5 Management of URIs in Elective Surgery 2018
5 Management of URIs in Elective Surgery 2018
5 Management of URIs in Elective Surgery 2018
Review Article
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Background: Upper respiratory tract infections are frequently encountered medical problems in paedi-
Received 27 February 2018 atric age groups. Children with less than five years may have six up to seven episodes of URTIs per year
Received in revised form with each lasting up to two weeks. The issue of whether to proceed with elective surgery on a child with
17 May 2018
an URTI has been source of debate for many years. The rationale of this review was to avoid traditional
Accepted 24 May 2018
approach of blanket cancellation of surgery by stratified risk factors as well as optimization of the pa-
Available online 30 May 2018
tients. Furthermore, this review summarized current evidences regarding perioperative anaesthetic
management of children with URTIs.
Upper respiratory tract infection
Methods: The study was conducted according to the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews
Respiratory adverse events and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) protocol. Search engines like PubMed through HINARI, Cochrane database
Paediatric anesthesia and Google Scholars were used to find high-level evidences that help to draw appropriate conclusions.
Desaturation Discussion: Performing anaesthesia in children with URTIs increases the risk of perioperative respiratory
Hyper-reactive airway adverse events (PRAEs) like laryngospasm, bronchospasm, and desaturation and breath holding.
Conclusion: Children with mild and moderate URTIs can safely anaesthetized with optimal preparation
and optimization of the patient in the preoperative period. Prevention of stimulation of a potentially
irritable airway, use of bronchodilators and induction with propofol are helpful. Furthermore, adequate
suppression of airway reflexes with optimal depth of anaesthesia is highly recommended.
© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Surgical Associates Ltd. This is an open access
article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
1. Background Children with less than five years may have six up to seven
episodes of URTIs per year with each lasting up to two weeks and
Upper respiratory tract infections are the most frequent medical residual pulmonary effects of 2 to 6 weeks [4e6]. The issue of
problems in paediatric age groups undergoing surgery and the whether to proceed with elective surgery on a child with an URTI
leading medical causes to defer surgery [1,2]. has been source of debate for many years. The purpose of this re-
Approximately, 200 viruses cause the infection that produces the view is to summarize current evidence regarding perioperative
clinical syndrome of cough, nasal congestion, discharge, sore throat, anaesthetic management of children with URTIs undergoing elec-
and sneezing. Rhinoviruses, parainfluenza viruses and influenza vi- tive surgery and to minimize traditional approach of blanket
ruses are the most common viruses causing respiratory illness. The cancellation of surgery.
type of virus most commonly causing URTIs varies with different age
groups. Respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza viruses, adenovirus 1.1. Pathophysiology of upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs)
are the most common viruses infecting the infant and preschool child.
URTIs are self-limiting. However, it may produce hyper-reactive Viral invasion of the respiratory epithelium and mucosa leads to
airway that can persist for 6 weeks [3]. airway inflammation, edema, dyscriny, and bronchoconstriction,
which sensitizes the airway to secretions and volatile agents [7].
Moreover, viral infections damage the ciliary apparatus and
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: tsagir.fi[email protected] (G.F. Lema), [email protected]
mucosal epithelium [8].
(Y.W. Berhe), [email protected] (A.H. Gebrezgi), ayechewadera09@gmail. The viral infection interacts with the autonomic nervous system
com (A.A. Getu). by inhibiting the cholinergic muscarinic M2 receptors, which is
2405-8572/© 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Surgical Associates Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
18 G.F. Lema et al. / International Journal of Surgery Open 12 (2018) 17e24
followed by an increased release of acetylcholine [9]. In addition, Studies done on child with URTIs undergoing emergency sur-
viral induced liberation of tachykinin and neuropeptidases with a gery, surgery undergoing under local infiltration, studies where full
constriction of smooth muscles in the respiratory tract for weeks articles were no longer available online were not selected to be
may also result in bronchial hyper-reactivity, which can persist included in the current review. All of the research articles that were
for up to 6 weeks or even longer beyond the disappearance of all identified from searches of the electronic databases were imported
clinical symptoms [10]. Bronchial hyper-reactivity can trigger se- into the ENDNOTE software version X6 (Tomson Reuters, USA) and
vere complications in the perioperative period, particularly lar- duplicates were removed. Before data extraction had begun, full-
yngospasm and bronchospasm, both of which can lead to fatal length articles of the selected studies were read to confirm for
hypoxemia, which is the main cause of perioperative morbidity and fulfilling the inclusion criteria.
mortality in children [11e13].
