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Dynamic Perception MX2 Dolly Engine Instruction Manual

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MX2 Instruction Manual


Table of Contents:
Getting  Started  
Interacting  with  the  MX2  Controller     4  

Selecting  the  Speed  Display         6  

Controlling  the  LCD           7  
Configuring  Camera  Control         9  

Basic  Usage  

Choosing  your  Motion  Mode       13  

Manual  Motor  Control         16  

Ramping/Feathering  into  Moves       17  

Calibrating  the  Controller         19  
Shooting  Stop  Motion  Films         22  

Setting  Motor  and  Drive  Parameters     23  

Reset  to  Defaults           24  
Advanced  Usage  

Using  Remote  Inputs           26  

Controlling  Low-­‐Cost  Telescope  Heads     29  
Updating  the  Firmware         32  


Getting Started with the MX2


MX2: Interacting with the Controller

The MX2 is designed to be extremely simple to use, and to let you quickly input the most important
parameters during a shoot. This document describes the means of interacting with the controller through the
user interface, and how to use the main control screen.

There are five pushbuttons, four arranged in a cross-pattern, and one to the lower left. The four buttons
together are [Left], [Right], [Up] and [Down] while the button to the lower left is the [Enter] button.
• Brings  up  the  main  menu,  or  selects  a  menu  item.    
o If  item  is  another  menu,  that  menu  will  be  opened,  otherwise  the  
value  selected  will  be  shown  for  editing,  or  executed  depending  on  the  
currently  selected  item.  
• Saves  the  current  value  being  edited  
• Exits  manual  motor  control  
• Selects  the  menu  item  directly  above  
• Increases  the  value  of  the  currently  selected  item  
• Increases  motor  speed  (manual  motor  control)  
• Selects  the  menu  item  directly  below  
• Decreases  the  value  of  the  currently  selected  item  
• Decreases  motor  speed  (manual  motor  control)  
• Moves  input  selection  left  (main  screen  only)  
• Moves  current  motor  left  (manual  motor  control)  
• Moves  input  selection  right  (main  screen  only)  
• Cancels  value  input  (when  changing  the  value  of  a  selected  item)  
• Moves  current  motor  right  (manual  motor  control)  

Menus and Editing Values

When on the Main Screen, pressing the Enter button will draw the main menu. Pressing [Enter] on any
menu item will either draw the sub-menu selected or, if the item selected is an input, it will be displayed for
editing. When a value for editing is displayed, you may use [Up] and [Down] to alter the value. If you wish
to save the value, simply press [Enter] again. To exit the editor without saving, press the [Right] button and
the original value will be restored. The [Right] button also functions as the “back” button, allowing one to
go back one level from any menu, or return to the Main Screen from the top-level menu.
For some values that you can edit, a limited selection of choices such as ‘Up/Down’, ‘On/Off’, ‘Left/Right’
may be displayed. Pressing either [Up] or [Down] in the edit screen will alternate between the available
values. For some values, you may be allowed to enter more or less than the value accepts — when saving
in these cases the value will be set at its minimum or maximum, and will reflect this when next displayed.
To increase or decrease a number, you can simply hold [Up] or [Down] to continue to increase or decrease
the value for as long as you hold it down. The longer the button is held, the faster it increases or decreases a
value. In this manner, you may easily enter large numbers.


Saving Input Values Permanently

When editing certain values (such as RPM for a motor axis, interval time, etc.) they are automatically saved
to permanent memory for you. In this way, you will not have to make the same changes between re-start.
The values which are saved permanently are indicated in their appropriate documentation. To wipe out
permanent memory, and reset to default values, choose the ‘Reset Mem’ option in the Main Settings menu.
Please note that direction and speed of a given axis are designed to be changed regularly, and are not saved
to permanent memory.

The Main Screen

The Main Screen provides an overview of the current status and also allows for quick modification of key
operating parameters. This screen has the following layout:
On 3s [15]
R30.50% L0.00%
On the first line we have the current status (On or Off), the intervalometer timing (3s), and a count of shots
fired since turned on ([15]). The second line displays the direction and speed for each motor, with motor 1
on the left, and motor 2 on the right.

Pressing [Right] will advance through the values that can be changed directly from the main screen: status,
timing, direction and speed of each motor. When a particular value is displayed with a flashing cursor on it,
you can change the value using [Up] and [Down].

• You  may  change  any  value  when  the  shoot  is  running  —  it  will  take  effect  
• Motor  speed  can  be  displayed  in  either  percentage  (%),  inches-­‐per-­‐minute  
(i),  or  cm-­‐per-­‐minute  (c)  this  is  configurable  in  the  Settings  menu.  
• Pressing  [Left]  will  back  up  one  setting  on  the  screen  
• Pressing  [Enter]  at  any  time  when  on  the  main  screen  will  bring  up  the  Main  
Menu,  even  if  program  is  running  


Choosing the Speed Display

With the MX2 controller, you can either display and input speeds in percentages of maximum (relative) or
inches per minute (absolute).

The speed display setting is global, and impacts all axes. You may not configure one for relative and one
for absolute speed display.

If you modify the speed for a given axis while the program is running, it will immediately take effect.

Displaying in Relative Speeds (Percentage)

When displaying in relative speeds, the main screen will show a floating-point number and the symbol ‘%’
on the speed value for the given motor. You may modify this value to any value between 0 and 100% as
allowed by the motion control mode you are in by highlighting it using the [Right] button on the main
screen and then using [Up] and [Down] to change the value.

To set the MX2 to display relative speeds:

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Settings and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Motor Disp. and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] and choose PCT
5. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort

Displaying in Absolute Speeds (inches or cm)

When displaying in absolute speeds, the main screen will show a floating-point number and the symbol ‘i’
(or ‘c’ if in metric mode) next to the the speed value for the given motor. You may modify this value to any
value as allowed by the motion control mode you are in by highlighting it using the [Right] button on the
main screen and then using [Up] and [Down] to change the value.

To set the MX2 to display absolute speeds:

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Settings and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Motor Disp. and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] and choose IPM
5. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort

Displaying in Metric Values

The MX2 can shows absolute distances and speeds in centimeters. When you enable the metric mode
parameter, all distance values stored in permanent memory are converted from inches to centimeters, and
the display will show a ‘c’ on the main screen instead of ‘i’ for absolute speeds.

You should always re-start the MX2 after enabling the metric mode parameter.

