Government Boys Middle School Dad Muhammad Majak, Killa Abdullah

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Government Boys Middle School Dad Muhammad Majak, Killa Abdullah

Paper: English Time allowed: 3 hours Total marks: 75

Class: 3rd

NOTE: 10 marks for attempting the paper neat and clean

Q: 01: Watch the clocks and write the timings of the clocks (10)
Clock 1 Clock 2 Clock 3

Clock Clock 5

Q:02: Write any 5 sentences of your own choice in English (10)

Q: 03: Write the 26 Capital alphabets (15)
Q: 04: Fill in the blanks (5)
1. This is _____________ book. 2.Where is _____________ cap?
2. _______________ is neat and clean. 4. We live in _________ home.
5.They live in ___________ home.

Q: 05: Answer the following questions (any four) (6x4)

a. Write the complete name of Quid e Azam?
b. When did Pakistan came into being?
c. Name the four things you like about your school?
d. Write the complete name of our prophet?
e. Where do you live?
f. Who came to drink water at the stream?

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