Liu - Accounting For Crypto Value
Liu - Accounting For Crypto Value
Liu - Accounting For Crypto Value
October 2021
Yukun Liu is with Simon Bussiness School of the University of Rochester. Aleh Tsyvinski is with Yale University
and the New Economic School. Xi Wu is with Haas School of Business, the University of California, Berkeley.
1 For example, there are subjectivity and estimation involved in preparing financial statements (e.g., estimate un-
collectible), and thus the information cannot be truly neutral or free from bias.
2 In principle, all cryptocurrencies have the functionality of payment systems even though a significant proportion
of them is used primarily for non-payment purposes. Many of these cryptocurrencies also have platforms that serve
specific purposes, such as storage, financing, and gaming.
3 Moreover,
this literature links the user base of companies to their revenue and profitability (e.g., Trueman, Wong,
and Zhang 2001; Trueman, Wong, and Zhang 2003).
3 Data Summary
In this section, we discuss the data used in this paper. We obtain on-chain and price data of
cryptocurrencies from, a major blockchain data and intelligence provider.5 For
4 Another method to test the usefulness of earnings is to examine the reactions of trading volume or return volatility
to earnings news, which is started from Beaver (1968). We also use this approach to empirically test the usefulness
of earnings news in Table A.1 in the Online Appendix, and reach similar conclusions. In this paper, we focus on the
approach using market price reaction because it is easy to interpret and is believed to provide a stronger test for the
decision usefulness than volume or return volatility reaction (see Kim and Verrecchia 1991).
5 Other popular cryptocurrency on-chain data providers include Coinmetrics and IntoTheBlock.
This table shows the summary statistics of the main variables used in the paper. Panel A reports
the mean, standard deviation, 10% percentile, median and 90% percentile values of the variables.
Panel B reports the correlation matrix of the variables.
Panel A Mean SD 10% Median 90%
ret 1.000
∆na 0.252 1.000
na 0.039 0.083 1.000
pa 0.004 -0.206 -0.167 1.000
4 Value Relevance
Building on the discussion in Section 2, we aim to test the value relevance of information
pertaining to new addresses. In other words, we examine if the cryptocurrency returns react to the
innovations to the number of new addresses. In our baseline specification, we use the changes in
the logged number of new addresses to capture innovations to new addresses, which is analogous
to using earnings growth to measure earnings innovations. In summary, we test the value relevance
of new addresses in the following baseline form:
where ri,t is the logged returns of cryptocurrency i at time t, ∆nat,i is the changes in the logged
number of new addresses of cryptocurrency i at time t, and t,i is the residual term. The coefficient
We first examine the time-series properties of the value-relevance of new addresses for three
major cryptocurrencies – Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. Figure A.1 in the Online Appendix
gives a graphical illustration of the relation between prices and the number of new addresses of
each coin. The graph shows that the logged prices track well the logged numbers of new addresses
for all three cryptocurrencies.
Next, we test the relationship statistically and document the result in Table 2. For each cryp-
tocurrency, we apply two regression specifications, where the first specification only includes
changes to logged number of new addresses (∆na) and the second also includes logged new ad-
dresses per coin (na) to capture potential level effects (e.g., Collins and Kothari 1989; Lev and Gu
2016). The coefficient estimates of ∆na are positive and highly statistically significant for all three
cryptocurrencies under the two different specifications. A one-standard-deviation increase of ∆na
is associated with increases in weekly logged returns of 11.7, 10.1, and 13.1 percent for Bitcoin,
Ethereum, and Litecoin, respectively.6 The adjusted R-squareds in the specifications including
only ∆na are 4.4 percent, 4.2 percent, and 9.5 percent for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin, re-
spectively. To make a comparison, in the equity market, Lev (1989) documents that the R-squared
associated with the returns/earnings relation is around 5 percent. More recently, Lev and Gu (2016)
survey the literature on value relevance and provide evidence that the value relevance of earnings
is decreasing over time as measured by R-squareds. Based on the explanatory power, the value
relevance of new addresses in the cryptocurrency market for the three major cryptocurrencies is
higher than that of earnings in the equity market.
In columns (2), (4) and (6), we also include na and test whether the level of new addresses
provides additional explanatory power. The coefficient estimates of na are significant at the 5-
percent level for Bitcoin but not significant for Ethereum and Litecoin. The increases in adjusted
R-squareds are smaller than 1 percent. That is, the returns react to new information contained
mostly in changes in new addresses instead of the level of new addresses. We systematically test
6 For example, for Bitcoin, 11.7 percent is calculated as the standard deviation of the sample ∆na (0.582) times
the coefficient estimate of ∆na (0.267). Therefore, a one-standard-deviation increase of ∆na is associated with a
0.582 × 0.267 = 0.117, or 11.7 percent, increase in weekly logged returns for Bitcoin.
This table shows the results for the time-series value relevance tests for the three major cryp-
tocurrencies (Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin). Variable definition is documented in the Online
Appendix. *, **, and *** represent significance level at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
ret ret ret ret ret ret
Market Expectation
One important aspect of value-relevance studies is the proxy for market expectations (see,
e.g., Lev 1989, Kothari 2001, and Scott and O’Brien 2019). So far, we have tested whether new
addresses are relevant for value. However, in principle, only new information on the market would
be incorporated in prices. That is, a more detailed test of the value relevance would need proxies
for new information contained in the number of new addresses. In this subsection, we test the value
relevance of the news in our new address measure.
