Spiking-GAN: A Spiking Generative Adversarial Network Using Time-To-First-Spike Coding

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Spiking-GAN: A Spiking Generative Adversarial

Network Using Time-To-First-Spike Coding

Vineet Kotariya and Udayan Ganguly

Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT-Bombay, Mumbai, India

[email protected], [email protected]
arXiv:2106.15420v1 [cs.NE] 29 Jun 2021

Abstract. Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) have shown great potential

in solving deep learning problems in an energy-efficient manner. However,
they are still limited to simple classification tasks. In this paper, we pro-
pose Spiking-GAN, the first spike-based Generative Adversarial Network
(GAN). It employs a kind of temporal coding scheme called time-to-
first-spike coding. We train it using approximate backpropagation in the
temporal domain. We use simple integrate-and-fire (IF) neurons with
very high refractory period for our network which ensures a maximum of
one spike per neuron. This makes the model much sparser than a spike
rate-based system. Our modified temporal loss function called ‘Aggres-
sive TTFS’ improves the inference time of the network by over 33% and
reduces the number of spikes in the network by more than 11% compared
to previous works. Our experiments show that on training the network
on the MNIST dataset using this approach, we can generate high qual-
ity samples. Thereby demonstrating the potential of this framework for
solving such problems in the spiking domain.

Keywords: Spiking Neural Networks · Generative Adversarial Networks

· Temporal Backpropagation

1 Introduction
Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have significantly outperformed traditional algo-
rithms and have set new performance benchmarks in a plethora of applications.
However, the increase in complexity driven by its success has led to a keen inter-
est in low-power deep learning techniques, especially for mobile and embedded
applications. [1]
Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) are third generation neural networks where
binary ‘spikes’ are the tokens of information. These networks are promising due
to their power efficiency. SNNs are biologically plausible and attempt to mimic
the neuronal dynamics of the brain. Information is coded in the form of spikes
(inspired by action potentials in the brain). Implementation of these networks on
event-driven neuromorphic hardware [2–4] has been found to be both fast and
energy efficient [5, 6]. However, SNNs are notoriously difficult to train. This is
primarily because the SNN neurons (activation functions) are non-differentiable
which makes it hard to propagate the error through the network [7, 8]. As a re-
sult most SNN applications have been limited to simple classification tasks [7,9].
2 V. Kotariya and U. Ganguly

There is a need to attempt a wider range of problems and explore more chal-
lenging tasks using SNNs.
Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) [10] are currently one of the most
promising and extensively researched deep learning topics [11]. GANs primarily
consist of two networks, the generator and the discriminator, which compete
against each other. The generator is trained to try and deceive the discriminator
by generating synthetic/fake samples from a noise prior. The discriminator in
turn tries to distinguish the generator’s samples from the real data by classifying
them as fake or real. GANs have found an increasing number of applications [11]
like image generation, super-resolution, de-occlusion, image-to-image and text-
to-image translation and even drug discovery, among others. However, there is
no equivalent of a GAN in the spiking domain.
Most SNNs have predominantly employed spiking rate-based coding schemes.
Temporal coding provides an alternate framework. Time-to-first-spike (TTFS)
coding is a type of temporal coding in which the information is encoded in the
spike time of a neuron. It significantly increases the sparsity of the output spike
train, thereby giving large energy savings. It has recently been used in SNNs for
classification problems [12–14] and hardware implementation of such schemes is
also being explored [15]. There is also building evidence of the biological plausi-
bility of such temporal coding schemes [16, 17]. TTFS coding provides benefits
like increased sparsity and lower inference latency of the network over traditional
rate-based methods.
In this paper, we propose and demonstrate for the first time a TTFS-coding
based spiking implementation of a simple Generative Adversarial Network called
Spiking-GAN. We demonstrate the successful generation of good quality images
which look natural while improving the sparsity of representation and training.

2 Methods
We have adopted the learning rule and neuron model (sec. 2.2, 2.3 and 2.5)
described in S4NN [12] and modified it for our network.

