6sm9c fv61p
6sm9c fv61p
6sm9c fv61p
This set of Power Electronics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on
1. A thyristor (SCR) is a
a) P-N-P device
b) N-P-N device
c) P-N-P-N device
d) P-N device
Answer: c
Explanation: An SCR (silicon controlled rectifier) is a four layer p-n-p-n type device.
Answer: c
Explanation: The SCR is having three terminals viz. anode, cathode and the gate.
3. An SCR is a
a) four layer, four junction device
b) four layer, three junction device
c) four layer, two junction device
d) three layer, single junction device
Answer: b
Explanation: SCR is a four layer p-n-p-n device which forms three p-n junctions.
Answer: b
Explanation: The gate is located near the cathode, because it allows fast turning on of the device
when the gate signal is applied by forward basing the second junction.
Answer: b
Explanation: The curve is plotted for Ia vs Va for different values of gate current Ig.
7. If the cathode of an SCR is made positive with respect to the anode & no gate current is
applied then
a) all the junctions are reversed biased
b) all the junctions are forward biased
c) only the middle junction is forward biased
d) only the middle junction is reversed biased
Answer: c
Explanation: The device is in the reverse blocking state (3rd quadrant) & only the middle
junction is forward biased whereas other two are reversed biased.
Answer: c
Explanation: In the reverse blocking mode, the gate current is zero & a reverse voltage is applied
at the cathode-anode.
9. With the anode positive with respect to the cathode & the gate circuit open, the SCR is said to
be in the
a) reverse blocking mode
b) reverse conduction mode
c) forward blocking mode
d) forward conduction mode
Answer: c
Explanation: The SCR is in the forward blocking mode with its top and bottom junctions forward
biased and the middle junction reversed biased.
Answer: b
Explanation: In the forward blocking mode, the gate current is zero & only the middle J2
junction is reversed biased.
Answer: b
Explanation: It is the forward voltage at which the middle junction breaks down without any gate
signal and pushes the device into the conducting state.
12. For a forward conducting SCR device, as the forward anode to cathode voltage is increased
a) the device turns on at higher values of gate current
b) the device turns on at lower values of gate current
c) the forward impedance of the device goes on increasing
d) the forward impedance of the device goes on decreasing
Answer: b
Explanation: Higher the value of anode-cathode forward voltage, lower the gate requirements of
the device. Also, the forward resistance of the device is always constant as long as the junction
temperature is constant.
13. A thyristor can be bought from the forward conduction mode to forward blocking mode by
a) the dv/dt triggering method
b) applying a negative gate signal
c) applying a positive gate signal
d) applying a reverse voltage across anode-cathode terminals
Answer: d
Explanation: a) & c) are used to turn on the device, b) will damage the SCR.
14. Usually the forward voltage triggering method is not used to turn-on the SCR because
a) it increases losses
b) it causes noise production
c) it may damage the junction & destroy the device
d) relatively it’s an inefficient method
Answer: c
Explanation: In forward voltage triggering the middle junction breaks down without any gate
signal and pushes the device into the conducting state. This method can permanently damage the
J2 junction and make the device useless.
15. Among the following, the most suitable method to turn on the SCR device is the
a) gate triggering method
b) dv/dt triggering method
c) forward voltage triggering method
d) temperature triggering method
Answer: a
Explanation: d) & b) are unreliable methods, c) can permanently damage the SCR
Gate triggering is simple, reliable & most efficient.
Answer: b
Explanation: Higher the value of anode-cathode forward voltage, lower the gate requirements of
the device.
Answer: b
Explanation: Unlike the transistor devices, once the SCR is turned on by the gate terminal, the
gate terminal losses its control over the device.
18. The value of anode current required to maintain the conduction of an SCR even though the
gate signal is removed is called as the
a) holding current
b) latching current
c) switching current
d) peak anode current
Answer: b
Explanation: It is the minimum anode current value required to maintain the conduction of an
SCR even though the gate signal is removed. It is a very important parameter when employing
an SCR in any circuit.
19. In the reverse blocking mode the middle junction (J2) has the characteristics of that of a
a) transistor
b) capacitor
c) inductor
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: It is like a capacitor, as the dv/dt voltage triggering turns on the device. The
charging current is given by,
IC = CjdVa/dt.
20. ________ are semiconductor thyristor devices which can be turned-on by light of appropriate
a) LGTOs
Answer: d
Explanation: LASCR stands for light activated SCRs, which can be turned on in made to conduct
by firing appropriate light pulses at its gate region.
Answer: c
Explanation: During the turn on time, the voltage across the SCR is going down and the current
through it is slowly rising as it is going into the conduction mode.
22. For an SCR the total turn-on time consists of
i) Delay time
ii) Rise time and
iii) Spread time
During the delay time the
a) anode current flows only near the gate
b) anode current rises from zero to very high value
c) losses are maximum
d) anode to cathode voltage is zero
Answer: a
Explanation: Initially for a fraction of a microsecond (delay time) after the gate signal is applied
the anode current only flows near the gate terminal where the gate current density is maximum,
as the gate current takes some time to spread all over the cross section of the device.
23. The minimum value of anode current below which it must fall to completely turn-off the
device is called as the
a) holding current value
b) latching current value
c) switching current value
d) peak anode current value
Answer: a
Explanation: The device will remain in the conducting state unless the anode current falls below
the holding current value.
Answer: c
Explanation: The losses are maximum during the rise time because both Ia & Va are high.
Answer: c
Explanation: During the spread time the conduction starts spreading all over the SCR cathode
cross-section structure, which depends upon the structure of the gate & cathode. Higher the
cathode area more is the time required for the charges to spread all over.
27. For effective turning off of the SCR after the anode current has reached zero value,
a) chargers are injected by applying reverse anode-cathode voltage
b) chargers are removed by applying reverse anode-cathode voltage
c) chargers are injected by applying gate signal
d) chargers are removed by applying gate signal
Answer: b
Explanation: To enable the device to regain its reverse blocking capabilities, the stored charges
in the junctions of the SCR must be removed.
Answer: a
Explanation: If the thyristor turn off time is more than the circuit turn off time, the circuit will be
turned off and the thyristor will keep conducting, which is not at all desirable.
30. The area under the curve of the gate characteristics of thyristor gives the
a) total average gate current
b) total average gate voltage
c) total average gate impedance
d) total average gate power dissipation
Answer: d
Explanation: As the gate characteristics is a plot of Ig vs Vg consisting of two curves one for the
maximum values & other for the minimum the area between them gives the total average gate
power dissipation. (A very important parameter in designing of the triggering circuits).
31. A tangent drawn from the Y-axis to the Pavg on the gate characteristics gives the value of the
a) maximum value of gate-source resistance
b) minimum value of gate-source resistance
c) maximum value of gate-source power
d) minimum value of gate-source power
Answer: b
Explanation: It gives the min gate to source resistance.
Answer: a
Explanation: Lesser time is required to inject the charges & turn on the device with higher gate
pulse magnitude.
33.The average gate power dissipation for an SCR is 0.5 Watts the voltage applied to the gate is
Vg = 10 V. What is the maximum value of current Ig for safe operation?
a) 0.25 A
b) 10 A
c) 0.05 A
d) 0.1 A
Answer: c
Explanation: Vg.Ig = 0.5 W, the power dissipation mustn’t exceed the average power dissipation.
34. For an SCR, the gate-cathode characteristic has a slop of 130. The gate power dissipation is
0.5 watts. Find Ig
a) 0.62 A
b) 620 mA
c) 62 mA
d) 6.2 mA
Answer: c
Explanation: Vg/Ig = 130 .. (given)
Vg.Ig = 0.5 watts .. (given)
use both the given data & find the gate current.
Answer: d
Explanation: The two transistor model consists of p-n-p and n-p-n transistors, of which the
middle n-p layer is common in both the transistors.
36. Latching current for an SCR is 100 mA, DC source of 200 V is also connected from the SCR
to the L load. Compute the minimum width of the gate pulse required to turn on the device. Take
L = 0.2 H.
a) 50 μsec
b) 100 μsec
c) 150 μsec
d) 200 μsec
Answer: b
Explanation: For L load, E = L di/dt
I = E/L t
Therefore, 0.100 = 200t/0.2
T = 100 μsec.
37. The gate-source voltage is Es = 16 V and the load line has a slope of 128 V/A. Calculate the
gate current for an average gate power dissipation of 0.5 W.
a) 62.5 mA
b) 100.25 mA
c) 56.4 mA
d) 80.65 mA
Answer: a
Explanation: Load line is nothing but Rs
Es = 16V
Vg.Ig = 0.5
Rs = 128
We have Es = Ig x Rs + Vg.
38. From the two transistor (T1 & T2) analogy of SCR, the total anode current of SCR is
___________ in the equivalent circuit.
a) the sum of both the base currents
b) the sum of both the collector current
c) the sum of base current of T1 & collector current of T2
d) the sum of base current of T2 & collector current of T1
Answer: b
Explanation: The sum of both the collector currents of T1 and T2 forms the total anode current
of SCR. Refer the model.
39. Consider the two transistor analogy of SCR, if α1 & if α2 are the common-base current gains
of both the transistors then to turn-on the device
a) α1 + α2 should approach zero
b) α1 x α2 should approach unity
c) α1 – α2 should approach zero
d) α1 + α2 should approach unity
Answer: d
Explanation: To turn on the device sum of both the current gains should approach unity value.
40. Latching current for an SCR is 100 mA, a dc source of 200 V is also connected to the SCR
which is supplying an R-L load. Compute the minimum width of the gate pulse required to turn
on the device. Take L = 0.2 H & R = 20 ohm both in series.
a) 62.7 μsec
b) 100.5 μsec
c) 56.9 μsec
d) 81 μsec
Answer: b
E = Ri + L di/dt
Solve the above D.E for I & substitute the above values.
t = 100.503 μsec.
41. The voltage safety factor (VSF) for an SCR is the ratio of
a) peak working voltage & peak reverse repetitive voltage
b) dv/dt & di/dt
c) peak repetitive reverse voltage & maximum value of input voltage
d) peak repetitive reverse voltage & rms value of input voltage
Answer: c
Explanation: It is peak repetitive reverse voltage/ the maximum value of input voltage(Vm).
Answer: a
Explanation: If the temperature is high, lesser dv/dt is required to turn on the device as the higher
temperature has already excited few of the holes & electrons.
Answer: a
Explanation: Finger voltage is the minimum value of Vak (anode to cathode voltage) to turn on
the device with gate triggering, it is to be avoided for accidental turn-on of the device.
44. Which among the following anode current waveforms will have the minimum junction
a) 100 % DC
b) 25 % DC
c) 50 % DC
d) AC
Answer: b
Explanation: N % DC is nothing but a wave with n % duty cycle. Lower the Duty cycle lesser is
the current flowing & lesser is the temperature dissipation.
45. An SCR has half cycle surge current rating of 3000 A for 50 Hz. Calculate its one-cycle
surge current rating
a) 3121.32 A
b) 2121.32 A
c) 3131.32 A
d) 2131.32 A
Answer: b
Explanation: By equating the energies involved in one cycle & subcycle
I2.T = Isb2.t
Isb = 3000 A
T = 1/50
t = T/2.
46. For a SCR the maximum rms on-state current is 35 A. If the SCR is used in a resistive circuit
for a rectangular wave with conduction angle of 90°. Calculate the average & rms currents
a) I/4, I/2
b) I/2, I/√2
c) I/4, I2/2
d) I/4, I/√2
Answer: a
Explanation: First convert the conduction angle into N for rectangular wave.
N = 360°/Conduction angle = 4
Therefore, Iavg = I/4
Irms = I/√4 = I/2.
47. For an SCR the average & rms values of current are I/4 & I/2 respectively. Calculate the
average on-state current rating (ITAV). Take maximum RMS on-state current = 35 A.
a) 8.78 A
b) 10.10 A
c) 17.5 A
d) 24.74 A
Answer: c
Explanation: Form factor = RMS/Average vaules of current
Therefore, FF = 2
ITAV = 35/2 = 17.5.
Answer: c
Explanation: The amp2-sec is the energy that the device can handle before the fault is cleared. Its
value decides how fast the fault has to be cleared to avoid damage to the device.
49. The maximum rms current of an SCR is 50 A. For a 120° sine wave conduction the form
factor (FF) = 1.878
Find the average on-state current rating (ITAV).
a) 93.9 A
b) 174 A
c) 26.62 A
d) 68.52 A
Answer: c
Explanation: ITAV = 50/FF.
50. The thermal resistance between junction & the SCR (θjc) has the unit
a) Ω/°C
b) W/Ω
c) °C/W
d) ΩW/°C
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Answer: c
Explanation: Thermal resistance always has the unit degree temperature per watt.
Answer: b
Explanation: By placing the di/dt inductor (L) in series with the load, the change in the anode
current can be limited to a small value.
52. The local hot spot formation in the cross-section of the SCR is avoided by
a) reducing the junction temperature
b) applying gate current nearer to the maximum gate current
c) using only R loads
d) proper mounting of the SCR on heat sink
Answer: b
Explanation: Applying the higher gate current spreads the ions quickly and avoids hotspot
Answer: c
Explanation: Snubber circuit R-C in parallel with SCR is connected for dv/dt protection.
55. Figure below shows SCR having dv/dt and di/dt protection, when the switch(shown in green)
is closed the current through Rl =
a) I(1 – e-t/τ)
b) I(1 + e-t/τ)
c) I(1 – et/τ)
d) I(1 + e-t/τ)
Answer: a
Explanation: As soon as the switch is closed, C acts like a S.C & the voltage equation gives
Vs = (Rs + Rl) I + L di/dt
Solve the above D.E.
Answer: c
Explanation: FACLF stands for Fast Acting Current Limiting Fuse.
58. False triggering of the SCRs by varying flux & noise is avoided by using
a) F.A.C.L.F & C.B
b) Shielded cables & twisted gate leads
c) Snubber circuits
d) di/dt inductor in series with the gate terminal
Answer: b
Explanation: Shielded cables provide isolation from outside noise.
a) 8 μH
b) 80 μH
c) 16 μH
d) 160 μH
Answer: c
Explanation: As soon as the switch is closed, C acts like a S.C & the voltage equation gives,
Vs = (Rs + Rl) I + L di/dt
Solve the above D.E.
di/dt = Vs/L e-t/τ
di/dt is maximum at t = 0, substitute the above given values & find L
60. Thyristors are used in electronic crowbar protection circuits because it possesses
a) high surge current capabilities
b) high amp 2-sec rating
c) less switching losses
d) voltage clamping properties
Answer: a
Explanation: Crowbar protection circuits have high surge current capabilities.
61. Which of the following devices does not belong to the transistor family?
c) GTO
d) BJT
Answer: c
Explanation: GTO is gate turn off transistor, it belongs to the Thyristor family. All the other
devices belong to the transistor family.
Answer: b
Explanation: It has three layers p-n-p or n-p-n forming two p-n junctions.
Answer: d
Explanation: The collector current is the controlled parameter.
Answer: d
Explanation: Power transistor is simply many BJT’s connected in series parallel on a single
silicon chip for power applications. It is a three terminal, bipolar, current controlled device.
Answer: c
Explanation: The base current controls the collector current. Hence, the base current Ib is the
controlling parameter.
Answer: c
Explanation: The B-E junction of a BJT resembles a p-n junction diode, hence the curve.
67. For a power transistor, if the base current IB is increased keeping VCE constant, then
a) IC increases
b) IC decreases
c) IC remains constant
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: Ic is directly proportional to Ic.
Answer: b
Explanation: Collector current by emitter current is the current gain, its value is close to one but
never greater than.
69. The value of β is given by the expression
a) IC/IB
b) IC/IE
c) IE/IC
d) IE/IB
Answer: a
Explanation: Collector current by the base current is beta, its value is in the range 50 to 300.
70. A power BJT is used as a power control switch by biasing it in the cut off region (off state) or
in the saturation region (on state). In the on state
a) both the base-emitter & base-collector junctions are forward biased
b) the base-emitter junction is reverse biased, and the base collector junction is forward biased
c) the base-emitter junction is forward biased, and the base collector junction is reversed biased
d) both the base-collector & the base-emitter junctions are reversed biased
Answer: a
Explanation: When base-emitter & base-collector junctions are forward biased only than both the
p-n junctions are forward biased and the device is on.
71. For a power transistor, if the forward current gain α = 0.97, then β = ?
a) 0.03
b) 2.03
c) 49.24
d) 32.33
Answer: d
Explanation: Use the relation α = β/(β+1).
72. The power electronics devices have a very high efficiency because
a) cooling is very efficient
b) the devices traverse active region at high speed & stays at the two states, on and off
c) the devices never operate in active region
d) the devices always operate in the active region
Answer: b
Explanation: They are efficient due to their higher transition speeds.
Answer: b
Explanation: Lower the switching losses higher the frequency of operation of the device.
75. The instantaneous power loss during the delay time of a transistor is given by
a) Ic Vce
b) Ib Vbe
c) Ic Vbe
d) Ib Vce
Answer: a
Explanation: During the delay time only the collector current flows & base to emitter voltage is
76. For a power transistor, the average power loss during the delay time can be given by the
a) Ic * Vc
b) 1/T * ∫Td (Ic Vce) dt
c) Ic * dVc/dt * T
d) 1/T * ∫(Td *Tr) (Ic Vc) dt
Answer: b
Explanation: During the delay time only, the collector current flows & base to emitter voltage is
zero. Hence the average power can be found, simply by integrating it over the total delay time &
dividing by the base time period.
77. A 1mv of i/p gives an output of 1V, the voltage gain as such would be
a) 0.001
b) 0.0001
c) 1000
d) 100
Answer: c
Explanation: 1V/1mv = 1000.
Answer: a
Explanation: The collector & emitter current differ only by the base current, which is very very
Answer: a
Explanation: Unlike the thyristor devices, all the transistor family devices remain in the
conducting state as long as the firing pulses are applied. This is a very important property of the
transistor devices.
80. Let’s say that a transistor is operating at the middle of the load line, then a decrease in the
current gain would
a) move the Q point up
b) move the Q point down
c) result in to & fro motion of the Q point
d) not change the Q point
Answer: b
Explanation:The current gain would decreases the collector current, shifting the Q point below.
Answer: a
Explanation: It is an enhancement of the FET devices (field effect) using MOS technology.
82. Which of the following terminals does not belong to the MOSFET?
a) Drain
b) Gate
c) Base
d) Source
Answer: c
Explanation: MOSFET is a three terminal device D, G & S.
83. Choose the correct statement
a) MOSFET is a uncontrolled device
b) MOSFET is a voltage controlled device
c) MOSFET is a current controlled device
d) MOSFET is a temperature controlled device
Answer: b
Explanation: It is a voltage controlled device.
Answer: c
Explanation: MOSFET requires gate signals with lower amplitude as compared to BJTs & has
lower switching losses.
Answer: c
Explanation: MOSFET is a three terminal device, Gate, source & drain. It is voltage controlled
unlike the BJT & only electron current flows.
Answer: b
Explanation: The arrow is to indicate the direction of electrons (opposite to the direction of
conventional current flow).
Answer: b
Explanation: The gate to source voltage is the controlling parameter in a MOSFET.
88. In the internal structure of a MOSFET, a parasitic BJT exists between the
a) source & gate terminals
b) source & drain terminals
c) drain & gate terminals
d) there is no parasitic BJT in MOSFET
Answer: b
Explanation: Examine the internal structure of a MOSFET, notice the n-p-n structure between
the drain & source. A p-channel MOSFET will have a p-n-p structure.
