List of Licensees As at December 29 2021

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1. The Nairobi P.O. Box 43633- 00100, Securities Exchange
Securities Exchange Nairobi

2. Central Depositories P.O. Box 3464 - 00100, Central Depository

and Settlement Nairobi
Corporation Limited
3. Agusto & Company P.O. Box 56136, Ikoyi Lagos, Credit Rating Agency
Limited Nigeria
4. Metropol Corporation P.O. Box 35331 – 00200, Credit Rating Agency
Limited Nairobi
5. Global Credit Rating 1st Floor, GFin Tower, 42 Credit Rating Agency
Company Hotel Street, Cyber City,
Ebene, 72201, Mauritius
6. Care Ratings (Africa) 1st Floor, MTML Square 63 Credit Rating Agency
Private Cybercity, Ebene
7. A.M Best Europe – 6th Floor, 12 Arthur Street, Credit Rating Agency
Rating Services London EC 4R 9AB, UK
Limited (AMBERS)

1. African Alliance P.O. Box 27639, Nairobi 001
Kenya Investment
Bank Limited

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2. ABSA Securities P.O. Box 30120-00100, 002
Limited Nairobi
3. CBA Capital Limited P.O. Box 30437-00100, 003
4. Dyer and Blair P.O. Box 45396-00100, 004
Investment Bank Nairobi
5. Equity Investment P.O. Box 74454-00200, 005
Bank Limited Nairobi
6. Faida Investment P.O. Box 45236-00100, 006
Bank Limited Nairobi
7. Genghis Capital P.O. Box 9959-00100, 007
Limited Nairobi
8. KCB Capital Limited P.O. Box 48400-00101, 008
9. NCBA Investment P.O. Box 44599-00100, 009
Bank Limited Nairobi
10. Renaissance Capital P.O. Box 40560-00100, 010
(Kenya) Nairobi
11. SBG Securities P.O. Box 47198-00100, 011
Limited Nairobi
12. Standard Investment P.O. Box 13714-00800, 012
Bank Nairobi
13. Sterling Capital P.O. Box 45080-00100, 021
Limited Nairobi
14. Dry Associates P.O Box 684-00606, 114
Investment Bank Nairobi
15. Salaam Investment P.O. Box 14939-00100, 115
Bank Kenya Nairobi

1. ABC Capital Limited P.O. Box 34137-00100, 013
2. AIB-AXYS Africa P.O. Box 43676-00100, 141
Limited Nairobi
3. Francis Drummond & P.O. Box 45465-00100, 016
Company Nairobi

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4. Kingdom Securities P.O. Box 48231-00100, 018
Limited Nairobi
5. Old Mutual Securities P.O. Box 50338-00200, 020
Limited Nairobi
6. Suntra Investments P.O. Box 74016-00200, 022
Limited Nairobi
7. Securities Africa P.O. Box 43633 – 00100, 100
Kenya Limited Nairobi
8. EFG Hermes Kenya P.O. Box 349 – 00623, 105
Limited Nairobi
9. Kestrel Capital (East P.O. Box 40005-00100, 136
Africa) Nairobi


1. EGM Securities P.O. Box 57876-00200, 107
Limited (trading Nairobi
as “FXPesa”)
2. SCFM Limited P.O. Box 40719-00200, 123
(trading as “Scope Nairobi
3. Pepperstone Markets P.O Box 3085 - 00100 128
Kenya Limited
4. Exinity East Africa P.O Box 50719-00200 135
5. HFM Investments P.O Box 30333-00100 155
Limited (Trading as Nairobi
Hot forex)
6. Windsor Markets P.O Box 856 Sarit Centre 156
Kenya Limited


1. Standard Investment P.O. Box 13714-00800, 116
Bank Nairobi
Limited (trading as


1. Standard Chartered P.O. Box 30003 – 00100, 109
(Kenya) Plc Nairobi

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2. SBM Bank (Kenya) P.O. Box 34886-00100, 122
Limited Nairobi

1. Alpha Africa Asset P.O. Box 34530-00100, 023
Managers Nairobi
2. Amana Capital P.O. Box 9480-00100, 024
Limited Nairobi
3. Apollo Asset P.O. Box 30389, Nairobi 025
Company Limited
4. Britam Asset P.O. Box 30375-00100, 027
Managers (Kenya) Nairobi
5. Metropolitan Cannon P.O. Box 30216-00100, 028
Asset Nairobi
Managers Limited
6. Nabo Capital Limited P.O. Box 10518-00100, 029
7. CIC Asset P.O. Box 59485-00200, 030
Management Limited Nairobi
8. Co-op Trust P.O. Box 48231-00100, 031
Investment Services Nairobi
9. FCB Capital Limited P.O. Box 26219-00100, 033
10. Fusion Investment P.O. Box 47538-00100, 034
Management Limited Nairobi
11. GenAfrica Asset P.O. Box 79217-00200, 035
Managers Nairobi
12. ICEA Lion Asset P.O. Box 46143-00100, 036
Management Nairobi
13. Madison Investment P.O. Box 20092-00100, 037
Managers Nairobi
14. Old Mutual P.O. Box 11589-00400, 038
Investment Group Nairobi
15. Sanlam Investments P.O. Box 67262-00100, 040
East Africa Nairobi

