Foster and Promote An Inclusive Learning Culture: Practice Inclusivity
Foster and Promote An Inclusive Learning Culture: Practice Inclusivity
Foster and Promote An Inclusive Learning Culture: Practice Inclusivity
Trainers methodology 1
Individual differences
- definition of individual differences points out the reality of traits that distinguish
individuals. For example, the encyclopedia of social psychology (Baumeister and
vohs, 2007) defines individual differences in term of enduring psychological
Effects of individual variability in initial learning
o Individual differences in initial learning or encoding of to-be-remembered
events are another possible source of variability in long term recall.
Clients with particular needs
- According to united nation convention on the rights of persons with disabilities
(CRPD, 2006), people with disabilities must have access, on an equal basis with
other, to all form of sexual and reproductive health care (Article 25) as part of the
general right to marry, found a family and retain their fertility (Article 23.
The principles underpinning inclusivity and how to integrate them into work practice
- Inclusive leaders take constant practice, bravery, respect, and reflection. It’s more
important to remember that we all learning on our quality journey.
- Here five ways you can do this in your own workplace for all.
1. Lead with equality
o Integrate equality into everything you do. Keep equality top of mind in
every business decision and relationship.
Add equality to your goal
Practice inclusive hiring
Be an ally
Understand your team unique strengths
Support flexibility
Encourage active leadership and growth
2. Have brave authentic conversation
o We can all lead with brave conversation across any equality topics to reach
a higher level of understanding and empathy through honest dialogue.
Listen with empathy
Tell your story
Create a culture of transparency
Encourage healthy discourse
Emphasis accountability and forgiveness
3. Practice inclusive meetings
o Meetings are a staple of the modern workplace. Often, when we talk about
issues of inclusion we hear that women and monitories share the difficulties
of being in meetings and not felling heard and recognize.
Make sure everyone is heard
Invite people to seat at the table
Be mindful of remote employees
Give credit and recognition
Rotate note taking
4. Be fair in assignment and promotion
o The way that leaders assign work and approach the promotion process has
the lasting impact on inclusion.
Spread highly-visibility projects
Consider your promotion
Share the promotion process
5. Celebrate and bond with everyone in mind
o Celebration and team bonding activities are important parts of our culture
and at life work, they bring us closer to our colleagues in a relaxing and fun
Source of information to support inclusive practice
- Inclusive school communities are educational settings in which students with
disabilities have opportunities to participate and receive support in all aspects of
school life alongside peers who do not have disabilities. In an inclusive system,
special educators, specialized instructional, support personnel, general educators,
and other educational personnel work together to address the needs of students
with disabilities.
Relevant policies, legal requirements, codes practice on;
Disabilities, discrimination, inclusiveness, human rights, equal opportunity, racial
- International legal frame work
o The convention on the rights persons with disabilities (CRPD) set out the
rights of people with disability generally and in respect of employment. In
particular, Article 27 of the CRPD protects the right to work for people with
- Domestic legal frame work
o Consist of anti-discrimination legislation at both commonwealth and
state/territory levels, and commonwealth workplace relations laws- all of
which prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in the context of
o Disability discrimination act 1992(CTH) (DDA)
Makes it against the law to discriminate against someone on the basis of
their disability. Discrimination includes direct and indirect discrimination.
- The fair work act 2009 (Cth)
o Provides that an employer must not take adverse action against an
employee or prospective employee because of disability.
- Policy
o Participation of people with disability in employment policies in a range of
different areas, including: welfare, transport, healthcare, education, housing
and accessibility.
o There are also specific policies, programs and mechanism developed by
Australian government which aim to advance the employment of the people
with disability. The:
National disability agreement
National mental health policy
Fourth national mental health action plan
o The Australian government also has a number of mechanism in place
specially aimed at increasing the participation of people with disability in
the labor force. These includes:
Disability employment service
Australian disability enterprises
Employment assistance fund
Job access
Duty of care responsibilities
- A duty care is the legal responsibility of a person or organization to avoid any
behaviors or omissions that could reasonably be foreseen to cause harm to others.
Duty of care law - because each states is free to develop its own duty of care laws,
there are several different tests to determine whether someone has a duty of care
under U.S tort law.
What is duty of care – is the responsibility that a person or business has when doing
business with, or otherwise interacting with, other people and business.
Manufactures – those who manufacture products owe a duty of care to those who
buy them.
Property owners – those who own businesses and homes both have duty of care to
anyone who comes onto their property, to ensure there are no reasonably foreseen
Businesses – managers and other top level representative of businesses ae expected
to make reasonable decision that are in the best interests of their business.
Medical duty care – refers to a doctor’s duty of care to his patient.
