Seismic Hazard Coimbatore 2012

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Nat Hazards (2012) 60:1325–1345

DOI 10.1007/s11069-011-9915-4


Seismic hazard map of Coimbatore using subsurface

fault rupture

Panjamani Anbazhagan • Prabhu Gajawada • Aditya Parihar

Received: 31 July 2010 / Accepted: 18 July 2011 / Published online: 17 August 2011
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2011

Abstract This study presents the future seismic hazard map of Coimbatore city, India, by
considering rupture phenomenon. Seismotectonic map for Coimbatore has been generated
using past earthquakes and seismic sources within 300 km radius around the city. The
region experienced a largest earthquake of moment magnitude 6.3 in 1900. Available
earthquakes are divided into two categories: one includes events having moment magni-
tude of 5.0 and above, i.e., damaging earthquakes in the region and the other includes the
remaining, i.e., minor earthquakes. Subsurface rupture character of the region has been
established by considering the damaging earthquakes and total length of seismic source.
Magnitudes of each source are estimated by assuming the subsurface rupture length in
terms of percentage of total length of sources and matched with reported earthquake.
Estimated magnitudes match well with the reported earthquakes for a RLD of 5.2% of the
total length of source. Zone of influence circles is also marked in the seismotectonic map
by considering subsurface rupture length of fault associated with these earthquakes. As
earthquakes relive strain energy that builds up on faults, it is assumed that all the earth-
quakes close to damaging earthquake have released the entire strain energy and it would
take some time for the rebuilding of strain energy to cause a similar earthquake in the same
location/fault. Area free from influence circles has potential for future earthquake, if there
is seismogenic source and minor earthquake in the last 20 years. Based on this rupture
phenomenon, eight probable locations have been identified and these locations might have
the potential for the future earthquakes. Characteristic earthquake moment magnitude (Mw)
of 6.4 is estimated for the seismic study area considering seismic sources close to probable
zones and 15% increased regional rupture character. The city is divided into several grid
points at spacing of 0.01° and the peak ground acceleration (PGA) due to each probable
earthquake is calculated at every grid point in city by using the regional attenuation model.
The maximum of all these eight PGAs is taken for each grid point and the final PGA map is
arrived. This map is compared to the PGA map developed based on the conventional

P. Anbazhagan (&)  A. Parihar

Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India
e-mail: [email protected]

P. Gajawada
Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, India

1326 Nat Hazards (2012) 60:1325–1345

deterministic seismic hazard analysis (DSHA) approach. The probable future rupture
earthquakes gave less PGA than that of DSHA approach. The occurrence of any earth-
quake may be expected in near future in these eight zones, as these eight places have been
experiencing minor earthquakes and are located in well-defined seismogenic sources.

Keywords Seismic hazard  Rupture length  PGA  DSHA

1 Introduction

Seismic hazard parameters are the essential components of earthquake-resistant design.

Seismic hazard parameters are estimated and mapped in macro level and micro level based
on the study area. The process of estimating seismic hazard parameters is called seismic
hazard analysis. Seismic hazard can be analyzed both in deterministic and in probabilistic
ways. Seismic hazards can be analyzed deterministically as and when a particular earth-
quake scenario is assumed. The probabilistic approach is the other way of hazard analysis,
in which uncertainties in earthquake size, location, and time of occurrence are explicitly
considered (Kramer 1996). Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis does not give a specific or
unique choice but it gives infinite choices for the user (Wang 2005). Krinitzsky (2005)
comments on the problems in the application of probabilistic methods and gives an account
on a deterministic alternative that highlights that deterministic seismic hazard analysis
(DSHA) uses geology and seismic history to identify earthquake sources and to interpret
the strongest earthquake; each source is capable of producing regardless of time, because
that earthquake might happen tomorrow. Those are the maximum credible earthquakes
(MCEs), the largest earthquakes that can reasonably be expected.
Seismic zoning map given by the Bureau of Indian Standards, criteria for earthquake-
resistant design of structures (IS 1893- BIS 2002), is based on the known magnitudes,
epicenters, subsequently estimated modified Mercalli intensities and isoseismals. Rag-
huKanth and Iyengar (2006) have pointed that the Indian Standard in current form does not
provide a quantified seismic hazard for each region but lumps large parts of the country
into unstructured regions of equal hazard. The current hazard zoning map adopted by
Indian Standards prescribes lower hazard for regions without significant record of his-
torical earthquakes (Menon et al. 2010). Many researchers have developed their zoning
maps of Indian Regions earlier, based on several approaches. This includes probabilistic
seismic hazard macrozonation of Tamil Nadu by Menon et al. (2010), Seismic microzo-
nation of Bangalore by Anbazhagan et al. (2010a, b), Probabilistic seismic hazard map for
India and adjoining areas by Bhatia et al. (1997), and for many other areas by different
researchers. These maps are based on past earthquake distribution and recurrence interval.
In this study, an attempt has been made to map seismic hazard parameter of Coimbatore
city for future earthquake by considering regional rupture characteristic and probable
earthquake zones. A new seismotectonic map of Coimbatore city has been generated and
areas of reported damaging earthquake and areas of little or no seismic activity in the past
have been identified. Subsurface rupture length of past earthquakes was estimated and used
to establish rupture character of the region. According to the energy release theory,
earthquakes relive the strain energy that builds up on faults; they should be more likely to
occur in areas where little or no seismic activity has been observed for some time (Kramer
1996). Potential seismogenic sources are identified in the places where there are no
damaging earthquakes but minor earthquakes have been reported. These sources have not
released the stored energy completely and hence have potential for future earthquake.

