CE8702 Railways, Airports, Docks and Harbour Engineering Iq

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SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203



(For branches: CIVIL only)

Regulation – 2017
Academic Year 2020– 2021

Prepared by
Ms.E.Maheshwari, Assistant Professor/Civil
Mr.M.Moganraj, Assistant Professor/ Civil
Ms.K.A.Kalaiarasi, Assistant Professor/Civil


SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur – 603 203.




Elements of permanent way – Rails, Sleepers, Ballast, rail fixtures and fastenings, Selection of gauges - Track
Stress, coning of wheels, creep in rails, defects in rails – Route alignment surveys, conventional and modern
methods--Geometric design of railway, gradient, super elevation, widening of gauge on curves- Level Crossings.


Q.No Questions BT Competence

1. Define creep in sleepers. BT-1 Remember
2. What do you mean by level crossing? BT-1 Remember
3. Define super elevation in railways. BT-1 Remember
4. What do you mean by ballast? BT-1 Remember
5. What are the functions of sleepers? BT-1 Remember
6. Describe the requirements of an ideal sleeper. BT-1 Remember
7. List the functions of subgrade. BT-1 Remember
8. Discuss the types of spikes. BT-2 Understand
9. Explain sleeper density. BT-2 Understand
10. Discuss the irregularities in track. BT-2 Understand
11. Outline about pandrol clip in railways. BT-2 Understand
12. Outline the allowable super elevation in Broad Gauge & Metre Gauge BT-2 Understand
13. Develop the sketch of permanent way cross section. BT-3 Application
14. Identify the cause of kinks in rails. BT-3 Application
15. Build some points on uses of Fish plates. BT-3 Application
16. Investigate on split head . BT-4 Analyze
17. Outline the classification of level crossings. BT-4 Analyze
18. Classify the different surveys required for railway projects. BT-4 Analyze
19. Classify the types of gradient in railways. BT-4 Analyze
20. Write the importance of widening of gauge in curves. BT-5 Evaluate
21. Conclude few points about grade compensation in curves. BT-5 Evaluate
22. Develop few points on coning of wheels. BT-6 Create
23. Discuss the functions of ballast in railways. BT-6 Create
24. Compose the types of gauges. BT-6 Create

25. Invent special class level crossing. BT-6 Create


1. i) List the advantages of railways. (6)

ii) What to you understand by cant deficiency? (7) BT-1 Remember
2. What is a sleeper? List the functions and types of sleepers
BT-1 Remember
3. i)What are the requirements of an ideal rail joint ? (6)
ii)Explain the various rail joints used in railways with neat sketches. BT-1 Remember
4. i) List the different types of defect in rails. (6)
ii) What are the different types of rails? Elaborate in detail. (7) BT-1 Remember
5. i)Outline about super elevation and derive its expression in railways (7)
ii)Summarize about negative super elevation and cant deficiency. (6) BT-2 Understand
6. Explain with neat sketches any four obligatory points controlling
railway alignment. BT-2 Understand
7. Illustrate the types of level crossings with neat sketches.
BT-2 Understand
8. i) Build up points on role of remote sensing and GIS technology in
track alignment. (7) BT-3 Application
ii) Develop points on different types of stresses in railway track. (6)
9. Develop points on functions and requirements of various elements of
railway permanent way. BT-3 Application
10. i) Explain the selection of gauges in detail. (7)
ii) Compare the various types of switches in railway track. (6) BT-4 Analyze
11. Compare the widening of gauges on curves with formula and coning
of wheels with neat sketches. BT-4 Analyze
12. Draw a neat sketch way and list the functions of different components
of permanent way. BT-4 Analyze
13. Explain the route alignment surveys in detail. BT-5 Evaluate
14. i) Elaborate in detail ballast materials used for railway track. (7)
ii) Discuss on ballastless track. (6) BT-6 Create


1. i) Explain the necessity of sleepers in railway track .What are the

desirable qualities or requirements of good sleepers. (7)
BT-1 Understand
ii) Explain the basic methods followed for classification of level
crossings. (8)
2. Explain in detail about the various types of gradient used in railway
BT-2 Understand
track and grade compensation.
3. Build up points on conventional method of surveying in track
BT-3 Create
4. i)What is meant by track alignment? Give the basic requirements of
good alignment. (7) BT-6 Create
ii)Discuss in detail, the factors which control the alignment of a
railway track. (8)