To set the MX2 to display metric values:

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Settings and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Metric Disp. and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] and choose On
5. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort
6. Power off the MX2 and power back on


Controlling the LCD Display

The MX2 controller comes with the ability to control the LCD display to reduce power consumption or
light pollution onto your shots at night. The standard LCD for the MX2 is a 16×2 character black on green
LCD display. This LCD can easily be read during bright daylight without the backlight on and at night with
very little backlight.

Adjusting the Back Light Brightness

The backlight brightness can be dimmed by the MX2 firmware, but only when in interleaved motion mode.
If you have turned on continuous motion mode, and run an axis below the defined slow speed threshold, the
backlight dimmer will not work until the MX2 is re-started. When you have engaged in continuous motion
at a speed under the slow speed threshold, the LCD will either be fully on or fully off depending on your
LCD backlight settings.

You can set a value between 0 and 255 for the backlight level. If you enter a value larger than 255, it will
automatically be limited to 255.

Like most values in the MX2 controller, the backlight level value is retained after power-off.

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Settings and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Backlight and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] to adjust the backlight level value
5. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort

Turning the LCD BackLight Off Automatically

You may wish to have the backlight on while entering values, but then to turn off automatically a few
seconds later to reduce the power drain on your batteries. You can configure the MX2 to turn off the
backlight after a number of seconds of inactivity by adjusting the auto dim parameter. The backlight will
turn back on the next time a button is pressed.

Enter the auto dim parameter value in seconds of inactivity before the backlight turns off, set it to zero if
you wish to disable automatic dimming of the LCD backlight.

Like most values in the MX2 controller, the auto dim value is retained after power-off.

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Settings and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select AutoDim and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] to adjust the auto dim value
5. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort

Disabling the Entire LCD Automatically

To save as much power as possible, the MX2 can completely disable the LCD, turning off the text in
addition to the backlight. To enable this feature, enable the blank lcd parameter in addition to setting an
auto dim time. When blank lcd is enabled, the LCD is turned off entirely after the number of seconds
specified in the auto dim parameter value pass with no input via the buttons.

After the LCD has been blanked, the first button you press will simply re-enable the LCD to allow you to
verify where you were on the screen before submitting a button press and taking an unknown action.
Like most values in the MX2 controller, the blank lcd value is retained after power-off.

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Settings and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Blank LCD and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] to select on or off
5. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort


Configuring Camera Control

The MX2 controller provides direct control of a camera through a cable connected to the remote release
port of your camera. On most cameras, there are two primary functions provided: Control Shutter and
Control Auto Focus. Here we’ll describe how to set up the MX2 to handle different shooting requirements.
Remember that for the camera to be controlled by the MX2, the camera must be connected through its
remote shutter port to the MX2 Camera port using an appropriate cable. For some cameras, it may be
required to put the camera in Remote Control mode to recognize the signals from the remote shutter port.
All parameters indicated below are saved when the power is removed from the MX2, and only need to be
modified when you want to change them.

Setting the Exposure Interval

The exposure interval is the time between each exposure. This value is displayed on the Main Screen, and
may be set in tenths of seconds (e.g. 0.2″, 1.1″, and so forth). It can be edited directly on the main screen,
or through the Camera Menu.

Note that the exposure interval is the time between triggering each exposure, and not necessarily the time
between completing one exposure and starting the next. The different camera delays you configure, for
focus tapping, exposure delay, etc. will impact your actual exposure interval time, should they be longer
than the interval when summed. In the case where your parameters have caused the interval time to be
exceeded, the main screen will always display the actual interval time, and not the time you configured. It
will not be possible to reduce the interval without first decreasing one of the other camera delays you have

If you change the exposure interval while the program is running, it will take effect on the next exposure

Like most values in the MX2 controller, the Exposure Interval value is retained after power-off.

Setting the Exposure Interval via the Main Screen:

1. [Right] or [Left] to select the displayed interval time
2. [Up] or [Down] to modify the value

Setting the Exposure Interval via the Camera Menu:

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Camera and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Interval and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] to alter the value
5. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort

Controlling Exposure Time with the MX2

The MX2 controller is capable of doing bulb exposure control. The shutter line will be kept engaged for as
long as the exposure time parameter is configured for. The exposure time is entered in milliseconds, and
may be set for as low as your camera will recognize, or up to about 50 days. Remember that there are one
thousand milliseconds in a second, so if you want a one second exposure, it would be entered as 1000.

Please note that different cameras have different exposure time requirements for bulb mode, both minimum
and maximum time. If you need a controlled exposure for a shorter period of time than your camera will
allow in bulb mode, you must use the camera to control the exposure in using its manual mode. You may
need to experiment to discover the correct minimums and maximums for your particular camera.

1. Set camera to bulb (B) mode
2. [Enter] to enter the main menu
3. [Down] to select Camera and press [Enter]
4. [Down] to select Exp. Time and press [Enter]
5. [Up] or [Down] to alter the value
6. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort
7. [Down] to select Exp. Delay and press [Enter]
8. [Up] or [Down] to set the value to 0
9. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort

Controlling Exposure Time on the Camera

For most cases, you’ll find it best to control the exposure on the camera, using manual, or some other mode
to dial in the appropriate exposure time. Under certain conditions it will be important to tell the MX2 the
actual exposure time you’ve dialed in on the camera, so that it does not attempt to trigger an exposure at the
wrong time. The amount of time to wait after triggering an exposure is configured via the exposure delay
value. This value is input in milliseconds, so one second would be entered as 1000.
To disable any delay after triggering an exposure, set the exposure delay value to zero.
For continuous motion control, it is generally not necessary to set an exact exposure delay in the MX2
unless it exceeds your configured interval time. However, for interleaved, or shoot-move-shoot, motion
control, it is essential to dial in the correct exposure time to prevent motor movement during the exposure.
In many cases, it is advantageous to exceed the actual exposure time configured on the camera in the
exposure delay parameter.

Additionally, you should configure the exposure time to its minimal value to prevent unnecessary delays.
Each camera may have a different minimum exposure time required to honor the request to trip the shutter.
For many cameras 100mS is a safe bet.

Exposure time must always be greater than zero to trigger the camera.

1. Set camera to manual (M) mode

2. Dial in the correct exposure on the camera
3. [Enter] to enter the main menu
4. [Down] to select Camera and press [Enter]
5. [Down] to select Exp. Time and press [Enter]
6. [Up] or [Down] to set the value to the minimum time for your camera
7. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort
8. [Down] to select Exp. Delay and press [Enter]
9. [Up] or [Down] to set the value
10. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort

Limiting the Number of Frames Taken

The MX2 can automatically stop running when a certain number of frames have been exposed. Simply set
the max shots parameter for the camera.