In the returns/earnings relation studies in equity market research, innovation in earnings is
measured as the difference between current earnings and a measure of its expected value. Three
methods are commonly employed to estimate the earnings expectations (see, e.g., Chapter 5.2.2 of
Scott and O’Brien 2019 for related discussions). The first method uses the last period earnings as
the earnings expectations for the current period. This approach implicitly imposes an assumption
that earnings are a random walk, and thus earnings growth is the appropriate measure of earnings
innovations. The second method uses statistical models to calculate earnings expectations. The
third approach uses analysts’ forecasts of earnings as the market’s earnings expectations. In the
cryptocurrency market, both the first and second methods can be applied to proxy for market
expectations of new addresses. Because of the lack of analysts’ forecasts of new addresses, the
This table shows the results for the cross-sectional value-relevance tests. The regressions are based
on Fama-MacBeth regression method. Variable definition is documented in the Online Appendix.
*, **, and *** represent significance level at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
Panel A Panel B Panel C
(1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)
ret ret ret ret ret ret
In the previous analyses, we used raw returns to measure cryptocurrency market reactions.
However, the raw returns may include a component of expected returns that measure investor re-
action to cryptocurrency market-wide news rather than to coin-specific news. In equity market
where Rt is either the cryptocurrency market excess return or the three factors including the cryp-
tocurrency market factor, size factor, and momentum factor; α̂i and β̂ik are estimated from the 12
weeks preceding the current period; i indicates the asset, t indicates time, and k indicates the factor.
The results are documented in Table 4. Panel A shows the results adjusting for the cryptocur-
rency CAPM model. The point estimates of ∆na are positive and highly statistically significant.
The adjusted R-squared for the specification using only ∆na is 7.7 percent, which is similar to
the specifications using raw returns at 8.5 percent. Panel B reports the results adjusting for the
cryptocurrency 3-factor model. The point estimates of ∆na are positive and highly statistically sig-
nificant. The adjusted R-squared for the specification using only ∆na is 5.8 percent. The coefficient
estimates of na are not positive and significant in any of the specifications. That is, the cryptocur-
rency market responds strongly to innovations to new addresses but not to the simple amount of
new addresses. Overall, the results based on unexpected returns further support our baseline re-
sults that the information pertaining to innovations to new addresses is highly value-relevant in the
cryptocurrency market.
9 Removing the component of expected returns is a common practice in the literature to separate market-wide
effect from firm-specific effect and is used by most existing value relevance studies. see Lev (1989), Kothari (2001),
and Chapter 5.2.3 of Scott and O’Brien (2019) for detailed discussions on the merits of using different factor models
to capture components of expected returns.
This table shows the results for the cross-sectional value-relevance tests using returns adjusted for
expected returns. The regressions are based on Fama-MacBeth regression method. res1 is the
residual return based on the cryptocurrency CAPM model and res2 is the residual return based on
the cryptocurrency 3-factor model. Variable definition is documented in the Online Appendix. *,
**, and *** represent significance level at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
Panel A Panel B
(1) (2) (1) (2)
res 1 res1 res 2 res2
Research in equities shows that the quality of earnings can differ across companies (see De-
chow, Ge, and Schrand 2010 for a comprehensive review). If the quality is high, one may expect
the value-relevance of earnings to also be high since investors are better able to assess future firm
performance using earnings. There are two main approaches to measuring earnings quality. The
first is based on the statistical property of earnings, and the second is based on the attributes of the
accounting system.
For the first method, the main measure of earnings quality is earnings persistence. The idea is
that the value-relevance of earnings should be high if the good or bad news in current earnings is
expected to persist into the future. Kormendi and Lipe (1987) propose and confirm that high earn-
ings persistence is linked to high ERCs in the equity market. The relationship is further confirmed
in subsequent studies (e.g., Basu 1997, Ramakrishnan and Thomas 1998, and Li 2011). Another
statistical measure of earnings quality is earnings variability. It is proposed that investors prefer
earnings with less variability because the business model is not volatile for these companies (e.g.,
Schipper and Vincent 2003). For the second method, research finds that accounting systems can
affect the value-relevance of earnings. Teoh and Wong (1993) find that companies with high qual-
ity auditors tend to have larger ERCs. Francis, LaFond, Olsson, and Schipper (2004) show that
ERC is linked to the accrual quality of firms, a measure of the quality of a company’s accounting
system. Leuz and Verrecchia (2000), Bailey, Karolyi, and Salva (2006) and Greenstone, Oyer, and
Vissing-Jorgensen (2006) show that stringent accounting standards increase the value-relevance of
earnings. The argument based on the persistence and variability of earnings is readily applicable to
our setting, while the earnings quality related to the accounting system is not. Therefore, we focus
on studying the role of persistence and variability of new addresses growth in its value-relevance
in the cryptocurrency market.
We first test the relation between persistence and the value-relevance of new addresses. For
each period, we split the cross-section of cryptocurrencies into two groups based on the persistence
of ∆na in the past 12 weeks. We construct an indicator variable 1{p>Med} which equals one if the
persistence of ∆na is above the sample median and zero otherwise. Table 5 shows the results for
the high and low persistence of new address growth subsamples.
