mmr03 Cds
mmr03 Cds
mmr03 Cds
Flat systems, an important subclass of nonlinear control systems in-
troduced via differential-algebraic methods, are defined in a differential
geometric framework. We utilize the infinite dimensional geometry devel-
oped by Vinogradov and coworkers: a control system is a diffiety, or more
precisely, an ordinary diffiety, i.e. a smooth infinite-dimensional manifold
equipped with a privileged vector field. After recalling the definition of
a Lie-Bäcklund mapping, we say that two systems are equivalent if they
are related by a Lie-Bäcklund isomorphism. Flat systems are those sys-
tems which are equivalent to a controllable linear one. The interest of
such an abstract setting relies mainly on the fact that the above system
equivalence is interpreted in terms of endogenous dynamic feedback. The
presentation is as elementary as possible and illustrated by the VTOL
1 Introduction
Control systems are ubiquitous in modern technology. The use of feedback con-
trol can be found in systems ranging from simple thermostats that regulate the
temperature of a room, to digital engine controllers that govern the operation of
engines in cars, ships, and planes, to flight control systems for high performance
aircraft. The rapid advances in sensing, computation, and actuation technolo-
gies is continuing to drive this trend and the role of control theory in advanced
(and even not so advanced) systems is increasing.
A typical use of control theory in many modern systems is to invert the
system dynamics to compute the inputs required to perform a specific task.
This inversion may involve finding appropriate inputs to steer a control system
from one state to another or may involve finding inputs to follow a desired
∗ Centre Automatique et Systèmes, École des Mines de Paris, 35 rue Saint-Honoré, 77305
trajectory for some or all of the state variables of the system. In general, the
solution to a given control problem will not be unique, if it exists at all, and so
one must trade off the performance of the system for the stability and actuation
effort. Often this tradeoff is described as a cost function balancing the desired
performance objectives with stability and effort, resulting in an optimal control
This inverse dynamics problem assumes that the dynamics for the system
are known and fixed. In practice, uncertainty and noise are always present in
systems and must be accounted for in order to achieve acceptable performance
of this system. Feedback control formulations allow the system to respond
to errors and changing operating conditions in real-time and can substantially
affect the operability of the system by stabilizing the system and extending its
capabilities. Again, one may formulate the feedback regulation problems as
an optimization problem to allow tradeoffs between stability, performance, and
actuator effort.
The basic paradigm used in most, if not all, control techniques is to exploit
the mathematical structure of the system to obtain solutions to the inverse
dynamics and feedback regulation problems. The most common structure to
exploit is linear structure, where one approximates the given system by its lin-
earization and then uses properties of linear control systems combined with ap-
propriate cost function to give closed form (or at least numerically computable)
solutions. By using different linearizations around different operating points, it
is even possible to obtain good results when the system is nonlinear by “schedul-
ing” the gains depending on the operating point.
As the systems that we seek to control become more complex, the use of
linear structure alone is often not sufficient to solve the control problems that are
arising in applications. This is especially true of the inverse dynamics problems,
where the desired task may span multiple operating regions and hence the use
of a single linear system is inappropriate.
In order to solve these harder problems, control theorists look for different
types of structure to exploit in addition to simple linear structure. In this
paper we concentrate on a specific class of systems, called “(differentially) flat
systems”, for which the structure of the trajectories of the (nonlinear) dynamics
can be completely characterized. Flat systems are a generalization of linear
systems (in the sense that all linear, controllable systems are flat), but the
techniques used for controlling flat systems are much different than many of the
existing techniques for linear systems. As we shall see, flatness is particularly
well tuned for allowing one to solve the inverse dynamics problems and one
builds off of that fundamental solution in using the structure of flatness to solve
more general control problems.
Flatness was first defined by Fliess et al. [19, 22] using the formalism of
differential algebra, see also [53] for a somewhat different approach. In differ-
ential algebra, a system is viewed as a differential field generated by a set of
variables (states and inputs). The system is said to be flat if one can find a set
of variables, called the flat outputs, such that the system is (non-differentially)
algebraic over the differential field generated by the set of flat outputs. Roughly
speaking, a system is flat if we can find a set of outputs (equal in number to the
number of inputs) such that all states and inputs can be determined from these
outputs without integration. More precisely, if the system has states x ∈ Rn ,
and inputs u ∈ Rm then the system is flat if we can find outputs y ∈ Rm of the
y = h(x, u, u̇, . . . , u(r) )
such that
x = ϕ(y, ẏ, . . . , y (q) )
u = α(y, ẏ, . . . , y (q) ).
More recently, flatness has been defined in a more geometric context, where
tools for nonlinear control are more commonly available. One approach is to use
exterior differential systems and regard a nonlinear control system as a Pfaffian
system on an appropriate space [110]. In this context, flatness can be described
in terms of the notion of absolute equivalence defined by E. Cartan [8, 9, 104].
In this paper we adopt a somewhat different geometric point of view, relying
on a Lie-Bäcklund framework as the underlying mathematical structure. This
point of view was originally described in [20, 23, 24] and is related to the work
of Pomet et al. [87, 85] on “infinitesimal Brunovsky forms” (in the context of
feedback linearization). It offers a compact framework in which to describe
basic results and is also closely related to the basic techniques that are used
to compute the functions that are required to characterize the solutions of flat
systems (the so-called flat outputs).
Applications of flatness to problems of engineering interest have grown steadily
in recent years. It is important to point out that many classes of systems com-
monly used in nonlinear control theory are flat. As already noted, all con-
trollable linear systems can be shown to be flat. Indeed, any system that can
be transformed into a linear system by changes of coordinates, static feedback
transformations (change of coordinates plus nonlinear change of inputs), or dy-
namic feedback transformations is also flat. Nonlinear control systems in “pure
feedback form”, which have gained popularity due to the applicability of back-
stepping [41] to such systems, are also flat. Thus, many of the systems for
which strong nonlinear control techniques are available are in fact flat systems,
leading one to question how the structure of flatness plays a role in control of
such systems.
One common misconception is that flatness amounts to dynamic feedback
linearization. It is true that any flat system can be feedback linearized using
dynamic feedback (up to some regularity conditions that are generically satis-
fied). However, flatness is a property of a system and does not imply that one
intends to then transform the system, via a dynamic feedback and appropriate
changes of coordinates, to a single linear system. Indeed, the power of flatness
is precisely that it does not convert nonlinear systems into linear ones. When
a system is flat it is an indication that the nonlinear structure of the system is
well characterized and one can exploit that structure in designing control algo-
rithms for motion planning, trajectory generation, and stabilization. Dynamic
feedback linearization is one such technique, although it is often a poor choice
if the dynamics of the system are substantially different in different operating
Another advantage of studying flatness over dynamic feedback linearization
is that flatness is a geometric property of a system, independent of coordinate
choice. Typically when one speaks of linear systems in a state space context,
this does not make sense geometrically since the system is linear only in certain
choices of coordinate representations. In particular, it is difficult to discuss the
notion of a linear state space system on a manifold since the very definition
of linearity requires an underlying linear space. In this way, flatness can be
considered the proper geometric notion of linearity, even though the system
may be quite nonlinear in almost any natural representation.
Finally, the notion of flatness can be extended to distributed parameters
systems with boundary control and is useful even for controlling linear systems,
whereas feedback linearization is yet to be defined in that context.
is a vector field on X. Such a description is not well-adapted when considering
dynamic feedback.
It is nevertheless possible to associate to (2) a vector field with the “same”
solutions using the following remarks: given a smooth solution of (2), i.e., a
mapping t → (x(t), u(t)) with values in X × U such that
taking values in X × U × R∞ ∞
m , where Rm = R × R × . . . denotes the product
m m
on X × U × R∞
m . Conversely, any mapping
that is a trajectory of this infinite vector field necessarily takes the form (x(t), u(t), u̇(t), . . .)
with ẋ(t) = f (x(t), u(t)), hence corresponds to a solution of (2). Thus F is truly
a vector field and no longer a parameterized family of vector fields.
Using this construction, the control system (2) can be seen as the data of the
“space” X × U × R∞ m together with the “smooth” vector field F on this space.
Notice that, as in the uncontrolled case, we can define the “time-derivative”
of a smooth function (x, u, u1 , . . .) → h(x, u, u1 , . . . , uk ) depending on a finite
number of variables by
ḣ(x, u, u1 , . . . , uk+1 ) := Dh · F
∂h ∂h 1 ∂h
= · f (x, u) + ·u + · u2 + · · · .
∂x ∂u ∂u1
The above sum is finite because h depends on finitely many variables.
Remark 1. To be rigorous we must say something of the underlying topology
and differentiable structure of R∞ m to be able to speak of smooth objects [113].
This topology is the Fréchet topology, which makes things look as if we were
working on the product of k copies of Rm for a “large enough” k. For our
purpose it is enough to know that a basis of the open sets of this topology consists
of infinite products U0 ×U1 ×. . . of open sets of Rm , and that a function is smooth
if it depends on a finite but arbitrary number of variables and is smooth in the
usual sense. In the same way a mapping Φ : R∞ ∞
m → Rn is smooth if all of its
components are smooth functions.
R∞m equipped with the Fréchet topology has very weak properties: useful the-
orems such as the implicit function theorem, the Frobenius theorem, and the
straightening out theorem no longer hold true. This is only because R∞ m is a
very big space: indeed the Fréchet topology on the product of k copies of Rm for
any finite k coincides with the usual Euclidian topology.
We can also define manifolds modeled on R∞ m using the standard machinery.
The reader not interested in these technicalities can safely ignore the details and
won’t loose much by replacing “manifold modeled on R∞ ∞
m ” by “open set of Rm ”.
ẋ = f (x, u), u̇ = v (4)
now have the same description (X × U × R∞
m , F ), with
Fm (y, y 1 , y 2 , . . .) = (y 1 , y 2 , y 3 , . . .)
In practice we often identify the “system” F (x, u) := (f (x, u), u1 , u2 , . . .)
with the “dynamics” ẋ = f (x, u) which defines it. Our main motivation for
introducing a new formalism is that it will turn out to be a natural framework
for the notions of equivalence and flatness we want to define.
Remark 2. It is easy to see that the manifold M is finite-dimensional only
when there is no input, i.e., to describe a determined system of differential
equations one needs as many equations as variables. In the presence of inputs,
the system becomes underdetermined, there are more variables than equations,
which accounts for the infinite dimension.
∂Ψ ˙ = ∂Ψ (ξ(t)) · F (ξ(t)).