Note that when ramping/feathering moves, setting the max shots parameter tells the MX2 when to start
ramping down.

Like most values in the MX2 controller, the Max Shots value is retained after power-off.

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Camera and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Max Shots and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] to alter the value
5. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort

Auto-Focus, Waking the Camera from Sleep, and

Shooting in Live View
For certain conditions, the focus control line can be used to control other aspects of the camera:

• Trip auto-focus before firing

• On long interval times, put the camera into auto-sleep mode and use the focus line to wake it up
before firing
• For some live-view cameras, the camera may not respond to the first time the exposure is tripped
unless the focus line is tripped first

The focus tap parameter allows you to define how long the focus line should be triggered before the
exposure line is triggered. This time is input in milliseconds, and there will always be an additional 1/10th
second (100mS) delay after disengaging the focus line before the exposure line will engage to prevent a
bouncing effect being perceived by the camera.
It is important to set this value to the right amount required for your particular camera configuration. Some
cameras focus slower than others, or require more time to wake up than others, and will require that the
focus tap value be much higher. Experiment with your camera and shooting conditions to determine which
works best for you.

To disable the focus tap functionality, set the time to zero (0) milliseconds.

Like most values in the MX2 controller, the Focus Tap Time value is retained after power-off.

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Camera and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Focus Tap and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] to alter the value
5. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort

Cameras that Require Focus with Shutter (many

The MX2 is capable of controlling cameras that require that the focus line be triggered along with the
shutter line to trigger an exposure. Many Nikon cameras require this, and some Canon users also report that
their cameras respond more reliably when the two lines are triggered together. The shutter-focus parameter
allows you to control this behavior.

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Camera and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Shutter+Focus and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] to set the value to on or off
5. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort


Basic Usage


Choosing Your Motion Mode

The two basic motion control modes for the MX2 controller are Continuous Motion and Interleaved. (Also
known as Shoot-Move-Shoot.) In Continuous Motion mode, the motor moves irrespective of the camera
being fired, and generally at a consistent speed. In Interleaved mode, the motor only moves between
exposures. These two motion control modes can result in different aesthetics in your output video, and each
are best geared to a specific type of shooting. The following table will help to summarize the best way to
choose between the two motion types based on the parameters of your shot, or the effect you wish to

Description Continuous Interleaved Notes

Can  add  a  small  amount  of  

Moderate  Speed,  
X motion  blur,  and  is  easier  to  
Short  Exposure
set  up

If  camera  controls  exposure,  

Long  Exposure X
dial-­‐in  post  exp.  delay  in  MX2

Used  Fixed  SMS  to  achieve  

Very  Slow  Speeds X
motion  over  hours  or  days

Static  Subjects,   Adds  nice  motion  blur  to  

Medium  Exposure otherwise  static  subjects

Static  Subjects  
Set  longest  exposure  time  
Sharp,  Moving   X
Subjects  Blurred

If  moving  with  stars,  cont.  can  

help  prevent  streaking,  but  
Star  Scenes X X
will  reduce  foreground  focus  
on  very  long  exposures

Critical  Focus,  
Prevent  movement  when  
Macro,  or  Long   X

Now, many photographers will use a particular mode more often than another, as a matter of taste or artistic
intent. While the table above attempts to serve as a guide to when to choose between the modes, your
workflow or shooting style may call for a specified mode that is in contradiction with the table. Every one
is unique, and their style is their own — you should practice with each mode and understand which is right
for you.

You may only choose one motion type at a time, it is not possible to run one axis in continuous motion and
another in interleaved.


Using Continuous Motion

The default behavior of the MX2 controller is to operate in continuous motion mode. For the highest end of
the speed range, the control acts as a basic Pulse Width Modulation driver, varying the speed of the motor
by changing the frequency at which voltage is applied to it. However, once the speed falls below the
configured slow speed floor, a special “pulsing” mode kicks in. In pulsing mode, the motor is run at full
speed for a brief period of time, usually on the order of milliseconds, and then shut down for a period of
time. This causes the motor to operate at full torque at absolute minimum speeds. While the motor is only
moving part of the time, the measured average speed over a period of time should largely approximate the
inches per minute (or percentage of speed) specified.

In all continuous motion modes, you are able to choose from any one of 255 different speeds, from
completely stopped to moving at full speed. As each change to the speed is a 1/255th speed change, speeds
will appear to make larger jumps when being entered on the main screen than you might expect.
At the very slowest speeds, it is generally preferable to move to interleaved mode, because the added
vibration of the long pulses on the motor.

To enable Continuous Motion mode:

1. [Enter]  to  enter  the  main  menu  
2. [Down]  to  select  Settings  and  press  [Enter]  
3. [Down]  to  select  Motor  Sl.Mod.  and  press  [Enter]  
4. [Up]  or  [Down]  and  choose  pulse  
5. [Enter]  to  save  or  [Right]  to  abort  

Using Interleaved Motion

There are two types of interleaved motion control available on the MX2: Calculated and Fixed.
Calculated  Interleave  Mode  
In calculated mode, you input the distance moved in actual speed (inches or cm per minute), and the
distance moved between each shot is determined based off of the exposure interval you input. For example,
if you input 1 inch per minute as your speed, and your interval is set to 1 second, the axis would move
1/60th of an inch between each shot. This mode is used when you want to easily determine how fast you
want to move from one point to another on the axis, and generally requires little forethought to set up a

You may input values from 1/100th of an inch (or cm if in metric mode) to the maximum distance the
motor can move in one minute.

To enable Calculated Interleave Mode:

1. [Enter]  to  enter  the  main  menu  
2. [Down]  to  select  Settings  and  press  [Enter]  
3. [Down]  to  select  Motor  Sl.Mod.  and  press  [Enter]  
4. [Up]  or  [Down]  and  choose  interleave  
5. [Enter]  to  save  or  [Right]  to  abort  
6. [Right]  to  return  to  the  main  menu  
7. [Down]  to  select  Axis  x  and  press  [Enter]  
8. [Down]  to  select  Fixed  SMS  and  press  [Enter]  
9. [Up]  or  [Down]  and  choose  Off  
10. [Enter]  to  save  or  [Right]  to  abort  


Fixed  Interleave  Mode  
In fixed mode, you input the distance moved as actual distance traveled between each exposure. You may
input values from 1/100th of an inch (or cm if in metric mode) to the maximum distance the motor can
move in one minute. This mode is used when you want to accurately dial-in distances moved between
exposures, or achieve very smooth ramp (feather) transitions. This is generally the preferred motion
control method for extreme close-up shots and anything using a long telephoto lens to both prevent
vibration during exposure and the accurately define motion from frame to frame.

