Special Memories
Special Memories
Special Memories
Happy Memory in My Life People have a lot of events occurring in their life.
May be sad or happy events, and these events will never forget. It is difficult to keep
the life without sadness events. People as much as possible try to remember the
good events and forget the bad events. I skipped all bad events and I just
remembered happy events. In my happy memory I will explain about my daughter
first children's holiday of the New Year. I have been preparing for this holiday for
a very long time. I wanted this day to be the most amazing day in her life. Because,
on this day, she will see Santa Claus and the New Year tree, for the first time.
Choosing the place of the holiday, I started to sew a costume for the New Year. I
asked what kind of costume she wants: princess, queen, and so on. But to my
surprise she chose the fox costumes. I sewed the costumes myself, I carefully
prepared everything so that it was a beautiful fox costume and so that would be a
special memory in her life. She learned a verse for Santa Claus to receive her
present. I do not know who was more worried before the holiday was started, I or
she. It all began so beautifully, but ended sadly and funny. When we came to the
party in a fox costume. There were many children in different costumes, she was
interested. But…. When the holiday began, the music was turned on and Santa
Claus came out, my daughter got scared and began to cry very much. I tried to
calm her down, but ..... we had to leave. She did not see the holiday, she did not
receive a gift, she did not tell the verse. I was very upset because I was preparing
so much for this day. This was special memories for me, but not for my daughter.