89. In the transfer characteristics of a MOSFET, the threshold voltage is the measure of the
a) minimum voltage to induce a n-channel/p-channel for conduction
b) minimum voltage till which temperature is constant
c) minimum voltage to turn off the device
d) none of the above mentioned is true
Answer: a
Explanation: It is the minimum voltage to induce a n-channel/p-channel which will allow the
device to conduct electrically through its length.
Answer: b
Explanation: It is Id vs Vds which are plotted for different values of Vgs (gate to source voltage).
91. In the output characteristics of a MOSFET with low values of Vds, the value of the on-state
resistance is
a) Vds/Ig
b) Vds/Id
c) 0
d) ∞
Answer: b
Explanation: The o/p characteristics Is a plot of Id verses Vds, which for low values of Vds is
almost constant. Hence, the on-state resistance is constant & the slop is its constant value.
92. At turn-on the initial delay or turn on delay is the time required for the
a) input inductance to charge to the threshold value
b) input capacitance to charge to the threshold value
c) input inductance to discharge to the threshold value
d) input capacitance to discharge to the threshold value
Answer: b
Explanation: It is the time required for the input capacitance to charge to the threshold value,
which depends on the device configuration. The device can start conducting only after this time.
Answer: b
Explanation: MOSFET has lower switching losses due to its unipolar nature & less turn off time.
All of the other statements are false.
94. Which among the following devices is the most suited for high frequency applications?
a) BJT
d) SCR
Answer: c
Explanation: MOSFET has the least switching losses among the rest of the devices.
Answer: d
Explanation: MOSFETs are voltage controlled devices. They have high gate circuit impedance
and are PTC devices.
97. For a MOSFET Vgs=3V, Idss=5A, and Id=2A. Find the pinch of voltage Vp
a) 4.08
b) 8.16
c) 16.32
d) 0V
Answer: b
Explanation: Use Id = Idd x [1-Vgs/Vp]2.
Answer: a
Explanation: None.
Answer: c
Explanation: Complementary MOS consumes very less power as compared to all the earlier
100. The N-channel MOSFET is considered better than the P-channel MOSFET due to its
a) low noise levels
b) TTL compatibility
c) lower input impedance
d) faster operation
Answer: d
Explanation: The N-channel are faster than the P-channel type.
Answer: a
Explanation: Low on state power loss is one of the best parameters of both BJT & the IGBT.
Answer: c
Explanation: IGBT is a three terminal device. It has a gate, a emitter & a collector.
104. In IGBT, the p+ layer connected to the collector terminal is called as the
a) drift layer
b) injection layer
c) body layer
d) collector Layer
Answer: b
Explanation: It is called as a injection layer, because it injects holes into the n– layer.
Answer: b
Explanation: The controlling parameter is the gate to emitter voltage, as the device is a voltage
controlled device.
Answer: d
Explanation: The drift layer which is a n– layer determines the voltage blocking capabilities.
Answer: c
Explanation: The controlling parameter is the gate to collector current.
Answer: c
Explanation: The IGBT is a semiconductor device with four alternating layers (P-N-P-N) that are
controlled by a metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) gate structure without regenerative action.
110. The major drawback of the first generation IGBTs was that, they had
a) latch-up problems
b) noise & secondary breakdown problems
c) sluggish operation
d) latch-up & secondary breakdown problems
Answer: d
Explanation: The earlier IGBT’s had latch-up problems (device cannot turn off even after the
gate signal is removed), and secondary breakdown problems (in which a localized hotspot in the
device goes into thermal runaway and burns the device out at high currents).
Answer: a
Explanation: Just like a SCR, the GTO is a four layer p-n-p-n device.
Answer: b
Explanation: The GTO can be turned off by applying a negative gate pulse to the gate terminal.
Answer: c
Explanation: The SCR or any device is connected through the load, hence the magnitude of the
anode current (same as load current) will depend on the supply voltage and load impedance.
Answer: c
Explanation: The bottom n+ layer forms the cathode.
Answer: b
Explanation: βoff = (anode current/gate current).
116. A GTO can be represented by two transistors T1 & T2. The current gain of both transistors
are α1 and α2 respectively. A low value of gate current requires
a) low value of α1 and α2
b) low value of α1 and high value of α2
c) high value of α1 and low value of α2
d) high values of α1 and α2
Answer: b
Explanation: In order that the gate current for turning-off the device is low, α2 should be made as
nearer to unity as possible whereas α1 should be small.
117. Gold doped GTOs have _____________ as compared to the conventional GTOs
a) high turn-off time
b) low negative gate current requirement
c) low reverse voltage blocking capabilities
d) lower positive gate current requirement
Answer: b
Explanation: Gold doping reduces the negative gate current requirements, different kinds of
dopings have different advantages over the others.
118. Latching current for the GTOs is ________ as compared to CTs (Conventional thyristors).
a) more
b) less
c) constant
d) cannot be said
Answer: a
Explanation: Latching current of GTOs is 2-4A as compared to 200 to 400 mA in case of CT’s.
119. In case of the two-transistor model (T1 & T2) of GTO with anode-short, the anode-short is
placed between the
a) emitter of T1 & T2
b) emitter of T1 & base of T2
c) emitter of T1 & base of T1
d) emitter of T1 & collector of T2
Answer: c
Explanation: Draw the model. The anode-short resistor is connected between emitter (Anode A
of GTO) with base of T1 transistor.
Answer: c
Explanation: At the firing angle, the SCR turns on and thus the resistor or load R is connected to
the source.
Answer: b
Explanation: The sooner the conduction starts higher the average power. Though practically a
device cannot be triggered at exactly zero degrees.
3. In the below given circuit, the SCR is triggered at a certain firing angle α.
Answer: c
Explanation: The SCR is naturally commutated at 90°.
4. In the method of phase control, the phase relationship between ___ & ___ is controlled by
varying the firing angle
a) supply current, supply voltage
b) end of the load current, end of the load voltage
c) start of the load current, start of the load voltage
d) load current, load voltage
Answer: c
Explanation: By varying the firing angle, the load current and load voltage can be controlled.
5. In a single phase half-wave thyristor circuit with R load & Vs=Vm sinωt, the maximum value
of the load current can be given by
a) 2Vm/R
b) Vs/R
c) Vm/2
d) Vs/2
Answer: c
Explanation: Vm is the peak value of the load as well as supply voltage. I = Vm/R.
6. Below shown ideal circuit is triggered at a firing angle of α. The voltage across the SCR is
zero from ωt =
a) 0 to α
b) 0 to π
c) α to 2π
d) α to π
Answer: d
Explanation: Before the SCR is triggered all of the supply voltage appears across it that is from 0
to α, at α the device is gated and it starts to conduct acting like a S.C (ideally). Hence voltage
across it is zero from α to π. At π the SCR is again naturally commutated due to the reversal of
the AC supply & a negative voltage appears across it.
7. Below shown ideal circuit is triggered at a firing angle of α. From ωt = π to 2π+α
Answer: c
Explanation: From ωt = π to 2π+α, negative cycle is active and the SCR experiences revered
biased voltage by Vs.
8. For a single phase thyristor circuit with R load & firing angle α, the conduction angle can be
given by
a) π+α
b) 2π+α
c) π-α
d) α
Answer: c
Explanation: SCR is fired at α, hence it conducts from α till it is commutated by the reversal of
the AC supply i.e at π radians.
9. For the below given circuit with firing angle α & angular frequency of ω, the circuit turn-off
time in secs can be given by
a) α/π
b) π/α
c) ω/π
d) π/ω
Answer: d
Explanation: The circuit turns of at ωt = π as it is a half wave circuit.
Hence toff = π/ω.
10. A single-phase half-wave thyristor circuit with R load is triggered at an angle of α = 0°. As
such, the maximum value of the average output voltage would be given by
Consider Vs = Vm sinωt.
a) Vm
b) 2Vm/π
c) Vm/π
d) Vm/α
Answer: c
Explanation: For the whole cycle of 2π, the R load would be active only for half of the cycle.
Hence, Vo = Vm/π.
11. For a certain SCR configuration, the below shown waveform is obtained. Find the value of
the average output voltage with α = 30° & Vs = 240 V.
a) 50.27 V
b) 100.8 V
c) 140 V
d) 120 V
Answer: b
Explanation: Vm = √2 Vs = 339.41 V
Vavg = ∫ Vm Sin ωt d(ωt) where the integration runs from α to π
Vavg = Vm/2π (1+cos α).
12. A single-phase half wave circuit has Vs = 230 V with a R load of 100 Ω. Find the average
load current at α = 30°.
a) 1.45 A
b) 0.57 A
c) 0.96 A
d) 2.3 A
Answer: c
Explanation: Io = Vo/R
Vo = (Vm/2π) x (1+cosα).
13. A single phase 230 V, 1 kW heater is connected across a 1-phase 230 V, 50 Hz supply
through an SCR. The firing angle of the SCR is adjusted to give a rms voltage of 155 V. Find the
power absorbed by the heater element.
a) 250 watts
b) 1 kW
c) 454 watts
d) 378 watts
Answer: c
Explanation: R (Heater element resistance) = 2302/1kW = 52.9 Ω
Now, P = Vrms2/R = 1552/52.9.
14. For a single phase half-wave thyristor circuit with R load, the power delivered to the resistive
load is
a) (average load voltage) x (average load current)
b) (rms supply voltage)2/R
c) (rms load voltage)2/R
d) (average load voltage)/R
Answer: c
Explanation: P = I2.R
V = IR
I = V/R
Hence, P = V2/R.
15. For a single phase half-wave thyristor circuit with R load, the input power factor is given by
a) rms source voltage/total rms line current
b) rms input power/power delivered to the load
c) cos α
d) power delivered to load/input VA
Answer: d
Explanation: (p.f)input = power delivered to load/input VA.
16. For the below shown circuit,
Answer: c
Explanation: In this case, the Inductor L is force conducting the SCR & supply current to the
source the current is gradually decaying as the inductor is discharging.
Answer: b
Explanation: At π the L force conducts the SCR & current starts gradually decaying whereas at π
the voltage is zero as it goes from positive to negative at π.
18. In case of a single-phase half-wave circuit with RL load, with firing angle α and extinction
angle β, the conduction angle γ can be written as
a) γ = β+α
b) γ = β-α
c) γ = β/α
d) γ = α/β
Answer: b
Explanation: Extinction angle is some angle > π at which load current reduces to zero. It depends
upon the inductor value.
19. For a half-wave single phase thyristor rectifier circuit with any type of load the _______ +
_________ waves must ideally give the supply voltage waveform.
Answer: b
Explanation: The supply voltage either appears across at the thyristor or the load.
20. In case of a single-phase half-wave circuit with RL load, with firing angle α and extinction
angle β, the thyristor is reversed biased from
a) β to α
b) β to 2π+α
c) β to 2π
d) β to 2β
Answer: c
Explanation: As the load current goes to zero from β, the SCR is reversed biased or in the OFF
state till it is turned on at 2π again by the positive AC cycle.
21. Choose the correct statement with respect to the below given circuit.
Answer: b
Explanation: The voltage cannot be negative due to the FD (freewheeling diode or commutating
diode so connected).
22. In the below given circuit, the FD (Freewheeling diode) is forward biased at ωt =
a) 0
b) α
c) π
d) 2π
Answer: c
Explanation: It is forward biased at π by the conducting SCR & the current starts to through the
FD & Load.
23. In the below given circuit, when the commutating diode or FD is conducting than the
a) SCR has reverse bias voltage and the load current is zero
b) SCR has reverse bias voltage and the load current is positive
c) SCR has forward bias voltage and the load current is zero
d) SCR has forward bias voltage and the load current is positive
Answer: b
Explanation: When the FD is forward biased at π by the conducting SCR & the current starts to
through the FD & load.
24. The output voltage waveform of the below given circuit would be the same that obtained
from a
Answer: b
Explanation: The wave from will be like a half wave diode rectifier circuit. Which is the same as
that obtained from a half-wave R load circuit and the above given circuit.
25. In a single-phase half-wave circuit with RL load and a freewheeling diode, the load voltage
during the freewheeling period will be
a) zero
b) positive
c) negative
d) positive than negative
Answer: a
Explanation: The FD short circuits the load and voltage across a short circuit would be = 0.
26. In a single-phase half-wave circuit with RL load and a freewheeling diode, the freewheeling
period is
a) 0 to π
b) α to π+α
c) π to 2π+α
d) π/2 to 2π-α
Answer: c
Explanation: Freewheeling period is the one in which the FD diode conducts.
27. A single-phase half wave rectifier with a FD is supplied by Vs = 240 V, AC with a load R =
10 Ω, L = 0.5 mH and a firing angle α = 30°. Find the average value of the load voltage.
a) 50 V
b) 100 V
c) 150 V
d) 200 V
Answer: b
Explanation: Vo = (Vm/2π) x (1+cosα)
Vm = √2Vs.
Answer: a
Explanation: Vo = (Vm/2π) x (1+cosα)
Vm = √2Vs
Io = Vm/R (Due to the FD).
29. A single phase half-wave controlled rectifier has 400 sin314t as the input voltage and R as
the load. For a firing angle of 60°,the average output voltage is
a) 200/π
b) 300/π
c) 100/π
d) 400/π
Answer: b
Explanation: Vo = (Vm/2π) x (1+cosα) = 400/2π x (1+cos60) = 300/π.
30. Choose the incorrect statement with respect to the use of FD in half-wave circuits.
a) Input pf is improved
b) Load current waveform is improved
c) It prevents the load voltage from becoming negative
d) Reduces the reverse voltage (PIV) faced by the SCR
Answer: d
Explanation: PIV is unaffected with the use of FD (freewheeling diodes).
Answer: c
Explanation: Vo = Vm/2π cos(firing angle).
32. For the below shown circuit, a motor load (RLE) is connected to the SCR through supply Vs.
The minimum value of the firing angle to turn on the SCR would be
a) Sin-1(E/Vm)
b) Sin-1(Vm/E)
c) Cos-1(E/Vm)
d) Cos-1(E/Vm)
Answer: a
Explanation: The firing angle should be such that the value of V exceeds E. So SCR turns on at
excatlly Vm sinωt = E
Therefore ωt = min. angle = Sin-1(E/Vm).
33. Choose the correct statement with respect to the below given circuit.
Answer: c
Explanation: Even if no current is flowing through the load when the SCR is off, voltage = E will
exists at the load terminals at all times.
34. By using a freewheeling diode (FD) in a rectifier with RL load, the power consumed by the
a) increases
b) decreases
c) is not affected
d) decreases to zero
Answer: a
Explanation: The FD feeds inductor current again to the load.
35. A 230 V, 50 Hz, one-pulse SCR controlled converter has extinction angle β = 210°. Find the
circuit turn-off time
a) 10 m-sec
b) 0
c) 8.3 m-sec
d) 5.4 m-sec
Answer: c
t = 2π-β/ω
Where, π = 90°
ω = 2xπx50
β = 210°.
36. A 230V, 50Hz, single-pulse SCR is feeding a RL load with α = 40° and β = 210°. Find the
value of average output voltage
a) 54 V
b) 106 V
c) 84 V
d) 32 V
Answer: c
Vo = Vm/2π x (cosα-cosβ)
Where Vm = √2Vs.
37. A single-pulse transformer with secondary voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz, delivers power to bulb
of R = 10 Ω through a half-wave controlled rectifier circuit. For α = 60°, find the average current
in the bulb
a) 2.5 A
b) 7.7 A
c) 9.6 A
d) 3 A
Answer: b
Explaantion: First find the average voltage, than Io = Vo/R
Vo = (Vm/2π) x (1+cosα).
38. A single-pulse transformer with secondary voltage of 230 V, 50 Hz, delivers power to bulb
of R = 10 Ω through a half-wave controlled rectifier circuit. For α = 60° and output AC power of
2127 Watts, find the rectification efficiency
a) 98.6 %
b) 42 %
c) 28 %
d) 19 %
Answer: c
Vo = (Vm/2π) x (1+cosα) = 77.64 V
Pdc = Vo2xR = 602.8 W
Rectification efficiency = Pdc/Pac = 28.32 %.
a) Vs
b) 2Vs
c) √2Vs
d) Vs/2
Answer: c
Explanation: The maximum negative voltage faced by the SCR is –Vm which is nothing but
40. An SCR rectifier circuit is designed such that the average output voltage is 77.64 V & RMS
value of output voltage is 145.873 V. Find the voltage ripple factor.
a) 1.879
b) 0.532
c) 1.590
d) 0.629
Answer: c
Explanation: FF = 145.873/77.64 = 1.879
VRF = √(FF2-1) = 1.5908.
41. The below shown single phase controlled rectifier configuration is a
Answer: a
Explanation: It is a two pulse i.e full wave M-2 connection.
42. In the below shown circuit, considering the load to be purely R load, the thyristor T2 would
conduct from ωt =
a) 0 to π
b) α to π
c) π+α to 2π
d) π to 2π+α
Answer: c
Explanation: The bottom winding forward biases the SCR T2 at π, conduction starts after the
pulse is given at α & stops when T2 is naturally commutated at 2π.
43. For a single pulse M-2 rectifier with RL load and firing angle α >0°, the value of the
inductance L is such that the load current is continuous.
Answer: c
Explanation: As mentioned, L is such that the load current is continuous. Hence, it never falls
below a predefined positive value.
44. For the circuit below, the transformer ratio is 1:1 and Vs = Vm sinωt. When T1 is forward
biased and is triggered at α than T2 is
a) π/ω
b) α/ω
c) π-α/ω
d) π+α/ω
Answer: c
Explanation: When T1 is gated, SCR T2 is off from ωt = α to π
Thus t = π-α(offtime)/ω
Same can be said when T2 is gated and T2 is off.
46. Find the expression for the average value of the output voltage for the below given circuit.
Consider the load current to be continuous, firing angle = α, transformer ration 1:1 and Vs = Vm
a) (Vm/π)cosα
b) (Vm/π)(1+cosα)
c) (2Vm/π)cosα
d) (2Vm/π)(1+cosα)
Answer: c
Explanation: As the load current is continues, the voltage is positive from α to π and negative
from π to π+α and so on. Thus,
Vavg = 1/Period ∫ Vm sinωt d(ωt)
Where period = π
And the integral runs from α to α+π.
Answer: b
Explanation: Fully controlled implys that all the elements are “fully controlled” hence, it uses
SCRs only except the FD.
48. A single phase full-converter using R load is a _________ quadrant converter and that using
an RL load without FD is a __________ quadrant converter
a) one, one
b) two, one
c) one, two
d) two, two
Answer: c
Explanation: In R load both V and I are positive, in RL load the voltage can be negative but
current is always positive.
Answer: b
Explanation: 4 SCR’s are connected in a bridge fashion.
Answer: b
Explanation: B-2 is the bridge type controller, in which 2 devices conduct at a time. One acting
as the current supplying path and other acts as a return path.
51. For the below given circuit,
Answer: d
Explanation: T1-T2 are gated together at a time and T3-T4 are gated together at a time.
52. With respect to the below given circuit, from ωt = 0 to α, ____ thyristor(s) block the forward
a) T1 and T2
b) T2
c) T3 and T4
d) T4
Answer: a
Explanation: T1 and T2 are not yet gated, hence they block the forward voltage.