Columns (1) and (2) of Table 5 show the results for the subsamples of coins with below and
above median persistence of ∆na, respectively. The point estimate of ∆na is 0.105 for the above-
This table reports the results of the cross-sectional tests in the subsamples based on the above
median and below median persistence of new address growth. 1{p>Med} is an indicator variable
which equals to one if the persistence of new address growth is greater than the sample median
and zero otherwise. The regressions are based on Fama-MacBeth regression method. Variable
definition is documented in the Online Appendix. *, **, and *** represent significance level at the
10%, 5%, and 1% level.
(1) (2) (3)
ret ret ret
Sample <Med >Med Full
This table reports the results of the cross-sectional tests in the subsamples based on the above
median and below median variability of new address growth. 1{v>Med} is an indicator variable
which equals to one if the variability of new address growth is greater than the sample median
and zero otherwise. The regressions are based on Fama-MacBeth regression method. Variable
definition is documented in the Online Appendix. *, **, and *** represent significance level at the
10%, 5%, and 1% level.
(1) (2) (3)
ret ret ret
Sample <Med >Med Full
Next, we study the relationship between the variability of new address growth and the value-
relevance of new addresses. For each period, we split the cross-section of cryptocurrencies into
two groups based on the variability of new address growths, measured as the standard deviation
of ∆na in the past 12 weeks. We construct an indicator variable 1{v>Med} which equals one if the
variability of ∆na is above the sample median and zero otherwise. Table 6 shows the results for
the high and low variability of new address growth subsamples.
Columns (1) and (2) of Table 6 show the results for the subsamples of coins with below and
above median variability of ∆na, respectively. The point estimate of ∆na is 0.073 for the above-
median subsample, while the point estimate of ∆na is 0.123 for the below-median subsample. Col-
umn (3) reports the results based on the full sample and includes the cross term between 1{v>Med}
and ∆na. The coefficient estimate is negative and statistically significant at the 1-percent level,
Discount rate
Another main determinant of the value-relevance of earnings is the discount rate. When the
discount rate is high for a stock, the discounted present value of the revisions in expected future
earnings would be low. That is, the value relevance of earnings is expected to be lower for compa-
nies with high discount rates. Empirically, prior studies test and confirm the negative relationship
between discount rates, including the risk-free and risky components, and the value relevance of
earnings. Collins and Kothari (1989) show that the value relevance of earnings is low in the equity
market when the risk-free rate is high. Easton and Zmijewski (1989) show that the value relevance
of earnings is negatively related to the risky components of the discount rates based on single- and
multi-beta versions of the CAPM in the cross-section of stocks.
Similarly, if the cryptocurrency valuation also follows a present value discounted formula (e.g.,
Cong, Li, and Wang Forthcoming; Biais, Bisiere, Bouvard, Casamatta, and Menkveld 2020), we
would expect to find a relatively low value relevance of new addresses when the discount rate is
high for a cryptocurrency. To measure the discount rate of cryptocurrencies, we use the cryptocur-
rency 3-factor model as in Liu, Tsyvinski, and Wu (2021). For each cryptocurrency, we estimate
the factor loadings on the 3 factors with a rolling 12-week window preceding the current period.
The implied discount rate is calculated based on the following formula:
E RCMKT + βi,t
E RCSM B + βi,t
where E RCMKT , E RCSM B , and E RCMOM are calculated as the average excess returns of the
factors from Liu, Tsyvinski, and Wu (2021).
Table 7 shows the results. For each period, we split the cross-section of cryptocurrencies into
two groups based on their implied discount rates. We construct an indicator variable 1{b>Med}
which equals one if the implied discount rate is above the sample median and zero otherwise.
Columns (1) and (2) show the results for the subsamples of coins with below and above median
This table reports the results of the cross-sectional tests in the subsamples based on high and
low discount rate. 1{d>Med} is an indicator variable which equals to one if the discount rate is
greater than the sample median and zero otherwise. The regressions are based on Fama-MacBeth
regression method. Variable definition is documented in the Online Appendix. *, **, and ***
represent significance level at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
(1) (2) (3)
ret ret ret
Sample <Med >Med Full
In the equity market, it is theoretically proposed that the informativeness of firm price, often
proxied by firm size, may be negatively related to the value relevance of earnings (e.g., Easton and
Zmijewski 1989; Collins and Kothari 1989; Kothari 2001). The argument is that large firms tend
to receive more attention and are under more scrutiny by investors, and thus there is less infor-
mation content in the current accounting earnings, leading to a lower value relevance of earnings
10 The empirical evidence is mixed between the relationship between size and the value-relevance of earnings.
Easton and Zmijewski (1989) do not find support for the relationship. Collins and Kothari (1989) provide support for
the claim using an alternative method. Chapter 5.4 of Scott and O’Brien (2019) discusses the mixed results.
11 Using market cap generates qualitatively similar results
This table reports the results of the cross-sectional value-relevance tests in the subsamples based
on the network size of cryptocurrencies. 1{ A>Med} is an indicator variable which equals to one if
the total address of the cryptocurrency is above the sample median in the previous period and zero
otherwise. The regressions are based on Fama-MacBeth regression method. Variable definition is
documented in the Online Appendix. *, **, and *** represent significance level at the 10%, 5%,
and 1% level.
