Expression Description: A Simpleexpression Using The Sine and Time Functions
Expression Description: A Simpleexpression Using The Sine and Time Functions
Expression Description: A Simpleexpression Using The Sine and Time Functions
current value of the parameter will be entered into the number field. Using Simple Expressions, you
can enter a mathematical formula that drives the value of a parameter or even links two different
parameters. This helps when you want to create an animation that is too difficult or impossible to set
up with keyframing. For instance, to create a pulsating object, you can use the sine and time functions
on a Size parameter. Dividing the time function can slow down the pulsing while multiplying it can
increase the rate.
Inside the SimpleExpression text box, you can enter one-line scripts in Lua with some Fusion-specific
shorthand. Some examples of Simple Expressions and their syntax include:
Expression Description
Merge1:GetValue(“Blend”, time-5) This returns the value from another input, but sampled
at a different frame, in this case five frames before the
current one.
Point(Text1.Center.X, Text1. Unlike the previous examples, this returns a Point, not
Center.Y-.1) a Number. Point inputs use two members, X and Y. In
this example, the Point returned is 1/10 of the image
height below the Text1’s Center. This can be useful for
making unidirectional parameter links, like offsetting
one Text from another.
Text(“Colorspace: “..(Merge1. The string inside the quotes is concatenated with the
Background.Metadata.ColorSpaceID) metadata string, perhaps returning:
Colorspace: sRGB
”\n from the comp “..ToUNC(comp. To get a new line in the Text, \n is used. Various
Filename) attributes from the comp can be accessed with the
comp variable, like the filename, expressed as a
UNC path.
TIP: When working with long SimpleExpressions, it may be helpful to drag the Inspector panel
out to make it wider or to copy/paste from a text editor or the Console.
After setting an expression that generates animation, you can open the Spline Editor to view the
values plotted out over time. This is a good way to check how your SimpleExpression evaluates
over time.
A sine wave in the Spline Editor, generated by the expression used for Text1: Size
For more information about writing Simple Expressions, see the Fusion Studio Scripting Guide, and the
official Lua documentation.
SimpleExpressions can also be created and edited within the Spline Editor. Right-click on the
parameter in the Spline Editor and select Set Expression from the contextual menu. The
SimpleExpression will be plotted in the Spline Editor, allowing you to see the result over time.
Removing SimpleExpressions
To remove a SimpleExpression, right-click the name of the parameter, and choose Remove Expression
from the contextual menu.
In the Edit Control dialog, you use the ID menu to select an existing parameter or create a new one.
You can name the control and define whether it is a text field, number field, or a point using the Type
attributes list.
You use the page list to assign the new control to one of the tabs in the Inspector. There are also
settings to determine the defaults and ranges, and whether it has an onscreen preview control. The
Input Ctrl box contains settings specific to the selected Type, and the View Ctrl attributes box contains
a list of onscreen preview controls to be displayed, if any.
All changes made using the Edit Controls dialog get stored in the current tool instance, so they can be
copied/ pasted to other nodes in the comp. However, to keep these changes for other comps, you
must save the node settings, and add them to the Bins in Fusion Studio or to your favorites.
As an example, we’ll customize the controls for a DirectionalBlur:
Let’s say we wanted a more interactive way of controlling a linear blur in the viewer, rather than
using the Length and Angle sliders in the Inspector. Using a SimpleExpression, we’ll control the
length and angle parameters with the Center parameter’s onscreen control in the viewer. The
SimpleExpression would look something like this:
For Length:
For Angle:
atan2(.5-Center.Y , .5-Center.X) * 180 / pi
This admittedly somewhat advanced function does the job fine. Dragging the onscreen control adjusts
the angle and length for the directional blur. However, now the names of the parameters are
confusing. The Center parameter doesn’t function as the center anymore. It is the direction and length
of the blur. It should be named “Blur Vector” instead. You no longer need to edit the Length and Angle
controls, so they should be hidden away, and since this is only for a linear blur, we don’t need the Type
menu to include Radial or Zoom. We only need to choose between Linear and Centered. These
changes can easily be made in the Edit Controls dialog.
The new Blur Vector parameter now appears in the Inspector. The internal ID of the control is still
Center, so our SimpleExpressions did not change.
Finally, to remove Radial and Zoom options from the Type menu:
1 In the Edit Control dialog, select the Type from the ID list.
2 Select Controls from the Page list.
3 Select Radial from the Items list and click Del to remove it.
4 Select Zoom from the Items list and click Del to remove it.
5 Click OK.
To make this new checkbox affect the original Type menu, you’ll need to add a SimpleExpression to
the Type:
iif(TypeNew==0, 0, 2)
The “iif” operator is known as a conditional expression in Lua script. It evaluates something based on a
condition being true or false.
Scripting is an essential means of increasing productivity. Scripts can create new capabilities or
automate repetitive tasks, especially those specific to your projects and workflows. Inside Fusion,
scripts can rearrange nodes in a comp, manage caches, and generate multiple output files for delivery.
They can connect Fusion with other apps to log artist time, send emails, or update webpages
and databases.
FusionScript is the blanket term for the scripting environment in Fusion. It includes support for Lua as
well as Python 2 and 3 for some contexts. FusionScript also includes libraries to make certain common
tasks easier to do with Lua and Python within Fusion.
You can run interactive scripts in various situations. Common scripts include:
– Utility Scripts, using the Fusion application context, are found under the File > Scripts menu.
– Comp Scripts, using the composition context, are found under the Script menu or entered
into the Console.
Other script types are available as well, such as Startup Scripts, Scriptlibs, Bin Scripts, Event Suites,
Hotkey Scripts, Intool Scripts, and SimpleExpressions. Fusion Studio allows external and command-
line scripting as well and network rendering Job and Render node scripting.
FusionScript also forms the basis for Fuses and ViewShaders, which are special scripting-based
plug-ins for tools and viewers that can be used in both Fusion and Fusion Studio.
For more information about scripting, see the Fusion Scripting Documentation, accessible from the
Documentation submenu of the Help menu.
This chapter covers the bin system in Fusion Studio. Bins allow for the storage and
organization of clips, compositions, tool settings, and macros, similar to the Media
Pool and Effects Library in DaVinci Resolve. It includes a built-in Studio Player for
creating a playlist of multiple shots and their versions. Bins can be used in a server
configuration for organizing shots and collaborating with other team members across
the studio.
Bins Overview 1277
Bins Interface 1277
Viewing and Sorting Bins 1278
Organizing Bins 1279
Adding and Using Content 1281
File Type Details 1282
Using Content from Bins 1282
Jog and Shuttle 1283
Stamp Files 1283
Using the Studio Player 1284
Playing a Single Clip 1284
Creating a Reel 1285
Connecting Bins Over a Network 1292
Adding a Remote Bin Entry 1293
Accessing Remote Bins 1293
Permissions 1293
Studio Player and Bin Server 1293
Bins Interface
The Bins window is separated into two panels. The sidebar on the left is a list of the bins, while the
Content panel on the right displays the selected bin’s contents.
The sidebar organizes content into bins, or folders, using a hierarchical list view. These folders can be
organized however they suit your workflow, but standard folders are provided for Clips, Compositions,
Favorites, Projects, Reels, Settings, Templates, and Tools. The Tools category is a duplicate of all the
tools found in the Effects library. The Tools bin is a parent folder, and parent folders contain subfolders
that hold the content. For instance, Blurs is a subfolder of the Tools parent folder. Parent folders can be
identified by the disclosure arrow to the left of their name.
When you select a folder from the sidebar, the contents of the folder are displayed in the Contents
panel as thumbnail icons.
Each bin in the sidebar can be set to List view or Icon view independently of each other. So while you
may have some bins you want to see as a list, others may be easier to view as icons.
Organizing Bins
Once you begin adding your own categories and content, you can have hundreds of items that need
to be organized. To keep all of your elements accessible, you’ll want to use some basic organization,
just like keeping files and documents organized on your computer.
You can also click the New Folder icon in the toolbar.
When you drag a folder onto another folder in the sidebar, you create a hierarchical subfolder.
Dragging it to the Library parent folder at the top of the sidebar will add it to the top level of the
Bins window.
TIP: You cannot undo removing a folder from the Bins window.
TIP: Unsupported files like PDFs can also be saved in the bin, and the application that
supports it will launch when you double-click the file. It’s a useful location for scripts
and notes.
If you have an operating system file browser window open, you can drag files directly into a bin as
well. When adding an item to the bins, the files are not copied. A link is created between the content
and the bins, but the files remain in their original location.