53. With respect to the below given circuit, from ωt = 0 to α,
Answer: d
Explanation: T1 and T2 are not yet gated, hence they block the forward voltage where as no
voltage exists across T3 and T4.
54. For the below given circuit, when the devices T1 and T2 are conducting from ωt = α till they
are naturally commutated at π voltage across the other two pair of devices is
a) zero
b) positive (forward voltage)
c) negative (reverse voltage)
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: When T1 and T2 are conducting they act like S.C’s and the other pair of devices i.e.
T3 and T4 has to take care of the reverse voltage.
55. A single-phase full converter B-2 type connection has a RLE type of motor load connected.
The minimum requirement to turn-on the device is
a) α > 30°
b) Vm sinα > E
c) Vm sinα < E
d) α < 30°
Answer: b
Explanation: Device will not turn on until the supply voltage exceeds the motor back emf E.
56. For the below shown circuit with continuous load current.
Answer: a
Explanation: As the load current is continuous each pair conducts from π to π+α i.e π radians.
Answer: d
Explanation: T1-T2 are gated together at a time and T3-T4 are gated together at a time.
58. For the below shown circuit has dis-continuous load current waveform.
Answer: c
Explanation: Load current is discontinues than SCR pair conducts for less than 90° depending on
the value of the inductor L.
59. A single-phase full converter with B-2 type of connection has a continuous load current
waveform. The thyristor pairs T3, T4 is triggered at ωt =
a) 0
b) α
c) π+α
d) π-α
Answer: c
Explanation: First, at α T1-T2 conduct, then after π+α the next pair is excited i.e. T3-T4 and
60. The PIV for each diode in a single-phase, full converter with B-2 type of controlled rectifier
Consider supply voltage as Vs = Vm sinωt.
a) 2Vm
b) Vm
c) Vm/2
d) Vm/√2
Answer: b
Explanation: The peak inverse voltage handled by each device is Vm in case of B-2 type of
61. A motor load is connected to a single-phase full converter B-2 type controlled rectifier. The
net energy is transferred from ac source to the motor (dc load) when
a) π+α > 90
b) π-α > α
c) π+α > α
d) π-α > 90
Answer: b
Explanation: Converter will work as a line commuted inverter when π-α > α.
62. The below shown rectifier configuration has continues load current, find the expression for
the average value of output voltage when the supply Vs = Vm sinωt is connected.
a) (Vm/π)cosα
b) (2Vm/π)cosα
c) (Vm/π) (1+cosα)
d) (2Vm/π) (1+cosα)
Answer: b
Explanation: Vo = 1/π x [∫ Vm sinωt d(ωt)] Where the integration runs from α to π+α.
63. Find the expression of the rms value of output voltage for a single-phase M-2 type rectifier
with RL load and continues load current. Transformer ratio is 1:1 with supply voltage Vs = Vm
a) Vm/√2
b) Vs
c) 2Vs
d) Vs/√2
Answer: b
Explanation: Vor2 = 1/π x [∫ Vm2 sin2ωt d(ωt)], Where the integration runs from α to π+α
Vor = Vm2/2 = Vs.
64. A single-phase full controlled converted with RLE load will act like a line-commutated
inverter when the firing angle α
a) α > 180°
b) α > 90°
c) α < 90°
d) α = 90°
Answer: b
Explanation: It will act like a inverter i.e. most of the current would flow from the battery or
back emf E to the source. For α=90° it will not act like a converter nor an inverter.
Answer: c
Explanation: The output voltage obtained by a converter is always greater than the counter or
back emf E.
Vo = IR + E.
66. In inverter operation, with output voltage = Vo and a RLE load connected
a) Vo < E
b) Vo = E
c) Vo > E
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: In inverter operation Vo < E.
67. A motor load is connected to a single-phase full converter B-2 type controlled rectifier, the
net energy is transferred from ac source to the motor (dc load) when
a) π+α > 90
b) π-α < α
c) π+α < α
d) π-α > α
Answer: b
Explanation: It works as a converter when π-α < α.
68. The below shown rectifier configuration has continues load current, find the expression of
the RMS value of output voltage when the supply Vs = Vm sinωt
a) Vs2/2
b) 2Vs/π
c) Vs
d) √Vs/2
Answer: c
Explanation: Vor2 = 1/π x [∫Vm2 sin2ωt d(ωt)] Where the integration runs from α to π+α
Vor = Vm2/2 = Vs.
Answer: a
Explanation: The PIV of diodes in M-2 is 2Vm, whereas that in B-2 type of connection is Vm.
70. An SCR has the peak forward voltage = 1000 V. Find the maximum voltage that the SCR can
handle if employed in a M-2 type full controlled converter circuit. Use factor of safety (FOS) =
a) 500 V
b) 400 V
c) 200 V
d) 1000 V
Answer: c
Explanation: In M-2 type configuration maximum voltage handled is 2Vm
Therefore, 1000/2×2.5 = 200 V.
71. An SCR has the peak forward voltage = 1000 V. Find the maximum voltage that the SCR can
handle if employed in a B-2 type full controlled converter circuit. Use factor of safety (FOS) =
a) 500 V
b) 400 V
c) 200 V
d) 1000 V
Answer: b
Explanation: In M-2 type configuration maximum voltage handled is Vm
Therefore, 1000/2.5 = 400 V.
72. A single-phase full converter bridge, is connected to a RLE load. The source has a rms
voltage of 230 V and the average load current is 10 A. Find the firing angle for which the power
flows from AC source to the DC load. Consider E = 120 V, R = 0.4 Ω.
a) 26.4°
b) 53.2°
c) 142°
d) 39°
Answer: b
Explanation: We have,
Vo = E + IR
Vo = 2Vm/π x cosα
Substitute the given values to discover α = 53.208°.
73. A single-phase full converter bridge, is connected to a RLE load. The source has a rms
voltage of 230 V and the average load current is 10 A. Find the firing angle for which the power
flows from the DC load to the AC source. Consider E = 120 V, R = 0.4 Ω, L = 2 Henry.
a) 124°
b) 153°
c) 142°
d) 309°
Answer: a
Explanation: We have,
Vo = E + IR
Vo = 2Vm/π x cosα . . . (i)
Substitute the given values to discover α = 124°
Note that as the power is flowing from DC to AC E has to be negative.
E = -120V.
Use 1 to find the firing angle.
74. For the below shown converter configuration, find the expression for the average value of
voltage across the resister R with Vs = Vm sinωt and firing angle = α.
a) Vm/π cosα
b) 2Vm/π cosα
c) Vm/π (1+cosα)
d) 2Vm/π (1+cosα)
Answer: c
Explanation: Vo = Vo = 1/π x [∫ Vm sinωt d(ωt)] where the integration would run from α to π.
75. A single phase full controlled bridge converter is connected to load having R = 0.4 Ω, E =
120, L = 0.2 mH, Vs = 230V. The RMS value of load current is 10 A for a firing angle of 53.21°.
Find the input power factor.
a) 0.5043 lag
b) 0.5391 lag
c) 0.6120 lag
d) Unity
Answer: b
Explanation: Io = Irms = 10A
Vs x Irms x cosɸ = E Io + Irms2 R.
76. A single phase full converter feeds power to a RLE load with R = 6 Ω and E = 60 V. Find the
average value of the load current when the supply voltage is 230 V rms AC and a firing angle =
a) 0
b) 3.9A
c) 12.1 A
d) 6.05 A
Answer: c
Explanation: Vo = 2Vm/π cosα = 133.084 V
I = Vo – E/R = 133.084-60 / 6 = 12.181 A.
77. A single phase full wave mid-point SCR converter, uses a 230/200 V transformer with the
centre tap on the secondary side. The P.I.V. per SCR is
a) 100 V
b) 214V
c) 141V
d) 282V
Answer: d
Explanation: PIV for M-2 is Vm = √2Vs = √2 x 200.
78. In a single phase full converter, for discontinuous load current and extinction angle β > π,
each SCR conducts for
a) α
b) β
c) β-α
d) β+α
Answer: c
Explanation: Each device would conduct for β-α.
79. A single-phase two pulse converter feeds RL load with a sufficient smoothing such that the
load current does not fall to zero. If the resistance of the load circuit is increased then the
a) ripple content is not affected
b) ripple content of current increases
c) ripple content of current decreases
d) load current may fall to zero
Answer: b
Explanation: If the resistance of the load circuit is increased then the ripple content of current
80. In case of controlled rectifiers, the nature of the load current (continues or discontinuous)
depends upon the
a) type of load and firing angle
b) only on the type of load
c) only on the firing angle
d) it is independent of all the parameters
Answer: a
Explanation: It depends on both as firing angle will decide how fast and how much current
flows. The load R, Rl or RLE can also effect the current depending upon the values of L and E.
81. A three-phase, three-pulse, M-3 type controlled converter uses ____________ number of
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Answer: c
Explanation: It uses three SCRs with a three-phase transformer. M-3 type 3-pulse converters are
not practically used.
82. A three-phase, three-pulse, M-3 type controlled converter has firing angle for one of the
SCRs set as 15°. This SCR would start conducting at
a) 0°
b) 15°
c) 30°
d) 45°
Answer: d
Explanation: In a three phase controller, the actually conduction starts at 30° + α. Hence, ωt =
30+15 = 45°.
83. In a three-phase, three-pulse, M-3 type controlled converter T1 starts to conduct at 30 + n°.
At what angles do T2 and T3 start to conduct? Assume that the conduction sequence is T1-T2-
a) 2n° and 3n°
b) 150 + n° and 270 + n°
c) n° each
d) 30 + n° and 60 + n°
Answer: b
Explanation: In three-phase three pulse converter the conduction can start only after 30°. As each
SCR conducts from 120°, T2 would conduct on 30+120+n° = 150+n° and so on.
84. A three-phase three pulse type controlled converter is constructed using 3 SCR devices. The
circuit is supplying an R load with α < 30°. As such, each SCR device would conduct for
a) 60° each cycle
b) 120° each cycle
c) 180° each cycle
d) 360° each cycle
Answer: b
Explanation: Each conduct for 120° per cycle is the firing angle is less than 30°. 120 x 3 = 360°.
85. Find the expression for average output voltage at R for the below given configuration. Take
firing angle as α = 15°, transformer ratio as 1:1:1 and Vmp as the maximum value of phase
voltage at the supply.
a) (3Vmp/2π) x cosα
b) (3√3Vmp/2π) x cosα
c) (3√3Vmp/2π) x sinα
d) (3Vmp/2π) x sinα
Answer: b
Explanation: The circuit is that of a three-pulse M-3 connection. The firing angle is less than 30°.
Therefore, each device conducts for an angle of 120°.
Vo = 3 x [ 1/2π ∫ Vmp sinωt d(ωt) ] Where, the integration runs from α+π/6 to α+5π/6.
Vo = (3√3/2π) x Vmp x cosα.
86. In the circuit shown below, SCR T1 conducts first. If T1 is fired at an angle of α > 30°, then
T1 would conduct from
a) α to 180°
b) 30 + α to 180°
c) 30 + α to 150°
d) 30 + α to 120°
Answer: b
Explanation: When firing angle is more than 30°, T1 would conduct from 30 + α to 180°.
Irrespective of the firing angle, T1 will be turned on at 180° because it conducts first which
means it is connected to the R phase and the phase sequence is R-Y-B. As R starts at 0° its value
is 0 at 180° which reverse biases the SCR T1.
87. Find the expression for average output voltage for the given circuit if firing angle is greater
than 30°. Take Vmp = secondary side maximum value of phase voltage.
a) (3√3Vmp/2π) x cosα
b) (3√3Vmp/2π) x (1+cosα)
c) (3√3Vmp/2π) x [1+cos(30+α)].
d) (3√3Vmp/2π) x [3+cos(30+α)].
Answer: c
Explanation: Vo = 3 x [ 1/2π ∫ Vmp sinωt d(ωt) ] Where, the integration runs from α+π/6 to π.
Because conduction takes place from 30 + α to 180° for T1 and than the waveform is
symmetrical for all other SCRs.
Vo = (3√3/2π) x Vmp x [1+cos(30+α)].
88. A three-phase three-pulse converter would operate as a line commutated inverter when
a) 30° < α < 60°
b) 90° < α <180°
c) 90° > α
d) it can never operate as a line commutated inverter
Answer: b
Explanation: The output voltage is proportional to cosine of the firing angle α. If α goes above
90° then the output voltage is negative, meaning that it is operating as an inverter.
89. A three-phase M-3 converter is operated from a 3-phase, 230 V, 50 Hz supply with load
resistance R = 10 Ω. Find the value of firing angle if an average output voltage of 50% of the
maximum possible output voltage is required.
Hint: α > 30°.
a) 92.7°
b) 67.7°
c) 45°
d) 75.7°
Answer: b
Explanation: We need , Vo = 0.5 Vom.
α>30° hence we use the equation Vo = (3√3/2π) x Vmp x [1+cos(30+α)] √3Vmp = Vml =
Therefore, Vo = (3/2π) x √3 Vml x [1+cos(30+α)] = 0.5Vom
(1/√3) x [1+cos(30+α)] = Vo x 2π/3Vml = Vo/Vom = 1/2
α = 67.7°.
90. A three-phase half-wave controlled converter is fed from a 3-phase, 400 V source and is
connected to a load which takes a constant current of 36 A. Find,the value of average output
voltage and average current rating of SCR for a firing angle of 30°.
a) 234 V, 36 A
b) 234 V, 12 A
c) 135 V, 36 A
d) 135 V, 12 A
Answer: b
Explanation: Vo = (3√3/2π) x Vmp x cosα = 233.874 V.
Ia = Io/3 = 12 A.
91. A three phase full converter will require __________ number of SCRs.
a) 3
b) 6
c) 9
d) 2
Answer: b
Explanation: Three legs having two SCRs each, six in total.
92. A three phase six pulse full converter works as a ac to dc converter for firing angles in the
a) α > 90
b) 90 < α < 180
c) 0 < α < 90
d) 0 < α < 360
Answer: c
Explanation: When α is less than 90°, the SCRs conduct for 120° and the current and voltage are
positive on an average hence, the power flows from AC source to DC load.
93. For the below given circuit, α = 60°. T2 will start conduction at ωt = __________ Assume
the inductor L value to be negligible.
a) 60°
b) 120°
c) 90°
d) 150°
Answer: d
Expansion: Assuming the phase sequence is R-Y-B. T1 would start conducting at 30+60 = 90°,
T2 at 90+210/2 = 150°. This is because after T1, T3 would conduct from the upper group, as T2
belongs to the lower group it will start to conduct exactly between T1 and T3 i.e. between 90 and
210(90+120) which is 150°.
94. For a three phase full controlled converter, with 3 thyristors in the upper or positive group
and 3 thyristors in the lower or negative group, at any given time
a) two thyristors are conducting from each group
b) one thyristor is conducting from each group
c) one thyristor is conducting from either of the groups
d) all 6 thyristors are conducting at a time
Answer: b
Explanation: Let’s say T1, T3 and T5 belong to the positive group and T2, T4 and T6 to the
negative group. At any given time one SCR from each group conducts. e.g. T1 and T6 or T1 and
95. In case of a three phase full controlled converter with 6 SCRs, commutation occurs every
a) 120°
b) 60°
c) 180°
d) 30°
Answer: b
Explanation: Every SCR conducts for 120°. This means that the SCRs from the positive group
are fired 120° among themselves, same is true for SCRs from negative group. For example, if T1
starts conducting at 90° it will conduct till 90+120 = 210°. But while T1 is conducting, half of
the time i.e. from 90 to 150, T6 is conducting and another half of the time T2 is conducting.
Hence, commutation (change in the SCR which is conducting) takes place every 60 degrees
irrespective of the firing angle. Construct the firing sequence table for better understanding.
96. For the below given circuit, the conduction sequence for the negative group of SCRs is
a) T4-T6-T2
b) T1-T2-T3
c) T2-T6-1
d) T2-T4-T6
Answer: d
Explanation: The negative group of SCRs has T2, T4 and T6. The conduct as T2-T4-T6, as T2 is
connected to the B phase, T4 to the R phase and like-wise.
97. For a three-phase full controlled converter with R load, the average value of output voltage is
zero for
a) α = 0°
b) α = 90°
c) α = 180°
d) It can never be zero
98. A three-phase full converter charges a battery from a three-phase supply of 230 V. The
battery emf is 200 V and the internal resistance of the battery is 0.5 Ω. Find the value of the
continuous current which is flowing through the battery if its terminal voltage is 210 V
a) 10 A
b) 20 A
c) 0.5 A
d) 25 A
Answer: b
Explanation: Vo = 210 V
Vo = E + Io x R
210 = 200 + 0.5 x Io
Io (Current through the battery) = 20 A.
99. A three-phase full converter charges a battery from a three-phase supply of 230 V. The
battery emf is 200 V. Find the value of the firing angle if the battery terminal voltage is 210 V.
a) 36.54°
b) 56.7°
c) 89.3°
d) 47.45°
Answer: d
Explanation: Vo = (3Vml/π) cos α
α = cos-1(210π/3√2×230) = 47.453°.
100. A three-phase full converter charges a battery from a three-phase supply of 230 V. Find the
value of the power delivered to the load if a continues current of 20A is flowing through the
battery of emf 200 V and internal resistance of 0.5 Ω.
a) 0 W
b) 5600 W
c) 4200 W
d) 1040 W
Answer: c
Explanation: Iavg = Irms = 20 A
P = E x Iavg + Irms2 x R = 4200 W.
Answer: c
Explanation: Dual converters provide four quadrent operation, which means voltage can be
positive or negative and so can be the current. Hence, AC-DC, DC-AC any converter
configuration can be used.
Answer: c
Explanation: Dual converters have two full converters connected in anti-parallel which provides
a four quadrant operation.
Answer: c
Explanation: No mechanical arrangement is required to change from inverter to converter and
converter to inverter, which was required in earlier methods.
Answer: c
Explanation: The four quadrant operation can be obtained simply by adjusting appropriate values
of firing angles for both the connected converters.
Answer: c
Explanation: A single full converter alone gives two quadrent operation, hence for all four
quadrant operation two full converter circuits are connected in anti-parallel.
106. Find the error in the below given dual converter circuit.
a) All 4
b) Both (i) and (iv)
c) Both (iii) and (iv)
d) Both (ii) and (iii)
Answer: c
Explanation: The right connection for single-phase dual converter is shown below.
107. In the below given circuit, the right side converter C2 operates in the ___ and ___ quadrant.
a) second, fourth
b) first, fourth
c) second, third
d) first, third
Answer: c
Explanation: The C2 converter will supply the load current in direction opposite to that supplied
by the converter C1. For converter C2, when α> 90 it operates in 2nd quadrant and if α<90 both
current and voltage are negative, C2 is in inverter mode and operates in 3rd quadrant.
Answer: b
Explanation: The circuit is a single phase dual converter circuit. As the there is no reactor
(inductor) in series, it is a non-circulating type.
109. For a single-phase dual converter, with converters C1 and C2 connected in anti-parallel,
which relation among the following is true to keep the average voltages from C1 and C2 equal?
C1 and C2 have firing angles α1 and α2 respectively.
a) α1 = α2
b) α1 + α2 = 360°
c) α1 + α2 = 180°
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: By maintaining α1 + α2 = 180°, one converter can operate as converter and another
as an inverter hence, the average output voltages are equal . This can be proved as follows
Vom cos α1 = Vom cos α2
Vom = 2Vm/π . . (Vm for both the converters is same)
cos α1 = cos α2
cos α1 = cos (180 – α2)
α1 + α2 = 180°.
