Aops Community 2020 Isl: Imo Shortlist 2020
Aops Community 2020 Isl: Imo Shortlist 2020
Aops Community 2020 Isl: Imo Shortlist 2020
– Algebra
A1 Version 1. Let n be a positive integer, and set N = 2n . Determine the smallest real number an
such that, for all real x, r
N x
2N + 1
6 an (x − 1)2 + x.
Version 2. For every positive integer N , determine the smallest real number bN such that, for all
real x, r
N x
2N + 1
6 bN (x − 1)2 + x.
A2 Let A denote the set of all polynomials in three variables x, y, z with integer coefficients. Let B
denote the subset of A formed by all polynomials which can be expressed as
with P, Q, R ∈ A. Find the smallest non-negative integer n such that xi y j z k ∈ B for all non-
negative integers i, j, k satisfying i + j + k ≥ n.
A3 Suppose that a, b, c, d are positive real numbers satisfying (a + c)(b + d) = ac + bd. Find the
smallest possible value of
a b c d
+ + + .
b c d a
A4 The real numbers a, b, c, d are such that a ≥ b ≥ c ≥ d > 0 and a + b + c + d = 1. Prove that
(a + 2b + 3c + 4d)aa bb cc dd < 1
A5 A magician intends to perform the following trick. She announces a positive integer n, along
with 2n real numbers x1 < · · · < x2n , to the audience. A member of the audience then se-
cretly chooses a polynomial P (x) of degree n with real coefficients, computes the 2n values
P (x1 ), . . . , P (x2n ), and writes down these 2n values on the blackboard in non-decreasing order.
After that the magician announces the secret polynomial to the audience. Can the magician find
a strategy to perform such a trick?
A7 Let n and k be positive integers. Prove that for a1 , . . . , an ∈ [1, 2k ] one has
n √
X ai
q ≤ 4 kn.
i=1 a21 + · · · + a2i
A8 Let R+ be the set of positive real numbers. Determine all functions f : R+ → R+ such that for
all positive real numbers x and y
f (x + f (xy)) + y = f (x)f (y) + 1
(U kraine)
– Combinatorics
Proposed by United Kingdom
C2 In a regular 100-gon, 41 vertices are colored black and the remaining 59 vertices are colored
white. Prove that there exist 24 convex quadrilaterals Q1 , . . . , Q24 whose corners are vertices of
the 100-gon, so that
- the quadrilaterals Q1 , . . . , Q24 are pairwise disjoint, and
- every quadrilateral Qi has three corners of one color and one corner of the other color.
C3 There is an integer n > 1. There are n2 stations on a slope of a mountain, all at different altitudes.
Each of two cable car companies, A and B, operates k cable cars; each cable car provides a
transfer from one of the stations to a higher one (with no intermediate stops). The k cable cars
of A have k different starting points and k different finishing points, and a cable car which starts
higher also finishes higher. The same conditions hold for B. We say that two stations are linked
by a company if one can start from the lower station and reach the higher one by using one
or more cars of that company (no other movements between stations are allowed). Determine
the smallest positive integer k for which one can guarantee that there are two stations that are
linked by both companies.
Proposed by Tejaswi Navilarekallu, India
C5 Let p be an odd prime, and put N = 14 (p3 − p) − 1. The numbers 1, 2, . . . , N are painted arbitrarily
in two colors, red and blue. For any positive integer n 6 N, denote r(n) the fraction of integers
{1, 2, . . . , n} that are red.
Prove that there exists a positive integer a ∈ {1, 2, . . . , p − 1} such that r(n) 6= a/p for all
n = 1, 2, . . . , N.
C6 There are 4n pebbles of weights 1, 2, 3, . . . , 4n. Each pebble is coloured in one of n colours and
there are four pebbles of each colour. Show that we can arrange the pebbles into two piles so
that the following two conditions are both satisfied:
-The total weights of both piles are the same.
- Each pile contains two pebbles of each colour.
Proposed by Milan Haiman, Hungary and Carl Schildkraut, USA
C7 Consider any rectangular table having finitely many rows and columns, with a real number a(r, c)
in the cell in row r and column c. A pair (R, C), where R is a set of rows and C a set of columns,
is called a saddle pair if the following two conditions are satisfied:
- (i) For each row r0 , there is r ∈ R such that a(r, c) > a (r0 , c) for all c ∈ C;
- (ii) For each column c0 , there is c ∈ C such that a(r, c) 6 a (r, c0 ) for all r ∈ R.
A saddle pair (R, C) is called a minimal pair if for each saddle pair (R0 , C 0 ) with R0 ⊆ R and
C 0 ⊆ C, we have R0 = R and C 0 = C. Prove that any two minimal pairs contain the same
number of rows.
C8 Players A and B play a game on a blackboard that initially contains 2020 copies of the number
1 . In every round, player A erases two numbers x and y from the blackboard, and then player B
writes one of the numbers x + y and |x − y| on the blackboard. The game terminates as soon
as, at the end of some round, one of the following holds:
- (1) one of the numbers on the blackboard is larger than the sum of all other numbers;
- (2) there are only zeros on the blackboard.
Player B must then give as many cookies to player A as there are numbers on the blackboard.
Player A wants to get as many cookies as possible, whereas player B wants to give as few as
possible. Determine the number of cookies that A receives if both players play optimally.
– Geometry
G1 Let ABC be an isosceles triangle with BC = CA, and let D be a point inside side AB such
that AD < DB. Let P and Q be two points inside sides BC and CA, respectively, such that
∠DP B = ∠DQA = 90◦ . Let the perpendicular bisector of P Q meet line segment CQ at E, and
let the circumcircles of triangles ABC and CP Q meet again at point F , different from C.