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16. Standard Chartered P.O. Box 30003-00100, 042
Investment Nairobi
Services Limited
17. Zimele Asset P.O. Box 76528-00508, 045
Management Nairobi
Company Limited
18. Natbank Trustee and P.O Box 72866 – 00200 087
Investment Services Nairobi
19. Cytonn Asset P.O Box 20295-00200, 108
Managers Limited Nairobi
20. Altree Capital Kenya P.O. Box 2607 -00200 110
Limited Nairobi
21. Jubilee Financial P.O. Box 30376 -00100, 119
Services Limited Nairobi
22. ABSA Asset P.O. Box 30120 -00200 129
Management Limited Nairobi
23. African Diaspora P.O Box 1838 City Square 131
Asset Managers
24. CFS AssetP.O. Box 62268-00200 134
Management Limited Nairobi
25. I&M Capital Limited P.O. Box 30238-00100 145
26. Globetec Asset P.O. Box 19018-00100 154
Managers Limited Nairobi

1. Bora Capital Limited P.O. Box 26718-00200, 046
2. I & M Burbidge Capital P.O. Box 51525-00100, 047
Limited Nairobi

3. Co-op Consultancy & P.O. Box 48231-00100, 050

Insurance Nairobi
Agency Limited
4. Deloitte Financial P.O. Box 40092-00100, 051
Advisory Limited Nairobi
5. Lifestyle Management P.O. Box 1342-00606, 054
Limited Nairobi
6. PriceWaterhouseCoopers P.O. Box 43963-00100, 056

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Associates Nairobi
7. The Profin Group (K) P.O. Box 9980-00100, 059
Limited Nairobi
8. Liaison Financial Services P.O Box 58013 – 00200 095
Limited Nairobi
9. Waugh McDonald Wealth P.O Box 1896 – 00606 103
Management Limited Nairobi
10. Aylesfield (Kenya) P.O Box 1380 – 00621 104
Limited Nairobi
11. Ace Financial Advisory P.O. Box 15916-80100 111
Limited Mombasa
12. Synesis Capital Limited P.O. Box 75282-00200 112
13. AFG Wealth Kenya P.O. Box 764-00606, 124
Limited Nairobi
14. Virtual Capital 6th Floor, Prosperity 125
International Limited House, Westlands Road,
15. Riscura Solutions (Kenya) P.O. Box 73248 - 00200 146
Limited Nairobi
16. Private Wealth Capital P.O. Box 14283 - 00800 147
Limited Nairobi
17. Waanzilishi Capital P.O. Box 48015 – 00100 148
Limited Nairobi

1. African Banking P.O. Box 46452-00100, 062
Corporation Nairobi
2. Bank of Africa Kenya P.O. Box 69562-00400, 063
Limited Nairobi
3. Absa Kenya Plc P.O. Box 30120-00100, 064
4. Stanbic Bank Kenya P.O. Box 30550-00100, 065
Limited Nairobi
5. Co-operative Bank of P.O. Box 48231 -00100, 067
Kenya Nairobi
6. Equity Bank Limited P.O. Box 75104-00200, 068
7. I & M Bank Limited P.O. Box 30238-00100, 069

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8. Kenya Commercial P.O. Box 30664-00100, 070
Bank Limited Nairobi
9. National Bank of P.O. Box 72866-00200, 071
Kenya Limited Nairobi
10. Prime Bank Limited P.O. Box 43825-00100, 073
11. Standard Chartered P.O. Box 30003-00100, 074
Bank (Kenya) Nairobi
12. Transnational Bank P.O. Box 34353-00100, 075
Limited Nairobi
13. HFC Limited P.O. Box 30088-00100, 113
14. Gulf African Bank P.O. Box 43683-00100, 117
Limited Nairobi
15. Credit Bank Limited P.O. Box 61064-00200, 120
16. SBM Bank (Kenya) P.O. Box 34886-00100, 121
Limited Nairobi
17. NCBA Bank Kenya Plc P.O. Box 44599-00100, 126
18. Family Bank Limited P.O. Box 74145-00200, 144
19. Ecobank Kenya P.O. Box 49584-00100, 149
Limited Nairobi
20. Sidian Bank Limited P.O. Box 25363-00603, 150

