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r--------t Futures, and Other Derivative Securities


University o] Toronto




The Black-Scholes


In the early 1970s, Black and Scholes made a major breakthrough by deriving a differential equation that must be satisfied by the price of any derivative security dependent on a non-dividend-paying stock. I They used the equation to obtain values for European call and put options on the stock. In this chapter we explain the Black-Scholes analysis. We also discuss the properties of the stochastic process for stock prices developed in Chapter 9 and explain a powerful tool known as riskneutral valuation.

Before we start, it is appropriate to mention one point concerning the notation that will be used. When valuing forward contracts in Chapter 3, no assumptions were made about interest rates and the variable, r, was used to denote the risk-free rate of interest for an investment maturing at time T. In this chapter and the next few chapters, we continue to denote the risk-free interest rate by 1'. However, except where otherwise stated, we assume that interest rates are constant and the same for all maturities. In Chapter 17 we will discuss how this constant interest rate assumption can be relaxed.

ISee F. Black and M. Scholes. "The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities." Journal of Political Economy, 81 (May-June 1973).637-54.



The Black-Scholes Analysis Chapter 10


The price of a stock option is a function of the underlying stock's price and time. More generally, we can say that the price of any derivative security is a function of the stochastic variables underlying the derivative security and time. A serious student of derivative securities must therefore acquire some understanding of the behavior of functions of stochastic variables. An important result in this area was discovered by a mathematician, Ito, in 1951.2 It is known as Ito's lemma.

Suppose that the value of a variable x follows an Ito process:

dx = a(x, t) dt + btx, t) dz


where dz is a Wiener process and a and b are functions of x and t. The variable.1 has a drift rate of a and a variance rate of b2• Ito's lemma shows that a function, G, of x and t follows the process

(aG eo I a2G 2) eo

dG= -a+-+--b dt+-bdz

ax at 2 ax2 ax


where the dz is the same Wiener process as in Equation (10.1). Thus G also follows an Ito process. It has a drift rate of

eo eo I a2Gb2

-a+-+-ax at 2 ax2

and a variance rate of

(aG)2 b2


A completely rigorous proof of Ito's lemma is beyond the scope of this book. In Appendix lOA we show that the lemma can be viewed as an extension of wellknown results in differential calculus.

In Chapter 9 we argued that



with j1, and a constant is a reasonable model of stock price movements. From Ito's lemma, it follows that the process followed by a function, G, of Sand t is

( eo ec I a2G 2 2) eo

dG = -agj1,S + at + 2: aS2 a S dt + -agaS dz


Note that both Sand G are affected by the same underlying source of uncertainty, dz. This proves to be very important in the derivation of the Black-Scholes results.

2See K. Ito, "On Stochastic Differential Equations," Memoirs, American Mathematical Society, no. 4 (1951), I-51.

Sec. 10.1

Ito's Lemma



To illustrate Ito's lemma consider a forward contract on a non-dividendpaying stock. Assume that the risk-free rate of interest is constant and equal to r for all maturities. Define F as the forward price. From Equation (3.5):

F = Se,(T-t)

so that

aF ,(T-I)


as '


_ = -rSe,(T-t)


Assume that S follows geometric Brownian motion with expected return J.L and volatility (T. [This is the process in Equation (10.3).] The process for F is, from Equation (10.4), given by

dF = [e,(T-t)J.LS - rSe,(T-t)] dt + e,(T-I)(TS dz

Substituting F = Se,(T-I), this becomes

d F = (J.L - r)F dt + (T F dz


Like S, F follows geometric Brownian motion. It has an expected growth rate of Jl - r rather than J.L.


sa I as = S'

aG -=0 at

We now use Ito's lemma to derive the process followed by In S. Define:

G = InS


il follows from Equation (10.4) that the process followed by G is dG = (J.L - ~2) dt + (T dz

Since J.L and (T are constant, this equation indicates that G follows a generalized Wiener process. It has constant drift rate J.L - (T 2/2 and constant variance rate (T2. From the results in Chapter 9, this means that the change in G between the current time, t, and some future time, T, is normally distributed with mean

(J.L - ~2) (T - 0



The Black-Scholes Analysis Chapter 10

and variance

The value of G at time t is In S. Its value at time T is In ST, where ST is the stock price at time T. lts change during the time interval T - t is therefore




A variable has a lognormal distribution if the natural logarithm of the variable is normally distributed. It has just been shown that the model of stock price behavior developed in Chapter 9 implies that


In S,[, -InS'" ¢[(I-' -~- )(T - t), av'T""=tl


where ST is the stock price at a future time T; S is the stock price at the current time, t: and ¢(m, s) denotes a normal distribution with mean m and standard deviation s. From the properties of the normal distribution, it follows from Equation (10.6) that


This shows that Sr has a lognormal distribution. The standard deviation of In ST is proportional to .;r=t. This means that our uncertainty about the logarithm of the stock price, as measured by its standard deviation, is proportional to the square root of how far ahead we are looking.

Example 10.1

Consider a stock with an initial price of $40, an expected return of 16% per annum, and a volatility of 20% per annum. From Equation (10.7), the probability distribution of the stock price, ST, in 6 months' time is given by

0.04 ~

InST ~cplln40+(0.16- -2-)0.5, 0.2",0.5J

InST "'cp(3.759, 0.141)

Sec. 10.2

The Lognormal Property of Stock Prices


There is a 95% probability that a normally distributed variable has a value within two standard deviations of its mean. Hence, with 95% confidence,

3.477 < In ST < 4.041

This can be written


32.36 < ST < 56.88

Thus there is a 95% probability that the stock price in 6 months will lie between 32.36 and 56.88.

A variable that has a lognormal distribution can take any value between zero and infinity. Figure 10.1 illustrates the shape of a lognormal distribution. Unlike the normal distribution, it is skewed so that the mean, median, and mode are all different. From Equation (10.7) and the properties of the lognormal distribution, it can be shown that the expected value of ST, E(ST), is given by3

E(ST) = SeJ1(T-1)


This fits in with the definition of f.l as the expected rate of return. The variance of ST, var (Sr), can be shown to be given by

var (ST) = S2e2JdT -I) (el7~(T -I) - 1)


Figure 10.1 The Lognormal Distribution

3For a discussion of the properties of the lognormal distribution. see 1. Aitchison and 1. A. C.

Hrown, The Lognormal Distribution (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1966).

'U UIl41 J:llll;)Ji1 SAIlM[1l S! pun

( S )1-1.

S-.IS [

S! J;lllll[ a4J.. .( ['f UO!I;);lS a;lS) i1u!punodwo:l ou 41!M Wm:)J pozqrmuun :J41 pun 'U 'urmar JO all1J popunoduioo A[SnOnUpUOJ a41 uaaMlaq 4S!ni1U11S!p 01 lUI1UOdW! S! lip


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[!.::.....:!:.I'f} '(I - 1)( l_ - rI)] 4J '"" .£ UI

zf} -s


S J-1

-UI--=u .lS I


(1_ .l)l1iJS = +S

lUlll SMolloJ II p'u se 1 pUR I u~~M1~q uiruar JO ~lel papunoduioo AISnOnU!luo::l pozqanuua ~lll ~uy~a '1 pun 1 scum U~~Ml~q ){::lOlS U uo p~UJU~ UJnt~l JO ~lUl papunoduioo AISnonU!1uO::l ~lll JO uonnqinsip Al!{!qeqold ~41 uo UO!lUWlOJU! ~P!AOld 01 posn aq UU::l sooud ){::lOlS JO All~dOJd IUWlOugOI ~1l.L

touusu .10 3LW 3HL .10 souneuus«: 3HL S·O t

'81"01 JO P~'£Olt S! J1!aA I U! eoud ,,:lOIS aqljo UO!I1l!Aap pJ1lPUllIS al[J. pnm = ([ - 9l"O")P'o"OOP = (.lS)J1!A

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Aq uaA!B aJ1l '( .lS) J1!A 'J1!aA I UJ ooud ,,:lOIS aql )0 a:lUll!J1lA ;lljl pua '( .lS);g 'J1!aA I U! ooud ,,:lOIS paj:ladxa al[J. 'wnuUll rad %op S! Al!1!11l10A aql pun 'mnuUll Jad %Ol S! WOlaJ paioadxo aql 'ozs sJ ooud IUaJJn:l aql aJaqM ,,:lOIS 1l Jap!suo:)

rOJ 31dwux3

Sec. 10.3

The Distribution of the Rate of Return


Thus the continuously compounded rate of return is normally distributed with mean J.L - a2/2 and standard deviation a / ff=t.