ζ̇(t) = (ξ(t)) · ξ(t)
∂ξ ∂ξ
The above expressions involve only finite sums even if the matrices and vectors
have infinite sizes: indeed a row of ∂Ψ
∂ξ contains only a finite number of non zero
terms because a component of Ψ depends only on finitely many coordinates.
Now, if the vector fields F and G are Ψ-related, i.e.,
∀ξ, G(Ψ(ξ)) = (ξ) · F (ξ)
ζ̇(t) = G(Ψ(ξ(t)) = G(ζ(t)),
which means that t → ζ(t) = Ψ(ξ(t)) is a trajectory of (N, G). If moreover Ψ
has a smooth inverse Φ then obviously F, G are also Φ-related, and there is a
one-to-one correspondence between the trajectories of the two systems. We call
such an invertible Ψ relating F and G an endogenous transformation.
Definition 2. Two systems (M, F ) and (N, G) are equivalent at (p, q) ∈ M×N
if there exists an endogenous transformation from a neighborhood of p to a
neighborhood of q. (M, F ) and (N, G) are equivalent if they are equivalent at
every pair of points (p, q) of a dense open subset of M × N.
Notice that when M and N have the same finite dimension, the systems are
necessarily equivalent by the straightening out theorem. This is no longer true
in infinite dimensions.
Consider the two systems (X × U × R∞ ∞
m , F ) and (Y × V × Rs , G) describing
the dynamics
If the systems are equivalent, the endogenous transformation Ψ takes the form
where g stands for (g, v 1 , . . . , v k ), i.e., a truncation of G for some large enough k.
g ψ(x, u), β(y, u) = Dψ(x, u) · f (y, u).
In other words, whenever t → (x(t), u(t)) is a trajectory of (5)
t → (y(t), v(t)) = ϕ(x(t), u(t)), α(x(t), u(t))
and using the notations in the discussion after definition 2, we define the map-
pings Y = ψ(X, U ) and V = β(X, U ) by
x − ε sin θ
z + ε cos θ u1 − εθ̇2
ψ(X, U) := and β(X, U ) :=
ẋ − εθ̇ cos θ θ
ż − εθ̇ sin θ
Φµ : X × U × (Rm+k )µ → Y × V × (Rs )µ
(x, u, u1 , . . . , uk+µ ) → (ϕ, α, α̇, . . . , α(µ) ),
i.e., the first µ + 2 blocks of components of Ψ; k is just a fixed “large enough”
integer. Because Ψ is invertible, Ψµ is a submersion for all µ. Hence the
dimension of the domain is greater than or equal to the dimension of the range,
n + m(k + µ + 1) ≥ s(µ + 1) ∀µ > 0,
which implies m ≥ s. Using the same idea with Ψ leads to s ≥ m.
Remark 4. Our definition of equivalence is adapted from the notion of equiva-
lence between diffieties. Given two diffieties (M, CT M) and (N, CT N), we say
that a smooth mapping Ψ from (an open subset of ) M to N is Lie-Bäcklund
if its tangent mapping T Ψ satisfies T Φ(CT M) ⊂ CT N. If moreover Ψ has a
smooth inverse Φ such that T Ψ(CT N) ⊂ CT M, we say it is a Lie-Bäcklund
isomorphism. When such an isomorphism exists, the diffieties are said to be
equivalent. An endogenous transformation is just a special Lie-Bäcklund iso-
morphism, which preserves the time parameterization of the integral curves. It
is possible to define the more general concept of orbital equivalence [20, 18] by
considering general Lie-Bäcklund isomorphisms, which preserve only the geo-
metric locus of the integral curves.
Definition 4. Let (M, F ) be a flat system and Ψ the endogenous transformation
putting it into a trivial system. The first block of components of Ψ, i.e., the
mapping h in (7), is called a flat (or linearizing) output.
With this definition, an obvious consequence of theorem 1 is:
Corollary 1. Consider a flat system. The dimension of a flat output is equal
to the input dimension, i.e., s = m.
Example 3 (The PVTOL). The system studied in example 2 is flat, with
as a flat output. Indeed, the mappings X = ϕ(y) and U = α(y) which generate
the inverse mapping Φ can be obtained from the implicit equations
and then differentiate to get ẋ, ż, θ̇, u in function of the derivatives of y. Notice
the only singularity is ÿ12 + (ÿ2 + 1)2 = 0.
ẋ = f (x, u) x ∈ Rn , u ∈ Rm
We begin by considering the problem of steering from an initial state to a fi-
nal state. We parameterize the components of the flat output yi , i = 1, . . . , m by
yi (t) := Aij λj (t), (8)
where the λj (t), j = 1, . . . , N are basis functions. This reduces the problem
from finding a function in an infinite dimensional space to finding a finite set of
Suppose we have available to us an initial state x0 at time τ0 and a final
state xf at time τf . Steering from an initial point in state space to a desired
point in state space is trivial for flat systems. We have to calculate the values
of the flat output and its derivatives from the desired points in state space and
then solve for the coefficients Aij in the following system of equations:
yi (τ0 ) = j Aij λj (τ0 ) yi (τf ) = j Aij λj (τf )
.. ..
. . (9)
(q) (q)
yi (τ0 ) = j Aij λj (τ0 ) yi (τf ) = j Aij λj (τf ).
Λ(τ0 )
ȳ = A =: ΛA. (11)
Λ(τf )
That is, we require the coefficients A to be in an affine sub-space defined by
equation (11). The only condition on the basis functions is that Λ is full rank,
in order for equation (11) to have a solution.
The implications of flatness is that the trajectory generation problem can be
reduced to simple algebra, in theory, and computationally attractive algorithms
in practice. For example, in the case of the towed cable system [70], a reasonable
state space representation of the system consists of approximately 128 states.
Traditional approaches to trajectory generation, such as optimal control, cannot
be easily applied in this case. However, it follows from the fact that the system
is flat that the feasible trajectories of the system are completely characterized
by the motion of the point at the bottom of the cable. By converting the input
constraints on the system to constraints on the curvature and higher derivatives
of the motion of the bottom of the cable, it is possible to compute efficient
techniques for trajectory generation.
2.5 Motion planning with singularities
In the previous section we assumed the endogenous transformation
Ψ(x, u, u1 , . . . ) := h(x, u), ḣ(x, u), ḧ(x, u), . . .
dp d2 p
t → σ(t), σ(t) , p(σ(t)), σ̇(t), σ(t) .
dσ dσ 2
The motion planning can now be done as in the previous section: indeed, the
functions σ and p and their derivatives are constrained at the initial (resp. final)
time by the initial (resp. final) point but otherwise arbitrary.
For a more substantial application see [97, 98, 22], where the same idea
was applied to nonholonomic mechanical systems by taking advantage of the
“natural” geometry of the problem.
3 Feedback design with equivalence
3.1 From equivalence to feedback
The equivalence relation we have defined is very natural since it is essentially a
1 − 1 correspondence between trajectories of systems. We had mainly an open-
loop point of view. We now turn to a closed-loop point of view by interpreting
equivalence in terms of feedback. For that, consider the two dynamics
Assume now the two systems are equivalent, i.e., they have the same trajectories.
Does it imply that it is possible to go from ẋ = f (x, u) to ẏ = g(y, v) by a
(possibly) dynamic feedback
ż = a(x, z, v), z ∈ Z ⊂ Rq
u = κ(x, z, v),
and vice versa? The question might look stupid at first glance since such a
feedback can only increase the state dimension. Yet, we can give it some sense
if we agree to work “up to pure integrators” (remember this does not change
the system in our formalism, see the remark after definition 1).
Theorem 2. Assume ẋ = f (x, u) and ẏ = g(y, v) are equivalent. Then ẋ =
f (x, u) can be transformed by (dynamic) feedback and coordinate change into
such that
F (Φ(y, v)) = DΦ(y, v).G(y, v). (12)
Let ỹ := (y, v, v 1 , . . . , v µ ) and w := v µ+1 . For µ large enough, ϕ (resp. α)
depends only on ỹ (resp. on ỹ and w). With these notations, Φ reads
Therefore f˜ and g̃ are φ-related, which ends the proof. Exchanging the roles of
f and g proves the converse statement.
As a flat system is equivalent to a trivial one, we get as an immediate con-
sequence of the theorem:
Corollary 2. A flat dynamics can be linearized by (dynamic) feedback and
coordinate change.
Remark 5. As can be seen in the proof of the theorem there are many feedbacks
realizing the equivalence, as many as suitable mappings π. Notice all these
feedback explode at points where ϕ is singular (i.e., where its rank collapses).
Further details about the construction of a linearizing feedback from an output
and the links with extension algorithms can be found in [55].
Example 5 (The PVTOL). We know from example 3 that the dynamics
admits the flat output
by the feedback
But (15) is trivially equivalent to ẏ = g(y, v) (see the remark after definition 1),
which is itself equivalent to ẋ = f (x, u). Hence, (14) is equivalent to ẋ = f (x, u).
This leads to
Definition 5. Consider the dynamics ẋ = f (x, u). We say the feedback
u = κ(x, z, w)
ż = a(x, z, w)
The word “endogenous” reflects the fact that the feedback variables z and
w are in loose sense “generated” by the original variables x, u (see [53, 56] for
further details and a characterization of such feedbacks)
Remark 6. It is also possible to consider at no extra cost “generalized” feed-
backs depending not only on w but also on derivatives of w.
We thus have a more precise characterization of equivalence and flatness:
Theorem 3. Two dynamics ẋ = f (x, u) and ẏ = g(y, v) are equivalent if and
only if ẋ = f (x, u) can be transformed by endogenous feedback and coordinate
change into
ẏ = g(y, v), v̇ = v 1 , . . . , v̇ µ = w. (16)
for some large enough integer ν, and vice versa.
Corollary 3. A dynamics is flat if and only if it is linearizable by endogenous
feedback and coordinate change.
Another trivial but important consequence of theorem 2 is that an endoge-
nous feedback can be “unraveled” by another endogenous feedback:
Corollary 4. Consider a dynamics
u = κ(x, z, w)
ż = a(x, z, w)
3.3 Tracking: feedback linearization
One of the central problems of control theory is trajectory tracking: given a
dynamics ẋ = f(x, u), we want
to design a controller able to track any reference
trajectory t → xr (t), ur (t) . If this dynamics admits a flat output y = h(x, u),
we can use corollary 2 to transform it by (endogenous) feedback and coordinate
change into the linear dynamics y (µ+1) = w. Assigning then
with a suitable gain matrix K, we get the stable closed-loop error dynamics
∆y (µ+1) = −K∆ỹ,
where yr (t) := (xr (t), ur (t) and ỹ := (y, ẏ, . . . , y µ ) and ∆ξ stands for ξ − ξr(t) .