Nat Hazards (2012) 60:1325–1345 1327

These locations are called as probable earthquake zones for the region. Eight such probable
places are identified in and around Coimbatore. Maximum characteristic earthquake
magnitude is estimated by considering regional rupture character and length of seismo-
genic source close to zone. Coimbatore is divided into grids, and hypocentral distances
from these eight locations to each grid point are calculated. PGA at each grid is estimated
by considering hypocentral distance and maximum credible earthquake at eight locations
by using regional attenuation model. Maximum PGA value among eight PGA values from
eight probable zones is considered as hazard value for each grid and these values are
mapped. Then, conventional deterministic hazard analysis has been carried out and PGAs
are estimated. PGA arrived from the DSHA is more than that obtained from the proposed
rupture-based analysis. DSHA estimates PGA considering the source, which has experi-
enced the damaging earthquakes and increased maximum reported magnitude close to this
source. But chances of occurrence of the near-future earthquake in the same source are
very limited as source needs some time to build energy for rupture to cause damaging
earthquake. The proposed method eliminates past damaging earthquake locations and
identifies the probable earthquake locations of minor earthquake and seismogenic sources.
Maximum credible earthquake of the region is estimated by considering regional rupture
character in terms of subsurface rupture length. Hence, the proposed methods’ hazard
values are representative values in terms of source identification and maximum magnitude

2 Study area of Coimbatore

The city of Coimbatore located between 10°100 and 11°300 of the northern latitude and
76°400 and 77°300 of eastern longitude in the extreme west of Tamil Nadu near Kerala state
at an elevation of 432 m from the sea level. Its geographic location is mean valued to
11.01°N 76.96°E. The city has an area of 105.5 km2 and a population of about more than
one million. The city is surrounded by mountains on west and northern side with reserve
forests and river basin (Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve), the eastern side of the district starting
from the city is predominantly dry. The entire western and northern part of the district
borders with Western Ghats with Nilgiri biosphere, Annamalai, and Munnar range with a
western pass to Kerala popularly referred to as the Palghat Gap providing its boundary. It is
generally a dry district apart from the Noyyal River basin and occasional over-flowing
streams from the Western Ghats that terminate in the city’s large tanks. The soil pre-
dominantly is black soil suitable for cotton cultivation with frequent interlude of a type of
red loamy soil. Coimbatore falls under Class III Seismic Zone as per IS 1893 (BIS 2002)
and has experienced an earthquake moment magnitude of 6.3 in the past. This earthquake
was reported at 10.80°N, 76.80°E on 8th of February 1900. Recently, the city came into
everyone’s view by hosting World Classical Tamil Conference 2010. Figure 1 shows
Coimbatore city map with important locations and its placement in India.

3 Rupture-based seismic hazard analysis

Most of the hazard analyses/zonations are being carried out considering the past earth-
quake location, size, and rate of occurrence of past earthquakes on the fault or in the region
for future design of structures. Moderate to major earthquakes need sufficient energy to
rupture the faults. Time required to buildup the required energy to create moderate to major

1328 Nat Hazards (2012) 60:1325–1345

Government Law
Coimbatore Tidal Park
Peelamedu Railway
Station Coimbatore
11.02 Coimbatore North Airport
North Taluk Office Coimbatore
Corporation East
Government Zone
11.00 College Of
Race Course
Technology Singanallur
Coimbatore Medical Tank
Junction Scale
5 Kilometre 0
76.92 76.94 76.96 76.98 77.00 77.02 77.04 77.06

Fig. 1 Map of Coimbatore with important locations

earthquakes is a region-specific. So, interval between two consecutive earthquakes in the

same location is considerable, but it is accounted poorly in the hazard analysis and future
seismic zonation. Earthquakes relive the strain energy that builds up on faults, next
earthquake in the region is more likely to occur in areas where little or no seismic activity
has been observed for some time (Kramer 1996). Based on the average return period of
earthquakes in the region, one can assess the potential of past earthquake location for
generating the future similar earthquakes. Let the place/source having earthquake mag-
nitude of M with an average return period of T has ruptured by an amount of R. Amount of
rupture depends on the seismotectonic of the region and seismic sources. Maximum
magnitude reported in the region is Mmax and M is the average damaging earthquake in the
region. If M and Mmax are relatively comparable, the possibility of occurrence of the same
M or Mmax in the same (reported past) location is rare up to period T. Hence, for the future
seismic zonation for period less than T, these locations can be eliminated or considered as
areas with no potential for occurrence of near-future earthquake. But in the conventional
hazard analysis for future zonation of time period less than T, these locations are con-
sidered and probable magnitude is arrived by adding 0.3–1 more to Mmax. Also, possibility
of occurrence of damaging earthquake in other locations/sources is not accounted. In order
to account the possibility of occurrence of earthquake in the locations other than past
damaging earthquake locations, a new seismic hazard analysis has been attempted in this
paper that is named as ‘‘Rupture Based Seismic Hazard Analysis’’ (RBSHA) for future
zonation. Steps for rupture-based seismic hazard analysis are given below:
1. Prepare seismotectonic map of the study region and identify the maximum reported
earthquake (Mmax) in the region.
2. Delineate the damaging earthquakes (Mw [ 5 for study area) sources/area and minor
earthquake source/area.

