Ws c3508g XL en Datasheet

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Catalyst 3508G XL
Stackable Gigabit
Ethernet Switch

The Catalyst® 3508G XL eight-port stackable Flexible Stacking with GigaStack

Gigabit Ethernet switch is a member of the Cisco Stacking GBIC
Systems Catalyst 3500 Series XL, a scalable The Catalyst 3500 Series XL and Gigabit
line of stackable 10/100 and Gigabit Ethernet Ethernet-enabled Catalyst 2900 Series XL
switches that delivers best-in-class performance, switches can be stacked using the low-cost Cisco
manageability, and flexibility with unparalleled GigaStack GBIC. The GigaStack GBIC offers a
investment protection. range of highly flexible stacking and performance
options. Customers can connect up to nine
The Catalyst 3508G XL switch features eight
switches in a star configuration with up to 5-Gbps
Gigabit Interface Converter (GBIC)-based
of stack bandwidth using the Catalyst 3508G
1000Base-X ports and a 10-Gbps switching
Gigabit Ethernet aggregation switch. Network
fabric. These features make this switch ideal for
managers may use available GBIC ports to
either high speed wiring closet stack aggregation
create high-speed uplinks to the network core
or a distribution layer Gigabit Ethernet
using standard Gigabit Ethernet or Gigabit
aggregation switch. The switch is easy to deploy,
EtherChannel® technologies. The GBIC ports
either on a desktop or in a wiring closet, and
support all Cisco GBICs including 1000Base-T,
features Cisco IOS® software support.
1000Base-SX, 1000Base-LX/LH, and
Administration of the Cisco desktop Catalyst
1000Base-ZX providing exceptional flexibility
switches is made even more convenient via Cisco
for Gig-based network designs. High resiliency
Switch Clustering technology.
can also be implemented by deploying dual
Figure 1 The Catalyst 3508G XL is a single RU, redundant Gigabit Ethernet uplinks, Uplink Fast
stackable Gigabit Ethernet switch with eight and Cross-Stack Uplink Fast technologies for
GBIC-based Gigabit Ethernet ports. The Catalyst
3508G XL is ideal for aggregating a group of 10/100 high-speed uplink and stack interconnection
and Gigabit Ethernet switches and Gigabit Ethernet failover, and per VLAN Spanning Tree (PVST+)
servers through Cisco GigaStack™ GBICs or standard
for uplink load balancing. This Gigabit Ethernet
1000Base-X GBICs.
flexibility makes the Catalyst 3500 series XL
an ideal complement to the Cisco Catalyst 6500
family of Gigabit Ethernet optimized core
LAN switches, and allows today’s customer
investments to be used in various
price-to-performance configurations overtime.