Example 10.3

Consider a stock with an expected return of 17% per annum and a volatility of 20% per annum. The probability distribution for the actual rate of return (continuously compounded) realized over 3 years is normal with mean


0.17 - 2 = O.IS

or IS% per annum and standard deviation


../3 = O.IIS

nr II.S% per annum. Since there is a 9S% chance that a normally distributed variable will lie within two standard deviations of its mean, we can be 9S% confident that the actual return realized over 3 years will be between -8% and +38% per annum.


The result in Equation (10.12) shows that the expected continuously compounded rate of return in time T - t is J.L - a2/2. This may seem strange since in Chapter 3, J.L was defined as the expected value of the rate of return in any short interval. How can this be different from the expected value of the continuously compounded rate of return in a longer time interval? To understand the difference between the two, we consider a numerical example. Suppose that the Iollowing is a sequence of returns per annum on a stock, measured using annual compounding:

15%, 20%, 30%, -20%, 25%

The arithmetic mean of the returns is calculated by taking the sum of the re'urns and dividing by 5. It is 14 percent. However, an investor would actulilly earn less than 14 percent per annum if he or she left money invested in the stock for 5 years. The dollar value of $100 at the end of the 5 years would he

100 x 1.15 x 1.20 x 1.30 x 0.80 x 1.25 = 179.40

By contrast a 14 percent return with annual compounding would give 100 x 1.145 = 192.54

This example illustrates the general result that the mean of the returns earned 111 different years is not necessarily the same as the mean return per annum over


The Black-Scholes Analysis

Chapter 10

several years with annual compounding. It can be shown that unless the returns happen to be the same in each year, the former is always greater than the tatter.' The actual average return earned by the investor, with annual compounding, is

(1.7940)1/5 - I = 0.124

or 12.4 percent per annum.

There is, of course, nothing magical about the time period of I year in this example. Suppose that the time period over which returns are measured is made progressively shorter and the number of observations is increased. We can calculate the following two estimates:

1. The expected rate of return in a very short period of time. (This is obtained by calculating the arithmetic average of the returns realized in many very short periods of time.)

2. The expected continuously compounded rate of return over a longer period of time (This is obtained by calculating the return with continuous compounding realized over the whole period covered by the data.)

Analogously to the example just given, we would expect estimate I to be greater than estimate 2. Our earlier results show that this is in fact the case. The expected rate of return in an infinitesimally short period of time is 11. The expected continuously compounded rate of return is 11 - a2/2.

These arguments show that the term "expected return" is ambiguous. It can refer to either 11 or to 11 - a2 /2. Unless otherwise stated, we will use it to refer to 11 throughout this book.


To estimate the volatility of a stock price empirically, the stock price is usually observed at fixed intervals of time (e.g., every day, every week, or every month).


n+l: Number of observations

Si: Stock price at end of ith interval (i = 0, I, ... ,II) r: Length of time interval in years

5Some readers may recognize this as equivalent to the statement thai the arithmetic mean of a set of numbers is always greater than the geometric mean if the numbers are not all equal to each other.

Sec. 10.4

Estimating Volatility from Historical Data


and let

IIi = In(~)


for i = I, 2, ... n,

Since S; = S;_le"i, /I; is the continuously compounded return (not annualized) in the ith interval. The usual estimate, s, of the standard deviation of the 1I;'S is given by


s= E(II;_U)2

n - I ;=1



1 E"? 1 (E" )2

-- /1- - /I'

n - I. i ntn - I). '

,,,,I ,=1

where Ii is the mean of the II; 's.

From Equation (10.11), the standard deviation of the IIi'S is a,Jr. The variable, s, is therefore an estimate of a,Jr. It follows that a itself can be estimated as r", where

* s

s =-


The standard error of this estimate can be shown to be approximately s* / v'2/i.

Choosing an appropriate value for n is not easy. Ceteris paribus, more data generally lead to more accuracy. However, a does change over time and data that are too old may not be relevant for predicting the future. A compromise which seems to work reasonably well is to use closing prices from daily data over the most recent 90 to 180 days. There is an important issue concerned with whether time should be measured in calendar days or trading days when volatility parameters are being estimated and used. Later in this chapter we will show that the empirical research carried out to date indicates that trading days should be used. In other words, days when the exchange is closed should be ignored for the purposes of the volatility calculation.

Example 10.4

Table 10.1 shows a possible sequence of stock prices over a 20-day period. Since

E II; = 0.09531 and E II; = 0.00333

an estimate of the standard deviation of the daily return is

0.00333 0.095312 23

-1-9 - - 380 = 0.01

216 The Black-Scholes Analysis Chapter 10
TABLE 10.1 Computation of Volatility
Closing Stock Price Relative, Daily Return,
Day Price (dollars) Sj/Sj_1 u, = In (Sj/Sj-d
0 20
201 1.00625 0.00623
2 191 0.98758 -0.01250
3 20 1.00629 0.00627
4 201 1.02500 0.02469
5 20! 0.98781 -0.01227
6 201 1.03086 0.03040
7 201 1.00000 0.00000
8 201 1.00000 0.00000
9 20J. 0.99401 -0.00601
10 20! 1.00000 0.00000
11 21 1.01205 0.01198
12 211 1.00595 0.00593
13 201 0.98817 -0.01190
14 201 1.00000 0.00000
IS 21! 1.01796 0.01780
16 21J. 1.00588 0.00587
17 21J. 1.00000 0.00000
18 211 0.99415 -0.00587
19 21J. 1.02353 0.02326
20 22 1.01149 0.01143
Assuming that time is measured in trading days, and that there are 250 trading days per year.
r = 1/250 and the data give an estimate for the volatility per annum of 0.0123 J25ij ""
0.194. The estimated volatility is 19.4% per annum. The standard error of this estimate is
J2X2O = 0.031
or 3.1 percent per annum. This analysis assumes that the stock pays no dividends, but it can be adapted to accommodate dividend-paying stocks. The return, u., during a time interval that

Sec. 10.5 Option Valuation using a Simple Binomial Model


includes an ex-dividend day is given by

Si+D Ui =In--Si-t

where D is the amount of the dividend. The return in other time intervals is still s,

u, = In--


However, as tax factors playa part in determining returns around an ex-dividend date, it is probably best to discard altogether data for intervals that include an ex-dividend date.


In this section we provide an example showing how a European call option can be valued in a particularly simple situation. The example gives some insights into the arguments underlying the Black-Scholes differential equation.

Suppose that a stock price is currently $20 and that it is known that at the end of one month the price will be either $22 or $18. Consider a European call option to buy the stock for $21 in 1 month. If the stock price turns out to be $22, the value of the option is $1; if the stock price turns out to be $18, the value of the option is zero. This situation is illustrated in Figure 10.2.

Consider a portfolio consisting of a long position in a shares of the stock and a short position in one call option. The value of this portfolio is 22a - 1 if the stock price moves up and 18a if it moves down. When a is chosen equal to 0.25, these two values are the same:


Stock price = $20

Stock price = $22 Option price = $1

Stock price = $18 Option price = $0

Figure 10.2 Stock Price Movements


The Black-Scholes Analysis Chapter 10

For this value of ex the portfolio is therefore riskless. Regardless of what happens it is worth $4.5 in I month. The current value of the portfolio when ex = 0.25 is

20 x 0.25 - t = 5 - t

where t is the current value of the call option. Riskless portfolios must, in the absence of arbitrage opportunities, earn the risk-free rate of interest. Suppose that risk-free rate is I percent per month (with monthly compounding). It follows thai

1.01 (5 - f) = 4.5



t = 5 - - = 0.5445 1.01

that is, the current value of the option is $0.5445.

The reader may be surprised that the probabilities of the stock moving up to $22 and down to $18 were not used in arriving at this answer. This point will be returned to in Section 10.8.


The Black-Scholes differential equation is an equation that must be satisfied by the price, t, of any derivative security dependent on a non-dividend-paying stock. The equation is derived in the next section. Here we consider the nature of the arguments used.

In essence, the argument is very similar to the argument used to value the option in the simple situation in the previous section. A riskless portfolio consisting of a position in the derivative security and a position in the stock is set up, and the return on the portfolio is then set equal to the risk-free rate of interest. In the Black-Scholes analysis, the portfolio that is set up remains riskless for only a very short period of time. Nevertheless, it can be argued that the return during this short period of time must be the risk-free rate of interest if arbitrage opportunities are to be avoided.

The reason why a riskless portfolio can be set up is because the stock price and the derivative security price are both affected by a single underlying source of uncertainty. This means that in any short period of time, the two are perfectly correlated. When an appropriate portfolio of the stock and the derivative security is set up, the gain (loss) from the stock position always offsets the loss (gain) from the derivative security position so that the overall value of the portfolio at the end of the short period of time is known with certainty.