(1) (2) (3)
ret ret ret
Sample <Med >Med Full
12 Another plausible explanation of PEAD is based on changes in uncertainty and risks (e.g., Sadka 2006; Francis,
This table shows results of predicting one-, two-, three-periods ahead cryptocurrency returns using
new address growths. The regressions are based on Fama-MacBeth regression method. Variable
definition is documented in the Online Appendix. *, **, and *** represent significance level at the
10%, 5%, and 1% level.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
ret+1 ret+2 ret+3 ret+1 ret+2 ret+3
This table shows the results for predicting next period new address growths using current cryp-
tocurrency returns. Time fixed effect is included and standard errors are double clustered at the
coin level and time level. Variable definition is documented in the Online Appendix. *, **, and
*** represent significance level at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
(1) (2) (3)
∆na+1 ∆na+2 ∆na+3
This figure plots the cumulative average logged abnormal return around the release of new address
information for positive and negative new address growth subgroups. Dashed lines represent the
5-percent confidence intervals.
This graph plots the logged price-to-new address ratio of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin from
2018 to 2021. The blue line, red line, and green line show the results for Bitcoin, Ethereum, and
sample average of the logged price-to-new address ratio, respectively.
We analyze the performance of the zero-investment long-short strategy based on the price-to-
earnings ratios. Each week, we sort individual cryptocurrencies into quartile portfolios based on
the value of price-to-earnings ratios of the corresponding coins.14 We track the return of each
portfolio in the week that follows. Then, we calculate the average excess returns over the risk-
free rate of each portfolio, as well as the excess returns of the long-short strategies based on the
difference between the fourth and the first quartiles.
Table 11 presents the results based on portfolio sortings. Panel A of Table 11 shows the aver-
age excess returns, standard deviations, and Sharpe ratios of the quartile portfolios and the zero-
investment long-short strategy. The average mean excess returns decrease monotonically from the
lowest pa ratio portfolio to the highest pa ratio portfolio. The average mean excess return of the
lowest pa ratio portfolio is 1.5 percent per week, and that of the highest pa ratio portfolio is -0.4
percent per week. The difference in the average returns of the lowest quartile and the highest quar-
tile is 1.9 percent per week, which is statistically significant at the 1-percent level. The standard
deviations for the lowest quartile portfolio and the highest quartile portfolio are 11.4 percent and
10.5 percent, respectively. The excess returns of the zero-investment long-short strategy have a
standard deviation of 6.8 percent. The Sharpe ratios also decrease monotonically from the lowest
to the highest pa ratio portfolios. The weekly Sharpe ratio for the lowest pa ratio portfolio is 0.132
(0.951 annually), and that for the highest pa ratio portfolio is -0.038 (-0.274 annually). The weekly
Sharpe ratio for the zero-investment long-short strategy is 0.279 (2.012 annually).
14 We choose quartile portfolios because the average number of cryptocurrencies in the cross-section is about one
hundred. Therefore, quartile portfolios ensure that there are about thirty coins in each portfolio. In robustness tests,
we find that sorting cryptocurrencies into tercile or quintile portfolios gives qualitatively similar results.
This table shows portfolio sorting results based on cryptocurrency price-to-new address ratios.
Panel A reports the means, standard deviations, and Sharpe ratios of the value-weighted portfolios
excess returns. Panel B reports the factor exposures of the portfolios sorted on price-to-new address
ratios. The factor models in include the cryptocurrency market factor and the cryptocurrency three
factor model. Variable definition is documented in the Online Appendix. *, **, and *** represent
significance level at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
Panel A
Low 2 3 High Low–High
Low 0.004 (1.559) 1.029*** (47.160) 0.058* (1.971) -0.051** (-2.439) 0.933
2 -0.007 (-1.254) 1.153*** (22.615) 0.637*** (9.271) -0.023 (-0.472) 0.767
3 -0.009* (-1.684) 1.073*** (21.704) 0.681*** (10.215) -0.027 (-0.559) 0.758
High -0.015*** (-3.934) 0.865*** (24.291) 0.390*** (8.127) -0.062* (-1.802) 0.790
Low–High 0.019*** (4.131) 0.169*** (3.937) -0.322*** (-5.580) 0.009 (0.215) 0.271
Panel B of Table 11 reports results controlling for either the cryptocurrency CAPM model or the
cryptocurrency 3-factor model (see Liu, Tsyvinski, and Wu 2021). In the first part of Panel B, we
use the cryptocurrency CAPM model, where cryptocurrency market excess returns are included.
The beta loadings to the cryptocurrency market factor decrease monotonically from the lowest
to the highest pa ratio portfolios. The zero-investment long-short strategy significantly loads on
Different horizons
We have shown that the price-to-new address ratios negatively and significantly predict next
period cryptocurrency returns. We further examine the persistence of the return predictability
power of the price-to-new address ratio.
To study the long-term return predictability of the price-to-new address ratio, we calculate the
weekly average excess returns, the cryptocurrency CAPM alphas, and the cryptocurrency 3-factor
alphas for the zero-investment long-short strategy from 1-week to 28-week after the formation of
the portfolios. The results are summarized in Table 12. The return predictability of pa ratios is rel-
atively long-lasting. The average excess returns of the long-short strategy are positive throughout
the different horizons, and are significant at the 5-percent level up to 12-week ahead. The cryp-
tocurrency CAPM model adjusted alphas remain positive and significant at the 10-percent level up
to 12-week ahead at 0.9 percent per week. The cryptocurrency 3-factor model adjusted alphas stay
positive and significant at the 5-percent level at 1.0 percent per week up to 12-week ahead. The
cryptocurrency 3-factor model adjusted alphas remain positive throughout the 28 weeks.
