MELAnet Box
For networking
of MELAG autoclaves
Dear doctor,
Thank you for the trust in our products expressed in the purchase of this device. In our over 55 year
history, we at MELAG, a medium-sized family concern have specialized in the production of sterilizers
for practical use. During this time, we have succeeded in becoming a leading manufacturer of
sterilizers. More than 400, 000 MELAG devices bear witness world wide to the high quality of our
sterilizers made exclusively in Germany.
Please read these operating instructions before commissioning the MELAnet Box. The instructions
include important information.
MELAG management and employees
Safety Instructions
When operating the MELAnet Box, please observe the following safety
instructions as well as those contained in subsequent chapters.
■ Do not open the housing of the MELAnet Box. Incorrect opening and
repair can compromise electrical safety and pose a danger to the
■ Attach only those devices to the MELAnet Box designed for operation
with the MELAnet Box.
■ Operate the MELAnet Box only with the plug in power supply included
in the scope of delivery.
■ Liquids may not be permitted to reach the interior of the
MELAnet Box. This could result in electrical shocks or short circuiting.
■ Do not place the MELAnet Box directly on the autoclave. The
autoclave will become hot upon operation. Non-observance could
result in restricted function and damage to the MELAnet Box.
→IP address Glossary entry Words or phrases marked with an arrow are explained
in the glossary. The glossary is listed alphabetically. It
can be found at the end of this manual.
Protocol file Menu text Words or phrases appearing on the →web browser
window of the MELAnet Box website are marked as
menu text.
Log output Software citation Words or phrases appearing on the →display of the
autoclave are marked as software citations.
Chapter 6 – Logging Cross reference Reference to another text section within this manual.
Chapter 1 – Performance Specification............................................................................................................... 4
System requirements............................................................................................................................................... 7
Determining settings on the autoclave..................................................................................................................... 7
Connecting and pre-configuring the MELAnet Box.................................................................................................. 8
Chapter 5 – Configurations................................................................................................................................. 15
Chapter 7 – Logging............................................................................................................................................ 19
Chapter 9 – Trouble-shooting............................................................................................................................. 20
Glossary ............................................................................................................................................................... 23
Chapter 1 – Performance Specification MELAnet Box
Proper Use
The MELAnet Box allows you to connect a MELAG autoclave to the
practice or clinic computer network via an Ethernet interface.
User Benefits
Follow the program run on You can follow the current progress of a current sterilization program on
the computer every computer of the user network via the integrated website in a →Web
Issue logs immediately The text and graphic protocol generated by an autoclave during the
program run can be saved via the MELAnet Box using a →FTP-server or
Issue the logs saved in the You can save the sterilization logs generated in the autoclave in your
autoclave later computer at any time.
Change the settings via the You change all configurations and settings for the MELAnet Box directly
browser interface over the integrated website in the web browser window and update the
software of the MELAnet Box and the website on the website.
Safety Configurations settings of the MELAnet Box can only be changed with an
additional entry of the →authentification code.
Chapter 2 – device description MELAnet Box
Scope of delivery
Standard scope of delivery MELAnet Box
Operating manual
Plug-in power supply
Serial link
2 m Ethernet cable 1:1 (LAN)
1 CD with a demo version of MELAview V2.0.
Important information about MELAview V2.0 is a programme developed by MELAG for displaying and
MELAview V2.0 sorting sterilization logs. Furthermore, you have the option of logging
graphic protocols during a programme run. Text and graphic protocols
can be printed from MELAview V2.0 or exported in various data formats.
The configuration tool (and the display of DUMMY logs) can be used
without a licence. The autoclave protocol function of MELAview V2.0 can
only be used with a license which has to be purchased.
The configuration tool MELAnetBoxIP required for initial installation can
also be used without a licence code (see Chapter 3 – initial start-up)).
Ethernet (LAN)
(5) for connecting an Ethernet cable (RJ45) to the
Chapter 2 – device description MELAnet Box
Language German
Subnet form
Storage of logs via FTP
Batch output ----
Record Graphic data ----
TCP port 65001
FTP server IP address
FTP server user name Profiklasse (here you can enter the
name of your autoclave name)
FTP server password MELAG12345
Authentication MELAG
User-defined settings
Here you can learn how the user-defined settings of the
MELAnet Box can be re-set to the work settings.