2.1 Spiking Neuronal Dynamics

We have used a simple Integrate-and-Fire (IF) neuron model having a refractory
period (tref ) for our network. The membrane potential of the j th neuron in the
lth layer at time t is given by:

X t
Vjl (t) = l
wji Sil−1 (τ ) (1)
i τ =1

if Vjl (t) > θjl , Vjl (t) is reset to its resting potential which is taken to be zero
and clamped to that voltage for the next tref time steps. Sil−1 (t) and wji l
the input spike train and the input synaptic weights from the i neuron in the
(l − 1)th layer.
Spiking-GAN: A Spiking Generative Adversarial Network 3

10 1.0

Maximum Spiking Rate ->

0.80 0.8
Membrane Potential ->
10 0.6
10 0.4
0.4 100
0 0.2
0.00 0 50 100 150 200 250
0.0 0 0.250 100
0.4 150
0.6 2000.8 250 1.0
Time -> Refractory Period ->
(a) (b)

Fig. 1: Effect of refractory period on the spiking rate. (a) Membrane Potential of
IF neurons having different tref (0, 10, 100, 256) are shown for a constant unit
input (θ=10). (b) Maximum spiking rate trend with tref is shown.

Refractory period is the amount of time for which a neuron is unresponsive

to stimulus immediately after firing. Higher the refractory period, sparser is the
output spike train (see fig.1(a)). It puts an upper bound on the peak spiking
rate and as tref increases, the peak spiking rate falls rapidly (see fig.1(b)). In
our network, each neuron has a refractory period equal to the simulation time
(tmax ), which means that any neuron can fire just once throughout the whole
simulation, the first time it crosses the threshold θjl (refer to fig.1(a)).
l 1 if Vjl (t) > θjl & ∀t0 < t, Sjl (t0 ) = 0
Sj (t) = (2)
0 otherwise

2.2 Time-to-first-spike Coding


0 tmax
Image Inverted time
Image Encoding

Fig. 2: Input Spike Encoder: Each input neuron spikes only once. The spike time
is set to the intensity of the corresponding pixel in the normalized inverted image
scaled by the simulation time (refer to eq.2). Larger value of a pixel corresponds
to an earlier spike in time.
4 V. Kotariya and U. Ganguly

1 spike
Spike coding 0 N/tmax tmax t
N spikes

Rate coding
(Rate = N/tmax)
0 tmax

Fig. 3: Comparing Rate and Time-to-first-spike coding schemes.

The input images are encoded to spikes using time-to-first-spike (TTFS) coding.
In TTFS coding, the information (here the pixel value) is encoded in the spike
time. Consider any channel of the input image with pixel values in the range [0,
Imax ]. The spike train Sjin (t) of the j th input neuron is given by :
Imax −Ij
1 if t = tmax
Sjin (t) = Imax
0 otherwise

where Ij is the j th pixel value. Fig.2 demonstrates the input encoding.

Comparison with rate coding: The most common form of neural coding
in SNNs is rate coding. In such schemes, the information is encoded in the firing
rate of the neuron. This, however, means that the temporal information in the
spike trains is lost. In addition to that, the spiking rate has to be controlled
to ensure energy efficiency. In problems where the output is expected to be a
real number within a range (upto the required precision), controlling the spiking
rate is very difficult. For a simulation time of tmax , for the rate to be equal to
N/tmax , a neuron will have to spike N times. Such an encoding would be highly
inefficient and take away almost all of the energy benefits provided by SNNs.
In TTFS coding, only one spike is issued for any case to represent numbers
with the same precision, making it highly energy efficient (see fig.3). It gets rid of
all the extra (redundant) spikes which would be otherwise needed for encoding a
particular spike rate. In addition, for classification tasks, inference can be made
as soon as the first spike is issued in the output layer. This enables extremely
fast information processing in such networks leading to much lower latency.

2.3 Forward Propagation

Our network architecture consists of the Generator and Discriminator networks,

as well as an Encoder and a Decoder for analog-to-spike and spike-to-analog
conversion as shown in fig.4.
Generator: The generator(G) takes a random noise vector as input. Noise is
sampled from a discrete uniform distribution U{0, tmax } in our experiments.
Similar to the input image, the noise vector is encoded using the time-to-first-
spike scheme. Taking this spiking noise(z) as input, the generator outputs a
Spiking-GAN: A Spiking Generative Adversarial Network 5

Real Image Encoder

Real Spike Image

Flatten 0 Discriminator
1 (D)
783 t
Spike Noise Output
0 ..
. “FAKE”
99 t 1 (⸪ t0 < t1)

samples Generator
(G) Reshape
0 tmax 783 t

Uni{0,tmax} Fake Spike Image

Decoder Fake Image

Fig. 4: Our fully connected (Dense) Spiking-GAN architecture. Input image is

converted into a spikemap by the encoder using TTFS coding. Similarly, the
input noise vector is converted to a spike-map and given as input to G. Either
the real image or the fake image generated from G is given as an input to D.
Spikes are propagated through the network and based on the relative spike times
of the output neurons in D, the images are labelled as fake or real.