In summary, we find evidence that the pa ratios negatively and significantly predict future
cryptocurrency returns over a relatively long horizon.
This table shows portfolio sorting results over different horizons based on cryptocurrency price-
to-new address ratios. The Low–High row reports the average long-short strategy returns based
on cryptocurrency price-to-new address ratios. The C1 Alpha and C3 Alpha rows report the cryp-
tocurrency market factor and the cryptocurrency three-factor model adjusted alphas, respectively.
*, **, and *** represent significance level at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
Weeks +1 +4 +8 +12 +16 +20 +24 +28
We further test the robustness of the relation between price-to-new address ratios and future
cryptocurrency returns from the cross-sectional regressions using the Fama-MacBeth method. Ta-
ble 13 shows the results.
Column (1) of Table 13 only includes the pa ratio as the cryptocurrency return predictor. Con-
sistent with the portfolio sorting results, the coefficient estimate to pa ratio is negative and signifi-
cant at the 1-percent level, confirming that a high pa ratio is associated with low expected returns.
This table shows the results for predicting next period returns using the price-to-new address ratios.
The regressions are based on Fama-MacBeth regression method. Variable definition is documented
in the Online Appendix. *, **, and *** represent significance level at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
In our baseline portfolio sorting results, we sort cryptocurrencies into quartile portfolios based
on their price-to-new address ratios. This choice is due to the fact that the average number of
cryptocurrencies in the cross-section is about one hundred. Therefore, quartile portfolios ensure
that there are about thirty coins in each portfolio.
Top 30 coins
In our baseline portfolio sorting results, we use the full cross-section of cryptocurrencies where
on-chain and price information is available. We further investigate the behavior of the portfolio
sorting results by restricting our sample to the largest and most liquid coins in the market and test
the performances of the return predictability of pa. Each period, we restrict our sample to the
largest 30 coins at the time based on the market capitalization of the cryptocurrencies. We form
tercile portfolios based on their price-to-new address ratios. The results are summarized in Table
The results based on the top 30 largest coins confirm the baseline results based on the full cross-
section of cryptocurrencies. The long-short strategy that buys the tercile with the lowest price-to-
new address ratios and shorts the tercile with the highest price-to-new address ratios generates
an average weekly excess return of 1.5 percent that is statistically significant at the 1 percent
level. The weekly Sharpe ratio of the excess returns of the long-short strategy is 0.217, which is
economically large. Adjusting for the cryptocurrency CAPM model, the alpha of the long-short
strategy decreases slightly to 1.3 percent per week, which is significant at the 5 percent level.
Adjusting for the cryptocurrency 3-factor model, the alpha of the long-short strategy remains at
1.5 percent per week and is significant at the 1 percent level.
This table shows portfolio sorting results based on cryptocurrency price-to-new address ratios us-
ing the largest 30 cryptocurrencies by market capitalization. Mean is the average weekly excess
returns of the portfolios and the long-short strategy. SD is the standard deviation of the weekly
excess returns of the portfolios and the long-short strategy. SR is the weekly Sharpe ratio of the
excess returns of the portfolios and t0he long-short strategy. Variable definition is documented in
the Online Appendix. *, **, and *** represent significance level at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
Panel A
Low 2 High Low–High
Low 0.001 (0.654) 1.027*** (83.809) -0.000 (-0.017) -0.010 (-0.814) 0.978
2 -0.009 (-1.639) 1.117*** (21.231) 0.678*** (9.565) -0.022 (-0.444) 0.747
High -0.014*** (-3.355) 0.873*** (22.036) 0.394*** (7.382) -0.038 (-0.987) 0.754
Low–High 0.015*** (3.382) 0.157*** (3.721) -0.387*** (-6.790) 0.027 (0.661) 0.326
The cryptocurrency market has a clear level factor – Bitcoin. Because of the dominant position
of Bitcoin in the cryptocurrency market, the returns of the portfolios including Bitcoins would
strongly comove with Bitcoin return. We repeat our portfolio sorting analysis based on the price-
to-new address ratio excluding Bitcoin. The results are summarized in Table A.4 in the Online
For our main portfolio sorting results, we report the performance of the strategy based on value-
weighted results. We further test whether the results are robust under equal-weighted portfolios.
The results based on equal-weighted portfolios are reported in Table A.5 in the Online Appendix.
We find that the results based on equal-weighted portfolios are qualitatively similar to those
based on value-weighted portfolios. The average long-short strategy excess return is 1.6 percent per
week, compared to 1.9 percent per week under the value-weighted portfolios. The alphas adjusted
for the cryptocurrency CAPM model and the cryptocurrency 3-factor model remain positive and
statistically significant at the 1 percent level.
Short Sample
Because the data on the number of new addresses are only available starting from 2018, we
only have about four years of the cross-section of cryptocurrencies. The short sample is a potential
barrier to studying the return predictability of the price-to-new address ratio we cannot avoid.
Moreover, as discussed above, there is likely a great deal of uncertainty and investor learning
about cryptocurrencies during the period. As argued in Pástor and Veronesi (2009), it can take
time for investors to learn and understand emerging technologies, which may lead to the departure
between prices and the fundamental of the technology.
Additionally, we test whether the equity factor models can account for the long-short strategy
excess returns based on the pa ratio. In terms of the equity factor models, we use the CAPM,
Fama-French 3-factor, and Fama-French 5-factor models. The results are summarized in Table
A.6 in the Appendix.
