Micro - Lokdecoder DCX76z: Manual
Micro - Lokdecoder DCX76z: Manual
Micro - Lokdecoder DCX76z: Manual
Micro - Lokdecoder DCX76z • Automatic clutch, clutch control, time control for digital clutches
• All function outputs in groups of several fully dimmable, dimming frequency 1.2 kHz
• Reliable overload protection for motor and function outputs
• Fully programmable with Roco Lokmaus 2, and values and CVs over 99
• Fully compatible with the NMRA DCC data format
• Full "function mapping" NMRA arrangement, ie free arrangement of the outputs
• Full "CT function mapping"
• full address range 1-10240
Grillparzergasse 5 # Stecker #
If we require DCC with 28 steps, then the engine speed levels in the 1 - 14 per speed step just a little faster, while driving from level 15, the speed increases then Bit 5: Address range selection: 0 = addr 1-127 from CV1 1 = 128-10240 from CV17 +18
more pro gear. The engine can thus be controlled to drive gear 14 and softer. This is especially useful for shunting and for smooth starting. This determines whether 127 addresses or more addresses, the so-called long addresses will work.
6 0 0-
Applies to these 3 CV settings should be noted that between the respective CVs setting values at least 14 or more. The decoder can not otherwise assign each 255
Bit 6: not used
range on the controller has its own speed value. Bit 7: not used
Example: CV 2 = 2 CV 6 = 60CV 5 = 51
Error Analysis: These values can only be read out and give information about
The top speed is chosen to be very low. However, causes the value of CV 5 = 51, the top speed CV 2 = 2 reached the value 51 in gear 15. The result is that you 1 = Motor why a decoder turns off during operation, the outputs.
30 0 0-3
can adjust it while driving levels, but the CV 6 = 37 Decoder to increase the speed of the locomotive any longer. The settings are therefore modify: CV 5 = 51 2 = light
3 = light engine and have a short circuit
Further be noted that CV always gets 2 the lower and higher values assigned to the CV 5.
Version number: The stored software version from the manufacturer, can only be read and used for information purposes. Above a certain the version (version
7 27 are all made by CT decoder electronics upgradeable) decoders are updatable. The can has the advantage of later detected errors are corrected in the - Variable Function mapping "function mapping" NMRA arrangement for CV 33 - CV 46, and "CT-function mapping" CV 163 - CV 176
It is the most complex way to assign specific keys on certain outputs. How can all only 7 bits are written to a CV, which implemented the maximum resulting
8 Manufacturer ID: can be read only. Value = 117 means that electronics manufacturers CT 117 117 decimal value of 255. About a CV that is more than eight outputs (bit 0 to bit 7 are 8 ways namely) are assigned to a function key. Because this is not very
Motor control Period: This determines the frequency at which the motor is driven. For difficult cases, the low-frequency control is recommended with adjustable functional running tracks is enough to have the CV 163 - CV 176, the expanded possibilities of mapping. On the other hand, an output a plurality of function keys
30-150 Hz. Normally, one uses the high-frequency control at 16 kHz. This setting is programmed at the factory and also ideal for coreless motors, eg The 13 - are assigned. Example:
company Faulhaber and Maxon. For special cases there is the possibility of control at 32 kHz. This is set with bit 7 in CV 137th 63
134 A1, A3 and A7 are to be switched from f1 together.
9 Value 13-63 adjustable from 30 - 150 Hz, the frequency is calculated as f = 1953 / Value CV9 134- The values according to the table amount to 64, 4, 1 and 69 result The value 69 is entered in CV 35 For details on Shunting
Value of 134-191 is 16 kHz and the frequency EMF measurement 191 33-46
163-176 Now, in addition to the output A14 and A16 to be off by pressing f1, see CV 116 --- 0 - 255
The exact formula for the continuous low-frequency control is: 1953/CV9 So then switched from f1 total of 5 outputs simultaneously.
Analog mode: bits 0-7 defines the output A1 - A8 set that should be turned on when the decoder is direct The values according to the table are 32, 128 and 160 result The value 160 is entered in CV 165
current (DC). Behind this CV are 8 different bits. Bits are binary only, i.e. shown with value 0 or 1. We program
In this decoder, as with most other decoders only 4 physical outputs. Accordingly, the assignment, the computational work and programming very easy. Really
the CVs of the decoder to the decimal system. Da Therefore, always a conversion takes place according to the
interesting, the table is very functional with models who have to have an additional function decoder. Its outputs can seamlessly attach to the first 4 outputs in the
scheme. Each binary bit is a decimal value assigned. One has for each bit of the possibility the decimal value Bit value calculation for CV 13:
programming logic, and thus assign differentiated.
zero or the assigned To take a decimal number. A value of zero represents off, the decimal value means ON.
