Cymbopogon Citratus Dcstapf
Cymbopogon Citratus Dcstapf
Cymbopogon Citratus Dcstapf
Camellia sinensis
Caltha palustris Linn. (Linn.) O. Kuntze.
Family Ranunculaceae. Family Theaceae.
Habitat Western temperate Habitat Cultivated in Assam,
Himalayas from , to , m. Darjeeling, Travancore, the Nilgiris,
English American cowslip, Marsh Malabar, Bengal, Dehra Dun and
Marigold, Water Buttercup. Kumaon.
Folk Mamiri (Punjab). English Tea.
Canarium strictum Roxb. 115
ringworm and other skin diseases equal parts of leaves and seeds is
(bark may cause dermatitis); used given for jaundice. Pods are used in
for bronchitis and asthma. dysentery.
C A paste of leaves is used for treat- Along with other therapeutic appli-
ing piles. An infusion of fresh leaves, cations, The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia
with sugar, is given in jaundice. Plant of India indicated the use of the seed in
is spasmolytic. Alcoholic extract of paralysis and hemiplegia as a support-
leaves is intestinal and bronchial mus- ing drug.
cle relaxant. The leaves contain chrysophanol,
The leaves contain a flavone glyco- aloe-emodin, rhein and emodin. Ma-
side and sennoside. Root bark con- ture leaves possess purgative properties
tains anthraquinones, chrysophanol, and are sometimes utilized to adulter-
physcion and beta-sitosterol. Heart- ate the true senna; also used as an
wood gave isomeric derivatives, ,, antiperiodic and anthelmintic.
-trihydroxy--methylanthraquinone, The leaf extract exhibited antifungal
along with sopheranin, beta-sitosterol, activity against the ringworm fungus
chrysophanol, physcion, emodin, - Microsporon nanum.
octadecanol and quercetin. Seeds contain anthraquinone glyco-
sides, naptho-pyrone glycosides, cas-
siaside and rubrofusarin--beta-genti-
obioside. These constituents showed
Cassia tora Linn.
significant hepatoprotective activity.
Family Calsalpiniaceae. Thrachrysone, isolated from seeds,
Habitat Throughout India as showed stronger antioxidant activity
a weed. than tocopherol and BHA.
Chrysophanic acid--anthrone, ex-
English Sickle Senna, Ringworm tracted from the seed, was found to be
Plant. active against ringworm fungi.
Ayurvedic Chakramarda, Chakri,
Dosage Seed—– g powder. (API
Prapunnaada, Dadrughna, Me-
Vol. III.)
shalochana, Padmaata, Edagaja.
Unani Penwaad Taarutaa.
Siddha/Tamil Ushittgarai. Cassytha filiformis Linn.
Folk Chakavad, Daadamaari. Family Lauraceae
Action Leaves—taken internally Habitat Throughout the greater
to prevent skin diseases; applied parts of India.
against eczema and ringworm;
pounded and applied on cuts, act English Doddar-Laurel, Love-Vine.
like tincture of iodine. Seeds, Ayurvedic Amarvalli, Aakaashbel.
soaked in water, are taken for (Cuscuta reflexa is also known as
spermatorrhoea. A paste made of Amarvalli.)
Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don. 131
with pentobarbital. The seed extract Tender leaves are rich in potassium
showed hypolipidaemic effect and pre- and in B and B. An alcoholic extract
vented atherogenesis in rabbits. of the leaves and its flavonoids showed
The seed oil showed tranquilliz-
ing effect and hastened the process
antibacterial activity, which was com-
parable to ampicillin and streptomycin.
of learning in experimental animals. The seeds contain .–% of pro-
It produced fall in blood pressure in tein and .–.% of a fatty oil. The
anaesthetized dog, depressed the heart seeds and roots yield triterpenoid sapo-
of frog, and was found to be toxic to nins. An alcoholic extract of the seeds
rats. possess significant diuretic activity.
In addition to the seed, % alco-
holic extract of the plant showed seda-
tive, anti-inflammatory and antipyret- Celosia cristata Linn.
ic, anti-ulcerogenic effect in experi-
mental animals. Family Amaranthaceae.
Methanolic extract of flowers Habitat Indian gardens, as
showed both analgesic and anti- ornamental.
inflammatory activities experimental-
English Cock’s Comb.
Ayurvedic Jataadhaari.
Dosage Ripe seed, devoid of Folk Laal Murgaa.
capsule wall—– g; oil—–
drops. (API Vol. II.) Action Seeds—demulcent; used
for painful micturition, dysentery.