To enable Fixed Interleave Mode:

1. [Enter]  to  enter  the  main  menu  
2. [Down]  to  select  Settings  and  press  [Enter]  
3. [Down]  to  select  Motor  Sl.Mod.  and  press  [Enter]  
4. [Up]  or  [Down]  and  choose  interleave  
5. [Enter]  to  save  or  [Right]  to  abort  
6. [Right]  to  return  to  the  main  menu  
7. [Down]  to  select  Axis  x  and  press  [Enter]  
8. [Down]  to  select  Fixed  SMS  and  press  [Enter]  
9. [Up]  or  [Down]  and  choose  On  
10. [Enter]  to  save  or  [Right]  to  abort  


Manual Motor Control

Manual Motor Control can be used to position the cart on the rail between moves. Please note, however,
that for very quick re-positioning of the cart, it is usually fastest to simply loosen on belt clip on the rail,
pull the belt away from the pulley, and position the cart by hand.

Using Manual Control

While on the manual control screen, you can use [Up] and [Down] to adjust the speed of the motor, up to
its max speed, and by holding [Left] or [Right] down, the motor will move in the given direction at the
specified speed until the button is released. To exit the manual control screen, press [Enter].

Note that in manual control mode, the available speeds at which the cart will move will range from about
80% to 100% of full speed, at lower speeds the cart may not move.

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Manual and press [Enter]
3. [Up] or [Down] to select the desired axis, and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] to set the desired speed
5. Hold [Right] or [Left] to move in the desired direction
6. [Enter] to exit the manual control screen
7. [Right] to return to the main menu


Ramping/Feathering Into Moves

The MX2 controller can “feather” or ramp into and out of moves causing moves to start slowly and get
faster within the video, providing a nice accelerating or decelerating effect. It does this by altering the
distance moved between shots, or the speed moved, starting with no speed and ramping up to your desired
speed over a configurable number of frames. Additionally, a lead-in or lead-out can be used to add a static
period before or after a motor’s movements, adding to your ability to create the shot you want.
Ramp settings for a particular axis are saved between power-off cycles.

Configuring Ramping
A ramp into or out of a movement is done by changing the speed or distance moved based on the number of
frames that have been exposed. For example, I can set the ramp value for an axis to 24 frames, and at
24FPS output video it would take one second for the motion in the output video to come to full speed. This
is achieved by starting the motor at no speed, and then increasing the speed just enough to match the
desired output speed at the right interval to reach full speed at the desired frame as specified in the ramp

If you also configure the max shots parameter for the camera, the MX2 will automatically ramp down the
motor to zero speed so that motion completes when the max shots count is reached. See Configuring
Camera Control.

Note that in continuous motion mode, you only have 255 speed increments available, this means that ramps
into low speeds (1-10% of maximum speed) can be rough. To get extremely smooth ramps, it’s best to
choose fixed interleave mode. See Choosing Your Motion Mode for more information.

To understand how ramping will affect your output video, take the following parameter values:
• Output video = 24 frames per second
• Max shots = 240 (10 seconds)
• Ramp rate = 24
• Axis speed = 1 inch per minute

The following will happen in the output video:

• For one second, the motion will accelerate to full speed
• For eight seconds, the motion will run at full speed (1 IPM)
• For one second, the motor will decelerate to no speed

This illustrates how ramping is achieved and the end result in your output video.

The ramp value for each axis is controlled independently.

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Axis x and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Ramp and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] to input the number of frames to reach full speed
5. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort without saving
6. [Right] to return to the main menu
7. [Right] to return to the main screen
8. [Right] as many times needed to select the desired axis speed
9. [Up] and [Down] to adjust the desired speed
10. [Left] to the On/Off control
11. [Up] to start the program running

Once the program starts running, the speed will set its self to zero for any axis with a ramp value
configured. If you stop the program running before it reaches full speed, it will now see the current speed as
the desired speed, and you will have to increase it back to your original value.

Using a Lead-in or Lead-out

A lead-in defines a period of time, in frames from the beginning of the shoot, that the motor should not
move. Conversely, a lead-out defines the period of time from the end of the shoot that the motor should not
move. Each axis can have its own lead-in and lead-out times defined — however, to function, a ramp value
must be set for that axis as well. Leads are executed through the ramping/feathering function of the
controller, by simply preventing it from starting a ramp before a certain number of frames have passed (in
the case of a lead-in), or reducing the overall number of frames counted before ramping all the way down
to zero (in the case of a lead-out).

As with ramping/feathering, a lead-out is only used if the max shots parameter has been set, and therefor
the controller can determine when to start reducing speed.

To help clarify this function, we’ll use the same parameters from the ramping example, and add a lead-in
and lead-out:

Take the following parameter values:

• Output video = 24 frames per second
• Max shots = 240 (10 seconds)
• Ramp rate = 24
• Lead-in = 24
• Lead-out = 24
• Axis speed = 1 inch per minute

The following will happen in the output video:

• For one second, no movement will occur
• For one second, the motion will accelerate to full speed
• For seconds seconds, the motion will run at full speed (1 IPM)
• For one second, the motor will decelerate to no speed
• For one second, no movement will occur

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Axis x and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Lead-in or Lead-out and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] to input the number of frames to lead in or out with
5. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort without saving


Calibrating the Controller

The MX2 controller comes pre-calibrated for a load of approximately 1.5kg (~ 3.5 lbs). This is the weight
of a medium sized dSLR, zoom lens, and small ball head.

Calibrating is not essential to make use of the MX2 with the Stage Zero Dolly for timelapse use, however it
can greatly increase the accuracy of specific distances you dial in when entering values in inches per
minute. As the Stage Zero dolly’s motor does not have feedback to the controller, the controller can only
tell the motor to move at certain speeds and at certain times. Calibrating the controller allows you to adjust
the controller for variations in how the motor behaves under different loads and at different speeds.

