Music Essay A Level

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Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music fed sss LA Publish your own work... Write to a brief. Register at “ Follow us on Twitter @ZigMusic Photocopiable/dgital resources may only be copied by the purchasing institution on a single site and for their own use Contents ‘Thank You for Choosing ZigZag Education... Teacher Feedback Opportunity. Terms and Conditions of Use Teacher's Introduction. Students’ Introduction. Exam Guidance . Exam Format Student-trie@g@M\ar cemes.. Essay Que: Words and Phrases. Sentences Paragraphs Essay Structure... ‘Sample Essays. ‘Sample Answers. Practice Exam Questions: AS. Practice Exam Questions: A Level Indicative Content... Essay Questi Writing Skills... Appendi “eo Se AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education Teacher’s Introduction This resource will help students to write effective answers to AS / A Level Edexce Question 5 (unfamiliar listening) and Question 6 (set work analysis). This pack fo- academic writing component of these questions: it teaches students how to writs that will help them demonstrate their musical knowledge *. ‘5 full advantage ¢ | ‘ ‘Alwas Following a brief students’ introduct! » >yics covered in this study | webs pack are: y ince) . oY “1 xem —an introduction to the format of the | speci exam, \-1 icndly explanations of the AOs, mark schemes and | asses commal ds, This is followed by a series of chapters that focus on writing skills: © Words and phrases — including formal, academic register, and accurate use © © Sentences — including topic sentences, clear and succinct phrasing for musics, adverbs/adverbials (e.g. however, in addition) ‘© Paragraphs — paragraph structure, using a variant of PEE, writing succinct i ‘© Essay structure — point-by point structure, with one paragraph for each mus tonality, etc.) ‘These chapters provide an essay structure which will enable students to answer » cohesively. Clearly marked extension activities are provided for A/A* students, t2 to essay writing in those students who have the potential to achieve it. ‘The last section of the resource provides students with ~: 9 tyle material to her ‘* Sample answers - weak and strong essay’. (th ~wities to help students to ‘+ Practice questions - these coul!' + ds. revision or internal assessment © Essay writing framewe ~ ory ‘ura to help students structure their ideas They couldput 5 -\». > “thas in their folder or workbook for ease of referen:: Answers @... and detailed, student-friendly marking guidance for the at the end of te resource, How to use this resource ‘The study pack is suitable for use in the classroom. It can also be used independ» during study leave. The activities in this resource assume some prior knowledge of set works and wid) best to introduce students to this resource towards the end of their AS / A Level = prior to the exam. Spotify and YouTube links are provided throughout the resource where students ' unfamiliar listening. To access the Spotify links, you will need to create a free acc: poe { Free Updates! Jn segister your email address to receive any future free | made to this resource or other Music resources your s | purchased, and details of any promotions for your ¢ ~~~ GO to |-—~ Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 1ofa2 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education Your AS / A Level Appraising Music (listening and analysis) exam has two sections. answer some short questions about the set works that you have studied in class » dictation/transcription task. In Section B, you will write two essays. For Question of unfamiliar music that you have never heard before. For Question 6, you will v This study pack will help you to write good answe 5» x.y questions 5 and 6. |t what you are expected to do in Section Fc". exaif. You will learn how to: # understand the essay que-'i is manage your time». eon” © write gM t .~ sur get you marks from the examiner This study guide will also help you to improve and develop your writing skills. You use musical words accurately ‘© write clear and succinct sentences construct effective paragraphs ‘© organise your essay structure If you are already an A/A* student, look out for the extension sections at the enc. and essay structure. These will help you to develop an original approach to essay ‘The last few chapters of the resource provide opportunities for you to practise w! mark example essays and also write your own answers to exam-style practice qu’ using the essay writing framework provided in the appendix. Hf you are working through this resource on your ov; ,/ 61 . “an.ple, during study le: the answers to the questions at the back n“* + es» ce'fo see how your knowlece, Good luck for your exam! e @ Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 2ofa2 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education This chapter is about the format of the exam. It includes advice for managing yo. answer all the questions. Exam Format The AS and A Level Appraising Music exams have ty .¢.° sns_In Section A, you about set works that you have studied in cla’ Yc © swalso answer a musical dict: to listen to a short melody or chor, «2 shat you have never heard before, « Section 8 con = 5 y questions. Question 5 will ask you to write about never heat f. .uestion 6 will ask you to write about a set work. There wi questions foWga@tion 6. However, there will be only one, compulsory, essay tit that you need to be familiar with the full range of musical styles that you have st) you could be tested on any one of them, Time management You need to manage your time effectively in the exam so that you {7 are able to answer all the questions. The total number of marks | for each question gives an indication of how long you should =} spend writing the answer: the more marks available, the more - With the ex: transcription questions in § marks. If yor time you should spend. in Section B in Section A. The exam The AS Music exam is 90 minutes (1.5 houts) long and has °~ available marks in total. Of these, 35 marks are ave“mz #1. Section | B, This means that you should aim to sper.) incev/halfof the time on Section 8. This will be any 1 « ', 40-45 minutes is much bett= questions in § 15-30 mari ALAS level, gamimion orth 15 marks and Question 6 is worth 20 marks. This spend sligh NQa@airie on Question 5 than