. goss. gran. granit-m. GRAPH. GRAT. GUAJ. guar.
guare. guat. gymno. haliae-lc. ham. hedeo. helia. HELL. HEP. hippoz. hir. hom-g. hura hydr-ac. HYDR.
HYDRC. hydrog. hydroph. HYOS. HYPER. IGN. ind. indg. indol. IOD. ip. irid-met. IRIS jab. jac-c. JAL.
JATR-C. joan. jug-c. jug-r. kali-act. KALI-AR. KALI-BI. KALI-BR. KALI-C. KALI-CHL. kali-hp. KALI-I.
kali-m. kali-n. kali-p. KALI-S. KALI-SIL. kalm. kaol. kiss. kola KREOS. kres. kurch. LAC-AC. lac-c.
LAC-D. lac-del. lac-e. lac-f. lac-leo. LACH. lachn. lact-v. lam. lat-h. LAUR. lec. LED. lepr. LEPT. LIL-T. lim.
limest-b. lina. linu-u. lith-c. lob-s. lob. LYC. lycps-v. lys. M-AMBO. M-ARCT. MAG-C. MAG-M. mag-p.
mag-s. malar. MANC. mand. mang-act. mang-m. MANG. MANGI. mant-r. marb-w. med. meli. MENY.
meph. merc-c. merc-cy. MERC-F. MERC. merl. MEZ. mill. mit. moni. morg-g. MORG-P. morph. morus-n.
MOSCH. MUR-AC. murx. musa mut. mygal. myric. nabal. naja nast. NAT-AR. NAT-C. nat-f. NAT-M.
nat-n. nat-p. nat-s. nat-sil. neon nicc-met. nicc-s. NIT-AC. nit-m-ac. NUX-M. NUX-V. nyct. oci-sa. OENA.
ol-an. ol-j. olnd. OP. orig. osm. OX-AC. ozone paeon. pall. par. PARAF. parth. ped. peti. petr. ph-ac. phel.
PHOS. phys. PHYT. pieri-b. pin-l. pin-s. pip-n. pitu-a. plan-mi. PLAT. PLB-ACT. PLB. plumbg-eu. plumbg.
plut-n. PODO. polyg-h. polypd-vg. pop-cand. PROT. prun. psil. PSOR. PTEL. PULS. pyre-p. PYROG.
querc. rad-br. ran-b. RAPH. RAT. ratt-norv. rham-cal. RHAM-CATH. RHAM-F. RHEUM rhod. RHUS-T.
RIC. rob. rumx. RUTA SABAD. sabal SABIN. sal-mo. samb-e. samb. sang. SANIC. santin. sapo-so. sapo.
saroth. sarr. SARS. scol. SEC. SEL. senec. SENEG. SENN. SEP. sil-mar. SIL. sin-n. slag sol-ni. sol-t-ae. sol-t.
spig. SPONG. squil. STANN. STAPH. stel. stict. STRAM. stront-c. STRY-XYZ. SUL-AC. sul-i. sulo-ac.
SULPH. sumb. syc. sym-r. symph. syph. TAB. tamrnd. tanac. tann-ac. TARAX. tarent-c. TARENT. tax. tela
tell. TER. term-a. term-c. teucr. thal. thea THER. thlas. THUJ. thymol. thyr. til. trif-p. tril-c. trinit. trios.
trom. tub-m. TUB. ulm-r. uran-n. urt-u. ust. v-a-b. valer. vario. VERAT. VERB. vero-o. vesp. VIB. vichy-g.
vince. VIOL-O. viol-t. visc. wies. wye. xan. zinc-i. ZINC-PHIC. ZINC.

Rectum - CONSTIPATION, general - something, remaining behind, sensation, with constipation- ALOE
alum. lyc. nat-m. Nux-v. sep. sil. sulph.