We find that the quartile portfolio excess returns are positive and significantly exposed to the
equity market factor. This result highlights a recent development of the cryptocurrency market
that the market excess return is significantly exposed to the equity market excess returns.15 How-
ever, the excess returns of the zero-investment long-short strategy based on the pa ratio do not
significantly expose to the equity market factor. The excess returns of the strategy also do not sig-
nificantly expose to the Fama-French 3 factors and the Fama-French 5 factors. The alphas of the
strategy remain positive and statistically significant at the 1-percent level. The magnitudes of the
alphas are about 1.9 percent per week. Overall, the results suggest that the equity market factors
do not account for the excess returns of the strategy.
15 The cryptocurrency market excess returns do not significantly expose to the equity market excess returns between
Similar to the currency market, where U.S. dollar is a dominant level factor, Bitcoin is the level
factor for the cryptocurrency market. We construct an alternative coin market factor measured
as the value-weighted return of all coins excluding Bitcoin and test whether this alternative coin
market factor can explain the long-short strategy excess returns generated by the price-to-new
address ratios. We document the results in Table A.7 in the Online Appendix.
We denote this alternative cryptocurrency market factor as CMKT2. We regress the level port-
folio returns and the long-short strategy spread on cryptocurrency CAPM and 3-factor models
using CMKT2. Similar to the results using CMKT, the alphas of the long-short strategies remain
positive and statistically significant adjusting for both factor models. The alpha is 1.8 percent per
week adjusting for the cryptocurrency CAPM model using CMKT2, and the alpha is 2.0 percent
per week adjusting for the cryptocurrency 3-factor model using CMKT2.
A number of studies (e.g., Campbell and Shiller 1988a; Campbell and Shiller 1988b; Vuolteenaho
2002) find that valuation ratios such as price-to-earnings ratios and price-to-dividend ratios can be
decomposed and have to predict future returns or earnings (dividend) growths or both. Campbell
and Shiller (1988b) and Campbell and Shiller (1988a), among others, find that the price-to-earnings
(price-to-dividend) ratios predict future equity excess returns but not future earnings (dividend)
growths in the time series. On the other hand, Vuolteenaho (2002) shows that the valuation ratios
predict both future returns and earnings in the cross-section.
A similar decomposition can be applied to the price-to-new address ratio. We have shown that
the price-to-new address ratio predicts future cryptocurrency returns. However, in a dynamic cryp-
tocurrency pricing model with the network effect, cryptocurrency prices not only capture current
cryptocurrency adoption but also contain information about expected future adoption (e.g., Cong,
Li, and Wang 2021). Therefore, we further test whether the price-to-new address ratio predicts
future new address growth. Table A.8 in the Online Appendix shows the cross-sectional results of
regressing next period logged new address growths on current pa ratios using the Fama-MacBeth
Column (1) reports the result of the specification with only the pa ratio. The coefficient esti-
mate to the pa ratio is positive and statistically significant at the 1-percent level. In other words,
7 Conclusion
The importance of user adoption and network effect is a foundational concept in the theoretical
literature of both the network economy (e.g., Rohlfs 1974; Katz and Shapiro 1985; Katz and
Shapiro 1994; Rochet and Tirole 2003) and the cryptocurrency valuation (e.g., Cong, Li, and Wang
Forthcoming; Sockin and Xiong 2020; Biais, Bisiere, Bouvard, Casamatta, and Menkveld 2020).
In this paper, we empirically evaluate whether investors react to the information pertaining to new
addresses and show that the information is highly value-relevant in the cryptocurrency market.
In fact, the value relevance of new addresses in the cryptocurrency market is higher than that of
earnings in the equity market.
One important difference between cryptocurrencies and equities is that, for cryptocurrencies,
information of the underlying economic activities is available publicly and continuously on the
blockchain. While for equities, public information of firm activities is only available periodically.
Two important phenomenons in the equity market are commonly attributed to the infrequent re-
lease of information: pre-announcement drift and post-announcement drift. We show that pre-
and post-drifts are absent around the release of new address information. The presence of strong
market reactions at the release of new address information and the absence of pre- and post-drifts
highlight the distinct features of cryptocurrencies and provide a benchmark case where information
is released both publicly and continuously.
Lastly, we construct the price-to-new address ratio of each cryptocurrency. We show that,
similar to the price-to-earnings ratio in the equity market, the price-to-new address ratios negatively
predict future cryptocurrency returns in the cross-section. A long-short strategy that buys the coins
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This figure gives a graphical illustration of the relationship between prices and new addresses for
Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.
This figure plots the cumulative average logged abnormal return around the release of new address
information for positive and negative new address growth subgroups controlling for changes in
logged transfer volume. Dashed lines represent the 5-percent confidence intervals.
This table shows the results for the cross-sectional abnormal volatility tests. Panel A reports re-
sults where the abnormal return volatility is calculated using raw returns and Panel B reports results
where the abnormal return volatility is calculated using the CAPM model adjusted returns. Abnor-
mal return volatility is calculated as the difference of the logged standard deviation of returns of
the week and the logged average standard deviation of returns of the previous four weeks. Time
fixed effects are included for all specifications. Standard errors are double clustered at the coin
level and time level. Variable definition is documented in the Online Appendix. *, **, and ***
represent significance level at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
Panel A (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
avar 1 avar 1 avar 1 avar 1 avar 1 avar 1
This table shows portfolio sorting results based on cryptocurrency price-to-new address ratios for
the first half and the second half of the sample. Mean is the average weekly excess returns of the
portfolios and the long-short strategy. SD is the standard deviation of the weekly excess returns of
the portfolios and the long-short strategy. SR is the weekly Sharpe ratio of the excess returns of the
portfolios and the long-short strategy. Variable definition is documented in the Online Appendix.
