Module 3 Teaching Profession

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Write your thoughts on the following.

1. Do you have such a thing as unchanging values in these changing times?

• Generally, time and value change. Actually only time does, People have this perspectives to act in
relation to what others feel or tell them, as a result their values at respective times change. But the truth
is, no matter how convinced and intuitive you are about a value, it doesn't change what the truth of a
value express. Value stays value as long as is positive and brings growth, cause value stays value even if
no one accepts is value. Value doesn't need a number of people to judge its validity. From there we shall
not be talking of value but law.

2. What do we man when we say transcendent values are independent of time, space, and people?

• Values, ordinary and transcendent, are based on preferences which come from people so perhaps you
meant to say, transcendent values are independent of time and space. Ok, that seems to make some
sense, if we only knew what you mean by transcendent values. It seems we invoke this idea of values
when we can’t compromise anymore. We have preferences and we are willing to make some effort to
adhere to our preferences if we have to; we call that our “values”, those preferences we would make
some effort to adhere to in the face of a challenge to them.

3. Should values be taught? Reason why?

• Teachers, parents and also the students have to work together to create a caring relationship between
them. It is important to know that moral values are important to be taught to the students because
moral values have an impact on the students' achievement and behavior.

4. What are the three dimensions of values and value formation? Explain each.

• Universally human, cultural that vary with societies and times; and personal that vary with individuals.
Each dimension has a standard for judging the adequacy of the relevant values.

5. Value formation is the training of the intellect and the will. What does this training consist of?

• Your value formation in the essence is the training of the intellect and will, your cognitive and rational
appetitive powers, respectively. Your intellect discerns a value and presents it to the will as a right or
wrong value.

6. What is the effect of good habit and bad habit on the will?

• If a person has control over the behaviour, then it is a habit. Good intentions can override the negative
effect of bad habits, but their effect seems to be independent and additive—the bad habits remain, but
are subdued rather than cancelled.

7. Which is the lowest value in Scheler’s value hierarchy? Highest?

• Pleasure, utility, vitality, culture, and holiness.

8. Based on Scheler’s hierarchy of values, what is a life well lived?

• In accordance with the above principles, Scheler classified the values into the following four
categories(from the bottom to the top) (1) the value of pleasure and displeasure(the emotional value),
(2) the value of the sense of life(and welfare as a subsidiary value to it), (3) the mental value(perception,
beauty, .

9. According to advocates of value clarification, how can you test if a value is really your value?

• If that value derives directly or indirectly from one of the four ultimate values as defined by the
ancient Greek philosophers of Good, Truth, Beauty, and Justice; or, if it derives directly or indirectly from
the theological virtues as defined by the Apostle Paul of Hope, Faith, and Love, then, and only then, it is
a “true value” and not a phony one. It is otherwise not worthy of your time and attention. Moreover,
Paul tells us that the greatest of those is love. That value is the one that should be your highest priority.
And, don’t confuse affection or sex with the real thing. The real thing can move mountains.


1. Present Scheler’s hierarchy of values by means of an appropriate graphic organizer. Each level of
values must be explained and must be given an example.

• VALUES OF THE HOLY – “Divine and Idols”A complete devotion as one perfect in goodness and

Example: Morality, Creativity, Problem – Solving, Acceptance of FactsSPIRITUAL VALUES –

“Right and Wrong”Are also human values and are fundamental roots of a healthy, vibrant and viable
work career.

Example: Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love

VITAL VALUES – “Noble and Vulgar”Widely encompasses and understood ideas of physical culture,
health promotion and ecology. Are central to our role as an ethical and responsible corporate citizen

2. In the modern parable “The Little Prince”, written by Antoine Exupery, the Little Prince in his visit to
one planet , met an alcoholic. The following was their conversation:

Little Prince: “What are you doing?”

The alcoholic: “I am drinking”

Little prince: “Why are you drinking?”

Alcoholic: “To forget”

Little prince: “To forget what?”

Alcoholic: “That I am a drunkard”

Based on the above conversation, is the alcoholic happy for being one? What lesson can you learn from
the life of an alcoholic or of a gambler?

• No, the alcoholic is not happy for being one. Negatives deeds are not the solution for another negative


1. Which Filipino values pose obstacles to your value formation? How do they block your value

• The Filipino values that pose obstacles to the value formation are being respectful and selfless. This is
an obstacle especially to some of the cultures of the west.