Tool Settings
If you want to add a node with custom settings to a bin, first save the node as a setting by right-clicking
over it in the Node Editor and choosing Settings > Save As. Once the setting is saved, you can add it
to a bin by dragging it from a File Browser into the Bins window.
Dragging media into the Node Editor from a bin window creates a new Loader that points to the media
on disk. Still files or photos are automatically set to loop.
To add a composition, you must right-click and choose Open. Dragging a comp item onto an open
composition will have no effect. When a composition is added, it is opened in a new window. It is not
added to the existing composition.
Shuttle mode begins playing the clip forward or backward once you press the right mouse button and
drag either left or right. The clip continues to play until the mouse button is released or you reach the
end of the clip.
Stamp Files
Stamp files are low-resolution, local proxies of clips, which are used for playback of clips stored on a
network server, or for very large clips.
The Status bar at the top of the Bins window shows the progress of the stamp creation. Since the
stamp creation is a background process, you can queue other stamps and can continue working with
the composition.
Once you have the clip open in the Studio Player, you can click the Play button in the toolbar at the
bottom of the window.
To close the current clip in the Studio Player and return to the bins:
– Click the three-dot Options menu in the lower-left corner and choose Close.
Creating a Reel
A reel is a playlist or clip list that is viewed either as storyboard thumbnails or a timeline. In the bin, you
create a new reel item to hold and play back multiple clips. The thumbnail for a reel appears with a
multi-image border around it, making it easer to identify in the Bin window.
Once created and named, the reel appears in the current bin.
Double-clicking the reel opens the Studio Player interface along the bottom of the Bin window. An
empty Studio Player appears in the top half of the window.
The toolbar across the bottom of the interface has various controls for setting a loop, showing and
adjusting color, playback transport controls, collaboration sync, guide overlays, and frame number and
playback speed in fps.
The toolbar along the bottom of the Studio Player includes controls to customize playback
Toolbar buttons
– Set Loop In/Out: Sets the start and end frame for playing a section of the Timeline in a loop.
– Shot: Sets the loop for the entire clip.
– Reset: Disables the loop mode.
– M: Shows Metadata of the image.
– RGB and alpha: Toggles between displaying the color and alpha of the clip.
– Brightness Gamma: Adjusts the brightness and gamma of the viewer and is applied to all clips.
Individual clip color controls can also be applied using another menu.
– Video: Outputs the image to Blackmagic Design DeckLink and UltraStudio devices.
– Transport controls: Used to play forward, backward, fast forward, and fast backward, as well as go
to the start and end of a clip.
– Sync: A three-way toggle allowing the Studio Player to be controlled or to control another player
over a network. The Off setting disables this functionality.
– Guide buttons: These three buttons control the visibility of three customizable guide settings.
Inserting Shots
Clips or comps from the bin can be dragged to the storyboard area of the reel to add and
organize a playlist.
Creating Versions
Alternatively, you can add a version to an existing clip by dragging the new item on top.
Versions of a shot will appear as stacked icons in the storyboard reel. The number of stacks in the
icon indicate the number of versions included with that clip. In the example below, the first shot
has two versions, the second shot has four versions, and the last clip has only one version.
The Version menu also includes options to move or rearrange the order of the clip versions as well
as remove a version, thereby deleting it from the stack.
Shot Menu
The per-clip Shot menu includes functions to Rename the shot, Remove the shot, Trim the clip’s In and
Out points, add notes, adjust the color, and add an audio soundtrack.
Selecting Color from the Shot menu allows you to make tonal adjustments per clip using Color
Decision List (CDL) style controls.
Options Menu
The three-dot Options menu in the lower left of the interface displays the menu that can be used to
switch between viewer and the bin in the top half of the window. It is also used to clear the memory
used in playback by selecting Purge Cache.
Selecting Reel > Notes opens the Notes dialog to add annotations text to the entire reel project.
The Reel > Export option saves the reel to disk as an ASCII readable format so it can be used
elsewhere or archived.
The View menu is used when you want to switch between the reel storyboard layout and a
Timeline layout.
You can assign customizable guide overlays to three Guide buttons along the bottom of the Studio
Player. Fusion includes four guides to choose from, but you can add your own using the XML Guide
format and style information provided at the end of this chapter. You assign a customizable guide to
one of the three Guide buttons by right-clicking over a button and selecting a guide from the list. To
display the guide, click the assigned button.
Guides are a simple XML formatted text document saved with the .guide extension, as defined below.
This makes it easy to create and share guides.
Elements =
HLine { Y1=”10%”, Pattern = 0xF0F0 },
HLine { Y1=”90%”, Pattern = 0xF0F0 },
HLine { Y1=”95%” },
HLine { Y1=”5%” },
VLine { X1=”10%”, Pattern = 0xF0F0 },
VLine { X1=”90%”, Pattern = 0xF0F0 },
VLine { X1=”95%” },
VLine { X1=”5%” },
HLine { Y1=”50%”, Pattern = 0xF0F0, Color = { R =
1.0, G = 0.75, B = 0.05, A=1.0 } },
VLine { X1=”50%”, Pattern = 0xF0F0, Color = { R =
1.0, G = 0.75, B = 0.05, A=1.0 } },
Guide Styles
The style of a guide is defined by a set of properties that appear in the format shown below:
<HLine Y1=“33%” Pattern=“C0C0” Color=“FFFFFFFF”/>
– HLine: Draws a horizontal line and requires a Y-value, which is measured from the top of the
screen. The Y-value can be given either in percent (%) or in absolute pixels (px).
– Vline: Draws a vertical line and requires an X-value, which is measured from the left of the screen.
The X-value can be given either in percent (%) or in absolute pixels (px).
– Pattern: The Pattern value is made up of four hex values and determines the visual appearance of
the line.
Examples for such patterns include:
>>FFFF draws a solid line ________________
>>EEEE a dashed line -------------------
>>ECEC dash-dot line -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
>>ECCC dash-dot-dot -..-..-..-..-..-..-..
>>AAAA dotted line ………………
– Color: The Color value is composed of four groups of two hex values each. The first three groups
define the RGB colors; the last group defines the transparency. For instance, the hex value for
pure red would be #FF000000, and pure lime green would be #00FF0000
– Rectangle: Draws a rectangle, which can be empty or filled, and supports the same pattern and
color settings described above.
– FillMode: Applies to rectangles only and defines whether the inside or the outside of the
rectangle should be filled with a color. Leave this value out to have just a bounding rectangle
without any fill.
>>FillMode = (“None”|”Inside”|”Outside”)
– FillColor: Applies to rectangles only and defines the color of the filled area specified by FillMode.
This panel shows a list of the available bin servers, with buttons below for entries to be added to or
deleted from the list.
Then add a User name and Password if one is needed to access the server.
The Library field lets you name the bins. So if you want to create a bin for individual projects, you
would name it in the Library field, and each project would gets its own bin.
The Application field allows larger studios to specify some other program to serve out the
bin requests.
Once you’ve finished setting up the bin server information and clicked Save in the Preferences
window, you can open the Bins window to test your bin server. Opening the Bins window is the first
time your connection to the server will be tested. If it cannot connect, the bin server will still be listed,
with access denied or unavailable marked next to the name on the bins sidebar.
There is no practical limit to the number of bins that can be accessed.
Unlike other directories on a server, your access to bins on a network is stored in the bin document.
The bins themselves contain all the users and passwords in plain text, making it easy for someone to
administer the bins.
Fusion Connect
This chapter goes into detail on how to use the Fusion Connect AVX2 plug-in
with an Avid Media Composer editing system. The Fusion Connect AVX plug-in
is only available with Fusion Studio.
Edit Effect Also Launches Fusion 1299 Fields and Variables 1305
System Requirements
Fusion Connect has the following requirements:
– Supported Avid products: Media Composer 8.x
– Supported product: Fusion Studio 8.1 or later
– Installation: Two files will be installed in your Media Composer:
– Fusion Connect.avx
– BlackmagicFusionConnect.lua
Once the layer count is selected, Fusion Connect will be applied to the Timeline.
– Select the layer count equal to the number of video track layers you want to ingest into Fusion.
– Filler can be used as a layer.
– Fusion Connect will allow a maximum of eight layers.
You can use the Avid dialog boxes or smart tools to adjust the length and offset of
the transition to Start, Center, End, or Custom.
Export Clips
By pressing the Export Clips button in the Effects Editor, Fusion Connect exports all the associated
clips as image sequences, to provide access to them in Fusion. Any previously exported existing
images are overwritten, ensuring that all media needed by Fusion is accessible. Performing an export
is desired if you want to use Fusion on a different computer than the one with Media Composer installed.
