Aikit Genesis Lucena Table For Cry of Balintawak
Aikit Genesis Lucena Table For Cry of Balintawak
Aikit Genesis Lucena Table For Cry of Balintawak
San Pedro, Camilo
de Polavieja,
Ramon Blanco
1,000 members of
Significant Event hold a meeting the uprising "On August 26th (1896-
first place of refuge, inside the big began, with the Z), a big meeting was
barn. first cry for held in Balintawak,
The discussion of freedom
the revolution 12 o’clock noon sign of slavery of the
againts the spanish when the meeting Spanish were Filipinos
government, adjourned amidst coming to arrest
loud cries of me. people as one man,
protested and “Long live the pulled out their
fought against Sons of the cedulas and tore them to
a war, Country” pieces. It was the
(Mabuhay ang beginning of the formal
tumultuous mgaanak ng declaration of the
meeting, Bayan)! separation from Spanish
the toreof their
cedula certificates gathering at
and shouted “Long Balintawak was
live the Philippines! celebrating the decision
Long live the of the Katipunan leaders
Philippines!” to start
the uprising,
create a Katipunan
chapter in Cavite.
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