CS103 Syllabus: Date Topics Readings Assignments M January 8

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CS103 Handout #01

Winter 2018 January 8, 2018

CS103 Syllabus

Part One: Discrete Mathematics

Date Topics Readings Assignments
M January 8 Can computers solve all problems? Notes, Ch. 1
Set Theory Handouts PS0 Out
The Limits of Computing Online Guides
W January 10 How do we prove results with certainty?
Notes, Ch. 2
Direct Proofs

F January 12 How do we prove something without directly proving it?

Notes, Ch. 2 PS0 Due
Proof by Contradiction
Handouts PS1 Out
Proof by Contrapositive
M January 15
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
PS1 Checkpoint Due
No Class

W January 17 How can we formalize our reasoning?

Propositional Logic

F January 19 How can we reason about collections of objects?

PS1 Due
First-Order Logic I
PS2 Out

M January 22 How do we rigorously defne key terms?

First-Order Logic II PS2 Checkpoint Due
Online Guides

W January 24 How do we model relationships between objects?

Binary Relations Notes, Ch. 5
Equivalence Relations
F January 26 What does it mean to compare two objects?
Handouts PS2 Due
Strict Order Relations
Notes, Ch. 5 PS3 Out

M January 29 How do we model transformations and associations?

Functions Notes, Ch. 6 PS3 Checkpoint Due
Injections, Surjections, and Bijections
W January 31 How do we reason about infnity?
Notes, Ch. 6
Online Guides
F February 2 How do we model network structures?
PS3 Due
Graphs, Part I Notes, Ch. 4
PS4 Out

Date Topics Readings Assignments
M February 5 Is disorder truly possible at a large scale?
Graphs, Part II Notes, Ch. 4 PS4 Checkpoint Due
The Pigeonhole Principle
First Midterm Exam
7:00PM – 10:00PM, Location TBA
Covers topics from PS1 – PS2.
W February 7 How can we reason about sequential processes?
Mathematical Induction, Part I Notes, Ch. 3

F February 9 How does recursion relation to mathematical proof?

Notes, Ch. 3 PS4 Due
Mathematical Induction, Part II
Handouts PS5 Out

Part Two: Computability Theory

M February 12 How do we mathematically model computers?
Formal Language Theory Sipser 1.1
W February 14 What happens if computation involves choices?
DFAs II Sipser 1.2
F February 16 How can we transform machines?
PS5 Due
Equivalence of DFAs and NFAs Sipser 1.2
PS6 Out
Closure Properties of Regular Languages
M February 19
Presidents’ Day
No Class

W February 21 Can we generate new programs from old programs?

Regular Expressions Sipser 1.3
Equivalence of Regular Expressions and NFAs
F February 23 Can computers with fnite memory solve all problems?
PS6 Due
Nonregular Languages
PS7 Out
The Myhill-Nerode Theorem
M February 26 How do natural and formal languages overlap?
Context-Free Grammars Sipser 2.1
Context-Free Languages
Second Midterm Exam
7:00PM – 10:00PM, Location TBA
Covers topics from PS3 – PS5.
W February 28 How do we model realistic computers?
Turing Machines Sipser 3.1
Designing Turing Machines
F March 2 How powerful are Turing machines?
PS7 Due
The Church-Turing Thesis Sipser 3.3
PS8 Out

Date Topics Readings Assignments
M March 5 What does it mean to solve a problem with a computer?
Sipser 4.1
R and RE Languages
Sipser 6.1
The Universal Turing Machine
W March 7 What is the limit of algorithmic problem-solving?
Self-Reference Sipser 4.2
F March 9 What is the full scope of computing power?
Online PS8 Due
Guides PS9 Out
Part Three: Complexity Theory
M March 12 How do we measure the difculty of problems?
Sipser 7.2
The P versus NP Question
Sipser 7.3
NP-Completeness I
W March 14 What makes hard problems hard?
NP-Completeness II Sipser 7.4

F March 16 How does everything ft together?

PS9 Due
The Big Picture
No late submissions
Where to Go from Here
M March 19
Final Exam: 3:30PM – 6:30PM
Location TBA


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