Sec. 10.7 Derivation of the Black-Scholes Differential Equation



The assumptions we will use to derive the Black-Scholes differential equation are as follows:

1. The stock price follows the process developed in Chapter 9 with /-t and a


2. The short selling of securities with full use of proceeds is permitted.

3. There are no transactions costs or taxes. All securities are perfectly divisible.

4. There are no dividends during the life of the derivative security. S. There are no riskless arbitrage opportunities.

6. Security trading is continuous.

7. The risk-free rate of interest, r, is constant and the same for all maturities.

As will be discussed in Chapter 17, some of these assumptions can be relaxed. For example, u, r, and o can be known functions of t.


We now derive the Black-Scholes differential equation. We assume that the stock price S follows the process discussed in Chapter 9:



Suppose that t is the price of a derivative security contingent on S. The variable / must be some function of Sand t. Hence from Equation (10.4),

(at at I a2 t ~ ~) at

d/= as/-tS+at+"2as2u-S- dt+ asaSdz


The discrete versions of equations (10.13) and (10.14) are 6.S = u.S 6.t + as 6.z



(at at I a2 T ~ ~) at

6./ = -/-tS + - + --u-S-· 6.t + -uS 6.:

as at 2 aS2 as


where 6.S and 6./ are the changes in / and S in a small time interval 6.t. It will be recalled from the discussion of Ito's lemma in Section 10.1 that the Wiener processes underlying t and S are the same. In other words, the 6.z (= E ~) in


The Black-Scholes Analysis Chapter 10

equations (10.15) and (10.16) are the same. It follows that by choosing a portfolio of the stock and the derivative security, the Wiener process can be eliminated.

The appropriate portfolio is

-I: at +as:

derivative security


The holder of this portfolio is short one derivative security and long an amount a t las of shares. Define Il as the value of the portfolio. By definition

n = -t + :~s

The change t::. n in the value of the portfolio in time t::.t is given by

t::.n=-t::.t+ :~t::.s Substituting equations (10.15) and (10.16) into Equation (10.18) yields

(at I a2 t ? ?) t::.n = -- - --u-s- t::.t

at 2 as2

Since this equation does not involve t::.z, the portfolio n must be riskless during time Sr. The assumptions listed in the preceding section imply that the portfolio must instantaneously earn the same rate of return as other short-term risk-free securities. If it earned more than this return, arbitrageurs could make a riskless profit by shorting the risk-free securities and using the proceeds to buy the portfolio; if it earned less, they could make a riskless profit by shorting the portfolio and buying risk-free securities. It follows that





where r is the risk-free interest rate. Substituting from equations (10.17) and (10.19) this becomes

(at 1 a2 t ? 2) (at )

at + 2 as2 u- S t::.t = r t - as s t::.t

so that

at at I 2 ? a2 t

- + rS- + -u S-- = rt

at as 2 aS2


Equation (10.20) is the Black-Scholes differential equation. It has many solutions, corresponding to all the different derivative securities that can be defined with S as the underlying variable. The particular derivative security that is obtained when the equation is solved depends on the boundary conditions that are used. These specify the values of the derivative security at the boundaries of possible

Sec. 10.8 Risk-Neutral Valuation


values of S and t. In the case of a European call option, the key boundary condition is

f = max (S - X, 0) In the case of a European put option, it is f = max (X - S, 0)

when t = T

when t = T

One point that should be emphasized about the portfolio Il in the derivation of Equation (10.20) is that it is not permanently riskless. It is riskless only for an infinitesimally short period of time. As S and t change, of / a S also changes. To keep the portfolio riskless, it is therefore necessary to change continuously the relative proportions of the derivative security and the stock in the portfolio.

Example 10.5

A forward contract on a non-dividend-paying stock is a derivative security dependent on the stock. As such. it should satisfy Equation (10.20). From Equation (3.6). the value of the forward contract. f, is given by

f = S - Ke-r(T-/) where K is the delivery price. This means that

of = _rKe-r(T-t). at

of --I as - .

When these are substituted into the left-hand side of Equation (10.20), we obtain _rKe-r(T-/) + rS

This equals rf , showing that Equation (10.20) is indeed satisfied.


Risk-neutral valuation is without doubt the single most important tool for the analysis of derivative securities. It arises from one key property of the Black-Scholes differential equation (10.20). This property is that the equation does not involve any variables that are affected by the risk preferences of investors. The variables that do appear in the equation are the current stock price. time, stock price volatility, and the risk-free rate of interest. All are independent of risk preferences.

The Black-Scholes differential equation would not be independent of risk preferences if it involved the expected return on the stock, IJ-. This is because the value of IJ- does depend on risk preferences. The higher the level of risk aversion hy investors, the higher IJ- will be for any given stock. It is fortunate that IJ- happens to drop out in the derivation of the equation.

The fact that the Black-Scholes differential equation is independent of risk preferences enables an ingenious argument to be used. If risk preferences do not


The Black--5choles Analysis Chapter 10

enter into the equation, they cannot affect its solution. Any set of risk preferences can therefore be used when evaluating f. In particular, the very simple assumption that all investors are risk neutral can be made.

In a world where investors are risk neutral, the expected return on all securities is the risk-free rate of interest, r. This is because risk-neutral investors do not require a premium to induce them to take risks. It is also true that the present value of any cash flow in a risk-neutral world can be obtained by discounting its expected value at the risk-free rate. The assumption that the world is risk neutral does therefore considerably simplify the analysis of derivative securities. Consider a derivative security such as a European option that pays off some function of the stock price at time T. First, the expected value of the derivative security at time T is calculated on the assumption that the expected return from the stock is r rather than /1. This expected value is then discounted to the present time using a discount rate of r.

It is important to realize that the risk-neutrality assumption is merely an artificial device for obtaining solutions to the Black-Scholes differential equation. The solutions that are obtained are valid in all worlds-not just those where investors are risk neutral. When we move from a risk-neutral world to a risk-averse world, two things happen. The expected growth rate in the stock price changes and the discount rate that must be used for any payoffs from the derivative security changes. It happens that these two effects always offset each other exactly.


In this section we return to the example considered in Section 10.5. It will be recalled that this concerns a stock price which is currently $20 and which will either move up to $22 or down to $18 at the end of I month. The derivative security in the example is a call option with an exercise price of $21.

It is instructive that the probabilities of the stock price moving up to $22 and down to $18 were never used in deriving the option price of $0.5445 in Section 10.5. This can be interpreted as meaning that the option price is independent of the expected return on the stock. It is consistent with the observation, made in the Section 10.9, that the Black-Scholes differential equation is independent of the expected return on the stock.

We now show that the call option price can be derived using risk-neutral valuation. In a risk-neutral world, the expected return on the stock must be the risk-free rate of interest of I percent per month. The probability, p, of an upward movement must therefore satisfy

22p + 18(1 - p) = 20 x 1.01

that is, p must be 0.55. The expected value of the call option in I month using this value of p is

0.55 x I + 0.45 x 0 = $0.55

Sec. 10.8

Risk-Neutral Valuation


This is the expected terminal value of the call option in a risk-neutral world. The present value of this expected value when discounted at the risk-free rate of interest is

0.55 = 0.5445 1.01

or $0.5445. This is the same as the value obtained in Section 10.5. Thus riskless arbitrage arguments and risk-neutral valuation give the same answer. It can be shown that this is always the case for a binomial model. As discussed in Section 9.6, geometric Brownian motion can be regarded as a limiting case of the binomial model. Showing that risk-neutral valuation always holds for the binomial model is therefore one way of showing that it holds when stock prices follow geometric Brownian motion.


Forward contracts on a non-dividend-paying stock have already been valued in Section 3.2. They will be valued again in this section to provide a simple illustration of risk-neutral valuation. We make the assumption that interest rates are constant and equal to r. This is somewhat more restrictive than the assumption in Section 3.2. Consider a long forward contract that matures at time T with delivery price, K. As described in Chapter 1, the value of the contract at maturity is

ST - K

where ST is the stock price at time T. From the risk-neutral valuation argument, the value of the forward contract at time t « T) is its expected value at time T in a risk-neutral world, discounted to time t at the risk-free rate of interest. Denoting the value of the forward contract at time t by t, this means that

t = e-r(T-I) E(ST - K) (10.21)

where E denotes expected value in a risk-neutral world. Since K is a constant, Equation (10.21) becomes


The growth rate of the stock price, /1, becomes r in a risk-neutral world.

Hence from Equation (10.8),

E(ST) = Ser(T-t) Substituting Equation (10.23) into Equation (10.22) gives t = S - Ke-r(T-I)



This is in agreement with Equation (3.6). Example 10.5 shows that this expression for t satisfies the Black-Scholes differential equation.


The Black-Scholes Analysis Chapter 10


In their pathbreaking paper, Black and Scholes succeeded in solving their differential equation to obtain exact formulas for the prices of European call and PUI options. These formulas are presented in equations (10.27) and (10.28). In this section we indicate how a similar analysis to that just used for forward contracts can be used to derive the formulas.