When using Fusion on the same computer as Media Composer, there is no need to export the clips
explicitly by checking the Export Clips checkbox. Without this option enabled, Fusion Connect saves
the source frames each time images are displayed, scrubbed, or played back from the Timeline.
Depending on your Media Composer Timeline settings, these interactively exported images might be
TIP: Set your Timeline Video Quality button to Full Quality (green) and 10-bit color bit depth. If
the Timeline resolution is set to Draft Quality (green/yellow) or Best Performance (yellow),
Fusion receives subsampled, lower-resolution images.
Edit Effect
After exporting the clips, the Edit Effect button performs three subsequent functions:
– Creates a Fusion composition, with Loaders, Savers, and Merges (for layers), or a Dissolve
(for transitions). This function is only performed the first time a comp is created when the
Fusion Connect AVX2 plug-in is applied.
– Launches Fusion (if installed on the machine), if it is not already launched.
– Opens the Fusion comp associated with created effects.
The path settings field in the Effects Editor updates to show the current location. If you apply Fusion
Connect to another clip in the Timeline, the last location is remembered.
Creating visual effects is almost always an iterative process. You’ll often need to create revisions after
your first pass at the effect. Built into Fusion Connect is a versioning feature that lets you create
multiple revisions of an effect and switch between them from within Media Composer.
This slider selects which version of the comp is used in the Media Composer Timeline. It can be used
to interactively switch from one version to the other in order to compare the results.
Create a comp file when first clicked, but will not Creates Fusion RAW files as Export Clip would do.
overwrite this file when clicked again. Attempts to Also creates a comp file when first clicked, but will
launch Fusion and load the comp. If Fusion is not not overwrite this file when clicked again. Launches
installed locally, the comp can be accessed manually Fusion and loads the comp.
from a different machine via the network.
In this case, both the Fusion comp and the Avid clip
will be rendered simultaneously. If a full-size rendered
7 Render clip in Avid
frame is not found, the full size/depth source frames
are exported automatically for that time. Fusion is then
Optional step, but recommended.
instructed to start rendering from that point.
The resulting frame is loaded and returned to MC,
and process is repeated for each frame thereafter.
In all three node tree layouts outlined above, there will also be a Saver node. The Saver node is
automatically set to render to the directory that is connected back to the Media Composer Timeline
with the correct format. If for some reason the file format or file path are changed in the Saver node,
the Fusion Connect process will not render correctly.
TIP: Due to the design of the AVX2 standard, hidden embedded handles are not supported.
To add handles, prior to exporting to Fusion, increase the length of your clip in the Media
Composer Timeline to include the handle length.
Fusion Node Editor representations of a single clip segment effect in the Media Composer
Timeline (left), a multi-layered composite (center), and the transition (right)
TIP: If segments in the Avid Timeline have different durations, move the longest clip to the top
layer and apply Fusion Connect to that clip. This will ensure all clips are brought into Fusion
without being trimmed to the shortest clip.
Fusion Connect AVX uses frame rate and resolution from the Media Composer Timeline.
Avid ProjectName
Avid SequenceName
Directory named after the
exported clip. Image sequence named
after the exported clip.
Dave Dave_0000.raw
Optional directory named after Dave_0000.raw
the exported clip.
Optiona second source clip
for Charlie_v01.comp.
Optional directory named after xyz_0000.raw
the exported clip. xyz_0000.raw
Directory named ‘Render_’ plus the
version number of the Fusio comp. Rendered images sequence
named after the Avid clip.
Fusion Connect AVX creates folder structures in the OS to save media and
Fusion compositions. Those names are reflected in the Timeline.
You will notice that the Fusion Connect icon is a green dot (real-time) effect. If your hardware is fast
enough, the results that populate the plug-in will play in real time. However, it’s recommended that you
render the green dot effect, which will force an MXF precompute to be created to guarantee real-
time playback.
Default paths can be configured using variables similarly as on Windows, but for added convenience it
is possible to enter any desired path defaults directly into fields in the dialog, without the need for
using environment variables.
Fusion Connect can define the user variables directly in the Fusion Connect plug-in. Click the
Configure Path Defaults button to launch the path defaults dialog editor. In the Options section of the
Fusion Connect AVX2 plug-in, click the triangle to reveal the path details.
Project Name $DRIVE CONNECT_DRIVE Drive or folder for all Connect projects
Environment Variables
The pathing can be set in the environment variables of the system, so that IT management of the
project paths can be achieved.
System Variables
Click on the link that says “Edit the system environment variables.”
User Variables
For system-wide operations, place the environment variable in ~/.bash_profile
TIP: System variables control the environment throughout the operating system, no matter
which user is logged in.
User variables always overrule any system variable; therefore, the user variable always wins
if control for a specific function is duplicated in the user and system variable.
System Variables
For system-wide operations, place the environment variable in /etc/profile
TIP: If you type directly in Fusion Connect’s Path Editor, you do not have to type the variable,
just the value. You also can make modifications without having to restart the
Media Composer! The only caveat is that in order to remove a variable, you must exit
Media Composer and clear the environment variable in the Windows interface or
macOS Terminal and restart the Media Composer.
Other values you can control derived from your Avid Bin include:
Values Description
$DRIVE This will force the directory to the drive where the Avid media is stored.
This will force a directory based on the Avid project name for which the media was
digitized/imported or AMA linked.
This will force a directory based on the Avid SEQUENCE name for which the media
was digitized/imported or AMA linked.
This chapter covers the various options that are available from the
Fusion Preferences Window.
Preferences Overview 1309 Script 1333
Categories of Preferences 1310 Spline Editor 1334
Preferences In Depth 1312 Splines 1335
AVI 1314 Timeline 1336
Defaults 1314 Tweaks 1337
Flow 1315 User Interface 1340
Frame Format 1317 Video Monitoring 1341
General 1318 View 1342
GPU 1320 VR Headsets 1343
Layout 1322 Bins/Security 1345
Loader 1323 Bins/Server 1346
Memory 1324 Bins/Settings 1347
Network 1326 EDL Import 1348
Path Maps 1327 Customization 1348
Preview 1331 Shortcuts Customization 1349
QuickTime 1332 Customizing Preferences 1350
In DaVinci Resolve, to open the Fusion Preferences window, do one of the following:
– On macOS, switch to the Fusion page and choose Fusion > Fusion Settings.
– On Windows, switch to the Fusion page and choose Fusion > Fusion Settings.
– On Linux, switch to the Fusion page and choose Fusion > Fusion Settings.
In Fusion Studio, to open the Fusion Preferences window, do one of the following:
– On macOS, choose Fusion Studio > Preferences.
– On Windows, choose File > Preferences.
– On Linux, choose File > Preferences.
3D View
The 3D View preferences offer control over various parameters of the 3D Viewers, including grids,
default ambient light setup, and Stereoscopic views.
The Defaults preferences are used to select default behavior for a variety of options, such as
animation, global range, timecode display, and automatic tool merging.
You use the Flow preferences to set many of the same options found in the Node Editor’s contextual
menu, like settings for Tile picture, the Navigator, and pipe style.
Frame Format
The Frame Format preferences are used to create new frame formats as well as select the default
image height and width when adding new creator tools like Background and Text+. You also set the
frame rate for playback.
Path Map
Path Map preferences are used to configure virtual file path names used by Loaders and Savers as
well as the folders used by Fusion to locate comps, macros, scripts, tool settings, disk
caches, and more.
The Script preferences include a field for passwords used to execute scripts externally, programs to
use for editing scripts, and the default Python version to use.
Spline Editor
The Spline Editor preferences allow you to set various spline options for Autosnap behavior, handles,
markers, and more.
Options for the handling and smoothing of animation splines, Tracker path defaults, onion-skinning,
roto assist, and more are found in the Splines preference.
The Timeline preferences is where you create and edit Timeline/Spline filters and set default options
for the Keyframes Editor.
User Interface
These preferences set the appearance of the user interface window and how the Inspector is
The View preferences are used to manage settings for viewers, including default control colors,
Z-depth channel viewing ranges, default LUTs, padding for fit, zoom, and more.
VR Headsets
The VR Headsets preferences allow configuration of any connected Virtual Reality headsets, including
how stereo and 3D scenes are viewed.
The Import settings contain options for EDL Import that affect how flows are built using the data
from an EDL.
Preferences In Depth
Within each category is a deep set of controls for configuring Fusion so that it better fits your working
environment. The preferences contain both software and hardware options that affect all newly
created comps. The following section explains every option located in the preferences categories.