Nat Hazards (2012) 60:1325–1345 1329

3. Select appropriate subsurface rupture equation and assess subsurface rupture character
of the region. Validate the same if data are available for the region.
4. Mark zone of influence circles for damaging earthquakes based on subsurface rupture
length of the event.
5. Identify probable future earthquake location considering minor earthquakes recorded,
potential seismic sources, and eliminating damaging earthquake locations (identified
in step 4)—these locations can be called as ‘‘Probable Future Earthquake Zones’’
6. Estimate maximum characteristic earthquake for study area by considering increased
regional rupture characters estimated in step 3.
7. Measure the distance between PFEZ to required site and estimate PGA using regional
attenuation model.
8. Identify the maximum PGA at each site/grid and prepare zonation map.
This zonation map is more representative for future design of structures for duration less
than T. Site effects and liquefaction vulnerability can be assessed for microzonation based
on maximum representative PGA distribution. This microzonation map will be more
representative for future seismic disaster management and planning. Seismic hazard of
Coimbatore city has been estimated using rupture-based seismic hazard analysis presented
above and compared with conventional deterministic seismic hazard analysis.

4 Seismotectonics and regional seismicity

Southern India, once considered as part of stable continental region has recently experi-
enced many small earthquakes and 11 earthquakes of magnitude more than 6 (Ramalin-
geswara Rao 2000), indicating that its perceived aseismicity is not true. South Indian
seismicity is neither understood properly nor given importance since it is of micro-
dimensions (Reddy 2003). Many reported earthquakes were poorly detected and recorded
by the seismometer. The collision process of the Indian plate with the Eurasian plate is still
underway at a rate of 45 mm/year inducing an anticlockwise rotation of the plate (Bilham
2004). Singh et al. (2005, 2008) noticed a series of unusual geological incidents throughout
the southwest Peninsular India and which has resulted two moderate earthquakes in 2000
and 2001. This indicates unstable state of crustal blocks in this shield region (Singh et al.
2005, 2008). The seismicity of Peninsular India (PI) is characterized by relatively high
frequency of large earthquakes but a relatively low frequency of moderate earthquakes
(Menon et al. 2010). Seismic activity in PI is characterized by shallow earthquakes with
average focal depths (0–12 km) within the upper crustal layers (Mandal 1999; Mandal
et al. 2000). Seismicity of the south India can also be found in Srinivasan and Sreenivas
(1977), Valdiya (1998), Purnachandra Rao (1999), Ravi Kumar and Bhatia (1999),
Ramalingeswara Rao (2000), Subrahmanya (1996, 2002), Ganesha Raj (2001), Parvez
et al. (2003), Jade (2004), Ganesha Raj and Nijagunappa (2004), Singh et al. (2005, 2008),
Sitharam et al. (2006) and Sitharam and Anbazhagan (2007), Anbazhagan et al. (2009,
2010a, b).
Even though Coimbatore has experienced an earthquake of moment magnitude 6.3 in
1900, it was placed in seismic zone Zero, in the first version of the IS 1893 (BIS 1962).
Presently, Coimbatore city is placed in Zone III as per the latest release of IS 1983 (BIS
2002). Coimbatore is located on thin lithosphere, part of Gondwanaland (Kumar et al.
2007). Geologically, this area is oldest sedimentary and is called as area of Dharwar

1330 Nat Hazards (2012) 60:1325–1345

(Gupta 2006). There is no direct fault modeling and source mechanism available for south
Indian cities. However, compiled earthquake data and seismogenic source details are
available for specific cities such as Bangalore (Sitharam and Anbazhagan 2007; Anbazhagan
et al. 2009) and Chennai (Boominathan et al. 2007). Comprehensive data base of seismic
sources and past earthquakes is available in Seismotectonic atlas (SEISAT 2000) published
by Geological Survey of India. Menon et al. (2010) has compiled earthquake data of mag-
nitude more than 3, and delineation of seismic sources was done by Gupta (2006) and
Ramasamy (2006). For this study, earthquake data compiled by Anbazhagan (2007), Menon
et al. (2010) and seismic source details published by SEISAT (2000) have been merged
together and seismotectonic map of Coimbatore has been generated. SEISAT (2000) has
given many seismic sources; for this study, only the seismic sources that have experienced
the earthquakes of magnitude 4 and above are considered. Figure 2 shows the seismic
sources and previously reported earthquakes within radius of around 300 km from Coim-
batore. There were many small earthquakes occurred in the past 200 years around Coim-
batore city. Figure 2 also shows that many seismic sources around Coimbatore city have
experienced the earthquake of magnitude 4 and above. Northeastern part of study area has
many minor earthquakes that are recorded in Gauribidanur seismic array (GBA) and col-
lected by Sitharam and Anbazhagan (2007). Even though seismic recording station is located
in South part of study at Peechi, Kerala (maintained by Centre for Earth Science Studies
Akkulam, Kerala), earthquake data are not available in the public domain. Hence, number of
minor earthquake in southwestern part is less when compared to northeastern part.

5 Regional attenuation model

Seismic hazard analysis of particular region needs ground motion predictive equation/
attenuation models. Most of the stable continental regions in the world have poor strong
motion data and are not representative of the existing seismic hazard in the region (Menon
et al. 2010). Coimbatore, south India, has almost no strong motion records for moderate to







Earthquake(Mw 5-5.9)



L2 Earthquake(Mw 4-4.9)
11 L1
L15 F1 Major Lineament
Minor Lineament
Gravity Fault