This control law meets the design objective. Indeed, there is by the definition
of flatness an invertible mapping
relating the infinite dimension vector fields F (x, u) := (f (x, u), u, u1 , . . . ) and
G(y) := (y, y 1 , . . . ). From the proof of theorem 2, this means in particular
= α(ỹr (t)) + Rα (yr(µ+1) (t), ∆ỹ).
(µ+1) ∆ỹ
= ur (t) + Rα (ỹr (t), yr (t), ∆ỹ, ∆w). ,
We end this section with some comments on the use of feedback linearization.
A linearizing feedback should always be fed by a trajectory generator, even if
the original problem is not stated in terms of tracking. For instance, if it is
desired to stabilize an equilibrium point, applying directly feedback linearization
without first planning a reference trajectory yields very large control effort when
starting from a distant initial point. The role of the trajectory generator is to
define an open-loop “reasonable” trajectory –i.e., satisfying some state and/or
control constraints– that the linearizing feedback will then track.
where stands for d/dσ, the extended state is (x1 , x2 , x3 , ξ), the new control is
(v1 , v2 ). An equivalent second order formulation is
x1 = v1 , x3 = u2 ξ 2 + x2 v1 .
When ξ is far from zero, the static feedback u2 = (v2 − x2 v1 )/ξ 2 linearizes the
x1 = v1 , x3 = v2
in σ scale. When the system remains close to the reference, ξ ≈ 1, even if for
some t, σ̇(t) = 0. Take
v1 = 0 − sign(σ)a1 (ξ −
1) − a2 (x1 − σ)
d2 p (18)
v2 = dσ2 − sign(σ)a1 x2 ξ − dp
dσ ) − a2 (x3 − p)
with a1 > 0 and a2 > 0 , then the error dynamics becomes exponentially stable
in σ-scale (the term sign(σ) is for dealing with σ̇ < 0 ).
Similar computations for trailer systems can be found in [21, 18].
Notice that linearizing controller can be achieved via quasi-static feedback
as proposed in [15].
3.5 Tracking: flatness and backstepping
3.5.1 Some drawbacks of feedback linearization
We illustrate on two simple (and caricatural) examples that feedback lineariza-
tion may not lead to the best tracking controller in terms of control effort.
Example 7. Assume we want to track any trajectory t → xr (t), ur (t) of
ẋ = −x − x3 + u, x ∈ R.
ẋ1 = u1 , ẋ2 = u2 (1 − u1 ),
for which it is required to track an arbitrary trajectory t → xr (t), ur (t) (notice
ur (t) may not be so easy to define because of the singularity u1 = 1). The
linearizing feedback
meets this objective by imposing the closed-loop dynamics ∆ẋ = −k∆x. Un-
fortunately u2 grows unbounded as u1 approaches one. This means we must in
practice restrict to reference trajectories such that |1 − u1r (t)| is always “large”
–in particular it is impossible to cross the singularity– and to a “small” gain k.
A smarter control law can do away with these limitations. Indeed, consider-
ing the error dynamics
∆ẋ1 = ∆u1
∆ẋ2 = (1 − u1r (t) − ∆u1 )∆u2 − u2r (t)∆u1 ,
and differentiating the positive function V (∆x) := 12 (∆x21 + ∆x22 ) we get
3.5.2 Backstepping
The previous examples are rather trivial because the control input has the same
dimension as the state. More complicated systems can be handled by backstep-
ping. Backstepping is a versatile design tool which can be helpful in a variety of
situations: stabilization, adaptive or output feedback, etc ([41] for a complete
survey). It relies on the simple yet powerful following idea: consider the system
ẋ = f (x, ξ), f (x0 , ξ0 ) = 0
ξ˙ = u,
where (x, ξ) ∈ Rn × R is the state and u ∈ R the control input, and assume we
can asymptotically stabilize the equilibrium x0 of the subsystem ẋ = f (x, ξ),
i.e., we know a control law ξ = α(x), α(x0 ) = ξ0 and a positive function V (x)
such that
V̇ = DV (x).f (x, α(x)) ≤ 0.
A key observation is that the “virtual” control input ξ can then “back-
stepped” to stabilize the equilibrium (x0 , ξ0 ) of the complete system. Indeed,
introducing the positive function
W (x, ξ) := V (x) + (ξ − α(x))2
and the error variable z := ξ − α(x), we have
Ẇ = DV (x).f (x, α(x) + z) + z u − α̇(x, ξ)
= DV (x). f (x, α(x)) + R(x, z).z + z u − Dα(x).f (x, ξ)
= V̇ + z u − Dα(x).f (x, ξ) + DV (x).R(x, z) ,
for some large enough integer µ. We can then trivially backstep the control from
v to w and change coordinates. Using the same reasoning as in section 3.3, it
is easy to prove this leads to a control law solving the tracking problem for
ẋ = f (x, u). In fact, this is essentially the method we followed in section 3.3 on
the special case of a flat ẋ = f (x, u). We illustrated in section 3.5.1 potential
drawbacks of this approach.
However, it is often possible to design better –though in general more complicated–
tracking controllers by suitably using backstepping. This point of view is ex-
tensively developed in [41], though essentially in the single-input case, where
general equivalence boils down to equivalence by coordinate change. In the
multi-input case new phenomena occur as illustrated by the following examples.
Example 9 (The PVTOL). We know from example 2 that
is globally equivalent to
where ξ = u1 + εθ̇2 . This latter form is rather appealing for designing a tracking
controller and leads to the error dynamics
for suitable functions α1 , α2 and find a Lyapunov function V (∆y, ∆ẏ) for the
system. In other words, we would assign
ξ = Ξ ∆y, ∆ẏ, ÿr (t) := (α1 + ÿ1r )2 + (α2 + ÿ2r )2
θ = Θ ∆y, ∆ẏ, ÿr (t) := arg(α1 + ÿ1r , α2 + ÿ2r ).
The angle θ is a priori not defined when ξ = 0, i.e., at the singularity of the
flat output y. We will not discuss the possibility of overcoming this singularity
and simply assume we stay away from it. Aside from that, there remains a big
problem: how should the “virtual” control law (21) be understood? Indeed, it
seems to be a differential equation: because y depends on θ, hence Ξ and Θ are
in fact functions of the variables
Notice ξ is related to the actual control u1 by a relation that also depends on θ̇.
Let us forget this apparent difficulty for the time being and backstep
(21) the
usual way. Introducing the error variable κ1 := θ − Θ ∆y, ∆ẏ, ÿr (t) and using
the fundamental theorem of calculus, the error dynamics becomes
∆ÿ1 = α1 (∆y1 , ∆ẏ1 ) − κ1 Rsin Θ(∆y, ∆ẏ, ÿr (t)), κ1 Ξ ∆y, ∆ẏ, ÿr (t)
∆ÿ2 = α2 (∆y1 , ∆ẏ1 ) + κ1 Rcos Θ(∆y, ∆ẏ, ÿr (t)), κ1 Ξ ∆y, ∆ẏ, ÿr (t)
κ̇1 = θ̇ − Θ̇ κ1 , ∆y, ∆ẏ, ÿr (t), yr(3) (t)
Notice the functions
cos h − 1 sin h
Rsin (x, h) = sin x + cos x
h h
cos h − 1 sin h
Rcos (x, h) = cos x − sin x
h h
are bounded and analytic. Differentiate now the positive function
V1 (∆y, ∆ẏ, κ1 ) := V (∆y, ∆ẏ) + κ21
to get
∂V ∂V
V̇1 = ∆ẏ1 + (α1 − κ1 Rsin Ξ)+
∂∆y1 ∂∆ẏ1
∂V ∂V
∆ẏ2 + (α2 + κ1 Rcos Ξ) + κ1 (θ̇ − Θ̇)
∂∆y2 ∂∆ẏ2
∂V ∂V
= V̇ + κ1 θ̇ − Θ̇ + κ1 Rcos − Rsin Ξ ,
∂∆y1 ∂∆y2
where we have omitted arguments of all the functions for the sake of clarity. If
θ̇ were a control input, we could for instance assign
∂V ∂V
θ̇ := −κ1 + Θ̇ − κ1 Rcos − Rsin Ξ
∂∆y1 ∂∆y2
:= Θ1 κ1 , ∆y, ∆ẏ, ÿr (t), yr(3) (t) ,
to get V̇1 = V̇ −κ21 ≤ 0. We thus backstep this “virtual” control law: we introduce
the error variable
κ2 := θ̇ − Θ1 κ1 , ∆y, ∆ẏ, ÿr (t), yr(3) (t)
which means (22) makes sense. We have thus built a static control law
u1 = Ξ x, ẋ, z, ż, θ, θ̇, yr (t), ẏr (t), ÿr (t) + εθ̇2
u2 = Θ2 x, ẋ, z, ż, θ, θ̇, yr (t), . . . , yr(4) (t)
that does the tracking for (20). Notice it depends on yr (t) up to the fourth
Example 10. The dynamics
where v1 and v2 are given by equation (18), we have, for the error e = y − yr ,
a Lyapunov function V (e, de/dσ) satisfying
Some manipulations show that
∂V ∂V ∂V dV
V̇ = (u1 − σ̇ξ) + x2 + u2 ξ + σ̇
∂e1 ∂e2 ∂e2 dσ
∂V ∂V ∂V
w1 = − + x2 + u2 ξ + ξ˙σ̇ + ξσ̈ − b(u1 − ξ σ̇)
∂e1 ∂e2 ∂e2
3.5.5 Conclusion
It is possible to generalize the previous examples to prove that a control law
can be backstepped “through” any endogenous feedback. In particular a flat
dynamics can be seen as a (generalized) endogenous feedback acting on the
flat output; hence we can backstep a control law for the flat output through
the whole dynamics. In other words the flat output serves as a first “virtual”
control in the backstepping process. It is another illustration of the fact that a
flat output “summarizes” the dynamical behavior.
