The Shabd Yoga Technique
The Shabd Yoga Technique
The Shabd Yoga Technique
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However, the technique itself doesn’t have to be lost to s uch theological entrapments
because it actually succeeds regardless of whether one is an atheist, agnostic, or a firm
believer. Just as anyone can potentially have amazing dreams at night, so anyone can
potentially hear inner sounds and have remarkable experiences thereby.
But the utter simplicity of shabd yoga has all too often been encrusted with religious
dogmas so that one tends to believe that a prior ―initiation‖ under a so -called master
is necessary before one can listen to the inner sound current. While guru followers
may believe such, the fact remains that the technique demands no such restrictions
since it is essentially the innate ability within human beings to focus their attention
within. Seeing inner light or hearing inner sounds or following
following subjectively the source
of one’s consciousness isn’t so much a granted privilege bestowed only on a deserving
few, but instead part and parcel of being a human being endowed with self-reflective
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29(b)-30. Then as Prarabdha has, in course of time, worn out, he who is the sound
resulting from the union of Pranava with Brahman who is the absolute effulgence
itself, and who is the bestower of all good, shines himself like the sun at the
dispersion of the clouds.
31. The Yogin being in the Siddhasana (posture) and practising the Vaishnavi-Mudra,
should always hear the internal sound through the right ear.
32. The sound which he thus practises makes him deaf to t o all external sounds. Having
overcome all obstacles, he enters the Turya state within fifteen days.
33. In the beginning of his practice, he hears many loud sounds. They gradually
increase in pitch and are heard more and more subtly.
34. At first, the sounds are like those proceeding from the ocean, clouds, kettle-drum
and cataracts; in the middle (stage) those proceeding from Mardala (a musical
instrument), bell and horn.
35. At the last stage, those proceeding from tinkling bells, flute, Vina (a musical
instrument) and bees. Thus he hears many such sounds more and more subtle.
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37. He may change his concentration from the gross sound to the subtle, or from the
subtle to the gross, but he should not allow his mind to be diverted from them
towards others.
38. The mind having at first concentrated itself on any one sound fixes firmly to that
and is absorbed in it.
39. It (the mind) becoming insensible to the external impressions, becomes one with
the sound as milk with water and then becomes rapidly absorbed in Chidakasa (the
Akasa where Chit prevails).
40. Being indifferent towards all objects, the Yogin having controlled his passions,
should by continual practice concentrate his attention upon the sound which destroys
the mind.
41. Having abandoned all thoughts and being freed from all actions, he should always
concentrate his attention on the sound and (then) his Chitta becomes absorbed in it.
42-43(a). Just as the bee drinking the honey (alone) does not care for the odour, so the
Chitta which is always absorbed in sound, does not long for sensual objects, as it is
bound by the sweet smell of Nada and a nd has abandoned its flitting nature.
43(b)-44(a). The serpent Chitta through listening to the Nada is entirely absorbed in it
and becoming unconscious of everything concentrates itself on the sound.
44(b)-45(a). The sound serves the purpose of a sharp goad to control the maddened
elephant – Chitta which roves in the pleasure-garden of the sensual objects.
45(b)-46(a). It serves the purpose of a snare for binding the deer – Chitta. It also
serves the purpose of a shore to the ocean waves of Chitta.
46(b)-47(a). The sound proceeding from Pranava which is Brahman is of the nature of
effulgence; the mind becomes absorbed in it; that is the supreme seat of Vishnu.
47(b)-48(a). The sound exists till there is the Akasic conception (Akasa-Sankalpa).
Beyond this, is the (Asabda) soundless Para-Brahman which is Paramatman.
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49(b)-50(a). The mind which along with Prana (Vayu) has (its) Karmic affinities
destroyed by the constant concentration upon Nada is absorbed in the unstained One.
There is no doubt of it.
51(b)-52(a). Being freed from all states and all thoughts whatever, the Yogin remains
like one dead. He is a Mukta. There is no doubt about this.
52(b). After that, he does not at any time hear the sounds of conch or Dundubhi
(large kettle drum).
53. The body in the state of Unmani is certainly like a log and does not feel heat or
cold, joy or sorrow.