The expected value of a European call option at maturity in a risk-neutral world is

E[max (ST - X, 0)]

where as before E denotes expected value in a risk-neutral world. From the riskneutral valuation argument the European call option price, c, is the value of this discounted at the risk-free rate of interest, that is,

c = e-r(T-t) E[max (ST - X, 0)]


In a risk-neutral world, In ST has the probability distribution in Equation (10.7) with f..L replaced by r; that is,


In ST '" rf>[ln S + (r - T )(T - t), aJT=t] (10.26)

Evaluating the right-hand side of Equation (10.25) is an application f integral calculus," The result is



In (SIX) + (r + (12/2)(T - t)

d1 =--~----~====~-----


di = In (SIX) + (r - (12/2)(T - t) = d, _ a JT=t a~

and N (x) is the cumulative probability distribution function for a standardized normal variable (i.e., it is the probability that such a variable will be less than x).

61f g is the probability density function of ST in a risk-neutral world given by (10.26), Equation ( I 0.25) becomes

c "" e-r\T-t) i"" (ST - X)g($T)dST

Substituting ST ;0 e"' converts this to an integral involving the normal rather than the lognormal distribution. The rest is tedious algebra!

Sec. 10.9 The Black-Scholes Pricing Formulas


Since c = C, Equation (10.27) also gives the value of an American call option on a non-dividend-paying stock. The value of a European put can be calculated in a similar way to a European call. Alternatively, put-call parity (see Chapter 7) can be used. The result is


Unfortunately, no exact analytic formula for the value of an American put option on a non-dividend-paying stock has been produced. Numerical procedures and analytic approximations for calculating American put values are discussed in Chapter 14.

Note that to derive equations (10.27) and (10.28), it has been assumed that r is constant. In practice when the equations are used, r is set equal to the risk-free rate of interest on an investment lasting for T - t, the life of the option.


We now show that the Black-Scholes formulas have the right general properties by considering what happens when some of the parameters take extreme values.

When the stock price, S, becomes very large, a call option is almost certain to be exercised. It then becomes very similar to a forward contract with delivery price X. From Equation (3.6) we therefore expect the call price to be

S - x«:'

This is in fact the call price given by Equation (10.27) since, when S becomes very large, both d, and di become very large and N(dl) and N(d2) are both close to 1.0.

When the stock price becomes very large, the price of a European put option, p, approaches zero. This is consistent with Equation (10.28) since N (-dl) and N (-d2) are both close to zero.

Consider next what happens when the volatility a approaches zero. Since the stock is virtually riskless, its price will grow at rate r to Se'" at time T and the payoff from a call option is

max (SerT - X, 0) Discounting at rate r, the value of the call today is «:" max (SerT - X, 0)


To show that this is consistent with Equation (10.27), consider first the case where S> x e:", This implies In(S/X) +rT > o. As a tends to zero, d, and d: tend

r ne I:llaCK~CnOles Analysis Chapter 10

to +00 so that N (d I) and N (d2) tend to 1.0 and Equation (10.27) becomes

c = S - xr:"

When S < xr-r, it follows that In(S/X) - rT < O. As o tends to zero, d, and dz tend to -00 so that N (dl) and N (d2) tend to zero and Equation (10.27) gives a call price of zero. The call price is therefore always max (S - X e=", 0) as a tends to zero. Similarly, it can be shown that the put price is always max (Xe-rT - S, 0) as a tends to zero.


The only problem in applying equations (10.27) and (10.28) is in calculating the cumulative normal distribution function, N. Tables for N (x) are provided at the end of this book. The function can also be evaluated directly using numerical procedures. Alternatively, a polynomial approximation can be used.? One such approximation that can easily be obtained using a hand calculator is

I I - N'(x)(a1k + a2k2 + a3k3) when x :::: 0

N(x) =

I-N(-x) when x x O



I +yx

y = 0.33267

al = 0.4361836 a2 = -0.1201676 a3 = 0.9372980


N'(x) = _1_e--12/2


This provides values for N (x) that are usually accurate to four decimal places and are always accurate to 0.0002. For six decimal place accuracy the following can be used

I I - N' (x)(a1k + a2k2 + a3k3 + a4k4 + a5k5) N(x) =


when x:::: 0

when x < 0

7See M. Abramowitz and I. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions (New York: Dover Publications, 1972.)

Sec. 10.11

Warrants Issued by a Company on Its Own Stock



1 k=--

1 + yx

y = 0.2316419

al = 0.319381530 az = -0.356563782 a3 = 1.781477937 a4 = -1.821255978 as = 1.330274429

and N'(x) is defined as above. Example 10.6

Consider the situation where the stock price 6 months from the expiration of an option is $42, the exercise price of the option is $40, the risk-free interest rate is 10% per annum, and the volatility is 20% per annum. This means that S = 42, X = 40, r = 0.1, a = 0.2, T - t = 0.5,

d _ In 1.05 + 0.12 x 0.5 _ 0 69

1- - .7 3

0.2 v'D.5

d, = In 1.05 + 0.08 x 0.5 = 0.6278

- 0.2 v'D.5


Xe-r(T-O = 40e-o.os = 38.049

Hence if the option is a European call, its value, c, is given by

c = 42N(0.7693) - 38.049N(0.6278)

If the option is a European put, its value, p, is given by

p = 38.049N(-0.6278) - 42N(-0.7693)

Using one of the polynomial approximations,

N(0.7693) = 0.7791,

N(-0.7693) = 0.2209

N (0.6278) = 0.7349,

N(-0.6278) = 0.2651

so that

c = 4.76,

p =0.81


The Black-Scholes Analysis

Chapter 10

The stock price has to rise by $2.76 for the purchaser of the call to break even. Similarly. the stock price has to fall by $2.81 for the purchaser of the put to break even.


The Black-Scholes formula, with some adjustments for the impact of dilution, can be used to value European warrants issued by a company on its own stock." Consider a company with N outstanding shares and M outstanding European warrants. Suppose that each warrant entities the holder to purchase y shares from the company at time T at a price of X per share.

If VT is the value of the company's equity at time T and the warrant holders exercise. the company receives a cash inflow from the payment of the exercise price of MyX and the value of the company's equity increases to VT + MyX. This value is distributed among N + My shares so that the share price immediately after exercise becomes

VT + MyX N+My

The payoff to the warrant holder is therefore

[VT +MyX _ X]

Y N+My


N:~y [~ -X]

The warrants should be exercised only if this payoff is positive. The payoff to the warrant holder is therefore

Ny max [VT - X 0]

N + My N •

This shows that the value of the warrant is the value of Ny


regular call options on V / N where V is the value of the company's equity.

HSee F. Black and M. Scholes, "The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities," Journal of Political Economy, 81 (May-June 1973),637-59; D. Galai and M. Schneller, "Pricing Warrants and the Value of the Finn," Journal of Finance, 33 (1978), 1339-42; B. Lauterbach and P. Schultz, "Pricing Warrants: An Empirical Study of the Black-Scholes Model and its Alternatives," Journal of Finance, 45 (1990), 1181-1209.

Sec. 10.12 Implied Volatilities


The value of V is given by V=NS+MW

where S is the stock price and W is the warrant price so that




The Black-Scholes formula in Equation (10.27) therefore gives the warrant price W if

1. The stock price S is replaced by S + (M / N) W

2. The volatility (J is the volatility of the equity of the company (i.e., it is the volatility of the value of the stocks plus warrants, not just the stocks).

3. The formula is multiplied by (Ny)/(N + My).

When these adjustments are made we end up with a formula for W in terms of W. This can be solved numerically.


The one parameter in the Black-Scholes pricing formulas that cannot be observed directly is the volatility of the stock price. In Section 10.4 we discussed how this can be estimated from a history of the stock price. At this stage it is appropriate to mention an alternative approach that uses what is termed an implied volatility. This is the volatility implied by an option price observed in the market.

To illustrate the basic idea, suppose that the value of a call on a non-dividendpaying stock is 1.875 when S = 21, X = 20, r = 0.1, and T - t = 0.25. The implied volatility is the value of (J, which when substituted into Equation (10.27) gives c = 1.875. Unfortunately, it is not possible to invert Equation (10.27) so that a is expressed as a function of S, X, r, T - t, and c. However, an iterative search procedure can be used to find the implied (J. We could start by trying (J = 0.20. This gives a value of c equal to 1.76, which is too low. Since c is an increasing function of (J, a higher value of (J is required. We could next try a value of 0.30 for (J. This gives a value of c equal to 2.10, which is too high and means that (J must lie between 0.20 and 0.30. Next, a value of 0.25 can be tried for (J. This also proves to be too high, showing that (J lies between 0.20 and 0.25. Proceeding in this way the range for (J can be halved at each iteration and the correct value of (J can be calculated to any required accuracy." In this example, the implied volatility is 0.235 or 23.5 percent per annum.

