Learning Module (English 7) Q2 Week 6
Learning Module (English 7) Q2 Week 6
Learning Module (English 7) Q2 Week 6
English 7
Quarter 2/Week 6
Prepared by:
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0955-943-8418 TM
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English 7
Second Quarter
W6 Learning Competencies
The learner is able to:
1. Use analogy to describe or make a point.
2. Transcode information from linear to non-linear texts and vice-versa. EN8RC-IIe-11
Schedule of Lessons
A lovely day my dear Salettinian, peace and all good, one with you! This is now your week 6 learning
module; this module will help you develop your English skill in transmitting information. But before you
will do the activities and read the concepts here scan the QR code or copy the link below and watch the
video clip.
Do you believe in a saying that, “Challenges are what make life interesting and overcoming them is what makes
life meaningful”? If your answer is yes, then I therefore conclude that you accept the challenge that this module offers to
In going through this module, you have to extend your patience in understanding and analyzing what you are
reading. Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities. Answer the entire given test and exercises carefully.
Comply the required activities provided by writing your answers in your learning activity sheet.
I hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain deep understanding of the
relevant competencies specifically, using analogy to describe or make a point and transcoding information from linear to
non-linear texts and vice-versa.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks, do not hesitate to consult me. Always bear in mind that you
are not alone in this module. If you’re ready, you may now start finding out what this module can provide to you. And as
you go along, always think of the essential questions below:
1. How do you use analogies to describe or make a point?
2. How can transcoding information from linear to non-linear text helps you improve your
communication skill?
Week 6/ Lesson 4: The Good Prince Bantugan
This module will improve your critical thinking skills by developing your understanding of concepts and
vocabulary building skills. At the same time, this helps you understand the importance of having good relationship among
others and gives you life-learning lessons to prepare you become a better individual.
This is designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for guided and independent learning at
your own pace and time. You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while being an active
learner. You may now start exploring this module, but keep in mind the following focal questions:
1. How do you use analogies to describe or make a point?
2. How can transcoding information from linear to non-linear text helps you improve your
communication skill?
Directions: Before you proceed to your lesson, let’s play 4 pics 1 word. 4 pics 1 word is a word guessing game. It
presents you with 4 pictures for you to guess what specific word fits with the theme of the photos presented. For this
activity, analyze the given pictures and guess what word the pictures suggest and/or represents. After that, fill in the
blanks to complete the analogy statement and the reasons why you consider them related. Do this in your LAS.
Directions: Let us check your knowledge on linear and non-linear text. Categorize the word list below into
linear or non-linear. Do this in your LAS.
Process Questions:
3 |English 7 – Quarter 2_Week 6
1. How do you know if it is a linear text? What about if it is a non-linear text?
2. Which do you think is easier to understand, a linear or non-linear text? Why?
Topic (What question/s do I have (My (New
(What I know)
in mind?) reflection) Learnings)
Using analogy to
describe or make a
information from
linear to non-linear
texts and vice-versa
End of Explore
Well done! You’ve successfully accomplish the first learning segment. I am very happy because on your own
you’ve tried to determine and recall your prior knowledge about using analogy to describe or make point as well as
transcoding information from linear to non-linear texts and vice-versa. In the next learning section, get ready because you
are about to answer different activities and read several concepts related to the topics. Are you ready? You may now start
the Firm-up. Enjoy!
Effective communication skills are very important in all aspects of life, be it work or in relationships. People in
organizations typically spend a major part of their time in interacting with people. Thus it is no surprise to find that at the
root of a large number of organizational problems is poor communications. This is most obvious in cross-cultural
situations where language is an issue.
But it is also common among people of the same culture. Effective communication is an essential component of
organizational success whether it is at the interpersonal, intergroup, organizational, or external levels. Also in developing
social relationships, communication skills are of utmost importance. Proper communication skills help people in
understanding each other and work together towards a goal.
You were taught in your previous lesson that analogy is a powerful tool which challenge and encourage you to
think critically and communicate effectively. It is a strong rhetorical device used to make rational argument and support
ideas by showing connections and comparisons between dissimilar things which highlights how they are like.