on Question 6. You will have roughly © Question 5 a¥#20-25 minutes to answer Question 6, Time management for AS exam Total time for e» Total time for Section A TotaltimeforSection8 | SSS Time for each question Q5: 15-20 minutes The A Level Exam The A Level Music exam is 120 minutes (2 hours) long. There are 100 marks avai: Section A and 50 for Section B. This means that you can: 4 + your time evenly you should aim to spend 60 minutes on each, At A Level, Question § is worth 7 ie k , ic Question 6 is worth 30 marks. You ‘minutes on Question 5, 1a ~5 => udestion 6, ce Time management for A Level exam Total tie Total time for Section A Total time for Section B Time for each question Q5: 25 minutes Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 3 0f42 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education Student-friendly Mark Schemes One of the best ways of learning what you are expected to do in the exam is to teacher oF examiner. As you work your way through this resource, you will get se mark essays like a teacher/examiner. These might be sample essays, your own wer Your classmates, The information and tables below show you what to Ix." r then you are mark: very similar to the information that will be givn’ sth. erson who marks your a can also refer to it if you need inform-"' 1.4» t how to get a particular mark in « Assessing re” asesren ‘are the criteria that you (and the examiner) will use to mer assessment Saectives for the Appraising Music exam: ‘Assessment objective Se How number Demonstrate and apply musical Make lin a knowledge. historica, © Identify © accurate’, Use analytical and appraising skills |* Analyse to make evaluative and critical |e Use mus: A04 judgements about music. © Link your question, ce Le Draw tinks How many marks? ‘The key points that you (and +". ‘er, i-er/will look for when marking an essay at © the level gbacct: 5 ycuxail given in the musical analysis © thede W ) sirmusical terminology is applied correctly + the nurNeggsMiuality and relevance of links made to other pieces the degree to which the musical analysis is used to answer the essay questic: argument {As shown in the table on the next two pages, for each level (1~4 for AS and 1-5 fo around 3-6 marks. You (and the examiner) decide how many marks to give basec essay fits the description for a particular level. For instance, if an AS Question 5 © pointed criteria for a level 3, but one of the bullet-pointed criteria for the level 4 or 11 marks). For A Level Question 6 only, the assessment objectives (AO3, AO4) also have a be the 30 marks are available for AO3 and 20 for AO4. This mears that you (and the significantly greater importance on how well the essa... ~ “_~ *s the descriptions A3 when deciding which level/mark to give @ Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 4 of 42 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education AS Question 5 AO weighting: AO4:15 marks Level | Marks Description [>No relevant answer even «Some features ofthe unfamiliar extract are identified, though left out. 1 | 1-3. | + Fewattempts to make links too" 20 5. © Some use of musical ters, “ty *vimistakes. + Little explorati~. 1 s x mposer’s intentions / the effect oft» © Featur1 “the 1 tovfiliar extract are identified. © <0 her pieces, but with some mistakes. ses musical terms, but makes some mistakes. Simple musical expianations given in connection with the com» the music. Features of the unfamiliar extract are described * Links made to other pieces to support basic points/arguments 3 | 8:11 |+ — Theuse of musical terms is adequate. * Inconsistent explanation of the connection between musicale intention / the effect of the music, + The features ofthe unfamiliar extract are explained and relates + Links are made to other, relevant pieces in connection with the po 4 | 12-15 |* The use of musical terms is competent. + The explanation ofthe composer's intentions / the effect of the supported by musical analysis. AS Question 6 ‘AO weighting: _AO3: 10 marks 04: 10 mast Level Marks [1 0 [+ Novena Fat + Uttle~ = srs tn historical and social context othe music "fe ran musi analysis given (AO3) AdOD NOILOJAdSNI a ‘sotly organised writing with limited relevance to the question Few links to other pieces. (AQ4) ‘Some rather general references to the historical and social cor ‘© Some rather generalised musical analysis. (A03) 2 | ero |* Somerather generalised comments on the effects of musical ¢ context. (404) ‘© Some inaccuracies in the use of musical terms. (AO4) + References to other pieces contain errors. (AO4) ‘© Relevant connections between the music and its historical anc + Clear, relevant analysis ofthe piece. (AO3) 3 | 11-15 | + Good discussion of musical elements in relation to the essay q. The use of musical terms is adequate. (AOA) COPYRIGHT ‘+ Basic links to other, relevant pieces. (AO4) PROTECTED ‘= Detailed connections between the music »nd its historical and * Communicates a clear and contr,’ +g ment. (AO3) 4 1620 |, Fluent support of the arg.m At’ *-miusial examples and corr +The discussion + with references to other, relevant : ig e : Education Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page Sof 42 A Level Question 5 ‘AO weighting: AOA: 20 marks Level | Marks Description 0 No relevant answer given Some features of the unfamiliar extract are identified, though so: Few attempts to make links to other piers “4 ee Some use of musical terms, but w/. + at. es Little exploration of the ¢ my 58, _dtentions / the effect of th Features of the ‘im , + xtract are identified i Links t9.2! $F cs, Sut with some mistakes. * “1U.“arterms, but makes some mistakes. [ie + _S-iple musical explanations given in connection with the composer's Features of the unfamiliar extract are described, Links made to other pieces to support basic points/arguments, The use of musical terms is adequate, Inconsistent explanation of the connection between musical ele: intention / the effect of the music. 4 | 13-16 The features of the unfamiliar extract are explained and relatec Links are made to other, relevant pieces in connection with the ‘The use of musical terms is competent. The explanation of the composer's intentions / the effect of the by musical analysis. 