Earthwork – Stabilization of track on poor soil - Track drainage – Calculation of Materials required for track laying
- Construction and maintenance of tracks – Railway Station and yards and passenger amenities-Signalling

Q.No Questions BT Competence
1. Write the significance of earthwork in railway station. BT 1 Remember
2. Define point indicators. BT 1 Remember
3. List the components of a switch. BT 1 Remember
4. What are the different methods of plate laying? BT 1 Remember
5. What are the methods to improve the poor subgrade soil? BT 1 Remember
6. When is a branch line called as siding? BT 1 Remember
7. What is meant by chemical stabilization? BT 1 Remember
8. Classify the methods used for stabilization of tracks in poor soil. BT 2 Understand
9. Explain about marshaling yard. BT 2 Understand
10. Outline the use of ‘formation in embankment ‘with neat sketch. BT 2 Understand
11. Summarize the materials required for laying of track. BT 2 Understand
12. Outline on surface drainage. BT 2 Understand
13. Build points on various platforms in railways. BT 3 Application
14. Develop points on principle of measured shovel packing. BT 3 Application
15. Give the classification of yards. BT 3 Application
16. Differentiate embankment and cutting. BT 5 Evaluate
17. Differentiate between ‘loop’ and ‘siding’. BT 4 Analyze
18. Investigate halt station. BT 4 Analyze
19. Distinguish ‘gravity yard’ and ‘hump yard’. BT 4 Analyze
20. Assess Cole’s method. BT 5 Evaluate
21. Give the classification of Railway stations. BT 5 Evaluate
22. Build points on directed track maintenance. BT 6 Create
23. Summarize the operations to be carried out for drainage in track. BT 6 Create
24. Compose Signalling. BT 6 Create
25. Compose block station. BT 6 Create


1. Describe in detail about plate laying techniques. BT 1 Remember

2. Explain relaying of track in detail. BT 1 Remember
3. List out the type of railway stations and explain each one of them in BT 1 Remember
4. Write short notes on BT 1 Remember
i. Track drainage (6)
ii. Explain the advantages of track maintenance. (7)

5. Discuss in detail about methods of track maintenance. BT 2 Understand

6. Summarize how poor soil is being stabilized and explain the methods in BT 2 Understand
7. Discuss in detail the materials required for track laying and also write BT-2 Understand
factors considered in the construction of railway track.
8. Classify the stages in construction of railway track and explain in detail. BT 3 Application
9. i.Calculate the quantity of all the materials required for track laying BT 3 Application
ii. Explain the factors governing track alignment (7)
10. i. Explain in detail about the passenger amenities to be provided in a BT 4 Analyze
railway station (9)
ii. Explain the purpose of different types of yards. (4)
11. Explain in detail. BT 4 Analyze
i. Wayside Station (3)
ii. Branch line siding. (4)
iii. Junction Station (3)
iv.Passenger Platform (3)
12. Explain in detail when a branch line called as siding and the BT 4 Analyze
circumstances wayside station to be selected.
13. Design and draw a neat sketch of marshaling yard and explain detail. BT 5 Evaluate

14. Compose the types of signals. BT 6 Create


Summarize the working principle of Measured shovel packing and list
BT 2 Understand
the equipment’s used for M.S.P.
2. Develop points on maintenance of railway bridges. BT 3 Application
Explain in detail modern methods of track maintenance. BT-5 Evaluate
Elaborate the facilities to be provided for passengers at the station yard. BT-6 Create


Air transport characteristics - airport classification – ICAO - airport planning: Site selection typical Airport
Layouts, Case Studies, parking and Circulation Area

Q.No Questions BT Competence
1. List the components of an airport. BT 1 Remember
2. List the components of an aircraft. BT 1 Remember