110. In non-circulating current mode dual converters, the circulating current is avoided by
a) connecting a series reactor
b) maintaining α1 + α2 = 180°
c) operating only one converter
d) adding an extra SCR
Answer: c
Explanation: Reactor is added in circulating current mode not in non-circulating mode. The
circulating current is avoided by using only one of the converters.
Answer: a
Explanation: A symmetrical semi-converter will have one SCR and one diode in each leg. Two
legs connected in parallel with each other having a symmetrical configuration.
Answer: b
Explanation: An asymmetrical semi-converter will two SCRs in one leg and two diodes in the
113. In the below given circuit, from ωt = π to α+π and continuous load current configuration
a) T1 and T2 conduct
b) T2 and D1 conduct
c) T1 and D2 conduct
d) T1 and D1 conduct
Answer: c
Explanation: At ωt = π, D1 is reversed biased but T1 is still ON due to the nature of the load.
Hence, the load current or inductor current flows from T1 and D2 and short circuiting the load
terminals. Hence, due to the diode D2 freewheeling action takes place without even having a FD
114. Find the circuit turn-off time (Tc) for the below given semi-converter configuration. Take α
= 30° and Vs = 230√2 sin100t
a) 20π radians
b) 5π/6 radians
c) π/120 radians
d) 3/π radians
Answer: c
Explanation: For the given circuit, ωt = π-α. tc = π – α/ω
α = π/6 and ω = 100 … (given)
tc = (π – π/6)/100.
115. For the circuit shown below, T1 and T2 (from top T1 and T2) are both fired at an angle α.
Then from ωt = π to ωt = π+α
Answer: d
Explanation: From ωt = π to ωt = π+α, None of the SCRs are fired and both the diodes are
forward biased due to the nature of the load. As such, they start to conduct and freewheel all the
inductor energy.
Answer: c
Explanation: Freewheeling action reduces THD (total harmonic distortion), Improves CDF
(current distortion factor and has no effect over the power handling capabilities as such.
Answer: b
Explanation: Vo =( Vm/π) (1 + cosα)
Io = Vo/R.
Answer: d
Explanation: Vo =( Vm/π) (1 + cosα) = 176.72V
Io = Vo/R
Irms = Io = Vo/R = 17.67 A
Vrms = 219.3 V (given)
η = (Vo x Io) / (Vrms X Irms) = 0.8058 = 80.58 %.
119. A single-phase semi-converter circuit is supplying power to a motor load. The average
value of load voltage is 176.72 V and the rms value is 219.3 V. Find the VRF (voltage ripple
a) 0
b) 0.735
c) 0.569
d) 2.48
Answer: b
Explanation: First find the form factor (FF),
FF = Vrms/Vo = 1.241
Now, VRF = √(FF2-1) = 0.735.
Answer: b
Explanation: A semi-converter gives more output voltage than an equivalent full converter
circuit. It also has less THD and high p.f (power factor).
2. Choppers converter
a) AC to DC
b) DC to AC
c) DC to DC
d) AC to AC
Answer: c
Explanation: Choppers are used to step up or step down DC voltage/current levels. Hence, they
are DC to DC converters.
Answer: b
Explanation: It is a DC equivalent of an AC transformer because it behaves in the similar manner
i.e. converting fixed DC to variable DC.
Answer: d
Explanation: All of the devices which can be used as a switch can be used in a chopper.
5. A chopper is a
a) Time ratio controller
b) AC to DC converter
c) DC transformer
d) High speed semiconductor switch
Answer: d
Explanation: It is a high speed on/off semiconductor switch. Note that it behaves like a DC
transformer, does not mean it is a DC transformer. There is no DC transformer.
Answer: b
Explanation: It is the time during which the chopper is on (Ton) relative to the whole period (T =
Answer: a
Explanation: The output voltage can be changed by changing the duty cycle (Ton/T).
8. The values of duty cycle (α) lies between
a) 0<α<1
b) 0>α>-1
c) 0<=α<=1
d) 1<α<100
Answer: c
Explanation: The duty cycle is between 0 and 1. It can be 0 if the chopper switch is never on and
it can be 1 when the chopper switch is always on.
9. If T is the time period for a chopper circuit and α is its duty cycle, then the chopping
frequency is
a) Ton/α
b) Toff/α
c) α/Toff
d) α/Ton
Answer: d
Explanation: α = Ton/T
T = Ton/ α
f = 1/T = α/Ton.
10. Find the output voltage expression for a step down chopper with Vs as the input voltage and
α as the duty cycle.
a) Vo = Vs/α
b) Vo = Vs x α
c) Vo = Vs2/α
d) Vo = 2Vs/απ
Answer: b
Explanation: The chopper output voltage is Duty cycle x the input voltage (ideal condition).
11. The below given figure is that of a _________ (IGBT is used as a chopper switch)
a) step-up/step-down chopper
b) step-down chopper
c) step-up chopper
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: When the switch is off, the current freewheels through L-R-FD-L and voltage is
zero because the FD short circuits the load.
14. In a step down chopper, if Vs = 100 V and the chopper is operated at a duty cycle of 75 %.
Find the output voltage.
a) 100 V
b) 75 V
c) 25 V
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: Vo = Duty cycle x Vs = 0.75 x 100 = 75 V.
15. If Vo is the output voltage and Vs is the input DC voltage, then for the below given circuit.
a) Vo = Vs
b) Vo < Vs
c) Vo > Vs
d) Insufficient information
Answer: c
Explanation: The given circuit is that of a step-up chopper. For a step up chopper the output
voltage is always (even if duty cycle is very very small) greater than the input voltage.
17. In the below given circuit, when switch (SW) is first switched closed and then opened the
Answer: c
Explanation: When the switch is off, the inductor is has stored energy from the earlier chopper
on operation. The current starts to flow from Vs-L-D-Load-Vs, hence current is decaying as the
inductor is discharging and the voltage is Vs + Vl (inductor voltage) (apply KVL).
18. What is the voltage across the load when the SW is first closed and then opened?
a) Vs
b) duty cycle x Vs
c) Vs + L (di/dt)
d) zero
Answer: c
Explanation: When the switch is off, the inductor is has stored energy from the earlier chopper
on operation. The current starts to flow from Vs-L-D-Load-Vs, hence current is decaying as the
inductor is discharging and the load voltage is Vs + Vl (inductor voltage)
Vl = L(di/dt)
Vo = Vs + L(di/dt).
19. Find the expression for output voltage for a step-up chopper, assume linear variation of load
current and α as the duty cycle.
a) Vs
b) Vs/α
c) Vs/(1-α)
d) Vs/√2
Answer: c
Explanation: During Ton, the energy stored in the inductor is
Win = Vs x Ton x (I1+I2)/2
During Toff, the energy released by the inductor is
Wout = (Vo – Vs) x Toff x (I1+I2)/2
Considering ideal condition,
Win = Wout
Vo = Vs x (T/Toff)
α = Ton/T
Vo = T/T-Ton = Vs/1-α.
20. Find the output voltage for a step-up chopper when it is operated at a duty cycle of 50 % and
Vs = 240 V.
a) 240 V
b) 480 V
c) 560 V
d) 120 V
Answer: b
Explanation: Vo = Vs/1-α.
Answer: c
Explanation; If it is said the a chopper is always kept off, that means the switch is always open.
As such, Ton = 0
Duty cycle = 0
Vo = Vs/1-duty cycle . . . (for a step-up chopper).
Answer: b
Explanation: If it is always in then, Ton = T. Duty cycle = 1.
Vo = Vs/1-duty cycle = Vs/0
Therefore, Vo = ∞.
23. Find the average value of output voltage of a basic step-down chopper, with duty cycle = α
and load = R Ω.
a) I = Vs x α
b) I = (Vs x α)/R
c) I = 0
d) I = Vs/R
Answer: b
Explanation: Vo = Vs x α
I = Vo/R.
24. For the below given circuit, find the output current at the instant of commutation.
a) Vo/R
b) Vs/R
c) 0
d) α/2
Answer: b
Explanation: The circuit is that of a step-down chopper. The output current is commutated by the
switch(IGBT) at the instant t = Ton. Therefore, output current at the instant of commutation is
25. For a step-down chopper, find the rms value of output voltage. Let α be the duty cycle and
Vs be the input voltage.
a) α x Vs
b) Vs/α
c) √α x Vs
d) Vs/2
Answer: c
Explanation: [(Ton/T).Vs2]1/2 = √α x Vs.
26. A step down chopper is operated at 240V at duty cycle of 75%. Find the value of RMS
switch (IGBT/MOSFET) current. Take R = 10 Ω.
a) 2.07 A
b) 200 mA
c) 1.58 A
d) 2.4 A
Answer: a
Explanation: The switch could be anything, a IGBT, a SCR, a GTO etc. The current through the
switch is the same as the current through the load for a step down chopper.
Vo = Vs/1-α
α = 0.75
I = √α x Vs/R.
27. Find the expression for effective input resistance of a step down chopper. With R load and
duty cycle = α.
a) R x α
b) R/2
c) 0
d) R/α
Answer: d
Explanation: Effective input resistance of the chopper circuit = (dc source voltage)/(average
source current) = (Vs.R)/(Vs.α) = R/α.
28. A step-up chopper has input voltage of 220 V and output voltage of 660 V. If the conducting
time of the IGBT based chopper is 100 μs, compute Toff width of the output voltage pulse.
a) 100 μs
b) 150 μs
c) 50 μs
d) Insufficient data
Answer: c
Explanation: 660 = 220/1-α
α = 2/3 = Ton/T
Ton = 2T/3 = 100μs. This gives chopping period T = 100 x 3/2 = 150 μs
Toff = T – Ton = 150 – 100 = 50 μs.
29. For a step-up chopper, when the duty cycle is increased the average value of the output
a) increases
b) decreases
c) remains the same
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: Vo = Vs/1-duty cycle
Hence, as duty cycle increases the output voltage increases.
30. For a step-down chopper, when the duty cycle is increased the average value of the output
a) increases
b) decreases
c) remains the same
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation; Vo = Duty cycle x Vs. Hence, output voltage is directly proportional to the duty
31. For a step-down chopper shown in the figure below, dc source voltage = 230 V and the
voltage drop across the chopper = 2 V. Find the value of average output voltage for a duty cycle
of 0.4.
a) 230 V
b) 92 V
c) 90 V
d) 91.2 V
Answer: d
Explanation: The voltage drop across the switch occurs only when it is on.
Vo = (Vs – 2) x Duty cycle = 91.2 V.
32. For the step-down chopper shown in the figure below, dc source voltage = 230 V and the
voltage drop across the chopper = 2 V. Find the value of rms output voltage for a duty cycle of
a) 91.2 V
b) 230 V
c) 144.2 V
d) 145 V
Answer: c
Explanation: The voltage drop across the switch will occurs only when it is on.
Vo (rms) = √0.4 x (230 – 2) = 144.2 V.
33. For the step-down chopper shown in the figure below, dc source voltage = 230 V. Find the
power delivered to the load of R = 10 Ω. Duty cycle = 40 %. Take voltage drop at the switch to
be 2 V.
a) 1 kW
b) 2.08 kW
c) 569 W
d) 207 W
Answer: b
Vo (rms) = √0.4 x (230 – 2) = 144.2 V
P = 144.22/10 = 2079.3 W = 2.08 kW.
34. For the step-down chopper shown in the figure below, dc source voltage = 230 V. Find the
power input to the chopper If load of R = 10 Ω is connected. Duty cycle = 40 %.
a) 2300 W
b) 2097 W
c) 2560 W
d) 5290 W
Answer: b
Explanation: Power input to the chopper is Vs . Io
Vs = 230 V
Vo = (Vs – 2) x Duty cycle = 91.2 V
Io = Vo/R = 91.2/10
Pi = Vs.Io = 2097.6 W.
a) step-up chopper
b) step-down chopper
c) step-up/step-down chopper
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: It is a step-up/step-down chopper. By controlling the duty cycle it can be made to
behave like a step-up or a step down chopper.
36. The expression for a step-up/step-down chopper with α as the duty cycle and Vs as the dc
input voltage is
a) Vs/1 – α
b) α x Vs
c) Vs (α/1-α)
d) Vs (α/1+α)
Answer: c
Explanation: A step-up, step-down chopper can behave as a step up chopper for α > 0.5 and step
–down chopper for α < 0.5.
37. For a step-up/step-down chopper, if the duty cycle > 0.5 then
a) Vo = Vs
b) Vo < Vs
c) Vo > Vs
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: Vo = Vs (α/1-α)
For α is greater than 0.5, the chopper behaves as a step-up chopper. Hence, Vo > Vs.
38. A step down chopper has Vs = 230 V and R = 10 Ω. For a duty cycle of 0.4, the power taken
by the chopper is 2097 Watts. Find the chopper efficiency. Take the voltage drop across the
chopper switch as 2 V.
a) 98 %
b) 89.96 %
c) 99.14 %
d) 96.54 %
Answer: c
Explanation: Vo (rms) = √0.4 x (230 – 2) = 144.2 V
Po = 144.22/10 = 2079.3 Watts
Pi = 2097 Watts
η = Po/Pi = 99.14 %.
39. A step down chopper has input dc voltage of 220 V and R = 10 Ω in series with L = 65 mH.
If the load current varies linearly between 11 A and 17 A, then find the duty cycle α.
a) 1
b) 0.4
c) 0.6
d) 0.7
Answer: d
Explanation: Average load current = 11+17 / 2 = 14A
Average load voltage = IxR = 14×10 = 140V
But, Vo = α x Vs
Therefore, α x 220 = 140, α = 0.7.
Answer: a
Vo = Vs (α/1-α)
For α = 0.5
Vo = Vs x (0.5/0.5).
Answer: a
Explanation: It is a step-up/step-down chopper, the C maintains the load voltage constant.
42. In the below shown step-up/step-down chopper circuit, when the switch (SW) is on
a) current through inductor rises and the load voltage is zero
b) current through inductor rises and the load voltage is Vs
c) current through inductor decays and the load voltage is zero
d) current through inductor decays and the load voltage is Vs
Answer: b
Explanation: During Ton, current flows from Vs-CH-L-Vs. Current through L rises from I1 to I2
and Vs appears across the inductor and load as they are in parallel. Voltage drop at the diode has
to be considered as zero.
Answer: b
Explanation: Vo = Vs (α/1-α)
For duty cycle is less than 0.5, the circuit behaves like a step down chopper. Hence, Vo < Vs.
44. In the below shown step-up/step-down chopper circuit, when the chopper switch (SW) if first
on and then off, then the current flows from path
a) Vs-CH-L-Vs
b) L-Load-D-L
c) L-D-Load-L
d) no current flows
Answer: b
Explanation: When the chopper switch is off, polarity of emf induced in the inductor L gets
reversed biased. Emf induced in L forward biases the diode D and L starts to discharge from
45. For a step-up/step-down chopper, if current increases from I1 to I2 linearly during Ton, then
find the energy stored in the inductor during Ton
a) zero
b) Vs x (I1 + I2)
c) Vs x [ (I1 + I2)/2 ] x Ton
d) Vs x [ (I1 + I2)/2 ] x T
Answer: c
Explanation: Iavg = [ (I1 + I2)/2 ] Energy stored = Win = Vs x [ (I1 + I2)/2 ] x Ton.
Answer: a
Explanation: It is called as a first quadrant chopper as the current always flows from source to
load and the current and voltage both are always positive.
Answer: a
Explanation: During Ton, SW is on and vo = 0 as the switch S.C’s the load. E drives current
through L and charges it.
48. For the type-B chopper shown below
Answer: a
Explanation: When switch Is off, Vo = E + Ldi/dt exceeds source voltage Vs and D (diode) is
forward biased and begins to conduct.
a) step-up chopper
b) step-down chopper
c) step-up/step-down chopper
d) depends on the duty cycle
Answer: a
Explanation: The load voltage Vo = E + L(di/dt) is greater than Vs, hence it is a step-up chopper.
Answer: b
Explanation: The type-C chopper is a two quadrant chopper, it operates in the 1st and the 2nd
quadrant. It has type-A and type-B choppers connected in parallel.
51. In case of TRC (Time Ratio Control), _________ is varied
a) duty cycle
b) firing angle
c) supply frequency
d) supply voltage magnitude
Answer: a
Explanation: In case of TRC, α (Duty cycle) is varied to change the average value of output
52. In constant frequency TRC or pulse width modulation scheme, ________ is varied.
a) Vs
b) Ton
c) T
d) f
Answer: b
Explanation: In pulse width modulation scheme also known as constant frequency time ratio
control, the on-time Ton is varied keeping total time T constant. Toff also varies automatically
with Ton to keep Ton constant.
Answer: a
Explanation: In frequency modulation scheme, the frequency (f) hence T (1/f) is varied by either
keeping Ton constant or keeping Toff constant.
Answer: b
Explanation: In pulse width modulation scheme also known as constant frequency time ratio
control, the on-time Ton is varied keeping total time T constant. Toff also varies automatically
with Ton to keep Ton constant.
55. In case of a constant frequency system, Ton = (1/4)T. If the chopping frequency 2 kHz, find
the value of Toff.
a) (1/8) ms
b) (3/8) ms
c) (1/8) μs
d) (3/8) μs
Answer: b
Explanation: Ton = (1/4) T
T = 1/2kHz = 0.5 ms
Ton = T/4
Therefore, Toff = T – Ton = T – T/4 = 3T/4 = 3/8 msec.
Answer: d
Explanation: In frequency modulation scheme, the frequency (f) hence T (1/f) is varied by either
keeping Ton constant or keeping Toff constant.
57. The control strategy in which on and off time is guided by the pervious set of values of a
certain parameter is called as
a) time ratio control
b) pulse width modulation
c) current limit control
d) constant frequency scheme
Answer: c
Explanation: In current ratio control, the on and off time is guided by the pervious set of value of
load current.
58. In the current limit control method, the chopper is switched off when
a) load current reaches the lower limit
b) load current reaches the upper limit
c) load current falls to zero
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: In CLC, when the current reaches the upper limit the chopper is switched off and
current starts to decay. When current reaches a predefined lower limit, the chopper is again
switched on and current starts to rise, the process is thus again repeated.
59. Which of the following mentioned control strategy/strategies would require a feedback loop?
a) pwm
b) constant frequency system
c) current limit control
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: CLC would require a feedback loop as it is required to measure the values of
current constantly before switching on or off the chopper.
60. In the current limit control method, when the load current reaches a predefined lower value,
a) the chopper is switched off
b) the chopper is switched on
c) the source voltage is removed
d) load voltage goes to zero
Answer: b
Explanation: In CLC, when the current reaches the upper limit the chopper is switched off and
current starts to decay. When current reaches a predefined lower limit, the chopper is again
switched on and current starts to rise, the process is thus again repeated.
a) Type D chopper
b) Type B chopper
c) Two-quadrant type A chopper
d) Two-quadrant type B chopper
Answer: c
Explanation: It is a type C chopper or Two quadrant type A chopper. It operates in the first and
second quadrant.
62. In the below given circuit output voltage will be 0 when
a) SW1 is on
b) FD is not conducting
c) D2 is conducting
d) SW2 is on
Answer: d
Explanation: Output voltage will be zero if SW 2 is on, because it will short circuit the load
circuit and output voltage will be zero.