*, **, and *** represent significance level at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
Panel A: First Half
Low 2 3 High Low–High
This table shows portfolio sorting results based on cryptocurrency price-to-new address ratios us-
ing tercile and quintile portfolios. Mean is the average weekly excess returns of the portfolios and
the long-short strategy. SD is the standard deviation of the weekly excess returns of the portfolios
and the long-short strategy. SR is the weekly Sharpe ratio of the excess returns of the portfolios
and the long-short strategy. Variable definition is documented in the Online Appendix. *, **, and
*** represent significance level at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
Panel A: Tercile
Low 2 High Low–High
Panel B: Quintile
Low 2 3 4 High Low–High
This table shows portfolio sorting results based on cryptocurrency price-to-new address ratios ex-
cluding Bitcoin. Mean is the average weekly excess returns of the portfolios and the long-short
strategy. SD is the standard deviation of the weekly excess returns of the portfolios and the long-
short strategy. SR is the weekly Sharpe ratio of the excess returns of the portfolios and the long-
short strategy. Variable definition is documented in the Online Appendix. *, **, and *** represent
significance level at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
Panel A
Low 2 3 High Low–High
Low 0.006** (2.002) 1.086*** (45.745) -0.054 (-1.548) -0.151*** (-5.975) 0.928
2 0.006 (1.024) 1.066*** (23.157) 0.430*** (6.374) -0.001 (-0.019) 0.779
3 0.001 (0.230) 0.989*** (22.764) 0.400*** (6.286) -0.056 (-1.218) 0.776
High -0.007* (-1.859) 0.760*** (22.322) 0.110** (2.216) -0.116*** (-3.214) 0.761
Low–High 0.013*** (2.786) 0.326*** (8.202) -0.164*** (-2.820) -0.035 (-0.816) 0.309
This table shows portfolio sorting results based on cryptocurrency price-to-new address ratios with
equal-weighting. Panel A reports the means, standard deviations, and Sharpe ratios of the value-
weighted portfolios excess returns. Panel B reports the factor exposures of the portfolios sorted on
price-to-new address ratios. The factor models in include the cryptocurrency market factor and the
cryptocurrency three factor model. Variable definition is documented in the Online Appendix. *,
**, and *** represent significance level at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
Panel A
Low 2 3 High Low–High
Low -0.001 (-0.145) 1.028*** (28.373) 0.842*** (17.384) -0.024 (-0.678) 0.856
2 -0.004 (-1.261) 1.146*** (37.961) 0.939*** (23.089) -0.011 (-0.366) 0.913
3 -0.002 (-0.767) 1.045*** (35.447) 0.823*** (20.721) -0.013 (-0.471) 0.900
High -0.012*** (-4.105) 0.898*** (31.431) 0.572*** (14.843) -0.088*** (-3.194) 0.872
Low–High 0.013*** (3.018) 0.143*** (3.581) 0.301*** (5.596) 0.060 (1.554) 0.180
This table shows exposures to the equity factor models for the portfolios based on cryptocurrency price-to-new address
ratios. The equity factor models are the CAPM, Fama-French 3-factor, and the Fama-French 5-factor models. *, **, and
*** represent significance level at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
Low 0.012 (1.450) 0.749** (2.177) 0.652 (1.098) 0.234 (0.586) 0.051
2 0.003 (0.313) 1.352*** (3.192) 0.891 (1.219) -0.282 (-0.573) 0.080
3 0.002 (0.206) 1.376*** (3.395) -0.079 (-0.113) 0.297 (0.630) 0.070
High -0.007 (-0.839) 0.918*** (2.919) 0.234 (0.431) 0.342 (0.936) 0.065
Low–High 0.019*** (3.611) -0.170 (-0.815) 0.419 (1.162) -0.110 (-0.455) 0.010
Low 0.014 (1.566) 0.629* (1.689) 0.393 (0.575) 0.679 (1.148) -0.550 (-0.552) -1.084 (-0.864) 0.057
2 0.004 (0.393) 1.352*** (2.946) 0.596 (0.707) 0.001 (0.001) -0.904 (-0.732) -0.001 (-0.001) 0.083
3 0.003 (0.269) 1.238*** (2.820) -0.159 (-0.198) 0.600 (0.859) 0.030 (0.025) -1.241 (-0.838) 0.074
High -0.005 (-0.653) 0.839** (2.471) -0.146 (-0.234) 0.835 (1.546) -1.004 (-1.099) -0.713 (-0.622) 0.074
Low–High 0.019*** (3.515) -0.213 (-0.943) 0.547 (1.318) -0.163 (-0.454) 0.479 (0.788) -0.384 (-0.504) 0.015
This table shows portfolio sorting results controlling for the cryptocurrency CAPM model and the
cryptocurrency 3-factor model, where the cryptocurrency market factor is constructed as the value-
weighted cryptocurrency returns excluding bitcoin over the risk-free rate (CMKT2). Mean is the
average weekly excess returns of the portfolios and the long-short strategy. SD is the standard
deviation of the weekly excess returns of the portfolios and the long-short strategy. SR is the
weekly Sharpe ratio of the excess returns of the portfolios and t0he long-short strategy. Variable
definition is documented in the Online Appendix. *, **, and *** represent significance level at the
10%, 5%, and 1% level.