Flowers—used in menorrhagia and
Celosia argentea Linn.
The plant contains betanin, and sev-
Family Amaranthaceae. eral sterols. The inflorescence contain
amarantin, isoamarantin, celosianin
Habitat A common weed, and isocelosianin. The seeds contain
occurring throughout India. .–.% of protein and yield .–
English Wild Cock’s Comb. .% of a fatty oil.
Choline esters of hyaluronic acid
Ayurvedic Shitivaaraka, Vitunna. from the plant, when fed to rats,
Siddha/Tamil Pannaikeerai. showed antiulcer and gastro-protective
Folk Shveta-murga, Sarvari,
Sarvali, Surali.
Action Flowers—used in menor- Centaurea behen Linn.
rhagia, blood-dysentery. Seeds—
antidiarrhoeal, also used in stom- Family Compositae; Asteraceae.
atitis. Whole plant—antibacterial, Habitat Indigenous to Iran.
antiscorbutic and cooling. Imported into India.
136 Centella asiatica (Linn.) Urban.
For drug interactions with grape- anticonvulsant agent has been found
fruit juice, see Natural Medicines Com- to be heliettin, extracted from the stem
prehensive Database, . bark and roots.
Grapefruit is not to be confused with
grape (Vitis vinifera).
Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul.
Family Hypocreaceae.
Clausena pentaphylla Habitat A fungous parasite on
(Roxb.) DC. a number of grasses particularly in
Family Rutaceae. rye, cultivated in the Nilgiris and at
Chakrohi farm in Jammu.
Habitat The sub-Himalayan tract
from Garhwal to Sikkim; also in English Ergot of Rye. Fungus of
Chakrata range. Rye.
Folk Ratanjot (var.), Rowana. Ayurvedic Annamaya, Sraavikaa.
Surasi is a doubtful synonym. Unani Argot.
Clerodendrum phlomidis
Linn.f. Clerodendrum serratum
(Linn.) Moon.
Synonym C. multiflorum (Burm. f.)
O. Kuntze. Family Verbenaceae.
Clitoria ternatea Linn. 161
Seeds gave cinnamic acid, flavonol gly- The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of In-
coside. Leaves contain glycosides of dia recommends the whole plant for
kaempferol. oedema, anaemia, disorders due to vi-
C In South India, the seeds and roots
constitute the drug Shankhapushpi,
tiated blood, cough and dyspnoea.
The fruit yielded beta-amyrin and its
used as a nervine tonic. In other re- acetate, lupeol and cucurbitacin B.
gions, Canscora decussata, Convolvu-
Dosage Whole plant—– g
lus pluricaulis, Evolvulus alsinoides and
Lavendula bipinnata are used as Shan- powder; – ml juice. (API Vol.
khapushpi. III.)
and South India) is known as Parwati and lower Gangetic valleys), is used
(Gujarat, Sindh) and Ullar-billar (Pun- for fevers.
Ethanolic extract of the leaves and
stem showed anticancer and hypoten-
Cochlospermum gossypium
sive activities associated with the al- DC.
kaloidal fraction which contains bis-
benzylisoquinoline alkaloids (includ- Synonym C. religiosum (Linn.)
ing pendulin and cocsulin). Presence Alston.
of quercitol is reported from non-
Family Cochlospermaceae.
alkaloidal fraction.
Habitat Andhra Pradesh, Karnata-
Dosage Root—– ml decoc- ka, Tamil Nadu, Madhya Pradesh
tion. (CCRAS.) and Bihar; cultivated at Agartala in
English Golden Silk tree, White
Cochlearia armoracia Linn. Silk Cotton tree.
Synonym Armoracia rusticana Unani Samagh, Kateeraa (substitute
Gilib. for gum tragacanth).
Family Cruciferae, Brassicaceae. Siddha/Tamil Kongilam (flower
juice), Tanaku.
Habitat Eastern Europe; cultivated
in Britain and the USA. Grown to Action Gum—cooling, sedative,
a small extent in North India and bechic, useful in coughs, hoarse
hill stations of South India. throat, diarrhoea, dysentery,
scalding urine. Dried leaves and
English Horseradish.
Action Root—used for catarrhs of
the respiratory tract. Antimicrobial The leaves contain terpenoids, sapo-
and hyperemic. nins and tannins. Flowers contain
naringenin and beta-sitosteryl-gluco-
The root contains glucosinolates, side (.%). The gum, after hydrolysis,
mainly sinigrin, which releases allyl- furnished a mixture of acidic oligosac-
isothiocyanate on contact with the en- charides.
zyme myrosin during crushing and
-phenylethylglucosinolate. Crushed
horseradish has an inhibitory effect on
Cocos nucifera Linn.
the growth of micro-organisms.
