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Functional and Structural Domains of Antisocial Personality Disorder Reflected

in Amy Dunne Character of Gone Girl Novel by Gillian Flynn.

Gayuh Widhalia Ariyani












Title : Functional and Structural Domains of Antisocial Personality

Disorder Reflected in Amy Dunne Character of Gone Girl
Novel by Gillian Flynn

Name : Gayuh Widhalia Ariyani

Student Number : F1F011027

Purwokerto, January 2017

Approved by the Board of Examiners

Supervisor 1
Lynda Susana WAF,S.S,M.Hum. ...................................................
NIP. 19790909 201012 2 002

Supervisor 2
Mia Fitria Agustina,S,S.,M.A. ..................................................
NIP. 19790817 200812 2 001

External Examiner
Rosyid Dodiyanto, S.S.,M.Hum ..................................................
NIP. 19730824 200501 1 001

, Dean of Humanities Faculty,

Jenderal Soedirman University

Drs. H. Bambang Lelono, M.Hum.

NIP. 19580110 198511 1 001


This thesis is dedicated to all the people who never stop believing in me and
who along with god
My loving parents,
My little brother,
My big family
All of my friends
And, English Language and Literature Study Program


Except where reference is made in the text of thesis, the thesis contains no

material published elsewhere or extracted in whole or in my part from a thesis by

which I have qualified for or been awarded degree or diploma.

No other person’s work has used without due acknowledgement in the main text

of thesis.

This thesis has not been submitted for the award of any degree or diploma in any

other tertiary institution.

Purwokerto, January 2017

Gayuh Widhalia Ariyani


“The journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with

One step”

-Lao Tzu-

“Do What You Have To Do Until You Can Do What You

Want To Do”

-Oprah Winfrey-


Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin. The greatest gratitude is devoted to Allah

SWT who gives me His love, His blessing, and His guidance so this thesis was

completed. The writer would like to deliver the biggest gratitude for the parties

who have involved in helping the writer completed the research.

1. Drs. H. Bambang Lelono, M.Hum., as the Dean of Humanities Faculty,

Jenderal Soedirman University.

2. Dr. Chusni Hadiati, S.S., M.Hum., as the Head of English Department of

Humanities Faculty, Jenderal Soedirman University.

3. Lynda Susana WAF,S.S,M.Hum., as my first supervisor. I thank you very

much for your patience and your knowledge in supervising me.

4. Mia Fitria Agustina,S.E.,S.,MA. as my second supervisor. I thank you very

much for your suggestion and guidance for my thesis.

5. Rosyid Dodiyanto, S.S.,M.Hum. as my external examiner. I thank you for

your correction and evaluation for my thesis.

6. Tito Ali Buana, M.A. as my first academic supervisor and Mia Fitria

Agustina,S.E.,S.,MA. as my second academic supervisor. I thank you for

your helps and advices during my study.

7. All lecturers of English Department, Jenderal Soedirman University who has

taught me a great knowledge. I thank for the lessons and experiences during

my college years.

8. My beloved parents, Bapak Dalimin and Ibu Wiji Lestari. I thank you for

never ending supported me emotionally and financially, pray, encouraging,

giving love, smile and happiness in my life. Both have always expressed

how proud they are of me and how much they love me. I am too proud of

them and love them very much.

9. My little brother, Muhammad Haris Fadillah who have motivated,

encouraged, reminded me to finish the thesis as soon as possible.

10. My beloved Squad Cyninta Kirana, S,Si., Wina Pratiwi Nugrahani, S,Si.,

and Ade Fitriyani S,Si. I thank you for always stand up for me and giving

me hands whenever life gets bitter. I thank you for always putting up with

my silliness, stupidity, and recklessness. I just want you all to know how

blessed and delighted I am to meet you all. Best wishes to all of you.

11. My close friends who have been like my brother and sister, Kurnia Tri

Wijaya, S,T., Yanti Saraswati, S,T., Hayuningtyas, S,Gz., and Yogi

Himawan, S.Ked.,. I thank you for always suported me, thoughts, well-

wishes, prayers, phone and video calls, texts, and being there whenever I

needed a friend.

12. My lovely friends, Faridatunnida, S.S., Destriyani, S.S., Catur Rachmawati,

S.S., Mutiara Karna Asih, S.S., Desiana Kusuma, Diah Paramitha, Aji

Prastowo, Lutfan Adinanto, and all of my friends whom I could not mention

you one by one here, but you will always be mentioned in my mind and in

my heart. I thank you for always accompanying me through all the pain,

tears and joy. I thank you for our moment together and being my best


13. Khairana, S.S., and Septi Pratiwi, S.S., I would never forget all the chats and

beautiful moments we shared. They were always supporting me during these

stressfull and difficult moments.

14. My entire English Literature 2011 batch. I thank you for all of your support.

15. I am very grateful to all people I have met along the way and contributed to

the development of my thesis.

Finally, I hope this thesis is able to give precious advantage to the education

field especially for the English Language and Literature Program, Jenderal

Soedirman University.