3D View
The 3D View preferences contain settings for various defaults in the 3D Viewers, including grids,
default ambient light setup, and Stereoscopic views.
The Grid section of the 3D View preferences configures how the grid in 3D Viewers are drawn.
– Grid Antialiasing: Some graphics hardware and drivers do not support antialiased grid
lines, causing them to sort incorrectly in the 3D Viewer. Disabling this checkbox will disable
antialiasing of the grid lines. To turn off the grid completely, right-click in a 3D Viewer and choose
3D Options > Grid.
– Size: Increasing the Size value will increase the number of grid lines drawn. The units used for the
spacing between grid lines are not defined in Fusion. A “unit” is whatever you want it to be.
– Scale: Adjusting the overall scaling factor for the grid is useful, for example, if the area of the grid
appears too small compared to the size of your geometry.
Perspective Views
The Perspective Views section handles the appearance of the perspective view in both a normal and
stereoscopic project.
– Near Plane/Far Plane: These values set the nearest and furthest point any object can get to or
from the camera before it is clipped. The minimum setting is 0.05. Setting Near Plane too low and
Far Plane too far results in loss of depth precision in the viewer.
– Eye Separation/Convergence/Stereo Mode: This group of settings defines the defaults when
stereo is turned on in the 3D Viewer.
Orthographic Views
Similar to the Perspective Views, the Orthographic Views (front, top, right, and left views) section sets
the nearest and furthest point any object can get to or from the viewer before clipping occurs.
Fit to View
The Fit to View section has two value fields that manage how much empty space is left around objects
in the viewer when the F key is pressed.
– Fit Selection: Fit Selection determines the empty space when one or more objects are selected
and the F key is pressed.
– Fit All: Fit All determines the empty space when you press F with no objects selected.
Default Lights
These three settings control the default light setup in the 3D Viewer.
The default ambient light is used when lighting is turned on and you have not added a light to the
scene. The directional light moves with the camera, so if the directional light is set to “upper left,” the
light appears to come from the upper-left side of the image/camera.
The choices made here are used to determine Fusion’s behavior when new tools are added to the
Node Editor and when parameters are animated.
Default Animate
The Default Animate section is used to change the type of modifier attached to a parameter when the
Animate option is selected from its contextual menu. The default option is Nothing, which uses a
Bézier spline to animate numeric parameters and a path modifier for positional controls.
– Number With and Point With: Drop-down lists are used to select a different modifier for the new
default. For example, change the default type used to animate position by setting the Point with
the drop-down menu to XY Path.
Choices shown in this menu come from installed modifiers that are valid for that type of parameter.
These include third-party plug-in modifiers, as well as native modifiers installed with Fusion.
Global Range
Using the Start and End fields, you can define the Global Start and End frames used when creating
new compositions.
Time Code
You use this option to determine whether new compositions will default to showing SMPTE Time Code
or frames (Feet + Frames) to represent time.
Many of the same options found in the Node Editor’s contextual menu, like settings for Tile Picture, the
Navigator, and Pipe Style, are found in this category.
The Options section includes several settings that control or aid in the layout and alignment of tools in
the Node Editor.
– Arrange to Grid: This enables a new node tree’s Snap to Grid option to force the tool layout to
align with the grid marks in the flow.
– Arrange to Connected: Tools snap to the vertical or horizontal positions of other tools they are
connected to.
– Auto Arrange: This option enables the Node Editor to shift the position of tools as needed to
make space when inserting new tools or auto-merging layers.
– Show Grid: This enables or disables the display of the Node Editor’s background grid.
– Auto Remove Routers: Pipe Routers or “elbow nodes” in the Node Editor are considered
“orphaned” if the tools connected to either the input or output are deleted. When this option is
enabled, Orphaned Routers are automatically deleted.
– Pipes Always Visible: When enabled, the connection lines between tools are drawn over the top
of the tool tiles.
– Keep Tile Picture Aspect: Enabling this option forces tool tile thumbnail pictures to preserve the
aspect of the original image in the thumbnail.
– Full Tile Render Indicators: Enabling this checkbox causes the entire tile to change color when it
is processing. This can make it easier to identify which tools are processing in a large composition.
The coloring itself will form a progress bar to alert you to how close slower tools are to finishing
their process.
– Show Instance Links: This option is used to select whether Instance tools will show links,
displayed as green lines, between Instance tools.
– Navigator: The Navigator is a small square overview of the entire composition. It is used to quickly
navigate to different parts of a node tree while you are zoomed in. The checkboxes in this section
determine when the Navigator is displayed, if at all.
– On: The Navigator will always be visible.
– Off: The Navigator will always be hidden.
– Auto: The Navigator will only be visible when the Node Editor’s contents exceed the currently
visible Work area.
– Pipe Style: This drop-down menu selects which method is used to draw connections between
tools. The Direct method uses a straight line between tools, and Orthogonal uses horizontal and
vertical lines.
Group Opacity
This slider controls the opacity of an expanded group’s background in the Node Editor.
Frame Format
Frame Format preferences allow you to select the resolution and frame rate for the nodes that
generate images like Background, fast noise, and Text+. It also sets the color bit depth for final
renders, previews, and interactive updates in the viewer. The color bit depth settings only apply to
Fusion Studio. Rendering in DaVinci Resolve always use 32-bit float.
The Settings section defines the format that is selected in the Default Format menu. You can modify an
existing format or create a new one.
– Width/Height: When creating a new format for the menu or modifying an existing menu item, you
specify the Width or Height in pixels of the format using these fields.
– Frame Rate: Enter or view the frames per second played by the format. This sets the default
Frame Rate for previews and final renders from the Saver tool. It also sets the playback for the
comp itself, as well as the frame to time code conversion for tools with temporal inputs.
– Has Fields: When this checkbox is enabled, any Creator or Loader tool added to the Node Editor
will be in Fields process mode.
– Film Size: This field is used to define how many frames are found in one foot of film. The value is
used to calculate the display of time code in Feet + Frames mode.
– Aspect Ratio: These two fields set the pixel aspect ratio of the chosen frame format.
– Guide 1: The four fields for Guide 1 define the left, top, right, and bottom guide positions for
the custom guides in the viewer. To change the position of a guide, enter a value from 0 to 1.
The bottom-left corner is always 0/0, the top-right corner is always 1/1. If the entered value’s
aspect does not conform to the frame format as defined by the Width and Height parameters, an
additional guide is displayed onscreen. The dotted line represents the image aspect centered
about Guide 1’s Center values.
– Guide 2: This setting determines the image aspect ratio in respect to the entire frame format width
and height. Values higher than 1 cause the height to decrease relative to the width. Values smaller
than 1 cause height to increase relative to width.
– New: You use the New button to create a new default setting in the drop-down menu. Once you
click the button, you can name the setting in the dialog box that appears.
– Copy: The Copy button copies the current setting to create a new one for customization.
– Delete: The Delete button will remove the current setting from the default drop-down list.
Color Depth
The three menus in the Color Depth section are used to select the color mode for processing preview
renders, interactive renders, and full (final) renders. Processing images at 8-bit is the lowest color
depth and is rarely sufficient for final work these days but is acceptable for fast previews. 16-bit color
has much higher color fidelity but uses more system resources. 16-bit and 32-bit float per channel uses
even more system resources and is best for digital film and HDR rendered images.
Generally, these options are ignored by the composition unless a Loader or Creator tool’s Color Depth
control is set to Default.
The sections contained in the General preferences affect the behavior of the Inspector as well as
some other user interface elements.
Usability has a number of project, Node Editor, and user interface settings that can make the
application easier to work with, depending on your workflow.
– Auto Clip Browse: When this checkbox is enabled, the File Browser is automatically displayed
when a new Loader or Saver is added to the Node Editor.
– New Comp on Startup: When checked, a new, empty project is created each time Fusion Studio is
launched. This has no effect in DaVinci Resolve’s Fusion page.
– Summarize Load Errors: When loading node trees or “comps” that contain unknown tools (e.g.,
comps that have been created on other computers with plug-ins not installed on the current
machine), the missing tools are summarized in the console rather than a dialog being presented
for every missing tool.
– Save Compressed Comps: This option enables the saving of compressed node trees, rather than
ASCII based text files. Compressed node trees take up less space on disk, although they may take
a moment longer to load. Node trees containing complex spline animation and many paint strokes
can grow into tens of megabytes when this option is disabled. However, compressed comps
cannot be edited with a text editor unless saved again as uncompressed.