Answer: b
Explanation: In type C chopper, current can flow in both the directions. It would be negative if
SW2 in on or D2 conducts.
64. In the below given type C chopper circuit, _______ and _________ together operate like
type A chopper.
a) CH1, FD
b) CH2, FD
c) CH1, D2
d) CH2, D2
Answer: a
Explanation: In the above shown type C chopper circuit, when CH1 is on and current flows VS-
CH1-L-E-Vs. When CH1 is switched off, current freewheels through the FD. Hence, current and
voltage both are positive giving type A chopper operation.
65. In the below given type C chopper circuit, ________ and ___________ together operate like
type B chopper.
a) CH1, FD
b) CH2, FD
c) CH1, D2
d) CH2, D2
Answer: d
Explanation: In the above shown type C chopper circuit, when CH2 is on current flows in the
negative direction E-L-CH2-E and hence voltage is zero. When D2 operates E and L deliver
power to the supply Vs hence, giving a type B chopper operation.
66. Which type of chopper is used in the regenerative braking of DC motors?
a) type A
b) type B
c) type C
d) type D
Answer: c
Explanation: In regenerative braking of DC motors, power needs to flow from load to source as
well as source to load depending on whether the machine is in the motoring mode or generative
Answer: a
Explanation: Type C consists of, two diodes and two switches. One diode switch pair is used for
operation in a particular quadrant.
Answer: a
Explanation: Only one quadrant operation will be operated if only one switch is used. It can be
either 1st and 2nd quadrant depending on which switch is operated.
69. A type C chopper is operated with only positive load current. Choose the correct statement.
Answer: d
Explanation: It is a type C chopper or two quadrant type A chopper. It operates in the first and
second quadrant. CH1 and FD in the first quadrant and CH2 and D2 in second quadrant.
70. A type C chopper is operated with only negative load current. Choose the correct statement.
Answer: d
Explanation: It is a type C chopper or two quadrant type A chopper. It operates in the first and
second quadrant. CH1 and FD in the first quadrant and CH2 and D2 in second quadrant.
Answer: a
Explanation: It is a two quadrant (I and IV) type B chopper as load current is always positive but
the voltage can be positive or negative.
73. What is the load voltage value when both the chopper switches are on?
a) 0
b) Vs
c) 2Vs
d) Vs/2
Answer: b
Explanation: When both the switches are on, load is directly in parallel with Vs (source voltage).
74. For a type D chopper, the average value of output voltage will be positive when
a) Ton = Toff
b) Ton < Toff
c) Toff = 0
d) Ton > Toff
Answer: d
Explanation: When the chopper on time (SW1 and SW2) is more than the chopper off time than
the average voltage will be positive. When the chopper switches are off, both the diodes are
operating and the voltage is negative.
Answer: c
Explanation: When α = 0.5. Ton = Toff hence the positive and negative value of voltages become
equal. Making the average voltage = 0 V.
76. In the below given circuit, if only SW1 is operated then
Answer: d
Explanation: If only one switch is operated, circuit is not completed and the current does not
77. For a type D chopper, if duty cycle α < 0.5 then the
a) average voltage is positive
b) average voltage is negative
c) average voltage is zero
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: α = Ton/T
If α < 0.5, Ton < Toff
The average value of voltage will be negative, as the switches will be off most of the times.
79. Find the expression for average output voltage in a type D chopper on RL load.
a) Vs x Duty cycle (α)
b) Vs x T
c) Vs (Ton – Toff)/T
d) Vs2/2
Answer: c
During Ton = Vs x Ton/T
During Toff = – Vs x Toff/T
Vo = Vs (Ton – Toff)/T.
80. Find the average output voltage for a type D chopper if it is given a dc supply of 220 V.
Chopper frequency is 2 kHz and both the chopper switches are operated for 0.3 ms.
a) 220 V
b) 108 V
c) 98 V
d) 44 V
Answer: d
Explanation: T = 1/f = 0.5 ms
Ton = 0.3 ms
Toff = 0.2 ms
Vo = Vs (Ton – Toff)/T = 220 x (1/5) = 44 V.
81. The process of commutating a SCR by applying a reverse voltage to an SCR through a
previously charged capacitor is called as
a) capacitor commutation
b) forced commutation
c) voltage commutation
d) current commutation
Answer: c
Explanation: It is called as voltage commutation, which is a type of forced commutation.
Answer: b
Explanation: It is a voltage commutated chopper or impulse-commutated chopper. If the diode
was directly in parallel with the main SCR it would be a current commutated chopper circuit.
84. In the below shown voltage commutated chopper circuit, the chopper operation can only start
a) t1 is gated
b) the capacitor is charged
c) the diode is forward biased
d) the capacitor is dis-charged
Answer: b
Explanation: The chopper can only start (effectively) when the C in the commutating circuit is
charged first.
a) gating T1
b) gating TA
c) closing the switch
d) both gating TA and closing the switch
Answer: d
Explanation: When switch is closed, the C gets charged through Vs, C, Switch. When TA is
triggered C gets charged through Vs, C, TA and the load.
86. In the below given circuit, when the main thyristor T1 is triggered after charging the
capacitor, the commutation current flows through the path
a) Vs – T1 – Load – Vs
b) S – C – T1 – Load – S
c) C – T1 – L – D – C
d) C – T1 – TA – C
Answer: c
Explanation: The commutation current is nothing but the capacitor current.
87. In the below given circuit, when the main SCR T1 is commutated at t2, the load voltage is
a) Vs
b) 0
c) 2Vs
d) Vs + Ldi/dt
Answer: c
Explanation: The main SCR T1 is commutated by the triggering of the TA which then makes the
capacitor revere bias the main SCR T1. The load current then flows through Vs-C-TA-Load.
Hence, Vo = Vs + (capacitor voltage).
As the capacitor is already charged to a voltage Vs. Vo = 2Vs.
Answer: a
Explanation: The main SCR T1 is commutated by the triggering of the TA which then makes the
capacitor revere bias the main SCR T1.
90. What is the expression for the value of the capacitor in the voltage commutation circuit? Let
tc be the circuit turn off time and Io be the constant load current.
a) Io x (dv/dt)
b) Vs/Io
c) (tc x Io)/Vs
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: Capacitor current = C dv/dt
For constant load current Io, the above expression can be
Io = C x (Vs/tc) or C = (tc x Io)/Vs.
a) type D chopper
b) two quadrant type C chopper
c) type E chopper
d) type F chopper
Answer: c
Explanation: It is a type E chopper. Type C consists of 4 diodes and 4 IGBT switches.
92. A type C chopper consists of __________ diodes and _________ switches in anti-parallel.
a) 2, 2
b) 3, 3
c) 4, 4
d) 3, 4
Answer: c
Explanation: Type C consists of 4 diodes and 4 switches arranged in anti-parallel. The switches
and diodes are always numbered occurring to the quadrant in which they operate.
Answer: d
Explanation: Type C can operate in all the four quadrants by controlling appropriate switches
and reversing the emf in the load circuit.
a) Only CH1 is on
b) CH1 and CH2 is on
c) CH1 and CH3 is on
d) CH1 and CH4 is on
Answer: d
Explanation: With CH1 and CH4 on, load voltage = Vs and load current flows. Both V and I are
positive giving Ist quadrant operation.
95. For the second quadrant operation of type E chopper
a) Only CH2 is on
b) CH1 and CH2 is on
c) CH2 and CH3 is on
d) CH2 and CH4 is on
Answer: d
Explanation: With CH2 on, negative current flows through L, CH2, CH3 and CH4. When CH2 is
turned off, current is fed back to the diodes by D1 and D4. Load voltage is positive and current is
negative, hence second current operation is operated.
96. For a type E chopper, when CH2 is first on and then switched off then the
97. What is the expression for load voltage when the chopper is operated in the second quadrant?
a) Vs
b) E
c) 0
d) E + Ldi/dt
Answer: d
Explanation: In the second quadrant, the chopper acts as a step up chopper and current flows
from the load to source. With CH2 on, negative current flows through L, CH2, CH3 and CH4.
98. For a type E chopper operating in the first quadrant, find the expression for average output
a) Vs
b) E – Ldi/dt
c) 0
d) E + Ldi/dt
Answer: a
Explanation: With CH1 and CH4 on, load voltage = Vs and load current flows.
Answer: d
Explanation: The load E must be reversed for both third and fourth quadrant operation for proper
current flow.
100. For the third quadrant operation of type E chopper
a) CH1 is on
b) CH2 and CH1 are on
c) CH3 is on
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: For third quadrant operation of type E chopper, CH2 is kept on and CH3 is
operated. First both CH2 and CH3 are on, and then CH3 is switched off thus the current
freewheels through CH2 and D4.
Answer: c
Explanation: When CH3 is switched on, IIIrd quadrant operation is obtained in which both load
current and load voltage are negative. D2-CH3-Vs.
103. In the below given type E chopper circuit, when CH3 and CH2 are switched on and then
CH3 is switched off after some time, then
Answer: b
Explanation: When CH3 is first on then, load gets connected to Vs and charges the inductor L.
When it CH3 switched off, current has to flows through through the same direction (negative)
because of the L. Current starts to freewheel from CH2 and D4.
Answer: a
Explanation: For IVth quadrant, only CH4 is operated.
The difference between “operated” and “on” should be noted. Operated means it can is literally
operated i.e. it is switched on and off and on and off, whereas on means it is on continuously.
105. For the fourth quadrant operation, the current flows through
Answer: c
Explanation: With CH4 on in the fourth quadrant, positive current flows through CH4, D2, L and
106. When CH4 is turned on and then off
Answer: c
Explanation: When CH4 is on, positive current flows through CH4, D2, L and E. When CH4 is
opened, current is fed back to the source from D2, D3.
107. Find the expression for the ripple factor in terms of duty cycle α for a type A step down
a) √(1-α/α)
b) α2/2
c) √α/2
d) √(1-α)
Answer: a
Explanation: RF = Vr/Vo
Vr = √α x Vs = √(αVs2 – α2Vs2) = Vs √(α- α2)
RF = Vs.√(α- α2)/Vs.α = √(1-α/α).
Answer: c
Explanation: The term AC ripple voltage is used for knowing the harmonic content of a
waveform, without calculating its harmonic components. It is the rms difference of ac and dc
109. The expression for the thyristor (chopper switch) current is given by
I = (α2.Vs – αE)/R
Find the value of firing angle α, for which the thyristor current is maximum.
a) 2Vs/π
b) 180°
c) E/2Vs
d) Vs/R
Answer: c
Explanation: In the given expression, to find the maximum value of α
dI/dα = 0
Therefore, dI/dα = (2αVs – E)/R = 0
α = E/2Vs.
110. In a type E chopper, if all the four chopper switches are closed simultaneously then
a) load is short circuited
b) supply is short circuited
c) both load and supply are shorted
d) none of the mentioned.
Answer: b
Expression: Before anything, the supply will be shorted by CH1 and CH2 first.
111. Find the expression for peak capacitor voltage in case of a current commutated chopper
a) Io √(L/C)
b) Vs + √(L/C)
c) Vs + Io √(L/C)
d) Zero
Answer: c
Explanation: 1/2 CVc2 = 1/2 LIo2
Vc = Io √(L/C)
Vc (peak) = Vs + Io √(L/C).
112. Identify the below given chopper circuit.
a) Type D chopper
b) Type C chopper with commutating capacitor
c) Load commutated step-down chopper
d) Voltage commutated step-up chopper
Answer: c
Explanation: Load commutated chopper uses 4 SCRs and one commuting capacitor. As there is
no L in the circuit, it is a step down chopper.
113. In the below given commutated chopper circuit, __ and __ SCRs act together in pairs.
a) T1-T2, T3-T4
b) T1-T3, T2-T4
c) T1-T4, T2-T4
d) T1, T2
Answer: a
Explanation: T1-T2 and T3-T4 act together as one pair for conducting the load current
114. When T1 and T2 are conducting, which components act as the commutating components?
a) T3 and T4
b) All the SCRs
c) T3, T4 and C
d) T3, T4, C and FD
Answer: c
Explanation: Commutating components are the one which will help the main SCRs T1 and T2 in
this case turn off safely. FD is not a commutating component, it only freewheels the current
during inductive loads.
115. What is the voltage across the load when T1 and T2 are gated after charging the capacitor to
a) Vs
b) 0
c) 2Vs
d) Vs + Ldi/dt
Answer: c
Explanation: The main SCRs T1 and T2 are conducting, and the path is Vs –T1 – C – T2 – Load.
Hence, Vo = Vs + (capacitor voltage). As the capacitor is already charged to a voltage Vs. Vo =
116. What is the expression for design of commutation capacitance in case of a load commutated
chopper circuit?
a) (I x Ton)/Vs
b) Cannot be determined
c) (I x Ton)/2Vs
d) (I x T)/Vs
Answer: c
Explanation: Total change in the voltage is 2xVs in time Ton.
I = C x (2Vs/ Ton)
C = (IxTon)/2Vs.
117. Which type of commutating circuit will have highest switching losses for same rating of all
the components?
a) current commutated chopper
b) voltage commutated chopper
c) load commutated chopper
d) forced commutated chopper
Answer: c
Explanation: Load commutated choppers have 4 SCRs which require frequent turning on and
turning off which increases the switching losses.
118. The speed of a separately excited dc motor is controlled below base speed by using a type-A
SCR based chopper. The supply voltage is 220 V dc and the armature resistance is 0.5 Ω.
Calculate the minimum value of firing angle if the motor drives a constant torque load requiring
an average armature current of 30 A.
a) 1/2
b) 3/44
c) 59/46
d) 7/12
Answer: b
Explanation: For a motor, Vo = E + Ir
The minimum possible speed = 0. This gives the motor counter emf E = 0.
Therefore, Vo = αVs = Ir
α x 220 = 30 x 0.5
α = 15/220 = 3/44.
119. For the step down chopper shown in the figure below, Vs = 100 V and the duty cycle of the
switch is 0.8. The load is sufficiently inductive so that the load current is ripple free. The average
current through the diode (D) under steady state is
a) 2 A
b) 1.6 A
c) 8 A
d) 6.4 A
Answer: b
The diode is active only during Toff.
If Ton = 0.8 then Toff = 0.2
Output voltage Vo = 0.8 x 100 = 80 V
When D is active during Toff, consider inductor as a short circuit thus, Id = (VoxToff)/R = 80 x
0.2/10 = 1.6 A.
120. A chopper circuit is fed from an input voltage of 20 V delivers a power of 16 watts. If the
chopper efficiency is 80 %, then find the value of input current.
a) 0.64 A
b) 1 A
c) 0.8 A
d) 1.25 A
Answer: b
Explanation: 0.8 = ouput/input
Input power = 16/0.8
16/0.8 = V x I
V = 20 V. Hence, I = 1 A.
1. Inverters converts
a) dc power to dc power
b) dc power to ac power
c) ac power to ac power
d) ac power to dc power
Answer: b
Explanation: Inverter is a dc to ac converter.
Answer: b
Explanation: Line-commuted inverters are actually phase-controlled converters operated in the
inverting mode. They cannot act as standalone inverters as they require a AC supply. It is to be
noted that “line commutated inverter” is not the conventional inverter. The conventional
inverters are forced or load commutated inverters.
Answer: a
Explanation: A VSI is the one in which the internal impedance of the source is negligible. It has
a stiff DC source at its input.
4. VSIs using GTOs are turned off by
a) load commutation
b) line commutation
c) applying a negative gate pulse
d) removing the base signal
Answer: c
Explanation: GTOs are gate turn off SCRs in which turn-off is achieved by applying a negative
gate pulse.
Answer: d
Explanation: IGBT is a transistor family device. It can be turned off simply by removing the gate
signal. All the transistor devices operated in the same way in inverters.
Answer: d
Explanation: All the devices can be turned off by their gate/base singles expect SCR. SCRs
require external commutation circuits.
Answer: d
Explanation: They require two voltage sources Vs/2 and Vs/2.
a) Vs
b) Vs/2
c) 2Vs
d) zero
Answer: b
Explanation: Considering T1 as an ideal switch, the load is directly connected to the upper
voltage source when T1 is on.
10. In a single-phase half wave inverter ________ SCR(s) are/is gated at a time.
a) one
b) two
c) three
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: Only one SCR is gated at a time, gating the both of them will short the supply.
11. What is the voltage across the R load when only T2 is conducting?
a) Vs
b) Vs/2
c) 2Vs
d) Zero
Answer: b
Explanation: Considering T2 as an ideal switch, the load is directly connected to the lower
voltage source when T2 is on.
12. The voltage in a single phase half wave inverter varies between
a) Vs and 0
b) Vs/2 and 0
c) Vs/2 and –Vs/2
d) Vs and –Vs
Answer: c
Explanation: It varies between –Vs/2 and Vs/2 as the upper and lower thyristors/IGBTs are fired
in sequence.
Answer: b
Explanation: It is a half wave inverter with MOSFET switches. The diodes are used to bypass the
negative current.
14. The output of a single-phase half bridge inverter on R load is ideally
a) a sine wave
b) a square wave
c) a triangular wave
d) constant dc
Answer: b
Explanation: Due to rapid switching on and off of the devices, it seems to be a square wave. But
practically it is a B-wave.
15. In the below given circuit, T1 is fired at 0,T and so on and T2 at T/2, 3T/2 etc. What is the
frequency of the alternating voltage obtained?
a) 50 Hz
b) T Hz
c) 1/T Hz
d) T/2 Hz
Answer: c
Explanation: T1 conducts from 0 to T/2 and T2 from T/2 to T. Hence, 1 cycle is completed in T
time. f = 1/T Hz.
16. In the below circuit, if Vs/2 = 50 V. Find, the rms AC voltage that would be ideally obtained.
a) 50 V
b) 100 V
c) 0.707 x 50 V
d) 0.707 x 100 V
Answer: c
Explanation: Peak value would be = 50 V
RMS = Peak/√2 = Peak x 0.707 V.
17. Find the conduction time of the diodes if the SCRs are fired at 0 and T/2 respectively in a
single phase half wave inverter with R load.
a) 0
b) T/2
c) 2/T
d) insufficient data
Answer: a
Explanation: With R load, the diodes do not come into play.
18. The output current wave of a single-phase full bridge inverter on RL load is
a) a sine wave
b) a square wave
c) a triangular wave
d) constant dc
Answer: c
Explanation: On RL load, the SCRs are revised biased due to the voltage drops across the diodes
and negative current flows.
Answer: b
Explanation: Full bridge inverters require 4 SCR and 4 diodes along with a two wire dc source.
21. The output voltage from a single phase full wave bridge inverter varies from
a) Vs to –Vs
b) Vs to zero
c) Vs/2 to zero
d) –Vs/2 to Vs/2
Answer: a
Explanation: The output from a full wave bridge inverter varies from Vs to –Vs.
22. In a single phase full wave bridge inverter, when the output is Vs or –Vs
a) one SCR and one diode are conducting
b) four SCRs are conducting
c) two SCRs are conducting
d) two diodes are conducting
Answer: c
Explanation: When two SCRs are conducting, T1-T2 or T3-T4, the output voltage magnitude is
Vs. When the diodes are conducting, freewheeling action is taking place and voltage is zero.
Answer: b
Explanation: Diodes are connected in anti-parallel with the SCRs during inductive loads for
freewheeling actions.