Calibration of the motor is saved when the MX2 is powered off, so you only need to re-calibrate when your
payload (camera/lens/head/etc.) changes in weight significantly. If you swap out motors or pulleys, it is
important to perform a calibration as well, after adjusting the motor parameters to match your new

Please note that it is impossible for the MX2 to make all speeds accurate at all times. The calibration
routine will allow you to dial-in one or two specific speeds more accurately than others, but as a low-cost
system, perfect accuracy is not achievable.

Adjusting the Angle of the Dolly

When operating the dolly at an angle, and using Inches Per Minute (IPM) speed input, you will want to
inform the controller of the nearest angle of the track so that it can adjust based on the calibration for that
angle. You may set the angle of the dolly (or any other linear axis) in the Axis Configuration menu for the
given axis. Three angle values are possible: 0, 45, and 90. The 0 degree angle corresponds to the dolly
being largely in parallel to the ground, 45 degrees corresponds to the track being at a 45-degree angle to the
ground, and 90 degrees to being perpendicular to the ground. You should pick the angle closest to the one
you are at, and when in doubt, err on the side of setting the angle higher.

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Axis x and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Angle and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] and choose between 0, 45, and 90
5. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort

Using Automatic Calibration

Automatic calibration mode adjusts the assumptions the controller makes about the motor’s performance.
By moving at different speeds, in different modes, and in different directions the controller expects the cart
to have moved a certain distance. During automatic calibration, you will measure the distance the cart has
moved at each stage, and in doing so the controller will automatically adjust its expectations of the motor’s
performance at critical speeds.

You may calibrate the controller for each of the specified angles: 0, 45, and 90 degrees. Each angle must be
calibrated separately, but each time you calibrate, the calibration will be saved and you will not have to
repeat it unless your payload substantially changes, or you change out the motor or main drive pulley.

To use automatic calibration, first move the dolly to the middle of the track, either through manual motor
control or by loosening the belt and moving it by hand and then make sure that the belt is tightened fully
before beginning. Now, place a ruler flat on the track in a position where neither the angle mounts nor the
stabilizer bar will hit it, and line the edge of the ruler up with one of the edges of the cart. The cart will be

moving to the right at first, so let the ruler stick out in that direction. For 45 degree and higher angles, it is
worthwhile to tape down the ruler.

After selecting the angle you want to calibrate for and pressing [Enter], the cart will first move quickly to
the right, and ask you to enter how far it went in hundredths of an inch. (Don’t worry, just getting it close
enough in tenths is good enough for most uses.) Enter the value using the up and down arrow keys and
press enter to move to the next step. The cart will then move to the left and repeat the process, before going
into two pulsing mode speed tests. The entire process should take around 3-4 minutes.

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Axis x and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Calibrate and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] and choose between 0, 45, and 90 degree calibration modes
5. [Enter] to start the calibration process, or [Right] to exit without calibrating
6. After the move is completed, use [Up] and [Down] to input the distance moved in inches
7. Press [Enter] to save the value you input and repeat five more times
8. After all calibration steps have been completed, use [Right] to exit the calibration screen

• After a new calibration, you will need to adjust the Calibration Constant Value, which is
documented below to finely tune in the calibration
• If you are using your own motor/gear chain with the MX2, and the calibration does not appear to
move at all, adjust the low and high speed targets as indicated below

Adjusting Calibration
The MX2′s calibration routine attempts to determine how much to adjust the on time of the motor based on
its performance at default values. However, most motors behave non-linearly when adjusting their speed by
changing the on time. This means that simply adjusting the on/off time alone is not enough to accurately
dial in a speed that was off from the expected target. Usually, it results in the motor going much slower
than expected for low speeds, as the non-linearity of the motor’s behavior increases at the lowest speeds.
To compensate for this, a calibration constant was introduced in the 0.83 version of the MX2 firmware.
This allows you to configure how much of the calibration change is actually applied during run time
calculations. Generally speaking, if the motor still runs too slow after calibration, the constant should be
reduced, and if it runs too fast the constant should be increased.

The workflow for finely tuning in a particular speed is as follows:

1. Set either the low or high speed target to the desired speed (see below)
2. Run the auto calibration
3. Set max shots to 60
4. Set interval to 1, disable all focus and post-exposure delays
5. Set the desired axis to the desired angle
6. Set the desired axis to the desired continuous speed on the main screen
7. Turn the program on, and measure actual distance traveled
8. Adjust calibration constant
9. Repeat 7-8 until the speed is tightly dialed-in

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Axis x and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Cal. Constant and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] and adjust the value as desired
5. [Enter] to save the value, or [Right] to exit without saving


Setting the Calibration Targets

When you want to dial-in one or two speeds to be your most accurate, you should choose the speeds you
use most. To adjust the speeds used in calibration, you will need to adjust the low and high calibration
targets to the speeds you desire.

These values are set in the Main Settings menu.

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Settings and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Cal. Spd. Low or Cal Spd. Hi and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] and choose the target speed
5. [Enter] to save the new value
6. Repeat calibration process as indicated above

Like most values in the MX2 controller, the Calibration Speed Targets are retained after power-off.

Important Notes:
• The Low speed target must be lower than the High speed target
• You must re-calibrate after changing the targets

Adjusting for Very Heavy Weights or Weak Motors

If you’re using the Stage Zero with a large camera/motion control payload, or are using the MX2 with a
DIY rig with a smaller motor, you may need to adjust the minimum pulse time to give the motor enough
time to get the cart moving at the lowest speeds. A larger minimum pulse time can make movements at
low speeds rougher, so you generally want to keep it as low as possible, while still being able to start
moving the cart forward at the lowest speed.

Like most values in the MX2 controller, the Minimum Pulse value is retained after power-off.

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Axis x and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Min Pulse and press [Enter]
4. [Up] and [Down] to adjust the minimum pulse time
5. [Enter] to save or [Right] to exit without saving


Shooting Stop-Motion Films

Stop-Motion and Timelapse have slightly a different workflow, namely in that in timelapse you want your
exposures to continue uninterrupted, on your set interval, for a period of time. Whereas, in stop-motion
filming, you want to control when each exposure occurs so that you may make set adjustments or take other
actions between exposures. The MX2 supports both of these workflows easily.

Enabling Manual Triggering of Exposure and Motion

In stop-motion, we want to take one exposure and make one move at-will, and have plenty of time to do
what we need to do between exposures. To achieve this, we’ll cause the MX2 to abort its program after a
single shot, and we’ll used Fixed Interleave motion control to establish our exact distance moved between
shots. If we set the maximum shot count to 1 for the camera, when the MX2 is told to to turn motion on, it
will expose one frame make its required move and stop until it is turned on again.