4. Discussion
2. Justification
Upper respiratory tract infections affect the apparatus of the
Anaesthesia for elective surgery in paediatric patients with a upper airways frequently and there is no single universally
recent URTI was commonly postponed for several weeks in the accepted definition of URTIs. However; most clinical studies define
past. The blanket defer of surgery can have an impact on social, URTI as two of the following symptoms: rhinorhoea, sore or
economic, and emotional consequences for the child, the family scratchy throat, sneezing, nasal congestion, and malaise, cough, or
and the health service system in general. Furthermore, inadequate fever more than 38 C [1,15,16]***, **, ** respectively. The most
optimization of child with URTIs undergoing surgery will causes frequent symptoms are rhinorhoea (66%), followed by nasal
high incidence PRAEs and unnecessary hospitalization, which could congestion (37%), sneezing (29%), productive cough (26%), sore
affect the health-care cost and parents satisfaction. throat (8%), and fever (8%) [4,17]**.
Empirically, postponing surgery in a child suffering from upper Perioperative respiratory adverse events are the major compli-
respiratory tract infection was usually based on an increased risk of cations during intraoperative and postoperative period in children
PRAEs, which can occur up to 6 weeks after the disease. Today there with URTI [18]. Typical adverse events in children with respiratory
is a notable trend for anesthesia to be safely performed in children tract infection are laryngospasm, bronchospasm, breath holding,
with URTIs when a careful assessment of potential risks and ben- atelectasis, arterial oxygen desaturation, bacterial pneumonia, and
efits for the child is implemented and safety precautions are taken. unplanned hospital admission [4,16,19]. Hence, these children may
This review emphasis on comprehensive assessment, stratifi- benefit from preanaesthetic assessment and specifically targeted
cation of sign and symptoms of URTIs, optimization in the preop- perioperative anaesthetic management. When evaluating a child
erative period and design appropriate anaesthetic management, with an URTI for whom elective surgery is planned, preoperative
which may avoid traditional blanket cancellation of surgery and information must be meticulously obtained for the best anaes-
decrease the risk of perioperative respiratory adverse events thetic management, in order to reduce the risk of perioperative
(PRAEs) following the surgery. respiratory adverse events.
This study was carried out in accordance with the Preferred Identifying sign and symptoms of URTIs in preoperative period
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses for paediatric patients undergoing surgery through medical history
(PRISMA) guideline [14]. A computerized systematic search of the and physical examination is very crucial.
PubMed, Google Scholar, and ScienceDirect databases were used to Studies classified the severity of URTIs based on clinical
find articles. Prospective observational, interventional studies, manifestations.
meta-analysis, systematic review and audit studies were included
in the review using the following MeSH terms: (Common cold OR Mild URTIs is considered, if the child has recent Hx of URTI, with
upper respiratory tract infections OR URTIs) AND Surgery AND no current sign and symptom within the past 2e4 weeks.