5 | 17-20 ‘A wide range of musical features in the unfamiliar extract are ex) the essay question. Links are made to relevant pieces in connection with a strong ar ‘The use of musical terms is excellent. Detailed and specific musical analysis‘... d to support a throu Intentions / the effect of ther) 2 A Level Question 6,» ‘AO weighting: 2 | raz 3 | 1318 4 | 19-28 A031 a7 AOA: 20 marks Deseri No relevant answer given Little reference to the historical and social context of the music * Little relevant musical analysis given. (AQ4) * Poorly organised writing with limited relevance to the questio Few links to other pieces. (AOA) = Some rather general references to the historical and social cor: # Some rather generalised musical analysis. (AOA) + Some rather generalised comments on the effects of musical e # Some inaccuracies in the use of musical terms. (AO4) References to other pieces contain errors. (AO4) Relevant connections between the music and its historical ané + Clear, relevant analysis ofthe piece. (A04) +The use of musical terms is adequate. (°° 4) Basic links to other, relevant nia’ 2s 04 Detailed connections '>. ve. . usie and its historical an Communicate, <* $a . acontrolled argument. (AOS) #Flues* Sor che argument with musical examples and cov’ ‘cassion is supparted with references to other, relevant ¢ __ yophisticated connections between the music and ts historica J+ Presents a strong, sophisticated argument. (AOS) + Excellent quality of musical analysis, (404) “Musical terminology is used throughout to support the argu! The key points ofthe argument are justified using relevant mus Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 6 of 42 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education Essay Questions Keywords This page shows you the words that are commonly used in essay questions, and ' answer you will need to give for each type of question. You could print out a cop) folder / on the wall by your desk so that you can refer to it as you revise. Discuss 2 “Discuss’ is usually used in Question 5 Example: Discu @: . uutiliar extract is typical of popular music more widely. You sh fer to other pieces in your answer, such as set works or wider li To answer questions that use the word ‘discuss’, you will need to: ‘© givea thorough musical analysis of the unfamiliar piece ‘+ make links to other, relevant pieces of music, such as set works or wide" ‘+ present a strong argument that investigates all aspects of the essay que: ‘+ explore musical elements in relation to historical/social context and/or t the listener Evaluate “Evaluate’ is usually used in Question 6. Example: Evaluate the use of melody and sonority in The Duchess You should refer to other, relevant pieces in yes sn. gr, arch as set works 0. To answer questions that use th: & .aate’, you will need to: © give a thorough mus'7;. »*7yuf the piece : rate Bee eee ce omen oe were The argument Throughout your essay, you should present an argument that gives your opinion 2 will usually explore one or more of the following: the degree to which an unfamiliar extract is typical of a style/context (e.g, B2 (e.g. jazz) ‘+ the relationship between the music and its context and purpose (e.g. as part < ‘+ the relationship between the music and a text or dramatic scenario, such as ¢ programme of a symphony or the plot of a film ‘the connection between the use of musical elements and their effect on the creates a particular mood or evokes a particular scene) Some questions for AS / A Level are open-ended. 774 fl: fs chat you can choos: discuss — the point or points you choose wll" 9¢ “on the style and context of Evaluate the use of rf)“. *Lacmority in The Duchess. , rélevant pieces in your answer, such as set works o film (the action that takes place in the plot; for example, when the Duchess is for: You may also examine how the composer uses musical elements to create specif to create a sense of historical period). Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 7 of 42 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education On the other hand, the essay question often tells you what your argument shoulli this question: Discuss how this unfamiliar extract is typical of popular music more widely You should refer to other pieces in yout answer, such as set works oF wider lis) In this question, you are asked to explore the degree tov". the unfamiliar exti: general. Your conclusion (and the last sentence ¢’<é ‘h_. ragraph) should, there! unfamiliar extract is typical / partly typic’,’_typwal of popular music more wic Activity. ’ e: questions 2-4 below, underline the keywords that tell you what yol iment should be about. Then, explain the argument in | your own words. Question 1 has been completed for you as an example. zasn Pe 1. ‘The composer wrote the unfamiliar extract as part of a requiem written to.» Discuss how the composer uses musical features in relation to this intentic Relate your discussion to other pieces, such as set works or wider listening Explanation: This essay will discuss how Lhe composer uses musical a: ge OF mourning. Burg ist un 2. Evaluate the use of melody, harmony and tonality in Eitt ‘movements in relation to the historical context of the work. «set works, or wider Relate your discussion to other, relevant pieces Explanation: 3. “es act is from an orchestral piece called An Alpine Symphoy mol inKurope.) DiscX@™Me connection between the music and the title of the work, Refer to other pieces of Romantic music in your answer. Explanation: 4. Evaluate how the use of texture, structure and sonority in Cafia Quema ere Refer to other, relevant pieces in your answer. Explanation: Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 8 of 42 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education we and | Phrases This chapter gives some information and activities about how to choose the correct whenwriting your AS / A Level Music essays. It covers formal register (tone) and ac: ‘musical terminology. Register : Register refers to the tone or s*.1 “Of 1 juuge and its suitability for a bay particular purpose or fix 4'«. “>u-should use a formal, academic register | fo" for your Mig@@™@\2) . . will help to show the examiner that youhave | good essay skills, It will aso help you to present your knowledge | ™ clearly so thasthe examiner can award you marks for the points you make. So what then, exactly, is meant by formal, academic register? This subject is quit: have discussed it at some length in your GCSE English classes. However, some ge * Use precise, formal language, e.g. write ‘discuss rather than ‘talk about, ‘p: ‘was first performed’ + Avoid contractions, where two or more words are made into a single word apostrophe (’). Write ‘do not’ rather than ‘don’t’ and ‘I am’ rather than ‘I'm. + Avoid abbreviations, where a word or phrase is made shorter by leaving 0 rather than ‘gonna’ and ‘information’ rather than ‘info’. However, there are Thee cide standard musa abrevatons eg £0 Schr) and eta 9 from Latin (e.g, i.e). ' Activity 1 Gye | Read the following pairs of sente...2° > >.Cu case, choose the sentence that ths | ina Music essay. Consid-s @,'ver of the language. iat essay, Ton gona Lak abot the meladys harmony and Lone'. bo Thee: ay WN discuss melody, haymony ond Lonality in Hounds 9 2. & Berlioz composed Synphonie Fantastique in BSO. b. Berio woke Symphoy Fantastique in the IBOOs. b. Many contemporary Western ork music composers such 08 John Con sonanies Check your answers with your teacher (or usin t' € 4, ~,e1s section at the back 0 13. a In modern Limes, musicions like John Cage uyoke music wikh uss | In the incorrect sentences abr ing + ‘nell the words or phrases that are too i Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 9 of42 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education Use of musical vocabulary Your overall mark for each essay will depend partly on your ability to use the cor’ analysis. There are too many musical terms to list here — you will need to use yo. However, some examples of musical terms are: 2 Melody — conjunet, disjunct, phrase, ete. Harmony - perfect cadence, Neapolitan 6, major 7° che dete Tonality - atonal, modal, tonal, ete Structure — binary form, sonata form 3. ar ~g form, ete. Texture — monophonic, mele: #.) ~ cumpaniment, ete. Sonority —flutter-+> 4, *yaititrack recording, ete. Tempr@gf@\e.: . :.ythm — syncopation, polyrhythm, ete Dynan articulation - crescendo, stacatissimo, ete. To gain marks for your use of musical terminology in the exam, you will need to use musical terms accurately and precisely. Some key points to remember are: ‘© Make sure that you are familiar with all the musical features required for the selected for Question 5 could contain any of them. Your teacher will be able words to learn, ‘Be careful when revising terms that are similar. For example, make sure you sonata (a multimovement composition for instrumental soloist) and sonata / exposition, development and recapitulation). Similarly, make sure you know: (the number and type of beats in a bar) and rhythm (the pattern created by © Demonstrate your knowledge of musical terms in your essay by writing abou write the word ‘sequence’ rather the vague phrase ‘rec ted at a higher pit: than the vague phrase ‘it has no key’. ‘Activity 2 ‘Each of these sentence iui word or phrase that describes the music im) Underline tg prt, > ourd/phrase in each sentence, then write the correct tery AdOD NOILOJAdSNI The Furst section of Balman Reus, ‘Buth of a Pangan’ Part i 6 signakuie and sto.s Lempo (J = 0). Correct word/phrase: Bach’s contaka Ein feste Bug ist unser Gok conkains a Gesman hus Correct word/phrase: . COPYRIGHT PROTECTED Se quema la chumbamba is in G minor Ehrousho.' he key does nok, Correct word/phrase: ig = 5 cleckiie equipment lag “ee Correct SSE/phrase: Education Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 10 of 42 Sentences Transitional words/phrases Transitional words/phrases are used to connect the paragraphs of an essay, or to relationship between sentences in a paragraph. Transitional words/phrases are > phrases, and they typically come near or at the beginning of a sentence. There are a number of different types of transitior "fo . ‘/pwirases. The transit) to your Music essays are shown in the tah'>- ov. Ty ype of Qe transitiggm To give examples Mlustration/ of musical features or wider listening pieces Exemplification To compare or connect two similar ideas or types of musical evidence together Comparison To highlight the Opposition/ difference Limitation/ between two Contrast ideas, musical features o- > aw conclusions from musical evidence; Effect/ | for example, by Consequence/ | linking the Result | analysis to the historical context orto the essay question ‘To emphasise the separation between paragraphs or nel different ideas Sequencey Sere Transition paragraphs, or to organise if2us Inte oie a 3 To signal the start of the concluding Paragraph of the essay Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Common words/phrases For example, such as, for Modal tone! instance impression’: ‘Own ideas: dans Grena: mode at bar Also, additionally, The harmo moreover, furthermore Own ideas: minor is typ widely. Th those at be: section of f) primary tries suspension: On the other hand, in contrast, however, conversely Own “de is! The unfam/ On the othe such as ‘Ce: verse-chor: Thus, therefore, then | Cage's Dan: ‘Own ideas: .. percussive > Extended ir: common ir more widely fora Mad k Itis clear, th No. 1s typ. more widely Firstly, secondly, thirdly, next, finally ‘Own ideas: Firstly, | wi! the text ani extract In conclusion, in summary, to sum up In conclusio (Own ideas: tonality of typical of Bo Page 11 of 42 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education ‘Activity 1 : For this activity, you will need to have access to essay(s) that you have wr'l { folder now, before you start. Look at the third column of the transitional words table on the previo: of each type of transition phrase are given. Can ve~ add some more? 1 friends’ essays for ideas. You could also Io} “if you get stuck: ) + cea’or example to another. Are there any places + added in transitional phrases? Conversely, are there sor used treéitional phrases that are unnecessary? If you start most sents can be rather distracting and is probably too much Write in the necessary transitional phrases, or cross out the unneces Topic sentences Topic sentences tell the reader (the examiner) what a paragraph is going to be at: sentence at the start of every paragraph in the main body of your essay. Sometii: topic sentences. However, itis unlikely that you will need a topic sentence for th: ‘The topic sentences for your music essay should be clear, brief and to the point. } ‘start with a transitional word/phrase (firstly, secondly, in conclusion, etc.) © name the musical element (melody, harmony, tonality, s*ructure, texture, so rhythm, dynamics and articulation) that you are ~ =" <0 fiscuss in that pares ‘* linkto the essay question; wherever evs’ le ‘@~ oir opinion about the m The example below shows the : ‘to ¢ paragraph with a topic sentence that co Essay Ques Evalualageamiructure, melody, and tonality of Tie Magic opera's libretto (text). Tnvte: Act 1, Nos. 4 @ Make links to other pieces, such as set works or wider listening examples. Tror Reference to essay question wit, ¥ Furskiy, the strickure of the music is closely linked Lo thot of the kbrebto struckure of 10 zikkre niche’ closely minors Lhe kuso-port skruckure of the | bekiseen Queen of Lhe Night’s interior reflection ond her decision bo Lake <: pe ‘Activity 2 {Write topic sentences for the second and thir¢ 0 ‘ar. ,.