fake spike image Xf ake = G(z). This image has the same dimensions as the
input spike images. The fake spike image is then decoded in an exactly opposite
manner to the encoder to produce the fake image.
Discriminator: The training images are encoded into the real spike images
Xreal (see fig. 2). The discriminator (D) is a binary classifier which takes either
the fake spike image (z ∼ Pz (z)) from the Generator or the real spike image
(x ∼ Pdata (x)) as input. It has two output neurons: fake (0) and real (1). The
class label is determined by the spike timing (see fig.5). If the real neuron spikes
before the fake neuron, the input image is classified as real, else fake.

2.4 Loss Function

Various adversarial losses, like minimax loss and Wasserstein loss, have been used
for training GANs [10, 18] but for Spiking-GAN, we have used a least-squares
loss [19] in the temporal domain. We have defined the objective function for
Spiking-GAN as follows:
1  1
min L(D) = Ex∼Pdata (x) ||Dt (x) − Tdo ||2 + Ez∼Pz (z) ||Dt (G(z)) − Tdo ||2

D 2 2
min L(G) = Ez∼Pz (z) ||Dt (G(z)) − Tgo ||2

G 2
where Dt = to0 to1 is a vector of spike times of the output neurons of the dis-
 o o

criminator (see fig.4). Tdo = Td,0 Td,1 is the target firing time vector for the
6 V. Kotariya and U. Ganguly

Desired Correct
Label Label Prediction
Prediction t t
t t
(N0) (N0) e0 e0 (N0) (N0) e0 = 0 e0 = 0

Predicted t t (N1) (N1) t t
e1 e1 e1 e1
Label Label
(N1) (N01) τ 0 τ tmax tmax 0 τ 0 τ tmax tmax

(a) Incorrect class prediction case (b) Accurate Class Prediction case
(t0 > t1 ) (t0 < t1 )
Desired Correct
Fig. 5:Label
Temporal loss vectors in Spiking-GAN. (when
Neuron Ne0 = is
Neuron +ve
= +vee0 = 0 e0 =neuron)
desired 0
Label t t 0 t t
(a) N(N1 incorrectly spikes ebefore N (N0) (Ne01) is +ve because N1 fires.
0 , so e0 is +ve and
0) (N0) = γ e = γ
0 0
(b) N0 correctly spikes before N1 , so e0 is zero. However, e1 is +ve because N1
fires. e1 Predicted
is zero only if N1 doesn’t fire at all. Incorrect
Predicted Incorrect e1 = +ve e1 = +ve
Label Label t t Neuron
Neuron e1 t t e1
e1 = 0 e1 = 0
(N1) (N1) (N1) (N1)
τ = tmax
 o τ = tmax
 0 0 τ = min(t
τ =0,tmin(t
1) 0t,t 1)
max tmax
discriminator output neurons and Tgo = Tg,0 Tg,1 is the target firing time vec-
tor that the generator wants the discriminator to believe for it’s fake data. We
use dynamic target firing times that depend on the discriminator output. Let
the firing time of the winner output neuron be τ = min(Dt ) = min{to0 , to1 }. We
determine Tdo and Tgo by the following equations:
( (
o τ if x ∼ Xreal o tmax if x ∼ Xreal
Td,1 = and Td,0 = (6)
tmax if x ∼ Xf ake τ if x ∼ Xf ake
o τ if j = 1
Tg,j = (7)
tmax if j = 0
For the desired neuron, the target time is set to τ , so we are training it to emit a
spike first. For the other neuron, the target time is set to the maximum possible
value, the simulation time tmax (refer to fig.5). Note that the target firing time
values are flipped for the generator as compared to the discriminator’s values
for fake images, making the two systems adversaries. For the corner case when
neither of the output neurons spike, the firing times (Dt ) are assumed to be tmax
for loss calculations. Further, τ in eq.6-7 is set to 0, thereby heavily penalizing
the non-firing desiredP neuron.
P PThisl is2 to incentivize it to fire. We also add an L2
regularization term ( l j i (wij ) ) in the loss function.