Anesthesia AND (child OR children OR pediatrics) AND periopera- Moderate URTIs is considered, if the child has any symptoms of
tive respiratory adverse events. In this review, publication dates URTI (runny nose, dry cough), without wheeze and no systemic
were not used as inclusion or exclusion criteria and research papers symptoms such as fever or pyrexia (>38 C) or irritability
published before 30 September 2017 were included. Only those (lethargy), for one or two days before the day of surgery.
articles written in English language were considered for this re- Severe URTIs is considered, if the child has any symptoms URTI
view. Furthermore, after comprehensive and in-depth appraisal of with systemic manifestation (Fever, >38 C, productive cough,
literature, evaluation of quality was conducted by categorize them mucopurulent secretion, nasal congestion, sore or scratchy
into level 1 (* Meta-analysis, systematic review, randomized con- throat, wheezing, laryngitis and pulmonary involvement)
trol trial) level 2 (** Well designed cohort study) and level 3 (*** [4,8,10,20].
case reports, commentaries, and expert opinions). Finally, conclu-
sion has drawn based the level of evidences and class of recom- The potential for a lower respiratory tract infection after URTIs is
mendation (Fig. 1). relatively common in children. So, preoperative evaluation should
consist of listening to the child's lungs for rhonchi or wheezing. It is
3.1. Selection of studies also important to determine if there is a history of asthma or
wheezing. Children who are exposed to common colds are at
Papers fulfilling the following criteria were included in the greater risk for reactive airway disease and can hence have a
study: studies presented as original articles, comparative studies on greater propensity for wheezing or bronchospasm during anes-
airway intervention for child with common cold undergoing sur- thesia [8]*.
gery, premedication for child with common cold undergoing sur- Passive smoking, Age below 6 years, particularly infants below 1
gery, incidence of perioperative respiratory adverse events in child year with severe sign and symptoms of URTIs, children with any
with URTIs undergoing surgery, studies written in English. respiratory or pulmonale comorbidity, ENT surgery or eye surgery,
G.F. Lema et al. / International Journal of Surgery Open 12 (2018) 17e24 19
and surgery with impairment of respiratory function, such as upper 4.2.1. Premedication
abdominal surgery or cardiac surgery are identified independent
risk factors for perioperative respiratory adverse events [6,21,22]**. Salbutamol. Preoperative administrations of beta-2 agonists
Studies have suggested that a child with severe manifestation of before 10e30 min of surgery have been shown reducing and treating
URTIs, and moderate URTIs with independent risk factors must bronchoconstriction and perioperative respiratory events. Von
defer surgery for at least two weeks [8,23]** (Fig. 2). Ungern-Sternberg et al. showed that high-dose inhalational salbuta-
mol (2.5e5 mg) reduced the risk of PRAEs by at least 35%. Hence, sal-
butamol pre-treatment should be considered in all children presenting
with a URTIs undergoing surgery under general anesthesia [24]*.
4.2. Perioperative management
The crucial points to optimize and prepared children with URTIs Lidocaine. Abouleish et al.suggested that topical adminis-
are identifying the severity of infection, and risk factors for PRAE. tration of lidocaine has protective effects against coughing and
Moreover, the experience of anaesthetist has a great role in the laryngospasm [25]*. Incontrast to this, Hamilton et al. showed an
prevention of perioperative respiratory adverse effects in many increase in respiratory adverse events [26]**. During general
cases by early predicting the possible complication, providing endotracheal anesthesia, significantly higher rate of desaturation
optimal depth of anesthesia, administration of the appropriate was observed in children who were treated with topical lidocaine
drugs. compared with the placebo group. However, there was no
Fig. 2. Preoperative decision algorithm for assessment of a child with URTIs undergoing surgery.
difference in the incidence of laryngospasm. These findings are sevoflurane) showed that thiopentone was associated with the
consistent with a study done by Von Ungern-Sternberg et al. [16]**. highest probability of an adverse event followed by halothane and
Sanikop and Bhat showed that 1.5 mg/kg of intravenous lido- Sevoflorane, and propofol was associated with the lowest proba-
caine given 2 min before extubation resulted in a decrease in bility of an adverse event [29]*.
postextubation laryngospasm and coughing with statistical signif- Propofol is known to depress laryngeal reflexes and may
icance and clinical relevance [27]*. decrease airway responsiveness by relaxation of bronchial smooth
muscle. This may be the reason that it was associated with fewer
adverse events than the other agents [16]**. Anticholinergics/Antisialagogue. A randomized trial study
done by Tait AR et al. showed that either glycopyrolate or atropine
has no difference regarding respiratory adverse events in children
4.2.3. Airway intervention
with URTIs undergoing surgery [28]*.