2. The Atheist denies God’s existence. Will he lack the values of the Holy, the Highest level of the value
according the Scheler? How will this affect his/her way of life?

• For the most part, atheists have presumed that the most reasonable conclusions are the ones that
have the best evidential support. And they have argued that the evidence in favor of God’s existence is
too weak, or the arguments in favor of concluding there is no God are more compelling. Traditionally
the arguments for God’s existence have fallen into several families: ontological, teleological, and
cosmological arguments, miracles, and prudential justifications. For detailed discussion of those
arguments and the major challenges to them that have motivated the atheist conclusion, the reader is
encouraged to consult the other relevant sections of the encyclopedia.


LESSON OBJECTIVES: You will be able to :

1. Explain the similarities and differences of vocation, mission and profession.

• Vocation is literally your "calling", what you are good for or destined for. It usually is a
property/talent/predisposition of your person. A mission, in contrast, is a particular task given to you.
Even if you are on "a mission from God", there may be retirement from it eventually.

If you take as an example biblical prophets, usually their vocation was being a prophet. But their
missions were more concrete, like warning the town of Ninive. Most prophets were given a number of
2. Cite situations or examples which will show that teaching is actually a mission, vocation, and

• I’m a teacher of some 30 years, and I certainly dont do it for the money. Mostly it sucks but teachers
do it because they enjoy what they do and they derive enormous satisfaction out of it. Teachers get
picked on for doing what many consider a “worthless job” or they do it becuase they can not do
anything else. All people in society from prime Ministers to Presidents, CEOS, lawyers, doctors. have all
had great teachers. How do you think people became what they are today. Teachers are also in loco
parentis, which means they take the place of your parents while you are at school. They provide
discipline, structure and order to your life. they can motivate you to succeed.


Compare teaching as a vocation, mission and profession to something by completing the statement:

• Teaching is in many ways like other professions, except the only time it is referred to as “Practice” is
before ome’s entry into the profession. The implication within many professions is that much of the
necessary knowledge will be gained either by trial and error, or through further formal specialization.
Teachers are expected to keep current and proficient, but they are considered competent when they are
issued a certificate.


1. Does it make a difference if teaching is simply regarded as profession, not a vocation and a mission?

As a teacher I maintain my professionalism in all that I do with students and staff - as well as in the sense
of continuing to study to improve my skills. The underlying motivation to become a teacher in the first
place was one of vocation - I wanted to be part of my students’ solutions, not part of their problems. But
it cannot be a mission. I am not the only person in their lives, or even the most important person. To
think of teaching as a mission is dangerous to myself and to my students.

2. With the 5 qualities of a professional in mind, cite other Filipino traits that work against the making of
a true Filipino professional. Propose some remedial measures.

• Knowing your stuff. Please notice I didn’t say “know everything”.

• Standing for something. This is about ethics and having a moral compass.

• Keeping your word. This is a big one.

• Being honest.

• Supporting others.

3. Once more, read the letter to the teacher given above than state the mission of the professional

• I believe a good teacher, first, has a powerful faith in the future. Like the forester planting an oak
seedling knowing he or she will never see the tree in all its glory, I know I may never see the fruits of my
labors as teacher. My calling is to plant and nurture seeds that will grow and shape tomorrow.

The good teacher knows and understands students, how they develop and learn. I know that students
actively construct and transform their own knowledge based on past experiences and prior learning. I
know that students do not all learn in the same way or at the same rate. I believe it is my responsibility
as a teacher to be an effective diagnostician of students’ interests, abilities, and prior knowledge. I must
then plan learning experiences that will both challenge and allow every student to think and grow.

4. Of the 5 qualities of a professional, which to you is the most important? Why?

• Although each profession requires people with specific skills and talents, every efficient employee
should have general professional qualities. These qualities can help you show employers that you are a
well-rounded individual. Those who are highly respected and admired in their roles exude
professionalism. In this article, we share specific professional qualities you can strive toward.


Keep interested in your career, however be humble; it is the real possession in the changing fortunes of
time, says DESIDERATA. How can you keep your interest in your own career? Write your reflections.

• Keep interested in your own career, however humble, it is a real possession in the changing fortunes
of time. Pick something you like to do and learn more about it, and let everyone else do the same.
Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what
virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism.

Individually, people are pretty good. Many of them think they have to act some other way at work; they
don’t have to, but they think they do. In their hearts, most people are kind and good. Pay attention to
that part of them.

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