9This method is presented for illustration. Other more powerful methods, such as the NewtonRaphson method, are often used in practice. (See footnote I in Chapter 4 for further information on the Newton-Raphson method.)


The Black-Scholes Analysis

Chapter 10

Implied volatilities can be used to monitor the market's opinion about the volatility of a particular stock. This does change over time. They can also be used to estimate the price of one option from the price of another option. Very often, several implied volatilities are obtained simultaneously from different options on the same stock and a composite implied volatility for the stock is then calculated by taking a suitable weighted average of the individual implied volatilities. The amount of weight given to each implied volatility in this calculation should reflect the sensitivity of the option price to the volatility. To illustrate this point, suppose that two implied volatility estimates are available. The first is 21 percent per annum and is based on an at-the-money option; the second is 26 percent per annum and is based on a deep-out-of-the-money option with the same maturity. The price of the at-the-money option is far more sensitive to volatility than the price of the deep-out-of-the-money option. It is therefore providing more information about the "true" implied volatility. We might therefore choose a weight of 0.9 for the at-the-money implied volatility and a weight of 0.1 for the deep-out-of-the-money option. The weighted-average implied volatility would then be

0.9 x 0.21 +0.1 x 0.26 = 0.215

or 21.5 percent per annum. Different weighting schemes are discussed by Latane and Rendleman, by Chiras and Manaster, and by Whaley. 10 Beckers, after examining various weighting schemes, concluded that best results are obtained by using only the option whose price is most sensitive to a. II Thus the Beckers approach would estimate 21 percent for the volatility in the example just mentioned.


Proponents of the efficient markets hypothesis have traditionally claimed that the volatility of a stock price is caused solely by the random arrival of new information about the future returns from the stock. Others have claimed that volatility is caused largely by trading. An interesting question, therefore, is whether volatility is the same when the exchange is open as when it is closed.

IOSee H. Latanc and R. J. Rendleman, "Standard Deviation of Stock Price Ratios Implied by Option Premia," Journal of Finance, 31 (May 1976), 369-82; D. P. Chiras and S. Manaster, "The Information Content of Option Prices and a Test of Market Efficiency," Journal of Financial Economics, 6 (1978), 213-34; R. E. Whaley, "Valuation of American Call Options on Dividend-Paying Stocks: Empirical Tests," Journal of Financial Economics, 10 (March 1982), 29-58.

II See S. Beckers, "Standard Deviations in Option Prices as Predictors of Future Stock Price Variability," Journal of Banking and Finance, 5 (September 1981), 363-82. The sensitivity of an option with respect to a is measured by the partial derivative of its price with respect to a. See Chapter 13 for how this can be calculated.

Sec. 10.13

The Causes of Volatility


Fama and K. French have tested this question empirically.F They collected data on the stock price at the close of each trading day over a long period of time, and then calculated:

1. The variance of stock price returns between the close of trading on one day and the close of trading on the next trading day when there are no intervening nontrading days

2. The variance of the stock price returns between the close of trading on Fridays and the close of trading on Mondays

If trading and nontrading days are equivalent, the variance in situation 2 should be three times as great as the variance in situation 1. Fama found that it was only 22 percent higher. French's results were similar. He found that is was 19 percent higher.

These results suggest that volatility is far larger when the exchange is open than when it is closed. Proponents of the traditional view that volatility is caused only by new information might be tempted to argue that most new information on stocks arrives during trading hours. 13 However, studies of futures prices on agricultural commodities, which depend largely on the weather, have shown that they exhibit much the same behavior as stock prices; that is, they are much more volatile during trading hours. Presumably, news about the weather is equally likely to arise on any day. The only reasonable conclusion seems to be that volatility is to some extent caused by trading itself. 14

What are the implications of all of this for the measurement of volatility and the Black-Scholes model? If daily data are used to measure volatility, the results suggest that days when the exchange is closed can be ignored. The volatility per annum is calculated from the volatility per trading day using the formula

volatility per number of trading

volatility per annum = x

trading day days per annum

This is the approach that was used in Section 10.4.

12See E. E. Farna, "The Behavior of Stock Market Prices," Journal of Business, 38 (January 1965), 14-t05; K. R. French, "Stock Returns and the Weekend Effect,"Jollrnal of Financial Economics, 8 lMarch 1980), 55-69.

DIn fact, this is questionable. Often important announcements (e.g., those concerned with sales 11",1 earnings) are made when exchanges are closed.

14For a discussion of this, see K. French and R. Roll, "Stock Return Variances: The Arrival of Infnrmation and the Reaction of Traders," Journal of Financial Economics, 17 (September 1986),5-26. We will consider one way in which trading can generate volatility when we discuss portfolio insurance ,~'hcmes in Chapter 13.


The Black-Scholes Analysis Chapter 10

Although volatility appears to be a phenomenon that is related largely to trading days, interest is paid by the calendar day, This has led D. Frenchl5 to suggest that, when options are being valued, two time measures should be calculated:

trading days until maturity

<I :----~~----------~

trading days per year

calendar days until maturity ~:--~----~--------~

calendar days per year

and that the Black-Scholes formulas should be adjusted to c = SN(dl) - Xe-rr2N(d2)



d, = In(S / X) + rT2 + (a2/2hl


d2 __ In (S / X) + rT2 - (a2/2)<1

---'------':=--~- = d, - a .jTi


In practice, this adjustment makes little difference except for very short life options.


Up to now we have assumed that the stock upon which the option is written pays no dividends. In practice, this is not usually true. In this section we assume that the dividends that will be paid during the life of an option can be predicted with certainty. As traded options typically last for less than 9 months, this is not an unreasonable assumption.

A dividend-paying stock can reasonably be expected to follow the stochastic process developed in Chapter 9 except when the stock goes ex-dividend. At this point the stock's price goes down by an amount reflecting the dividend paid per share. For tax reasons, the stock price may go down by somewhat less than the cash amount of the dividend. To take account of this, the word "dividend" in this section should be interpreted as the reduction in the stock price on the ex-dividend date caused by the dividend. Thus, if a dividend of $1 per share is anticipated

J5See D. W. French. "The Weekend Effect on the Distribution of Stock Prices: Implications for Option Pricing,"jollmal of Financial Economics, 13 (September 1984),547-59.

Sec. 10.14



and the share price normally goes down by 80 percent of the dividend on the exdividend date, the dividend should be assumed to be $0.80 for the purposes of the analysis.


European options can be analyzed by assuming that the stock price is the sum of two components: a riskless component that will be used to pay the known dividends during the life of the option and a risky component. The riskless component at any given time is the present value of all the dividends during the life of the option discounted from the ex-dividend dates to the present at the risk-free rate. The dividends will cause the riskless component to disappear by the time the option matures. The Black-Scholes formula is therefore correct if S is put equal 10 the risky component of the stock price and a is the volatility of the process followed by the risky component." Operationally, this means that the Black-Scholes formula can be used provided that the stock price is reduced by the present value of all the dividends during the life of the option, the discounting being done from the ex-dividend dates at the risk-free rate. A dividend is included in calculations only if its ex-dividend date occurs during the life of the option.

Example 10.7

'onsider a European call option on a stock when there are ex-dividend dates in 2 months nnd 5 months. The dividend on each ex-dividend date is expected to be $0.50. The current share price is $40, the exercise price is $40, the stock price volatility is 30% per annum, the risk-free rate of interest is 9% per annum, and the time to maturity is 6 months. The present value of the dividends is

0.5e-O.1667)(O.09 + 0.5e-0.4167)(O.09 = 0.9741

The option price can therefore be calculated from the Black-Scholes formula with S = ~'J.0259, X = 40, r = 0.09, a = 0.3, and T - t = 0.5.

d _ In 0.9756 +0.135 x 0.5 _ 201

1 - -0. 7


In 0.9756 + 0.045 x 0.5

dz = = -0.0104


Using the polynomial approximation in Section 10.10 gives us

N(dt> == 0.5800,

N(d2) = 0.4959

161n theory this is not quite the same as the volatility of the stochastic process followed by the whole stock price. The volatility of the risky component is approximately equal to the volatility of the whole stock price multiplied by SICS - V), where V is the present value of the dividends. In practice, the two are often assumed to be the same.


The Black-Scholes Analysis Chapter 10

and from Equation (10.27), the call price is

39.0259 x 0.5800 - 40e-O.09)(O.5 x 0.4959 = 3.67

or $3.67.