Suppose that P , E, F are collinear. Prove that ∠ACB = 90◦ .
G2 Consider the convex quadrilateral ABCD. The point P is in the interior of ABCD. The following
ratio equalities hold:
Prove that the following three lines meet in a point: the internal bisectors of angles ∠ADP and
∠P CB and the perpendicular bisector of segment AB.
Proposed by Dominik Burek, Poland
G3 Let ABCD be a convex quadrilateral with ∠ABC > 90, CDA > 90 and ∠DAB = ∠BCD.
Denote by E and F the reflections of A in lines BC and CD, respectively. Suppose that the
segments AE and AF meet the line BD at K and L, respectively. Prove that the circumcircles
of triangles BEK and DF L are tangent to each other.
G4 In the plane, there are n > 6 pairwise disjoint disks D1 , D2 , . . . , Dn with radii R1 > R2 > . . . >
Rn . For every i = 1, 2, . . . , n, a point Pi is chosen in disk Di . Let O be an arbitrary point in the
plane. Prove that
OP1 + OP2 + . . . + OPn > R6 + R7 + . . . + Rn .
(A disk is assumed to contain its boundary.)
G5 Let ABCD be a cyclic quadrilateral. Points K, L, M, N are chosen on AB, BC, CD, DA such
that KLM N is a rhombus with KL k AC and LM k BD. Let ωA , ωB , ωC , ωD be the incircles of
4AN K, 4BKL, 4CLM, 4DM N .
Prove that the common internal tangents to ωA , and ωC and the common internal tangents to
ωB and ωD are concurrent.
G6 Let ABC be a triangle with AB < AC, incenter I, and A excenter IA . The incircle meets BC at
D. Define E = AD ∩ BIA , F = AD ∩ CIA . Show that the circumcircle of 4AID and 4IA EF
are tangent to each other
G7 Let P be a point on the circumcircle of acute triangle ABC. Let D, E, F be the reflections of P
in the A-midline, B-midline, and C-midline. Let ω be the circumcircle of the triangle formed by
the perpendicular bisectors of AD, BE, CF .
Show that the circumcircles of 4ADP, 4BEP, 4CF P, and ω share a common point.
G8 Let ABC be a triangle with incenter I and circumcircle Γ. Circles ωB passing through B and ωC
passing through C are tangent at I. Let ωB meet minor arc AB of Γ at P and AB at M 6= B, and
let ωC meet minor arc AC of Γ at Q and AC at N 6= C. Rays P M and QN meet at X. Let Y be
a point such that Y B is tangent to ωB and Y C is tangent to ωC .
Show that A, X, Y are collinear.
G9 Prove that there exists a positive constant c such that the following statement is true:
Consider an integer n > 1, and a set S of n points in the plane such that the distance between
any two different points in S is at least 1. It follows that there is a line ` separating S such that
the distance from any point of S to ` is at least cn−1/3 .
(A line ` separates a set of points S if some segment joining two points in S crosses `.)
[i]Note. Weaker results with cn−1/3 replaced by cn−α may be awarded points depending on the
value of the constant α > 1/3.[/i]
Proposed by Ting-Feng Lin and Hung-Hsun Hans Yu, Taiwan
– Number Theory
N1 Given a positive integer k show that there exists a prime p such that one can choose distinct
integers a1 , a2 · · · , ak+3 ∈ {1, 2, · · · , p − 1} such that p divides ai ai+1 ai+2 ai+3 − i for all i =
1, 2, · · · , k.
South Africa
N2 For each prime p, construct a graph Gp on {1, 2, . . . p}, where m 6= n are adjacent if and only if p
divides (m2 + 1 − n)(n2 + 1 − m). Prove that Gp is disconnected for infinitely many p
N3 A deck of n > 1 cards is given. A positive integer is written on each card. The deck has the
property that the arithmetic mean of the numbers on each pair of cards is also the geometric
mean of the numbers on some collection of one or more cards.
For which n does it follow that the numbers on the cards are all equal?
Proposed by Oleg Košik, Estonia
N4 For any odd prime p and any integer n, let dp (n) ∈ {0, 1, . . . , p − 1} denote the remainder when
n is divided by p. We say that (a0 , a1 , a2 , . . . ) is a p-sequence, if a0 is a positive integer coprime
to p, and an+1 = an + dp (an ) for n > 0.
(a) Do there exist infinitely many primes p for which there exist p-sequences (a0 , a1 , a2 , . . . ) and
(b0 , b1 , b2 , . . . ) such that an > bn for infinitely many n, and bn > an for infinitely many n?
(b) Do there exist infinitely many primes p for which there exist p-sequences (a0 , a1 , a2 , . . . ) and
(b0 , b1 , b2 , . . . ) such that a0 < b0 , but an > bn for all n > 1?
United Kingdom
N5 Determine all functions f defined on the set of all positive integers and taking non-negative
integer values, satisfying the three conditions:
- (i) f (n) 6= 0 for at least one n;
- (ii) f (xy) = f (x) + f (y) for every positive integers x and y;
- (iii) there are infinitely many positive integers n such that f (k) = f (n − k) for all k < n.
N6 For a positive integer n, let d(n) be the number of positive divisors of n, and let ϕ(n) be the
number of positive integers not exceeding n which are coprime to n. Does there exist a constant
C such that
for all n ≥ 1
N7 Let S be a set consisting of n ≥ 3 positive integers, none of which is a sum of two other distinct
members of S. Prove that the elements of S may be ordered as a1 , a2 , . . . , an so that ai does
not divide ai−1 + ai+1 for all i = 2, 3, . . . , n − 1.