ARIS Client Installation Guide

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This document applies to ARIS Version 10.0 and to all subsequent releases.
Specifications contained herein are subject to change and these changes will be reported in
subsequent release notes or new editions.
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Reston, VA, USA, and/or its subsidiaries and/or its affiliates and/or their licensors.
The name Software AG and all Software AG product names are either trademarks or
registered trademarks of Software AG and/or Software AG USA Inc. and/or its subsidiaries
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herein may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Detailed information on trademarks and patents owned by Software AG and/or its
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Use of this software is subject to adherence to Software AG's licensing conditions and terms.
These terms are part of the product documentation, located at and/or in the root installation directory of the licensed
This software may include portions of third-party products. For third-party copyright notices,
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Conditions for Use of Software AG Products / Copyright and Trademark Notices of Software
AG Products". These documents are part of the product documentation, located at and/or in the root installation directory of the licensed

1 When do you need an ARIS Client installation? ............................................................................... 1

2 Start Download Client ........................................................................................................................... 2

3 Installation ............................................................................................................................................... 3
3.1 Notes on data security observance ...................................................................................... 3
3.2 Installing ARIS documents...................................................................................................... 4
3.3 Installing ARIS Architect/Designer ....................................................................................... 5
3.4 Installing ARIS UML Designer ................................................................................................. 6
3.5 Installing ARIS PPM Analysis GUI .......................................................................................... 7
3.6 Silent installation - Installation via software distribution ............................................... 9
3.6.1 Installation via software distribution ......................................................................... 9
3.6.2 Deinstallation via software distribution .................................................................. 10
3.7 Installing ARIS Administrator Tools ..................................................................................... 11
3.8 Java Runtime Environment .................................................................................................. 12
3.9 SAP JCo 3.0.x (ARIS for SAP Solutions) ............................................................................ 13
3.10 Update installation ................................................................................................................. 14

4 Known restrictions .............................................................................................................................. 15

4.1 Calendar .................................................................................................................................... 15
4.2 Reports in PDF format ........................................................................................................... 16
4.3 Software AG Designer............................................................................................................ 16
4.4 Characters ................................................................................................................................ 16

5 Legal information................................................................................................................................. 18
5.1 Documentation scope............................................................................................................ 18
5.2 Support ..................................................................................................................................... 19


1 When do you need an ARIS Client installation?

You can start an ARIS Client as a Download Client (page 2). ARIS Download Clients are
available when an ARIS Server has been installed. In this case, you do not need to install an
ARIS Client. When using a Download Client (page 2), only some user-specific files, but no
program files, are stored on the local computer and it is ensured that you always use the
latest ARIS version.
You need to install ARIS Client (page 3) locally only if you want to use a single-user scenario.
From ARIS on the LOCAL database system is no longer delivered.


2 Start Download Client

You can start an ARIS Client as Download Client.

 A Java Runtime Environment (page 12) is installed on each computer from which ARIS
Download Client will be started.
 Users need ARIS Architect or ARIS Designer license privileges.
 Users need function and access privileges according to their user roles. These privileges
are managed within the ARIS Administration as well as in ARIS Architect.
 If Java applets are not supported, the file extension .JAR must be assigned to the JRE on
the user’s computer.

1. Open your browser and enter the link provided by your administrator:
Syntax: http://<IP address or fully-qualified host name>:<load balancer
port>/#<tenant name>/home
You must enter the port number only if the standard port 80 has been changed or
redirected. The login dialog opens. Log in.
2. Click your user name (top right).
3. Click Download Clients.
4. Click the Start button beside the ARIS Download Client with which you want to work. If
the Java applet is used, ARIS Download Client starts immediately. Otherwise, an ARIS
downloader JAR file is used.
5. Save the ARIS downloader JAR file locally. The name of that file is a combination of the
ARIS Download Client product name and the server name. Therefore, for different
download clients different JAR files will be downloaded.
6. Double-click the JAR file. The ARIS downloader starts. A progress dialog monitors the
initial download. The ARIS downloader checks whether the ARIS Download Client already
exists and still matches the client available on this server. If needed, it downloads a new
version of the ARIS Download Client. The Run ARIS dialog opens.
7. Enter your user name and your password.
8. Click OK.
The ARIS Client is opened.