Consider next American call options. Earlier in this chapter we presented an argument to show that these should never be exercised early in the absence of dividends. An extension to the argument shows that when there are dividends. it can only be optimal to exercise at a time immediately before the stock goes ex-dividend. We assume that II ex-dividend dates are anticipated and that t" ti. ... , til are moments in time immediately prior to the stock going ex-dividend with tl < t: < ts < ... < tIl' The dividends at these times will be denoted by DJ, D2, ... , DII, respectively.

We start by considering the possibility of early exercise just prior to the final ex-dividend date (i.e., at time tIl)' If the option is exercised at time tIl' the investor receives

S(tll) - X

If the option is not exercised, the stock price drops to S(t,,) - DII• As shown by Equation (7.6), the value of the option is then greater than

S(t,,) - DII - Xe-r(T-I.)

It follows that if

S(t,,) - D" - Xe-r(T-ln)::: S(tll) - X

that is,

D" :::: X (1 - e-r(T =t«)

it cannot be optimal to exercise at time til' On the other hand, if D" > X(1 - e-r(T-ln»



it can be shown that it is always optimal to exercise at time tIl for a sufficiently high value of S(t,,). The inequality in (10.30) will tend to be satisfied when the final ex-dividend date is fairly close to the maturity of the option (i.e., T - til is small) and the dividend is large.

Consider next, time t,,-J. the penultimate ex-dividend date. If the option is exercised at time til-I, the investor receives

Sec. 10.14



If the option is not exercised at time t,,_ J, the stock price drops to S (til-I) - D,,_I and the earliest subsequent time at which exercise could take place is til' Hence from Equation (7.6) a lower bound to the option price if it is not exercised at time t,,_1 is

It follows that if


D,,_I :5 X(I - e-r(I,-I,,-il)

it is not optimal to exercise at time t,,-I. Similarly, for any i < /I, if

D; :5 X (I - e-r(ti+J-1d)

it is not optimal to exercise at time t;.

The inequality in (10.31) is approximately equivalent to

D; :5 Xr(ti+l- t;)

Assuming that X is fairly close to the current stock price, the dividend yield on the stock would have to be either close to or above the risk-free rate of interest for this inequality not to be satisfied. This is not usually the case.

We can conclude from this analysis that, in most circumstances, the only time that needs to be considered for the early exercise of an American call is the final ex-dividend date, t.; Furthermore, if inequality (10.31) holds for i = I, 2, ... , /I - I and inequality (10.29) holds, we can be certain that early exercise is never optimal.



Black suggests an approximate procedure for taking account of early exercise.!' This involves calculating, as described earlier in this section, the prices of European options that mature at times T and t", and then setting the American price equal to the greater of the two. This approximation seems to work well in most cases. A more exact procedure suggested by Roll, Geske, and Whaley is given in Appendix lOB. 18

17Scc F. Black. "Fact and Fantasy in the Use of Options." Financial AnalYSIS Journal, 3t (JulyAugust 1975),36-41,61-72.

1KSee R. Roll, "An Analytic Formula for Unprotected American Call Options on Stocks with Known Dividends," Journal of Financial Economics. 5 (1977), 251-58; R. Geske, "A Note on an Analytic Valuation Formula for Unprotected American Call Options on Stocks with Known Dividends," tournai of Financial Economics, 7 (1979), 375-80; R. Whaley, "On the Valuation of American Call Options on Stocks with Known Dividends," Journal of Financial Economics, 9 (June 1981),207-11; R. Geske, "Comments on Whaley's Note," Journal of Financial Economics, 9 (June (981), 213-15.


The Black--5choles Analysis

Chapter 10

Example 10.8

Consider the situation in Example 10.7, but suppose that the option is American rather than European. In this case DI = D2 = 0.5, S = 40, X = 40, r = 0.09, tl occurs after 2 months and t2 occurs after 5 months.

X(l - e~r(12~ld) = 40(1 - e-0.09xO.25) = 0.89

Since this is greater than 0.5, it follows [see inequality (10.31)] that the option should never be exercised on the first ex-dividend date.

X(I - e-r(T-12) = 40(1 - e-0.09xO.0833) = 0.30

Since this is less than 0.5, it follows [see inequality (10.29)] that when it is sufficiently deeply in-the-money, the option should be exercised on its second ex-dividend date.

We now use Black's approximation to value the option. The present value of the first dividend is

0.5e-0.1667xO.09 = 0.4926

so that the value of the option on the assumption that it expires just before the final exdividend date can be calculated using the Black-Scholes formula with S = 39.5074, X = 40, r = 0.09, a = 0.30, and T -t = 0.4167. It is $3.52. Black's approximation involves taking the greater of this and the value of the option when it can only be exercised at the end of 6 months. From Example 10.7 we know that the latter is $3.67. Black's approximation therefore gives the value of the American call as $3.67.

Whaleyl9 has tested empirically three models for the pricing of American calls on dividend-paying stocks: (I) the formula in Appendix lOB; (2) Black's model; and (3) the European option pricing model described at the beginning of this section. He used 15,582 Chicago Board options. The models produced pricing errors with means of 1.08 percent, 1.48 percent, and 2.15 percent, respectively. The typical bid-ask spread on a call option is greater than 2.15 percent of the price. On average, therefore, all three models work well and within the tolerance imposed on the options market by trading imperfections.

Up to now, our discussion has centered around American call options. The results for American put options are less clear cut. Dividends make it less likely that an American put option will be exercised early. It can be shown that it is never worth exercising an American put for a period immediately prior to an ex-dividend date.2o Indeed, if

19See R. E. Whaley, "Valuation of American Call Options on Dividend Paying Stocks: Empirical Tests," Journal of Financial Economics, 10 (March 1982),29-58.

20See H. E. Johnson, "Three Topics in Option Pricing," Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Los Angeles, 1981, p. 42.

Sec. 10.15 Summary


for all i < II and

D,,::: X(l_e-r(T-ln»

an argument analogous to that just given shows that the put option should never be exercised early. In other cases, numerical procedures must be used to value a put.

1 0.15 SUMMARY

In this chapter we started by examining the properties of the process for stock prices introduced in Chapter 9. The process implies that the price of a stock at some future time, given its price today, is lognormal. It also implies that the continuously compounded return from the stock in a period of time is normally distributed. Our uncertainty about future stock prices increases as we look further ahead. The standard deviation of the logarithm of the stock price is proportional to the square root of how far ahead we are looking.

To estimate the volatility, a, of a stock price empirically, the stock price is observed at fixed intervals of time (for example, every day, every week, or every month). For each time period, the natural logarithm of the ratio of the stock price at the end of the time period to the stock price at the beginning of the time period is calculated. The volatility is estimated as the standard deviation of these numbers divided by the square root of the length of the time period in years. Usually, days when the exchanges are closed are ignored in measuring time for the purposes of volatility calculations.

The differential equation for the price of any derivative security dependent on a stock can be obtained by setting up a position in the option and the stock that is riskless. Since the derivative security and the option price both depend on the same underlying source of uncertainty this can always be done. The position that is set up remains riskless for only a very short period of time. However, the return on a riskless position must always be the risk-free interest rate if there are to be no arbitrage opportunities.

The expected return on the stock does not enter into the Black-Scholes differential equation. This leads to a useful result known as risk-neutral valuation. This result states that, when valuing a derivative security dependent on a stock price, we can assume that the world is risk neutral. This means that we can assume that the expected return from the stock is the risk-free interest rate and then discount expected payoffs at the risk-free interest rate. The Black-Scholes equations for European call and put options can be derived by either solving their differential equation or by using risk-neutral valuation.

An implied volatility is the volatility which, when used in conjunction with the Black-Scholes option pricing formula, gives the market price of the option.


The Black-5choles Analysis

Chapter 10

Traders monitor implied volatilities and sometimes use the implied volatility from one stock option price to calculate the price of another option on the same stock. Empirical results show that the volatility of a stock is much higher when the exchange is open than when it is closed. This suggests that to some extent trading itself causes stock price volatility.

The Black-Scholes results can easily be extended to cover European call and put options on dividend-paying stocks. The procedure is to use the BlackScholes formula with the stock price reduced by the present value of the dividends anticipated during the life of the option, and the volatility equal to the volatility of the stock price net of the present value of these dividends.

In theory, American call options are liable to be exercised early immediately before any ex-dividend date. In practice, only the final ex-dividend date usually needs to be considered. Fischer Black has suggested an approximation. This involves setting the American call option price equal to the greater of two European call option prices. The first European call option expires at the same time as the American call option; the second expires immediately prior to the final ex-dividend date. A more exact approach involving bivariate normal distributions is explained in Appendix I DB.


On the Distribution oj Stock Price Changes

BLATTBERG, R., and N. GONEDES, "A Comparison of the Stable and Student Distributions as Statistical Models for Stock Prices," Journal of Business, 47 (April 1974), 244-80.

