Just A Tiny Dragon 0629

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11/23/21, 6:07 PM Aestrea Application

Aestrea Application
disclaimer - filling this form out does not guarantee admission into the server

Who sent you the link? Mostly to make it easier to give the link to the server.

Abeosin (on reddit)

What is your discord tag? (If approved this is how we will send the server link) please include
full tag - example#1234 *


How much experience do you have with tabletop games and with Dungeons & Dragons 5th
Edition specifically? *

I don’t usually play over table top, and as for DnD experience I’ve participated in a singular campain,
although it ended quite quickly. I know the basic concepts however, but am still quite new.

What has been your experience with online, text-based role play games, especially on Discord?

All of the rp I do is text based. On discord I currently run a free style campain of my own. I have around a
year and a halfish of dnd experience, althought I have been in the rp community for around 5 ish years

How would you describe your playstyle? *

I prefer to play with roleplay than combat. If you wanna fight creatures and grind mobs all day, fantastic!
Great for you! But I generally dislike combat, and try to avoid it if I can.

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1tIGUwt1lbCUgKzww569s-KNVHjV5bxpPMC0PbU7fRs0/edit#response=ACYDBNjonwoKjuoha-Lp1qLwznje1P0JKu2… 1/3
11/23/21, 6:07 PM Aestrea Application

What genre of world they prefer: high fantasy or dark grueling etc *

High fantesy, light hearted, adventure type games. Dark and grueling isn’t really for me.

What about your favorite class is most compelling to you? *

Rouge. There’s something appealing about being a sneaky yet charasmatic character that I can’t really
describe. It’s just fun to play.

What do you find to be the most enjoyable aspect of playing D&D? *

Definetly the moments where something goes terribly wrong yet it’s so funny, or when you manage to
accomplish something that you had a very high chance of failing. It’s just the little moments that count.

What balance between roleplay and combat do you prefer? *

90-95% rp, 10-5% combat.

A DM makes a ruling you know goes against what's written in the Core Rulebooks. How do you
respond? *

Well it depends. If it’s like outrageous and just not needed whatsoever (ex. Wizards can’t cast spells if
they’re sitting down or something ridiculous like that) then I would politely state my opinion on it and hope
they reconsiter. If it’s something simple but it’s make to highten the experience, then i’ll probably be cool
with it.

You notice that someone's RP is making another person uncomfortable. How do you respond?

Politely remind them of other people’s bounderyies and triggers in a DM if possible.

https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1tIGUwt1lbCUgKzww569s-KNVHjV5bxpPMC0PbU7fRs0/edit#response=ACYDBNjonwoKjuoha-Lp1qLwznje1P0JKu2… 2/3
11/23/21, 6:07 PM Aestrea Application

The world of Aestrea currently has two cities in which you can play. Crimson Port is a port city
within the Republic of Astrian, a nation which is operated and protected by a band of
merchants. Their focus is predominantly on trade and protecting their cargo from those that
would plunder it rather than keeping order and law among its citizens. Nelsa Themar is a
bustling elven city in the mountains. It is a monarchy, and the guards of the city dictate order
within its walls. With a plethora of adventurer guilds to sign up for, and even join the city
guards, an adventurer has many options how to write their story in Nelsa Themar. The Aestrea
community currently has a server for each of these cities. Which would you be interested in
joining? *

Crimson Port

Nelsa Themar

Propose a character concept for the setting(s) you selected above. This character concept
does not have to be the character you play on the server. *

Perhaps a rouge who only steals small trinkets, something that nobody would miss. Yet he has a good heart
and tries to get by with what he has.

Write a sample of RP from the perspective of this character. *

He swiftly walked past, bumping into the person ‘by mistake’. “Apologies, My bad. Spaced for out a moment
there.” He waved a hand, using his other hand to stuff the jewelry into his pocket while walking away.

Anything else you would like us to know? *

I’m quite uncomfortable with any mentions of inappropriate topics. (Rape, sex, ect.) And I’d highly prefer if
those types of things were spoiled with a trigger warning, or kept out entirely.

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https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1tIGUwt1lbCUgKzww569s-KNVHjV5bxpPMC0PbU7fRs0/edit#response=ACYDBNjonwoKjuoha-Lp1qLwznje1P0JKu2… 3/3

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