1. Nabo Capital Limited P.O. Box 10518-00100, 076
2. CIC Asset P.O. Box 59485 - 00200, 080
Management Limited Nairobi
3. Fusion Investment P.O. Box 47538 - 00100, 081
Management Nairobi
4. Stanlib Kenya Limited P.O. Box 30550 - 00100, 082
5. ICEA Lion Asset P.O Box 46143 – 00100 092
Management Nairobi

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6. Sterling REIT Asset P.O Box 45080 – 00100 097
Management Nairobi
7. H.F. Development P.O. Box 30088 - 00100 098
and Investment
8. Britam Asset P.O. Box 30375 – 00100, 106
Managers Limited Nairobi
9. Cytonn Asset P.O Box 20295-00200, 118
Managers Limited Nairobi
10. Acorn Investment P.O. Box 13759 GPO Nairobi 133
Management Limited

1. Meru County Coffee P.O Box 2307-60200, 151
Marketing Agency Meru
2. Kipkelion Brokerage P.O Box 8-20209, 152
Company Limited Fort Tennan
3. Murang’a County P.O Box 14-10200, 153
Coffee Dealers Murang’a
Company Limited

Note: Conditional licences were also issued to the following entities: United Eastern Kenya
Coffee Marketing Company, Kipkelion Brokerage Company Limited, Mt. Elgon Coffee
Marketing Agency and Murang’a County Coffee Dealers Limited.

1. Housing Finance P.O. Box 30088-00100, 088
Company (K) Limited Nairobi
2. Co-operative Bank of P.O. Box 48231-00100, 089
Kenya Nairobi
3. Kenya Commercial P.O. Box 30664 -00100, 090
Bank Limited Nairobi


1. Acorn Development Acorn House, 137
Real Estate

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Investment Trust 97 James Gichuru Rd,
(Acorn D-REIT) Lavington, Nairobi
2. Acorn Income Real Acorn House, 138
Estate Investment 97 James Gichuru Rd,
Trust (Acorn I-REIT) Lavington, Nairobi

3. ILAM Fahari I-REIT P.O. Box 46143 - 00100 139


1. African Alliance Kenya Unit Trust Scheme – comprising of;
i. African Alliance Kenya Money Market Fund
ii. African Alliance Kenya Fixed Income Fund
iii. African Alliance Kenya Managed Fund
iv. African Alliance Kenya Equity Fund
v. African Alliance Kenya Enhanced yield Fund
2. British-American Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of;
i. British-American Money Market Fund
ii. British-American Income Fund
iii. British-American Balanced Fund
iv. British-American Managed Retirement Fund
v. British-American Equity Fund
3. NCBA Unit Trust Funds, comprising of;
i. NCBA Fixed Income Fund
ii. NCBA Equity Fund
iii. NCBA Dollar Fixed Income Fund
iv. NCBA Fixed Income Basket Note (KES) Fund
v. NCBA Fixed Income Basket Note (USD) Fund
4. Zimele Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of;
i. Zimele Balanced Fund
ii. Zimele Money Market Fund
iii. Zimele Fixed Income Fund
5. ICEA Unit Trust Scheme comprising of;
i. ICEA Money Market Fund
ii. ICEA Equity Fund
iii. ICEA Growth Fund
iv. ICEA Bond Fund

ICEA LION Retail Funds

i. ICEA LION Savings Fund
ii. ICEA LION Income Fund
iii. ICEA LION Capital Growth Fund

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iv. ICEA LION Hybrid Fund
6. Standard Investment Trust Funds, comprising of;
i. Standard Investment Equity Growth Fund
ii. Standard Investment Fixed Income Fund
iii. Standard Investment Balanced Fund
7. CIC Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of;
i. CIC Money Market Fund
ii. CIC Balanced Fund
iii. CIC Fixed Income Fund
iv. CIC Equity Fund
v. CIC Wealth Fund
vi. CIC Dollar Fund
8. Madison Unit Trust Fund , comprising of;
i. Madison Asset Equity Fund
ii. Madison Asset Balanced Fund
iii. Madison Asset Money Market Fund
9. Dyer and Blair Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of;
i. Dyer and Blair Diversified Fund
ii. Dyer and Blair Bond Fund
iii. Dyer and Blair Money Market Fund
iv. Dyer and Blair Equity Fund
10. Amana Unit Trust Funds Scheme, comprising of;
i. Amana Money Market Fund
ii. Amana Balanced Fund
iii. Amana Growth Fund
11. Diaspora Unit Trust Scheme, comprising:
i. Diaspora Money Market Fund
ii. Diaspora Bond Fund
iii. Diaspora Equity Fund