Notice also that in a tracking problem the knowledge of a flat output is
extremely useful not only for the tracking itself (i.e., the closed-loop problem)
but also for the trajectory generation (i.e., the open-loop problem)
with α1 > 0 and α2 > 0. It admits the flat output
(α1 −i) (i−1)
y1 = x3 + (−1)i x1 u2 , y2 = x2 ,
where ν := n + pm. This means checking the integrability of the partial differ-
ential system with a transversality condition
dxi ∧ dh ∧ . . . ∧ dh(ν) = 0, i = 1, . . . , n
duj ∧ dh ∧ . . . ∧ dh = 0, j = 1, . . . , m
dh ∧ . . . ∧ dh
= 0,
(µ) (µ)
where dh(µ) stands for dh1 ∧ . . . ∧ dhm . It is in theory possible to conclude
by using a computable criterion [5, 88], though this seems to lead to practically
intractable calculations. Nevertheless it can be hoped that, due to the special
structure of the above equations, major simplifications might appear.
ẋ = f0 (x) + uj gj (x), x ∈ Rn ,
i.e., with one input less than states and linear w.r.t. the inputs is 0-flat as soon
as it is controllable [10] (more precisely strongly accessible for almost every x).
The picture is much more complicated when the system is not linear w.r.t.
the control, see [54] for a geometric sufficient condition.
is flat as soon as it is controllable (i.e., strongly accessible for almost every x).
More precisely it is 0-flat when n is odd, and 1-flat when n is even.
All the results mentioned above rely on the use of exterior differential sys-
tems. Additional results on driftless systems, with applications to nonholonomic
systems, can be found in [108, 107, 104].
4.2.7 A necessary condition.
Because it is not known whether flatness can be checked with a finite test, see
section 4.1, it is very difficult to prove that a system is not flat. The following
result provides a simple necessary condition.
Theorem 6 (The ruled-manifold criterion [96, 22]). Assume ẋ = f (x, u)
is flat. The projection on the p-space of the submanifold p = f (x, u), where x is
considered as a parameter, is a ruled submanifold for all x.
The criterion just means that eliminating u from ẋ = f (x, u) yields a set
of equations F (x, ẋ) = 0 with the following property: for all (x, p) such that
F (x, p) = 0, there exists a ∈ Rn , a
= 0 such that
∀λ ∈ R, F (x, p + λa) = 0.
is not flat, since the submanifold p3 = p21 + p32 is not ruled: there is no a ∈ R3 ,
= 0, such that
Example 14 (The ball and beam [33]). We now prove by the ruled manifold
criterion that
where (r, ṙ, θ, θ̇) is the state and τ the input, is not flat (as it is a single-input sys-
tem, we could also prove it is not static feedback linearizable, see section 4.2.2).
Eliminating the input τ yields
ṙ = vr , v̇r = −Bg sin θ + Brθ̇2 , θ̇ = vθ
which defines a ruled manifold in the (ṙ, v̇r , θ̇, v̇θ )-space for any r, vr , θ, vθ , and
we cannot conclude directly. Yet, the system is obviously equivalent to
ṙ = vr , v̇r = −Bg sin θ + Brθ̇2 ,
which clearly does not define a ruled submanifold for any (r, vr , θ). Hence the
system is not flat.
5.2 State constraints and predictive control
In the previous section, we did not consider state constraints. We now turn
to the problem of planning a trajectory steering the state from a to b while
satisfying the constraint k(x, u, . . . , u(p) ) ≤ 0. In the flat output “coordinates”
this yields the following problem: find T > 0 and a smooth function [0, T ] t →
y(t) such that (y, . . . , y (q) ) has prescribed value at t = 0 and T and such that
∀t ∈ [0, T ], K(y, . . . , y (ν) )(t) ≤ 0 for some ν. When q = ν = 0 this problem,
known as the piano mover problem, is already very difficult.
Assume for simplicity sake that the initial and final states are equilibrium
points. Assume also there is a quasistatic motion strictly satisfying the con-
straints: there exists a path (not a trajectory) [0, 1] σ → Y (σ) such that
Y (0) and Y (1) correspond to the initial and final point and for any σ ∈ [0, 1],
K(Y (σ), 0, . . . , 0) < 0. Then, there exists T > 0 and [0, T ] t → y(t) solution
of the original problem. It suffices to take Y (η(t/T )) where T is large enough,
and where η is a smooth increasing function [0, 1] s → η(s) ∈ [0, 1], with
η(0) = 0, η(1) = 1 and ddsηi (0, 1) = 0 for i = 1, . . . , max(q, ν).
In [95] this method is applied to a two-input chemical reactor. In [90] the
minimum-time problem under state constraints is investigated for several me-
chanical systems. [102] considers, in the context of non holonomic systems, the
path planning problem with obstacles. Due to the nonholonomic constraints,
the above quasistatic method fails: one cannot set the y-derivative to zero since
they do not correspond to time derivatives but to arc-length derivatives. How-
ever, several numerical experiments clearly show that sorting the constraints
with respect to the order of y-derivatives plays a crucial role in the computing
6 Symmetries
6.1 Symmetry preserving flat output
Consider the dynamics ẋ = f (x, u), (x, u) ∈ X × U ⊂ Rn × Rm . It gen-
erates a system (F, M), where M := X × U × R∞ 1
m and F (x, u, u , . . . ) :=
1 2
(f (x, u), u , u , . . . ). At the heart of our notion of equivalence are endogenous
transformations, which map solutions of a system to solutions of another system.
We single out here the important class of transformations mapping solutions of
a system onto solutions of the same system:
Definition 6. An endogenous transformation Φg : M −→ M is a symmetry of
the system (F, M) if
Assume now the system is flat. The choice of a flat output is by no means
unique, since any endogenous transformation on a flat output gives rise to an-
other flat output.
Example 15 (The kinematic car). The system generated by
ẋ = u1 cos θ, ẏ = u1 sin θ, θ̇ = u2 ,
X = x cos α − y sin α + a
Y = x sin α + y cos α + b
U 1 = u1
U 2 = u2
Ẋ = U1 cos Θ, Ẏ = U1 sin Θ, Θ̇ = U2 .
This system is flat z := (x, y) as a flat output. Of course, there are infinitely
many other flat outputs, for instance z̃ := (x, y + ẋ). Yet, z is obviously a
more “natural” choice than z̃, because it “respects” the symmetries of the sys-
tem. Indeed, each symmetry of the system induces a transformation on the flat
output z
z1 Z1 X z1 cos α − z2 sin α + a
−→ = =
z2 Z2 Y z1 sin α + z2 cos α + b
which does not involve derivatives of z, i.e., a point transformation. This point
transformation generates an endogenous transformation (z, ż, . . . ) → (Z, Ż, . . . ).
Following [31], we say such an endogenous transformation which is the total pro-
longation of a point transformation is holonomic.
On the contrary, the induced transformation on z̃
is not a point transformation (it involves derivatives of z̃) and does not give to
a holonomic transformation.
the system (F, M) admitting a symmetry Φg (or a symmetry group
Φg g∈G ). Assume moreover the system is flat with h as a flat output and
denotes by Ψ := (h, ḣ, ḧ, . . . ) the endogenous transformation generated by h.
We then have:
Definition 7 (Symmetry-preserving flat output). The flat output h pre-
serves the symmetry Φg if the composite transformation Ψ ◦ Φg ◦ Ψ−1 is holo-
This leads naturally
to a fundamental question: assume a flat system admits
the symmetry group Φg g∈G . Is there a flat output which preserves Φg g∈G ?
This question can in turn be seen as a special case of the following problem:
view a dynamics ẋ − f (x, u) = 0 as an underdetermined differential system and
assume it admits a symmetry group; can it then be reduced to a “smaller”
differential system? Whereas this problem has been studied for a long time and
received a positive answer in the determined case, the underdetermined case
seems to have been barely untouched [78]. Some connected question relative to
invariant tracking are sketched in [99].
7.1 Holonomic mechanical systems
7.1.1 Fully actuated holonomic systems
The dynamics of a holonomic system with as many independent inputs as con-
figuration variables is
d ∂L ∂L
− = M (q)u + D(q, q̇),
dt ∂ q̇ ∂q
with M (q) invertible. It admits q as a flat output –even when ∂∂ q̇L2 is singular–:
indeed, u can be expressed in function of q, q̇ by the computed torque formula
−1 d ∂L ∂L
u = M (q) − − D(q, q̇) .
dt ∂ q̇ ∂q
If q is constrained by c(q) = 0 the system remains flat, and the flat output
corresponds to the configuration point in c(q) = 0.
The high gain feedback (u as position set-point)
F = −M k1 Ḋ − M k2 (D − u)
with k1 ≈ 10/τ , k2 ≈ 10/τ 2 (τ = l/g), yields the following slow dynamics:
d2 y−u
(y) = g(y − u)/l = .
dt2 τ2
The simple feedback
directly controlled. Under small angle approximations, the dynamics reads
y (2) ly (4)
θ1 = −
g 3g 2
y (2) ly (4)
θ2 = +
g 9g 2
35 7
D = y − lθ1 − lθ2
36 12
14ly (2) 7l2 y (4)
=y− + .
9g 27g 2
where y is the flat output.
Consider a planar rigid body moving in a vertical plane under the influence
of gravity and controlled by two forces having lines of action that are fixed with
respect to the body and intersect at a single point (see figure 3) (see [111]).
The force are denoted by F1 and F2 . Their directions, e1 and e2 , are fixed
with respect to the solid. These forces are applied at S1 and S2 points that are
fixed with respect to the solid. We assume that these forces are independent, i.e.,
when S1 = S2 their direction are not the same. We exclude the case S1 = S2 = G
since the system is not controllable (kinetic momentum is invariant).
Set G the mass center and θ the orientation of the solid. Denote by k the
unitary vector orthogonal to the plane. m is the mass and J the inertia with
respect to the axis passing through G and of direction k. g is the gravity.
Dynamics read
mG̈ = F1 + F2 + mg
−−→ −−→
J θ̈k = GS1 ∧ F1 + GS2 ∧ F2 .
As shown on figure 3, flat output P is Huyghens oscillation center when the
center of rotation is the intersection Q of the straight lines (S1 , e1 ) and (S2 , e2 ):
J −−→
P =Q+ 1+ QG.
with a = QG. Notice that when e1 and e2 are co-linear Q is sent to ∞ and P
coincides with G. Point P is the only point such that P̈ − g is colinear to the
direction P G, i.e, gives θ.
This example has some practical importance. The PVTOL system, the
gantry crane and the robot 2kπ (see below) are of this form, as is the simplified
planar ducted fan [75]. Variations of this example can be formed by changing
the number and type of the inputs [71].
Other examples are possible in the 3-dimensional space with rigid body
admitting symmetries. Take, e.g., the rocket of figure 4. Its equations are (no
aero-dynamic forces)
mG̈ = F + mg
d ˙ −→
J (b ∧ b) = −SG ∧ F
where b = SG/SG and
P =S+ SG2 + J/m b.