\s of this essay. The seco melody, and the third should be abo" é » ». For paragraph 2, the phrases in {to write in each space. d 5) ngtaph 2 (melody) dronsit Gnusical element) of The Magic Fate is. reference loon opinion about has closely Lhe musical element and livetto are relabed) fopic sentence for paragraph 3 (tonality) Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 12 0f 42 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education Listing musical information In the exam, you have a very limited amount of time to answer the essay questi’ demonstrate your musical knowledge, You therefore need to write sentences tha very concise and to the point. One way of wri succinctly is to group similar information into a single sentence Vivoldt’s Concerto in D minor: movement | mocdtokes & 4 ‘ange of relobed i doors le-20, bors 27-32)y G miner (hors 24 45. a F maier (bors ShS4 As you can see, the end of this ~.1 cei > 5 same structure, In this, + «¢ "ay signature is named, followed by bar reference: | Activity’ | For each of the questions 2-4, convert the given information into a list. Where b: { Particular parts of the piece are present, put these in parentheses. Question 1 hs ' example. 1. Polyphony ~ opening of extract 2 Homophony ~ 4} Monophony ~at the end of the extract The unferiliay extract contains a range of contrasting textures. The: opening of Lhe extract), homophony (in the enidde of Che extract) ont he extract). 2. 2 Modes 2 Pentatonic s 2 Whole-tone scale > Octatonic scale The unfemikor extract ses a «e enpiessive Lonakties, These is 3.2 Parallel 7 cheves, 4 i. bar 33, 2 Open S* chord oa sed on 4 and 5", eg. bar 38 ov 3 Whole-tone he "La sourde dons Grenade” contains a range OF Impression stic hormonie: 14.) Tremolo strings— ‘Birth of a Penguin Part’, bars Wide oboe vib: ' 11-12 bars 57-8 2 Harp glissandi— ‘Birth of a Penguin Part 1’, bar 25 2 Pizzicato string: bar 14, ‘Rise ay 2 Tam-tam roll ‘Birth of a Penguin Part 1’,bar6 2 Muted brass ~+ 2 Stopped horn notes ~ ‘Birth of a Penguin Part 2’, Penguin Part 1 bar 13, ‘Batman vs the Circus’, bar 15 2 Cymbal roll ~ 2 Flutter-tongued flute ~ ‘Birth of a Penguin’, 2 Trumpet lip te Part 2, bar 101 2 Violin glissandi ~ ‘Batman vs the Circus’ od, 9! Batman Rebus conkaier a c) unge of performing Lechniques. Thess 5. This ligg@@BKis. . << 1s unclear and ungrammatical because it lacks parall: each p the list has the same structure. “Cloudtusting’ contains several interesting rhythmic Feakures, There is beak From bor th ok some places (eg. bar 16) the backbeak is ouible, quevers in Lhe baloloika, Lhe crokchel puse stops sudienty (eg. bar 7. Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 13 of 42 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education Paragraphs This chapter gives you some information about how to structure paragraphs in yo ‘The ist ection shows you a structure that you can se to organise the paragrap essay. The second section gives information and tips about writing effective intr The main body of the essay Most essay questions at AS / A Level ask you to comer =. a. pecific musical elements, The musical elements th>t ot r>. ely to be asked about are: : 2 Melody Harmony i aa 2 Tonality, 2 Structure yond , re , 2 Sonority i 2 Tempo S@re and rhythm =} Dynamics and articulation i og | pe One of the best ways of structuring the main body of your essay is to have } ve one paragraph about each musical element listed in the essay question. | Go. For instance, if the essay question tells you to ‘Discuss the use of melody, sonority and rhythm in Back in the Day’, you would have one paragraph about melody, one paragraph about sonority and one paragraph about rhythm, Paragraph structure You will probably already be familiar with the Point, Evidence, Explain (PEE) mode questions at Key Stage 3 / GCSE level. However, Music questions at A Level are s' you will have encountered previously because they require that you rake links i Set work and a range of pleces, such as wider Istening exarccifs. As a result, you complex structure in each paragraph. This structu>_, 4. ¥summarised as follow = PC The topic sentenc;,. 2°.“ ivea of your paragraph. This will usu: elements ‘> «) 4. armony, tonality, etc.) mentioned in the exar . ne + | analysis ~ information about chords, keys, textures, etc. ct © Link: ferences to other pieces with similar or contrasting features te in the essay. © Explain: Critical evaluation/judgement of the musical features analysed a This needs to refer back to the essay question. ‘An example of how to use this paragraph structure is given on the next page. @ Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 1d of 42 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education Example: Discuss how characteristic the sonority and tonality in ‘Inner State (Of Mind)’ styles more widely. Point: topic sentence ~~, Fustlyy Lhe soma 4” © 2 extract drows on ¢ shes TH 1s x 2 weal (eg. bors 10-2), the eee . oe @ ee a keypoord, ond refined skudio Lechniques Such « he opening two bovs of the nokoked score ove Link: reference to OF commercial poplar music genes. Many conten ‘another piece \ combine sonorities from several different. styles ~ 4 instancer Alicia Keys’ IF I Aint Got You" e: Lepical of sou music with extensive proactic Explain: connect the overasbbing, mutikracking) Lypical of commercia) ‘evidence and link ito “Inner Stoke (OF mind)’ is kypical of jazz /( Activity 1 in this activity, you are going to write the seco’... fa ; {raph of this essay. ‘! Discuss how characteristic the +9 +“ a.t tonality in ‘Inner State (Of Mir) ! jazz more widely oie Using the notes below about the tonality of ‘Inner State (Of Mindy’ an: music /jazz, create a structure for your paragraph by copying the bul! relevant headings. 