Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Chapter 8
Risk Management
Human resources have two roles in risk management. First, people are a source of risk,
e.g., shortage of employees, people doing sloppy work, an employee refusing to take on
additional responsibility or a key employee leaving two months after completion of a
one-year training program. Second, people are important in handling risk, e.g., people
using their ingenuity to solve unexpected problems, employees going the extra mile for
the good of the organization, a key employee redesigning her own job to avoid
unnecessary delays in getting work done, or an employee persuading a talented friend
to apply for a position in the business.
Human resources include more than regular full-time employees. They include: all
management and labor personnel, family and non-family members, full-time and part-
time people, and seasonal and year around employees.
Human resources play important roles in farm businesses of all sizes. Orientation and
training matter as much for one employee as for 20 employees. A business with just two
people can have serious conflicts that jeopardize the business’ continuity and success.
No team of people is so small as to avoid the need for leadership or so large as to make
leadership impossible.
Risk specialists have traditionally focused mostly on important causes of risk such as
weather, disease and natural calamities, and ways to deal with the risk. Risk
management has paid little attention to human resources and human resource
calamities such as divorce, chronic illness, accidental death or the impact of
interpersonal relations on businesses and families. Including human resources in risk
management reflects the fact that people are fundamental to accomplishing farm goals.
Human resources affect most production, financial and marketing decisions. People can
help or get in the way of accomplishing what managers have planned.
Smaller family businesses do not escape the impact of people. In these businesses as
in larger businesses, people are a source of risk and are important to the business’
ultimate success or failure. Over dependence on family members for management and
labor negatively affects family business effectiveness and efficiency. A family may have
highly talented people in one management or labor area but fall short in another area.
Confronting human resource risk may take the family business outside its usual
boundaries to fill critical labor and management gaps.
1. People are an unfortunate and unavoidable obstacle. Good people don’t want to
work in agriculture. Hired labor doesn’t care about the business.
2. People are one of the keys to success in risk management. Employees are
creative and an important source of new ideas. Appreciated people will respond
with dedication and loyalty.
The management team, not employees or the rest of the family, determines the
paradigms that shape the human resource environment. Managers choose their
paradigms. Managers can change their paradigms. In turn, managers’ human resource
planning, hiring, training, communication and discipline practices mold the work force.
The causation is from management to labor, not labor to management.
Managers incorporate their paradigms into the firm’s culture. Each firm’s culture reflects
its uniqueness, i.e., its values, beliefs, jargon, norms and traditions. By changing its
paradigms, the management team can change the firm’s culture and the environment
within which its people are functioning. To illustrate, a paradigm that views employees
as not caring about the business will cause management to be hesitant to ask for their
opinions or delegate responsibility to them. This leads to a culture in which employees
are distrusted and isolated from management. A paradigm that views workers as caring
and dedicated to the business will lead to managers trusting them and asking for their
input on important decisions. The result is a trusting culture and mutual respect.
Together paradigms about people and the firm’s culture determine the environment
within which people do their jobs. A positive human resource environment reduces risk
and increases the firm’s ability to handle the risk that does exist.
Like risk, human resources are pervasive in the business. Human resource
management is most effective when integrated with decision making throughout the
business. This leads to recognition that each production, financial and marketing
decision has a human component or influence. Which choice is made, how the decision
is carried out, the follow up and monitoring depend on people. Isolating management
team and employee issues from production, financial and marketing management
frustrates people and creates unnecessary risk in a business enterprise.
To understand fully how human resource management and risk management are
interrelated one must understand human resource management. It is the staffing,
training, development, motivation, and maintenance of employees to help accomplish
goals. Effective human resource management also helps employees accomplish their
career goals.
Human resource management is a process that can be broken down into specific
activities: job analysis, writing job descriptions, hiring, orientation, training,
employer/employee interactions, performance appraisal, compensation and
discipline. Understanding these activities helps explain the relationship between
human resources and risk. Failure to successfully carry out these activities increases
risk and penalizes the organization by not taking advantage of what its people could be
The first activity is job analysis and writing job descriptions. Job analysis is
determining the duties and skill requirements of a job and the kind of person to fill it. The
emphasis is on what the farm needs rather than on who wants to be promoted or who
could be easily hired. The tasks that must be carried out to accomplish the firm’s goals
determine duty and skill requirements. Job descriptions summarize for both employees
and employers just what a job entails: job title, duties, compensation, and skills,
knowledge and abilities to do the job. In family farm businesses, job descriptions for
family members often include both management and labor responsibilities. Such a
combination of responsibilities makes job analysis and job descriptions more not less
important in small businesses.
Hiring is the next human resource management activity. The objective of hiring is to
staff each job with a person who can succeed in the position. In today’s exceptionally
tight labor market, hiring is one of the most difficult human resource activities. The
position must be described carefully and creatively to potential applicants. From among
the pool of applicants, people must be carefully chosen if they and the employer are to
have a successful relationship.
The next activity after hiring is orientation and training. Orientation socializes new
people to the business. It introduces them to the firm’s mission, its history and its
culture. It gives them the information essential for getting off to a good start. Training
and experience give the employees the knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to
succeed in the position.
The last three activities are closely related: performance appraisal, compensation
and discipline. Performance appraisal is the continuous assessment, in cooperation
with the employee, of how she or he is doing relative to the standards and expectations
laid out in the job description and follow up training. Performance appraisal also
includes identifying with the employee whatever corrective action may be necessary
and steps by which the employee can advance his or her career.
Discipline is giving each employee expectations, rules, policies and procedures and
then working with the employee to get behavior consistent with employer expectations.
Human resource activities lead to four important implications for risk management.
First, these activities are necessary to keep human resources in harmony with the risk
management tools adopted by the management team. People carry out risk
management decisions. Having the “right” people in place, trained, motivated and
rewarded is essential to success in risk management.
Second, human resource calamities, e.g., divorce, chronic illness, accidental death, can
hamper carefully made and appropriate risk management decisions. Risk management
should anticipate the likelihood of human resource calamities. Human resource
contingency planning needs to be an integral part of risk management.
Third, no management team stays together indefinitely. Every farm will eventually have
different managers or be out of business. Management succession is a significant
source of risk. Human resource considerations, plus legal and financial considerations,
directly affect success in management succession and thus risk management.
Management succession requires each of the human resource management activities:
job analysis, job descriptions, selection, training, interaction, performance appraisal,
compensation and discipline.
Manager’s Skills
Conflict is inevitable in farm teams: among employees, between employees and the
management team and among the management team. Managers must learn to deal
with conflict rather than avoid it. Avoiding the conflict and its causes simply postpones
the pain and agony that come from personnel blowups. Conflict management strategies
provide the management team positive steps for addressing the conflict. Effectiveness
with the strategies is an essential skill.
Most employees have a fervent desire for evaluation, i.e., information about their
performance. Many supervisors find it extremely difficult to share performance
evaluations in an honest and helpful manner. Employees dread poorly done evaluations
and evaluation interviews. Supervisors lacking evaluation skills combat their frustrations
by postponement, inflated evaluations and vague communication. Both supervisors and
employees need training in evaluation for it to be useful and pleasant for both parties.
People and risk are as integral to farming as are weather, prices and technology.
Human resources must have careful attention if managers are to have a full
understanding of their sources of risks and their alternatives for handling risk.
The good news is that managers can make human resource management one of their
strengths. The result will be better risk management, more effective management and
greater satisfaction from working with people.