It is easy to see that P̈ − g is co-linear to the direction b.
7.1.6 PVTOL aircraft
A simplified Vertical Take Off and Landing aircraft moving in a vertical Plane [34]
can be described by
A flat output is y = (x − ε sin θ, z + ε cos θ), see [58] more more details and a
discussion in relation with unstable zero dynamics.
Pendulum motor
g S
O motor
The robot 2kπ is developed at École des Mines de Paris and consists of
a manipulator carrying a pendulum, see figure 5. There are five degrees of
freedom (dof’s): 3 angles for the manipulator and 2 angles for the pendulum.
The 3 dof’s of the manipulator are actuated by electric drives, while the 2 dof’s
of the pendulum are not actuated.
This system is typical of underactuated, nonlinear and unstable mechanical
systems such as the PVTOL [57], Caltech’s ducted fan [64, 59], the gantry
crane [22], Champagne flyer [46]. As shown in [53, 22, 59] the robot 2kπ is flat,
with the center of oscillation of the pendulum as a flat output. Let us recall
some elementary facts
The cartesian coordinates of the suspension point S of the pendulum can be
considered here as the control variables : they are related to the 3 angles of the
manipulator θ1 , θ2 , θ3 via static relations. Let us concentrated on the pendulum
dynamics. This dynamics is similar to the ones of a punctual pendulum with
the same mass m located at point H, the oscillation center (Huygens theorem).
Denoting by l = SH the length of the isochronous punctual pendulum, New-
ton equation and geometric constraints yield the following differential-algebraic
system (T is the tension, see figure 6):
mḦ = T + mg , ∧ T = 0,
SH SH = l.
These formulas are crucial for designing a control law steering the pendulum
from the lower equilibrium to the upper equilibrium, and also for stabilizing the
pendulum while the manipulator is moving around [47].
Figure 7: towed cable system and finite link approximate model.
each rigid link. In addition to the forces on the cable, we must also consider
the forces on the drogue and the towplane. The drogue is modeled as a sphere
and essentially acts as a mass attached to the last link of the cable, so that
the forces acting on it are included in the cable dynamics. The external forces
on the drogue again consist of gravity and aerodynamic drag. The towplane is
attached to the top of the cable and is subject to drag, gravity, and the force
of the attached cable. For simplicity, we simply model the towplane as a pure
force applied at the top of the cable. Our goal is to generate trajectories for this
system that allow operation away from relative equilibria as well as transition
between one equilibrium point and another. Due to the high dimension of the
model for the system (128 states is typical), traditional approaches to solving
this problem, such as optimal control theory, cannot be easily applied. However,
it can be shown that this system is differentially flat using the position of the
bottom of the cable Hn as the differentially flat output. See [70] for a more
complete description and additional references.
Assume no friction and only gravity. Then, as for the pendulum of 2kπ, we
Hn−1 = Hn + (mn Ḧn − mng)
mn Ḧn − mng
where mn is the mass of link n. Newton equation for link n − 1 yields (with
obvious notations)
These relations imply that S is function of Hn and its time derivatives up to order 2n.
Thus Hn is the flat output.
where x, z, θ are the configuration variables and T is the tension in the cable. The
control inputs are the trolley position D and the cable length R. This system is flat,
with the position (x, z) of the load as a flat output.
ω̇1 = u1
ω̇2 = u2
ω̇3 = aω1 ω2
ϕ̇ = ω1 cos θ + ω3 sin θ (24)
θ̇ = (ω1 sin θ − ω3 cos θ) tan ϕ + ω2
(ω3 cos θ − ω1 sin θ)
ψ̇ = ,
cos ϕ
where a = (J1 − J2 )/J3 (Ji are the principal moments of inertia); physical sense
imposes |a| ≤ 1. Eliminating u1 , u2 and ω1 , ω2 by
ϕ̇ − ω3 sin θ
ω1 = and ω2 = θ̇ + ψ̇ sin ϕ
cos θ
yields the equivalent system
ϕ̇ − ω3 sin θ
ω̇3 = a(θ̇ + ψ̇ sin ϕ) (25)
cos θ
ω3 − ϕ̇ sin θ
ψ̇ = . (26)
cos ϕ cos θ
But this system is in turn equivalent to
cos θ ψ̈ cos ϕ − (1 + a)ψ̇ϕ̇ sin ϕ + sin θ ϕ̈ + aψ̇ 2 sin ϕ cos ϕ
+ θ̇(1 − a)(ϕ̇ cos θ − ψ̇ sin θ cos ϕ) = 0
by substituting ω3 = ψ̇ cos ϕ cos θ + ϕ̇ sin θ in (25).
When a = 1, θ can clearly be expressed in function of ϕ, ψ and their derivatives.
We have proved that (24) is flat with (ϕ, ψ) as a flat output. A similar calculation can
be performed when a = −1.
When |a| < 1, whether (24) is flat is unknown. Yet, it is orbitally flat [93]. To see
that, rescale time by σ̇ = ω3 ; by the chain rule ẋ = σ̇x whatever the variable x, where
denotes the derivation with respect to σ. Setting then
ω̄1 := ω1 /ω3 , ω̄2 := ω2 /ω3 , ω̄3 := −1/aω3 ,
and eliminating the controls transforms (24) into
ω3 = ω̄1 ω̄2
ϕ = ω̄1 cos θ + sin θ
θ = (ω̄1 sin θ − cos θ) tan ϕ + ω̄2
(cos θ − ω̄1 sin θ)
ψ = .
cos ϕ
The equations are now independent of a. This implies the satellite with a = 1 is
orbitally equivalent to the satellite with a = 1. Since it is flat when a = 1 it is
orbitally flat when a = 1, with (ϕ, ψ) as an orbitally flat output.
Figure 8: kinematic of a car.
where v, the velocity, and ϕ, the steering angle are the two controls. These equations
mean geometrically that the angle θ gives the direction of the tangent to the curve
followed by P , the point of coordinates (x, y), and that tan ϕ/l corresponds to the
curvature of this curve:
cos θ
v = ±Ṗ , = Ṗ /v, tan ϕ = l det(P̈ Ṗ )/v |v|.
sin θ
There is thus a one to one correspondence between arbitrary smooth curves and the
solutions of (27). It provides, as shown in [22], a very simple algorithm to steer the
car from on a configuration to another one.
Take the single car here above and hitch, as display on figure 9, n trailers. The
resulting system still admits two control: the velocity of the car v and the steering
angle φ. As for the single car, modelling is based on the rolling without slipping
There is a one to one correspondence between smooth curves of arbitrary shapes
and the system trajectories. It suffices to consider the curve followed by Pn , the
cartesian position of the last trailer. It is not necessary to write down explicitly the
system equations in the state-space form as (27). Just remember that the kinematic
constraints say that the velocity of each trailer (more precisely of the middle of its
wheel axle) is parallel to the direction of its hitch.
Take n = 1 and have a look at figure 10. Assume that the curve C followed by
P1 is smooth. Take s → P (s) an arc length parameterization. Then P1 = P (s), θ1 is
the angle of τ , the unitary tangent vector to C. Since P0 = P + d1 τ derivation with
respect to s provides
P0 = τ + d1 κ
with (τ , ν ) the Frénet frame of C and κ its curvature. Thus P0 = 0 is tangent to
C0 , the curve followed by P0 . This curve is necessary smooth and
tan(θ0 − θ1 ) = d1 κ, τ0 = (τ + d1 κ
ν ).
1 + (d1 κ)2
Derivation with respect to s0 , (ds0 = 1 + (d1 κ)2 ds) yields the steering angle φ :
1 d1 dκ
tan φ = d0 κ0 = d0 κ+ .
1 + (d1 κ)2 1 + (d1 κ)2 ds
for any C 1 time function, t → s(t). Notice that φ and θ0 − θ1 always remain in
] − π/2, π/2[. These computations prove the one to one correspondence between the
system trajectories respecting φ and θ0 − θ1 in ] − π/2, π/2[, and regular planar curves
of arbitrary shape with an arbitrary C 1 time parameterization.
The case n > 1 is just a direct generalization. The correspondence between arbi-
trary smooth curves s → P (s) (tangent τ , curvature κ) with a C 1 time parameteriza-
tion t → s(t) is then defined by a smooth invertible map
2 1
×S ×R
R n+2
→ R2 × S1 ×] − π/2, π/2[n+1 ×R
dn κ
P, τ , κ, dκ
,..., dsn
, ṡ → (Pn , θn , θn − θn−1 , . . . , θ1 − θ0 , φ, v)
This nonholonomic system is displayed on figure 11: here the trailer is not directly
hitched to the car at the center of the rear axle, but more realistically at a distance a
of this point. The equations are
ẋ = cos α v
ẏ = sin α v
1 (28)
α̇ = tan ϕ v
β̇ = 1 a tan ϕ cos(α − β) − sin(α − β) v.
b l
Controls are the car velocity v and the steering angle ϕ.
There still exists a one to one correspondence between the trajectories of (28) and
arbitrary smooth curves with a C 1 time parameterization. Such curves are followed
by the point P (see figure 11) of coordinates
b sin β − a sin α
X = x + b cos β + L(α − β)
a2 + b2 − 2ab cos(α − β)
a cos α − b cos β
Y = y + b sin β + L(α − β)
a2 + b2 − 2ab cos(α − β)
where L is defined by an elliptic integral :
cos σ
L(α − β) = ab √ dσ. (30)
π a2 + b2 − 2ab cos σ
Figure 12: geometric construction with the Frénet frame.
We have also a geometrical construction (see figure 12): the tangent vector
τ is
parallel to AB. Its curvature κ depends on δ = α − β:
sin δ
κ = K(δ) = √ (31)
cos δ a2 + b2 − 2ab cos δ − L(δ) sin δ
Function K is an increasing bijection between ]γ, 2π − γ[ and R. The constant γ ∈
[0, π/2] is defined by the implicit equation
cos σ
cos γ a2 + b2 − 2ab cos γ = ab sin γ √ dσ.
π a + b2 − 2ab cos σ
7.2.5 Kinematics generated by two nonholonomic constraints
Such systems are flat by theorem 5 since they correspond to driftless systems with
n states and n − 2 inputs. For instance the rolling disc (p. 4), the rolling sphere
(p. 96) and the bicycle (p. 330) considered in the classical treatise on nonholonomic
mechanics [74] are flat.