24. For a full wave bridge inverter, the output voltage (Vo)
a) Vo = Vs/2 for 0 < t < T/2
b) Vo = Vs for 0 < t <T/2
c) Vo = Vs for T/2< t < T
d) Vo = -Vs for T/2< t < 3T/2
Answer: b
Explanation: For the first half cycle, Vo = Vs and for the second half cycle Vo = -Vs.
Answer: b
Explanation: In case of a half wave inverter, for the first half cycle, Vo = Vs/2 and for the second
half cycle Vo = -Vs/2.
26. The fundamental component of output voltage for a half wave bridge inverter is given by
a) (4Vs/π) sinωt
b) (2Vs/π) sinωt
c) (Vs/2π) sinωt
d) (Vs)
Answer: b
Explanatin: The fiurier analysis if half wave inverter giivesa
27. The fundamental component of output voltage for a full wave bridge inverter is given by
a) (2Vs/π) sinωt
b) (4Vs/π) sinωt
c) (Vs/2π) sinωt
d) (Vs)
Answer: b
Explanation: The fourier analysis of full wave inverter gives,
Vo =
28. A single phase half bridge inverter has a dc voltage source Vs/2 = 115 V. Find the rms value
of the fundamental component of output voltage.
a) 510 V
b) 103.5 V
c) 120 V
d) 96 V
Answer: b
Explanation: The fundamental component of voltage = (2Vs/π) sinωt.
Peak value Vm = 2Vs/π
Rms value = 2Vs/π√2 = 103.552 V.
29. A single phase half bridge inverter has load R = 2 Ω and a dc voltage source Vs/2 = 115 V.
Find the rms value of the fundamental load current.
a) 10.25 A
b) 51.7 A
c) 86 A
d) 24.8 A
Answer: b
Explanation: Peak value Vm = 2Vs/π
Rms value = 2Vs/π√2 = 103.552 V
Io = Vo/R = 103.552/2 = 51.776 A.
30. A single phase half bridge inverter has load R = 2 Ω and a dc voltage source Vs/2 = 115 V.
Find the power delivered to the load due to the fundamental component.
a) 536 kW
b) 53.61 kW
c) 5.361 kW
d) 536 W
Answer: c
Explanation: Peak value Vm = 2Vs/π
Rms value = 2Vs/π√2 = 103.552 V
Io = Vo/R = 103.552/2 = 51.776 A
P = Io2 x R = 5361.5 Watts.
31. A single phase full bridge inverter has a dc voltage source Vs = 230 V. Find the rms value of
the fundamental component of output voltage.
a) 90 V
b) 207 V
c) 350 V
d) 196 V
Answer: b
Explanation: The fundamental component of voltage = (4Vs/π) sinωt.
Peak value Vm = 4Vs/π
Rms value = 4Vs/π√2.
32. A single phase full bridge inverter has load R = 2 Ω, and dc voltage source Vs = 230 V. Find
the rms value of the fundamental load current.
a) 96 A
b) 0 A
c) 103 A
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: The fundamental component of voltage = (4Vs/π) sinωt.
Peak value Vm = 4Vs/π
Rms voltage = 4Vs/π√2 = 207 V
Current = 207/2 = 103.5 A.
33. A certain full bridge type inverter circuit has its rms value of fundamental load current
component given by W. The fundamental frequency component of the load current would be
given by
a) W sin ωt
b) (W/√2) sin ωt
c) √2 W sin ωt
d) sin ωt
Answer: c
Explanation: The fundamental frequency component of the load current is given by Im sin ωt
As W = Irms . . . (Given)
Im = √2 Irms = √2 W.
34. In a half wave bridge inverter circuit, the power delivered to the load by each source is given
a) Vs x Is
b) (Vs x Is)/2
c) 2(Vs x Is)
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: Power delivered by each source (Vs/2) each is (Vs/2) x Is.
Answer: b
Explanation: When the load is resistive (R load) , the diodes do not conduct, hence they cannot
help stop the conduction of the SCRs. Hence, forced commutation in such cases becomes
36. A single phase full bridge inverter circuit, has load R = 2 Ω and dc source Vs = 230 V. Find
the value of power delivered to the load in watts only due to the fundamental component of the
load current.
a) 5361.5 W
b) 2142.5 W
c) 21424.5 W
d) 214.2 W
Answer: c
Explanation: The fundamental component of voltage = (4Vs/π) sinωt
Peak value Vm = 4Vs/π
Rms voltage = 4Vs/π√2 = 207 V
RMS Current (Irms) = 207/2 = 103.5 A
P = (Irms)2 x R = 21424.5 W.
37. A single phase full bridge inverter is fed from a dc source such that the fundamental
component of output voltage = 230 V. Find the rms value of SCR and diode current respectively,
for a R load of 2 Ω.
a) 115 A, 80 A
b) 81.33 A, 36.2 A
c) 36.2 A, 0 A
d) 81.33 A, 0 A
Answer: d
Explanation: Fundamental component of load current = V/R = 230/2 = 115 A.
SCR current = 115/2 = 81.33 A
Diode current = 0 as the diodes do not come into picture for R loads.
38. For a full bridge inverter with the following load: R = 2 Ω, XL = 8 Ω and XC = 6 Ω.
a) The output voltage lags the current by 45°
b) The output current lags the voltage by 45°
c) The output current lags the voltage by 90°
d) The output current lags the voltage by more than 90°
Answer: b
Explanation: As the inductive effect is more than the capacitive effect, of course the current will
lag the voltage by an angle P.
P = tan-1 (XL – XC)/R = tan-1 (1) = 45°.
39. A single phase full bridge inverter has RLC load. The dc input voltage is 230 V and the
output frequency is 50 Hz. Find the expression for the load voltage up to the fifth harmonic.
a) 292 sin 314t + 97.62 sin 314t + 58.57 sin 318t + 28.31 sin 318t + 3.686 sin 318t
b) 292 sin 314t + 97.62 sin (3 x 314t) + 58.57 sin (5 x 318t)
c) 292 sin 314t + 97.62 sin (2 x 314t) + 58.57 sin (3 x 318t) + 28.31 sin (4 x 318t) + 3.686 sin (5
x 318t)
d) 292 sin 512t + 25.62 sin 249t + 6.74 sin 508t
Answer: b
Explanation: In a single phase full bridge inverter only odd harmonics are present. i.e. 1,3,5 etc.
Vo = (4Vs/π) sin ωt + (4Vs/3π) sin 3ωt + (4Vs/5π) sin 5ωt
(4Vs/π) = 292 V
ωt = 2 x f x π x t = 2 x 3.14 x 50 x t = 314t.
40. A single phase full bridge inverter has RLC load with R = 4 Ω, L = 35 mH and C = 155 μF.
The dc input voltage is 230 V and the output frequency is 50 Hz. Find the rms value of the
fundamental load current.
a) 28.31 A
b) 20.02 A
c) 16.69 A
d) 26.90 A
Answer: b
Explanation: Average value of fundamental output voltage = 4Vs/π = 292.85 V
XL = 2 x 3.14 x 50 x 0.035 = 10.99 Ω
XC = 1/(2 x 3.14 x 50 x 155 x 10-6) = 20.54 Ω
Z = 10.345 Ω
I = V/Z = 28.31
I(rms) = V/Z√2 = (292.85)/(1.414 x 10.345) = 20.02 A.
41. A single phase full bridge inverter has RLC load with R = 4 Ω, Xl = 11 Ω and Xc = 20.54 Ω.
The dc input voltage is 230 V. Find the value of fundamental load power.
a) 1633 W
b) 1603 W
c) 1576 W
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: Average value of fundamental output voltage = 4Vs/π = 292.85 V
Z = [R2 + (Xl – Xc)2]1/2
I = V/Z = 28.31
I(rms)(fundamental) = V/Z√2 = (292.85)/(1.414 x 10.345) = 20.02 A
Fundamental Load power = (20.02)2 x R = (20.02)2 x 4 = 1603.2 Watts.
42. A single phase full bridge inverter has RLC load with R = 4 Ω, L = 35 mH and C = 155 μF.
The dc input voltage is 230 V and the output frequency is 50 Hz. Find the angle by which the
third harmonic current will lead/lag the third harmonic output voltage.
a) 67.25°
b) 96.4°
c) 49.87°
d) 81.3°
Answer: d
XL = 2 x 3.14 x 50 x 0.035 = 10.99 Ω
XC = 1/(2 x 3.14 x 50 x 155 x 10-6) = 20.54 Ω
For the third harmonic component
XL(3rd harmonic) = 10.99 x 3 = 33 Ω (approx.)
XC(3rd harmonic) = 20.54/3 = 6.846 Ω
P = tan-1 (XL – XC)/R = 81.3°.
43. A single phase half bridge inverter has RLC load. The dc input voltage (Vs/2) = 115 V and
the output frequency is 50 Hz. The expression for the load voltage up to the fifth harmonic will
be given by
a) 146 sin 314t + 48.81 sin 314t + 58.57 sin 318t + 28.31 sin 318t + 3.686 sin 318t
b) 146 sin 314t + 48.81 sin (3 x 314t) + 29.28 sin (5 x 318t)
c) 146 sin 314t + 48.81 sin (2 x 314t) + 58.57 sin (3 x 318t)
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: In a single phase HALF bridge inverter only odd harmonics are present. i.e. 1,3,5
Vo = (2Vs/π) sin ωt + (2Vs/3π) sin 3ωt + (2Vs/5π) sin 5ωt . . .
(2Vs/π) = 146 V
ωt = 2 x f x π x t = 2 x 3.14 x 50 x t = 314t.
44. Let Vs be the amplitude of the output voltage and P be the output power for a single-phase
half bridge inverter. Then the corresponding values for a full bridge inverter would be
a) 2Vs, 4P
b) 2Vs, 2P
c) Vs, P
d) 2Vs, P
Answer: a
Explanation: The voltage is doubled (4Vs/π) in full and (2Vs/π) in half bridge configuration. As
the power is proportional to the square of the current which is proportional to the voltage it is 4
times that obtained by a half ridge configuration.
Answer: c
Explanation: In VSIs the voltage is independent on the load impedance Z.
Answer: c
Explanation: It is the ratio of rms value of the nth harmonic voltage component to the rms value
of the fundamental voltage component (V1).
47. ____________ is the measure of the contribution of any individual harmonic to the inverter
output voltage.
a) THD
b) Distortion Factor
c) Harmonic Factor
d) TUF
Answer: c
Explanation: The HF or Harmonic factor is the ratio of the nth harmonic voltage component to
the fundamental voltage component. Hence it shows how much a particular harmonic is
contributing in the total output of the circuit.
Answer: a
Explanation: THD = Vo/V1
V1 = Fundamental component
Vo = value of all the harmonic components expect the fundamental.
Answer: d
Explanation: HF is the ratio of rms value of the nth harmonic voltage component to the rms
value of the fundamental voltage component.
51. If Vr is the rms value of the inverter output voltage and V1 is the rms value of the
fundamental component, then the total harmonic distortion (THD) is given by
a) Vr/V1
b) (Vr + V1r
c) [ (Vr/V1)2 – 1 ]1/2
d) [ (Vr/V1)1/2 + 1 ]2
Answer: c
Explanation: THD is the ratio of rms value of all the harmonic components to the rms value of
the fundamental component.
Rms value of all the harmonic components VH = (Vr2 – V12)1/2
THD = (Vr2 – V12)1/2/ V1.
Answer: d
Explanation: μ = V1/Vr.
53. A single-phase half bridge inverter is connected to a 230 V dc source which is feeding a R
load of 10 Ω. Determine the fundamental power delivered to the load.
a) 1.07 W
b) 107.2 W
c) 1.07 kW
d) 107.2 kW
Answer: c
Explanation: The fundamental power is the power delivered to the load due to the fundamental
components of voltage and current.
V1 (rms) = 2Vs/√2π = 103.552 V
I1 (rms) = V1/R = 10.3552 A
P = (I1)2 x R = 1072.3 W = 1.0723 kW.
54. A single-phase half bridge inverter is connected to a 230 V dc source which is feeding a R
load of 10 Ω. Determine the average current through each SCR inverter switch.
a) 11.5 A
b) 5.75 A
c) 23 A
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: Peak current through each SCR = Vs/2R = 11.5 A
As each SCR would conduct for 180° of the total 360° cycle, average current = peak current/2 =
11.5/2 = 5.75 A.
55. Find the distortion factor (μ), for a single phase half wave bridge inverter with dc source Vs
= 1 kV.
a) 0.87
b) 1
c) 0.9
d) 0.7
Answer: c
Explanation: μ = V1/Vr
V1 = rms value of fundamental component = 2Vs/π√2
Vr = Total rms output voltage = Vs/2
μ = (2Vs/π√2) x (2/Vs) = 2√2/π = 0.9.
56. A single phase inverter gives rms value of output voltage as 115 V and the fundamental
output voltage of as 103.5 V. Find the THD (Total Harmonic Distortion).
a) 0.4 %
b) 40.8 %
c) 48.3 %
d) 4.83 %
Answer: c
Vr = 115 V and V1 = 103.5 V
THD =[ (Vr2 – V12)1/2/ V1 ] x 100 %.
57. What would be the harmonic factor of lowest order harmonic in case of a half wave bridge
a) 1/1
b) 1/3
c) 1/2
d) Insufficient data
Answer: b
Explanation: Let Vs be the input voltage.
The 3rd harmonic is the lowest order harmonic.
Vo (rms) = 2Vs/(n x π x √2)
For fundamental component n = 1 and for the lowest order harmonic n = 3
ρ3 = V3/V1 = 1/3 or 33.33 %.
58. A single phase full bridge inverter using transistors and diodes is feeding a R load of 3 Ω
with the dc input voltage of 60 V. Find the rms output voltage and the peak reverse blocking
voltage of each transistor.
a) 30 V, 60 V
b) 30 V, 30 V
c) 60 V, 60 V
d) 60 V, 30 V
Answer: c
Explanation: Rms output voltage = PIV of each transistor = Vs. Vs = 60 V.
59. A single phase full bridge inverter using transistors and diodes is feeding a R load of 3 Ω
with the dc input voltage of 60 V. Find the fundamental frequency output power.
a) 1200 W
b) 856 W
c) 972 W
d) 760 W
Answer: c
Explanation: V1 (rms) = 4Vs/π√2 = 54.02 V
P = (V1)2/R = 972.72 W.
60. Determine the distortion factor (μ) for a full bridge inverter with supply Vs = 60 V.
a) 0.8
b) 0.7
c) 0.9
d) 1
Answer: c
Explanation: V1 (rms) = 4Vs/π√2 = 54.02 V
rms value of output voltage Vr = Vs = 60 V.
μ = V1/Vr = 54.02/60 = 0.9.
61. Identify the below given circuit.
Answer: c
Explanation: It is a three-phase bridge type inverter. As SCRs are used as the switching device, it
is called as a thyristor inverter.
Answer: c
Explanation: It requires a min. 6 devices, 2 in each leg. Switching devices could be anything
BJT, MOSFET or an IGBT. SCRs are used when very high power ratings are required.
63. The below given inverter circuit is a __ step inverter.
a) 3
b) 2
c) 6
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: The three-phase bridge type is a 6-step inverter. That means, the firing changes
from one SCR to another 6 times per cycle.
Answer: b
Explanation: It is a 6 step inverter. Hence, 360/6 = 60°. This means that the SCRs are gated
every 60° in proper sequence.
Answer: c
Explanation: A large C connected across the input terminal keep the supply voltage from
66. In the 180° mode VSI, ___________ devices conduct at a time.
a) 5
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
Answer: c
Explanation: Three devices conduct at a time. One from the upper pair and two from the lower
pair or vice-versa.
67. In the figure given below, for 180° mode of operation if T1 is fired at 0°. Then SCRs T3 and
T5 should be fired at _________ and _________ respectively.
a) 180°, 360°
b) 90°, 180°
c) 120°, 240°
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: T1-T4 form the first pair. T3-T6 form the second pair, and like-wise. For the 180°
mode, each SCR conducts for 180°, but the groups of SCRs lag the prior group by an angle of
120°. e.g. If T1 is fired at 0 then T3 must be fired at an angle of 0 + 120° and T5 at 120 + 120 =
68. For a three phase bridge inverter in the 180° mode, ___________ devices are conducting
from 120° to 180°.
a) T1, T6, T5
b) T2, T6, T5
c) T1, T6, T5
d) T1, T2, T3
Answer: d
Group I T1 T1 T1 T4 T4 T4 T1 T4
Group II T6 T6 T3 T3 T3 T6 T6 T6
Group III T5 T2 T2 T2 T5 T5 T5 T2
Answer: b
Group I T1 T1 T1 T4 T4 T4 T1 T4
Group II T6 T6 T3 T3 T3 T6 T6 T6
Group III T5 T2 T2 T2 T5 T5 T5 T2
Answer: d
Explanation: This will depend on the nature on the load, which is not mentioned in the above
71. The conducting SCRs from 180 to 240 degrees would be
a) 6, 1, 2
b) 2, 3, 4
c) 3, 4, 5
d) 5, 6, 1
Answer: b
Explanation: 180 to 240 degrees i.e. step IV.
72. What is the peak value of phase voltage in case of 3-phase VSI with 180° mode. The supply
side consists of a constant dc voltage source of Vs.
a) Vs
b) 3Vs/2
c) 2Vs/3
d) 3Vs
Answer: c
Explanation: Apply KVL to the equivalent circuit of the inverter by closing and opening the
proper switches. The phase voltage is a stepped sine-wave with peak value 2Vs/3.
73. What is the R phase voltage when T1, T6 and T5 are conducting? Consider a star connected
R load.
a) Vs
b) 2Vs/3
c) Vs/3
d) –Vs/3
Answer: c
Explanation: They conducting SCRs can be represented as closed switches. The load terminals R
and B are connected to the positive bus but the terminal Y is connected to the negative bus. VRN
= VBN = Vs/3.
VYN = -2Vs/3.
74. What are the phase voltages when T6, T1 and T2 are conducting? Consider a star connected
R load.
Answer: c
Explanation: When 6, 1 and 2 are conducting and the others are off. The conducting SCRs can be
represented as closed switches. The load terminals Y and B are connected to the negative bus but
the terminal R is connected to the positive bus. Supply voltage is Vs.
VYN = VBN = -Vs/3.
VRN = 2Vs/3.
It should be noted that at any time, the summation of these phase voltages must be zero.
75. What are the phase voltages when T1, T2 and T3 are conducting? Consider a star connected
R load.
Answer: b
Explanation: When 6, 1 and 2 are conducting and the others are off. They conducting SCRs can
be represented as closed switches. The load terminals R and Y are connected to the positive bus
and the terminal B is connected to the nrgative bus. Supply voltage is Vs.
VRN = VYN = Vs/3.
VBN = -2Vs/3.
It should be noted that at any time, the summation of these phase voltages must be zero.
76. What is the maximum line voltage value in case of a three-phase VSI in 180° mode?
a) 2Vs
b) Vs
c) 3Vs
d) 2Vs/3
Answer: b
Explanation: The line voltage waveform has a peak value of Vs. Any line voltage value can be
found by just adding the two phase voltage value.
e.g. Vab = Vrn – Vbn
Vab = (2Vs/3) – (-Vs/3) = Vs.