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Cisco Switch Clustering Software Management Features
Breakthrough Cisco Switch Clustering technology enables Cisco Catalyst 3500 Series XL switches include several
up to sixteen interconnected Catalyst 3500 Series XL, exceptional features to increase network performance,
2900 Series XL, and Catalyst 1900 switches, regardless of manageability, and security. In order to boost
geographic proximity, to form a single IP management performance, Fast EtherChannel and Gigabit
domain. Cisco Switch Clustering technology supports a EtherChannel technology offer from 400-Mbps to
broad range of standards-based connectivity options and 4-Gbps high-performance bandwidth between Catalyst
configurations to deliver levels of performance that are switches, routers, and servers. The Cisco Group
scalable to meet customer requirements. Switch cluster Management Protocol (CGMP) enhances performance of
connectivity options for the Catalyst 3500 Series XL multimedia applications and reduces network traffic by
include Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, Fast EtherChannel, allowing a switch to selectively and dynamically forward
low-cost Cisco GigaStack GBIC, Gigabit Ethernet, IP multicast traffic to targeted end stations.
and Gigabit EtherChannel connectivity. Because the
Users can also implement higher levels of data security
technology is not limited by proprietary stacking modules
and boost LAN performance by deploying up to 250
or stacking cables, Cisco Switch Clustering expands
virtual LANs (VLANs) per switch. This ensures that data
the traditional stacking domain beyond a single wiring
packets are forwarded only to stations within a specific
closet and lets users mix and match interconnections
VLAN, creating a virtual firewall between groups of ports
to meet specific management, performance, and cost
on the network and reducing broadcast transmission.
requirements. Cisco Switch Clustering can be accessed
VLAN trunks can be created from any port using either
via an embedded Web interface, allowing network
802.1Q trunking or the Cisco Inter-Switch Link (ISL)
administrators to configure, monitor, and manage a
VLAN architecture. VLANs using standards-based
switch cluster from anywhere on the network through a
802.1Q and ISL trunking provide broadcast control and
standard browser such as Internet Explorer or Netscape
enhanced security, and simplify adds, moves, and
Navigator. Catalyst 3500 XL switches can be configured
changes. PVST+ allows users to implement redundant
either as command or member switches in a Cisco switch
uplinks while also distributing traffic loads across
stack or cluster. The command switch serves as the
multiple links—not possible with standard STP
single IP address management point and disburses all
implementations. Cisco Uplink Fast technology ensures
management action dictated by the network administrator.
immediate transfer to the secondary uplink. Cross-Stack
Command switches can cluster up to fifteen additional
Uplink Fast (CSUF) technology provides increased
interconnected member switches, regardless of
redundancy and network resiliency through fast-spanning
interconnection media. The Catalyst 3508G XL is
tree convergence (less than two seconds) across a stack of
an optimal command switch when deployed as a
switches using Gigastack GBICs.
high-performance aggregator.
With the Catalyst 3500 Series XL, network managers can
Quality of Service implement high levels of port and console security. Media
All Catalyst 3500 Series XL switches support LAN edge access control (MAC) address-based port level security
quality of service (QoS) based on 802.1p class of service prevents unauthorized stations from accessing the switch.
(CoS), as well as port-based prioritization. CoS is used for Multilevel access security on the switch console prevents
tagged packets while port-based prioritization is used for unauthorized users from accessing or altering switch
untagged packets. Priority scheduling is applied between configuration. Terminal access controller access control
the queues, which will assure that the high priority queue system (TACACS+) authentication enables centralized
is always serviced before scheduling the low priority access control of the switch and restricts unauthorized
traffic. These features enable users to prioritize mission users from altering the configuration.
critical traffic, such as VoIP or ERP applications over
regular traffic (such as FTP or generic Web traffic).