3 Installation
This chapter describes the installation of the ARIS Client software (rich client) on Microsoft®
Windows operating systems. It provides the entire functionality for defining methods and
filters, creating scripts and font formats, etc. Installing the ARIS Client means that you install
all program files locally on your computer.
ARIS Symbol Editor is always automatically installed.
Each installation is explained step-by-step. It is assumed that you perform the installations
for the first time using the Setup.exe installation program. The client installation program
for Microsoft® Windows is located on your installation media ARIS_DVD1-<version
number>\Windows setups\ARIS_Client. The term installation media refers to a DVD or an
installation package you downloaded.
If system files are changed during installation, you are prompted to reboot your computer
after installation.
Please consider the legal notices (
For information about hardware and software requirements please refer to the document
ARIS System Requirements on your installation media DVD 3, or download
( it.

3.1 Notes on data security observance

In order for communication between ARIS Server and ARIS Clients to proceed safely and
reliably, protect your system from unauthorized access with a firewall. Please ensure that
ARIS is integrated correctly in your IT environment.
ARIS requires a functioning TCP/IP connection with a correct Domain Name Service (DNS)
name resolution. Should connection problems occur, please contact your administrator.


3.2 Installing ARIS documents

The technical ARIS documents are installed with any product you install.

Proceed as described for the initial installation (page 3).
The installation program copies the technical documents to your installation folder. You find
the documents in <installation folder>\client\doc\en\documents, for example, in

The ARIS Guidelines for the Usage of Technical Documents.pdf contains a description on
how to work with the technical documents and explains the folder structure. The technical
manuals supplied with ARIS are provided in a folder structure that reflects typical deployment
scenarios. Every folder contains a folder description with sufficient information about the
described area.


3.3 Installing ARIS Architect/Designer

This chapter describes the installation of ARIS Architect/Designer on Microsoft® Windows
operating systems. Depending on your license, either ARIS Architect or ARIS Designer opens
when you start the program.
If additional languages are installed, the documents and help files for those languages are
automatically installed.

1. Ensure that the system requirements of all products and functions are met.
2. Insert the ARIS installation media into your drive or download the installation program.
3. Double-click the installation program setup.exe.
4. Click Next.
5. Enable I accept the conditions of this license agreement if you have read and accept
the license agreements.
6. Click Next.
7. Select the installation directory.
To install the products in a directory different from the one suggested, click Change.
Enter the relevant path in the Path box or navigate to the relevant directory in the
Directories box, and then click OK.
8. Click Next.
You are provided with all of the products for installation.
9. Select ARIS Architect/Designer.
10. Click Next.
11. Click Install.
The installation process runs and you will receive a message as soon as it is completed.
12. Click Finish.
The installation is complete, and the installation program closes.


3.4 Installing ARIS UML Designer

This chapter describes the installation of ARIS UML Designer on Microsoft® Windows
operating systems.
If additional languages are installed, the documents and help files for those languages are
automatically installed.

1. Ensure that the system requirements of all products and functions are met.
2. Insert the ARIS installation media into your drive or download the installation program.
3. Double-click the installation program setup.exe.
4. Click Next.
5. Enable I accept the conditions of this license agreement if you have read and accept
the license agreements.
6. Click Next.
7. Select the installation directory.
To install the products in a directory different from the one suggested, click Change.
Enter the relevant path in the Path box or navigate to the relevant directory in the
Directories box, and then click OK.
8. Click Next.
You are provided with all of the products for installation.
9. Select ARIS UML Designer.
10. Click Next.
11. Click Install.
The installation process runs and you will receive a message as soon as it is completed.
12. Click Finish.
The installation is complete, and the installation program closes.