– Show Video I/O Splash: This toggles whether the Splash image will be displayed over the video
display hardware. This is only applies to Fusion Studio.
– Use Simplified Copy Names: This option reduces the occurrence of underscores in tool names
when copying.
Auto Save
The Auto Save settings only apply to Fusion Studio. To set auto backups for the Fusion page in
DaVinci Resolve, use the DaVinci Resolve Project Load and Save Preferences.
When Auto Save is enabled in Fusion Studio, comps are automatically saved to a backup file at regular
intervals defined by the Delay setting. If a backup file is found when attempting to open the comp, you
are presented with the choice of loading either the backup or the original.
If the backup comp is opened from the location set in the Path Map preference, saving the backup will
overwrite the original file. If the backup file is closed without saving, it is deleted without affecting the
original file.
– Save Before Render: When enabled, the comp is automatically saved before a preview or final
render is started.
– Delay: This preference is used to set the interval between Auto Saves. The interval is set using
mm:ss notation, so entering 10 causes an Auto Save to occur every 10 seconds, whereas entering
10:00 causes an Auto Save every 10 minutes.
– Update All, Selective, No Update: The Update mode button is located above the toolbar. You
can use this preference to determine the default mode for all new comps. Selective is the usual
default. It renders only the tools needed to display the images in the Display view. All will render
all tools in the composition, whereas None prevents all rendering.
– Standard and Auto: These sliders designate the default ratio used to create proxies when the
Proxy and Auto Proxy modes are turned on. These settings do not affect the final render quality.
Even though the images are being processed smaller than their original size, the image viewing scales
in the viewers still refer to original resolutions. Additionally, image processing performed in Proxy
Scale mode may differ slightly from full-resolution rendering.
The Proxy and Auto Proxy size ratios may be changed from within the interface itself by right-clicking
on the Prx and APrx buttons above the toolbar and selecting the desired value from the
contextual menu.
The GPU preference is only available in Fusion Studio. In DaVinci Resolve, you can configure the GPU
processing in Resolve’s Memory and GPU preferences.
In Fusion Studio, the GPU preference is used to specify the GPU acceleration method used for
processing, based on your computer platform and hardware capabilities. It is also used for enabling
caching and debugging GPU devices and tools.
The GPU options include radio buttons to select whether the GPU is used when processing and, if so,
which computer framework is used for communicating with the GPU.
– GPU Tools: This preference has three settings: Auto, Disable, and Enable. When set to Disable, no
GPU acceleration is used for tools or third-party plug-ins. Fuses may still require GPU acceleration.
If Enable is selected, GPU acceleration is available for tools and plug-ins, if appropriate
drivers are installed.
– API: The API setting selects the GPU processing method to use.
– Device: The Device setting determines which GPU hardware to use in the case of multiple GPUs.
The Auto setting gives priority to GPU processing; however, if it is unavailable, Fusion uses the
platform default. Currently, both the AMD and CPU options require either the AMD Catalyst 10.10
Accelerated Parallel Processing (APP) technology Edition driver or the ATI Stream SDK 2.1 or later
to be installed. The Select setting allows you to choose the device explicitly.
The more advanced preferences located in this section are designed for diagnostics and analyzing
GPU operations.
– Verbose Console Messages: Enabling this option causes information to be shown in the Console.
For example, Startup Logs, Compiler Warnings, and Messages.
– OpenGL Sharing: Enabling this option shares system RAM with onboard GPU RAM to create a
larger, but slower, OpenGL memory pool.
– Clear Cache Files: This option will clear already compiled GPU code and then
recompile the kernels.
There are a lot of options, but in practice, you simply organize the interface the way you prefer it on
startup and when a new composition is created, then open this Preferences panel and click on the
three buttons to grab the Program Layout, the Document Layout and the Window Settings.
Program Layout
The Program Layout is used to save the overall Fusion interface window and any open floating
windows. Each new composition you open within the lager overall Fusion interface window will adhere
to these preferences.
– Grab Program Layout: Pressing this button stores the application’s overall current position
and size.
– Run Mode: This menu is used to select the application’s default mode at startup.
You choose between a Maximized application window, a Minimized application, or a Normal
application display.
– Use the Following Position and Size: When checked, the values stored when Grab Program
Layout was selected will be used when starting Fusion Studio.
– Create Floating Views: When checked, the position and size of the floating viewers will be saved
when the Grab Program Layout button is used.
Window Settings
Rather than saving entire comp layouts, you can save position and size for individual floating windows
and panels within a comp using the Window Settings.
– Automatically Open This Window: When checked, the selected window will automatically be
opened for new flows.
– Grab Window Layout: Pressing this button stores the size and position of the selected window.
– Run Mode: Select the default run mode for the selected window. You can choose between a
Maximized window, a Minimized window, or a Normal window display.
– Use Grabbed Position and Size: When checked, the selected window will be created using the
stored position and size.
The Loader preferences are only available in Fusion Studio. Using the Loader preferences, you can set
options for the default Loader’s color depth and aspect ratio as well as define the local and network
cache settings.
The Cache preferences allow you to control how disk caching operates in Fusion. You can set how and
where the cache is generated, when the cache is removed, how the cache reacts when source files
are not available, as well as many other cache related options. This is not to be confused with RAM
cache, which is controlled in the Memory preferences.
– Disable All Local Caching: This setting disables local caching.
– Cache Files from Network DiskCaches: If a tool has disk caching enabled, and the disk cache
files are stored remotely on the network, then enabling this option will use a local copy of those
cache files, similarly to the local cache on a networked Loader.
– Enable Local Caching of Loaders: Files will be copied into the LoaderCache path set below or in
the Path Maps preferences.
– Cache Multi-Frame Files: Files like AVI or QuickTime will be copied into the LoaderCache path.
This may take some time if the file is large.
– Don’t Cache Files from Local Disks: Files that do not sit on a network drive will not be copied into
the LoaderCache path. You can disable this option if you have, for example, a fast SSD cache drive
and want to use it for local files as well to speed up file access while working interactively.
– Only Files Smaller Than xxx MB.: Files larger than the value set here will not be copied into the
LoaderCache path.
– Cache Path Separator Character: When Enable Local Caching of Loaders is enabled, you can use
this setting to rebuild the path of the original files in LoaderCache.
For instance, given the default “!” character, the original path X\Project\MyShots\ Shot0815\ will be
translated into X!Project!MyShots!Shot0815! in the LoaderCache path. Other separator characters
may be used, including the “\” character, which will use subdirectories in LoaderCache: X\Project\
– If Original File Is Missing: This setting provides three options to determine the caching behavior
when the original files can’t be found. The Fail option behaves exactly as the Default Loader in
Fusion. The Loader will not process, which may cause the render to halt. The Load Cache option
loads the cache even though no original file is present.The Delete Cache option clears missing
files from the cache.
– Cache Location: For convenience, this is a copy of the LoaderCache path set in the
Path Maps preferences.
– Explore: This button opens the LoaderCache path in the macOS X Finder window
or a Windows Explorer window.
– Clear All Cache Files: This button deletes all cached files present in the LoaderCache path.
The Memory preferences are only available in Fusion Studio. To control Fusion’s memory when using
the Fusion page in DaVinci Resolve, open DaVinci Resolve’s Memory and GPU preferences.
Occasionally, it will be necessary to adjust the Memory preferences in order to make the best use of
available memory on the computer. For example, some people prefer a higher cache memory for
Caching Limits
The Caching Limits include options for Fusion’s RAM cache operation. Here, you can determine how
much RAM is allocated to the RAM cache for playing back comps in the viewer.
– Limit Caching To: This slider is used to set the percentage of available memory used for the
interactive tool cache. Available memory refers to the amount of memory installed in the computer.
– When the interactive cache reaches the limit defined in this setting, it starts to remove lower
priority frames in the cache to clear space for new frames.
– Automatically Adjust In Low Memory Situations: This checkbox will set the caching to adjust
when memory is low. The console will display any cache purges.
– Leave At Least X MBytes: This setting is used to set the hard limit for memory usage. No matter
what the setting of the Cache Limit, this setting determines the amount of physical memory
available for use by other applications. Normally, this value should not be smaller than 25 MBytes.
Interactive Render
The Interactive Render option allows you to optimize Fusion’s processing based on the amount of
RAM you have installed in your system.
– Simultaneous Branching: When checked, more than one tool will be processed at the same time.
Disable this checkbox if you are running out of memory frequently.
The Network preferences are only available in Fusion Studio. These preferences are used to set up
and control network rendering in Fusion Studio. The majority of settings are found in the Render
Manager dialog.