Cisco Systems
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Key Features/Benefits Flexible and Scalable Switch Clustering
Exceptional Performance
• Cisco Switch Clustering technology allows the user to
• Eight GBIC-based Gigabit Ethernet ports deliver up
manage up to sixteen interconnected Catalyst 3500 XL,
to 5-Gbps aggregated forwarding bandwidth to a
2900 XL, and Catalyst 1900 switches through a single
switch cluster
IP address, regardless of location
• 10-Gbps switching fabric and 7.0 million
• Common Switch Redundancy allows customers to
packets-per-second forwarding rate
designate a backup command switch, which takes over
• 4 MB shared-memory architecture ensures the highest
cluster management functions in the event of a failure of
possible throughput, with a design that eliminates
the primary command switch
head-of-line blocking, minimizes packet loss, and
delivers better overall performance in environments Ease of Use and Ease of Deployment
with extensive multicast and broadcast traffic • The cluster software administration feature allows a
• Full-duplex operation on all ports delivers up to network manager to quickly and easily upgrade the
2-Gbps on 1000Base-X ports system software on a group of Catalyst 3500 XL, and
• Dual-priority forwarding queues on each Gigabit 2900 XL, and Catalyst 1900 switches
Ethernet port through IEEE 802.1p protocol enable • IEEE 802.3z-compliant 1000Base-T, 1000Base-SX,
prioritization of mission critical and time sensitive 1000Base-LX/LH, and 1000Base-ZX physical-interface
traffic from data, voice, and telephony applications support through a field-replaceable GBIC module
• Trusted extension settings allows the switch to set provides customers unprecedented flexibility in switch
trusted port settings for the PC port on Cisco IP phones, deployment
ensuring voice traffic receives highest priority • Autoconfiguration eases deployment of switches in the
• Bandwidth aggregation up to 4 Gbps through Gigabit network by automatically configuring multiple switches
EtherChannel technology enhances fault tolerance and across a network via a boot server
offers higher-speed aggregated bandwidth between • Default configuration stored in Flash memory ensures
switches, and to routers and individual servers that the switch can be quickly connected to the network
• A configurable network port supports unlimited MAC and can pass traffic with minimal user intervention,
addresses for backbone connectivity preserving the configuration in case of a power outage
• GigaStack GBIC delivers a low-cost hardware-based, • Voice VLAN creates a new subnet for use by IP phones
independent stack bus with up to 1-Gbps forwarding in cases where there are not enough free IP addresses in
bandwidth in a cascade configuration (up to nine the existing subnets
Catalyst 3500 XL or gigabit-enabled Catalyst 2900
Integrated Cisco IOS Switching Solution
Series XL switches) or 2-Gbps forwarding rate in a
• Cisco Group Management Protocol (CGMP) enables
point-to-point configuration
a switch to selectively and dynamically forward routed
• GBIC-based Gigabit Ethernet ports give customers a
IP multicast traffic to targeted multimedia end stations,
choice of 1000Base-T, 1000Base-SX, 1000Base-LX/LH,
reducing overall network traffic
1000Base-ZX, or Cisco GigaStack GBICs to fit their
• CGMP Fast Leave allows end stations to quickly exit
connection needs
from a multicast session, reducing superfluous traffic
• Per-port broadcast, multicast, and unicast storm control
on the network
prevents faulty end stations from degrading overall
• Virtual LAN trunks can be created from any port
systems performance
using either standards-based 802.1Q tagging or the
Cisco ISL VLAN architecture
• IEEE 802.1p Layer 2 prioritization protocol allows
users to assign data packets to prioritized
forwarding queues

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• Cisco Virtual Trunking Protocol (VTP) supports • Multifunction LEDs per port for port status, half-duplex/
dynamic VLANs and dynamic trunk configuration full-duplex indication, switch-level status LEDs for
across all switches system, redundant power supply (RPS), and bandwidth
• Command-Line-Interface (CLI) support provides utilization provide a comprehensive and convenient
common user interfaces and command sets across all visual management system
Catalyst series switches and Cisco routers • Spanning Tree Root Guard (STRG) prevents devices not
• Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) enables a CiscoWorks in the network administrator’s or service provider’s
network management station to automatically discover control from becoming STP root nodes by configuring
the switch in a network topology STRG on device ports it does control
• VTP pruning limits broadcasts on VTP trunks. When
Superior Manageability
VTP pruning is enabled, broadcast traffic is flooded only
• Built-in Web-based Cisco Cluster Management Suite
on trunk links required to reach the destination devices
(CSM) software provides an easy-to-use Web-based
management interface through a standard browser such Redundancy
as Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Explorer • Cisco Uplink Fast technology ensures quick failover
• Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) and recovery, enhancing overall network stability and
Telnet interface support delivers comprehensive in-band reliability
management, and a CLI-based management console • Cross-Stack Uplink Fast (CSUF) technology provides
provides detailed out-of-band management increased redundancy and network resiliency through
• Manageable through CiscoWorks2000 network fast-spanning-tree convergence (less than two seconds)
management software on a per-port and per-switch across a stack of switches using Gigastack GBICs
basis, providing a common management interface for • IEEE 802.1D Spanning-Tree Protocol support for
Cisco routers, switches, and hubs redundant backbone connections and loop-free
• 8 MB DRAM and 4 MB Flash memory on board enable networks simplifies network configuration and
the addition of a continuous stream of feature upgrades, improves fault tolerance
maximizing customer investments • Redundant stacking connections support for a
• Embedded Remote Monitoring (RMON) software redundant loopback connection in top and bottom
agent supports four RMON groups (History, Statistics, switches in a stack
Alarms, and Events) for enhanced traffic management, • Support for optional Cisco 600-watt redundant AC
monitoring, and analysis power system provides a backup power source for
• Support for all nine RMON groups through use of a up to four units for improved fault tolerance and
Switch Port Analyzer (SPAN) port that permits traffic network uptime
monitoring of a single port, a group of ports, or the
entire switch from a single network analyzer or
• Support for TACACS+ authentication enables
RMON probe
centralized control of the switch and restricts
• Domain Name System (DNS) client support provides
unauthorized users from altering the configuration
IP address resolution with user-defined device names
• MAC-based port-level security prevents unauthorized
• Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) reduces the cost of
stations from accessing the switch
administering software upgrades by downloading from
• User-selectable address learning mode simplifies
a centralized location
configuration and enhances security
• Network Time Protocol (NTP) provides an accurate and
• Multilevel security on console access prevents
consistent timestamp to all switches within the intranet
unauthorized users from altering the switch