5 to other pieces, such as set works or wider listening &s When you have completed step 1, write the paragraph in full sentence: 2 ‘Inner State (OfMindy > blue notes eg. vocal past 2 ‘Omithology’, aera > uses.a range of scales: major, melodic) 2° “nner State (OF Mindy’ >_pentatonie scale e.g, vocals, by 2 nner State (Of Mindy’ use of Ar. /tonalities is typical of po, 2 ‘Tnner State (OF Min 3°" >< Dorian mode ‘Lad’ > uses a range of tonalities within a C tor Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 15 of 42 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education Extension Activities (for A/A* students only) ‘Activity 1 i | All paragraphs in the body of your essay will need to include the followit 1. Detailed musical analysis of the unfamiliar extr: 35) or set work (Cr 12. Reference(s) to other pieces, s Ta... works or wider listening exam) 13, Sentencegshat .4."; “tue musical analysis to the essay question and 1 argun @i es ted in the essay ' If you are already consistently achieving high marks in your Music essays. ‘inclined to write your paragraphs using a different structure from the Poir | model discussed earlier in this chapter. Provided that your paragraphs co: | is absolutely fine, and it is a sign that you are developing a strong writing s | Because you are already developing a good writing style, it is a good idea | { structures that you use on a regular basis, so that you can reproduce and ai i consciously to different essay questions / musical evidence. The activity be | Activity 2 ' The paragraph below is an alternative answer to Acti’:"/1, Question 2 ab» ' Alternative answer HInner Stake (OF Mind)’ uses ¢.4) -Z/ucfFerenk Lonakties. Ik is in lores 'This perhops reflects bois pak OF model jazz pieces such as Miles Da 1k ate 5 A pos A Feakexe Seen in mony jazz ond bees pieces, Su:) Ty wc. A Add.bionallys ik employs the pentatonic scale in several > | ocal ey bat I ond the guar fl ok has IOLIOS. Akhough the ps ‘found in jazz, tks use here may refleck the influence of pop music pieces; oy Coldplay, where iL iS used in the vocal melody. In Ehis wouy mer Ste | bonolities that ove Eypical of a range oF populer genres, 1. Compare this to the paragraph (Activity 1, Question 2) that you wrote ink, Explain (PELE) model given on p. 14. (If you haven't done this ( with your answer, look at the model provided in the answers section + What differences can you see between the structure of the PELE parag: paragraph given above? 2. What are the advantages of using the ‘rr, ogiven in the alternative inwhi, > clements 1-3 in each paragraph. a) 1 the Point-Evidence-Link-Explain structure? b)_1fS#how are your paragraphs different? ©) Do you use the same structure in each of your paragraphs or diffi paragraphs differ from one another? d) Are there any paragraphs in which you could improve the way yo 13, Now take one of ves.) say's that you have written so far for Mus i How could you do this? Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 16 of 42 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education Introductions and conclusions Introductions and conclusions are important because they summarise the key po and help to emphasise how these relate to the question, Your introductions and conclusions should be brief and to the point. Aim to writ sentences. Time is limited in the exam, and most of the mark will be awarded fo argument in the main body of the essay. A quick and easy way of writing an int» 4c . Is to‘convert the essay question | what the essay will be about. ~» «cy Use many of the words and phrases from { include the follawina ‘9. ‘ti. trom the essay question in your introduction: © abrie( @AMBhe , a:agraphs that will feature in the main body of your essay musica ggaents listed in the essay question (melody, harmony, rhythm, et: © abrief phrase or sentence to connect these paragraphs to the essay questio: Example introduction Essay question: Evaluate the use of sonority, rhythm and metre, and melody in s music genre more widely Make links to other, relevant pieces, such as set works or wider listening exar quema ta ch This essay will evohoke the sonordkay thykhen ond metre of Se quema la ci the Fusion gene mare Taudely \ Refer to the essay question. You can use the Lst the topie «: command word, e.g, ‘discuss, ‘evaluate other phroses from the exar. The key oO snwuld feature in your conclusion are: © a brief SSMPbial) phrase that signals to the examiner that this is the start of conclusion’, ‘To sum up’ ‘+a phrase or sentence that summarises your opinion of the piece in relation te idea to list the topics that you covered in each paragraph in the body of the « ‘+ abrief reference to the key musical features that support this opinion, Thes: have discussed in the main body of your essay, rather than new information ‘each para Example conclusion In conclusion, the sonorikiyy thythm and metre of Se quema la chumbamba 2 * gence because Lhey combine clement? of Lixo musical styles. The ensemble < | Cubon inskrumentss and the rhythm) and mebre corks. sonish 4 dave pok-beins. | \ = j Summarise your Start the paragraph 21 fo the topic of man aicars's* each paragraph. binion/oraument. sion @ An ws This argument must Joa, relate to the essay vation. Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 17 of 42 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education Activity 3 Introductions 1. Write an introduction to an essay that answers the following question Listen to the recording: (0:00-1:40) , Discuss the structure, harm 4/8. scadlity of this extract in relation popular Give musical detai's + at = ansiver. Make links to other pieces, such as set w: Rem Jou can use similar words to the essay question in your ini Conclusions 2. Create a list of four or five phrases that you could use at the start of a conclusion’, ‘to sum up’ 3. Below are two possible conclusions that could be used at the end of th: about pop/jazz given above. Which one is better? Give reasons for yc a) Th conchisions Lhe verse-chorus skrickure, extended, added ond crore: major/pentokoric tonality in the urfamilier extract ore feakues 2 Jez move widely 1b) The unfamiukor extract has a verse ch Fu ~ rockures exkendedy add ond a majer/pentatone ber @ Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 18 of 42 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education Essay Structure