Fresh root contains vitamin C on an Family Palmae; Arecaceae.
average mg% of ascorbic acid.
Habitat Cultivated chiefly in
A related species, C. cochlearioides
(Roth) Sant & Mahesh, synonym C. Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Karnataka.
flava Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb. (upper English Coconut Palm.
164 Coffea arabica Linn.
matory and plasma-cholesterol lower- coside and corchoroside A and two po-
ing activities. lar glycosides, erysimoside and olitori-
The alcoholic extract of the entire side. Leaves contain beta-sitosterol-
C plant was found to have anticancer ac-
tivity against epidermal carcinoma of
glucoside. Corchoroside A exhibited
cardiotonic properties.
nasopharynx in tissue culture. Alco- The aqueous/alcoholic extracts,
holic extract and glycosides of seeds containing polysaccharides, may be
exhibit cardiotonic activity. Digitox- used in preparations of skin cosmetics
ose containing glycosides are reported or hair preparations for their moistur-
to be present in Corchorus sp. izing effect.
C. olitorius Linn. is known as Jew’s
Mallow (Pattaa Shaaka or Patuaa Shaa-
Corchorosid A, reported from the Corchorus fascicularis Lam.
plant, improved cardiac competence
Family Tiliaceae.
The leaf extracts may be used as Habitat Throughout warmer parts
moisturizers in skin cosmetics. The of India.
extracts consist of uronic acid contain- Ayurvedic Chanchuka, Chanchu.
ing muco-polysaccharide, Ca, K and
P, among others, which act as effective Folk Chanchu shaaka, Baaphali.
moisturizers. Action Astringent, spasmolytic,
restorative, mucilaginous.
Family Zingiberaceae.
Habitat Assam, North Bengal, Crataegus crenulata Roxb.
Khasi and Jaintia Hills, sub
Himalayan tracts of Uttar Pradesh Family Rosaceae.
and Himachal Pradesh and Western Habitat The Himalayas from
Ghats. Sutluj to Bhutan at altitudes of –
English Canereed, Wild Ginger. , m.
Ayurvedic Kebuka, Kembuka. Folk Ghingaaru.
Siddha/Tamil Krrauvam, Malai Action See Cratageus oxyacantha.
Vasambu, Ven Kottam.
Folk Kebu.
Action Astringent, purgative, Crataegeus oxyacantha Linn.
depurative, anti-inflammatory
Family Rosaceae.
(used in gout, rheumatism; bron-
chitis, asthma, catarrhal fevers, Habitat British and European
dysuria), anthelmintic, antivermin, hedge plant, met with in the
maggoticide, antifungal. temperate Himalayas of Kashmir
and Himachal Pradesh at an altitude
The rhizomes contain saponins— of ,–, m. (The plant does
dioscin, gracillin and beta-sitosterol- not thrive in the plains of India.)
beta-D-glucoside. The alkaloids show
English English Hawthorn.
papaverine-like smooth-muscle-re-
laxant activity, cardiotonic activity like Folk Ring, Ringo, Pingyat, Phindak,
that of digitalis and antispasmodic, Ban Sanjli (Punjab hills).
Cressa cretica Linn. 177
Curcumenol and curdione are Used in urinary, spleen and liver dis-
shown to possess tumour-inhibiting orders.
property. The rhizome is used in China
for extradural haematomas and certain
types of tumours. It has been reported
Cuscuta reflexa Roxb.
in China that zedoary reduced cervi-
cal cancer and increased the effects of Family Convolvulaceae.
chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
The volatile oil of zedoary exhibits Habitat A parasitic climber
antimicrobial and antifungal activity. common throughout India up to
The antifungal constituent of the oil has , m.
been reported as methyl-p-methoxy- English Doddar.
Ayurvedic Amarvalli.
Dosage Dried rhizome—– g
Unani Kasoos.
powder. (API Vol. IV.)
Action See C. epithymum.
period of decreased vascular tension large doses, it is highly toxic and im-
(contradictory observations have been pairs the activity of respiratory organs.
recorded). Some researchers are of the C. monopessulanus (a related spe-
opinion that sparteine is a regulator
in chronic vulvar disease. It showed
cies) contains. % alkaloids.
Sparteine is toxic at more than
no cumulative action like digitalis. In mg dose. (Francis Brinker.)