5TH Week
5TH Week
5TH Week
A. Innovations in Content
1. The Conceptual Approach Lecture/Discussion using
a. Why the Conceptual Approach Power Point Presentation
b. Structure of the Content
b.1 Facts Comparison sharing
b.2 Concepts (students take notes and
b.3 Generalization occasionally compare
2. Approach to Content notes. The instructor stops
a. Selection of Multidisciplinary and lecturing immediately
Interdisciplinary after covering a crucial
B. The secondary Education Development concept and have the
Program (SEDP) Its salient Features students read each other’s
C. The Basic Education Curriculum focus on notes. Filing in the gaps in
MAKABAYAN their own note-taking
Written objective
test/essay on the
innovations in and
approach to content the
salient features of SEDP
and the Basic Education