Learning Plan in Science 7: San Alberto Magno Academy
Learning Plan in Science 7: San Alberto Magno Academy
Learning Plan in Science 7: San Alberto Magno Academy
Instruction: Students are asked to watched the video and analyse the content of the song which is
about the topic (Scientific Method) and instruct them to take down notes important terms. Then,
let them answer the following questions:
1. What are the components of an investigative research?
2. How does the application of scientific method affect our lives and the future generation?
3. How does scientists work?
Map of Conceptual Change: K-W-L CHART
The students will write down their initial ideas regarding the topic on the K-What I know
part .
Value Integration:
Activity 5: Designing A Simple Scientific Investigation
The students will design a simple scientific investigation on a specific problem in their
area or at home. ( For example, when they switch ON the light and the bulb does not light
inside their room.)
Poor (2pt) Fair (3 pts) Good (4 pts) Excellent (5 pts)
Scientific Method Scientific Scientific Method Scientific Method
Steps Method Steps Steps are poorly Scientific Steps are fully
are not incorporated. It is Method Steps identified. Content is
included. not clear whether are clearly seen accurate,
or not student and identified. comprehensive, and
followed all the Content is well-supported.
steps. accurate and
Hypothesis Hypothesis is Hypothesis is not Hypothesis is Hypothesis is clearly
not stated. clearly stated or clearly stated stated and project
well thought-out. and project supports the testing
supports the of the hypothesis.
testing of the Presentation clearly
hypothesis. ties the hypothesis
with the experiment
Experiment Experiment was Experiment was Experiment Experiment was
hastily done, done but support was carefully scientifically done,
and lacks information is done, and the and the variables
support data. lacking. Variables variables are clearly identified.
Variables are are not stated identified. Experiment is
not stated. clearly, or are Supporting repeatable, and new
incomplete. data does not experimental data
make the supports the
experimental conclusion.
clear or
Conclusion Conclusion is Conclusion is Conclusion is Conclusion is valid
not stated. stated but valid, logical, and logical.
without adequate and based on Conclusion is based
detail, or not observations. on observations and
based upon Conclusion is clearly stated.
observations stated clearly. Student identifies
made. whether or not
further research is
Prepared by: Checked by:
Ms. Leizel A. Tatunay Mr. Romeo D. Dumaguin
Science Teacher Principal