Remove the serial connection cable to the autoclave.
Remove the power supply cable
Press and hold the reset button
Re-insert the power supply cable. Keep the reset button depressed for
a further 20 seconds.
The MELAnet Box has now been reset to your work settings.
Chapter 3 – initial start-up MELAnet Box
System requirements
In order to install and operate the MELAnet Box, you need
Computer An operating system with Windows 98, SE, 2000, XP, Vista (full
access rights )
a →COM-connection (RS232)
Alternatively, you can also use the USB port on your computer if you don’t
have a →COM connection In order to do so you require an RS232 ↔ USB
Adapter. This is not included in the scope of delivery. The majority of
adaptors will be recognized by the operating system. Where necessary it
could be necessary to install a driver by the manufacturer.
Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable has to be installed in order to install
the .NET Framework. Further information to this can be found under
Connecting and pre-configuring the MELAnet Box on Page 8).
Web browser a Web browser, e.g. Microsoft Internet Explorer IE7,
Mozilla Firefox, Opera etc.
free IP address a free →IP-address in the user network, which you can obtain from
your administrator
The working settings are (also see p. 6, Work settings of the MELAnet
Box) is the IP address If this IP address has not yet been
assigned in the user network, you can use this pre-set IP address to
configure the MELAnet Box.
Chapter 3 – initial start-up MELAnet Box
Errors in the handling of →IP addresses can result in faults and data loss
in your user network. It is thus recommended that you engage IT
Warning specialists to undertake all work in your user network.
Why do I need to change the The MELAnet Box is delivered with the standard IP address
IP address of the
MELAnet Box ?
In order for the MELAnet Box to be operated in your user network,
the first three digit blocks of the IP address of the MELAnet Box
should conform to that of the IP address of the user network.
The last digit block is assigned to the device connected in the
network. This number is different for every device connected in the
user network.
If the first three digit blocks are not identical, it is necessary to
change the IP address of the MELAnet Box so that they are
recognized within the user network.
192.168.51. …
Chapter 3 – initial start-up MELAnet Box
MELAview In order to be able to configure the MELAnet Box on the computer, thus
to open the configuration adjusting the IP address, a small program, the configuration tool
tools, MELAnetBoxIP is used, which is included in MELAview V2.0.
install MELAnetBoxIP Install MELAview V2.0 from the CD included in the scope of delivery
(See also page 5, MELAview V2.0)
In order to be able to start the programme →MELAview V2.0, the free
media library “→Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0“ or a higher version must
be installed on your computer. If a .NET Framework 2.0 or higher is not
installed on your computer, an error message will be displayed during the
installation of MELAview V2.0 (“the application could not be properly
installed (0xc0000135).“).
In this case, cancel the installation and install the Media library .NET
Framework 2.0 or higher. As a precondition for the installation of
Framework 2.0 the Windows Installer 3.1 Redistributable must be
installed. The installation data necessary for Framework 2.0,
“dotnetfx.exe“ as well as Windows Installer 3.1 can be found on the
Microsoft internet site
After successfully installing .NET Framework 2.0, re-start the installation of
MELAview V2.0
Open the MELAnet BoxIP Open the MELAview V2.0, click on "Demo", if you have not yet acquired a
licence code and open the configurations tool directly in the
MELAview V2.0 via menu Æ Extras Æ MELAnetBoxIP.
Chapter 3 – initial start-up MELAnet Box
Connecting and configuring In the following section you can read how to connect the MELAnet Box
the MELAnet Box and how to configure it using the configuration tool MELAnetBoxIP:
1 3
Start MELAview after installation and
Connect the power
open the configuration tool via menu Æ
supply cable to the
extras Æ MELAnetBoxIP
MELAnet Box.
Attach the serial cable to the middle
port of the MELAnet Box and connect
The figure behind “COM“ can very depending on which COM-
to the COM port* of the computer. port is in use.
Chapter 3 – initial start-up MELAnet Box
6 9
Remove power Remove the serial cable from the
supply cable computer and the MELAnet Box
b i h
RJ12 Power
If the power LED flashes
quickly, let go of the reset flashes
button (after c. 5 sec).
