L2A3 Sterling
L2A3 Sterling
L2A3 Sterling
Sterling It’s very rare that even the smallest quantity of transferable
hile the submachine gun genre no longer domi- Sterling is now available in very limited quantities as a by the Sterling Armament Company, Ltd. and differ only
nates the small arms inventory of the armed non-restricted-transfer Title II firearm that can be pur- with regard to the finish.
forces of any nation, as it did when it reached its chased by anyone living in a state where it is possible to Let’s examine in detail the history of the Sterling
zenith during World War II, it is still employed by numer- own automatic weapons. submachine gun and precisely how this rather amazing
ous law enforcement agencies throughout the world. Even During the early 1980s, a small quantity of L2A3 Sterling weapon was manufactured.
there it has largely been superseded by assault-type rifles; submachine guns, as well as a sound-suppressed version, Sterling’s first effort at manufacturing a pistol-caliber
often semiautomatic-only, chambered for intermediate- designated as the L34A1, were imported as Pre-’86 Dealers submachine gun was the stodgy, but robust cal. 9x19mm
size cartridges, such as the 5.56x45mm NATO round. In Samples, as well as a semiautomatic-only variant called the Parabellum Lanchester Mk I. An undisguised copy of
some instances this is a mistake, as these rifle cartridges Mark 6, by Lanchester U.S.A., Inc. in Dallas, Texas. Hugo Schmeisser’s MP-28II, it was designed by George
have the very real potential for over-penetration in close I owned one of each, but disposed of both the L2A3 Herbert Lanchester, who was an engineer and designer
quarters urban scenarios. and L34A1 because Pre-’86 Dealers Sample Title II fire- in the British automotive industry, both prior to and af-
In my opinion, one of the finest pistol-caliber subma- arms cannot be passed on to your direct descendents un- ter World War II. Dagenham was a center of the British
chine guns ever fielded was the British Sterling L2A3, less they are SOTs (Special Occupational Taxpayers, i.e., auto industry, with the largest Ford plant in Europe, and
which was designed and manufactured by the Sterling a Class 3 dealer). Sterling later made parts for Jaguar.
Armament Company, Ltd., in Dagenham, Essex, Eng- Rick Winters, the owner of the CPS Company (Dept. Series production on his submachine gun commenced
land. The company experienced financial problems in SGN, P.O. Box 261, Monticello, Wis., 53570; phone: in April of 1941. Manufactured exclusively for the British
1988 and was acquired by the British government, which 608-274-7946; fax: 608-276-7477; website: www.Ster navy, the Lanchester Mk I was heavy (12 pounds with a
very quickly closed down the entire operation. lingL2A3.com) has painstakingly manufactured a very loaded 50-round magazine) and expensive to fabricate. It
In the United States, the Sterling L2A3 was never seen small quantity of Sterling L2A3 submachine guns on differed only in a few ways from the German MP-28II.
except as a Pre-’86 Dealers Sample, and thus was not registered pre-’86 receiver tubes that are every bit at the A subsequent Mk I* eliminated the semiautomatic
available to anyone except Class 3 dealers. Incredibly, the same level of elegant quality as those originally produced option and appeared toward the end of the war. Before
it was completely replaced by the Sten sub-
machine gun, 80,790 Lanchesters were pro-
duced (58,990 by Sterling, the remainder
by two other manufacturers). Altogether, a total of
3,750,000 Sten submachine guns, of various Marks, were
produced between 1941 and late 1945. They were never
deemed totally satisfactory, and efforts to develop more
reliable designs began during World War II.
In September of 1942, George William Patchett of
the Sterling Armament Company, Ltd., submitted a cal.
9x19mm Parabellum submachine gun to the British army
for trial. At most, a hundred of these guns were deliv-
ered before the war ended and a few may have been tested
in combat.
Development of Patchett’s submachine gun continued The overall length is only 19.375 inches folded, but
after the war, and a series of competitive trials between British army regulations specified that the stock was
it and a dozen other contenders were held between 1945 to be extended at all times while in a combat zone.
and 1953. After large-scale troop trials with the
Patchett design, it was finally adopted in 1953
and given the designation L2A1.