All these flat nonholonomic systems have a controllability singularity at rest. Yet,
it is possible to “blow up” the singularity by reparameterizing time with the arclength
of the curve described by the flat output, hence to plan and track trajectories starting
from and stopping at rest as explained in [22, 98, 18].
Rs is + ψ̇s = us ψs = Ls is + M ejnθ ir
Rr ir + ψ̇r = 0 ψr = M e−jnθ is + Lr ir ,
where ψs and is (resp. ψr and ir )√are the complex stator (resp. rotor) flux and current,
θ is the rotor position and j = −1. The control input is the voltage us applied to
the stator. Setting ψr = ρejα , the rotor motion is described by
d2 θ n 2
J = ρ α̇ − τL (θ, θ̇),
dt2 Rr
where τL is the load torque.
This system is flat with the two angles (θ, α) as a flat output [63] (see [11] also for
a related result).
7.4 Chemical systems
7.4.1 CSTRs
Many simple models of Continuous Stirred Tank Reactors (CSTRs) admit flats outputs
with a direct physical interpretation in terms of temperatures or product concentra-
tions [36, 1], as do closely related biochemical processes [4, 17]. In [95] flatness is used
to steer a reactor model from a steady state to another one while respecting some
physical constraints. In[67], flatness based control of nonlinear delay chemical reactors
is proposed.
A basic model of a CSTR with two chemical species and any number of exothermic
or endothermic reactions is
Consider the 3-compartment model described on figure 13. Its dynamics is based
on the following energy balance equations ((m, ρ, Cp , λ) are physical constants)
mρCp θ̇1 = λ(θ2 − θ1 )
mρCp θ̇2 = λ(θ1 − θ2 ) + λ(θ3 − θ2 ) (32)
mρCp θ̇3 = λ(θ2 − θ3 ) + λ(u − θ3 ).
Its is obvious that this linear system is controllable with y = θ1 as Brunovsky output:
it can be transformed via linear change of coordinates and linear static feedback into
y (3) = v.
Taking an arbitrary number n of compartments yields
mρCp θ̇1 = λ(θ2 − θ1 )
mρCp θ̇2 = λ(θ1 − θ2 ) + λ(θ3 − θ2 )
mρCp θ̇i = λ(θi−1 − θi ) + λ(θi+1 − θi ) (33)
mρCp θ̇n−1 = λ(θn−2 − θn−1 ) + λ(θn − θn−1 )
mρCp θ̇n = λ(θn−1 − θn ) + λ(u − θn ).
y = θ1 remains the Brunovsky output: via linear change of coordinates and linear
static feedback we have y (n) = v.
When n tends to infinity, m and λ tend to zeros as 1/n and (33) tends to the
classical heat equation where the temperature on the opposite side to u, i.e., y = θ(0, t),
still plays a special role.
Cmms µ1 Cm
Ċm = − 1+ε + Rm (Cm , Ci , Cs , T )
τ µ1 + Mm Cm τ
Ciis µ1 Ci
Ċi = −ki (T )Ci + u2 − 1+ε
V µ1 + Mm Cm τ
Csis Csms µ1 Cs
Ċs = u2 + − 1+ε
V τ µ1 + Mm Cm τ
µ1 µ1
µ̇1 = −Mm Rm (Cm , Ci , Cs , T ) − 1 + ε
µ1 + Mm Cm τ
Ṫ = φ(Cm , Ci , Cs , µ1 , T ) + α1 Tj
Ṫj = f6 (T, Tj ) + α4 u1 ,
where u1 , u2 are the control inputs and Cmms , Mm , ε, τ, Ciis , Csms , Csis , V , α1 ,
α4 are constant parameters. The functions Rm , ki , φ and f6 are not well-known and
derive from experimental data and semi-empirical considerations, involving kinetic
laws, heat transfer coefficients and reaction enthalpies.
The polymerization reactor is flat whatever the functions Rm , ki , φ, f6 and admits
(Csis Ci − Ciis Cs , Mm Cm + µ1 ) as a flat output [96].
differential equations. It can be adapted to delay differential systems and to par-
tial differential equations with boundary control. Of course, there are many more
technicalities and the picture is far from clear. Nevertheless, this new point of view
seems promising for the design of control laws. In this section, we sketch some recent
developments in this direction.
In other words, y(t) := x1 (t) plays the role of a“flat” output. This idea is investigated
in detail in [66], where the class of δ-free systems is defined (δ is the delay operator).
More precisely, [66, 68] considers linear differential delay systems
M (d/dt, δ)w = 0
w = P (d/dt, δ, δ −1 )y
y = Q(d/dt, δ, δ −1 )w,
(s Laplace variable, gains Kij , delays δij and time constants τij between uj and zi ) are
δ-free [79]. Other interesting examples of δ-free systems arise from partial differential
Example 16 (Torsion beam system). The torsion motion of a beam (figure 14)
can be modeled in the linear elastic domain by
where θ(x, t) is the torsion of the beam and u(t) the control input. From d’Alembert’s
formula, θ(x, t) = φ(x + t) + ψ(x − t), we easily deduce
where we have set y(t) := θ(1, t). This proves the system is δ-free with θ(1, t) as a
“δ-flat” output. See [69, 27, 30] for details and an application to motion planning.
y (t) = θ(1, t)
θ(x, t)
Many examples of delay systems derived from the 1D-wave equation can be treated
via such techniques (see [16] for tank filled with liquid, [26] for the telegraph equation
and [80] for two physical examples with delay depending on control).
The following example shows that explicit parameterization via distributed delay
operators can also be useful. Small angle approximation of an homogenous heavy
chain yields the following dynamics around the stable vertical steady-state:
∂ (gs ∂X ) − ∂ X = 0
∂s ∂s ∂t2 (34)
X(L, t) = u(t).
where X(s, t) is the horizontal position of the chain element indexed by s ∈ [0, L]. The
control u is the trolley horizontal position.
We prove in [84] that the general solution of (34) is given by the following formulas
where y is the free end position X(0, t) :
X(s, t) = y(t + 2 s/g sin θ) dθ. (35)
2π −π
Simple computations show that (35) corresponds to the series solution of the (singular)
Cauchy-Kovalesky problem:
∂ ∂X ∂2X
(gs )=
∂s ∂s ∂t2
X(0, t) = y(t).
Relation (35) means that there is a one to one correspondence between the (smooth)
solutions of (34) and the (smooth) functions t → y(t). For each solution of (34),
set y(t) = X(0, t). For each function t → y(t), set X via (35) and u via
u(t) = y(t + 2 L/g sin θ) dθ (36)
2π −π
if t > T
where the chosen transfer time T equals 2∆ with ∆ = 2 L/g, the travelling time of
a wave between x = L and x = 0. For t ≤ 0 the chain is vertical at position 0. For
t ≥ T the chain is vertical at position D = 3L/2.
Example 17 (Heat equation). Consider as in [45] the linear heat equation
We claim that
y(t) := θ(0, t)
is a “flat” output. Indeed, the equation in the Laplace variable s reads
( stands
√ for ∂x and ˆ√for the Laplace transform), and
√ the solution is clearly θ̂(x, s) =
cosh(x s)û(s)/ cosh( s). As θ̂(0, s) = û(s)/ cosh( s), this implies
√ √
û(s) = cosh( s) ŷ(s) and θ̂(x, s) = cosh(x s) ŷ(s).
Since cosh s = +∞ i
i=0 s /(2i)!, we eventually get
y (i) (t)
θ(x, t) = x2i (40)
+∞ (i)
y (t)
u(t) = . (41)
In other words, whenever t → y(t) is an arbitrary function (i.e., a trajectory of the
trivial system y = v), t → θ(x, t), u(t) defined by (40)-(41) is a (formal) trajectory
of (37)–(39), and vice versa. This is exactly the idea underlying the definition of
flatness. Notice these calculations have been known for a long time, see [109, pp. 588
and 594].
To make the statement precise, we now turn to convergence issues. On the one
hand, t → y(t) must be a smooth function such that
and in particular
If for instance α0 (x) = c for all x ∈ [0, 1] (i.e., uniform temperature profile), then
y(t0 ) = c and y (i) (t0 ) = 0 for all i ≥ 1, which implies y(t) = c for all t when the
function is analytic. It is thus impossible to reach any final profile but α1 (x) = c for
all x ∈ [0, 1].
Smooth functions t ∈ [t0 , t1 ] → y(t) that satisfy
are known as Gevrey-Roumieu functions of order σ [91] (they are also closely related to
class S functions [32]). The Taylor expansion of such functions is convergent for σ ≤ 1
and divergent for σ > 1 (the larger σ is, the “more divergent” the Taylor expansion is
). Analytic functions are thus Gevrey-Roumieu of order ≤ 1.
In other words we need a Gevrey-Roumieu function on [t0 , t1 ] of order > 1 but ≤ 2,
with initial and final Taylor expansions imposed by the initial and final temperature
profiles. With such a function, we can then compute open-loop control steering the
system from one profile to the other by the formula (40).
For instance, we steered the system from uniform temperature 0 at t = 0 to uniform
temperature 1 at t = 1 by using the function
0 if t < 0
1 if t > 1
R t → y(t) := t
exp −1/(τ (1 − τ )) γ
if t ∈ [0, 1],
exp −1/(τ (1 − τ ))γ dτ
0.8 1
0.6 0.8
0.4 0.6
0.2 0.2
t 0 0
Similar but more involved calculations with convergent series corresponding to
Mikunsiński operators are used in [28, 29] to control a chemical reactor and a flexible
rod modeled by an Euler-Bernoulli equation. For nonlinear systems, convergence issues
are more involved and are currently under investigation. Yet, it is possible to work
–at least formally– along the same line.
Example 18 (Flexion beam system). Consider with [43] the mixed system
where ρ, EI, Id are constant parameters, u(x, t) is the deformation of the beam, ω(t)
is the angular velocity of the body and <f, g >(t) := 0 ρf (x, t)g(x, t)dx. The three
control inputs are Γ1 (t), Γ2 (t), Γ3 (t).
We claim that
y(t) := ∂x2 u(0, t), ∂x3 u(0, t), ω(t)
is a “flat” output. Indeed, ω(t), Γ1 (t), Γ2 (t) and Γ3 (t) can clearly be expressed in
terms of y(t) and u(x, t), which transforms the system into the equivalent Cauchy-
Kovalevskaya form
u(0, t) = 0
∂x u(0, t) = 0
EI∂x4 u(x, t) = ρy32 (t)u(x, t) − ρ∂t2 u(x, t) and
∂x2 u(0, t) = y1 (t)
∂x u(0, t) = y2 (t).