Rectum - CONSTIPATION, general- abies-c. abies-n. Abrot. AESC. Aeth. Agar. Agn. alet. Aloe ALUM.
ALUMN. Am-c. Am-m. Ambr. ammc. Anac. anan. Ang. ant-c. APIS Arg-met. Arg-n. arn. Ars-i. ARS. arund.
asaf. asc-c. asc-t. aster. aur-m. Aur. bad. Bar-c. Bar-m. bell. Berb. bol-la. borx. bov. brach. BRY. Cact. calad.
Calc-p. Calc-s. CALC. camph. cann-s. caps. Carb-ac. Carb-an. Carb-v. CARBN-S. Card-m. casc. caul.
CAUST. Chel. Chim. Chin. chinin-ar. chinin-s. chr-ac. cimx. cina CLEM. Coca COCC. COFF. colch. COLL.
Coloc. CON. Cop. cor-r. Croc. Crot-c. Crot-h. crot-t. cub. cupr. cycl. Daph. Dig. Dios. Dulc. Elaps ery-a.
euon. euph. Ferr-ar. Ferr-i. ferr-p. Ferr. Fl-ac. Form. Gamb. GRAPH. Guaj. Hell. hep. hippoz. Hydr. Hydrc.
Hydrog. hyos. Hyper. Ign. Iod. Iris jab. jac-c. Jatr-c. Kali-ar. Kali-bi. Kali-br. Kali-c. Kali-chl. Kali-i. kali-n.
kali-p. Kali-s. Kreos. Lac-ac. LAC-D. LACH. Laur. led. Lept. Lil-t. LYC. lycps-v. Mag-c. MAG-M. mag-s.
Manc. mang. med. meli. Meny. merc-c. Merc-d. Merc-i-f. Merc. MEZ. Mosch. Mur-ac. murx. myric. naja
Nat-act. Nat-c. NAT-M. nat-p. nat-s. nicc. NIT-AC. Nux-m. NUX-V. OENA. olnd. OP. osm. Ox-ac. paeon.
pall. petr. ph-ac. PHOS. Phyt. PLAT. PLB. Podo. Psor. Ptel. Puls. Pyrog. Raph. Rat. rhus-t. rob. RUTA
Sabad. Sabin. sang. SANIC. Sars. Sec. Sel. Seneg. SEP. SIL. spig. Spong. squil. Stann. STAPH. STRAM.
STRY. Sul-ac. SULPH. sumb. Tab. Tarent. tell. Ter. Ther. THUJ. tril-p. Tub. urt-u. ust. vario. VERAT.
Verb. vesp. Vib. viol-o. Zinc.

RECTUM - DIARRHEA - accompanied by – constipation- ANT-C. ant-t. bry. Caps. Lach. Nux-v. olnd. Puls.
Rhus-t. Ruta Staph.

RECTUM - DIARRHEA - alternating with – constipation- Abrot. acet-ac. Aegle-f. agar. ail. aloe alum. am-m.
ANT-C. ant-t. anth. Arg-n. arge-pl. ars-i. ars-s-f. Ars. atis. aur-ar. aur-i. aur-m-n. aur-s. Aur. bac. bell. berb.
Bry. but-ac. calc-chln. calc. Carb-ac. carbn-s. Card-m. Casc. CHEL. choc. Cimic. cina Cob. coff. colch. Coll.
Con. cop. cor-r. crot-h. Cupr. Dig. dios. falco-pe. ferr-cy. Ferr-i. Ferr. gamb. gink-b. glycyr-g. gnaph. Graph.
grat. guat. hell. Hep. hom-xyz. Hydr. Ign. Iod. kali-ar. kali-bi. Kali-c. Kali-n. kali-s. Lac-d. lac-h. Lach. Lact.
Lec. lil-t. Lyc. mag-s. Manc. Mang. merc. mez. nat-ar. nat-c. Nat-m. nat-p. Nat-s. NIT-AC. Nux-m. NUX-V.
OP. Phos. Plb. PODO. polyg-h. prot. psor. Ptel. Puls. rad-br. rhus-t. Ruta sang. saroth. sars. sep. Staph.
stram. sul-i. Sulph. sumb. syc. Tab. thymol. Tub. verat. vib. visc. zinc-p. zinc.

Rectum - DIARRHEA, general - alternating, with – constipation- Abrot. acet-ac. agar. ail. ALOE am-m.
ANT-C. ant-t. Arg-n. ars-i. Ars. aur-m-n. Aur. berb. Bry. Carb-ac. carbn-s. Card-m. Casc. CHEL. Cimic.
cina Cob. coff. Coll. Con. cop. crot-h. Cupr. Dig. dios. Ferr-i. gamb. gnaph. grat. Hep. Hydr. Ign. Iod. kali-ar.
kali-bi. Kali-c. kali-s. Lac-d. Lach. Lact. Lec. lil-t. Lyc. mag-s. Manc. Mang. merc. mez. nat-act. nat-c. Nat-m.
nat-p. Nat-s. NIT-AC. Nux-m. NUX-V. OP. Phos. Plb. PODO. polyg-h. Ptel. Puls. rhus-t. Ruta sang. sars. sep.
stram. strych-g. Sulph. sumb. Tab. Tub. zinc.

Rectum - FECES, remained in, sensation, as if - something, remaining behind, with constipation, as if- aloe
alum. lyc. nat-m. Nux-v. sep. sil. sulph.

RECTUM - FISSURES - general - constipation, from- tamrnd.

RECTUM - FULLNESS - constipation; without- aesc.

RECTUM - HEMORRHAGE - anus, from - constipation, with- alum. am-m. anac. calc-p. COLL. lac-d. lam.
morph. nat-m. NIT-AC. NUX-V. phos. psor. sep. vib.

