Cells: The Basic Units of Life

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The Basic Units of Life

Cell History
• Cell - the smallest unit that can
perform all the processes needed for
• Robert Hooke -
– built a microscope to see small things in
his lab
– 1665: looked at a thin slice of cork
• Named the small sections “cells”
Cell Theory
Rules For Cells

1. All organisms are made of one or

more cells
2. The cell is the basic unit of all living
3. All cells come from existing cells
Cell Size
• Most cells are too small to be
seen without a microscope
– It would take 50 human cells to
cover the dot on the letter i in a

•Large Cells:
chicken egg yolk is one cell!
Organization of Living Things
Cells Tissues Organs Organ Systems Organisms
Two Different Types of Cells
Prokaryotic Cells Eukaryotic Cells
• Means “before a nucleus” • Means “true nucleus”
• Kingdom Monera • Kingdoms Protista, Fungi,
• Can live in extreme Plantae & Animalia
environments • DNA is contained in the
• Live off many different nucleus
energy sources
Common Parts of A Cell
• Cells come in many shapes and sizes,
but all cells have these in common:

– Cell Membrane (barrier)

– Cytoplasm (“juice” in the center)
– Organelles (little organs with specific jobs)
– Genetic Material (DNA or RNA)
Who looked into a microscope
and saw the first cell?

1. James Watson
2. Robert Hooke
3. Charles Darwin
4. Gregor Mendel
Prokaryotic Cells Up Close

• No nucleus
• Have DNA
• Example: Bacteria
– Tiny organisms that live almost everywhere
• In soil & water
• On/inside another living thing
– Some are helpful (probiotic lactobacillus)
– Others are harmful (streptococcus)
Diagram of A Prokaryotic Cell
Draw Me!!
Cytoplasm Ribosomes

Cell Membrane (green line) DNA

Cell Wall (red line)
Prokaryotic Organelles
1. Plasma membrane 4. Ribosomes
– Encloses the cell - Makes proteins
- Located in cytoplasm
– Regulates material
into and out of cell 5. Nucleoid
2. Cell Wall - Contains hereditary
– Supports cell and material (DNA) of the cell
determines its shape - Located in cytoplasm
3. Cytoplasm
– A liquid material that
particles are
suspended in
Eukaryotic Cells Up Close
• Have a nucleus that holds the DNA

• Two Types of Eukaryotic Cells:

– Animal Cells
– Plant Cells
Ribosome Animal Cell Drawing Endoplasmic
(yellow) Reticulum

Vacuole DNA Nucleus



Animal Cell Organelle Jobs
1. Lysosome – Breaks 6. Endoplasmic Reticulum-
down Food Transports Proteins
2. Cell membrane – 7. Microtubules- Provides
Allows materials to Shape and structure
enter and exit
8. Ribosomes – Make Proteins
3. Nucleus – Controls all
cell activities 9.Vacuole – Stores food, waste
4. Nuclear Membrane – and water
Protects the Nucleus 10. Cytoplasm – Fluid for
5. Mitochondria –Makes movement
Energy (ATP)
Ribosome Plant Cell Drawing Nucleus
DNA Nuclear



Plant Cell Organelle Jobs
1. Cell membrane – Allows 6. Chloroplast- makes
materials to enter and food (chlorophyll)
exit 7. Ribosomes – Make
2. Nucleus – Controls all cell Proteins
8. Vacuole – Stores food
3. Nuclear Membrane – waste and water
Protects the Nucleus
4. Mitochondria –Makes 9. Cytoplasm – Fluid for
Energy (ATP) movement
5. Endoplasmic Reticulum- 10.Cell Wall - rigid structure
Transports Proteins that surrounds the cell
membrane and
provides support to the
Which is NOT a eukaryote?
1. Fungi
2. Animal
3. Bacteria
4. Protist

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