77. Find VYB, when T6, T1 and T2 are conducting. Consider a star connected R load.
a) Vs
b) Vs/3
c) 0
d) 2Vs/3
Answer: c
Explanatin: When 6a 1 and 2 are cinductngi and the ithers are iff They cinductngi CRs can be
represented as clised switchesf The liad terminals Y and B are cinnected ti the negiatve bus but the
terminal R is cinnected ti the pisitve busf upply viltagie is Vsf
VYN = VBN = -Vs/3f
VYB = VYN – VBN = (-Vs/3) – (-Vs/3) = -Vs/3 + Vs/3 = 0f
78. Find VRY, when T6, T1 and T2 are conducting. Consider a star connected R load.
a) Vs
b) Vs/3
c) 0
d) 2Vs/3
Answer: a
Explanation: When 6, 1 and 2 are conducting and the others are off. They conducting SCRs can
be represented as closed switches. The load terminals Y and B are connected to the negative bus
but the terminal R is connected to the positive bus. Supply voltage is Vs.
VYN = VBN = -Vs/3.
VRN = 2Vs/3
VRY = VRN – VYN = (2Vs/3) – (-Vs/3) = 3Vs/3 = Vs.
79. What is the Y phase voltage, when T2, T3 and T4 are conducting?
a) 0
b) Vs/3
c) 2Vs/3
d) -Vs/3
Answer: c
Explanation: Construct the equivalent circuit, considering the conducting devices as S.C and the
non-conducting devices as open circuit.
When 2, 3 and 4 are conducting and the others are off. They conducting SCRs can be represented
as closed switches. The load terminals R and B are connected to the negative bus but the terminal
Y is connected to the positive bus. Supply voltage is Vs.
VRN = VBN = -Vs/3.
VYN = 2Vs/3.
80. What is the voltage between the B phase and the neutral, when T2, T3 and T4 are
a) -2Vs/3
b) Vs/3
c) 2Vs/3
d) -Vs/3
Answer: d
Explanation: Construct the equivalent circuit, considering the conducting devices as S.C and the
non-conducting devices as open circuit.
When 2, 3 and 4 are conducting and the others are off. They conducting SCRs can be represented
as closed switches. The load terminals R and B are connected to the negative bus but the terminal
Y is connected to the positive bus. Supply voltage is Vs.
VRN = VBN = -Vs/3.
VYN = 2Vs/3.
Answer: b
Explanation: By connecting a AC voltage controller, the ac output from the inverter can be
varied and then fed to the load.
Answer: c
Explanation: It is a external voltage control method where the outputs of the two inverters are
connected to the transformers where the secondary of the transformer sums up the two input
Answer: c
Explanation: It is a external voltage control method where the outputs of the two inverters are
connected to the transformers where the secondary of the transformer sums up the two input
84. In case of the series inverter control, if two inverters are connected in series through a
transformer, and two secondary voltages are V1 and V2, then the resultant output is given by
a) V1 + V2
b) √(V12 + V22)
c) [V12 + V22 + 2.V1.V2.cosθ]1/2
d) [V12 + V22 + 2.V1.V2.sinθ]1/2
Answer: c
Explanation: The resultant output will be the phasor sum of V1 and V2.
Answer: c
Explanation: Constant AC – Rectifier – Chopper – Filter – Inverter.
87. __________ method is an internal method for controlling the inverter output voltage.
a) series connection of inverters
b) chopper method
c) commutating capacitor
d) pulse width modulation
Answer: d
Explanation: The PWM method, (pulse width modulation method) is an internal controlling
Answer: c
Explanation: In all the PWM methods, only odd harmonics are present. The lower order
harmonics are eliminated along with its output voltage control.
Answer: c
Explanation: There is no such “Triangular” PWM.
Answer: c
Explanation: In PWM, the gating pluses are modulated, i.e. the gating pulses or firing pulses are
made to go on of rapidly which changes the output voltage values accordingly.
91. In the single-pulse width modulation method, the output voltage waveform is symmetrical
about __________
a) π
b) 2π
c) π/2
d) π/4
Answer: c
Explanation: The waveform is a positive in the first half cycle and symmetrical about π/2 in the
first half.
92. In the single-pulse width modulation method, the output voltage waveform is symmetrical
about ____________ in the negative half cycle.
a) 2π
b) 3π/2
c) π/2
d) 3π/4
Answer: b
Explanation: In the negative half the wave is symmetrical about 3π/2.
Answer: c
Explanation: Positive and the negative half cycles of the output voltage are symmetrical about
π/2 and 3π/2 respectively. The shape of the waveform obtained is called as quasi-square wave.
94. In the single-pulse width modulation method, the Fourier coefficient bn is given by
a) (Vs/π) [ sin(nπ/2) sin(nd) ].
b) 0
c) (4Vs/nπ) [sin(nπ/2) sin(nd)].
d) (2Vs/nπ) [sin(nπ/2) sin(nd)].
Answer: c
Explanation: The Fourier analysis is as under:
bn = (2/π) ∫ Vs sinnωt .d(ωt) , Where the integration would run from (π/2 + d) to (π/2 – d)
2d is the width of the pulse.
95. In the single-pulse width modulation method, the Fourier coefficient an is given by
a) (Vs/π) [ cos(nπ/2) cos(nd) ].
b) 0
c) (4Vs/nπ) [sin(nπ/2) sin(nd)].
d) (2Vs/nπ) [sin(nπ/2) sin(nd)].
Answer: b
Explanation: As the positive and the negative half cycles are identical the coefficient an = 0.
96. In the single-pulse width modulation method, when the pulse width of 2d is equal to its
maximum value of π radians, then the fundamental component of output voltage is given by
a) Vs
b) 4Vs/π
c) 0
d) 2Vs/π
Answer: b
Explanation: The Fourier representation of the output voltage is given by
Put 2d = π & n = 1.
97. In case of a single-pulse width modulation with the pulse width = 2d, the peak value of the
fundamental component of voltage is given by the expression
a) 4Vs/π
b) Vs
c) (4Vs/π) sin 2d
d) (4Vs/π) sin d
Answer: d
Explanation: For the fundamental component put n = 1.
98. In case of a single-pulse width modulation with the pulse width = 2d, to eliminate the nth
harmonic from the output voltage
a) d = π
b) 2d = π
c) nd = π
d) nd = 2π
Answer: c
Explanation: To eliminate, the nth harmonic, nd is made equal to π radians, or d = π/n.
From the below expression,
99. Find the peak value of the fundamental component of voltage with a pulse width of 2d = 90
and Vs = 240 V for single-pulse modulation in a full wave bridge inverter.
a) 305 V
b) 216 V
c) 0 V
d) 610 V
Answer: b
Explanation: The peak value of the fundamental component of voltage is given by (4Vs/π) sin d.
100. In case of a single-pulse width modulation with the pulse width = 2d, to eliminate the 3rd
harmonic from the output voltage waveform, the value of the pulse width (2d) must be
a) 0°
b) 60°
c) 120°
d) 180°
Answer: c
Explanation: To eliminate the nth harmonic, nd = π.
Therefore, d = π/n = π/3 = 60°
Hence, 2d = 120°.
Answer: c
Explanation: Two or more inverters are connected together by means of a transformer to get the
net output voltage with reduced harmonic content.
102. For harmonic reduction by transformer connection, the output voltages from the two
inverters must be
a) similar and in-phase with each other
b) dissimilar but in-phase with each other
c) similar but phase shifted from each other
d) dissimilar and phase shifted from each other
Answer: c
Explanation: The essential condition of this scheme is that the output voltages from the two
inverters must be similar but phase shifted from each other.
103. The output voltage obtained by connecting two inverters through a transformer is a
a) square wave
b) sine wave
c) quasi-square wave
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: The net output voltage is the addition of the two inverter voltages, as they are phase
shifted from each other, the waveform obtained is a quasi-square wave.
104. Pulses of different widths and heights are superimposed in case of __________ harmonic
reduction technique.
a) transformer connection
b) pulse width modulation
c) stepped-wave inverter
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: In the steeped wave inverters pulses of different widths and heights are
superimposed to produce a resultant stepped wave with reduced harmonic content.
Answer: c
Explanation: The two transformers have different turns ratio, hence, different voltages levels are
obtained at the secondary’s which are the added to get the net output voltage with reduced
harmonic content.
106. In stepped wave inverters, one of the inverters are gated such as to obtain
a) one level modulation
b) two level modulation
c) zero level modulation
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: In one-level modulation, during the first half cycle, the output voltage is either zero
or positive. During the second half cycle the output voltage would be either zero or negative.
Answer: d
Explanation: In stepped wave inverters, one of the inverters is so gated as to obtain a three level
108. In single-phase modulation of PWM inverters, the lowest harmonic can be eliminated if the
pulse width is made equal to __________
a) 30°
b) 0°
c) 120°
d) 60°
Answer: c
Explanation: In single-phase modulation of PWM inverters, the nth harmonic can be eliminated,
if the pulse width (2d) is made equal to (2π/n).
Lowest harmonic is for n = 3.
2d = 2π/3 = 120°.
109. In single-phase modulation of PWM inverters, the 5th order harmonic can be eliminated if
the pulse width is made equal to ___________
a) 30°
b) 36°
c) 72°
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: In single-phase modulation of PWM inverters, the nth harmonic can be eliminated,
if the pulse width (2d) is made equal to (2π/n).
111. In voltage source inverters (VSIs), the amplitude of the output voltage is
a) independent of the load
b) dependent on the load
c) dependent only on L loads
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: In VSIs the input voltage is maintained at a constant value and the amplitude of the
output voltage does not depend on the load conditions. However, the waveform of the load
current as well as its magnitude depends upon the nature of the load impedance.
Answer: c
Explanation: In VSIs the input voltage is maintained at a constant value and the amplitude of the
output voltage does not depend on the load conditions. However, the waveform of the load
current as well as its magnitude depends upon the nature of the load impedance.
Answer: a
Explanation: In CSIs, the amplitude of the output current is independent on the load impedance,
as the input current (to the CSI) is kept constant.
Answer: c
Explanation: In CSIs, the amplitude of the output current is independent on the load impedance,
as the input current (to the CSI) is kept constant. However, the magnitude of output voltage and
its waveform depends upon the nature of the load impedance.
115. In current source inverters
a) L filter is used after the CSI (load side)
b) L filter is used before the CSI (input side)
c) C filter is used after the CSI (load side)
d) C filter is used before the CSI (input side)
Answer: b
Explanation: In order that the current input to the CSI must remain ripple free an constant, L-
filter is used before the CSI (in series with the energy source).
Answer: a
Explanation: CSI converts the input dc current to an ac current at its output terminals.
117. In the below shown, the ideal single-phase CSI circuit has constant input source current of I
amps. The output current waveform varies from
a) 2I to – 2I
b) I/2 to –I/2
c) I to –I
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: Considering the SCRs as ideal voltage sources, when T1, T2 are on the load current
is = I. When T3, T4 conduct, the load current is negative with respect to the previous value and =
118. T1, T2 are triggered at 0 and T3, T4 at T/2. If both the pairs of SCRs conduct for equal
duration and the load consists of a capacitor. Then
a) the load current waveform is a square wave
b) the load voltage waveform is a square wave
c) the load current is constant dc
d) the load voltage is constant dc
Answer: a
Explanation: The load current waveform is a square wave with frequency = 1/T. As the load
consists of a capacitor, dv/dt must be constant over every half cycle. This slope is positive from
zero to T/2 and negative from T/2 to T.
119. In a 3-phase VSI operating in square-wave mode, the output line voltage is free from
a) 3rd harmonic
b) 7th harmonic
c) 11th harmonic
d) 13th harmonic
Answer: a
Explanation: The line voltage is the difference of two phase voltages, the 3rd harmonic gets
cancelled out, though it is present in the phase voltages.
Answer: a
Explanation: All the CSIs need capacitors for their commutation if force commutation is
required. Force commutation is essential for lagging power factors.
1. AC voltage controllers convert
a) fixed ac to fixed dc
b) variable ac to variable dc
c) fixed ac to variable ac
d) variable ac to fixed ac
Answer: c
Explanation: Voltage controllers convert the fixed ac voltage to variable ac by changing the
values of the firing angle.
Answer: a
Explanation: Voltage controllers convert the fixed ac voltage to variable ac by changing the
values of the firing angle. The available ac obtained has the same fixed frequency as the input ac.
3. Earlier then the semiconductor technology, ___________ devices were used for voltage
control applications.
a) cycloconverters
b) vacuum tubes
c) tap changing transformer
d) induction machine
Answer: c
Explanation: A tap changing transformer can give variable ac from fixed ac without a change in
Answer: b
Explanation: In electric heating, variable ac supply is needed. The devices are fired appropriately
to apply enough temperature.
Answer: b
Explanation: As it is half wave, it consists of one SCR ( the control element) in anti parallel with
one diode.
Answer: b
Explanation: As T1 is triggered at an angle α, the conduction in the positive have cycle will start
at α. In the negative half cycle, the diode is forward biased and load is connected as it is to the
8. The below shown controller circuit is a
Answer: a
Explanation: As it consists one diode and one SCR only, the control is only in one cycle (the
positive half in this case), hence it is a half wave controller.
Answer: b
Explanation: As it consists of two SCRs, it is a full wave controller.
10. In the below given voltage controller circuit
Answer: c
Explanation: As it consists of two SCRs, it is a full wave controller and both the half cycles can
be controlled by varying their respective firing angles.
a) 90°
b) > 90°
c) < 90°
d) 0°
Answer: a
Explanation: The diode conducts from π to 2π in the negative half cycle. If it were a non resistive
load, the diode would conduct for less than 90°, as the inductor would force conduct the SCR for
some time.
12. The SCR T1 is fired at an angle of α, and the supply Vs = Vm sinωt. Find the average value
of the output voltage.
a) (Vm/2π) (cosα + )
b) (Vm/2π) (cosα)
c) (Vm/2π) (cosα – 1)
d) Vm
Answer: c
Explanation: Vo = (1/2π) ∫Vm sinωt d(ωt). Where the integration would be run from α to 2π as
the conduction takes place from α to 2π.
Vo = (Vm/2π) (cosα – 1).
Answer: a
Explanation: As the positive half is chopped off due to some value of firing angle, the firing
angle is not equal to zero. As the negative half is a half sine wave, either it is a full wave
controller with firing angle for T2 set to zero or it is a half wave controller with a Thyristor (T1)
and a diode.
14. In the below shown AC converter circuit with firing angle = α for both the devices, T2 will
conduct from
a) α to π
b) π + α to 2π
c) π to 2π
d) α to 2π
Answer: b
Explanation: T2 is triggered at π + α, it conducts from π + α to 2π after which it is line
Answer: a
Explanation: In integral cycle control, power is delivered for m cycles and not delivered for n
cycles. Hence, the average value of the power delivered is controlled by manipulating m and n.
17. In the integral cycle control of ac voltage controller, is the load is on for n cycles and off for
m cycles, then the periodicity is given by? Consider the output is sinusoidal.
a) m/2π(m+n)
b) n/2π(m+n)
c) m/π(m+n)
d) n/π(m+n)
Answer: b
Explanation: Over a complete cycle of 2π x (on cycles + off cycles) the power is delivered for n
Hence, P = n/2π(m+n).
18. If k is the duty cycles of the controller, then the rms value of the output voltage in case of a
integral cycle control circuit will be?
Consider the input to be sinusoidal with peak value Vm and rms value Vs.
a) Vs x k
b) Vs/k
c) Vs x √k
d) Vs
Answer: c
Explanation: Vrms = [ (k/2π) x ∫Vm2 sin2 ωt d(ωt) ] 1/2
Where the integral runs from 0 to 2π.
Vrms = (Vm/√2) k = Vs x √k.
19. Find the power delivered to the load in the integral cycle control method of ac voltage
control, having a sine input of Vs, R load and duty cycle = k.
a) Vs2/R
b) k.Vs2/R
c) √k .Vs2/R
d) 0
Answer: b
Explanation: Output voltage = Vs x √k
P = (Vs x √k)2/R.
20. In the integral cycle control method with duty cycle = k and maximum load current = Im.
Find the value of average SCR current.
a) Im/k.π
b) Im
c) k.Im
d) k.Im/π
Answer: d
Explanation: As each SCR conducts for π radians during each cycle of n on cycles, the average
value of SCR current is
I = (k/2π) ∫Im sin ωt d(ωt). Where the integration is from 0 to π.
21. The below given circuit has Vs = 230V and R = 20 Ω. Find the value of the average output
voltage at the R load for a firing angle of 45°.
a) 224 V
b) -15.17 V
c) 15.17 V
d) –224 V
Answer: b
Explanation: Vo = [(√2 x 230) x (cos45 – 1)]/2π = -15.17 V.
Negative value is due to the fact that the average value in the positive half cycle is less than that
in the negative half cycle.
22. The below given circuit has Vs = 230V and R = 20 Ω. Find the value of the average output
load current at the R load for a firing angle of 45°.
a) – 0.7585
b) 0.7585
c) -0.6396
d) -0.5
Answer: a
Explanation: Vo = [(√2 x 230) x (cos45 – 1)]/2π = -15.17 V.
Io = (Vo)/R = -0.7585
Negative value is due to the fact that the average value in the positive half cycle is less than that
in the negative half cycle.
23. A single phase voltage controller has input of 230 V and a load of 15 Ω resistive. For 6
cycles on and 4 cycles off, determine the rms output voltage.
a) 189 V
b) 260 V
c) 156 V
d) 178 V
Answer: d
Explanation: Vrms = Vo x √k
k = (6/6+4) = 6/10 = 0.6
Vrms = √0.6 x 230 = 178.157 V.
24. A single phase voltage controller has input of 230 V and a load of 15 Ω resistive. For 6
cycles on and 4 cycles off, determine the input pf.
a) 0.6
b) 0.7746
c) 0.855
d) 0.236
Answer: b
Explanation: k = (6/6+4) = 6/10 = 0.6
input pf = √0.6 = 0.7746.
25. A single phase voltage controller has input of 230 V and a load of 15 Ω resistive. For 6
cycles on and 4 cycles off, determine the power delivered to the load.
a) 2.1 W
b) 2.1 kW
c) 516 W
d) 5.16 kW
Answer: b
Explanation: Vrms = Vo x √k
k = (6/6+4) = 6/10 = 0.6
Vrms = √0.6 x 230 = 178.157 V
P = (Vrms)2/R = 2116 W = 2.116 kW.
26. A single phase voltage controller has input of 230 V and a load of 15 Ω resistive. For 6
cycles on and 4 cycles off, determine the average value of SCR current.
a) 21.68 A
b) 200 mA
c) 4.14 A
d) 2.07 A
Answer: c
Explanation: Peak current Im = (230 x √2)/15 = 21.681 A
k = (6/6+4) = 6/10 = 0.6
Avg current = (k Im)/π = 4.14 A.
Answer: a
Explanation: In RL loads with pulse gating, the incoming SCR may be fired during the interval
when it is reversed biased by the outgoing SCR, thus it won’t get turn on even after the outgoing
SCR is not reveres basing the incoming SCR is the pulse width is over before forward biasing
the SCR.
Answer: b
Explanation: As the gating is applied for a longer duration, the device is heated up.
Answer: a
Explanation: In high frequency gating a train of pulses are used to overcome the thermal
problems due to continuous gating.
30. A single-phase voltage controller, using one SCR in anti parallel with a diode, feeds a load R
and Vs = 230 V. For a firing angel of 90° for the SCR, the PMMC voltage connected across R
would read
a) 0
b) 51.8 V
c) –51.8 V
d) –36.82 V
Answer: c
Explanation: As firing angle is 90, there is ideally be no conduction in the positive half. Hence,
the average value will be zero.