RECTUM - HEMORRHAGE - anus, from - hypochondriasis, with, in old women - stitches, constipation,
from- NAT-M.

RECTUM - HEMORRHAGE from anus - accompanied by – constipation- alum. am-m. anac. calc-p. Coll.
lac-d. lam. morph. nat-m. Nit-ac. Nux-v. phos. psor. sep. vib.

RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - alternating with – constipation- coll.

RECTUM - HEMORRHOIDS - coughing, sneezing agg. - constipation, during- bac.

Rectum - HEMORRHOIDS, general - constipation, with- aesc-g. Aesc. am-m. anac. Coll. euon. kali-s. Nux-v.
paraf. sil. sulph. verb.

Rectum - INACTIVITY, rectum- Aesc. aeth. agn. alet. alum-sil. ALUM. ALUMN. am-c. am-m. ANAC. ant-c.
ant-t. arg-n. arist-cl. Arn. asaf. atro. aur-i. aur-s. aur. bac. bacls-10. bamb-a. Bar-c. bar-i. bar-m. bar-s. bell.
bov. BRY. calc-i. Calc-s. calc-sil. Calc. Camph. cand-al. cann-s. canth. Carb-an. Carb-v. CARBN-S. carc.
caust. CHAM. chel. Chin. choc. Coca Cocc. coff. colch. Coll. Con. crot-t. dulc. euphr. ferr. fl-ac. Gels.
GRAPH. guat. Hell. HEP. HYDR. hydrog. hyos. Ign. iod. Kali-br. KALI-C. kali-chl. kali-n. Kali-p. kali-s.
kali-sil. kreos. lac-d. Lach. Lap-a. Lyc. lycps-v. mag-c. Mag-m. mand. mang. med. meli. merc. mez. mit.
morg-g. mosch. mur-ac. Nat-c. NAT-M. Nat-p. nat-sil. nit-ac. NUX-M. NUX-V. OENA. olnd.

RECTUM - ITCHING - anus - constipation, with- cadm-i. calc. cinch. cur. glon. slag SULPH. x-ray

RECTUM - PAIN - burning - constipation, with- abies-c.

RECTUM - PAIN - burning - constipation, with- abies-c. boerh-d. tarent.

RECTUM - PAIN - constipation, during- abies-c. asaf. boerh-d. con. graph. nat-m. nit-ac. nux-v. plb. sil.
tarent. vib.

RECTUM - PAIN - sore, bruised - constipation, with- graph. nat-m. nit-ac. sil. tarent.

RECTUM - PAIN - sore, raw - constipation, with- graph. nat-m. nit-ac. sil.

RECTUM - PAIN - tenesmus - constipation, during- asaf. CON. mangi. NUX-V. plb. vib.

RECTUM - SPASMS in - Anus - accompanied by – constipation- caust. Lach. Lyc. Nat-m. nit-ac. plb-act. plb.

RECTUM - SWELLING of anus - sensation of - constipation; without- aesc.

Rectum - TENESMUS, rectum, ineffectual straining - constipation, during- asaf. Con. Nux-v. plb. vib.

RECTUM - WORM, worms - complaints - dentition, during - constipation, with- DOL.

RECTUM - WORMS - complaints of worms - accompanied by – constipation- fil.

SENSATIONS AND COMPLAINTS IN GENERAL - Infants, affections of – constipation- alum. BRY. lyc.
NUX-V. OP. Sulph. verat.

SENSATIONS AND COMPLAINTS IN GENERAL - Infants, affections of - dentition - with constipation-

BRY. Mag-m. NUX-V.

SEXUAL IMPULSE - Semen - emission of - constipation, followed by- thuj.

SKIN - DISCOLORATION - yellow - accompanied by – constipation- chion.

SKIN - ERUPTIONS - herpetic - constipation, from- cop.

SKIN - ERUPTIONS - urticaria - constipation; with- cop.

SKIN - ERUPTIONS - urticaria, hives - constipation, with- cop.

SKIN - Urticaria - With - constipation, fever- cop.

Skin - URTICARIA, hives - constipation, with- cop.

STOMACH - APPETITE - wanting - constipation, with- asc-c.

STOMACH - INDIGESTION - constipation, with- hydr.

STOMACH - INDIGESTION - followed by – constipation- lavand-a. mag-p.

Stomach - INDIGESTION, general - constipation, with- hydr.

STOMACH - NAUSEA - constipation, with- asc-t. atis. buni-o. COCC. HYPER. kurch.

STOMACH - NAUSEA - constipation; during- COCC. coll. cupr. Hyper. plb.

Stomach - NAUSEA, general - constipation, with- COCC. Hyper.

STOMACH - PAIN - constipation, with- bry. graph. kali-m. nux-v. phys. PLB.

STOMACH - PAIN - constipation; during- bry. graph. nux-v. phys. Plb. sacch-a.