FAMA, E. F., "The Behavior of Stock Prices," Journal of Husiness, 38 (January 1965),34--105. KON, S. J., "Models of Stock Returns-A Comparison," Journal of Finance, 39 (March 1984), 147-65.

On the Black-Scholes Differential Equation

BLACK, F., and M. SCHOLES, "The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities," Journal of Political Economy, 81 (May-June 1973),637-59.

MERTON, R. C., "Theory of Rational Option Pricing," Bell Journal of Economics and Management Science, 4 (Spring 1973), 141-83.

On Risk-neutral Valuation

Cox, J. C., and S. A. Ross, "The Valuation of Options for Alternative Stochastic Processes," Journal of Financial Economics, 3 (1976), 145-66.

SMITH, C. W., "Option Pricing: A Review," Journal of Financial Economics, 3 (1976),3-54.

Chap. 10

Questions and Problems

On the Black-Scholes Formula and its Extensions

BLACK, F., "Fact and Fantasy in the Use of Options and Corporate Liabilities," Financial Analysts Journal, 31 (July-August 1975), 36-41, 61-72.

BLACK, F., and M. SCHOLES, "The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities," Journal 0/ Political Economy, 81 (May-June 1973), 637-59.

MERTON, R. C, "Theory of Rational Option Pricing," Bell Journal of Economics and Man" agement Science, 4 (Spring 1973), 141-83.

SMITII, C W., "Option Pricing: A Review," Journal of Financial Economics, 3 (March 1976), 3-51.

On Analytic Solutions to the Pricing of American Calls

GESKE, R., "Comments on Whaley's Note," Journal of Financial Economics, 9 (June 1981), 213-15.

GESKE, R., "A Note on an Analytic Valuation Formula for Unprotected American Call Options on Stocks with Known Dividends," Journal 0/ Financial Economics, 7 (1979), 375-80.

ROLL, R., "An Analytical Formula for Unprotected American Call Options on Stocks with Known Dividends," Journal of Financial Economics, 5 (1977), 251-58.

WHALEY, R., "On the Valuation of American Call Options on Stocks with Known Dividends," Journal of Financial Economics, 9 (June 1981), 207-11.


10.1. What does the Black-Scholes stock option pricing model assume about the probability distribution of the stock price in I year?

10.2. The volatility of a stock price is 30% per annum. What is the standard deviation of the proportional price change in one trading day?

10.3. A stock price is currently $40. It is known that at the end of I month it will be either $42 or $38. The risk-free rate of interest is 8% per annum. What is the value of a European call option with a strike price of $39?

10.4. Explain what is meant by risk-neutral valuation.

10.5. Calculate the price of a 3-month European put option on a non-dividend-paying stock with a strike price of $50 when the current stock price is $50, the risk-free interest rate is 10% per annum, and the volatility is 3091 per annum.

10.6. What difference does it make to your calculations in the previous question if a dividend of $1.50 is expected in 2 months?

10.7. What is meant by implied volatility? How can it be calculated?

10.8. A stock price is currently $50. Assume that the expected return from the stock is 18% and its volatility is 30%. What is the probability distribution for the stock price in 2 years? Calculate the mean and standard deviation of the distribution. Determine 95% confidence intervals.





The Black-Scholes Analysis

Chapter 10

10.9. A stock price is currently $40. Assume that the expected return from the stock is 15% and that its volatility is 25%. What is the probability distribution for the rate of return (with continuous compounding) earned over a 2-year period?

10.10. A stock price follows geometric Brownian motion with an expected return of 16% and a volatility of 35%. The current price is $38.

(a) What is the probability that a European call option on the stock with an exercise price of $40 and a maturity date in 6 months will be exercised?

(b) What is the probability that a European put option on the stock with the same exercise price and maturity will be exercised?

*10.11. Suppose that x is the yield to maturity with continuous compounding on a discount bond that pays off $1 at time T. Assume that .r follows the process:

dx = a(xo -x)dt +sxdz

where a, Xo, and s are positive constants and dz is a Wiener process. What is the process followed by the bond price?

*10.12. Suppose that x is the yield on a perpetual government bond which pays interest at the rate of $1 per annum. Assume that x is expressed with continuous compounding, that interest is paid continuously on the bond, and that x follows the process

dx = a(xo - .r) dt + s.r d:

where a, .ro, and s are positive constants and d: is a Wiener process. What is the process followed by the bond price? What is the expected instantaneous return (including interest and capital gains) to the holder of the bond?

10.13. Prove that with the notation in the chapter, a 95% confidence interval for ST is between

10.14. A portfolio manager announces that the average of the returns realized in each year of the last 10 years is 20% per annum. In what respect is this statement misleading?

10.15. Suppose that observations on a stock price (in dollars) at the end of each of 15 consecutive weeks are as follows: 30!, 32, 31i, 30i, 30!, 30~, 30~, 33, 32i, 33, 331, 33!, 33i, 331, 33!. Estimate the stock price volatility. What is the standard error of your estimate?

10.16. A stock price is currently $50. It is known that at the end of 6 months it will be either $60 or $42. The risk-free rate of interest with continuous compounding is 12% per annum. Calculate the value of a 6-month European call option on the stock with exercise price $48.

10.17. A stock price is currently $40. It is known that at the end of 3 months it will be either $45 or $35. The risk-free rate of interest with quarterly compounding is 8% per annum. Calculate the value of a 3-month European put option on the stock with an exercise price of $40. Show that this value is consistent with risk-neutral valuation.

Chap. 10

Questions and Problems


*10.18. Assume that a non-dividend-paying stock has an expected return of I.t and a volatility of a. An innovative financial institution has just announced that it will trade a security which pays off a dollar amount equal to In ST at time T where ST denotes the value of the stock price at time T.

(a) Use risk-neutral valuation to calculate the price of the security at time t in terms of the stock price, S, at time I.

(b) Confirm that your price satisfies the differential equation (10.20).

*10.19. If the security in Problem 10.18 is a success, the financial institution plans to offer another security which pays off a dollar amount equal to Si- at time T.

(a) Use risk-neutral valuation to calculate the price of the security at time I in terms of the stock price, S, at time t. (Him: The expected value of Si- can be calculated from the mean and variance of ST given in Section 10.2.)

(b) Confirm that your price satisfies the differential equation (10.20).

10.20. Suppose that Sand f are the current values of a stock price and a derivative security dependent on the stock price. Assume that in the next small interval of time, AI, the stock price will either move up to SII or down to Sd. If the stock price moves up to SII, the value of the derivative security will be I« If it moves down to Sd, its value will be fd. The risk-free rate of interest with continuous compounding is r. (a) Using an argument similar to that in Section 10.5, show that

f = e-r!!.1 [(/11 - fd)er!!.1 + fdll - /rId] II-d

(b) Show that in a risk-neutral world the probability of an upward stock price movement is

(c) Derive the result in part (a) using risk-neutral valuation.

lO.21. What is the price of a European call option on a non-dividend-paying stock when the stock price is $52, the strike price is $50, the risk-free interest rate is 12 % per annum, the volatility is 30% per annum, and the time to maturity is 3 months?

10.22. What is the price of a European put option on a non-dividend-paying stock when the stock price is $69, the strike price is $70, the risk-free interest rate is 5% per annum, the volatility is 35% per annum, and the time to maturity is 6 months?

10.23. Consider an option on a non-dividend-paying stock when the stock price is $30, the exercise price is $29, the risk-free interest rate is 5%, the volatility is 25% per annum, and the time to maturity is 4 months.

(a) What is the price of the option if it is a European call? (b) What is the price of the option if it is an American call? (c) What is the price of the option if it is a European put? (d) Verify that put-call parity holds.


The Black-Scholes Analysts

Chapter 10

10.24. Assume that the stock in Problem 10.23 is due to go ex-dividend in I! months. The expected dividend is 50 cents.

(a) What is the price of the option if it is a European call? (b) What is the price of the option if it is a European put?

(c) If the option is an American call, are there any circumstances under which it will be exercised early?

10.25. A call option on a non-dividend-paying stock has a market price of $2!. The stock price is $15, the exercise price is $13, the time to maturity is 3 months, and the risk-free interest rate is 5% per annum. What is the implied volatility?

*10.26. With the notation used in this chapter (a) What is N'(x)?

(b) Show that SN'(dd = Xe-r(T-t)N'(d2). (c) Calculate adt laS and ad2/aS.

(d) Show that

where c is the price of a call option on a non-dividend-paying stock. (e) Show that Be] as = N (dt).

(f) Show that the Black-Scholes formula for the price of a call option on a nondividend-paying stock does satisfy the Black-Scholes differential equation.