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Camera and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Max Shots and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] and input a value of 1
5. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort
6. [Right] to return to the main menu
7. [Right] to return to the home screen

You should also be in the Fixed Interleave motion mode before beginning. On the main screen, input the
desired distance to be moved between each shot, and then use [Left] to bring the cursor back to the On/Off
value. Pressing [Up] will cause the MX2 to start running, fire a single shot, move, and then stop running.
To fire the next frame, simply press [Up] again, and so forth.

If need be, you may also fashion a remote switch, connected to port Ext 1, and use this as a remote trigger
to start the next exposure cycle. For more information see Using Remote Inputs.


Setting Motor and Drive Parameters

Most of the motor parameters in the MX2 will never need to be modified if you are using the Stage Zero
dolly in the stock configuration. These parameters are largely designed to adjust distance values listed on
the main screen when you input movement in inches per minute.

The MX2 controller displays inches per minute for linear axes by relating the maximum RPM of the motor
to the distance traveled by the final drive gear. If you’re using a pulley or gear as a final output drive (such
as for a belt-driven system like the Stage Zero, or a rack-and-pinion driven system), the distance traveled is
generally the pitch circumference of the gear. As these values effect the displayed distances for movements,
you should only adjust them when changing something in the drivetrain. For calibrating different
performance under different loads, you should calibrate the axis instead.

Setting Motor RPM

This setting allows you to input the Revolutions Per Minute of the motor you are controlling. This aids in
determining the max speed of the motor. If you have multiple gear transitions after the motor its self, make
sure to account for them in the RPM. For example, if you have a 2:1 transition from the motor output shaft
to your drive gear, you would reduce RPM by one half.

Do not use this setting to adjust performance of the motor under load! Calibrate the axis instead.
Like most settings, the value is stored when powering off, and only needs to be changed when you change

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Axis x and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select RPM and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] to input the correct RPM for your motor
5. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort without saving

Setting Output Drive Distance

To allow you to enter speeds and distances in actual distance, versus percentages, the MX2 must be aware
of the actual distance moved per revolution of the motor. For most linear axes, the actual distance traveled
will be based on the pitch circumference of the final output gear — for example: the pitch circumference of
a drive pulley or the pitch circumference of a pinion on a rack-and-pinion drive.

Like most settings, the value is stored when powering off, and only needs to be changed when you change

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Axis x and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Dist. per Rev. and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] to input the correct pitch circumference (in inches) for your output gear
5. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort without saving


Resetting to Defaults
Sometimes it happens to the best of us: we get a little carried away and then we have no idea what setting
we messed up, or how, and we just want to get everything back to where we started. The MX2 saves most
of the values you enter into permanent memory, reducing the amount of data entry you have to do for
subsequent shoots, and letting you store calibration and so forth. There is a factory reset option which resets
this permanent memory to its default state so that you can wipe all changes clean.

Resetting the permanent memory requires a restart of the MX2 controller, and it may take longer than
normal to restart the first time after resetting the memory.

You should always reset the permanent memory after doing any firmware upgrade. Retaining memory after
an upgrade can result in some values that cannot be modified.

Resetting Stored Memory to Defaults

To reset the permanent memory on the MX2, you will need to first enable the factory reset parameter, and
then restart the MX2.

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Settings and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Reset Mem and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] and choose on
5. [Enter] to save the value
6. Power-cycle the MX2 (may start slower than normal the first time after a memory reset)


Advanced Usage


Using Remote Inputs

The MX2 can be controlled remotely, much like it controls the camera, by using Ext 1 inputs. On the left
side of the MX2 controller there are two 2.5mm TRS plugs labeled Ext 0 and Ext 1. Each of these plugs
breaks out into two I/O lines and one ground line, which is essential for establishing communication
between two electronic components.

The Ext 0 inputs connect directly to the Arduino microcontroller’s hardware serial pins (Digital 1 is the tip
connector, Digital 0 is the ring connector), and are reserved for special uses or serial communication. The
Ext 1 inputs, however, are general purpose inputs for use in controlling the MX2 and interacting with the

Before we go any further, when we refer to a TRS connector and its “tip,” “ring,” or “sleeve,” the following
image describes which conductor in the connector we’re referring to:

To craft your own connection to a switch, or some other device, you will normally either buy a cable with a
2.5mm TRS connector on one end and bare leads on the other, or buy a 2.5mm TRS to 2.5mm TRS cable
and cut one end off. Either way, make sure you accurately identify which wire matches which conductor —
this is a simple task that be accomplished simply by using a multi-meter in “continuity” mode. This mode
tells you whether or not two test points are electrically connected, in many electronic multi-meters there is
an audible “beep” when the two points are connected. Simply test every wire in the cable against each
conductor and label each wire as you go.

The Basics of MX2 Inputs

Before we go any further, let’s describe how the MX2 inputs work. As we described earlier, there are two
I/O lines and one GND line per input connector, this means there is no 5V signal! In fact, when an input is
engaged in the MX2 firmware, it is immediately “pulled high” at 20K of resistance. This means that the
MX2 will read a 5V signal off that input as long as the input is left unconnected. Thus, to trigger the input,
you will need to connect the GND signal to the input you wish to trigger. This allows you to wire switches
and other passive devices easily without needing a power source.

At the time of writing this article, only Ext 1 inputs are available for triggering actions on the MX2.

As the internal pull-up resistors are 20K Ohms, you must not exceed 19K of resistance in your cabling,
otherwise the signal will not be recognized. Limit yourself to under 20′ of 20gg wiring.

All Ext 1 inputs are automatically de-bounced for you, so you can use analog switches without have to
build complicated de-bouncing circuitry.

Under no circumstances should you ever send a positive signal (+V) down any Ext I/O line! Doing so
may permanently damage your MX2!

Creating Limit Switches

For limit switches, the best type to use are momentary micro switches with a lever, either SPST (normally
open), or SPDT (choose between normally open and normally closed). These switches are easily sourced
cheaply, and work very well as limit switches. The following image shows an SPDT micro switch with
lever made by Tamiya:

You’ll note that there are three contacts here, one is the signal and the other two are for the normally closed
and normally open contacts. By “normally closed,” we mean that this contact is connected to the signal
when the switch is NOT depressed, and normally open means this contact is only connected to the signal
when the switch is depressed. The only two contacts we’ll use are the normally open and the signal.
To wire up your limit switch, connect the GND lead from your cable (the Sleeve of the TRS connector) to
the Normally Open connector on the switch, and connect either the Ring (Input 1 in the MX2 firmware) or
the Tip (Input 2 in the MX2 firmware) to the signal connector. Leave the normally closed contact
unconnected! Now, when the switch is depressed, the input will be connected to the GND signal, and the
MX2 will recognize it.