LAN Power
Chapter 3 – initial start-up MELAnet Box
Start web browser (IE7, Firefox, etc.)
and enter the IP address of the
MELAnet Box in the die explorer bar
Enter IP address of
the MELAnet Box
(without www)
Now connect the serial cable to the
middle port of the MELAnet Box and
connect to the serial interface of the
network RS232
Chapter 4 – Web browser Display MELAnet Box
The MELAnet Box itself places its own website in the user network over
which you can display all status displays of a programme sequence,
selected measurement values and information regarding autoclaves. All
settings for the MELAnet Box or the language of the websites displayed
can be carried out directly in the web browser window.
The options for the automatic immediate issue of logs can be set directly
via the web browser window and not on the autoclave. Changes to the
→IP-address are also conducted here.
Program run
The page “program run“
displays the current display of
the autoclaves connected, the A.
device type as well as the
serial number of the
Chapter 4 – Web browser Display MELAnet Box
Chapter 5 – Configurations MELAnet Box
Chapter 5 – Configurations
The following pages show the individual setting possibilities which you can
undertake on the page “configurations.”
You can undertake user-
defined settings on the page
The altered settings will
become active only upon
Chapter 5 – Configurations MELAnet Box
You can open text protocols saved via the →FTP server using e.g.
Windows Editor or MELAview V2.0.
In order to display graphic protocols the program MELAview V2.0 must be
installed and licensed (must be purchased).
Filing protocols Filing text or graphic protocols via →TCP is only possible if the program
via TCP →MELAview V2.0 is installed and licensed (must be purchased).
Ensure that the correct →TCP port has been selected (see page 15,
Figure 5/ (D)).
If you choose to file protocols via → TCP it is not necessary to install
a→FTP server.
If you change the settings for protocol filing during an existing online
connection between the autoclave and MELAview V2.0, the autoclave
connection in MELAview V2.0 should be re-established after the change
has been completed. Only then can protocols be accessed via the
MELAnet Box website.
Immediate issuing of text So that the sterilization protocols are saved on the computer directly after
protocols automatically the end of a program, it is necessary to place the tick by Batch output.
Immediate issuing of If in addition to the text protocol you also wish to record a graphic protocol
graphic protocols during a program run, also set a tick by Record graphic data (see
automatically page 15, Figure 5/(C)).
Please note that it is necessary that the program →MELAview V2.0 is
installed for recording graphic data.
Chapter 5 – Configurations MELAnet Box
Changing the You can also change the authentification code subsequently in order to
authentification prevent unauthorized persons from changing the configuration.
Enter the new authentification code in the first field “change the
authentification” (A).
Repeat the entry in the right-hand field (A).
In order to accept the new authentification code, enter the previous
authentification code in the field “Authentification” (B) (work
setting: MELAG).
Chapter 6 – Updating the MELAnet Box software MELAnet Box
You can update the
MELAnet Box software and
the integrated website on the
page “update.“
Chapter 7 – Logging
Chapter 7 – Logging
Chapter 9 – Trouble-shooting MELAnet Box
Chapter 9 – Trouble-shooting
Problem Possible cause What you can do
The start configuration cannot Cable is connected improperly. Check the correct connection of the
find a →COM interface cable.
COM interface has been assigned Select a different COM interface.
“Autoclave offline“ The autoclave is not switched on. Switch on autoclave at mains.
It is not possible to establish the
online connection to the Above V4.06:
autoclave via the website. The wrong output medium is set on Set MELAnet+Graphic data as the
the autoclave. output medium on the autoclave.
Up to V3.34
The data output is not set to On the autoclave, set external PC as
External PC. File transmission
Website cannot be called up Incorrect configuration of the Ask your administrator to verify the
MELAnet Box, e.g. IP address configuration of the MELAnet Box.
IP address is already occupied. Find a free IP address.
Immediate output is set to When a MELAnet Box is connected, Set the tick on the website
Yes, but no text protocols were this setting on the autoclave is not “Configuration” next to Batch output to
issued after the end of the considered. activate the immediate output of the text
program protocols.