3.5 Installing ARIS PPM Analysis GUI

This chapter describes the installation of ARIS PPM Analysis GUI Microsoft® Windows
operating systems. This installation option is only available for 64 bit operating systems.
You can install the application ARIS PPM Analysis GUI independently of PPM Server. ARIS PPM
Analysis GUI enables remote access to a PPM system without browser, similarly to the access
via a browser applet. You can call the PPM interface instead of the applet from a client
PPM must be installed if you want to use ARIS PPM Analysis GUI. By default, ARIS PPM
Analysis GUI uses the URL of the PPM Web system installed on the local host. If you want to
use another PPM installation, you must specify the corresponding server URL of a PPM Web
server to be accessed by PPM Analysis GUI. The PPM Web server is part of the PPM
ARIS PPM Analysis GUI is available for Windows operation systems and can be installed by
using the ARIS Client Setup program.
For further details on how to install PPM, please refer to the ARIS Process Performance
Manager Installation manual.

1. Ensure that the system requirements of all products and functions are met.
2. Insert the ARIS installation media into your drive or download the installation program.
3. Double-click the installation program setup.exe.
4. Click Next.
5. Enable I accept the conditions of this license agreement if you have read and accept
the license agreements.
6. Click Next.
7. Select the installation directory.
To install the products in a directory different from the one suggested, click Change.
Enter the relevant path in the Path box or navigate to the relevant directory in the
Directories box, and then click OK.
8. Click Next.
You are provided with all of the products for installation.
9. Select ARIS PPM Analysis GUI.
10. Click Next.


11. You can specify a Web server URL. By default, the Web server URL of the local host is
a. Enable the Use ARIS Process Performance Manager URL to change the server URL
to be used.
b. Enter the required PPM Web server URL in the Server URL box in the following form.
http(s)://<computer name>:<port>/ppm
12. Click Next.
13. Click Install.
The installation process runs and you will receive a message as soon as it is completed.
14. Click Finish.
The installation is complete, and the installation program closes.


3.6 Silent installation - Installation via software

You can install the ARIS Clients via software distribution (page 9) in your company, so that
user interaction on the client computer is not required.

3.6.1 Installation via software distribution

You can install the ARIS Clients via software distribution in your company.

The file must not contain any relative paths.

1. Copy the directory ARIS_Client from your installation media to your hard drive. You will
find it on the installation media under Setup/Windows.
2. To install ARIS Clients or ARIS PPM Analysis GUI, open the file and
adjust the settings as required. Follow the instructions in this file.
3. Open a command line and run the setup using the silent parameter.
Example: setup.exe -s silent
The setup is started and the products entered are installed in the target directory specified in
the file


3.6.2 Deinstallation via software distribution

The procedure for uninstalling ARIS Clients by software distribution is as follows.

The file must not contain any relative paths.

1. Copy the directory ARIS_Client from your installation media to your hard drive if it does
not exist already, for example, due to an installation by software distribution (page 9). You
will find it on the installation media under Setup/Windows.
2. Adjust the file and adjust the settings as required. Follow the
instructions in this file.
3. Open a command line and run the setup using the silent and removeonly parameters.
Example: setup.exe -s silent -removeonly
The setup is started and the products entered are uninstalled in the target directory specified
in the file The installation directory is retained and the subdirectory
Backup is created in it to save the configuration.


3.7 Installing ARIS Administrator Tools

This chapter describes the installation of ARIS Administrator Tools on Windows operating
systems. During this installation, ARIS Server Administrator and ARIS Script Runner are
You can start ARIS Server Administrator from any client computer and access the tenants
and databases on the server.
Use the console application ARIS Server Administrator to back up or restore a tenant
configuration or to manage the ARIS databases of a tenant, for example. The individual
commands are transferred as command line parameters. The program provides information
on the success and effect of each command executed.
You can use the console application ARIS Script Runner to start reports outside ARIS from a
server on which an ARIS Client is installed. You cannot automatically start interactive reports,
that is, reports that call dialogs and expect entries to be made during execution.