300km Neotectonic Fault



Fault involving Basement


Shear zone

Fig. 2 Seismic sources and past earthquakes around Coimbatore city

Nat Hazards (2012) 60:1325–1345 1331

larger earthquakes. Therefore, there is no ground motion predictive equation/attenuation

model developed considering the recorded earthquake data. For the areas having poor
seismic record, synthetic ground motion models are the alternative. Regional synthetic
ground model should include seismotectonic and geological settings (e.g., shallow crustal
intraplate earthquakes) in the region. Modeling of strong motion helps to estimate future
hazard of the region and study the local effects in local scale. Seismological model by
Boore (1983, 2003) can be used for generating the synthetic acceleration-time response
study (Atkinson and Boore 1995; Hwang and Huo 1997; Sitharam and Anbazhagan 2007).
There is no ground motion predictive equation before 2004 for Peninsular India, in par-
ticular, South India. Iyengar and RaghuKanth (2004) have developed first ground motion
attenuation relation based on the statistically simulated seismological model. Authors have
developed an empirical attenuation relationship for Peninsular India (PI) (below 24°N
latitude) and for three subregions within PI (Koyna-Warna, southern India and western–
central India), based on a stochastic seismological point source model and subsequently
compared with the instrumental data from the Koyna (1967) and Bhuj (2001) earthquakes.
Relation given by Iyengar and RaghuKanth (2004) is for rock site without considering soil
condition. RaghuKanth and Iyengar (2007) have arrived at an empirical relations by
estimating 5% damped response spectra covering bedrock and soil conditions interna-
tionally followed. Authors have also given the standard error for the proposed relationship
as a function of the frequency, for the application of probabilistic seismic hazard analysis.
For rock site, the correlation given by Iyengar and RaghuKanth (2004) and RaghuKanth
and Iyengar (2007) are similar. In this study, PGA at rock sites has been estimated con-
sidering relation given by Iyengar and RaghuKanth (2004), which is given below:
ln y ¼ c1 þ c2 ðM  6Þ þ c3 ðM  6Þ2  ln R  c4 R þ ln 2 ð1Þ
where y, M, and R refer to PGA (g), moment magnitude and hypocentral distance,
respectively. Since PGA is known to be distributed nearly as a lognormal random variable,
ln y would be normally distributed with the average of (ln e) being almost zero. Hence,
with e = 1, coefficients for the southern region are (Iyengar and RaghuKanth 2004):
c1 ¼ 1:7816; c2 ¼ 0:9205; c3 ¼ 0:0673; c4 ¼ 0:0035; rðln eÞ ¼ 0:3136 ðtaken as zeroÞ
Proposed study is intended to estimate PGA at rock level and hence the equation that is
valid for rock site is used. It should be noted here that the prediction of peak ground accel-
eration (PGA) values using Iyengar and RaghuKanth 2004) tends to be upper bound, but for
Jabalpur earthquake (1997), the values match rather well. The prediction of PGA values by
other models suitable for SCRs (Stable Continental Region) (Abrahamson and Silva 1997;
Campbell and Bozorgnia 2008) lies between the recorded PGA values (Menon et al. 2010).

6 Subsurface rupture length of the region

The tectonic features of the region should refer to various faults, folds, shear zones, and
lineaments with associated past earthquakes and future seismicity be expected to occur
(Gupta 2006). Seismotectonic parameters are also useful to build knowledge on the rupture
character of earthquakes in the region and to foresee the seismic hazard parameters. The
knowledge of the maximum size of fault ruptures in the region helps one to estimate the
maximum earthquake magnitude that may occur in the region. Mark (1977) recommends

1332 Nat Hazards (2012) 60:1325–1345

that the surface rupture length may be assumed as 1/3–1/2 of the total fault length (TFL)
based on the worldwide data. However, assuming such large subsurface rupture length
yields very large moment magnitude and also it does not match with the past earthquake
data in south India (Sitharam and Anbazhagan 2007). Wells and Coppersmith (1994)
developed empirical relationship between moment magnitude and subsurface fault length
using past worldwide earthquakes. The relationship between moment magnitude and sub-
surface rupture length (RLD) was developed using reliable source parameters, and this is
applicable for all types of faults, shallow earthquakes, and interplate or intraplate earth-
quakes (Wells and Coppersmith 1994). The developed regression relationships for sub-
surface rupture length and magnitude also provide a basis for estimating the magnitudes of
earthquakes that may occur on subsurface seismic sources such as blind faults, which cannot
be evaluated from surface observations. These relations on subsurface parameters include
data for moderate magnitude earthquakes (moment magnitude of 5–6), allowing the char-
acterization of relatively small seismic sources that may not rupture the surface. They
believed that subsurface rupture length relations are appropriate for estimating magnitudes
for expected ruptures along single or multiple fault segments. These relations are deter-
mined from shallow-focus (crustal) continental interplate or intraplate earthquakes (stable
and non stable continental) on the basis of a rather comprehensive database of historical
events. Different correlation coefficients for these relations are given for strike-slip, reverse
and normal faulting, and also the average relation for all slip types are developed to be
appropriate for most of the applications. Best established are the relationships between
moment magnitude Mw and subsurface rupture length (RLD) and is valid for the magnitude
range of 4.8–8.1 and length/width range of 1.1–350 km, which is as follows.
log ðRLDÞ ¼ 0:59MW  2:44 ð3Þ
Wells and Coppersmith (1994) equations are widely used to estimate source parameters
and magnitudes. Wells and Coppersmith (1994) have also considered the magnitude and
source parameters from Indian earthquake data. Rupture character of the region has been
established by carrying out parametric studies between subsurface rupture length and
earthquake magnitude. The subsurface rupture length is assumed as a percentage of total
length of the fault for each event. In total, 19 faults are associated with reported earthquake
of moment magnitude of 5 and above. The magnitude has been estimated using Eq. 3 for
the subsurface length 1–10% of total length of fault. Estimated earthquake magnitudes are
compared with reported earthquake magnitude. Figure 3a–c shows the percentage
matching of the reported magnitudes and associated seismic sources. It has been noticed
that the estimated magnitude matches very well with the reported earthquake magnitude
for an average subsurface rupture length of 5.2% of the total length, for faults having a
length less than 130 km. Magnitude obtained for a average subsurface rupture length equal
to 2.5% of total length matches with the reported magnitude for faults having a length more
than 130 km. For more than 55% of the seismic sources, the estimated magnitude is found
to be matching with the reported magnitude for the RLD of 5.2% of the total fault length.
This value has been taken as ‘‘Regional rupture character’’ for the study area. Regional
rupture character is combined with Wells and Coppersmith (1994) correlation and used to
estimate credible earthquake of the source zone.