Vo = (√2 Vs)/2π x (cos90 – 1) = – 51.8 V.
31. Sequence control of ac voltage controllers is employed for the improvement of _________
a) output frequency
b) input frequency
c) commutation
d) system power factor
Answer: d
Explanation: It is used to improve the power factor at both the input and output side.
Answer: b
Explanation: Sequence control of ac voltage controller means the use of two or more stages of
voltage controllers in parallel for the regulation of output voltage.
33. From the below given statements regarding sequence control of ac voltage, which of them
are true?
i) It improves system power factor
ii) It reduces the harmonic content at the output
iii) Wider control of output voltage is possible
a) only (i)
b) only (i) and (ii)
c) only (i) and (iii)
d) all of them are true
Answer: d
Explanation: All of the above are the advantages of using two or more stages of voltage
controllers in parallel. Harmonic content is reduced at two common parameters get cancelled out.
34. The below given circuit is that of a
Answer: b
Explanation: Sequence control of ac voltage controller means the use of two or more stages of
voltage controllers in parallel for the regulation of output voltage.
35. If T1, T2 are kept off and T3, T4 are having a firing angle of 180° each, then the output
voltage is ____ if the turns ratio is 1:1
a) Vs
b) √2Vs
c) 0
d) 2Vs
Answer: c
Explanation: If T3 and T4 are fired at an angle of 180°, they are equivalent to an off switch, as
they are fired and naturally commutated at the same time, hence they are never on.
Hence, as all the four SCRs are always off, the output voltage is zero.
36. For obtaining the output voltage control from V to 2V, the firing angle must be
Answer: a
Explanation: For obtaining the voltage control from V to 2V, the lower controller i.e. T3, T4 pair
must always be on hence the firing angle from them must always be 0° ideally.
37. For obtaining the output voltage control from V to 2V, the firing angle must be
38. A single-phase two stage sequence controller is designed to work on 230 V supply, and upper
and lower current ratings must be 20 A and 21 A respectively. Find the transformer rating.
a) 230 VA
b) 4600 VA
c) 9430 VA
d) 9200 VA
Answer: c
Explanation: Transformer rating is Vs(I1 + I2).
Answer: c
Explanation: In a N-stage sequence controller, n voltage controllers are used each having to anti
parallel SCR pairs and each secondary is rated for Vs/n.
Answer: b
Explanation: A sinusoidal voltage controller is used to obtain continuous voltage control over
wide range with low harmonic content.
Answer: c
Explanation: A cycloconverter converters input power at one frequency to output power at a
different frequency with one-stage conversion.
42. Applications of cycloconverters include
a) speed control of ac drives
b) induction heating
c) static VAr compensation
d) all of the mentioned
Answer: d
Explanation: Speed of induction machines can be controlled by controlling the input frequency.
In induction heating, eddy current is proportional to the square of input frequency.
43. The single phase mid-point type cycloconverter uses __________ number of SCRs.
a) 4
b) 8
c) 6
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: 2 negative and 2 positive SCRs are employed in mid-point type cycloconverter.
44. The single phase bridge type cycloconverter uses __________ number of SCRs.
a) 4
b) 8
c) 6
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: 4 negative and 4 positive SCRs are employed in bridge type cycloconverter.
46. In the below given cycloconverter circuit, _________ and _________ conduct in one cycle
Answer: b
Explanation: In the positive half cycle, upper terminal is positive of the upper secondary and the
lower terminal is negative for the lower secondary. Hence, P1 and N2 are forward biased. And
likewise, N1 and P2 will conduct in the next half cycle.
47. In the positive half cycle, _________ SCRs are forward biased.
Answer: a
Explanation: Pairs P1, P2 and N1, N2 are forward biased from ωt = 0 to π.
Answer: b
Explanation: The basic principle of three phase cycloconverter is to vary progressively the firing
angle of the controlling devices.
Answer: b
Explanation: Reduction factor = output frequency/input frequency.
Answer: a
Explanation: During the conversion process, the current flows in both the directions, hence both
inverting and converting action takes place.
Answer: b
Explanation: SMPS (Switching mode power supply) is used for obtaining controlled dc power
52. SPMS are based on the ________ principle.
a) Phase control
b) Integral control
c) Chopper
Answer: c
Explanation: SMPS (Switching mode power supply) are based on the chopper principle. The
output dc voltage is controlled by varying the duty cycle of the chopper circuit.
Answer: c
Explanation: SMPS has higher output ripple and its regulation is worse.
54. _________ is used for critical loads where temporary power failure can cause a great deal of
b) UPS
c) MPS
Answer: b
Explanation: Uninterruptible Power Supply is used where loads where temporary power failure
can cause a great deal of inconvenience.
55. __________ is used in the rotating type UPS system to supply the mains.
a) DC motor
b) Self excited DC generator
c) Alternator
d) Battery bank
Answer: c
Explanation: When the supply is gone, the diesel engine is started, which runs the alternator and
the alternator supplies power to the mains. Non-rotating type UPS are not used anymore.
Answer: c
Explanation: No dip or discontinuity is observed in case of no break static UPS configuration, as
the battery inverter set immediately takes over the mains.
Answer: c
Explanation: Lead acid batteries are cheaper and have certain advantages over the other types.
NC batteries would however be the best, but are three to four times more expensive than Lead
Answer: b
Explanation: The conductor size is smaller as there is no sink effect, and the whole conductor is
utilized for transmitting power.
Answer: c
Explanation: The monopolar link uses just a single conductor, which is usually negative as it
produces less radio interference and corona.
61. HVDC transmission lines are __________ as compared to HVAC lines.
a) difficult to erect
b) more expensive for long distances
c) more expensive for short distances
d) less expensive for short distances
Answer: c
Explanation: HVDC lines require additional cost of the converting and inverting equipments,
hence they are more expensive for short distances as compared to HVAC lines.
Answer: c
Explanation: The supply side station is the converting station, power is transmitted in dc then
again converted back to ac at the inverting or receiving station further which it is distributed in
ac to houses.
63. Two six pulse converters used for bipolar HVDC transmission system, are rated at 1000
MW, +- 200 kV. What is the dc transmission voltage?
a) 200 kV
b) 400 kV
c) 500 kV
d) 100 kV
Answer: b
Explanation: As the link is bipolar, the total voltage transmitted will 200 + 200 kV.
64. Two six pulse converters used for bipolar HVDC transmission system, are rated at 1000
MW, +- 200 kV. Find the dc current in the transmission line.
a) 500 A
b) 25 A
c) 2500 A
d) 5 A
Answer: c
Explanation: Transmission voltage = 200 + 200 = 400 kV.
I = P/V = 1000 mW/ 400 kV = 2500 A.
65. Two six pulse converters used for bipolar HVDC transmission system, are rated at 1000
MW, +- 200 kV. Find the rms current rating required for the SCRs.
a) 2500 A
b) 1350 A
c) 1445 A
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: Transmission voltage = 200 + 200 = 400 kV.
I = P/V = 1000 mW/ 400 kV = 2500 A.
As in 3-phase full converter each SCR conducts for 120° for a total period of 360°.
Irms = 2500 x √(120/360) = 1443.4 A. Nearly about 1445 A as it is a standard current rating.
66. For high power applications _________ are used as static switches whereas for low power
applications __________ are used.
a) Transistors, SCRs
b) SCRs, transistors
c) Diodes, transistors
d) SCRs, diodes
Answer: b
Explanation: As SCR are of higher rating they are preferred in high power applications.
Answer: d
Explanation: SCR cannot be used, as it is unidirectional. Diode isn’t a switch nor is the DIAC.
Answer: c
Explanation: Both GTO and transistor can be used as a dc static switch.
69. A single-phase ac switch is used in between a 230 V source and load of 2 kW and 0.8 lagging
power factor. Determine the rms current rating required by the SCR. Use the factor of safety = 2.
a) 10.87 A
b) 87 A
c) 21.74 A
d) 32 A
Answer: c
Explanation: I = (200√2)/(230 x 0.8) = 15.37 A.
I(rms) = 15.37/1.414 = 10.87
Required rating = 10.87 x factor of safety = 15.37 x 2 = 21.74 A.
Answer: b
Explanation: SSRs have no moving parts, they simply consist of a LED and a transistor or photo
Answer: b
Explanation: Coil and contact arrangement is used in mechanical relays, SSRs have a
optocoupler which connects the control circuit to the power circuit via light sensitive devices.
72. The converter circuit which employs turn on and turn off when the voltage and/or current
through the device is zero at the instant of switching is ____________
a) a conventional converter
b) a resonant converter
c) a zero switching circuit
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: Resonant converters are used to turn on and turn off when the voltage and/or
current through the device is zero at the instant of switching.
Answer: b
Explanation: As eddy current is proportional to the square of the supply frequency, induction
heating is a high frequency heating.
Answer: d
Explanation: Induction heating depends on all of the above given factors.
75. The reverse recovery time of a diode is trr = 3 μs and the rate of fall of the diode current
(di/dt) = 30 A/μs. Determine the storage charge.
a) 145 μs
b) 135 μs
c) 0
d) none of the mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: Storage charge = (1/2) x (di/dt) x (trr)2 = 135 μs.
76. For a SCR, conduction angle is 120° when average on-state current is 20 A. When the
conduction angle is halved the earlier value, the on-state average current will be?
a) 5 A
b) 40 A
c) 10 A
d) 20 A
Answer: b
Explanation: When the conduction angle is halved, the device will conduct twice then it was
conducting earlier. Hence, I = 2x 20 = 40 A.
77. A single-phase full bridge diode rectifier delivers power to a constant load current of 10 A.
The average and rms values of the source currents will be respectively.
a) 5 A, 10 A
b) 10 A, 10 A
c) 5 A, 5 A
d) 10 A, 5A
Answer: b
Explanation: As the load current is continuous, Iavg = Irms = 10 A.
Answer: c
Explanation: TRIAC is used in speed control of universal motor.
79. The ratio Vrms/ Vdc is known as
a) Form factor
b) Ripple factor
c) Utilization factor
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: a
Explanation: Vrms/ Vdc = FF.
80. Determine the loss in the snubber circuit, if C = 0.545 μF and supply is 200 V, 10 kHz.
a) 233 W
b) 133 W
c) 333 W
d) 233 W
Answer: b
Explanation: Snubber loss Ps = (1/2) x C x V2 x f = 133.1 W.
Answer: b
Explanation: Number of devices connected in parallel can carry huge amounts of current.
82. The term used to measure the degree of utilization of SCRs connected in series & parallel is
a) tuf
b) string efficiency
c) voltage/current utilization ratio
d) rectification efficiency
Answer: b
Explanation: String Efficiency = Rating of the whole string/(rating of one SCR x number of
84. For a string voltage of 3300 V, let there be six series connected SCRs each of voltage 600V.
Then the string efficiency is
a) 99.36 %
b) 91.7 %
c) 98.54 %
d) 96 %
Answer: c
Explanation: String efficiency = 3300/(6 x 600) = 98.54.
Answer: a
Explanation: DRF is de-rating factor given by the above expression.
Answer: b
DRF = 1 – String efficiency
String Efficiency = Rating of the whole string/(rating of one SCR x number of SCRs)
Extra SCR will reduce the string efficiency which in turn increase the DRF.
87. The most practical way of obtaining a uniform distribution of series connected SCRs is to
a) connect a resistor of value R in series with each of the series connected SCRs
b) connect a resistor of value R in parallel with each of the series connected SCRs
c) connect a resistor of value R in series with one of the series connected SCRs
d) connect a resistor of value R in parallel with one of the series connected SCRs
Answer: b
Explanation: For uniform distribution of voltage across series connected SCRs, a resistor of
value R in parallel with each series connected SCR.
88. 3 SCRs are connected in series. The string efficiency is 91%. SCRs 1, 2 & 3 have leakage
currents 4 mA, 8 mA & 12 mA. Which SCR will block more voltage?
a) SCR-1
b) SCR-2
c) SCR-3
d) All the three will block equal voltage
Answer: a
Explanation: The SCR with lower leakage current block more voltage.
89. Two parallel connect SCRs have same voltage drop (Vt) having rated current = 2I1. SCR-1
carries a current of I1=2.6 A whereas SCR-2 carries a current of I2=1.4 A. Find the string
a) 45 %
b) 77 %
c) 92 %
d) 84 %
Answer: b
Explanation: The total current would be I1+I2 & rated current is 2I1
String efficiency = (I1+I2)/2I1.
90. SCRs with a rating of 1000 V & 200 A are available to be used in a string to handle 6 KV &
1 KV. Calculate the number of series & parallel units required in case the de-rating factor is 0.1.
(Round off the fraction to the greatest & nearest integer)
a) Series = 7, Parallel = 6
b) Series = 6, Parallel = 7
c) Series = 6, Parallel = 6
d) Series = 7, Parallel = 7
Answer: a
Explanation: DRF = 1-S.E
0.1 = (1-6000/1000Ns) = (1-1000/200Np)
Ns = 6.6 = 7(say)
Np = 5.5 = 6(say)
Answer: a
Explanation: Just like a SCR, the GTO is a four layer p-n-p-n device.
92. The GTO can be turned off
a) by a positive gate pulse
b) by a negative gate pulse
c) by a negative anode-cathode voltage
d) by removing the gate pulse
Answer: b
Explanation: The GTO can be turned off by applying a negative gate pulse to the gate terminal.
Answer: c
Explanation: The SCR or any device is connected through the load, hence the magnitude of the
anode current (same as load current) will depend on the supply voltage and load impedance.
Answer: c
Explanation: The bottom n+ layer forms the cathode.
Answer: b
Explanation: βoff = (anode current/gate current).
96. A GTO can be represented by two transistors T1 & T2. The current gain of both transistors
are α1 and α2 respectively. A low value of gate current requires
a) low value of α1 and α2
b) low value of α1 and high value of α2
c) high value of α1 and low value of α2
d) high values of α1 and α2
Answer: b
Explanation: In order that the gate current for turning-off the device is low, α2 should be made as
nearer to unity as possible whereas α1 should be small.
97. Gold doped GTOs have _____________ as compared to the conventional GTOs
a) high turn-off time
b) low negative gate current requirement
c) low reverse voltage blocking capabilities
d) lower positive gate current requirement
Answer: b
Explanation: Gold doping reduces the negative gate current requirements, different kinds of
dopings have different advantages over the others.
98. Latching current for the GTOs is ________ as compared to CTs (Conventional thyristors).
a) more
b) less
c) constant
d) cannot be said
Answer: a
Explanation: Latching current of GTOs is 2-4A as compared to 200 to 400 mA in case of CT’s.
99. In case of the two-transistor model (T1 & T2) of GTO with anode-short, the anode-short is
placed between the
a) emitter of T1 & T2
b) emitter of T1 & base of T2
c) emitter of T1 & base of T1
d) emitter of T1 & collector of T2
Answer: c
Explanation: Draw the model. The anode-short resistor is connected between emitter (Anode A
of GTO) with base of T1 transistor.
Answer: d
Explanation: GTOs have less turn-on and turn-off time, making it efficient for high frequency
101. In practice the output from the diode rectifier has
a) AC component only
b) DC component only
c) AC + DC component
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: c
Explanation: The output contents along with the DC components the AC harmonics which does
no useful work & reduces the efficiency.
Answer: c
Explanation: A rectifier is used to convert AC to DC. Lower the AC (Non-DC) components in
the output lower are the ohmic losses.
Answer: a
Explanation: Inductor (L) has a very important property that the current through it cannot change
rapidly. We can make use of this property by connecting it in series.
104. In case of an L filter connected with a rectifier in series with the load, it offers ________
impedance to ac whereas _______ resistance to dc respectively.
a) high, high
b) high, low
c) low, high
d) low, low
Answer: b
Explanation: It offers high impedance to AC such as the AC ripples do not pass through the load.
Answer: a
Explanation: AC ripples are not allowed to pass, by S.C the AC ripples as the C is always
connected in parallel with the load.
Answer: d
Explanation: When the two are reversed biased and the other two SCR’s are not yet gated, the
stored energy in the capacitor is supply the load R.
108. When a certain type of filter is connected across the R load of a full wave bridge type diode
biased rectifier, the following output voltage waveform is obtained
The filter connected is most likely to be a/an
a) L filter
b) C filter
c) LC filter
d) None of the above mentioned
Answer: b
Explanation: It is to be noted that the waveform is that of a voltage parameter. The voltage goes
up for a very small time and than goes down (discharges) for longer time. For every half wave
the peak of the waveform is to the left, if it were to be on the right it would be more likely to be a
L filter.
Answer: b
Explanation: When the load current is increasing, the capacitor is charging through the source
voltage & its current keeps on falling & voltage rises.
110. A single-phase diode B-2 rectifier is fed from a 250 V, 50 Hz source & connected to a load
of R = 400 Ω.
Design a capacitor filter such that the ripple factor of the output voltage is less than 5 %. Find the
value of the capacitance of the C filter.
a) 156.4 μF
b) 500 μF
c) 189 μF
d) 246 μF
Answer: c
Explanation: Use,
C = K * [1 + 1/√2RF] Where, K = 1/4fR.
111. If the RC firing circuit used for firing an SCR is to be used to fire a TRIAC then
a) the capacitor should be removed
b) the diode should be replaced by a diac
c) the diode should be replaced by a bjt
d) the diode should be shorted using a resistor
Answer: b
Explanation: The TRIAC is a bidirectional SCR, hence it will need gating in both the directions.
This can be achieved by replacing the diode by a DIAC (bidirectional diode).
112. In the thyristor gating circuit, the supply to the pulse amplifier is provided by the
a) zcd
b) isolation transformer
c) synchronizing transformer
d) control signal generator
Answer: b
Explanation: Isolation transformer provides the supply to the amplifier and also provides the
necessary isolation for the load and triggering circuit.
Answer: c
Explanation: It is used to convert the AC synchronizing input voltage into ramp voltage &
synchronizes it with the zero crossing of the AC supply.
Answer: d
Explanation: If Ec is lowered the firing angle decreases & vice-verse.
Answer: c
Explanation: It is not suitable of RL load because initiation of SCR conduction is not well
defined in these types of loads.
116. In case of a cosine firing scheme, __________ is used to get a cosine wave
a) ic 555
b) a comparator
c) an integrator circuit
d) a differentiator circuit
Answer: c
Explanation: The Sync. Transformer is connected to a integrator to obtain a cosine-wave.
117. If the gating circuits generator negative pulses, then those can be removed by using
a) schmit triggers
b) clippers
c) clampers
d) zener diodes
Answer: b
Explanation: The clippers can be used to clip the negative part.
118. The improved version of the UJT oscillator triggering circuit is the
a) ramp & pedal triggering
b) rc triggering
c) cosine-pulse triggering
d) ramp triggering
Answer: a
Explanation: The ramp & pedal triggering is the improved version of the UJT oscillator
triggering circuit.
119. RB1 = 3 kΩ & RB2 = 6 kΩ. Find the intrinsic stand-off ratio (η) of the UJT.
a) 9
b) 1/3
c) 2/3
d) 3
Answer: b
η = RB1/(RB1+RB1).
120. The decaying factor in the wave shape of the output pulses from the pulse transformer is its
a) transformer ratio
b) inductance
c) capacitance
d) resistance
Answer: b
L is the decaying factor in the waveform which emerge from the PT.