1. Ensure that the system requirements of all products and functions are met.
2. Insert the ARIS installation media into your drive or download the installation program.
3. Double-click the installation program setup.exe.
4. Click Next.
5. Enable I accept the conditions of this license agreement if you have read and accept
the license agreements.
6. Click Next.
7. Select the installation directory.
To install the products in a directory different from the one suggested, click Change.
Enter the relevant path in the Path box or navigate to the relevant directory in the
Directories box, and then click OK.
8. Click Next.
You are provided with all of the products for installation.
9. Select ARIS Administrator Tools.
10. Click Next.
11. Click Install.
The installation process runs and you will receive a message as soon as it is completed.
12. Click Finish.
The installation is complete, and the installation program closes.


3.8 Java Runtime Environment

You need to install a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) on each computer from which you
want to use ARIS as a download client.
JRE is also required for certain ARIS Publisher export types.
If you are using software systems that install a separate JRE, please make sure that in the
environment variables, the path for the JRE is specified before the paths relating to the
software systems with separate JRE. Otherwise, Java-based ARIS products may not run via a


If your ARIS Server uses a self-signed JAVA certificate, you must import it into the ARIS Client
JRE after the first installation and after an update installation. Please contact your


3.9 SAP JCo 3.0.x (ARIS for SAP Solutions)

ARIS and SAP Solution Manager 7.2 communicate via HTTP access. Therefore, the
requirements must be met in the SAP system. In general, the system no longer requires
transport requests. SAP® JCo is only required for ARIS Architect or ARIS Designer if you want
to run executables.
The transport request for synchronization and sapjco3.jar on the server side are needed only
for data migration. For details, see Migrating SAP projects to SAP® Solution Manager 7.2
solutions on DVD 3, ARIS Download Center ( or Empower
If you use SAP Solution Manager 7.1 and the SAP® synchronization or Test Designer, you
must provide SAP® JCo containing sapjco3.jar and sapjco3.dll in order to allow the program
to connect to the SAP® systems and provide all functions. For licensing reasons, files of SAP®
JCo may not be automatically installed during installation. Transport requests are required for
SAP Solution Manager 7.1. For further information please refer to the following chapters of the
ARIS for SAP Solutions (../../documents/4 Administration/41 Basic (Single node)/ARIS
for SAP Solutions.pdf) document (see installation media, or download
( it):
 Provide SAP® JCo for ARIS Download Client
 Provide SAP® JCo for locally installed clients


3.10 Update installation

You can update installed ARIS Clients.
ARIS Optimizer and ARIS Smart Input for Optimizer are no longer supported. If you have
installed ARIS Optimizer and ARIS Smart Input for Optimizer, both products are removed after

Proceed as described for the initial installation (page 3).
The installation program checks whether the client version to be installed is higher. In this
case, the installation process can be started. The client is updated.
Otherwise, a warning will be displayed indicating that you are about to install an older version.
If you proceed, the ARIS Client is uninstalled. Once uninstall is complete, you can even install
(page 3) an older version, if required.


4 Known restrictions
Knowing how the system is going to be used is essential to determining an optimal technical
For specific cases, please contact Software AG (
Versions more recent than those listed in the hardware and software requirements have not
been tested or approved for use.
Despite the approval of our software for operation with the listed operating system versions
and other software and hardware requirements, we cannot exclude the possibility of
problems arising from unpredictable incompatibility issues with certain hardware/software
This applies, for example, to the use of certain printers/printer drivers or graphic
cards/graphic card drivers under certain operating system versions. In some cases, problems
may occur when you display graphics in ARIS or create reports, or they may occur in ARIS
Publisher exports.
When you combine various technologies, please observe the manufacturers' instructions,
particularly announcements concerning releases on their Internet pages. We cannot
guarantee proper functioning and installation of approved third-party systems and do not
support them. Always follow the instructions provided in the installation manuals of the
relevant manufacturers. If you experience difficulties, please contact the relevant
If you need help installing third-party systems, contact your local Software AG sales
organization. Please note that this type of manufacturer-specific or customer-specific
customization is not covered by the standard Software AG software maintenance agreement
and can be performed only on special request and agreement.