3. Tell the advantages of air transport. BT 1 Remember

4. Write the objectives of airport master plan. BT 1 Remember
5. Write the airport parking configuration . BT 1 Remember
6. Describe the general classification of airport. BT 1 Remember
7. Distinguish terminal apron and cargo apron BT 2 Understand
8. Predict why regional planning is to be done. BT 2 Understand
9. Discuss the characteristics of airport layout. BT 2 Understand
10. Summarize the four groupings of Aircraft parking system. BT 2 Understand
11. Illustrate what is a hangar and mention its types. BT 3 Application
12. Show the outline of ICAO master planning process. BT 3 Application
13. Classify airport codes based on aircraft wheel load. BT 3 Application
14. Drawings for layout plan for an airport - explain BT 4 Analyze
15. Comment on the sequence of passenger flow in an airport. BT 4 Analyze
16. Analyze the importance of preplanning for an airport project. BT 4 Analyze
17. Prepare a typical layout of airport for a single runway and two parallel BT 5
runways Evaluate
18. Prepare a list of data's to be collected before site selection. BT 5 Evaluate
19. Summarize how the size of gate position decided. BT 6 Create
20. Recommend the criteria for site selection. BT 6 Create
21. Write the difference between cross wind component and wind BT 2
coverage. Understand
22. What is transitional surface in airport design? BT 1 Remember
23. What are the factors influencing runway length? BT 1 Remember
24. State the primary functions of an airport drainage system. BT 3 Application
25. What is clear zone? BT 2 Understand


1. (i) List the factors to be considered for the selection of site for a BT 1
commercial airport (6)
(ii) Explain the importance of airport planning. (7) Remember
2. What is a master plan? Explain the recommendation by ICAO & FAA BT 1
master plan in detail. Remember
3. (i) List out the classification of airport. (7) BT 1
(ii)Examine the socio-economic characteristics of catchment area (6) Remember
4. Describe the necessity, functions and types of hangers. BT 1 Remember
5. (i)Summarize the survey that is to be done for airport location. (6) BT 2
(ii)Summarize the planning consideration of a terminal building. (7) Understand
6. Briefly explain how the size of apron decided. BT 2 Understand
7. (i) Describe briefly the salient features and functions of aprons in an BT 3 Application
airport. (6)
(ii) Classify the different flying activity. (7)
8. (i)What are the passenger facilities, required at an airport terminal? BT 4
Explain using sketches. (6)
(ii)Analyze the relationship between aircrafts and airports. Analyze

9. Analyze how the aircraft characteristics importance in designing of BT 4
airport. Analyze
10. Describe i) Motor vehicle parking area & its patterns (6) BT 2

ii) Aircraft parking system. (7) Understand

11. Briefly explain how the size of apron decided BT 3
12. Explain with neat sketch the typical layout of airport based on BT 4
runway configuration. Analyze
13. Draw a typical layout of any international airport in India and explain BT 5
its concept Evaluate
14. Discuss the advantage, disadvantage of air transportation and list the BT 6
aircraft characteristics for airport planning. Create


1. What is an airport master plan? Briefly describe the steps in its BT 1 Remember
2. Write about a Case study of any one Typical airport layout. BT1 Remember
3. (i) Describe the points to be considered for the site selection of BT 2 Understand
airports. (6)
(ii) Summarize briefly the various geometrics of the runway as
recommended by the ICAO.
4. Bring out the purpose of airport imaginary surfaces BT 4 Analyze


Runway Design: Orientation, Wind Rose Diagram, Problems on basic and Actual Length, Geometric Design –
Elements of Taxiway Design – Airport Zones – Passenger Facilities and Services – Runway and Taxiway

Q.No Questions BT Competence
1 How orientation of runway is done? On what basis it is decided BT 1 Remember
2 What is a wind rose diagram? BT 1 Remember
3 List the elements to be considered in the Geometric design of runways BT 1 Remember
4 Describe bypass taxiway. BT 1 Remember
5 Define clear zone. BT 1 Remember
6 Define turning zone BT 1 Remember
7 Differentiate runway and taxiway. BT 2 Understand
8 Differentiate between VFR and IFR. BT 2 Understand
9 Discuss airport markings. BT 2 Understand
10 Differentiate type I and type II wind rose diagram. BT 2 Understand