When using limit switches on your cart, you should generally have one on each side of the cart, to stop it
from moving too far in either direction. You can use the same input for both switches to save yourself an
input on the MX2, just splice in some extra wires. The best place to locate your switches are on the cart its
self, either glued or fastened to the edges such that the belt clamps trip the switches. By placing them on the
cart, you will reduce the amount of wiring you need to use.

Remember that the Ring is Input 1 in the MX2 firmware and the Tip is Input 2 in the MX2 firmware.
NOTE: The limit switch function will only work when the program is ‘on’, do NOT rely on limit
switches in manual motor control! The input toggles do not apply to manual motor control and you
must prevent over-running the belt clips by releasing the direction button before you hit them.
To configure the firmware to recognize your input as a limit switch:

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Settings and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Input x and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] to set the value to Stop
5. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort

Creating Your Own Remote Toggle Switch

You can create your own toggle switch to start and stop the program from running when you press a remote
button. Just like with limit switches above, we’ll use a TRS cable to connect a momentary switch to the
MX2. For this purpose, it is better to use an SPST Momentary Pushbutton (normally open) which are very
easy to source and inexpensive. Connect one of the leads to one of the input conductors and the other to
GND. Once you have configured the firmware correctly, every time you press the switch, the program will
start if it is stopped, or stop if it is started.

Some wired remotes for cameras that have a 2.5mm TRS connector may work fine with the MX2, as long
as they are not powered (no battery). You may have to experiment to see which input is triggered when
using it.

To configure the firmware to recognize your input as a toggle switch:

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Settings and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Input x and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] to set the value to Toggle
5. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort


Controlling Low-Cost Telescope Heads

The MX2 controller is capable of controlling a low-cost motorized telescope head, in addition to its two
axes of DC motor control. This functionality can be used to quickly and easily add pan and tilt control to
your MoCo project at a very low cost. The following telescope mounts are supported:

• Acuter Merlin
• Merlin SynScan AZ GoTo
• Orion Teletrack
• Skywatcher Multifunction
• Celestron Skywatcher

You’ll notice that the only difference between these mounts is the name brand and the hand-controller on it.
You do not need to buy the GoTo models, as the extra cost will be unrealized (the MX2 replaces the hand-
controller when used with the MX2 or the Stage Zero). Please note that these are the only officially
supported telescope mounts. Other models produced by Synta or the other name brands they market under
may work but have not been tested, and even if they do support the same protocol, they may have wildly
different wiring requirements that may make them incompatible. From here on out, we will refer to these
heads collectively as Merlin.

How The Merlin Integration Works

The MX2 controller is capable of pretending to be the hand-controller shipped with the telescope head. It is
used in place of the original hand controller. A special connector cable is made (instructions below), and is
used to connect the EXT 0 port on the MX2 to the HC port on the Merlin. Once the telescope functions
have been enabled in the MX2 firmware, you will now have a new manual control option labeled ‘Scope’,
and a second home screen will be available allowing you to specify the movement speeds or distances for
the pan and tilt axes during program execution.

The MX2 communicates with the Merlin via a specially constructed cable, and uses a textual serial protocol
to transmit and receive information from the Merlin mount.

Much of the integration work is based on the great work done by Gustav Evertsson on his Gigapixel Photo
Rig and the Papywizard group where they have been working with the Merlin heads for some time. The
MX2 firmware requires a modified version of Gustav’s MerlinMount library that enables greater control of
the head, and can be downloaded from OpenMoCo.org’s SVN repository.

It goes without saying, there are always some limitations, and the Merlin control has a few:
• Ramping/feathering is not supported for the Merlin axes
• You cannot upload firmware with the Merlin cable connected to the MX2
• You must have the Merlin powered on and connected before attempting to use any Merlin-related
features, or the MX2 will lockup and require a power cycle before responding
• You are limited to 1/10th of a degree speed/motion inputs for the Merlin head
• The Merlin head does not support Calculated Interleave mode, only Fixed Interleave and
Continuous motion modes are supported.
• You cannot perform any other Serial communications with the MX2 via the USB port when the
Merlin cable is connected
• You cannot use the camera port on the Merlin
• The Merlin requires its own 12V power supply
o You can, however, use a Y-adapter for the 2.1mm power cable provided for the MX2
o You can also run the Merlin off of AA batteries


Running on USB Power Alone

If you wish to only control the Merlin and your camera with the MX2, and not control other DC motors via
the motor ports, you may power the MX2 off of five volts via the USB cable. The Merlin will still need its
own power supply, either via AA batteries or a 12V DC feed to the Merlin’s power input port.

Creating an Adapter Cable

To communicate with the Merlin head, you will need to create a simple cable to connect the Merlin to the
MX2. See Creating a Merlin Communication Cable for instructions.

After you have created the cable, use it to connect EXT0 with the HC port on the Merlin.

Enabling Scope Control

To be able to control the Merlin via the MX2, you must enable the scope control in the firmware. This
setting is found under the global settings menu.

To enable Scope Control:

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Settings and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Scope and press [Enter]
4. [Up] or [Down] and choose On
5. [Enter] to save or [Right] to abort

Manually Positioning the Merlin

Once you have enabled scope control, you will now have a new option available in the manual control
screen labeled scope. This option enables you to control both axes of the Merlin from a single screen.
Inside the scope manual control screen, use [left] to cause the pan (yaw) axis to start moving left, and
[right] to cause the pan axis to start moving right. Pressing either button again will cause the motion to stop.
[up] and [down] cause the tilt (pitch) axis to move either up or down, again, pressing either a second time
will stop movement.

Press [enter] to exit this screen and return to the main manual control screen.

You can configure the speeds at which the pan and tilt axes move in the scope manual control screen by
accessing the Main Menu->Scope menu, and configuring the desired manual speed, from 0.1 deg/minute,
to 1,440 deg/minute.