*10.27. Show that the Black-Scholes formula for the price of a call option gives a price which tends to max [S - X, 0] as t -+- T.

10.28. Consider an American call option when the stock price is $18, the exercise price is $20, the time to maturity is 6 months, the volatility is 30% per annum, and the risk-free interest rate is 10% per annum. Two equal dividends are expected during the life of the option with ex-dividend dates at the end of 2 months and 5 months. How high can the dividends be without the American option being worth more than the corresponding European option?

10.29. Suppose that in Problem 10.28 each dividend is 40 cents per share. Use Black's approximation to value the option.

10.30. Explain carefully why Black's approach to evaluating an American call option on a dividend-paying stock may give an approximate answer even when only one dividend is anticipated. Does the answer given by Black's approach understate or overstate the true option value? Explain your answer.

10.31. Consider an American call option on a stock. The stock price is $70, the time to maturity is 8 months, the risk-free rate of interest is 10% per annum, the exercise price is $65, and the volatility is 32%. Dividends of $1 are expected after 3 months and 6 months. Show that it can never be optimal to exercise the option on either of the two dividend dates. Calculate the price of the option.

10.32. Show that the probability that a European call option will be exercised in a riskneutral world is, with the notation introduced in this chapter, N(d2)' Derive an expression for the value of a derivative security which pays off $100 if the price of a stock at time T is greater than X.

Appendix IDA: Derivation of Ito's Lemma



In this appendix we show how Ito's lemma can be regarded as a natural extension of other, simpler results. Consider a continuous and differentiable function G of a variable x. If /::;.X is a small change in x and /::;'G is the resulting small change in G, it is well known that

dG /::;.G~-/::;.x


In other words, /::;'G is approximately equal to the rate of change of G with respect to x multiplied by /::;.x. The error involves terms of order /::;.x2• If more precision is required, a Taylor series expansion of /::;.G can be used:

(lOA. I )

dG I d2G ') 1 d3G

/::;.G= ~d /::;.x+--2/::;.x~+--d 3/::;.X3+ ...

x 2 dx 6 .r-

For a continuous and differentiable function G of two variables, x and y, the result analogous to Equation (I OA.l) is

aG aG

/::;.G~ -/::;.x+-/::;.y

ax ay


and the Taylor series expansion of /::;'G is

sc eo I a2G a2G I a2G 1

/::;'G = ~/::;.x+~· /::;.y+--, /::;..\'2+ __ /::;.x/::;'y+ __ /::;.y-+ ... (IOA.3)

ax ay 2 ax~ Bxd y 2 ay2

In the limit as /::;.X and /::;.y tend to zero, Equation IOA.3 gives

aG aG

d G = -dx+ -dy

ax ay


A derivative security is a function of a variable that follows a stochastic process. We now extend Equation (IOA.4) to cover such functions. Suppose that a variable x follows the general Ito process in Equation (9.4)

dx =a(x, t)dt+b(x, t+d z


and that G is some function of x and of time, t. By analogy with Equation (I OA.3), we can write

_ aG . aG 1 a2G .2 a2G _ I a2G 2

/::;'G - ax /::;..\ + fj(/::;.t + 2: ax2 /::;..\ + ax at /::;..\ /::;.t + 2: at2 /::;.t + ... (I0A.6)

Using the notation in Chapter 9, Equation (I0A.5) can be discretized to

/::;.x = a(x, t) /::;.t + btx , t)E,J7;i


The Black-Scholes Analysis Chapter 10

or if arguments are dropped

ilx = a ilt + bE ..(i;j


This equation reveals an important difference between the situation in Equation (IOA.6) and the situation in Equation (IOA.3). When limiting arguments were used to move from Equation (IOA.3) to Equation (IOA.4), terms in Llx2 were ignored because they were second-order terms. From Equation (lOA. 7),

ilx2 = liE2 ilt + terms of higher order in ilt


which shows that the term involving Llx2 in Equation (lOA.6) has a component that is of order ilt and cannot be ignored.

The variance of a standardized normal distribution is 1.0. This means that

£(E2) - [£(E)f = I

where E denotes expected value. Since £(E) = O. it follows that £«(;2) = I. The expected value of E2 ilt is therefore ilt. It can be shown that the variance of (;2 ill is of order ilt2 and that. as a result of this. E2 ilt becomes nonstochastic and equal to its expected value of Llt as ilt tends to zero. It follows that the first term on the right-hand side of Equation (I OA.8) becomes nonstochastic and equal to b2 dt as Llt tends to zero. Taking limits as ilx and ilt tend to zero in Equation (lOA.6) and using this last result, we therefore obtain

aG aG I a2G ?

dG = -dx + -dt + - -b- dt (lOA.9)

ax at 2 ax2

This is Ito's lemma. Substituting for d x from Equation (IOA.5), Equation (10A.9) becomes

(aG eo I a2G ?) eo

dG= -a+-+--b- dt+-bdz

ax at 2 ax2 ax


The Roll, Geske. and Whaley formula for the value of an American call option on a stock paying a single dividend DI at time tl is

C = (S - Dle-rr')N(btl + (S - Dle-rr')M(aJ, -bl; -A)

- Xe-rr M(a2, -b2; -A) - (X - Dtle-rr, N(b2)


Appendix lOB: An Exact Procedure for American Calls on Dividend-Paying Stocks 245


In[(S _ Dle-rr,)/ X] + (r + a2/2)r

al =

ai = al - a ,;:r

In[(S - Dle-rr, )/S] + (r + a2/2)rl

hi = ---------------------------


b: = hi _ a .,JrI

TI = II _ I

r = T - I

The function, M (a, b: p), is the cumulative probability in a standardized bivariate normal distribution that the first variable is less than a and the second variable is less than b, when the coefficient of correlation between the variables is p. The variable S is the solution to

c(S, tt> = S + DI - X

where c(S, tl) denotes the Black-Scholes option price given by Equation (10.27) when S = Sand t = tl. When early exercise is never optimal, S = 00. In this case hi = h2 = -00 and Equation (lOB. I) reduces to the Black-Scholes equation with S replaced by S _ D I e-rr,. In o~er situations S < 00 and the option should be exercised at time tl when S(tl) > S + DI•

When several dividends are anticipated, early exercise is normally only ever optimal on the final ex-dividend date (see Section 10.14). It follows that the Roll, Geske, and Whaley formula can be used with S reduced by the present value of all dividends except the final one. The variable, DI, should be set equal to the final dividend and tl should be set equal to the final ex-dividend date.

Drezner provides a fairly easy way to program a computer to calculate M(a, b: p) to four-decimal-place accuracy." If a 50, h SO, and p 5 0,

1 _ p2 4

M(a, b; p) = _;____:__ L AjAd(Bj, Bj)

7f j.j",,1


j(x, y) = exp [a'(2x - a') + b'(2y _ b') + 2p(x _ a')(y - b')] b


~J~2(=1 =_=pi<=2)


21Z. Drezner, "Computation of the Bivariate Normal Integral," Mathematics of Computation, 32 (January 1978), 277-79. Note that the presentation here corrects a typo in Drezner's paper.


The Black-Scholes Analysis Chapter 10

AI = 0.3253030, A2 = 0.4211071, A3 = 0.1334425, A4 = 0.006374323

BI == 0.1337764, Bz = 0.6243247, B3 = 1.3425378, B4 = 2.2626645

In other circumstances where the product of a, b, and P is negative or zero, one of the following identities can be used:

M(a, b; p) = N(a) - M(a, -b; -p) M(a, b; p) = N(b) - M(-a, b; -p)

M(a, b; p) = N(a) + N(b) - 1 + M(-a, -b; p)

In circumstances where the product of a, b, and p is positive, the identity

M(a, b; p) = M(a, 0; pd + M(b, 0; pz) - 0

can be used in conjunction with the previous results, where

(pa - b) sgn (a)

PI:::;: J ~ ~'

a- - 2pab + b-

(pb - a) sgn (b) P2 = --;=:::======:;:

Jaz - 2pab + b2

1 - sgn (a) sgn (b)

0= 4 '

I + 1

sgn (x) =


when x::: 0 when x < 0

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data HULL, J. C. (JOHN C.)

Options, futures, and other derivative securities / John C. Hull. ~2nded.

p. cm.

Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-13-639014-5

1. Futures. 2. Stock options. I. TItle.

HG6024.A3H85 1993

332.63'2-----{[c20 92-25111

Acquisitions editor: Leah Jewell Editorial/production supervision: Edie Riker Cover design: Anne Ricigliano

Cover illustration is a sketch of the future and options trading floor Prepress buyer: Patrice Fraccio

Manufacturing buyer: Trudi Pisciotti

Editorial assistant: Eileen DeGuzman

II e 1993, 1989 by Prentice-Hall, Inc,

_ A Simon & Schuster Company

Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632

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