11 Illustrate the purpose of installing visual aids in a airport BT 3 Application

12 Classify the cases that are to be considered in deciding the basic BT 3 Application
runway length.
13 Show the importance of various imaginary surfaces around the airport. BT 3 Application
14 Explain the term cross wind components and wind coverage. BT 4 Analyze
15 Classify the elements of airport lightings. BT 4 Analyze
16 Air traffic control aids- explain BT 4 Analyze
17 Integrate zoning laws BT 5 Evaluate
18 Prepare the list of factors affecting runway capacity. BT 5 Evaluate
19 Turning radius in a taxiway is decided based on what? BT 6 Create
20 Explain the factors to be considered in locating exit taxiways. BT 6 Create
21 How do you select the site for terminal building? BT 2 Understand
22 Define exit taxiway. BT 1 Remember
23 Define ‘number of gate position’ BT 1 Remember
24 Define calm period. BT 1 Remember
25 What is clear zone? BT 2 Remember


1 What are the items to be considered in the geometric designof runway and BT 1 Remember
explain it in detail.
2 Describe about the geometric design standards of taxiway and also BT 1 Remember
explain Exit taxiway.
3 i. List out the design consideration in taxiway lighting (6) BT 1 Remember
ii. Tabulate the different elements of airport lighting and explain any two.
4 Explain what are different control surfaces at an airport? Explain the BT 1 Remember
concepts of airport zoning with the help of sketches.
5 Discuss in detail about i) Various design factors to be considered in BT 2 Understand
determining the thicknessofpavement. (6)
ii) Special consideration forpavementdesign. (7)
6 Summarize and explain the services and facilities to be provided for the BT 2 Understand
passengers in an airport
7 Distinguish between Type I and Type II wind rose BT 2 Understand
8 The typical wind data for an airport site is given in the following table. BT 3 Application
Determine the best orientation of the runway with the help of a wind rose
diagram given in table 1
9 (i) The length of a runway at mean sea level, standard temperature and BT 3 Application
zero gradients is 1600m. The site has an elevation of 320m, with a
reference temperature of 33.6ºC. The runway has to be constructed with
an effective gradient of 0.25%. Calculate the actual length of the runway
at site. (6)
(ii) The runway length required for landing at sea level in standard
atmospheric condition is 3000m. Runway length required for take- off at a
level site at sea level in standard atmospheric condition is 2500m.
Aerodrome reference temperature is 250C & that of standard atmosphere

at aerodrome elevation of 150m is 14.0250C. If the effective gradient is

0.5%, determine the runway length to be
Provided. (7)
10 Explain in brief: BT 4 Analyze

1. ClearZone. (3)

2. Approachzone (3)

3. Turningzone. (3)

4. Bufferzone. (4)
11 Analyze the different methods for designing flexible pavements and BT 4 Analyze
explain any two in detail.
12 i. The length of runway under standard conditions is 1620m. The airport BT 5 Evaluate
site has an elevation of 270m. Its reference temperature is 32.90ºC. If the
runway is to be constructed with an effective gradient of 0.20%.
Determine the corrected runway length. (6)
ii. Analyze the cases usually considered in determining the basic runway
length. (7)
13 Describe the importance of runway lighting. Explain threshold lighting BT 5 Evaluate
with the help of sketches.
14 Explain the various runway and taxiway markings BT 6 Create

1 (i) What are the facilities to be provided in the terminal building of an BT 1 Remember
international airport. (ii) Describe the importance of runway lighting.
Explain about thersold lighting with neat sketch.
2 Explain briefly about the Geometric design of runways BT 4 Analyze
3 Write about the Elements of Taxiway Design. BT 1 Remember
4 What are the different types of terminals? Explain its concepts with neat BT 2 Understand
Table 1
Wind Direction Percentage of time
6.4 – 25 Kmph 25-50 Kmph 50-80 Kmph
N 4.7 1.50 0.1
NNE 3.5 0.75 0.0
NE 1.8 0.03 0.1
ENE 3.0 0.02 0.03
E 2.2 2.40 0.0
ESE 5.8 4.95 0.0
SE 7.0 1.40 0.0
SSE 8.0 0.02 0.0
S 4.8 1.40 0.10
SSW 2.6 0.75 0.0
SW 1.2 0.03 0.10
WSW 3.8 0.02 0.03

