Date, A C++ Class For Dates.: Bernt Arne Ødegaard

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date, a C++ class for dates.

Bernt Arne Ødegaard

April 2007
Chapter 1


This is the documentation for a C++ date class.

The date class is pretty rough. A date is stored as three integers (year, month, day). Functions for comparing
dates, incrementing dates are provided. Also calculation of time between dates.

1.1 Setting up.

Compile, put into library libdate.a, make library available.
Put date.h on header file path.

1.2 Defining dates.

Examples of date definitions
date d;
date d(19930624)
date d(24,6,1993) Note the day, month, year sequence.

1.3 Operations on dates.

Let d, d1, d2 be dates.
The following operations are defined:
Iteration: d++, ++d, d--, --d .
Logical comparisions >, >=, <, <=, ! =, ==.
Some aritmetric operations are defined, which has a meaning that may seem strange at first, but they are
natural for usage purposes.
Adding/Subtracting x number of days from a data:
d=d1+7 gives d the date 7 days after date d1.
d=d1-7 gives d the date 7 days before date d1.
Finding the number of days between 2 dates. i=d1-d2. Here i is an integer that is the number of days
between d1 and d2. i will be negative if d1 < d2.

date d1(30,6,1993); date d2(19930610);
i = d1-d2
Gives i the value 20, the number of days between 10 jun 93 and 30 jun 93.

// file: date.h
// author: Bernt A Oedegaard.

#ifndef DATE H
#define DATE H

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class date {
int year ;
int month ;
int day ;
date(const int& d, const int& m, const int& y);

bool valid(void) const;

int day() const;

int month() const;
int year() const;

void set day (const int& day );

void set month (const int& month );
void set year (const int& year );

date operator ++(); // prefix

date operator ++(int); // postfix
date operator −−(); // prefix
date operator −−(int); // postfix

bool operator == (const date&, const date&); // comparison operators

bool operator != (const date&, const date&);
bool operator < (const date&, const date&);
bool operator > (const date&, const date&);
bool operator <= (const date&, const date&);
bool operator >= (const date&, const date&);

ostream& operator << ( ostream& os, const date& d); // output operator


Header file 1.1: Header file

#include "date.h"

///////////////////////////// construction //////////

date::date(const int& d, const int& m, const int& y) {

day = d;
month = m;
year = y; // this assumes year is given fully, not Y2K corrections

///////////////////////////// inline definitions //////////

date::date(){ year = 0; month = 0; day = 0;};

int date::day() const { return day ; };

int date::month() const { return month ; };
int date::year() const { return year ; };

void date::set day (const int& day) { date::day = day; };

void date::set month(const int& month) { date::month = month; };
void date::set year (const int& year) { date::year = year; };

bool date::valid() const {

// This function will check the given date is valid or not.
// If the date is not valid then it will return the value false.
// Need some more checks on the year, though
if (year <0) return false;
if (month >12 | | month <1) return false;
if (day >31 | | day <1) return false;
if ((day ==31 &&
( month ==2 | | month ==4 | | month ==6 | | month ==9 | | month ==11) ) )
return false;
if ( day ==30 && month ==2) return false;
if ( year <2000){
if ((day ==29 && month ==2) && !((year −1900)%4==0)) return false;
if ( year >2000){
if ((day ==29 && month ==2) && !((year −2000)%4==0)) return false;
return true;


C++ Code 1.1: Defining the basic operations

#include "date.h"

bool operator == (const date& d1,const date& d2){

// check for equality
if (!d1.valid()) { return false; };
if (!d2.valid()) { return false; };
if ( (
&& (d1.month()==d2.month())
&& (d1.year()==d2.year())) {
return true;
return false;

bool operator !=(const date& d1, const date& d2){

return !(d1==d2);

bool operator < (const date& d1, const date& d2){

if (!d1.valid()) { return false; }; // not meaningful, return anything
if (!d2.valid()) { return false; }; // should really be an exception, but ?
if (d1.year()<d2.year()) { return true;}
else if (d1.year()>d2.year()) { return false;}
else { // same year
if (d1.month()<d2.month()) { return true;}
else if (d1.month()>d2.month()) { return false;}
else { // same month
if (< { return true;}
else { return false; }
return false;

bool operator > (const date& d1, const date& d2) {

if (d1==d2) { return false;}; // this is strict inequality
if (d1<d2) { return false; };
return true;

bool operator <=(const date& d1, const date& d2){

if (d1==d2) { return true; }
return (d1<d2);

bool operator >=(const date& d1, const date& d2) {

if (d1==d2) { return true;};
return (d1>d2);

C++ Code 1.2: Comparisons

#include "date.h"

inline date next date(const date& d){

date ndat;
if (!d.valid()) { return ndat; };
ndat=date((,d.month(),d.year()); if (ndat.valid()) return ndat;
ndat=date(1,(d.month()+1),d.year()); if (ndat.valid()) return ndat;
ndat = date(1,1,(d.year()+1)); return ndat;

inline date previous date(const date& d){

date ndat;
if (!d.valid()) { return ndat; }; // return zero
ndat = date((−1),d.month(),d.year()); if (ndat.valid()) return ndat;
ndat = date(31,(d.month()−1),d.year()); if (ndat.valid()) return ndat;
ndat = date(30,(d.month()−1),d.year()); if (ndat.valid()) return ndat;
ndat = date(29,(d.month()−1),d.year()); if (ndat.valid()) return ndat;
ndat = date(28,(d.month()−1),d.year()); if (ndat.valid()) return ndat;
ndat = date(31,12,(d.year()−1)); return ndat;

date date::operator ++(int){ // postfix operator

date d = *this;
*this = next date(d);
return d;

date date::operator ++(){ // prefix operator

*this = next date(*this);
return *this;

date date::operator −−(int){ // postfix operator, return current value

date d = *this;
*this = previous date(*this);
return d;

date date::operator −−(){ // prefix operator, return new value

*this = previous date(*this);
return *this;

inline long long date(const date& d) {

if (d.valid()){ return d.year() * 10000 + d.month() * 100 +; };
return −1;

ostream & operator << (ostream& os, const date& d){

if (d.valid()) { os << " " << long date(d) << " " ; }
else { os << " invalid date "; };
return os;

C++ Code 1.3: Iteration

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