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• Private VLAN edge provides security and isolation Indicators
between ports on a switch, ensuring that voice traffic • Per-port status LEDs—link integrity, disabled, activity,
travels directly from its entry point to the aggregation speed, and full-duplex indications
device through a virtual path and cannot be directed to • System status LEDs—system, RPS, and
a different port bandwidth-utilization indications

Technical Specifications Dimensions and Weight (H x W x D)

• 1.75 x 17.5 x 16 in. (4.4 x 44.5 x 40.6 cm)
• One rack-unit (RU) high
• 10-Gbps shared memory switching fabric with
• 12 lb (5.4 kg)
5-Gbps peak forwarding bandwidth
• 7.5-Mpps wire-speed forwarding rate for Environmental Conditions and Power
64-byte packets Requirements
• 4 MB memory architecture shared by all ports • Operating temperature: 32 to 113 F (0 to 45 C)
• Packet forwarding rate for 64-byte packets: • Storage temperature: –13 to 158 F (–25 to 70 C)
1,488,000 pps to 1000Base-X ports • Operating relative humidity: 10 to 85% noncondensing
• 8 MB DRAM and 4-MB Flash memory • Operating altitude: up to 10,000 ft (3000 m)
• 8192 MAC addresses • Power consumption: 70W maximum; 239 BTU per hour
• AC input voltage/frequency: 100 to 120/200 to 240
VAC (autoranging) 50 to 60 Hz
• SNMP Management Information Base (MIB) II, SNMP
• MTBF 150,000 hours
MIB extensions, bridging MIB (RFC 1493)
Safety Certifications
• UL 1950
• IEEE 802.3x full duplex
• CSA 22.2 No. 950
• IEEE 802.1D Spanning-Tree Protocol
• EN 60950
• IEEE 802.1p Class of Service Protocol
• IEC 950
• IEEE 802.1Q VLAN
• AS/NZS 3260, TS001
• IEEE 802.3z, IEEE 802.3x 1000Base-X specification
• CE marking
• 1000Base-X (GBIC)
– 1000Base-T Electromagnetic Emissions Certifications
– 1000Base-SX • FCC Part 15 Class A
– 1000Base-LX/LH • EN 55022B Class A (CISPR 22 Class A)
– 1000Base-ZX (4 GBICs supported per switch) • VCCI Class A
• IEEE 802.3ab • AS/NZS 3548 Class A
• CE marking
• Y2K compliant
Connectors and Cabling
• Limited lifetime warranty
• 1000Base-T GBIC ports: RJ-45 connectors; two-pair
Category 5 UTP cabling
• 1000Base-SX, -LX/LH, and -ZX GBIC-based ports: SC
fiber connectors, single-mode or multimode fiber
• GigaStack GBIC ports: copper-based Cisco GigaStack
• Management console port: RJ-45 connector, EIA/
TIA-232 serial cabling

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Ordering Information

Model Numbers
• WS-C3508G-XL-EN (8-port 1000Base-X,
Enterprise Edition)

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• Other: 408 526-7209
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