W 1.9 2.40 0.0

WNW 6.4 5.25 0.0
NW 6.3 1.40 0.0
NNW 7.2 5.20 0.30


Definition of Basic Terms: Harbour, Port, Satellite Port, Docks, Waves and Tides – Planning and Design of
Harbours: Harbour Layout and Terminal Facilities – Coastal Structures: Piers, Break waters, Wharves, Jetties,
Quays, Spring Fenders, Dolphins and Floating Landing Stage – Inland Water Transport – Wave action on Coastal
Structures and Coastal Protection Works – Coastal Regulation Zone, 2011.

Q.No Questions BT Competence
1 How is breakwater classified? BT 1 Remember
2 Write in short about the features of port. BT 1 Remember
3 List source of the special types of break water. BT 1 Remember
4 What do you understand by littoral drift? BT 1 Remember
5 What is a graving dry dock? BT 1 Remember
6 Why a shore protection work is needed? BT 1 Remember
7 How are waves classified? BT 1 Remember
8 Define marine survey. BT 1 Remember
9 Define free port. BT 1 Remember
10 Differentiate Quay and Pier BT 2 Understand
11 Distinguish between diurnal and semi-diurnal tides BT 2 Understand
12 Describe wharf. Name the types. BT 2 Understand
13 Difference between jetty and wharf. BT 2 Understand
14 Distinguish between the natural and artificial Harbour BT 2 Understand
15 Distinguish between Dolphins & Jetties BT 2 Understand
16 Classify Harbour based on location. BT 3 Application
17 Illustrate coastal shipping with an example BT 3 Application
18 Mention any two erosion protection Methods in Coastal Zone BT 3 Application
19 Mention some of the features of a harbour BT 4 Analyze
20 Explain Breakwater BT 4 Analyze
21 How to design the entrance of a harbor? BT 4 Analyze
22 Prepare the list of requirements that is to be considered during design BT 5 Evaluate
of port.
23 How is Inland Water Transport different from sea transport? BT 5 Evaluate
24 Summarize about marine survey BT 6 Create
25 Summarize the requirements of good port. BT 6 Create

1 Draw a neat sketch of a harbour layout & show the Various Components. BT 1 Remember

Mention the objectives of each.

2 What is a fender. Explain in detail about its types and classification. BT 1 Remember
3 Write in detail about Inland water transports and coastal protection works. BT 1 Remember
4 Define dredging? Explain the reasons for its adoptions. How dredged BT 1 Remember
Materials are disposed off?
5 i. Discuss the factors to be considered while selecting a suitable site for BT 2 Understand
the construction of a port. (6)
ii. Distinguish Between Pier Wharf. Explain their utility with the help of
sketches. (7)

6. Discuss in detail about the environmental concern required for port BT 2 Understand
7 i. What are the functions of wet Docks? Explain with Sketches, their BT 2 Understand
working &mainfeatures. (8)

ii. Explain with sketch the features of a composite Breakwater. (8)

8 Classify harbours on broad basis and on the basis of utility and explain BT 3 Application
9 i.Classify different types of break water. Explain any one in brief. (8) BT 3 Application

ii.Define a port and bring out the differences between a port and a harbor.
What are the requirements of good port? (8)

10 Explain the facilities to be provided in a port. BT 4 Analyze

11 Explain in brief: BT 4 Analyze

(a) i. Littoral drift (3)

(b) ii.Wharves and Jetties (4)
(c) iii.Fenders (3)
(d) iv.Mooring accessories (3)

12 Explain different types of break waters with neat sketches. BT 4 Analyze

13 Discuss the tides and wave effects and its action on coastal structures BT 5 Evaluate
14 Explain clearly about the coastal regulation zone,2011. BT 6 Create


1. Describe briefly the functions of fixed and floating signals with necessary BT 1 Remember
2. Explain the different types of wind rose diagram for determining the BT 4
harbor entrance.
3. Briefly explain the various types of dredging. BT 2 Understand
4. Explain about the wave action on Coastal Structures and Coastal BT 4 Analyze
Protection Works

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