Elevator Speech and First Framing Worksheet
Elevator Speech and First Framing Worksheet
Elevator Speech and First Framing Worksheet
Format *
Each One-Minute Statement will begin with, “I believe in …” followed by two strong
progressive value words . Lakoffs “Ten-Word Philosophy for Progressives” contained in
Don’t Think of An Elephant are a good list. There are others.
Some helpful values to incorporate:
Measure candidates’ policies against the full range of religious and moral values
Poverty Matthew 25:35-40
Environment Genesis 2:15
War Matthew 5:9
Truth-telling John 8:32
Response to Terror Proverbs 8:12-13
A Consistent Ethic of Life Deuteronomy 30:19
Honoring our obligation to social justice Isiah 58:2-1, Mic 6:8,
[ my add on ]
The last part of your framing work is to anticipate their talking points and have
properly framed responses. That is a separate worksheet. A properly framed
response uses the values and key words you developed above, but applies them in
responding to their talking point. Remember, if you don’t get the frame right, they won’t
hear your facts, no matter how good they are.