Facemask, laryngeal mask ventilation (LMA) or endo-
trachealtube can be used based on the proposed surgery, antici-
4.2.2. Induction of anaesthesia pated duration and patient condition during general anaesthetic to
A comparative prospective study done on intravenous anaes- provide the patient the ability to breathe spontaneously or to
thetic agents (thiopentone, propofol) and inhalational (halothane, provide positive pressure ventilation.
G.F. Lema et al. / International Journal of Surgery Open 12 (2018) 17e24 21
Table 1
Evidence-based perioperative management of children with URTIs undergoing Elective Surgery.
Child with URTIs undergoing surgery under general anaesthesia endotracheal intubation whenever possible, use of a face mask
with endotracheal intubation had the highest probability of ventilation or laryngeal mask ventilation. Moreover, prevention,
suffering adverse respiratory events than those whose airway was early recognition and immediate treatment of complications by an
managed by LMA or facemask [30]*. experienced anaesthetist are crucial.
A large trial showed that children with URTIs had a two to
seven times increased risk of suffering an adverse respiratory Ethical approval
event during anaesthesia, and eleven times increased risk if the
child was Intubated [6]***. The incidence of laryngospasm is Ethical approval is not required.
increased in intubated patients and in patients having airway
surgery [26,31]* and they concluded that LMA under optimal
depth of anaesthesia may be able to provide a clear safe airway
Department of anaesthesia, College of Medicine and Health
Sciences. Techniques of extubation. In a randomized controlled trial
study done by Tait and Malviya found that there was no difference
in the incidence of complications in either awake or deep extuba- Authors' contributions
tion techniques. There was an increased incidence of coughing in
children who were extubated awake versus those extubated under All authors have participated in the stages of evidence search-
deep anesthesia (60% in wake vs. 35% in deep anesthesia extuba- ing, development, presentation and implementation of this evi-
tion) However, the incidence of airway obstruction in deeply dence-based guideline. Especially all authors critically appraise
anaesthetized patients was more frequent than awake extubation literature and present it to peers for discussion. They have partic-
(26% vs. 8%) [33]***. ipated in identifying areas of need within a perioperative period to
produce appropriate recommendations.
4.2.4. Postoperative management
It is important to recognize that children with URTIs may be Conflict of interests statement
prone to desaturation, bronchospasm, stridor or persistent cough-
ing. Furthermore, nasal oxygen supplementation, adequate hydra- There is no conflict of interest.
tion, and post-op adequate pain control is recommended for such
patients. See (Table 1). Guarantor
Level Description
Annex II
Quality assessment.
1 Heikkinen T and The common cold. The Lancet. 2003; 361 (9351):51-9. III
€rvinen A.
2 Bathla S et al. Cancellation of elective cases in pediatric surgery: an audit. Journal of Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons. 2010; 15 (3):90. III
3 Green RJ Symptomatic treatment of upper respiratory tract symptoms in children. South African Family Practice. 2006; 48 (4):38e42. I
4 Tait AR et al. Risk factors for perioperative adverse respiratory events in children with upper respiratory tract infections. Anesthesiology. 2001; III
95 (2):299e306.
5 Monto AS and Ullman Acute respiratory illness in an American community: the Tecumseh study. Jama. 1974; 227 (2):164-9. III
6 Parnis S et al. Clinical predictors of anaesthetic complications in children with respiratory tract infections. Pediatric Anesthesia. 2001; 11 (1):29 III
7 Jacoby DB and General Anesthesia in Patients with Viral Respiratory InfectionsAn Unsound Sleep? Anesthesiology: The Journal of the American II
Hirshman CA Society of Anesthesiologists. 1991; 74 (6):969-72.