2.5 Temporal Backpropagation

For training the network we use stochastic gradient descent. We update wji , the
weight for the connection from the i neuron of the (l − 1) layer to the j th
th th

neuron of the lth layer as follows: (η is the learning rate)

l l ∂L
wji = wji −η l
Spiking-GAN: A Spiking Generative Adversarial Network 7

Where appropriate L from eq.4-5 is chosen for training the respective network.
But calculating these weight updates is a problem. The IF neuron is not a
differentiable activation function. However, it approximates ReLU [12, 20]. For
a neuron which has a ReLU activation function, the output of the j th neuron of
the lth layer yjl is given by:
l l l l−1
yj = max 0, zj = wji xi (9)

where xl−1
is the input from the i neuron in the previous layer and wjil
is the
l l
corresponding input weight. zj for ReLU is equivalent to Vj in our model for a
given time step. For identical weights, larger input values correspond to a larger
value of yjl . Similarly, in the TTFS model where all the information is encoded
in the spike time, larger the input, higher is the membrane potential and earlier
is the spike. So, we assume an equivalence relationship between the firing time
of the IF neuron tlj and the corresponding output of a ReLU neuron yjl :
yjl ∼ tmax − tlj (10)
Each neuron only spikes once. So, for any neuron only the pre-synaptic inputs
that fire before it contribute to its spike time. So, using eq.10, we further assume:
∂tlj −1 if tlj < tmax
= (11)
∂Vjl 0 otherwise
Based on eq.1 & eq.9-11, the derivatives for ReLU and IF respectively would be:
∂yjl ∂yjl ∂zjl xl−1
i if yjl > 0
= l l
= (12)
∂wji ∂zj ∂wji 0 otherwise

l l l 
∂tj ∂tj ∂Vj  P
− Sil−1 (τ ) if tlj < tmax
= l l
= τ =1
∂wji ∂Vj ∂wji 
0 otherwise

Which in turn gives us the loss gradient:

l 
∂L ∂L ∂tj  l P
−δj Sil−1 (τ ) if tlj < tmax
= = τ =1
∂wji ∂tlj ∂wji
l 
0 otherwise

where δjl = ∂L/∂tlj . To calculate δjl , we backpropagate the gradient (using chain
rule) for the hidden layers:
X ∂L ∂tl+1 ∂V l+1 !
l l k k
δj = ∂L/∂tj =
k ∂V k
l+1 ∂tl
 δkl+1 wkjl+1
if tlj < tl+1
= k (15)
0 otherwise
8 V. Kotariya and U. Ganguly

For the output layer, δjo is given by:

δjo (D) = = [Dt (x) − Tdo ]x∼Pdata (x) + [Dt (G(z)) − Tdo ]z∼Pz (z) (16)
δjo (G) = = Dt (G(z)) − Tgo z∼P (z)

∂toj z

At every layer, we normalize the values of δjl by dividing it by its L1 norm

( j δjl ) prior to calculating the weight updates.

2.6 Training

The Discriminator (D) and Generator (G) are trained together in an alternating
manner. While training D, the fake images generated by G are used but weights
of G are not altered. Similarly, while training G, the prediction of D is used
and the loss is backpropagated through D to G but the weights of D are kept
unchanged. We train both G and D once every epoch. Once trained, the generator
G which now (approximately) samples from the same distribution as the training
dataset is used to create fake samples.

3 Results

3.1 Classification

To demonstrate the effectiveness of the ‘Aggressive TTFS’ loss function, we

trained a 2-layer fully-connected 784-400-10 network to classify MNIST digits.
Our modified objective forces most of the ‘incorrect’ neurons to not spike at
all and heavily penalizes the actual label neuron in case it doesn’t spike (refer

120 Our Our

S4NN 250 S4NN
Inference time ->

No. of spikes ->


20 50

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Digit Digit
(a) Mean inference time comparison (b) Mean spike count comparison

Fig. 6: Comparison of the mean inference time and mean spike count in the whole
network needed for classification of each digit (with S4NN) using a 2-layer dense
(784-400-10) network. Our loss function yields better performance for every digit.
Spiking-GAN: A Spiking Generative Adversarial Network 9

(a) S4NN learned filters (b) Aggressive TTFS learned filters

Fig. 7: Comparison between 15 randomly picked filters from the 400 (28x28)
hidden weights of a 784-400-10 dense network trained for MNIST classification.
Filters learned using our method are significantly less noisy.