Low 0.012*** (3.176) 0.851*** (25.642) -0.278*** (-5.746) -0.120*** (-3.388) 0.805
2 0.003 (0.510) 0.992*** (19.480) 0.265*** (3.549) -0.099* (-1.828) 0.711
3 0.000 (0.026) 0.976*** (22.863) 0.334*** (5.341) -0.092** (-2.031) 0.776
High -0.008* (-1.895) 0.760*** (22.398) 0.110** (2.220) -0.117*** (-3.243) 0.763
Low–High 0.020*** (4.422) 0.098** (2.485) -0.376*** (-6.515) -0.006 (-0.135) 0.231
This table shows the results for predicting next period new address growths using the price-to-new
address ratios. The regressions are based on Fama-MacBeth regression method. Variable definition
is documented in the Online Appendix. *, **, and *** represent significance level at the 10%, 5%,
and 1% level.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
∆na+1 ∆na+1 ∆na+1 ∆na+1 ∆na+1
This table shows the summary statistics of the other on-chain variables. Panel A reports the mean,
standard deviation, 10% percentile, median and 90% percentile values of the variables. Panel B
reports the correlation matrix of the variables.
Panel A Mean SD 10% Median 90%
∆bal1 1.000
∆bal2 0.008 1.000
∆trans 0.010 0.040 1.000
∆curr 0.034 0.043 -0.001 1.000
nvt -0.015 -0.035 -0.253 -0.100 1.000
This table shows the results for the cross-sectional value-relevance tests. The regressions are based
on Fama-MacBeth regression method. Variable definition is documented in the Online Appendix.
*, **, and *** represent significance level at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
Panel A (1) (2) (3) (4)
r et r et r et r et
∆balance1 0.170
∆balance2 -0.013
∆tr ans 0.025***
∆curr ent -0.039
Cons -0.005 -0.003 -0.004 -0.003
(-0.490) (-0.374) (-0.387) (-0.327)
This table shows the results for the cross-sectional value-relevance tests. The regressions are based
on Fama-MacBeth regression method. Variable definition is documented in the Online Appendix.
*, **, and *** represent significance level at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
r et r et r et r et r et r et r et r et
∆na 0.079*** 0.078*** 0.078*** 0.079*** 0.079*** 0.080*** 0.077*** 0.076***
(12.140) (12.058) (12.161) (11.757) (12.031) (14.052) (13.094) (12.777)
na 0.001 0.001
(0.905) (1.312)
∆balance1 0.193 0.256 0.298*
(1.468) (1.644) (1.891)
∆balance2 -0.031 -0.038* -0.036
(-1.625) (-1.680) (-1.585)
∆tr ans 0.013*** 0.013*** 0.012***
(4.731) (5.291) (5.033)
∆curr ent 0.120 0.002 0.012
(0.869) (0.013) (0.082)
Cons -0.005 0.004 -0.005 -0.006 -0.005 -0.006 -0.006 0.006
(-0.543) (0.294) (-0.552) (-0.609) (-0.541) (-0.655) (-0.616) (0.472)
This table reports the results of the cross-sectional tests in the subsamples based on the above
median and below median persistence, variability, discount rate, and size with controls. 1{X>Med}
is an indicator variable which equals to one if the X ∈ {Per sistence,V ariabilit y, Discount,Size} is
greater than the sample median and zero otherwise. The regressions are based on Fama-MacBeth
regression method. Variable definition is documented in the Online Appendix. *, **, and ***
represent significance level at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
ret ret ret ret
X Persistence Variability Discount Size
This table shows the results for the cross-sectional value-relevance tests. The regressions are based
on Fama-MacBeth regression method. The variables are in growth rates instead of logged growth
rates. Variable definition is documented in the Online Appendix. *, **, and *** represent signifi-
cance level at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret Ret
This table shows the results for the cross-sectional value-relevance tests controlling for changes in
logged Google attention. The regressions are based on Fama-MacBeth regression method. Variable
definition is documented in the Online Appendix. *, **, and *** represent significance level at the
10%, 5%, and 1% level.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
ret ret ret ret ret ret ret
This table reports the results of the cross-sectional value-relevance tests for each year from 2018
to 2021 and for each quarter. The regressions are based on Fama-MacBeth regression method.
Variable definition is documented in the Online Appendix. *, **, and *** represent significance
level at the 10%, 5%, and 1% level.
Panel A (1) (2) (3) (4)
2018 2019 2020 2021
This table shows results of predicting future period price-to-address ratios. Panel A and Panel B
report results for predicting one-period-ahead price-to-address ratios. Panel A does not include the
current period price-to-address ratio as an explanatory variable and Panel B includes the current
period price-to-address ratio as an explanatory variable. Panel C reports results for predicting
two-period-ahead price-to-address ratios. Panel D reports results for predicting three-period-ahead
price-to-address ratios. The regressions are based on Fama-MacBeth regression method. Variable
definition is documented in the Online Appendix. *, **, and *** represent significance level at the
10%, 5%, and 1% level.
Panel A (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
pa+1 pa+1 pa+1 pa+1 pa+1 pa+1 pa+1