8 Becke K Anesthesia in children with a cold. Current Opinion in Anesthesiology. 2012; 25 (3):333-9. II
9 Malisse M and Habre Pediatric anesthesia and upper respiratory tract infections. Revue medicale suisse. 2010; 6 (237):380, 2e3. II
10 Bo€senberg A The child with a runny nose! Upper respiratory tract infection in children: impact on anaesthesia. Southern African Journal of II
Anaesthesia and Analgesia. 2007; 13 (2):33-5.
11 Lee BJ and August DA COLDS: A heuristic preanesthetic risk score for children with upper respiratory tract infection. Pediatric Anesthesia. 2014; 24 II
12 Cote CJ The upper respiratory tract infection (URI) dilemma: fear of a complication or litigation? The Journal of the American Society of II
Anesthesiologists. 2001; 95 (2):283-5.
13 Parameswara G Anaesthetic concerns in patients with hyper-reactive airways. Karnataka Anaesthesia Journal. 2015; 1 (1):8. II
14 Moher D et al. Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses: the PRISMA statement. International journal of surgery. I
2010; 8 (5):336-41.
15 Malviya S et al. Risk factors for adverse postoperative outcomes in children presenting for cardiac surgery with upper respiratory tract infections. III
Anesthesiology: The Journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists. 2003; 98 (3):628-32.
16 von Ungern-Sternberg Risk assessment for respiratory complications in paediatric anaesthesia: a prospective cohort study. Lancet (London, England). III
BS et al. 2010; 376 (9743):773-83.
17 Regli A An update on the perioperative management of children with upper respiratory tract infections. Current opinion in II
anaesthesiology. 2017; 30 (3):362-7.
18 Flick RP et al. Risk factors for laryngospasm in children during general anesthesia. Pediatric Anesthesia. 2008; 18 (4):289-96. III
19 von Ungern-Sternberg Laryngeal mask airway is associated with an increased incidence of adverse respiratory events in children with recent upper II
BS et al. respiratory tract infections. Anesthesiology. 2007; 107 (5):714-9.
20 Shemesh S et al. To proceed or not to proceed: ENT surgery in paediatric patients with acute upper respiratory tract infection. The Journal of II
Laryngology & Otology. 2016; 130 (9):800-4.
21 Schreiner MS et al. Do children who experience laryngospasm have an increased risk of upper respiratory tract infection? Anesthesiology: The III
Journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists. 1996; 85 (3):475-80.
22 Tait AR et al. The effects of general anesthesia on upper respiratory tract infections in children. Anesthesiology. 1987; 67 (6):930-5. II
23 Rachel Homer J et al. Risk factors for adverse events in children with colds emerging from anesthesia: a logistic regression. Pediatric Anesthesia. 2007; II
17 (2):154-61.
24 Ungern-sternberg V Salbutamol premedication in children with a recent respiratory tract infection. Pediatric Anesthesia. 2009; 19 (11):1064-9. I
et al.
25 Abouleish A et al. Topical lidocaine as adjunct to intubation without muscle relaxant in pediatric patients. Anesthesia & Analgesia. 1999; 89 I
26 Hamilton ND et al. Does topical lidocaine before tracheal intubation attenuate airway responses in children? An observational audit. Pediatric I
anesthesia. 2012; 22 (4):345-50.
27 Sanikop C and Bhat S Efficacy of intravenous lidocaine in prevention of post extubation laryngospasm in children undergoing cleft palate surgeries. I
Indian journal of anaesthesia. 2010; 54 (2):132.
28 Tait AR Anaesthetic management of the child with an upper respiratory tract infection. Current Opinion in Anesthesiology. 2005; 18 II
29 Oberer C et al. Respiratory reflex responses of the larynx differ between sevoflurane and propofol in pediatric patients. The Journal of the I
American Society of Anesthesiologists. 2005; 103 (6):1142-8.
30 Megan Grelson S Risk of Complications Using Laryngeal Mask Airway versus Endotracheal Tube During General Anesthesia in Pediatric Patients II
with Upper Respiratory Infections: A Narrative Review. Creation of the Upper Respiratory Infection Screening Tool© and
Management Al. Anesthesia eJournal. 2013; 1 (1).