1. [Enter] to enter the main menu
2. [Down] to select Manual and press [Enter]
3. [Down] to select Scope, and press [Enter]
4. [Up], [Down], [Left], and [Right] to position the Merlin
5. [Enter] to exit the manual control screen
6. [Right] to return to the main menu


Configuring the Merlin for Use During a Shot

Once you have enabled scope control in the MX2 firmware, you will now have an additional home screen
available. To access the additional home screen, simply press [Up] on the home screen with no items
selected, it will switch to a new screen that looks like the following:

Off Scope
R0.0 U0.0

This is the scope control screen. Like the normal home screen, you can use [Right] and [Left] to select an
item to edit, the On/Off control works just as with the normal home screen, starting or stopping the current
shot program. The pan axis is displayed first, and then the tilt axis, these values can be modified just like
the normal axis controls on the normal home screen. You can select R for right or L for left for pan, or U
for up and D for down for the tilt axis.

Distance values are input in tenths of degrees from 0.1 to 360. When in continuous motion mode these
values indicate how many degrees to move per minute, whereas in interleaved mode, these values indicate
how many degrees to move between each shot. Scope motion control always inherits from the global
motion control mode with one caveat: when in interleaved mode, the Merlin will only operate in Fixed
SMS, even no other axis is set to fixed SMS. Additionally, ramping is not supported for the Merlin head at
this time.

To exit the scope control screen, simply press [Up] again with no values currently selected for editing. You
may switch back and forth between these home screens while the program is executing without issue.


Updating Firmware
The MX2 is designed to be updated with new firmware. You can create your own, or use any newer version
put out by us (or someone else!). If you’re creating your own firmware or want to modify the existing
firmware, you’ll need to be comfortable with the Arduino IDE, and then just compile and upload the latest
firmware yourself in the Arduino IDE.

However, we also provide a graphical firmware update utility that makes it even easier if you don’t want to
deal with anything other than just installing the latest firmware.

Current Firmware Version

The current production firmware version is: 0.83
Previous production version: 0.82

Changes on 0.83:
• Bugs  fixed:    
o In  some  situations,  the  motor  could  not  be  made  to  run  at  lowest  
(0.12ipm)  speeds  
• New  Features:    
o Memory  automatically  set  to  factory  defaults  after  loading  new  
o Ability  to  configure  calibration  speed  targets  
o Ability  to  fine-­‐tune  calibration  using  the  calibration  constant  

Changes in 0.82:
• Bugs  fixed:    
o Merlin  axes  would  retain  full  speed  after  manual  move  until  a  new  
speed  selected  on  main  screen  
o Merlin  axes  would  revert  to  default  direction  at  power  up  
o In  stop-­‐motion  workflow,  motor  would  sometimes  not  move  or  move  
o Using  continuous  mode  with  Merlin  head  would  result  in  camera  not  
o Using  interleaved  mode,  Merlin  axes  would  not  move  unless  post-­‐
exposure  delay  >=  1  
o Eliminate  ghost  button  hits  (hit  enter,  but  sometimes  up  or  down  
would  show  as  hit)  
• New  Features:    
o Ability  to  set  individual  axis  speed  for  Scope  manual  control  
o Ability  to  define  lead-­‐in  and  lead-­‐out  frames  for  DC  motor  axes  

Changes in 0.81:
• Smoother  motor  motion  
• Improved  calibration  
• Fixed  issue  where  speed  would  jump  when  crossing  calibration  points  

Changes in 0.8:
• Support  for  Orion/Merlin  telescope  heads  

Changes in 0.7:
• Input  values  stored  to  permanent  memory  
• Reset  to  factory  settings  support  
• Support  for  fixed  interleave  mode  
• Input  interleave  distances  in  1/100  inch/cm  increments  
• Support  for  calibrating  the  Stage  Zero  
• Metric  display  support  
• Support  for  alternate  inputs  (remote  triggers,  etc.)  
• Input  interval  in  1/10  second  increments  
• Displays  minimum  achievable  interval  (if  config  parameters  result  in  longer  
time  than  configured  interval)  

MX2 Firmware Update Utility

The MX2 Firmware Update Utility is a simple GUI built in Processing that lets you update to the latest
firmware with just a few clicks. It handles all of the messy bits for you, making it easy to update in just a
few minutes without any hassles.
Supported  Platforms  /  Download  
The following platforms are supported:
• Windows  (XP,  Vista,  7:  32  or  64  bit)    
o Download  Ready-­‐to-­‐Run:  MX2Uploader-­‐0.14.zip  
• Apple  OSX    
o No  binary  form  yet,  use  source  version    
 Must  provide  avrdude  5.10  binary  for  OSX,  config  file  
• Linux    
o No  binary  form  yet,  use  source  version    
 Must  provide  avrdude  5.10  binary  for  linux,  config  file  
• Source    
o Download  Processing  Source:  HexUploader    
 Licensed  under  GPLv3  
System  Requirements  
• If  you  have  never  connected  your  MX2  to  your  computer  before,  you  must  
install  the  correct  Virtual  Com  Port  driver  from  FTDI  before  connecting  the  
MX2  for  the  first  time.    
o On  many  Windows  7  systems,  however,  the  correct  driver  will  
automatically  be  installed  when  searching  for  drivers  
• The  latest  Java  JRE  is  required  
Memory  Reset  
It is absolutely essential that you reset the memory to factory defaults after every firmware upgrade! Failure
to do so can result in unpredictable behavior. (As of 0.83 and later, this is automatically performed for


Using  the  Firmware  Update  Utility  
After you’ve downloaded the binary package, uncompress it and extract to any folder on your local hard

Please note: at this time, the MX2Uploader does not support running in a directory with a space in its
name (such as ‘My Documents’, etc.). Please place it in a directory that does not include spaces, e.g.:

Always make sure that you connect the MX2 to your computer via the USB cable before running the update

Open the folder where you extracted the update utility in your file browser and click on the application
named ‘MX2Uploader’.

When the update utility runs, you will be greeted with this screen:

Choose the correct Version you want to upgrade/downgrade to and the COM Port that your MX2 is on.

Once you press the ‘Upload’ button, the updating process will begin, and an upload in progress indicator
will be displayed.


It may take up to a few minutes to upload the new firmware. Your MX2 may display strange information
on the LCD during this process.

After the upload is successfully completed, the utility will display an upload complete indicator:

You are now ready to run your new firmware

Known  Problems  
• If  you  choose  the  wrong  COM  port,  you  will  get  the  following  error:  


Choose the correct COM port and try again

• On  some  installations,  you  may  get  an  error  when  attempting  to  run  the  
MX2Uploader,  stating  “could  not  locate  javaw.exe”    
o To  correct  this  issue,  install  the  latest  Java  JRE:  


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