Set then formally u(x, t) = +∞i=0 ai (t) i! , plug this series into the above system and
identify term by term. This yields
a0 = 0, a1 = 0, a 2 = y1 , a 3 = y2 ,
and the iterative relation ∀i ≥ 0, EIai+4 = ρy32 ai − ρäi . Hence for all i ≥ 1,
ρ 2
a4i = 0 a4i+2 = (y a4i−2 − ä4i−2 )
EI 3
ρ 2
a4i+1 = 0 a4i+3 = (y3 a4i−1 − ä4i−1 ).
There is thus a 1–1 correspondence between (formal) solutions of the system and
arbitrary mappings t → y(t): the system is formally flat.
For recent results on nonlinear flexion systems see [101].
Figure 17: A chemical reactor with a recycle loop.
involving two species, A and B) and add, as shown on figure 17, a recycle loop and
a delay τQ in the cooling system. Under classical assumption the mass and energy
balances read
ẋ(t) = D(xF − x(t)) + DR (x(t − τR ) − x(t)) − r(x(t), T (t))
Ṫ (t) = D(TF − T (t)) + DR (T (t − τR ) − T (t)) + α r(x(t), T (t)) + Q(t − τQ ).
The concentration of A is denoted by x and the temperature by T . The control Q is
proportional to the cooling duty. The constant parameter are : α (reaction enthalpy)
; D (dilution rate); xF and TF (feed composition and temperature).
The recycle dynamics is described here by a delay τR (plug flow without reaction
nor diffusion). Denote by VR the volume of the recycle loop and FR the recycle
volumetric flow. Then τR = VR /FR . We will show that y = x(t) is the flat-output.
Assume that x(t) = y(t) is given. The mass balance (the first equation in (42))
defines implicitly the temperature T as a function of y(t), ẏ(t) and y(t − τR ) :
T (t) = Θ(y(t), ẏ(t), y(t − τR )).
The energy balance reads
Q(t − τQ ) = Ṫ (t) − D(TF − T (t)) − DR (T (t − τR ) − T (t)) − α r(y(t), T (t));
Q(t) = Ṫ (t + τQ ) − D(TF − T (t + τQ )) − DR (T (t − τR + τQ ) − T (t + τQ ))
−α r(y(t + τQ ), T (t + τQ )).
This means that Q(t) depends on y(t + τQ ), ẏ(t + τQ ), ÿ(t + τQ ), y(t − τR + τQ ),
y(t − 2τR + τQ ) et ẏ(t − τR + τQ ). Formally we have
Q(t) = Λ[y(t + τQ ), ẏ(t + τQ ), ÿ(t + τQ ), y(t − τR + τQ ), y(t − 2τR + τQ ),
ẏ(t − τR + τQ )].
The value of Q(t) for t ∈ [0, t∗ ] depends on y(t) for t ∈ [−2τR + τQ , t∗ + τQ ]. To
find a control steering the system from one steady state to another one, take t → y(t)
constant outside of [0, t∗ ]. Then the transition starts at t = −τQ for Q, at t = 0 for
T and x. The new steady-state is reached at t = t∗ for x, at t = t∗ + τR for T and
t = t∗ + 2τR − τQ for Q.
9.2 The nonholonomic snake
Figure 18: the non-holonomic snake, a car with an infinite number of small
The first equation says that l → M (l, t) is an arc length parameterization. The second
one is just the rolling without slipping conditions : velocity of trailer l is parallel to
the direction of the plan of its wheels, i.e., the tangent to the curve l → M (l, t). It is
then obvious that the general solution of this system is
M (l, t) = P (s(t) − l), l ∈ [0, L]
where P is the snake head and s → P (s) an arc length parameterization of the curve
followed by P . Similarly,
M (l, t) = Q(s(t) + l), l ∈ [0, L]
where Q is the snake tail. It corresponds to the flat output of the finite dimensional
approximation, the n-trailers system of figure 9, with n large and di = L/n. Deriva-
tives up to order n are in the infinite case replaced by advances in the arc length scale.
This results from the formal relation
Q(s + l) = Q (s)li /i!
and the series truncation up to the first n terms. Nevertheless, M (l, t) = Q(s(t) + l)
is much more simple to use in practice. When n is large, the series admit convergence
troubles for s → Q(s) smooth but not analytic.
When the number of trailers is large and the curvature radius 1/κ of s → Q(s) is
much larger than the length of each small trailer, such infinite dimensional approxi-
mation is valid. It reduces the dynamics to trivial delays. It is noteworthy that, in
this case, an infinite dimensional description yields to a much better reduced model
than a finite dimensional description that gives complex nonlinear control models and
algorithms 1 .
1 The finite dimensional system does not require to be flat (trailer i can be hitched to trailer
i − 1 not directly at the center of its wheel axle, but more realistically at a positive distance
of this point [60]).
9.3 Nonlinear heavy chain systems
The nonlinear conservative model of an homogenous heavy chain with an end mass is
the following.
∂2M ∂ ∂M
ρ = T + ρg
∂t2 ∂s ∂s
∂s = 1 (43)
M (L, t) = u(t)
T (0, t) ∂M (0, t) = m ∂ M (0, t) − mg .
∂s ∂t2
where [0, L] s → M (s, t) ∈ R is an arc length parameterization of the chain and
T (s, t) > 0 is the tension. The control u is the position of the suspension point. If we
use s
N (s, t) = M (σ, t) dσ
instead of M (s, t) (Bäcklund transformation) we have
∂2N 1 ∂ N
(s, t) = ρ (s, t) − (ρs + m)
g + mÿ(t)
∂s2 T (s, t) ∂t2
N (0, t) = 0
(0, t) = y(t).
Formally, its series solution expresses in terms of y and its derivatives of infinite order.
This could be problematic since y must be analytic and the series converge for s ≥ 0
small enough.
We will see here below that the solution of the tangent linearization of this Cauchy-
Kovalevsky system around the stable vertical steady-state can be expressed via ad-
vances and delays of y. Such a formulation avoids series with y derivatives of arbitrary
orders. For the nonlinear system here above, we conjecture a solution involving non-
linear delays and advances of y.
0.8 1.5
0.2 0.5
0 0
Figure 19: A velocity described by Burger equation; transition from low velocity
v ≡ 1 to a high velocity v ≡ 4 without shock.
The Burger equation represent the velocity flied in a one dimensional gas where
particles have no interaction and have an inertial motion in a tube of length l:
∂v ∂v
+v = 0 x ∈ [0, 1]
∂t ∂x . (44)
v(0, t) = u(t)
The field x → v(x, t) represents the velocity of the particles for x ∈ [0, l]. The control
is the input velocity u(t) > 0.
The output velocity is y(t) = v(l, t). Since the acceleration of each particle is zero,
its velocity remains constant. Thus the particle coming out of the tube at time t has
velocity equation to y(t). At time t − l/y(t) this particle enters the as tube in x = 0
with velocity u(t − 1/y(t)). Thus
y(t) = u(t − 1/y(t)).
u(t) = y(t + 1/u(t)).
More generally :
y(t) = v(t − (1 − x)/y(t), x) x ∈ [0, 1]
u(t) = v(t + x/u(t), x) x ∈ [0, 1].
Formally, we have a one to one correspondence between t → v( , t), solution of (44),
and t → y(t). This correspondence is effective as soon as y > 0 is differentiable,
t → t − (1 − x)/y(t) increasing for all x ∈ [0, l], i.e., for all t, ẏ(t) > −y 2 (t).
This condition corresponds to smooth solution and avoid shocks and discontinuous
solution. It is then easy to find t → u(t) steering smoothly from a low velocity
v( , 0) ≡ v1 > 0 to a high one v( , T ) ≡ v2 > v1 in a time T . Notice that the same
computation remains valid for
vt + λ(v)vx = 0 x ∈ [0, l]
v(0, t) = u(t).
The relations between y(t) = v(l, t), u and v becomes (see, e.g., [13][page 41]):
node α
node β β
Figure 20: colors mixing; variable delays are due to non negligible pipe volumes
Vα and Vβ .
Notice that
α1 + α2 = 1, β1 + β2 + β3 = 1, X1 + X2 + X3 = 1.
Yi (σβ ) = Yi (σ(t)) + Vβ
i=1 i=1
with σβ as unknown.
2. solve, similarly
with σα as unknown.
3. set
Y1 (σα )
α1 (t) = , α2 (t) = 1 − α1 (t).
Y1 (σα ) + Y2 (σα )
and !
β(t) = (sβ )
with V = Y1 + Y2 + Y3 .
4. set
ui (t) = αi (t) (Y1 (σβ ) + Y2 (σβ )) V (σ(t)) σ̇(t) i = 1, 2
u3 (t) = V (σ(t)) σ̇(t) − u1 (t) − u2 (t)
Assume now that we have to produce a series of batches of prescribed volumes
and colors defined by Qa = (Qa1 , Qa2 , Qa3 ), Qb = (Qb1 , Qb2 , Qb3 ), Qc , . . . . We cannot
flush pipes α and β between two batches. Define an increasing Y , t → σ → Yi as on
figure 21. The clock law t → σ(t) admits horizontal tangent at ta , tb , tc , . . . to ensure
smooth transitions between batches.
∂tt X = −∂xxxx X
Figure 21: Batch scheduling via smooth flat output t → σ(t) → Y (σ(t)).
where the control is the motor torque u, X(r, t) is the deformation profile, k, λ and µ
are physical parameters (t and r are in reduced scales).
We will show that the general solution expresses in term of an arbitrary C ∞
function y (Gevrey order ≤ 2 for convergence):
(−1)n y (2n) (t) (−1)n y (2n+2) (t)
X(x, t) = Pn (x) + Qn (x) (45)
(4n)! (4n + 4)!
n≥0 n≥0
with ı = −1,
( and stand for real part and imaginary part). Notice that θ and u result from (45):
it suffices to derive term by term.
We just show here how to get these formulas with λ = µ = 0 ( no inertia at the
free end r = 1, M = J = 0). The method remains unchanged in the general case. The
question is: how to get
y (2n) (t)(−1)n
X(x, t) = πn (x) (46)
x4n+1 ( − )(1 − x + ı)4n+1
πn (x) = + .
2(4n + 1) 2(4n + 1)
With the Laplace variable s, we have the ordinary differential system
X (4) = −s2 X
X(0) = 0, X (2) (1) = 0, X (3) (1) = 0.