31 Mamie C et al. incidence and risk factors of perioperative respiratory adverse events in children undergoing elective surgery. Pediatric II
Anesthesia. 2004; 14 (3):218-24.
32 Tait AR et al. Use of the laryngeal mask airway in children with upper respiratory tract infections: a comparison with endotracheal intubation. II
Anesthesia & Analgesia. 1998; 86 (4):706-11.
33 Tait AR and Malviya S Anesthesia for the child with an upper respiratory tract infection: still a dilemma? Anesthesia & Analgesia. 2005; 100 (1):59e65. II
G.F. Lema et al. / International Journal of Surgery Open 12 (2018) 17e24 23
Annex III
Prisma checklist.
Title 1 Evidence - based perioperative management of child with upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) undergoing elective surgery: A 1
systematic review.
Structured 2 Background: Upper respiratory tract infection is frequently encountered medical problems in paediatric age groups. A child with less 1
summary than five years may have six up to seven episodes of URTIs per year with each lasting up to two weeks and residual pulmonary effects
may lasting 2e6 weeks. The issue of whether to proceed with elective surgery on a child with an URTI has been source of debate for
many years. The rationale of this review is to avoid traditional approach of blanket cancellation of surgery by stratified risk factors as
well as optimization of the patient. Furthermore, this review summarizes current evidence regarding perioperative anaesthetic
management of children with an URTI.
Methods: Based on the formulated eligible criteria's, search engines like PubMed through HINARI, Cochrane data base and Google
Scholars were used to find high level evidences that help to draw appropriate conclusions.
Discussion: Performing anaesthesia in children with URTIs increases the risk of perioperative respiratory adverse events (PRAEs) like
laryngospasm, bronchospasm, and desaturation and breathe holding.
Conclusion: Children with mild and moderate URTIs can safely anaesthetized with optimal preparation and optimization of the patient
in the preoperative period. Prevention of stimulation of a potentially irritable airways, use of bronchodilators and induction with
propofol are helpful. Furthermore, adequate suppression of airway reflexes with optimal depth of anaesthesia is highly recommended.
Key words: Upper respiratory tract infection; Respiratory adverse events; paediatric anesthesia; Desaturation, Hyper-reactive airway.
Rationale 3 Anesthesia for elective surgery in paediatric patients with a recent upper respiratory tract infection (URI) was commonly postponed for 3
several weeks in the past. The blanket defer of surgeries can have an impact on social, economic, and emotional consequences for the
child, the Family and the health service system in general.
Inadequate of optimization of child having URTIs undergoing surgery may increase the perioperative respiratory adverse events, which
may increase morbidity and mortality in the post operative period, increase and hospitalization.
Empirically, postponing surgery in a child suffering from upper respiratory tract infection was usually based on an increased risk of
perioperative respiratory adverse events (PRAEs), which can occur up to 6 weeks after the disease. Today there is a notable trend for
anesthesia to be safely performed in children with upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) when a careful assessment of potential
risks and benefits for the child is implemented and safety precautions are taken.
This review focuses on Comprehensive assessment, stratification of sign and symptoms of URTIs, optimization in the preoperative
period and design appropriate anaesthetic management may avoid traditional blanket cancellation of surgery and decrease the risk of
perioperative respiratory adverse events (PRAEs) following the surgery.
Objectives 4 To avoid blanket cancellation of elective surgery in child with URTIs 3
To develop decisional algorithm to continue elective surgery in child with URTIs
To formulate possible perioperative management for child with mild and moderate URTIs undergoing elective surgery under general
5 There is much debate regarding the optimal timing of elective surgery in children with recent URTIs. The duration of airway 3 and 4
susceptibility and bronchial hyper reactivity in children following a URTI remains unclear. However, it is known to persist well beyond
resolution of symptoms. Given the high frequency of URTIs in children, it can be difficult to find a time in which the child is truly well.