STOMACH - PAIN - cramping, griping, constricting - constipation, during- adeps-s.

STOMACH - PAIN - General - constipation, with- bry. graph. kali-m. nux-v. phys. Plb.

STOMACH - Pain - with – constipation- bry. graph. nux-v. phys. Plb.

Stomach - PAIN, stomach - constipation, with- alum. alumn. bry. graph. nux-v. op. phys. Plb. Sep.

STOMACH - VOMITING - accompanied by – constipation- nux-v. op. plb.

STOMACH - VOMITING - general - constipation, with- nux-v. op. plb. pyrog.

STOMACH - Vomiting, retching - with – constipation- nux-v. op. plb.

STOOL – Constipation- acon. Alum. am-c. AM-M. AMBR. anac. ANT-C. ARN. ARS. asaf. asar. aur. bar-c.
BELL. bov. BRY. CALC. Canth. caps. CARB-V. card-m. CAUST. chel. CHIN. cina COCC. Coff. colch. coll.
coloc. CON. CROT-H. DAPH. dig. Dulc. ferr. GRAPH. GRAT. GUAJ. hep. Hydr. hyos. iod. KALI-BI.
KALI-C. KREOS. LACH. Laur. led. LYC. Mag-c. MAG-M. mang. Meny. MERC. mez. NAT-M. Nit-ac.
NUX-V. olnd. OP. petr. ph-ac. Phos. PLAT. PLB. psor. PULS. rhod. RHUS-T. RUTA Sabad. sabin. SARS.
Sel. seneg. SEP. SIL. spong. squil. Stann. STAPH. stram. Sul-ac. SULPH. THUJ. VERAT. Verb. ZINC.

STOOL - Diarrhoea - alternating with constipation- ABROT. alum. ANT-C. ant-t. Ars. BRY. calc. cimic.
colch. cupr. FERR. GRAPH. grat. hell. iod. LACH. lyc. merc. nat-c. Nat-m. NAT-S. nit-ac. NUX-V. OP.
PHOS. Plb. Podo. psor. Puls. RHUS-T. RUTA sulph. tab. vib. zinc.

Stool - INFREQUENT, stool- alum. Arn. nat-m. sep.

STOOL - MUCOUS - alternating with constipation- acon. ruta

STOOL - MUCOUS, slimy - alternating with constipation- acon.

STOOL - MUCOUS, slimy - green - alternating with constipation- am-m.

Stool - MUCUS, slimy, stool - alternates, with constipation- acon.

Stool - MUCUS, slimy, stool - green - alternating with constipation- am-m.

STOOL - ODOR - offensive - constipation, during- guaj.

Stool - ODOR, stools - putrid - constipation, during- guaj.

Stool - OFFENSIVE, stools - constipation, during- guaj.

SWEAT - Concomitants - stool – constipation- ANT-C. APIS arn. BELL. BRY. Calc. carb-v. chin. COCC.
con. Dulc. graph. LYC. Merc. mez. nit-ac. NUX-V. OP. sabad. sel. SEP. SIL. STAPH. sul-ac. SULPH. Thuj.

TASTE - BITTER - constipation, with obstinate- kali-m. sil.

Taste - BITTER, taste - constipation, with obstinate- kali-m. sil.

TEETH - Concomitants – constipation- Bry. MERC. nux-v. STAPH.

TEETH - Dentition - with - constipation, general irritation, cachexia- Kreos. nux-v. op.

Teeth - DENTITION, difficult teething - constipation, general irritation and cachexia, with- Kreos. nux-v. op.

TEETH - PAIN - accompanied by – constipation- bry. MERC. nux-v. Staph.

Toxicity - DRUGS, general - constipation, from- agar. alum. Ant-c. Bry. chin. cod. Coloc. NUX-V. op. ruta

URETHRA - HEMORRHAGE - constipation, with- lyc.

URETHRA-URINARY ORGANS - HAEMORRHAGE - constipation,with- lyc.

Urination - frequent - constipation, with- sars.

Urination - involuntary - constipation, with- tarent.

Urine - bloody - constipation, with- lyc.

Urine - BLOODY, urine - constipation, with- lyc.

URINE - BURNING, hot - constipation, with- ferr.

URINE - Conditions of urination - constipation, with- lyc.

Urine - hot, burning - constipation, with- ferr.

URINE - PAINFUL - burning, hot - constipation, with- ferr.

Urine - RETENTION, of urine - constipation, with- cann-s.

VERTIGO - Aggravation – constipation- chin. nux-v.

Vertigo - constipation agg- calc-p.

VERTIGO - CONSTIPATION, during- aegle-m. aloe AMBR. ango. aza. bry. CALC-P. chin. crot-h. kurch.
nat-s. NUX-V. sulph.

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