You learned that, there are 7 types of analogy, these are: Synonyms, Antonyms, Part to Whole, Cause and Effect,
Person to Situation, Geography or Location and Time. These analogies help you familiarize with concepts that are
abstract. This lesson will guide you to visualize these concepts. Understanding analogies is essential in reasoning,
learning, communicating and problem solving which will contribute a profound and broad effect on you on how you view
and understand the world.
Moreover, you will be learning many things in this module that will help you develop your English skills in
transmitting information which can be done not only through linear texts but also through non-linear presentations like
charts, graphs, grids and tables. Through the aid of non-linear visuals, you can understand easily the ideas presented. This
module will provide you with the definition of linear and non-linear texts, different forms of non-linear presentations and
how to transcode linear to non- linear texts and vice-versa.
Are you now ready to dive in and learn more in this module? You can now start this learning section but, keep on
thinking the focal questions below:
1. How do you use analogies to describe or make a point?
2. How can transcoding information from linear to non-linear text helps you improve your
communication skill?
LC 1: Use analogy to describe or make a point.
1. The doctors are like heroes who save lives by sacrificing their own.
2. CoVID 19 patients lie awake as if preys unwillingly waiting for their predators.
Activity 5: Describe Me
B. Directions: Write at least 2 sentences using analogies to describe the picture or your personal experience during
online class.
Process Questions:
5 |English 7 – Quarter 2_Week 6
1. How did you find the activities?
2. How do you describe analogy in one word?
3. Is it easy for you to sight the analogies in the poem? Why?
4. Have you experienced struggle contrasting sentence using analogies?
5. What do you think are the advantages or disadvantages of using analogy in describing or making a point?
LC 2: Transcode information from linear to non-linear texts and vice-versa. EN8RC-IIe-11
Non-Linear Presentations/Graphic organizers are just so simple—just a few shapes and lines—yet these tools
(non-linear texts) help a lot in showing and explaining some given information easily, which sometimes linear texts
(sentences and paragraphs) cannot. Presenting information in both text (linear) and graphic (non-linear) formats is one
of the most basic ways to make a lesson more understandable to all students; and this is what this module is all about.
The word transcode means to change language or information from one form of representation to another.
In transcoding, you should extract information from a linear text to non-linear text. Here are some steps for
you to follow:
Step 1: Read the passage to get a general idea of the subject matter.
Step 2: Look at the visual to identify what information is needed to complete the chart or graph.
Step 3: Locate the relevant information in the passage and transfer it to the chart or graph. Use only key words
or phrases- not whole sentences.
In transcoding non-linear to linear text you should follow these steps:
Step 1: Spend 5 minutes reading the graphs/charts, etc.
Step 2: Make sure you understand axes.
Step 3: Make sure you follow lines on graph.
Step 4: Focus on the key information.
Step 5: Observe correct grammatical structure.
Step 6: Vary your vocabulary.
Step 7: Organize information clearly.
Step 8: Write neatly.
Step 4: You may be required to classify information into categories under headings. You may have to
A. Directions: In comprehending a story, poem, and other reading materials, you may use different techniques
to simplify learning. Go over the events of the Maranao epic, “The Good Prince Bantugan”. In your LAS, using the
non-linear chart which is the flow chart rewrite and arrange the events in order.
Prince Madali tricked the Angel of Death.
Princess Datimbang fell in love with the handsome prince.
The king of Bumbaran was jealous of his brother Prince Bantugan.
Prince Madali and the king brought back Bantugan’s soul from the land of the dead.
The parrot told Princess Datimbang that the dead man was Bantugan.
All the people were happy when Prince Bantugan came to life again.
Prince Bantugan travelled to the Kingdom-Between-Two-Seas and died at the palace gates.
The king took Prince Bantugan’s body to Bumbaran.
The kind ordered that no one should speak to Prince Bantugan.
Prince Bantugan married the beautiful Princess Datimbang.
Process Questions:
1. What made Prince Bantugan so likeable?
2. Who was Princess Datimbang? Was she right in assuming that Bantugan was also a good man?
3. Why must we respect the dead?
4. How would you feel if you had lost your boss, master, or loved one?
5. How was Prince Bantugan brought back to life?
B. Directions: Transcode the graph below by writing a five-sentence paragraph. The first sentence has been done for
you. Do this in your LAS.