Derivatives are with respect to the space variable r and s is here a parameter. The
general solution depends on an arbitrary constant, i.e., an arbitrary function of s, since
we have 3 boundary conditions. With the 4 elementary solutions of X (4) = −s2 X
√ √
C+ (x) = (cosh((1 − x) sξ) + cosh((1 − x) s/ξ))/2
√ √
C− (x) = (cosh((1 − x) sξ) − cosh((1 − x) s/ξ))/(2ı)
√ √ √
S+ (x) = (ı sinh((1 − x) sξ) + sinh((1 − x) s/ξ))/(2ξ s)
√ √ √
S− (x) = ξ(ı sinh((1 − x) sξ) − sinh((1 − x) s/ξ))/(2 s)
The 3 boundary conditions provide 3 equations relating the constant a, b, c and d :
aC+ (0) + bC− (0) + cS+ (0) + dS− (0) = 0
sb = 0
sc = 0.
Thus b = c = 0 and we have just one relation between a and d
aC+ (0) + dS− (0) = 0.
Since √ √ √
C+ (0) = (cosh(ξ s), S− (0) = (ξ sinh(ξ s/ s)
√ √ √
are entire functions of s very similar to cosh( s) and sinh s/ s appearing for the
heat equation (37), we can associate to them two operators, algebraically independent
and commuting,
δ+ = C+ (0), δ− = S− (0).
They are in fact ultra-distributions belonging to the dual of Gevrey function of order
less than ≤ 2 and with a punctual support [32]. We have thus a module generated by
two elements (a, d) satisfying δ+ a + δ− d = 0. This is a R[δ+ , δ− ]-module. This module
is not free but δ+ -free [66]:
a = δ− y, d = −δ+ y
with y = −δ+ d.
The basis y plays the role of flat output since
X(x) = (S− (0)C+ (x) − S− (x)C+ (0))y.
Simple but tedious computations using hyperbolic trigonometry formulas yield then
X(x) = − [S− (x) + (S− (1 − x + ı))]y.
The series of the entire function S− provides (46). We conjecture that the quantity
y admits a physical sense as an explicit expression with integrals of X over r ∈ [0, 1]
(center of flexion).
where Ω is the interior of a circle of radius R and of center D(t) ∈ R2 , the control
(n is the normal to the boundary ∂Ω), h̄ + ξ is the height of liquid, g is the gravity.
A family of solutions of (47) is given by the following formulas ((r, θ) are the polar
1 h̄ 2π # r cos α r cos α $
ξ(r, θ, t) = cos α ȧ t − cos θ + ḃ t − sin θ dα
π g 0 c c
and ((u, v) are the Cartesian coordinates of D)
1 2π R cos α 1 2π R cos α
u= a t− cos2 α dα, v = b t− cos2 α dα
π 0 c π 0 c
The controls are ux and uT at z = 0. The flow velocity v is uniform and constant.
The diffusion matrix is Γ; α is related to enthalpy reactions. Partial derivatives of
the kinetics r(x, T ) are denoted by rx and rT . For simplicity, we assume here below
that v, Γ, α, rx and rT are constants. But the computations remain valid but more
involved when these quantities are analytic function of x.
Set y(t) ≡ [x(l, t), T (l, t)] and take the series in (z − l) :
! ∞
x (z − l)i
(z, t) = ai (t).
T i!
with !
rx rT
R= .
−αrx −αrT
Thus ai is a function of y and its derivatives of order less than E(i/2).
The control is then by setting z = 0 in the series providing x, T , ∂x
and ∂T
x (−l)i
(0, t) = ai (t)
T i!
et !
∂ x ∞
(0, t) = ai+1 (t).
∂z T i=0
thus ! ∞
ux (t) (−l)i
= (vai − Γai+1 ). (50)
uT (t) i!
The profiles x and T and the control u(t) depends on y and all its time derivatives.
The convergence of the obtained series are still valid but less easy to prove than for
the heat equation (see also [44, 52] for detailed convergence analysis of such series for
linear and nonlinear cases).
∂2X ∂ ∂X
= − gz pour z ∈ [0, L], X(L, t) = D(t) (51)
∂t2 ∂z ∂z
with boundary control D(t), the position of the trolley that is now under the chain.
The flat output y = X(0, t) remains unchanged, and (35) becomes with a complex
time: π
X(z, t) = y(t + 2ı z/g sin ξ) + y(t − 2ı z/g sin ξ) dξ
2π 0
where ı = −1.
This relationship just means that, for any holomorphic function C ζ → y(ζ)
whose restriction to the real axis is real, the quantity X(z, t) computed via the above
integral is real and automatically satisfies
∂2X ∂ ∂X
=− gz .
∂t2 ∂z ∂z
We are in face of a correspondence betweensystem trajectories and the set of
holomorphic functions ] − ∞, +∞[×[−2 L/g, 2 L/g] ζ → y(ζ) that are real on
the real axis. With y defined by (σ > 0 is given)
y(µ + ıν) = exp(−(µ − τ + ıν)2 /σ 2 ) f (τ ) dτ
9.10 Drilling system
where [0, 1] x → θ(x, t) is the torsion profile à time t, u is the control, the torque
applied at the top of the beam. The behavior of the machinery cutting the rock is
represented here by the non-linear function F .
More complex law can be used, the system remaining flat as soon as the dependence
involve only y = θ(1, t) the bottom position, the flat output of the system. Simple
computations with d’Alembert formulae show that
2θ(x, t) = y(t+1−x)+y(t−(1−x))+ ẏ(t+1−x)− ẏ(t−(1−x))+ F (ẏ(τ )) dτ.
Figure 25: moving tank containing a perfect fluid.
different workbenches as fast as possible. To move such a tank horizontally, one has
to take the motion of the liquid into account in order to prevent any overflowing. We
assume that the motion of the fluid is described by the tangent linearization around
the steady-state depth h̄ of Saint-Venant’s equations [42]
∂2H ∂2H
= h̄g
∂t 2 ∂x2
∂H ∂H u
(a, t) = (−a, t) = −
∂x ∂x g
D̈ = u
with (H, ∂H
, D, Ḋ) as state and u as control. The liquid depth h = h̄ + H and the
tank position is D. It is proved in [83] that the general solution passing through a
steady state is given by
c x x
H(x, t) = ẏ(t − ) − ẏ(t + )
2g c c
1 l l
D(t) = y(t + ) + y(t − ) (53)
2 c c
1 l l
u(t) = ÿ(t + ) + ÿ(t − )
2 c c
y(t) = D(t) + H(x, t) dx − H(x, t) dx .
2h̄ 0 −l
C and the perditance is G. Kirschoff’s laws read (see for instance [94]):
∂i ∂v
L = −Ri −
∂t ∂x
∂v ∂i
C =− − Gv.
∂t ∂x
where 0 ≤ x ≤ , t ≥ 0. Eliminating the current, we get the telegraph equation
∂ 2 v(x, t) ∂ ∂
= (R + L )(G + C )v(x, t). (54)
∂x2 ∂t ∂t
The boundary conditions are
v(0, t) = u(t)
v(, t) = Zi(, t).
The input and the output of the system are respectively u(t) = v(0, t) and y(t) =
v(, t). Let us prove that y is the flat output.
We turn (54) into the following ODE thanks to operational calculus
where (s) = (R + Ls)(G + Cs) and s stands for the time derivative. The boundary
conditions now read
û et v̂ are the operational images of u and v. Clearly the general solution of (55) is
v̂(x, s) = A(s)ch(( − x) (s)) + B(s)sh(( − x) (s)),
where A(s) and B(s) are independent of x and are determined by the boundary condi-
tions (56). Now, instead of writing the relation between v̂ and û, we write the relation
between v̂ and ŷ(s) = v̂(, s):
v̂(x, s) = ch(( − x) (s))
R + Ls sh(( − x) (s))
+ ŷ(s). (57)
Z (s)
Notice the remarkable fact that the transfer function from ŷ to v̂ has only zeroes and
no poles, i.e., is an analytic function (it is even an entire analytic function).
In particular, for x = 0 (57) reads
R + Ls sh (s)
û(s) = ch (s) + ŷ(s). (58)
Z (s)
We now express formula (58) back into the time domain. For√the sake of simplicity
but without loss of generality, we assume G = 0. Let λ = LC, α = 2L . Then
(s) = RCs + LCs2 and (58) gives
1 −αλ 1 L
u(t) = e (1 − )y(t − λ)
2 Z C
1 1 L
+ eαλ (1 + )y(t + λ)
2 Z C
+ √ e−ατ J0 (iα τ 2 − λ2 )
−λ 4Z LC
e iα
+ √
2 τ 2 − λ2
1 L
(λ − τ )J1 (iα τ 2 − λ2 ) y(t − τ )dτ (59)
where J0 et J1 are Bessel functions of the first kind.
Notice that the last formula is indeed the equation of a noncausal prefilter F with
compact support (u(t) is expressed in terms of the values of y over the finite interval
[t − λ, t + λ]). This can be used to compensate by a prefilter the distortion of an input
signal along the electric line.
where b = 2a/(γ − 1). When n is an integer its general solution is
∂2 ∂2 F (v + b) + G(v − b)
t= −
∂v 2 ∂b2 b
F (v + b) − G (v − b) F (v + b) + G(v − b)
t= 2
v 1 1 2v
x= − F (v + b) + − 3 F (v + b)
b2 3b 3b2 b
1 v 1 2v
− + 2 G (v − b) − + 3 G(v − b).
3b b 3b2 b
v 1 1 2v 1 v 1 2v
L= − F (v+ b̄)+ − F (v+ b̄)− + G (v− b̄)− + G(v−b̄).
b̄2 3b̄ 3b̄2 b̄3 3b̄ b̄2 3b̄2 b̄3
Its general solution expresses in terms of
vH − I = b̄2 Y (v)
b̄ b̄3
H + vI = (Y (v) − L).
3 2
This computation means that formally as for the mixing process (see subsection 9.5),
the trajectories can be explicitly parameterized. This is achieved by enlarging the set
of allowed manipulations (classical algebraic computations, time derivations, advances,
delays) by using compositions and inversions of functions. Such approach could be of
some use for the design of open-loop control steering from low-velocity to high-velocity,
without shocks during the transient (as for the Burger equation of subsection 9.4).
Since for γ = 2 we recover the Saint-Venant equations of shallow water dynam-
ics, such hodograph transformations could be used to design open-loop trajectories
avoiding flooding for irrigation canals [12].
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