Email Notification
You can use the Email Notification section to set up who gets notified with status updates regarding
the render jobs and the network.
– Notify Options: These checkboxes cause emails to be sent when certain render events take
place. The available events are Queue Completion, Job Done, and Job Failure.
– Send Email to: Enter the address or addresses to which notifications should be sent. You separate
multiple addresses with a semicolon.
– Override Sender Address: Enter an email address that will be used as the sender address. If this
option is not selected, no sender address is used, which may cause some spam filters to prevent
the message from being delivered to the recipient.
Server Settings
This section covers Clustering and Network Rendering. For more information on these settings and
clustering, see Chapter 64, “Rendering Using Saver Nodes,” in the DaVinci Resolve Reference Manual
or Chapter 4 in the Fusion Reference Manual.
Path Maps
Path Maps are virtual paths used to replace segments of file paths with variables. For example, define
the path ‘movie_x’ as actually being in X\Shows\Movie_X. Using this example, Fusion would
understand the path ‘movie_x\scene_5\ scan.000.cin’ as actually being X:\Shows\ Movie_X\scene_5\
For Fusion Studio, there are two main advantages to virtual path maps instead of actual file paths. One
is that you can easily change the path to media connected to Loaders (for example, when moving a
comp from one drive to another), without needing to make any changes in the composition. The other
advantage is when network rendering, you can bypass the different OS filename conventions.
– Enable Reverse Mapping of Paths Preferences: This checkbox is at the top of the Path Map
settings. When enabled, Fusion uses the built-in path maps for entries in the path’s settings
when applying mapping to existing filenames. The main benefit is for Fusion Studio. Enabling
this checkbox causes Loaders to automatically use paths relative to the location of the saved
composition when they are added to the Node Editor. For more information on using relative paths
for Loaders, see Chapter 104, “IO Nodes,” in the DaVinci Resolve Reference Manual or Chapter 44
in the Fusion Reference Manual.
As with other preferences in Fusion Studio, paths maps are available in both Global and Composition
preferences. Global preferences are applied to all new compositions, while Composition path maps
are only saved with the current composition. Composition path maps will override Global path maps
with the same name.
– Default Path Maps: The Defaults are user-editable path maps. They can reference the System
paths, as part of their paths. For instance. the Temp folder is defined in the System path and used
by the Default DiskCache path map to refine the nested location (Temp:DiskCache). Default path
maps can also redirect paths without using the Global System path maps. After you change a
Default, the updated setting can be selected in the Preferences window, and a Reset button at the
bottom of the Preferences window will return the modified setting to the System default.
– AutoSaves: This setting determines the Fusion Comp AutoSave document’s location, set in the
Fusion General preferences.
– Bins: Sets the location of Fusion Studio bins. Since the bins use pointers to the content, the
content is not saved with the bin. Only the metadata and pointers are saved in the bins.
– Brushes: Points Fusion to the folder that contains custom paintbrushes.
– Comps: The folder where Fusion Studio compositions are saved. On macOS or Windows, the
default location is in Users/YourUserName/Documents/Blackmagic Design/Fusion.
– Config: Stores Configuration files used by Fusion Studio during its operation.
– Defaults: Identifies the location of node default settings so they can be restored if overwritten.
– DiskCache: Sets the location for files written to disk when using the Cache to Disk feature. This
location can be overridden in the Cache to Disk window.
– Edit templates: The location where Fusion macros are saved in order to appear as templates in
the DaVinci Resolve Effects Library.
– Filters: Points to a folder containing Convolution filters like sharpen, which can be used for the
Custom Filter node.
– Fonts: The default path map for Fonts points to the operating system fonts folders. Changing
this will change the fonts that are available in the Text+ or Text 3D nodes as well as any Fusion
Title Template. In DaVinci Resolve. This path map does not affect the five additional Edit page
titles (L Lower 3rd, R Lower 3rd, M Lower 3rd, Scroll, and Text.)
– Fuses: Points to a folder containing Fusion Fuses plug-ins.
– FusionTemplates: Location where Fusion macros are saved in order to appear as templates in
Fusion’s Effects Library.
– Guides: Location where custom viewer guide overlays are stored.
– Help: Identifies where Fusion Studio PDF files are located.
– Layouts: Location where Fusion Studio custom window layouts are saved.
– Libraries: Points to a support folder where custom Effects Library items can be stored.
– LoaderCache: The Fusion Studio Loader preferences allow the Loader to cache when
reading from a slow network. This path map point to the local drive location for that cache.
– LuaModules: Location for Lua Scripting modules.
– LUTs:
– Macros: Points to the location for user created macros. The macros saved to this location
appear in the macros category of the Effects Library and in the right-click Edit Macro
contextual menu.
– User Path Maps: User paths are new paths that you have defined that do not currently exist in the
Defaults settings.
– Comp refers to the folder where the current composition is saved. For instance, saving media
folders within the same folder as your Fusion Studio comp file is a way to use relative file paths
for Loaders instead of actual file paths.
– Render Previews Using Proxy Scaling: When checked, this option scales down the images to the
preview size for the Loader and Creator tools. This causes much faster rendering. If this option is
disabled, frames will be rendered at full size and are then scaled down.
– Skip Frames to Maintain Apparent Framerate: When checked, frames are skipped during
playback of Flipbooks and file sequences to maintain the frame rate setting.
– Show Previews for Active Loaders: This setting determines whether the preview playback
controls are shown below the Inspector when a Loader with a valid file is activated.
– Show Previews for Active Savers: This setting determines whether the preview playback controls
below the Inspector are shown when a Saver with a valid file is activated.
– Display File Sequences On: This setting determines which viewer or external monitor is used for
the interactive and file sequence playbacks as well as for the scrubbing function in the bins.
– Compressor: This drop-down menu displays the QuickTime codecs available from your computer.
Fusion tests each codec when the program is started; therefore, some codecs may not be
available if the tests indicate that they are unsuitable for use within Fusion.
– Quality: This slider is used to determine the amount of compression to be used by the codec.
Higher values produce clearer images but larger files. Not all codecs support the Quality setting.
– Key Frame Every X Frames: When checked, the codec will create key frames at specified
intervals. Key frames are not compressed in conjunction with previous frames and are, therefore,
quicker to seek within the resulting movie. Not all codecs support the key frame setting.
– Limit Data Rate To X KB/Second: When checked, the data rates of the rendered file will be limited
to the amount specified. Not all codecs support this option. Enter the data rate used to limit the
QuickTime in kilobytes (kB) per second, if applicable. This control will have no effect if the Limit
Data Rate To option is not selected.
There are three login options for running scripts outside of the Fusion application.
– No Login Required to Execute Script: When enabled, scripts executed from the command line, or
scripts that attempt to control remote copies of Fusion, do not need to log in to the workstation in
order to run.
– Specify Custom Login: If a username and password are assigned, Fusion will refuse to process
incoming external script commands (from FusionScript, for example), unless the Script first logs in
to the workstation. This only affects scripts that are executed from the command line, or scripts
that attempt to control remote copies of Fusion. Scripts executed from within the interface do not
need to log in regardless of this setting. For more information, see the Scripting documentation.
– Use Windows Login Validation: When using Fusion on Windows, enabling this option verifies
the user name and password (also known as credentials) with the operating system before running
the script.
– Script Editor: Use this preference to select an external editor for scripts. This preference is used
when selecting Scripts > Edit.
Python Version
– Two options are presented here for selecting the version of Python that you plan on using
for your scripts.
Options for the handling and smoothing of animation splines, tracker path defaults, and rotoscoping
are found in the Splines preferences.
The Timeline preferences is where you create and edit Keyframes Editor/Spline Editor filters and set
default options for the Keyframes Editor.
Timeline Options
The Timeline Options configure which options in the Keyframe Editor are enabled by default. A series
of checkboxes correspond to buttons located in the Timeline, allowing you to determine the states of
those buttons at the time a new comp is created. For more information on the Keyframes Editor
functions, see Chapter 69, “Animating in Fusion’s Keyframes Editor,” in the DaVinci Resolve Reference
Manual or Chapter 9 in the Fusion Reference Manual.
– Autosnap Points: When moving points in the Keyframes Editor, the points will snap to the fields or
to the frames, or they can be moved freely.
– Guides: When moving points in the Keyframes Editor, the point will snap to the guides that are
placed in the Timeline graph.
– Autosnap Guides: When moving or creating guides, the guides will snap to the fields or to the
frames, or they can be moved freely.