Process Questions:
1. Which do think is easier to transcode, linear to non-linear or non-linear to linear? Why?
2. What is the importance of Linear and Non-Linear text to your everyday life?
End of Firm-Up
Success comes to those who strive hard. Success is easy when prepared from the start. Congrats on
competing the required activities in this section. All the best for your next tasks!
Directions: How will you rate yourself in the lesson discussed? Read the statements carefully and check the response that
best indicates your evaluation. Do this in your LAS.
Excellent Good Fair Poor
4 3 2 1
1. I was able to identify pair of words that shows analogy.
2. I was able to write an analogy statement.
3. I was able to give words for comparison.
4. I was able to give a description.
5. I was able to write sentences showing analogies.
6. I was able to transcode text from linear to non-linear and vise-versa.
7. I was able to understand all the topics in this module.
8. I was able to understand what is the difference between linear and non-
Directions: Now, let’s level up your knowledge about the topics in this module. Go back to the essential questions posted
at the beginning and answer them. Do this in your LAS.
Directions: Now that you already completed reading the lessons and answering the activities, let’s check if you really
acquired something. Below is the KQRN chart that you answered at the beginning of this module, this time fill in the
second and third columns. What is your reflection about the topics and what new learnings you’ve gained after reading the
lessons? Do this in your LAS.
Topic (What I (What question/s
(My reflection) (New Learnings)
know) do I have in mind?)
Using analogy to
describe or make a
information from
linear to non-linear
texts and vice-versa
Directions: Complete the Bar graph below by answering what is being asked. Do this in your LAS.
Job well done! I am very happy because on your own you accomplished all the required activities in this
module. I hope that this learning material helps you understand the important concepts related to analogy and
linear and non-linear text. Keep on discovering this module because in the end you will taste the fruit of success.
Since everything is clear to you now, let’s see if you can transfer what you have learned in this module
to real life situation. In this learning section, get ready because you’re about to write your own story and make a story
book. Make sure that you will apply what you have learned in this module and in the previous modules to come up with a
good output. Good luck!
Directions: For this activity, you need create a story book and write your own story, this can be an epic, short story,
legend, fable, etc. In doing this please be guided with the following guidelines.
1. Create a story book containing your own story piece.
2. Write an original unpublished 300-350-word story, typewritten (1.5-line spacing, font and font size is Century
Gothic 11) The title must be original also.
3. Make it creative, you must have illustration. You can get in the internet or draw your own.
4. A rubric will be provided to know the evaluation criteria.
5. Pass this output on December 17, 2021. Late output will receive a deduction.
Book: Lapid, M., et.al (2018) English Communication Arts and Skills through Philippine Literature-Teachers
Wraparound Edition (pp. 58-60). Phoenix Publishing House.
Prepared by:
Vira, Roxas, Isabela
S.Y 2021-2022
Process Questions:
1. How do you know if it is a linear text? What about if it is a non-linear text?
2. Which do you this is easier to understand, a linear or non-linear text? Why?
Activity 3: KQRN
Topic (What question/s do I have (My (New
(What I know)
in mind?) reflection) Learnings)
Using analogy to
describe or make a
information from
linear to non-linear
texts and vice-versa
_____________________: _______________________
STANZA 1 ____________________________________________________________________________________________
_____________________: _______________________
STANZA 2 ____________________________________________________________________________________________
Activity 5: Describe Me
1. About the teacher
2. About the students
Process Questions:
1. How did you find the activities?
2. How do you describe analogy in one word?
3. Is it easy for you to sight the analogies in the poem? Why?
4. Have you experienced struggle contrasting sentence using analogies?
5. What do you think are the advantages or disadvantages of using analogy in describing or making a point?
Process Questions:
1. Which do think is easier to transcode, linear to non-linear or non-linear to linear? Why?
2. What is the importance of Linear and Non-Linear text to your everyday life?
(What R N
Topic (What I
question/s do I (My reflection) (New Learnings)
have in mind?)
Using analogy to
describe or make a
Prepared by: