CGPA Calculator: Bachelor of Science (CS)

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CGPA Calculator

Irfan Ali

Bachelor of Science (CS)

Computer Science
Cholistan University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences

Bahawalpur, Pakistan.

January 2022
CGPA Calculator
Submitted by

Irfan Ali

Supervised by

Mr. Muhammad Umer Farooq

Bachelor of Science (CS)

A project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Bachelor of Science (CS)
at Cholistan University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences

Computer Science
Cholistan University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences

Bahawalpur, Pakistan.

January 2022
Plagiarism Undertaking

I take full responsibility of the research work conducted during the Bachelor The-
sis titled CGPA Calculator. I solemnly declare that the research work presented in the
project is done solely by me with no significant help from any other person; however,
small help wherever taken is duly acknowledged. I have also written the complete
thesis by myself. Moreover, I have not presented this thesis (or substantially simi-
lar research work) or any part of the thesis previously to any other degree awarding
institution within Pakistan or abroad.
I understand that the management of Cholistan University of Veterinary & Animal
has a zero tolerance policy towards plagiarism. Therefore, I as an author of the above-
mentioned thesis, solemnly declare that no portion of my project has been plagiarized
and any material used in the thesis from other sources is properly referenced. More-
over, the thesis does not contain any literal citing of more than 70 words (total) even
by giving a reference unless I have the written permission of the publisher to do so.
Furthermore, the work presented in the thesis is my own original work and I have posi-
tively cited the related work of the other researchers by clearly differentiating my work
from their relevant work. I further understand that if I am found guilty of any form
of plagiarism in my thesis work even after my graduation, the University reserves the
right to revoke my Masters degree. Moreover, the University will also have the right
to publish my name on its website that keeps a record of the students who plagiarized
in their thesis work.

Irfan Ali

Author’s Declaration

I, Irfan Ali, hereby state that my Bachelor project titled CGPA Calculator is my own
work and it has not been previously submitted by me for taking partial or full credit
for the award of any degree at this University or anywhere else in the world. If my
statement is found to be incorrect, at any time even after my graduation, the University
has the right to revoke my Bachelor degree.

Irfan Ali
Certificate of Approval

It is certified that the research work presented in this repot, entitled “CGPA Calculator” was
conducted by Irfan Ali under the supervision of Mr. Muhammad Umer Farooq.

No part of this report has been submitted anywhere else for any other degree.
This report is submitted to the Computer Science in partial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Sciencein CS
at the
Cholistan University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Bahawalpur, Pakistan

January’ 2022

Candidate Name: Irfan Ali Signature:

Examination Committee:

1. Name: Mr. Muhammad Umar Farooq Signature:

Assistant Professor, CUVAS BAHAWALPUR.

Mr. Muhammad Khalid Mahmood

Head of the Computer Science, Cholistan University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Ba-
hawalpur, Pakistan.

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