54. The Yogin’s Chitta havin g given up fame or disgrace is in Samadhi above the three
55. Being freed from the waking and the sleeping states, he attains to his true state.
56. When the (spiritual) sight becomes fixed without any object to be seen, when the
Vayu (Prana) becomes still
still without any effort,
effort, and when the Chitta becomes
becomes firm
without any support, he becomes
becomes of the form of the internal sound
sound of Brahma-
Pranava. Such is the Upanishad.
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77. Perpetual Happiness is achieved by this; I do not care if the mukti be not attained.
a ttained.
This happiness, resulting
resulting from absorption
absorption (in Brama), is
is obtained by means of Raja-
78. Those who are ignorant of the Raja-Yoga and practice only the Hatha-Yoga, will,
in my opinion, waste their energy fruitlessly.
79. Contemplation on the space between the eyebrows is, in my opinion, best for
accomplishing soon the Unmani state. For people of small intellect, it is a very easy
method for obtaining perfection in the Raja-Yoga. The Laya produced by nada, at
once gives experience (of spiritual powers).
80. The happiness which increases in the hearts of Yogiswaras, who have gained
success in Samadhi by means of attention to the nada, is beyond description, and is
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82. By practicing with this nada, all other external sounds are stopped. The Yogi
becomes happy by overcoming all distractions within 15 days.
83. In the beginning, the sounds heard are of great variety and very loud; but, as the
practice increases, they become more and more subtle.
84. In the first stage, the sounds are surging, thundering like the beating of kettle
drums and jingling ones. In the intermediate stage, they are like those produced by
conch, Mridanga, bells, &c.
85. In the last stage, the sounds resemble those from tinklets, flute, Vina, bee, &c.
These various kinds
kinds of sounds are heard as being produced
produced in the body.
86. Though hearing loud sounds like those of thunder, kettle drums, &c., one should
practice with the subtle sounds also.
87. Leaving the loudest, taking up the subtle one, and leaving the subtle one, taking up
the loudest, thus practicing, the distracted mind does not wander elsewhere.
88. Wherever the mind attaches itself first, it becomes steady there; and when it
becomes absorbed in it.
90. The mind, like an elephant habituated to wander in the garden of enjoyments, is
capable of being controlled by the sharp goad of anahata nada.
91. The mind, captivated in the snare of nada, gives up all its activity; and, like a bird
with clipped wings, becomes calm at once.
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95. Mind gets the properties of calcined mercury. When deprived of its unsteadiness it
is calcined, combined with the sulphur of nada, and then it roams like it in the
supportless akasa or Brahma.
96. The mind is like a serpent, forgetting all its unsteadiness by hearing the nada, it
does not run away anywhere.
97. The fire, catching firewood, is extinguished along with it (after burning it up); and
so the mind also, working with the nada, becomes latent along with it.
98. The antahkarana (mind), like a deer, becomes absorbed and motionless on hearing
the sound of bells, etc.; and then it is very easy for an expert archer to kill it.
99. The knowable interpenetrates the anahata sound when it is heard, and the mind
interpenetrates the knowable. The mind becomes absorbed there, which is the seat of
the all-pervading, almighty Lord.
100. So long as the sounds continue, there is the idea of akasa. When they disappear,
then it is called Para Brahma, Paramatmana.
101. Whatever is heard in the form of nada, is the sakti (power). That which is
formless, the final state of the Tatwas, is the
t he Parameswara.
102. All the methods of Hatha are meant for gaining success in Raja-Yoga; for, the
man, who is well-established in the Raja-Yoga, overcomes death.
103. Tatwa is the seed, Hatha the field; and Indifference (Vairagya)
(Vairagya) the water.
wa ter. By the
action of these three, the creeper Unmani thrives very rapidly.
104. All the accumulations of sins are destroyed by practicing always with the nada;
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Can shabd yoga be successfully practiced by a person who doesn ’t believe in Indian
mystical theology? Yes, just as millions of people worldwide have benefitted from
engaging hatha yoga regardless of whether they believe in kundalini, chakras, or Shiva.
Understandably some long-time adherents may object to stripping down shabd yoga
to its skeletal form since much of the philosophy that has evolved with it may be seen
as a necessary component. However, because so much of shabd yoga has been
encrusted with mystical musings the very simplicity of the practice has, ironically,
been neglected by those who are its strongest advocates.
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