Purwokerto, January 2017

Gayuh Widhalia Ariyani



Ariyani, Gayuh Widhalia. January, 2017. Functional and Structural

Domains of Antisocial Personality Disorder Reflected in Amy
Dunne Character of Gone Girl Novel by Gillian Flynn. Thesis.
First Supervisor by Lynda Suzanna WAF,S.S,M.Hum. Second
supervisor: Mia Fitria Agustina,S.E.,S.S.,M.A. Examiner:
Rosyid Dodiyanto, M.Hum. Ministry of Research, Technology
and Higher Education, Jenderal Soedirman University,
Humanities Faculty, English Department, English Study Program,
Key Words: Antisocial Personality Disorder, Functional, Structural
Deviant, Callous.
The research entitled “Functional and Structural Domains of
Antisocial Personality Disorder Reflected in Amy Dunne Character of
Gone Girl Novel by Gillian Flynn” aims to analyze antisocial personality
disorder that is depicted in the character of Amy Dunne and how the
symptoms come out in the character.
The researcher used qualitative method in analyzing the data. The
main data source of this research is Gone Girl novel which is analyzed by
using Theodore Millon’s antisocial personality disorder theory. There are
eight symptoms of antisocial personality disorder used to explain how the
characteristics of antisocial personality disorder shows in Amy Dunne’s
In result, there are four symptom of antisocial personality disorder
that are depicted in Amy Dunne, namely: deviant, debased, autonomous
and callous. The first is Deviant that indicated by lying, killing and
humiliating. It is explained that Amy Dunne has disability to obey the
social norms. The second is autonomous symptom which appears in Amy
Dunne’s character. It is indicated for being free of constraint of social
customs, personal attachments, responsibilities and routines. The third is
debased, that can be seen by do actions that violates social norms and even
harm themselves,. The last symptom is callous which indicated by she
could violates the social norm, the other, even herself repeatedly,
regretfuly and without thought about the consequences for what she did


Ariyani, Gayuh Widhalia. January, 2017. Functional and Structural Domains of

Antisocial Personality Disorder Reflected in Amy Dunne Character of
Gone Girl Novel by Gillian Flynn. Skripsi. Pembimbing pertama: Lynda
Suzanna WAF,S.S,M.Hum. Pembimbing kedua: Mia Fitria
Agustina,S.E.,S.S.,M.A. Penguji: Rosyid Dodiyanto, M.Hum. Kementrian
Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi, Universitas Jenderal Soedirman,
Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Jurusan Bahasa Inggris, Program Studi Bahasa
Inggris, Purwokerto.
Kata kunci: Gangguan Kepribadian Antisosial, Fungsional, Struktural,
Menyimpang, Callous.
Penelitian berjudul “Functional and Structural Domains of Antisocial
Personality Disorder Reflected in Amy Dunne Character of Gone Girl Novel by
Gillian Flynn” ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis gangguan kepribadian antisosial
yang tergambar dalam karakter Amy Dunne dan bagaimana gejala-gejala tersebut
muncul pada karakter.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif untuk menganalisi data.
Sumber data utama dari penelitian ini adalah novel Gone Girl yang dianalisis
menggunakan teori gangguan kepribadian antisosial oleh Theodore Millon. Ada
delapan jenis gejala gangguan kepribadian antisosial yang digunakan untuk
menjelaskan bagaimana Amy Dunne menunjukan karakteristik gejala-gejala
gangguan kepribadian antisosial.
Hasil dari penelitian ini mengungkapkan adanya empat gejala gangguan
kepribadian antisosial yang nampak pada Amy Dunne, yaitu: Menyimpang,
Merendahkan, Autonomous, Callous. Yang pertama adalah Menyimpang, yang
ditunjukkan dengan berbohong, membunuh dan menghina. Hal ini menjelaskan
bahwa Amy Dunne tidak bisa untuk mematuhi norma-norma sosial. Gejala kedua
yang muncul dalam karakter Amy Dunne adalah Autonomous. Hal ini
diindikasikan dengan ingen bebasnya dari aturan sosial, kedekatan pribadi,
tanggung jawab dan rutinitas. Yang ketiga adalah Merendahkan, yang dapat
dilihat oleh melakukan tindakan yang melanggar norma-norma sosial dan bahkan
merugikan diri mereka sendiri. Gejala terakhir adalah Callous yang ditunjukkan
dengan melanggar norma sosial, menyakiti yang lain bahkan dirinya sendiri
berulang kali, tanpa rasa meyesal dan tanpa berpikir tentang konsekuensi untuk
apa yang dia lakukan.


COVER ......................................................................................................... i

FORM OF APPROVAL ............................................................................... ii

STATEMENT ............................................................................................... iii

DEDICATION .............................................................................................. iv

WISE WORDS .............................................................................................. v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................. vi

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. xi

ABSTRAK....................................................................................................... x

TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................. xi

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................... 1

1.1 Background of the Study ............................................................... 1

1.2 Research Question ......................................................................... 5

1.3 Research Purpose ........................................................................... 5

1.4 Research Significance..................................................................... 6

1.4.1 Theoretical Significance ...................................................... 6

1.4.1 Practical Significance .......................................................... 6

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................ 7

2.1 Objective Approach in Literature................................................... 7

2.2 Psychology of Literature................................................................. 8

2.3 Personality Disorder ....................................................................... 10

2.4Antisocial Personality Disorder ...................................................... 13

CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHOD .......................................................... 20

3.1 Type of Research .......................................................................... 20

3.2 Data Source ................................................................................... 21

3.2.1 Primary Data Source ............................................................ 21

3.2.1 Secondary Data Sources ...................................................... 21

3.3 Technique of Data Collection ........................................................ 21

3.4 Technique of Data Analysis ........................................................... 22

CHAPTER 4 DISCUSSION ......................................................................... 25

4.1 Functional Domains........................................................................ 26

4.1 Deviant ........................................................................................... 26

4.2 Structural Domains ........................................................................ 35

4.2.1 Autonomous................................................................................. 35

4.2.2 Debased ....................................................................................... 39

4.2.3 Callous ........................................................................................ 45

CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION ....................................................................... 50

5.1 Conclusion ..................................................................................... 50

5.2 Recommendation ........................................................................... 52




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