6.1 Probable future rupture zone

Earthquake data discussed previously are divided into two categories. The first category
includes the earthquakes of moment magnitude 5.0 and above, i.e., damaging earthquakes.

Nat Hazards (2012) 60:1325–1345 1333

Fig. 3 a–c Estimated magnitude matching with reported magnitude for a different subsurface rupture
length in terms of percentage of total length

Here, damaging earthquake (Mw of 5 and above) is close to maximum magnitude (Mmax of
6.3) reported in the region. It is assumed that damaging earthquakes have released all the
strain energy stored in the faults and hence it takes some time (return period) to build this
strain energy to cause another similar earthquake. Martin and Szeliga (2010) have said that
no earthquake in India or its surroundings in the past 500 years has repeated. No fault
segment has re-ruptured in this time, with the exception of the eastern plate boundary. The
return period of 200 years is a short time interval compared to the recurrence interval for
earthquakes in India (Martin and Szeliga 2010; Szeliga et al. 2010). Hence, past damaging

1334 Nat Hazards (2012) 60:1325–1345

earthquake locations have less potential for producing the similar damaging earthquake in
near future (50–100 years). The average return periods of similar earthquakes are about
200–500 years for the seismotectonic province. The subsurface rupture length for all the
earthquakes has been calculated using Wells and Coppersmith (1994) correlation (Eq. 3).
The radius of the influence circles for the earthquakes of moment magnitude 5.0–6.0 is
taken as 12.589 km, which is the subsurface rupture length upper side magnitude of Mw
6.0. The locations which fall under these influence circles have less potential for similar
earthquakes in near future, because the seismic sources will have already ruptured and
would need minimum time (return period) to build strain for similar earthquake. Figure 4
shows past earthquakes with associated sources and zones of influence circles. Earthquake
circles for earthquake magnitude 5 and above are represented by influence circle zones.
The second category includes all earthquakes of moment magnitude less than 5.0 (minor
earthquakes). It is assumed that these earthquakes have not ruptured the seismic source
sufficiently and have not released the entire strain energy stored in the faults during this
event. Hence, the locations of these earthquakes may be the potential locations of future
earthquakes. The locations where no influence circles are present, there is a possibility for
earthquakes of similar magnitudes to occur if these locations have weak zones (seismic
sources like faults and active lineaments) and minor earthquakes. In order to precisely
locate probable future earthquake zone, the zone must satisfy the following conditions:
1. The location must have experienced at least one minor earthquake in the last 20 years
to indicate seismic activity
2. There must be a defined seismic source within 10 km radius
In the seismic study area (i.e., 300 km around Coimbatore city), eight such zones are
identified. There may be a possibility of occurrence of future damaging earthquakes in
these zones. These eight probable future rupture zones are named as Z-1 to Z-8 for further
discussion (See Fig. 4). The eight zones have satisfied the above-mentioned requirements
and are located at 10.98°N 75.38°E, 11.60°N 79.01°E, 9.50°N 76.62°E, 13.44°N 76.82°E,
11.74°N 78.27°E, 11.94°N 77.32°E, 10.51°N 77.13°E, and 11.00°N 78.00°E. One probable


Z-4 Earthquake(Mw>6)

L7 2 Earthquake(Mw 5-5.9)



Earthquake(Mw 4-4.9)



S1 Z-2 Probable Earthquake zone


11 L1
L1 Z-8 Major Lineament
Z-1 L15 F1
L14 Minor Lineament
Gravity Fault
200km L13 Neotectonic Fault
300km Z-3
Fault involving Basement


Shear zone

Z Zone

Fig. 4 Probable future earthquake locations in the seismic study area

Nat Hazards (2012) 60:1325–1345 1335

Table 1 Probable zones for future earthquake around Coimbatore

Zone location Distance from Minor earthquake Number of minor
(in degree) Coimbatore (km) (Mw) (max of all) earthquake within 10 km

10.98 N 75.38E 180 3.0 1

11.60 N 79.01E 230 2.5 1
09.50 N 76.62E 175 3.7 1
13.44 N 76.82E 270 2.1 1
11.74 N 78.27E 165 4.6 5
11.94 N 77.32E 110 4.7 2
10.51 N 77.13E 60 4.5 2
11.00 N 78.00E 110 4.9 1

zone is indentified within 100 km, five probable zones are within 100–200 km, and two
zones are located within 200–300 km radius from Coimbatore city. Table 1 shows prob-
able zones for Coimbatore city with past smaller earthquakes and distance from Coim-
batore city center.