– Autoscale: Keeps the Timeline scales intact while changing the editable spline content in the
graph. When set to scroll, the Timeline scrolls horizontally and vertically to show all or most of the
spline points when changing the editable spline content in the graph. When set to Fit, the Timeline
zooms to fit all points within the graph, if necessary.
– Tools Display Mode: This menu controls the default sort order of the tools displayed in the
Keyframes Editor. The default can be changed using the Sort order menu in the upper right of the
Keyframes Editor.
The Tweaks preferences handle a collection of settings for fine-tuning Network rendering in Fusion
Studio and graphics hardware behavior.
The Network section is used to control and monitor the health of communication packets over TCP/IP
when rendering over a network in Fusion Studio.
– Maximum Missed Heartbeats: This setting determines the maximum number of times the network
is checked before terminating the communication with a Render node.
– Heartbeat Interval: This sets the time between network checks.
– Load Composition Timeout: This timeout option determines how long the Render Manger will wait
for a composition to load before moving on to another task.
– Last Slave Restart Timeout: This timeout option determines how long the Render Manager will
wait for a render salve to respond before using another render slave.
File I/O
The File I/O options are used to control the performance when reading frames or large media files
from both direct and networked attached storage.
– I/O Canceling: This option enables a feature of the operating system that allows queued
operations to be canceled when the function that requested them is stopped. This can improve
the responsiveness, particularly when loading large images over a network.
Enabling this option will specifically affect performance while loading and accessing formats that
perform a large amount of seeking, such as the TIFF format.
This option has not been tested with every hardware and OS configuration, so it is recommended
to enable it only after you have thoroughly tested your hardware and OS configuration using drive
loads from both local disks and network shares.
– Enable Direct Reads: Enabling this checkbox uses a more efficient method when loading a large
chunk of contiguous data into memory by reducing I/O operations. Not every operating system
employs this ability, so it may produce unknown behavior.
– Read Ahead Buffers: This slider determines the number of 64K buffers that are use to read ahead
in a file I/O operation. The more buffers, the more efficient loading frames from disk will be, but the
less responsive it will be to changes that require disk access interactively.
Area Sampling
The Area Sampling options allow you to fine-tune the RAM usage on Render nodes by trading off
speed for lower RAM requirements.
– Automatic Memory Usage: This checkbox determines how area sampling uses available memory.
Area sampling is used for Merges and Transforms. When the checkbox is enabled (default), Fusion
will detect available RAM when processing the tool and determine the appropriate trade-off
between speed and memory.
Open GL
This section controls how Fusion makes use of your graphics card when compositing in 3D with the
Renderer 3D node. Most settings may be left as they are, but since OpenGL hardware varies widely in
capabilities and different driver revisions can sometimes introduce bugs, these tweaks can be useful if
you are experiencing unwanted behavior.
– Disable View LUT Shaders: OpenGL shaders can often dramatically accelerate View LUTs, but
this can occasionally involve small trade-offs in accuracy. This setting will force Fusion to process
LUTs at full accuracy using the CPU instead. Try activating this if View LUTs do not seem to be
giving the desired result.
– Use Float16 Textures: If your graphics hardware supports 16-bit floating-point textures, activating
this option will force int16 and float32 images to be uploaded to the viewer as float16 instead,
which may improve playback performance.
– Texture Depth: Defines in what depth images are uploaded to the viewer.
– Auto: The Auto option (recommended) lets Fusion choose the best balance of performance
and capability.
– int8: Similar to the Use Float16 Textures switch, this option can be used to force images to be
uploaded to the Display View as int8, which can be faster but gives less range for View LUT
– Native: The Native option uploads images at their native depth, so no conversion is done.
– Image Overlay: The Image Overlay is a viewer control used with Merge and Transform tools
to display a translucent overlay of the transformed image. This can be helpful in visualizing the
transformation when it is outside the image bounds but may reduce performance when selecting
the tool if cache memory is low. There are three settings to choose from: None, Outside, and All.
– None: This setting never displays the translucent overlay or controls, which can reduce the
need for background renders, in some cases resulting in a speed up of the display.
– Outside: This will display only those areas of the control that are outside the bounds of the
image, which can reduce visual confusion.
– All: Displays all overlays of all selected tools.
– Smooth Resize: This setting can disable the viewer’s Smooth Resize behavior when displaying
floating-point images. Some older graphics cards are not capable of filtering floating-point
textures or may be very slow. If Smooth Resize does not work well with float images, try setting
this to flt16 or int.
– Auto Detect Graphics Memory (MB): Having Fusion open alongside other OpenGL programs
like 3D animation software can lead to a shortage of graphics memory. In those cases, you can
manually reduce the amount of memory Fusion is allowed to use on the card. Setting this too low
or too high may cause performance or data loss.
– Use 10-10-10-2 Framebuffer: If your graphics hardware and monitor support 30-bit color (Nvidia
Quadro/AMD Radeon Pro, and some Nvidia GeForce/AMD Radeon), this setting will render
viewers with 10 bits per primary accuracy, instead of 8 bits. Banding is greatly reduced when
displaying 3D renders or images deeper than 8-bit.
When enabled, the Use Gray Background Interface checkbox will change the color of the background
in Fusion’s panels to a lighter, more neutral shade of gray.
This group of checkboxes manages how the controls in the Inspector are displayed.
– Auto Control Open: When disabled, only the header of the selected node is displayed in the
Inspector. You must double-click the header to display the parameters. When enabled, the
parameters are automatically displayed when the node is selected.
– Auto Control Hide: When enabled, only the parameters for the currently active tool (red outline)
will be made visible. Otherwise, all tool headers will be visible and displayed based on the Auto
Control Open setting.
– Auto Control Close Tools: When enabled, only the active (red outlined) tool in the Node Editor will
have controls displayed. Any previous active node’s tools will be closed in the Inspector. When
disabled, any number of tools may be opened to display parameters at the same time. This setting
has no effect if the Auto Control Hide checkbox is enabled.
– Auto Control Close Modifiers: When enabled, only one modifier’s parameters will be displayed for
the active node. Any additional modifiers for the active node will show only their header.
– Auto Control Advance: If the Auto Control Advanced checkbox is enabled, the Tab key and
Return/Enter key will cause the keyboard focus to advance to the next edit box within the
Inspector. When disabled, Return/Enter will cause the value entered to be accepted, but the
keyboard focus will remain in the same edit box of the control. The Tab key can still be used to
advance the keyboard focus.
Video Monitoring
This setting is only available in Fusion Studio. Control over video hardware for the Fusion Page is done
in the DaVinci Resolve preferences. The Video Monitoring preferences are used to configure the
settings of Blackmagic Design capture and playback products such as DeckLink PCIe cards and
UltraStudio i/O units.
Stereo Mode
This group of settings configures the output hardware for displaying stereo 3D content.
– Mono will output a single non stereo eye.
– Auto will detect which method with which the stereo images are stacked.
– Use the Vstack option if the stereo images are stacked vertically as left on top and
right at the bottom.
– Use the Hstack option if the stereo images are stacked horizontally as left and right.
The Swap eyes checkbox will swap the eyes if stereo is reversed.
The View preferences are used to manage settings and default controls for viewers.
Control Colors
The Control Colors setting allows you to determine the color of the active/inactive onscreen controls.
Fit Margin
The Fit Margin setting determines how much padding is left around the frame when the Fit button is
pressed or Fit is selected from the viewer’s contextual menu.
VR Headsets
The VR Headsets preferences allow configuration of any connected Virtual Reality headsets, including
how stereo and 3D scenes are viewed.
– Disabled: Disabled turns off and hides all usage of headsets.
– Auto: Auto will detect which headset is plugged in.
– Occulus: Occulus will set the VR output to the Oculus headset.
– OpenVR: OpenVR will support a number of VR headsets like the HTC Vive.
Similar to normal viewer options for stereo 3D comps, these preferences control how a
stereo 3D comp is displayed in a VR headset.
– Mono: Mono will output a single non stereo eye.
– Auto: Auto will detect the method with which the stereo images are stacked.
– Vstack: Vstack stereo images are stacked vertically as left on top and right at the bottom.
– Hstack: Hstack stereo images are stacked horizontally as left and right.
– Swap Eyes: Swap eyes will swap the eyes if stereo is reversed.
Similar to normal viewer options for 3D comps, these preferences control how a 3D comp is displayed
in a VR headset.
– Disabled lighting is off.
– Auto will detect if lighting is on in the view.
– On will force lighting on in the VR view.
Sort Method
– Z buffer sorting is the fast OpenGL method of sorting polygons.