Output last cycle cannot This option is only available via the Press the button last log on the website
be selected website when the MELAnet Box has “Logs.”
been selected.
Output stored cycle This option is only available via the Press the button all logs on the website
cannot be selected on the website when the MELAnet Box has “Logs.”
autoclave been dialled.
Delete all cycles This option is not available when the Deselect the MELAnet Box as output
cannot be selected on the MELAnet Box has been selected. medium on the autoclave.
Test output This option is not available when the Output the last protocol via the button
cannot be selected on the MELAnet Box has been selected. last log on the website “logs.”
All protocols have the same Protocols were read out via the button Activate batch output on the website
date as creation date all logs. The output date is used for “Configuration” in order to issue text
the protocol files. protocols immediately after the end of
the program. The program start point is
used as the creation date for the
protocol files.
The total charge number is not The text protocols saved in the In order to avoid this, activate the
counted on the protocols. autoclave were read out altogether by immediate output of the text protocols by
pressing the button all logs. setting the tick next to batch output
Protocols are overwritten, so Protocols were read out again. Avoid the double output of the text
the original date / time (of protocols.
program start) are lost
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
The LAN LED illuminates The MELAnet Box will be operated in another network as the user
green, the data LED flashes network. Check whether the LAN LED shows green and the data LED
yellow? is flashing yellow. If the LEDs are not on, change the IP address of
the MELAnet Box using the MELAnetBoxIP.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Settings on the MELAnet Check whether the option FTP by has been selected on the page
Box Website “Configuration” storage of logs via … (see p. 15, Chapter 5 –
Configurations ).
Check where the tick is set by batch output on the page
Check whether the IP address of the server has been entered
correctly on the page “configuration.”
After entering the changes, have you entered the authentification
code and clicked on the push button Apply configurations? Only
after having done so will the alterations be accepted.
Check the connections from the MELAnet Box to the autoclave. Has
the serial cable been inserted correctly? Are the display texts of the
autoclaves visible on the website of the MELAnet Box?
Settings on the Check whether the option TCP by has been selected on the page
MELAnet Box Website “Configuration” storage of logs via (see S. 15, Chapter 5 –
Configurations ).
Check whether the tick is set by log output on the page
After entering the changes, have you entered the authentification
code and clicked on the push button Apply configurations? Only
after having done so will the alterations be accepted.
Check the connections from the MELAnet Box to the autoclave. Has
the serial cable been inserted correctly? Are the display texts of the
autoclaves visible on the website of the MELAnet Box?
Authentification code TCP
Checks access rights with a clear access password transmission control protocol; refers to a standard protocol
for connecting computers and networks.
Component Object Model →serial interface (RS232) TCP-Port
TCP applications address the communications partner via
FTP the →IP address or a port number, which specifies the
File Transfer Protocol is a data transfer procedure which service on the target computer.
serves the transport of data in computer networks. This
data can include programs, files or information. Special Web browser
programs (FTP clients here on the MELAnet Box) serve to are special computer programs to allow the user to view
load the data onto the → FTP server. websites in the internet.
FTP server
Programs which communicate with the connected client
(here: MELAnet Box) and files data in a defined directory.
The FTP server must be known to the client.
A Gateway enables networks which are based on entirely
different protocols to communicate with each other.
Generate a particular initial state of the →Software upon
IP address
The IP address serves the clear addressing of computers
and other devices, here for example the MELAnet Box in a
Local area network in which multiple computers and other
devices are connected over a communications connection.
This enables the exchange of data is possible.
Abbreviation for Light Emitting Diode; semi-conductor
diode, which illuminates upon current flow. LEDs are
predominantly used to display the status of devices, for
example to display access to a hard drive.
Sub-network form
is a multi-part binary digit (bit form), which in a network
serves to divide an →IP address into a network address
and a device address. The device addresses are also
referred to as host addresses. It is always necessary.
Symbols on the device
The symbol of the struck out waste bin identifies a device that may not be disposed with domestic waste. The vendor is
responsible for carrying out its appropriate disposal.
With the designation of an apparatus with this symbol, the manufacturer furthermore declares that he satisfies all requirements
of the law concerning the release, redemption and environmentally sound disposal of electric and electronic appliances.