6.2 Probable rupture zones and seismogenic sources

Probable future earthquake locations were identified considering past larger earthquake
around Coimbatore, recent smaller earthquakes and seismic source mapped in SEISAT
(2000). The seismic sources in SEISAT (2000) were identified and mapped before 2000
but the seismicity and activity of the plate tectonics will always change based on recent
neotectonic activity. Many devastating earthquakes are reported after 2000 in Indian plate
boundary and in the interior. Thus, it is necessary to include the recent neotectonic activity
in the seismic hazard analysis. In this section, probable future earthquakes zones identified
in the above section are compared with the recent seismogenic sources mapped by
Ramasamy (2006) and Gupta (2006).
Ramasamy (2006) has painted a fair picture of active tectonic scenario of South India
using remote sensing and analyzing ground-based dataset/observations. Ramasamy (2006)
studied active tectonics of south India using remote sensing and identified a number of faults
and lineaments in the southern part of India. Identified faults and lineaments are correlated
with geological features that are also used for seismic hazard mapping of Tamil Nadu
(Menon et al. 2010). Ramasamy (2006) has amalgamated these details with visibly dis-
played tectonic, fluvial, coastal, and hydrological systems. Seismogenic sources mapped by
remote sensing are also compared with past earthquakes and Bouger gravity anomaly. The
map showing these faults and lineaments of south India was given in Fig. 16 of his paper.
This map gives the Pleistocene tectonic scenario of south India. The probable future
earthquakes zone identified in this study is superimposed on the Fig. 16 of Ramasamy
(2006). Figure 5 shows the seismogenic sources mapped by Ramasamy (2006) as a base and
the superimposed probable future earthquake locations identified in this study. From Fig. 5,
it can be observed that the probable earthquake locations identified at 11.94°N 77.32°E and
11.00°N 78.00°E are closely associated with NW–SE dextral fault no. 15 mapped by
Ramasamy (2006). The probable earthquake location at 13.44°N 76.82°E also is very near
to this fault. The probable earthquake location at 10.51°N 77.13°E is associated with NE–
SW Sinistral fault no. 9 mapped by Ramasamy (2006). The probable earthquake location

1336 Nat Hazards (2012) 60:1325–1345

Fig. 5 Seismogenic sources identified by Ramasamy (2006) and probable future earthquake locations
identified in this study

identified at 11.74°N 78.27°E is associated with NW–SE dextral fault no. 14 mapped by
Ramasamy (2006). The probable earthquake location identified at 11.60°N 79.01°E is
associated with NW–SE dextral fault no. 13 mapped by Ramasamy (2006). Here, it can be
observed that the probable locations identified in this study for possible future earthquake
match well with the recent seismogenic sources mapped by Ramasamy (2006). From Fig. 5,
it can be observed that six probable future earthquake zones identified in this study coincide
well with the seismically active sources mapped by Ramasamy (2006) and remaining two
zones are located outside the Ramasamy’s study area.

Nat Hazards (2012) 60:1325–1345 1337

Gupta (2006) has carried out comprehensive analysis of seismotectonic characteristics of

India and neighborhood and has delineated the probable seismic sources. Gupta (2006) has
stated that the peninsular India was subjected to great structural disturbances during the
geological past, which resulted in the development of local zones of weakness along which
crustal adjustments are likely to take place. The occurrence of different types of seismic
activities in various parts of the peninsula is a manifestation of such adjustments (Gupta
2006). He has delineated 5 subsources that together form source no 73 in Gupta (2006); this
area covers the south Indian granulite terrain. A system of NE–SW and NW–SE trending
faults and lineaments exists in this zone. The subsources ‘‘a’’ to ‘‘e’’ in this zone are described
based on the clustering of epicenters around some faults and lineaments. The probable future
earthquakes identified in this paper are superimposed on the seismic sources delineation by
Gupta (2006) and shown in Fig. 6. It is observed that most of the probable future earthquakes
zones are either in or nearby to the seismic sources delineated by Gupta (2006).

6.3 Peak ground acceleration due to probable earthquakes

The study area, Coimbatore city, is divided into number of grid points having size of
0.01° 9 0.01°. There were a total of 160 grid points with approximate square size of
1.1 9 1.1 km. Distances between each grid center point and each of eight probable
earthquake zones are estimated and used for hypocenter distance estimation. Hypocenter
distance has been estimated by considering average hypocentral depth of 10 km based on
the past earthquakes in this region. Maximum credible earthquake (MCE) of the study area
has been estimated by considering rupture character of the region and seismic sources close
to identified probable zones. The regional rupture character (RLD) of 5.2% of total length
is increased to 6% (i. e., 15% extra) to estimate future earthquake magnitudes i.e., Max-
imum credible earthquake (MCE). MCE of 5.8–6.4 in moment magnitude is arrived for the
probable future earthquake zones, if seismic sources close to zone have ruptured by 6% of
its length. The moment magnitude of 6.4 is considered as the Maximum credible earth-
quake (MCE) of the study area and used to estimate seismic hazard of Coimbatore city.
The peak ground acceleration at each grid point due to MCE at each zone has been
estimated. PGA distribution map of Coimbatore city for the eight probable earthquake
zones has been estimated and are presented below:

6.3.1 PGA from zone 1

Probable future earthquake zone (Z-1) located at 10.98°N latitude and 75.38°E longitude is to
the west of Coimbatore and it is very close to the gravity fault no. 11 as shown in Fig. 4. This
zone has experienced a past earthquake of magnitude 3.0 (Mw). The maximum PGA due to
this earthquake in Coimbatore is 0.0276 g and it is observed in the western part of Coimbatore
city. Figure 7a shows PGA distribution in Coimbatore city due to MCE of 6.4 at zone 1.

6.3.2 PGA from zone 2

Probable future earthquake zone (Z-2) located at 11.60°N 79.01°E is on the northeastern
side of Coimbatore city and is very close to a major lineament no. 2 as shown in Fig. 4.
This zone has experienced a past earthquake of magnitude 2.5 (Mw). The maximum PGA
of 0.017g was observed at northeastern part of Coimbatore due to this earthquake.
Figure 7b shows PGA distribution in Coimbatore city due to MCE of 6.4 at zone 2.