– Quick Sort will sort the depth of polygons to get better transparency rendering.
– Full Sort will use a robust sort and render method to render transparency .
– Shadows can be on or off.
– Show Matte Objects will make matte objects visible in view or invisible.
Users List
The Users List is a list of the users and their permissions. You can select one of the entries to edit their
settings using the User and Password edit boxes.
– Add: The Add button is used to add a new user to the list by entering a username and password.
– Remove: Click this button to remove the selected entry.
This editable field shows the username for the selected Bin Server item. If the username is unknown,
try “Guest” with no password.
Use this field to enter the password for the Bin user entered in the Users list.
The administrator can set up different permission types for users.
– Read: This will allow the user to have read-only permission for the bins.
– Create: This will allow the user to create new bins.
– Admin: This gives the user full control over the bins system.
– Modify: This allows the user to modify existing bins.
– Delete: This allows the user to remove bins.
This dialog lists the servers that are currently in the connection list. You can select one of the entries
to edit its settings.
– Add: Use this button to add a new server to the list.
– Remove: Click this button to remove the selected entry.
This editable field shows the name or IP address of the server for the selected entry in the list.
This editable dialog shows the username for the selected Bin Server item.
Use this field to enter the password for the server entered in the Server list.
The Library field lets you name the bins. If you wanted to create a bin for individual projects, you would
name it in the Library field and each project would gets its own bin.
The Application field allows larger studios to specify some other program to serve out the
Bin requests.
Stamp Quality
The Stamp Quality is a percentage slider that determines the compression ratio used for Stamp
thumbnail creation. Higher values offer better quality but take up more space.
Stamp Format
This drop-down list determines whether the Stamp thumbnails will be saved as compressed or
– Open Bins on Startup: When Open Bins on Startup is checked, the bins will open automatically
when Fusion is launched.
– Checker Underlay: When the Checker Underlay is enabled, a checkerboard background is used
for clips with alpha channels. When disabled, a gray background matching the Bin window is used
as the clip’s background.
Flow Format
This drop-down menu provides three options that determine how the node tree is constructed for the
imported EDL file.
– Loader Per Clip: A Loader will be created for each clip in the EDL file.
– A-B Roll: A node tree with a Dissolve tool will be created automatically.
– Loader Per Transition: A Loader with a Clip list will be created, representing the imported EDL list.
The following section covers the customization of preferences that are not technically part of the
Preferences window. Using Fusion Studio’s Hotkey Manager window, you can customize the keyboard
shortcuts, making the entire process of working in Fusion not only faster but potentially more familiar if
you are migrating from another software application. You can also customize Fusion with environment
variables to switch between different preferences files, allowing different working setups based on
different users or job types. Both of these customization options are only available in Fusion Studio.
Fusion has active windows to focus attention on those areas of the interface, like the Node Editor,
the viewers, and the Inspector. When selected, a gray border line will outline that section. The
shortcuts for those sections will work only if the region is active. For example, Command-F in the
View will scale the image to fit the view area; in the Flow view, Command-F will open the Find tool
dialog; and in the Spline editor, it will fit the splines to the window.
On the right is a hierarchy tree of each section of Fusion and a list of currently set hotkeys. By
choosing New or Edit, another dialog will appear, which will give specific control over that hotkey.
Creating a new keyframe will give you the key combo to press, and this Edit Hotkey dialog will
appear where the Action can be defined at top right: pressed, repeated, or released. The Name
and abbreviated Short Name can be set, as can the Arguments of the action.
Locking Preferences
If the line “Locked = true,” appears in the main table of a master file, all settings in that file are locked
and override any other preferences. Locked preferences cannot be altered by the user.
Controlling Image
Processing and
This chapter covers the overall image-processing pipeline. It discusses color bit-depth
and how to control the output resolution in a resolution-independent environment.
Fusion’s Place in the DaVinci Resolve Image-Processing Pipeline 1352
Source Media into the Fusion Page 1352
Forcing Effects into the Fusion Page 1352
Output from the Fusion Page to the Color Page 1353
What Viewers Show in Different DaVinci Resolve Pages 1353
Managing Resolution In Fusion 1353
Changing the Resolution of a Clip 1354
Compositing with Different-Resolution Clips 1354
Sizing Between DaVinci Resolve Pages 1355
Color Bit Depths 1355
Understanding Integer vs. Float 1355
Setting Color Depth in Fusion Studio 1356
Combining Images with Different Color Depths 1357
Advantages of Floating-Point Processing 1358
TIP: The decoding or debayering of RAW files occurs prior to all other operations, and as
such, any RAW adjustments will be displayed correctly in the Fusion page.
This means you have access to the entire source clip in the Fusion page, but the render range is set to
match the duration of the clip in the Timeline. You also use the full resolution of the source clip, even if
the Timeline is set to a lower resolution. However, none of the Edit or Cut page Inspector adjustments
carry over into the Fusion page, with the exception of the Lens Correction adjustment.
When you make Zoom, Position, Crop, or Stabilization changes in the Edit or Cut page, they are not
visible in the Fusion page. The same applies to any Resolve FX or OpenFX third-party plug-ins. If you
add these items to a clip in the Edit or Cut page, and then you open the Fusion page, you won’t see
them taking effect. All Edit and Cut page timeline effects and Inspector adjustments, with the
exception of the Lens Correction adjustment, are computed after the Fusion page but before the Color
page. If you open the Color page, you’ll see the Edit and Cut page transforms and plug-ins applied to
that clip, effectively as an operation before the grading adjustments and effects you apply in the Color
page Node Editor.
With this in mind, the order of effects processing in the different pages of DaVinci Resolve can be
described as follows:
TIP: Retiming applied to the clip in the Edit page Timeline is also not carried over into the
Fusion page.
TIP: The output of the Fusion page is placed back into the Edit page Timeline based on
DaVinci Resolve’s Image Sizing setting. By default, DaVinci Resolve uses an image sizing
setting called Scale to Fit. This means that even if the Fusion page outputs a 4K composition,
it conforms to 1920 x 1080 if that is what the project or a particular Timeline is set to. Changing
the image sizing setting in DaVinci Resolve’s Project Settings affects how Fusion
compositions are integrated into the Edit page Timeline.
TIP: To change resolution and reposition a frame without changing the pixel resolution of a
clip, use the Transform node.
The Background node sets the output size, and the foreground image is cropped if it is larger.
Processing at 32-bit float can work with shadow areas below 0.0 and highlights above 1.0, similar to
16-bit float, except with a much greater range of precision but also much greater memory and
processing requirements.
If you aren’t sure what the color depth process is for a tool, you can position the pointer over the
node’s tile in the Node Editor, and a tooltip listing the color depth for that node will appear on the
Status bar.
TIP: When working with images that use 10-bit or 12-bit dynamic range or greater, like
Blackmagic RAW or Cinema DNG files, set the Depth menu in the Inspector to 16-bit float or
32-bit float. This preserves highlight detail as you composite.
Greater Accuracy
Using 16- or 32-bit floating-point processing prevents the loss of accuracy that can occur when using
8- or 16-bit integer processing. The main difference is that integer values cannot store fractional or
decimal values, so rounding occurs in all image processing. Floating-point processing allows decimal
or fractional values for each pixel, so it is not required to round off the values of the pixel to the closest
integer. As a result, color precision remains virtually perfect, regardless of how many operations are
applied to an image.
If you have an 8-bit pixel with a red value of 75 (dark red) and that pixel is halved using a Color
Correction tool, the pixel’s red value is now 37.5. Since you cannot store decimal or fractional values in
integers, that value is rounded off to 37. Doubling the brightness of the pixel with another Color
Correction tool should bring back the original pixel value of 75 but because of rounding 37 x 2 is 74.
The red value lost a full point of precision due to integer rounding on a very simple example. This is a
problem that can result in visible banding over several color corrections. Similar problems arise when
merging images or transforming them. The more operations that are applied to an image, the more
color precision is lost to rounding when using 8- or 16-bit integer processing.
Use the Show Full Color Range pop-up menu to detect out-of-range images.
Enabling this display mode rescales the color values in the image so that the brightest color in the
image is remapped to a value of 1.0 (white), and the darkest is remapped to 0.0 (black).
The 3D Histogram subview can also help visualize out-of-range colors in an image. For more
information, see Chapter 67, “Using Viewers,” in the DaVinci Resolve Reference Manual, or Chapter 7
in the Fusion Reference Manual.
Alternatively, you can clip the range by adding a Change Depth node and switching to 8-bit or 16-bit
integer color depths.