Medical malpractice and negligence – for a patient to be successful in a medical
malpractice case, he must be able to fist show that the doctor owed him a duty of
Legal duty of care – a legal duty care is very similar to a medical duty of care. The
only difference is that this situation involves attorneys instead of doctor.
Legal malpractice and negligence – is similar to medical malpractice in that the
malpractice occurs when an attorney is negligent in his duty of care to his client
Duty of care examples – cara munn, a 15-year-old girl attending the private Hotchkiss
school in Connecticut, participated in a summer program in china that was organized
by the school of 2007. Among the materials that were sent home to parents in
preparation for the trip were a link to the center for disease control CDC)’s webpage
and a recommendation to pack bag spray. However, no warnings were included
insofar as the insect-borne diseases that the students could contract while abroad.
Access and equity policies
- The access and equity policy ask providers to reduce barriers for vulnerable
Australians and make sure that diversity is not a barrier for people engaging with
government funded services.
Individual’s right and confidentiality are respected at all times
- Everybody deserves to have their privacy and personal details respected. This is our
right and it important that all environments and institutions act accordingly,
including schools, businesses, and health social care sectors.
- What is confidentiality? – the principle is about privacy and respecting someone’s
- What legislation covers confidentiality in health and social care?
o There are many legislative requirements surrounding confidentiality in
health and social care. If you work with patients and their records, then it’s
important that you’re aware of patient confidentiality law and the following
- The common law of confidentiality
o Human right act 1998
o Care act 2014
o Health and social care (safety and quality) act 2015
o Data protection act 2018 and the GDPR
- When can you break confidentiality in health and social care?
o There are many uncertainties surrounding confidentiality in health and
social care. Common question express concern like ‘when shall I disclose
confidential information?’ and ‘will I be breaching confidentiality in
expressing my concerns?’
- Principle of confidentiality in child care
o It may also be the case that you frequently handle confidential information
about children. The same principle of confidentiality applies in this situation:
you should maintain confidentiality but override it if you think is at risk.
Always be vigilant to recognizing the signs or abuse and neglect and tell
somebody if you think the child is at risk.
Promote and respond to diversity
Support persons
- Under the customer services standard of the AODA, services provide’ policies
must state that thy welcome support persons.
Support person’ roles what do support persons do?
- Providers known that support persons help people with disabilities maintain
their independence, but might still wonder what, exactly, support persons do.
- Some things support persons can assist with are:
o Communication
o Mobility
o Accessibility
o Daily living needs
o Medical care
Training for support persons – a support can be a paid personal support workers
(PSW), a volunteer, a family member, or a friend. PSWs are trained professionals.
Who needs a support person?
- Customers with disabilities
Proof of disabilities – venues offering reduced rates for support persons
sometimes request proof of customers’ disabilities or their needs for support
Physical environment support needs
Everyone is welcome
Everyone is valued
Organizational work system, practices
- A typical business organization accomplishes its work load by creating a
series of task that are performed and carried out is required.
Define the system
- A work system is a collective effort and is designed when a particular task
or goal is identified as requiring more than one person to accomplish
Types of work system
- No single types of work system exists because the concept of the work
system is a shell that can be filled with an organization’s goals and needs.
Professional support
Operational support and enterprise systems
- Transactional processing system support the operations through which
product are designed, marketed, produced, and delivered. In large
organizations, transaction processing is frequently accomplished with
large integrated system known as enterprise system.
Support of knowledge work
- A large proportion of work in an information society involves
manipulating abstract in formation and knowledge.
Professional support system
- Offer the facilities needed to perform tasks specific to a given profession.
Collaboration system
- The main objectives of collaboration system are to facilitate
communication and team work among the members of an organization -
and across organization.
Knowledge management system
- Provide a means to assemble and act on the knowledge accumulated
throughout an organization.
Management support
- A large category of information systems comprises those designed to
support the management of an organization.
Management reporting system
- Management reporting systems provides routine, detailed, and
voluminous information reports specific to each manager’s areas of
Decision support systems and business intelligence
- All information systems support decision making, however indirectly, but
decision support systems are expressly designed for this purpose.
Executive information system
- Make a variety of critical information readily available in a highly
summarized and convenient form, typically via a graphical digital
Types of documents resources
What sources are document
- Generally, all published or copyrighted information must be documented
- Here are some types of information that should be always be
o Facts not widely known or debatable, especially if their veracity
can be challenge in any way.
o Hard evidence such as statistics, graphs, chart, diagram, or
figures unless they are product of your own field search.
- The types of information that need not be documented include:
o Information largely general knowledge
o Information derived from personal experience, observation, or
field research.