1338 Nat Hazards (2012) 60:1325–1345

Fig. 6 Probable earthquake locations with seismogenic sources mapped by Gupta (2006)

6.3.3 PGA from zone 3

Probable future earthquake zone (Z-3) located at 9.50°N 76.62°E is on the southern side of
Coimbatore and is very close to a major lineament no. 12 as shown in Fig. 4. This zone has
experienced a past earthquake of magnitude 3.7 (Mw). The maximum PGA in Coimbatore
due to this earthquake is 0.028 g in the southern part of Coimbatore city. Figure 7c shows
PGA distribution in Coimbatore city due to MCE of 6.4 at zone 3.

6.3.4 PGA from zone 4

Probable future earthquake zone (Z-4) located at 13.44°N 76.82°E is on the northern side
of Coimbatore and is very close to a major lineament no. 3 as shown in Fig. 4. This zone

Nat Hazards (2012) 60:1325–1345 1339

Fig. 7 a–h PGA map of Coimbatore city for probable earthquake locations

1340 Nat Hazards (2012) 60:1325–1345

has experienced a past earthquake of magnitude 2.1 (Mw). The maximum PGA in Coim-
batore due to this earthquake is caused in the northern part and its value is around 0.013 g.
Figure 7d shows PGA distribution in Coimbatore city due to MCE of 6.4 at zone 4.

6.3.5 PGA from zone 5

Probable future earthquake zone (Z-5) located at 11.74°N 78.27°E is on the northeastern
side of Coimbatore and it is very close to many minor lineaments, shear zones, and faults.
There were five minor earthquakes in the range of magnitude 3 in the past. The maximum
PGA in Coimbatore due to this earthquake is 0.032 g, and it was observed in the north-
eastern part of the city. Figure 7e shows PGA distribution in Coimbatore city due to MCE
of 6.4 at zone 5.

6.3.6 PGA from zone 6

Probable future earthquake zone (Z-6) located at 11.94°N 77.32°E is on the northern side
of Coimbatore and is very close to a three lineaments as shown in Fig. 4. This zone has
experienced a past earthquake of magnitude 4.7 (Mw). The maximum PGA in Coimbatore
due to this earthquake is caused in the northern part of Coimbatore and its value is around
0.056 g. Figure 7f shows PGA distribution in Coimbatore city due to MCE of 6.4 at
zone 6.

6.3.7 PGA from zone 7

Probable future earthquake zone (Z-7) located at 10.51°N 77.13°E is on the southern side
of Coimbatore and is very close to a minor lineament no. 14 as shown in Fig. 4. This zone
has experienced a past earthquake of magnitude 4.5 (Mw). The maximum PGA in Coim-
batore due to this earthquake is caused in the southern part of Coimbatore and its value is
around 0.134 g. Among all above probable future earthquakes, this one gives the maxi-
mum PGA in Coimbatore city. Figure 7g shows PGA distribution in Coimbatore city due
to MCE of 6.4 at zone 7.

6.3.8 PGA from zone 8

Probable future earthquake zone (Z-8) located at 11.00°N 78.00°E is on the eastern side of
Coimbatore and is very close to a Neotectonic Fault no.1 (known as Caveri fault) as shown
in Fig. 4. This zone has experienced a past earthquake of magnitude 4.9 (Mw). The
maximum PGA in Coimbatore due to this earthquake is caused in the eastern part of
Coimbatore and its value is around 0.056 g. Figure 7h shows PGA distribution in Coim-
batore city due to MCE of 6.4 at zone 8.

6.4 New seismic zonation map for Coimbatore city

Eight PGA distribution maps are generated considering eight possible future earthquake
zones. For microzonation and estimation of earthquake effects, one final map is warranted.
In order to develop seismic zonation map at micro level, PGA values from eight probable
zones have been compiled for each grid points and maximum PGA value has been selected
at each grid point. The maximum probable PGA map of Coimbatore is generated by

Nat Hazards (2012) 60:1325–1345 1341

Fig. 8 New seismic zonation map of Coimbatore by considering maximum Peak ground acceleration due to
eight probable future earthquake locations

considering the maximum PGA caused by different zones at every grid point. Figure 8
shows the maximum PGA due to MCE of 6.4 at eight locations identified in this study.
This map has been divided as five groups and called as a ‘‘New seismic zonation map of
Coimbatore’’ for further studies. Northwestern part of the City is relatively having a less
PGA when compared to south eastern part of the city. The city may be expected to
experience the minimum PGA of above 0.1 g at rock level due to any earthquakes around
Coimbatore in near future. In order to assess effectiveness of proposed rupture-based
seismic hazard analysis, final PGA map obtained in this study is compared with the PGA
map by deterministic seismic hazard analysis (DSHA) that is presented in the next section.

7 Deterministic seismic hazard analysis of Coimbatore

Seismic hazard analysis is usually carried out by considering possible earthquake sources
around 100–300 km radius of study area and by determining maximum credible earth-
quake for each source (Kramer 1996). Maximum credible earthquake (MCE) of each
seismic source is usually calculated based on slip rate of fault and past seismic history. In
the absence of slip rate, the maximum magnitude (MCE) can be arrived by increasing
0.3–1 unit to past reported earthquake magnitude close to source. RaghuKanth and Iyengar
(2006), Sitharam and Anbazhagan (2007), and Anbazhagan et al. (2009) have estimated
maximum magnitude of each source by adding 0.5 units to past earthquake close to the
source. Menon et al. (2010) have arrived at the maximum cutoff magnitude for each source
by considering maximum historical earthquake (MHE) close to the source zone. Maximum
cutoff magnitude of each source in this region is arrived by increasing MHE by 0.3 units.
Seismotectonic map in Fig. 2 shows that many minor to damaging earthquakes are
reported within the radius of 100 km around Coimbatore city. There were three damaging
earthquakes, i.e., Mw greater than 5.0 namely, Mw 6.3 and 5.7 at 10.80°N 76.80°E, Mw 5.7
at 11.46°N 76.7°E, and Mw 5.3 at 11°N 77°E. These three earthquakes and associated
sources have been considered for PGA estimation. MCE has been estimated by increasing
0.5 units to past earthquake similar to previous studies in the region. The PGA for every
grid point in Coimbatore is calculated for this earthquake, and the PGA map is plotted.