This chapter gives you some tips about essay planning and provides a framework paragraphs into an essay. Planning You should spend most of your planning stage focusing on t*, main body of you! need to plan the introduction and conclusion becavsr « » ¢y ‘ll reflect the essay given in the body of the essay. ‘ At the planning stage, you w"\ > Sd’ wecide how many paragraphs to use in the which information to “) Sassi paragraph. Often, the essay question gives y your essay Evaluate the use of melody, harmony and sonority in Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott: f: Make links to other, relevant pieces, such as set works or wider listening exans This question lists three musical elements: melody, harmony and sonority. In qu: element should be discussed in its own paragraph. This body of this essay would paragraphs: one about melody, one about structure and one about sonority. Itis also a good idea at the planning stage to decide on the order in which inforn: paragraph. You should apply the Point-Evidence-Link-Explain model that you saw paragraphs to help with this, Remember to think about set works / wider listeni» at the planning stage. ! Activity 1 You are now going to use your knowledge of F 1 Big ist unser Gott: fi movements and other relevant works #9" it. eva plan for an answer t) Please photocopy the ¢ «.““ag tramework provided in the appendix © ' answers ‘e » ,hotocopied sheet | Remember Sin the exam, you will only have about five minutes to write save time, write your plan using bullet points, key words/phrases or notes, You might need to practise writing essay plans in order to be able to do it 4 example essay questions that feature throughout this resource as a basis foi Questions without musical elements Some AS / A Level essay questions do not tell you which musical elements (melod comment on. This is particularly true of unfamiliar listening Question 5. For inste Listen to the recording: (lonisation, Varese, 0:00-0:30) Discuss how the musical organisatc <¢' . sexiractis typical of twentieth-ce' Refer to other pieces, such “= eC «vor wider listening examples, in your a You cans @ tas fypeof question using the paragraph and esay structure you will nee aggamecide which musical elements are most important in relation to piece as a whole. For example, because the extract above is for unpitched percus to focus on the sonority, texture and rhythm of the extract. Indeed, much twent on unusual sonorities and rhythms, so this decision is relevant to the essay questi: Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 19 of 42 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education However, there is one important point to be aware of when you are narrowing yo marks for a thorough analysis of the piece that doesn’t leave out any important f: without making your essay too long and detailed to write under exam conditions | elements in passing. For example, in the introduction to an essay which answers write: Like @ number of other bisentiekhncentury pir oct /t ” instances Cages” Prepeved Poanos), this piece has fers rc any de pikches, hoymonies, © Es the unfemriker exts 5 ve Lipteal of busentickh-century music more o> For more @ aiid activities relating to these types of open-ended question answers for M@Ruestion 5 and A Level Question 5. in this activity, you are going to brainstorm a plan for an essay question, ive minutes on this task, nto the recording: (151-247) Evaluate how this extract is typical of the Romantic style. Make links to other pieces, such as set works or wider listening examples. As you listen to the extract, make ne*” a “or. .dose elements of the mi Romantic music more wide! Organiseyour ~../, < caifig to musical element (melody, harmony. sonor' apy metre and rhythm, dynamics and articulation). Hint: musical elements will support your argument - leave out You could organis your notes as a mindmap.. or asa Sonorii w From @..... pick around three musical elements that will su each of these elements, you should have identified musical features th: Ro Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 20 of 42 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education Now think of some other Romantic pieces that use musical elements in ° unfamiliar extract. Add the title of each piece to your bullet points / mi correct musical element, with a brief note about its relationship to the u: Texture: © C Schumann Op. (7 = also has melody and accompaniment. Lexkures. one of your main paragraphs. You - 4. .de any other important in musical elements in passin; > ...ple, in the introduction or in the m: Ifyou were to write this essay, the three my. 41 sments you have pick: Ie 1.2 activities relating to these types of open-ended ¢) ample an¥gavior AS Question 5 and A Level Question 5. ‘ou may wish to write this essay after you have looked at these model ans} Extension Activities (for A/A* students only) ‘The structure discussed in this chapter and the previous one (‘Essay Structure’ referred to as ‘point-by-point organisation’. In this structure, each musical eleme: paragraph. This structure will work well for most of your Music essays. Howeve’, an essay. Ifyou already have good essay writing skills, you may sometimes be in= differs from that explained earlier in the chapter. This is absolutely fine providec’ your underlying argument/opinions. ‘Activity 1 Look at a Music essay that you have writ ly. How is it struct point organisation, block org 's at. +r another structure? How @ \ +) acuire of your essay support your argument? H: AdOD NOILOJAdSNI streng@A@pc connection between your structure and argument? If you would like to strengthen the connection between the structur use the information and activity that follow to help you. One structure that you might find particularly helpful is often referred to as ‘bloc the main focus of each paragraph in the body of your essay is an opinion or aspee paragraph may refer to several musical elements — the analysis and musical exar: opinion/argument discussed in each paragraph COPYRIGHT For an example of how this works, look at the essay plan below and complete it b In this plan, points 1 and 2 each represent the content that would constitute a pi! PROTECTED ig e : Education Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 21 of 42 Activity 2 Evaluate the use of structure, harmony and sonority in The Magic Flute: Act ‘Make links to other pieces, such as set works or wider listening examples. Some musical elements used relate closely bo 1b ke eg. # No. 4 = use OF Neapokton Ih ic nk vsskag bo a diminished “F ko hightght the expression ‘au ) . -cbled’ (bie betribte) © No. S = hmmirs 4 ory Ged Lo signal Lo the audience Ehak Popar wot GBRCo 5 doses Many aspects of Lhe music ove ‘elated partly Lo the Lext and portly be conventions of the Classical evar eg. # No 4 - Luwotempo onatecitakive pairing (a conventional Classical + demorcake Lhe refleckive and proactive seckions of Lhe kext) # Use of homophony among the voices ak bays S4#-lo4 of No. S (a co kextuxe, used here Eo indicate that the chevacters all agree with © in the ext) 1. Look at the skeleton plan for the question about Ths Magic Flute abov bullet points so that you have enough infory,~ \.n ‘0 write an essay information about the set work an¢ : 9r.