12. First Ethical Opportunities Fund

13. Genghis Unit Trust Funds, comprising of;

i. GenCap Hazina Fund (Bond Fund)
ii. GenCap Eneza Fund (Diversified Fund)
iii. GenCap Hela Fund (Money Market Fund)
iv. GenCap Iman Fund (Shariah Compliant Fund)
v. GenCap Hisa Fund (Equity Fund)
vi. GenCap Hela Imara Fund (Money Market Fund)
vii. Gencap Eneza Imara Fund
viii. Gencap Hisa Imara Fund
ix. Gencap Iman Imara Fund
14. Genghis Specialized Funds, comprising of;

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i. Gencap NSE25 Index Tracker
ii. Gencap Financial Services Fund
15. Sanlam Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of;
i. Sanlam Money Market Fund (Sanlam Pesa Plus Fund)
ii. Sanlam Dividend Plus Fund (Sanlam Faida Plus Fund)
iii. Sanlam Balanced Fund (Sanlam Chama Plus Fund)
16. Nabo Africa Funds, comprising of;
i. Nabo Africa Money Market Fund
ii. Nabo Africa Balanced Fund
iii. Nabo Africa Fixed Income Fund
iv. Nabo Africa Equity fund
v. Nabo Capital Money Market Fund (USD)
vi. Nabo Income Fund
17. Old Mutual Unit Trust Scheme, comprising of;
i. Old Mutual Equity Fund
ii. Old Mutual Money Market Fund
iii. Old Mutual Balanced Fund
iv. Old Mutual East Africa Fund
v. Old Mutual Bond Fund
18. Equity Investment Bank Collective Investment Scheme, comprising;
i. Equity Investment Bank Money Market Fund
ii. Equity Investment Bank Balanced Fund
19. Dry Associates Unit Trust Scheme comprising of;
i. Dry Associates Money Market Fund (Kenya Shillings)
ii. Dry Associates Money Market Fund (US Dollars)
iii. Dry Associates Balanced Fund (Kenya Shillings)
20. Co-op Trust Fund comprising of;
i. Co-op Balanced Fund
ii. Co-op Equity Fund
iii. Co-op Bond Fund
iv. Co-op Money Market Fund
21. Apollo Unit Trust Scheme comprising of;
i. Apollo Money Market Fund
ii. Apollo Balanced Fund
iii. Apollo Aggressive Growth Fund
iv. Apollo Equity Fund
v. Apollo East Africa Fund
vi. Apollo Bond Fund
22. Cytonn Unit Trust Scheme comprising of;
i. Cytonn Money Market Fund
ii. Cytonn Balanced Fund
iii. Cytonn Equity Fund
iv. Cytonn Africa Financial Services Fund

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v. Cytonn Money Market Fund (USD)
vi. Cytonn High Yield Fund
23. Alphafrica Umbrella Fund comprising of;
i. Alphafrica Hifadhi Fixed Income Fund
ii. Alphafrica Kasha Money Market Fund

24. Wanafunzi Investment Unit Trust Fund

25. Absa Unit Trust Funds Comprising of;

i. Absa Balanced Fund
ii. Absa Bond Fund
iii. Absa Dollar Fund
iv. Absa Equity Fund
v. Absa Shilling Fund
27. Jaza Unit Trust Fund Comprising of;
i. Boda Boda Investment Scheme Sub-Fund

28. Masaru Unit Trust Scheme Comprising of:

i. Masaru Wealth Management Fund
ii. Masaru Money Market Fund

29. ADAM Unit Trust Scheme Comprising of;

i. ADAM Balanced Fund
ii. ADAM Equities Fund
iii. ADAM Fixed Income Fund
iv. ADAM Money Market Fund


1. ARM Employee Share Ownership Plan
2. EABL Employee Share Ownership Plan
3. Equity Employee Share Ownership Scheme
4. Housing Finance Employee Share Ownership Plan
5. I&M Bank Employee Share Ownership Plan
6. KCB Employee Share Option Plan
7. Kenya Airways Employee Share Ownership Plan
8. Kenya Airways 2017 Group Employee Share Ownership Scheme
9. Safaricom Employee Share Ownership Plan
10. Scangroup Employee Share Ownership Plan
11. Car & General Employee Share Ownership Plan
12. Standard Group Limited Employee Share Ownership Plan
13. Britam Holdings Plc Employee Share Ownership Plan
14. Nairobi Securities Exchange Plc Employee Share Ownership Plan – Unit Trust

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