After formulating eligibility criteria for the evidences to be included a literature search was conducted. Evidences were collected, then
appraisal and evaluation of quality conducted using different institutional appraisal checklists to categorize them in to level 1 (* Meta-
analysis, systematic review, randomized control trial), level 2 (** Well designed cohort study) and level 3 (*** cross sectional, audit
Furthermore, after comprehensive and indepth appraisal of literature, conclusion has drawn from the evidences on whether to proceed
surgery or not, preoperative optimization and perioperative management of mild and moderate URTIs.
6 Perioperative respiratory adverse events are the major complications during intra operative and post operative period in children with 5
URTIs. Typical adverse events in children with respiratory tract infection are laryngospasm, bronchospasm, breath holding, atelectasis,
arterial oxygen desaturation, bacterial pneumonia, and unplanned hospital admission. Hence, these children may benefit from pre-
anaesthetic assessment and specifically targeted peri-operative anaesthetic management. When evaluating a child with a URTI for
whom elective surgery is planned, pre-operative information must be meticulously obtained for the best anaesthetic management, in
order to reduce the risk of perioperative respiratory adverse events
7 With the high incidence of URIs in children and the increased perioperative risk, anaesthetists are often confronted with decisions that
need to be made about the best management for these children. Most of the literature suggests that Child with severe symptoms of
URIs must be postponing the elective surgery for at least greater than 2 weeks and should re- evaluated.
Children with a Mild and moderate URI may be safely undergoing surgery, since the respiratory adverse events are anticipated,
recognized and generally easily treated and without long-term complications. The algorithm suggested for the assessment of a child
with acute URTIs may be a useful tool to aid the decision.
The best anaesthetic management should include pre-treatment with salbutamol, the use of propofol and avoidance of endotracheal
intubation whenever possible, use of a face mask ventilation or laryngeal mask ventilation. Moreover, prevention, early recognition
and immediate treatment of complications by an experienced anaesthetist are crucial.
Funding 8 Department of an aesthesia, University of Gondar
From: Moher D, Liberati A, Tetzlaff J, Altman DG, The PRISMA Group (2009). Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: The PRISMA Statement. PLoS
Med 6(7): e1000097. doi:10.1371/journal.pmed1000097.
24 G.F. Lema et al. / International Journal of Surgery Open 12 (2018) 17e24
Annex IV [16] von Ungern-Sternberg BS, Boda K, Chambers NA, Rebmann C, Johnson C,
List of abbreviations. Sly PD, et al. Risk assessment for respiratory complications in paediatric
anaesthesia: a prospective cohort study. Lancet (Lond Engl) 2010;376(9743):
ETT Endotracheal tube 773e83.
GA General Anaesthesia [17] Regli A, Becke K, von Ungern-Sternberg BS. An update on the perioperative
LMA Laryngeal Mask airway management of children with upper respiratory tract infections. Curr Opin
URTI Upper respiratory tract infection Anaesthesiol 2017;30(3):362e7.
PRAE Perioperative respiratory adverse events [18] Flick RP, Wilder RT, Pieper SF, Vankoeverden K, Ellison KM, Marienau ME,
Intra -op Intra operative et al. Risk factors for laryngospasm in children during general anesthesia.
Post - op Post operative Pediatr Anesth 2008;18(4):289e96.
ENT Ear, Nose and Throat [19] von Ungern-Sternberg BS, Boda K, Schwab C, Sims C, Johnson C, Habre W.
Laryngeal mask airway is associated with an increased incidence of adverse
LRT Lower respiratory tract
respiratory events in children with recent upper respiratory tract infections.
Anesthesiology 2007;107(5):714e9.
[20] Shemesh S, Tamir S, Goldfarb A, Ezri T, Roth Y. To proceed or not to proceed:
ENT surgery in paediatric patients with acute upper respiratory tract infec-
tion. J Laryngol Otol 2016;130(9):800e4.
References [21] Schreiner MS, O'hara I, Markakis DA, Politis GD. Do children who experience
laryngospasm have an increased risk of upper respiratory tract infection?
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