Current Concepts in The Management of Periodontitis: Concise Clinical Review
Current Concepts in The Management of Periodontitis: Concise Clinical Review
Current Concepts in The Management of Periodontitis: Concise Clinical Review
Article history: Periodontitis is a common disorder affecting >40% of adults in the United States. Globally, the
Available online 19 February 2021 severe form of the disease has a prevalence of 11%. In advanced cases, periodontitis leads to
tooth loss and reduced quality of life. The aetiology of periodontitis is multifactorial. Subgingival
Key words: dental biofilm elicits a host inflammatory and immune response, ultimately leading to irrevers-
Biofilm ible destruction of the periodontium (i.e. alveolar bone and periodontal ligament) in a susceptible
dental plaque host. In order to successfully manage periodontitis, dental professionals must understand the
oral hygiene pathogenesis, primary aetiology, risk factors, contributing factors and treatment protocols. Care-
periodontal disease ful diagnosis, elimination of the causes and reduction of modifiable risk factors are paramount
non-surgical periodontal therapy for successful prevention and treatment of periodontitis. Initial non-surgical periodontal therapy
primarily consists of home care review and scaling and root planing. For residual sites with
active periodontitis at periodontal re-evaluation, a contemporary regenerative or traditional
resective surgical therapy can be utilised. Thereafter, periodontal maintenance therapy at a reg-
ular interval and long-term follow-ups are also crucial to the success of the treatment and long-
term retention of teeth. The aim of this review is to provide current concepts of diagnosis, pre-
vention and treatment of periodontitis. Both clinical and biological rationales will be discussed.
Ó 2021 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of FDI World Dental Federation. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
According to data from the National Health and Nutrition Dental biofilm
Examination Survey 2009−2014, 42% of adults in the United
For a susceptible host, microbial infection in subgingival dental
* Correspondence author. Dr TaeHyun Kwon, Monadnock Perio & biofilm by periodontal pathogens, in particular a group of spe-
Implant Center, 819 Court street, Unit A, Keene, NH 03431, USA. cific gram-negative anaerobic species referred to as the red
E-mail address: [email protected] (T. Kwon). complex, results in chronic inflammation.17,18 These red-
0020-6539/Ó 2021 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of FDI World Dental Federation. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-
ND license (
management of periodontitis 463
Natural history/progression
Fig. 2 – Global prevalence of severe periodontitis7−9 in comparison to diabetes10, hypertension11, depression12 and asthma.13
464 kwon et al.
systemic or environmental risk factors for periodontitis, such on host immune cells, especially neutrophils, was reported,
as diabetes and smoking. A comprehensive periodontal evalu- making their host more susceptible to periodontitis.35−37 Con-
ation includes several clinical parameters: biofilm index, peri- sistent with these findings, light and heavy smokers are at a
odontal probing depth, presence of bleeding on probing, greater risk for developing alveolar bone loss with an odds
gingival recession, mucogingival deformity, furcation involve- ratio of 3.25 and 7.28, respectively, compared to non-smokers.
ment, tooth mobility, and occlusal trauma. A comprehensive Similarly, light and heavy smokers are at a greater risk for
radiographic evaluation is a part of the initial periodontal eval- developing periodontal attachment loss with an odds ratio
uation to determine the extent of horizontal and vertical alveo- 2.05 and 4.07, respectively, compared to non-smokers.38 Fur-
lar bone loss. According to the 2017 World Workshop on the thermore, smoking has a negative impact on the outcome of
Classification of Periodontal and Peri-Implant Diseases and active periodontal therapy as well as long-term maintenance
Conditions2, a new periodontitis classification categorises the periodontal therapy.39,40 Thus, patients should be continu-
disease based on a multi-dimensional staging and grading sys- ously reminded of the importance of smoking cessation for
tem. Staging is determined by the severity of the disease at ini- successful management of periodontitis.41
tial presentation and the complexity of disease management
(Table 2).2 Furthermore, grading is used as an indicator of the Diabetes
rate of periodontitis progression, which is determined by the
history as well as the presence of risk factors for periodontitis Patients with uncontrolled diabetes are at a greater risk for
(Table 3).2 developing periodontitis as compared to systemically healthy
patients or patients with well-controlled diabetes.42,43 Plausi-
ble biological mechanisms underlying this association have
Risk factors been scientifically validated.43 The association is partly due
to alterations in the immune system of patients with uncon-
Smoking trolled diabetes, which result in impaired neutrophil function
or hyper-responsive macrophages producing pro-inflamma-
Smoking is the most important environmental risk factor for tory cytokines.43 Furthermore, patients with uncontrolled
periodontitis. Compared to non-smokers or past smokers, diabetes exhibit alterations in connective tissue metabolism,
smokers exhibited a significantly higher prevalence of which modulates the resorptive and formative process in the
red-complex periodontal pathogens in their subgingival bio- periodontium.43 The alterations in connective tissue metabo-
film.32−34 Furthermore, a potential negative effect of smoking lism are due to higher levels of advanced glycation end
management of periodontitis 465
The stage of periodontitis is initially determined based on clinical attachment loss (CAL). If CAL is not available, then radiographic bone loss can be used. A history of tooth loss due to periodontitis may modify
the stage. In the presence of any complexity factor, the stage may shift to a higher tier. For example, the presence of class II or III furcation involvement would shift to either stage III or IV regardless of CAL,
Tooth loss due to periodontitis of ≥5
products (AGEs) and interaction with their receptors, recep-
radiographic bone loss, or tooth loss due to periodontitis. The extent and distribution is primarily determined by the percentage of teeth involved2. The table was modified from Papapanou et al. (2018).2
Bite collapse, drifting, flaring
compared to systemically healthy patients or patients with
Masticatory dysfunction
well-controlled diabetes.43−47 The interaction between AGEs
and RAGEs results in the marked elevation of gingival crevic-
opposing pairs)
uncontrolled diabetes.43,45,47 These pro-inflammatory cyto-
kines then contribute to the inflammatory response that
characterises periodontitis.43,45,47 Lastly, macrovascular (i.e.
the root
due to:
Stage IV
≥5 mm
≥5 mm
Contributing factors
Stage II
Overhanging/over-contoured restorations
No tooth loss due to periodontitis
Occlusal trauma
of greatest loss
Add to stage as
Tooth loss
Extent and
Grade is primarily determined by the direct evidence of progression. If not available, then the indirect evidence of progression can be used. In the
presence of risk factors for periodontitis, the grade can shift to a higher tier.2 The table was modified from Papapanou et al. (2018).2
CAL, clinical attachment loss; HbA1c, haemoglobin A1c.
Mucogingival surgery
After completing initial periodontal therapy, and when there
is a specific indication, mucogingival deformity should be
carefully evaluated and treated if necessary. During this eval-
uation, among the clinical parameters considered are the
severity of gingival recession, progression of recession, width
of remaining keratinised gingiva, frenal involvement, vestib-
ular depth, presence of marginal gingival inflammation, den-
tinal hypersensitivity and aesthetic concerns.117
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