4.1 Calendar
ARIS supports the Gregorian calendar. Other calendars, such as the Islamic and traditional
Japanese calendar, are not supported.


4.2 Reports in PDF format

If you select PDF as the output format and create the report script in design view, only the
character sets of the computer on which the ARIS server is installed are used
(C:\\Windows\Fonts). If you have formatted a text with the Algerian character set, for
example, and this is not available in the specified directory, the default character set is used
to output this text.
Additional character sets that you install in C:\Windows\Fonts are automatically considered.

4.3 Software AG Designer

If you open models in Software AG Designer that were published using ARIS Publisher, they
may not be displayed correctly. Display problems may occur if, for example, you are using a
browser in Software AG Designer that has not been approved for ARIS Publisher or if ARIS
Publisher has been customized.



5 Legal information

5.1 Documentation scope

The information provided describes the settings and features as they were at the time of
publishing. Since documentation and software are subject to different production cycles, the
description of settings and features may differ from actual settings and features. Information
about discrepancies is provided in the Release Notes that accompany the product. Please
read the Release Notes and take the information into account when installing, setting up, and
using the product.
If you want to install technical and/or business system functions without using the
consulting services provided by Software AG, you require extensive knowledge of the system
to be installed, its intended purpose, the target systems, and their various dependencies. Due
to the number of platforms and interdependent hardware and software configurations, we
can describe only specific installations. It is not possible to document all settings and
When you combine various technologies, please observe the manufacturers' instructions,
particularly announcements concerning releases on their Internet pages. We cannot
guarantee proper functioning and installation of approved third-party systems and do not
support them. Always follow the instructions provided in the installation manuals of the
relevant manufacturers. If you experience difficulties, please contact the relevant
If you need help installing third-party systems, contact your local Software AG sales
organization. Please note that this type of manufacturer-specific or customer-specific
customization is not covered by the standard Software AG software maintenance agreement
and can be performed only on special request and agreement.


5.2 Support
If you have any questions on specific installations that you cannot perform yourself, contact
your local Software AG sales organization
( To get
detailed information and support, use our websites.
If you have a valid support contract, you can contact Global Support ARIS at: +800
ARISHELP. If this number is not supported by your telephone provider, please refer to our
Global Support Contact Directory.

Find information, expert articles, issue resolution, videos, and communication with other ARIS
users. If you do not yet have an account, register at ARIS Community.


You can find documentation on the Software AG Documentation website
( The site requires credentials for Software AG's Product
Support site Empower. If you do not yet have an account for Empower, send an e-mail to
[email protected] with your name, company, and company e-mail address and
request an account.
If you have no account, you can use numerous links on the TECHcommunity website. For any
questions, you can find a local or toll-free number for your country in our Global Support
Contact Directory and give us a call.

On the TECHcommunity website, you can find documentation and other technical
 Use the online discussion forums, moderated by Software AG professionals, to ask
questions, discuss best practices, and learn how other customers are using Software AG
 Access articles, code samples, demos, and tutorials.
 Find links to external websites that discuss open standards and web technology.
 Access product documentation, if you have TECHcommunity credentials. If you do not,
you will need to register and specify Documentation as an area of interest.



If you have an account for Empower, use the following sites to find detailed information or
get support:
 You can find product information on the Software AG Empower Product Support website.
 To get information about fixes and to read early warnings, technical papers, and
knowledge base articles, go to the Knowledge Center.
 Once you have an account, you can open Support Incidents online via the eService
section of Empower.
 To submit feature/enhancement requests, get information about product availability, and
download products, go to Products.


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