1342 Nat Hazards (2012) 60:1325–1345

Fig. 9 Seismic zonation map of Coimbatore based on deterministic seismic hazard analysis

Figure 9 shows PGA distribution in Coimbatore city by DSHA approach. The maximum
PGA in Coimbatore is found to be 0.44 g and is observed at southwestern part of the city.
The minimum PGA is found to be 0.29 g and is observed at Northeastern part of Coim-
batore city. By comparing Figs. 8 and 9, it can be easily observed that DSHA PGA values
and distribution pattern completely differ from those of proposed rupture based analysis.

8 Results and discussion

Expected peak ground acceleration at rock level for Coimbatore city has been mapped
based on rupture-based seismic hazard analysis (RBSHA) proposed in this study and
compared with that mapped based on ‘‘Deterministic seismic hazard analysis (DSHA).’’
PGA mapped in this study is relatively more when compared to that mapped in previous
studies and comparable with recent studies. Indian seismic code IS 1893 (BIS 2002) has
given design-based peak ground acceleration of 0.08 g for Coimbatore, which is relatively
lower than the predicted values in this study. Mapped PGA values in this study are lower
than effective peak ground acceleration of 0.16 g given in IS 1893 (BIS 2002) based on
maximum credible earthquake (MCE). Indian code has arrived at a PGA using past
earthquake intensity by considering deterministic approach. PGA values obtained in this
study are more than the PGA reported for the study area by Bhatia et al. (1997) and Ravi
Kumar and Bhatia (1999) by probabilistic approach and Parvez et al. (2003) by deter-
ministic approach. Jaiswal and Sinha (2006) mapped PGA based on probabilistic approach;
according to them, Coimbatore falls in contour interval of PGA 0.05–0.06 g. These values
are much less than the rupture-based approach followed in this study. Menon et al. (2010)
found Coimbatore PGA value of 0.086 g for 475 years return period and 0.164 g for
2475 years return period based on logic tree probabilistic approach. Maximum PGA
reported in this study is well within PGA for the return period of 2475 years and more than
475 years return period PGA. PGA obtained by carrying out conventional DSHA is much
more than previous studies and present study of RBSHA, which may be attributed due to
1900 earthquake, as this event is reported very close to Coimbatore city. Chances for

Nat Hazards (2012) 60:1325–1345 1343

similar earthquakes to occur in same fault in the near future are very less. PGA mapped for
Coimbatore in this study is slightly higher than PGA obtained for 475 year return period by
probabilistic approach. It is difficult to define exact source locations in probabilistic
approach. Source location and resulting time histories are very important to calculate
seismic hazard parameters for microzonation. In the present method, source is well known;
seismic hazard parameters of amplification and liquefaction factor can be assessed using
these sources. Here, it is noted that Venkatanathan et al. (2005) has said that there is
possibility of occurrence of earthquake similar to 1900 earthquake close to Coimbatore in
near future based on planetary configuration. Location of predicated earthquake is away
from previously reported locations, but coordinates are given in right ascension and dec-
lination and it is difficult to locate the predicated earthquake in our seismotectonic map.
Maximum PGA mapped at rock level from eight zones may represent the PGA due to this
predicated earthquake also.

9 Conclusions

Seismic hazard values of PGA are conventionally mapped considering past earthquake and
its recurrence interval. Most of the time, earthquakes may not occur in the same zone
because it needs time to store strain energy, particularly in intraplate regions. In this paper,
a new attempt has been made to locate future probable earthquake zones considering
subsurface rupture phenomena and hazard values are estimated at rock level considering
proposed approach. Coimbatore city has been selected as the study area, and it was divided
as 0.1° 9 0.1° grids to map the hazard values. Seismotectonic map for Coimbatore has
been prepared by considering past earthquakes and seismic sources. Earthquake data were
divided as damaging earthquakes (Mw of 5 and above) and minor earthquakes (less than 5).
Rupture character of the region has been established by considering damaging earthquakes
and fault lengths. Subsurface rupture length of the region is 5.2% of total length of seismic
source for damaging earthquakes. Ruptured seismic sources are delineated by drawing
influence circles considering subsurface length of the damaging earthquakes. These
locations are considered as limited probable locations for future earthquake for a period of
50–100 years, because the average return period of intraplate damaging earthquakes is
about 200–500 years. Eight probable earthquakes zones are identified for near-future
earthquakes. These eight zones identified in this study are matching with the seismogenic
sources in the region identified by other researchers and away from past major earthquakes.
Maximum credible earthquake of 6.4 (Mw) is arrived by considering 15% increased rupture
character of the region. Peak ground acceleration at rock level has been estimated con-
sidering maximum possible earthquake at focal depth of 10 km. Eight PGA maps are
generated, and final seismic hazard map of Coimbatore has been arrived considering
maximum PGA at each grid from these eight zones. PGA values arrived from new
approach are more than that of previous studies in the region and are comparable with
recent studies. PGA values arrived from new method are compared to conventional
deterministic approach. Conventional approach gives higher PGA values when compared
to proposed approach. Proposed approach may be more appropriate for future zonation and
microzonation for disaster management as the seismic zones are well defined and are not
associated with past damaging earthquake locations.

Acknowledgments First Author thanks ‘‘The Seismology Division,’’ Ministry of Earth Sciences, Gov-
ernment of India for funding the project.

1344 Nat Hazards (2012) 60:1325–1345


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