X Air Edit Releasenote 1.7
X Air Edit Releasenote 1.7
X Air Edit Releasenote 1.7
The X-Air-Edit is a remote application enabling control of the X-Air-Series of digital mixing consoles via
ethernet. It is available for MacOS, Windows and Linux.
New Features
• New GUI preferences ‘Confirm Pop-Ups’
• New preferences for Auto Connect and Auto Synchronize
• Option to launch application with additional parameters via terminal
Command Action
-n, --name <mixername> connect to mixer with given name
-i, --ipaddress <x.x.x.x> connect to mixer with given ip address
-x, --sync_mixer2pc connect and synchronize from mixer to pc
-p, --sync_pc2mixer connect and synchronize from pc to mixer
-s, --snapshot <index> connect and load snapshot with index 1...64
-f, --file <scenefile> connect and load external scene file
-d, --default start app with default size
-l, --full start app on full screen
-t, --standard set standard size
-m, --medium set medium size
-g, --high set high size
-u, --ultra set ultra size
-z, --size <factor> set size to factor between 0.5 and 3.0
-h, --help print help and exit
• Preventing App Nap causing Edit to loose connection or even crash on Mac
• Sync-Direction is saved as preference
• Improved touch interface for all platforms
musictribe.com behringer.com