@ '..26 to other pieces. 2. Now write the ese}. caer to include: . ro! .anda conclusion . p other pieces, such as set works or wider listening examp} ‘out these to the essay plan at this point. nes 3. When you have finished, please refer to the annotated model in the : resource. How does your essay compare to the model answer? Wha! Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 22 of 42 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education Sample Answers This chapter provides a sample answer for each Edexcel Music essay question: AS AS Question 6, A Level Question 5, A Level Question 6. Some ofthe answers are better than others. The actvtir- follow each sami what makes a good answer so that you can apply *). 4."5.° a) Ty «hock pieces e) ™ ment/discussion Now think about how the essay could be improved. Write some note: given above. 3. Now, using the mark scheme given at the front of this study guide, giv: out of 15. Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 23 of 42 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education AS Question 6 Instrumental music Evaluate the melody and texture of Clara Schumann's Piano Trio in G minor, Refer to specific features of the music in your answer, Relate the discussion te works or wider listening excerpts, in your answer. Tn this escoyy T wih evakoke Czas fly na ey of Clore Schaar’ Op. Th Fusk movement 0%") Lo ober incremented won Firsklyy pi we Lhe melody of Lhe movement. There are Liso main diskinck MBE, The Fush subject (bers 120) has a renge of a compos conkains a minke of conjinck intervals, skepuise movements ond disivnet octave. Tk uses a range of thykheric vols inchiding quaversy erokchek sy - tnybhens. After the mokinic bridge passage ok boys 22-4, Lhe second begins with a contrasting, sapcopaked minim rhythm (bors 4S*-446), Folie quover Figure (First heord at: boys 47-44), “Towards the end of the sec Cather Frogyrenkory enakerialy Such 0S bhe Scalic quover runs ot boys TBs development (boys llo4) explores Lhe material from Lhe Fursk and second Of musical devices. These inchde Fragmentation (For exemple, of Lhe skaii ak bars (O4-173) and sequence (e.g. bars FB-Hi). “The Euo subjects rebum bors 15-249, The use of Lixo contrasting subjects, which afe developed and then recopitulakeds is a common proceare in Sar 5 form, Tk ts bhus Classical ont Romentic works. such 06 Lhe Mas Reno Sonata in 8) Death and the Maiden quertel. 71a way the melody of Op. 7 Furst described as Lupiced of 61.57. 4 5-arenkie soak Forms more widely Secondtys GIB = 25 Cre Lextise of © Schumann's Op. (7: Furst. movers the movers pro plays an accompaniment. Lo the sknnged inane: As Frequently varied, “The oecompariment uses a vorey of Fiugurakions, in: bors M4}, block chords (e.g. bars FHOG) ond a syncopated chordal configure Moreover, Lhe piano sometimes has a skrongly melodic Funckion (eg. bars & inskiments somebimes Lake on more of on accompanying, harmonic role (es also a wide range OF elaborations Lo bhe melody and accompaniment bexke: Gg, violin ond cello in octaves at bors 47-53) ond use of pedels (eg. pr: B40). Thee are also some passages of comberpoink (eg. viskiny callo B40") ond imitation (vickn ond cello, bors 104109). A similoy voyiet: accompeniment and conkropuntal textures Feakures strongly in other early such 08 Schubert's Troe Guinkek: Furst movement 4 Robert Schumann’= hurd roverent. In Enis ways Ehe bextin 60. 7) Furst movement is & chommber music more widely, ! Li Classicot ond Romontic sonata forms. The varied rs bexture is WR) of early Romantic chamber music more widely. dences iS or : ECU A coting mona ejecke which om deal] Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 24 of 42 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education | Activity 2 ead the essay on the previous page and think about how effective this re: Use the grid below to help you mark the essay as if you were a teache* left-hand column, give a mark out of 5 by putting a cross in the releva: When you are finished, add the total number." “a1 ’s together. Usiny of this study guide, work out which *e-e. 1 ;chis mark corresponds | the bottom of the grid. : : Strongly ae disagree é z ‘The essay makes detailed connections between the music and its historical and social context The essay communicates a clear and controlled argument, The essay identifies a wide range of musical elements accurately, using the correct terminology. The discussion is supported with reference to other, relevant pieces. Total marks: Level: If you were a teacher or examine’ svevof comments would you this essay? Write two r= gfe. s.Phe first should discuss the things second should i 4h augggestions about how to improve the essay @ Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 25 of 42 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education A Level Question 5 Vocal music Listen to the recording here: zzed.uki9174-purcell2 (228-4:16) ‘The text of this extract is given below A! ‘tis all in vain fs Deatlaand HOO While’y where Lhe Sound of snakes Falling ceflected BOMB rc wveerepersea nth quaver rests. Tn conchusionr the music reflects Lhe kext in a monner hak is very Eypic: minor keys chromakicism and dissmence fe used Lo portray the despairing Melodic word painting is used Lo emphasise some key ideas in the Lexty « ond the windy Lempesty in a liberal fashion Essay Writing Skills for AS and A Level Edexcel Music Page 26 of 42 AdOD NOILOJAdSNI COPYRIGHT PROTECTED ig 29 Education

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