The Sterling submachine gun was, without
doubt, the most expensively and finely made
weapon ever produced in its class. The quality
control standards to which they were held more The side-loading magazine may seem odd for those used to a Thompson, but it
than surpassed all possible requirements. permits the lowest possible prone firing position, a vital advantage in combat.
The Sterling submachine gun was manufactured by
methods approximating British battleship engineering.
Stamped sheet metal pressings and welding processes
were minimized to the greatest extent possible and lim- improvements gleaned body has four transverse ribs machined from its sides.
ited to components such as the folding stock and maga- from field experience. The sharp edges of these ribs cut away fouling and debris
zine body. The chamber was modi- as the bolt reciprocates within the receiver tube. Mate-
The bolt was machined, not cast, out of ordnance fied for enhanced feeding, rial picked up by this process is gradually removed via
steel. Sixty-three separate machine operations were the folding stock strength- an open notch cut below the barrel’s chamber face and a
required. The steel tube used as the main component of ened, the disassembly tools hole at the bottom of the receiver’s end cap.
the L2A3’s receiver body was supplied to the factory with integral with the L2A1 elimi- A spring-loaded pin, located inside the bolt body,
the 76 cooling holes already pierced. After some pre- nated. Both the L2A1 and L2A2 prevents misassembly of the weapon. This is because
liminary machining, the magazine well, trigger assembly were referred to as the Mark 3 by the retracting handle cannot be reinserted until this pin
housing, front sight guard and front barrel support were the Sterling Company.
attached to the receiver tube by induction-brazing using The L2A3 (Sterling’s Mark 4) was swiftly adopted in
silver solder. 1954 and remained essentially the same throughout the
Since brazing the magazine well onto the receiver body 38 years of its series production cycle. Components used
would cause the tube to warp, the receiver tube was first in the last years of production can be installed in any
bent to a corrective angle in the opposite direction. By the Mark 4 ever produced.
use of induction and electro-gas brazing techniques—in The L2A3 differs from its predecessors in the follow-
lieu of welding—machine operations on the main casing ing ways. The buttstock was again redesigned, the trigger
were cut to a mere 150 steps (!). guard was made removable for winter use, the front sight
After the receiver’s interior was deburred and sized by was made adjustable, the chamber modified to NATO
hand reaming, it was subsequently hand-lapped to insure standards and minor changes were made on other com-
that the bolt could slide freely within it. After the gun ponents.
Kokalis says the L2A3’s
was moved over to the second assembly line, another 425 The Sterling submachine gun is unlocked blowback- balance characteristics
machine operations took place. Every bolt was checked operated and fires from the open bolt position. The bolt are excellent, the grip
and gauged by the assistant inspector, and every barrel has a fixed firing pin and rounds are fired by means of the itself is both the correct
was checked, gauged and then stamped by the chief in- method referred to as advanced primer ignition. In other size and shape and the
spector (who took his inspection stamp home with him words, the firing pin strikes the primer just before the car- grip-to-frame angle is perfect.
every night). tridge case is fully seated in the chamber.
Anyone blasé enough to merely shrug off the above The bolt is unique and its design was used in the Com-
as antiquarian and unnecessary need only examine the monwealth version of the FN FAL battle rifle. The bolt
L2A3 closely—one of the world’s most expensive, but
reliable submachine guns, purchased by more than
120 countries in the world, and of those 90 used it
in quantities of 1,000 or more. It was also manufac-
tured under license in Canada and India. More than
1.7 million L2A3 submachine guns were eventually
The L2A1 submachine gun as originally adopted
included certain components designed to ease disas-
sembly. The grip screw and retracting handle were
combined to form an Allen key for removal of the
barrel screws and, in addition, the spring block at the
rear of the bolt included a drift punch for removing
the extractor pin.
Although the basic Sterling was never changed, im- The Sterling L2A3’s flip rear peep sight has apertures The three selector positions on the CPS L2A3 are
provements were made in production techniques and two for 100 and 200 meters, while the blade front sight marked “S” for safe, “R” for the British term “Rep-
distinct variants can be noted. The L2A2 incorporated can be turned in or out to regulate elevation zero. etition” or semiautomatic fire and “A” for full-auto.
The L2A3 accepts the No. 5 blade bayonet originally
issued with the Enfield No. 5 rifle (the so-called “Jun-
gle Carbine”). Its usefulness here is questionable.