to sec.2.4). This significantly reduces the inference latency and increases the
sparsity of the network as compared to the relative margin-based objective in
S4NN which imposes only a small penalty on the ‘incorrect’ neurons and that
too only when they fire very close to the ground truth neuron. It also has a much
lower penalty when the desired neuron doesn’t fire at all.
Fig.6(a),(b) show the digit-by-digit comparisons for the same. Our network,
on an average, takes 59.7 time steps and needs only 194 spikes to make a decision
on the class label, which is 33.4% faster inference in 11.1% fewer spikes (S4NN
needs 218.3 spikes and takes 89.7 time steps on an average). So, on an average
only 16.2% of the neurons in the network (1194) fire and the network makes its
decision in 23.3% of the simulation time (256). Note that the network decision
can be taken as soon as any of the output neuron spikes and all the spike counts
are the average number of spikes issued in the whole network till that time step.
Fig.7(a),(b) compares the filters learned by the two methods. 15 randomly chosen
(28x28) weights from the hidden layer are shown. Aggressive TTFS results in
qualitatively superior filters, they are much sharper and less noisy. However, the
increased sparsity and faster inference lead to a slightly lower test accuracy of
96.7% (as compared to 97.4%). Though with a bigger network 784-1000-10, we
were able to achieve a test accuracy of 97.6%, which surpasses the classification
performance of other temporal coding-based works that use simple instantaneous
synaptic current kernels.

3.2 Spiking-GAN
We trained our network on the MNIST dataset for each individual digit. The
generator is a 2-layer fully connected (dense) network (100-400-784). 100 spike
noise images are given as an input and the flattened generated fake sample is
the output. The discriminator is a 2-layer fully connected (dense) network (784-
400-2) which takes a flattened spike train as input. Fig.8(c) shows some selected
samples generated by G after training the network for 50 epochs. As can be seen
the samples generated are of high quality.
10 V. Kotariya and U. Ganguly

Fig.8(b) shows the samples generated by an equivalent ANN-based GAN with

a 100-400-784 generator and 784-400-1 discriminator. The output neurons of G
use tanh activation function. The output neuron of D has a sigmoid activation
function and consequently only one neuron is needed for classification. Rest of
the neurons are normal ReLU neurons. As can be seen from fig.8, the quality of
samples generated by Spiking-GAN is comparable to the ANN-based GAN.
The computational costs of SNNs is proportional to the number of spikes
issued in the network [21]. Each additional spike in a neuron leads to an addi-
tional operation in each post synaptic neuron [14]. The Spiking-GAN network
has extremely sparse spike trains. Since all the neurons spike at most once, the
theoretical maximum number of spikes in the complete network is equal to the
number of neurons in the network (2470 in our case).
To better demonstrate the sparsity and efficiency of the network, consider
the MNIST dataset. Let the total simulation be of 256 time-steps. For a simple
lossless spike-rate/spike-count based coding scheme where the number of spikes
denote the input value, the mean number of spikes needed for just the input
coding is 173,745 per image (or 222 spikes per pixel) for an MNIST image. As
large number of values for any given image is large, for efficient coding we would
invert the input image. Even for an inverted image, the mean number of spikes
needed for the input is 26,175 per image (or 33 spikes per pixel). For TTFS
coding this number reduces to 784 spikes per image (or 1 spike per pixel) which
is a 33x improvement in the input coding efficiency. The lower number of spikes
show efficient information transfer and in turn enables lower energy requirements
when implemented on neuromorphic hardware.

(a) Images from the MNIST dataset (training)

(b) Selected images generated by an ANN-based GAN

(c) Selected images generated by the Spiking-GAN

Fig. 8: Comparison between the training images, some of the good individual
digit samples generated by the Spiking-GAN and some of the selected samples
from an equivalent ANN-based GAN.
Spiking-GAN: A Spiking Generative Adversarial Network 11

0 10 20 … 40 50 epochs

(a) Generated image evolution (b) Some ‘undesired’ samples

Fig. 9: (a) Trend of generated image quality with training epochs. (b) Selected
interpretable ‘undesired’ samples generated by a trained Spiking-GAN.

4 Conclusion
In this paper, we have demonstrated the viability of implementing a generative
adversarial network in the spiking domain. The network encodes and trans-
fer information in a highly sparse manner using TTFS coding. We trained the
Spiking-GAN using spike timing-based learning rules. Such a framework could
be easily adapted and extended to realize other generative networks like varia-
tional autoencoders (VAEs), conditional-GANs and auxiliary classifier-GANs in
the spiking domain. More importantly, it can prove very useful for solving other
regression problems like image translation, image segmentation and even com-
bined classification-regression tasks like object detection in the spiking domain
using spike-based learning rules. At the same time, ensuring the sparsity, energy
efficiency and low latency while realizing such networks.

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