Bit 0: value 0 = off or 1 = on
The settings made here work in both directions. I.e. A7 is programmed to f4 (CV39 = 8) and then the A7 is turned on when the button is on f4 manual control set
Bit 0 turns the output A1, which is the light front Bit 1: value 0 = off or 2 = on
to "on". The A7 will light output in both directions. If so desired, needs no further adjustments are required. If this output but only light in a certain direction, it is in
Bit 1 switches the output A2, which is the light behind Bit 2: value 0 = off or 4 = on
CVs 154 - 161
Bit 2 sets the output A3. Bit 3: value 0 = off or 8 = on
13 Bit 3 sets the output A4. Bit 4: value 0 = off or 16 = on 0 0-
Bit 4 sets the output A5. Bit 5: value 0 = off or 32 = on
255 A5
Bit 5 sets the output A6. Bit 6: value 0 = off or 64 = on
Output A22 A21 A20 A19 A18 A17 A16 A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 Shunting A4 A3 A2 A1
CV Key Functions Lih Liv
Bit 6 sets the output A7. Bit 7: value 0 = off or 128 = on 33 f0 In front 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 1 0 – 255
Bit 7 sets the output A8. 163 f0 In front 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0 – 255
Total max. Value = 255 34 f0 behind 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 2 0 – 255
Example: In the analog driving mode to the outputs A1, A4 and A6 to be turned on. It must 164 f0 behind 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0 – 255
decimal numbers 1, 8, 64 are added together from the adjacent table. The result is 73 35 f1 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 4 0 – 255
Programmed to the value 73 in CV 13, then the above three analog outputs 165 f1 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0 – 255
Driving, always on, all other outputs are always off. 36 f2 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 8 0 – 255
17 Extended address: address decoder is used as if it is set in CV 29, bit 5 = 1. The CV 1 is then switched off. 166 f2 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0 – 255
0 128 – Shunting 16 0 – 255
+ CV29 = actual value of x plus 32 program, if address 128 and used it. 37 f3 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
10240 functions
18 The decoder and the center have the same mode (mode for long addresses) work.
Composite address: multi-unit address different from CV1
167 f3 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0 – 255
39 f4 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 4 0 – 255
Normally, the central one mode of operation, the "composite mode" or "double header" or "multiple unit" means. This mode gives you the address of the 168 f4 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0 – 255
locomotives that you want to share control of a manual control in front of a train. E.G. the E10 with the address 10 and the E40 with the address 40 will pull 40 f5 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 8 0 – 255
together a long train. At the center you are under the double header 10 and the address 40, an address, so then do you control these two different engines on a 169 f5 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0 – 255
common speed controllers. 41 f6 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 16 0 – 255
170 f6 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0 – 255
Is not this a central potential, one uses the 19th CV It's a free unused address here that are different from all addresses in CV1, CV17 and CV18 must also be 42 f7 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 32 0 – 255
used in any other decoder, for example the address of the 88th This address is now stored in the E10 and E40 in the 19th in their CV If you now with a manual 171 f7 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0 – 255
19 control, the address 88, then one speaks exactly these two locomotives at the same time, we can go in a double header, without having to have a special 0 1–
43 f8 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 64 0 – 255
operating mode of a control center.
172 f8 128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1 0 – 255
Default Default
CV Description Setting
Range CV Description Setting
Usually influence: the degree of EMF, which is the load regulation for the motor. What is meant is that the engines under load, so at long
Dimming mask 1 for functional outputs: selection of lamps and LEDs for outputs dimmed
Trains or uphill, slow down and go downhill quickly. The load control measures, strictly speaking, the
Speed of the motor. If this off under heavy load, which is normal at even the sophisticated model This determines which outputs will include A1 through Ax to the function outputs for lamps and LEDs. These can be Bit value calculation for CV 57:
, then engages the electronics and controls the motor current so long after, until the desired speed again switched with function button fx that were set in CV33 et seq. The bulbs / LEDs burn with a brightness of x% that was
255 0 - 255 Bit 0: value 1 = A1 set
50 is set. Mind you, this is all done internally in the decoder, this is no interference from outside, that are most set in CV54. As in all CVs can also be written up to 8 bits (bit 0 to bit 7), so therefore, a maximum of 8 function outputs
Manual control is required. Bit 1: value 2 = A2 set
can be selected here for dimming. The selection is done according to the adjacent table, the calculated value is entered
The adjusted value of 255 means a very fast and accurate readjustment. This is also called a hard Bit 2: value 4 = A3 set
in decimal this CV 57th Due to their design, only the first 8 outputs are dimmed.
Regulation. Cutting away the value, will necessarily increase the bandwidth of the speed, so the speed of the Bit 3: value 8 = A4 set
57 0 0-
Motor under different loads are no longer kept as constant as 50th in a high value of CV Bit 0 specifies the output A1 as a function of output for dimming mask 1, which is the light front Bit 4: value 16 = A5 set 255
Bit 1. . . . . . . . . . A2 is the light behind Bit 5: value 32 = A6 set
P - controller: the engine capacity control influenced Bit 2. . . . . . . . . . A3 Bit 6: value 64 = A7 set
Bit 3. . . . . . . . . . A4 Bit 7: value 128 = A8 set
Here is an optimum value was found from the factory. Changes should be through their own efforts and with higher
51 80 0 – 255 Bit 4. . . . . . . . . . A5
be made with lower values. Quickly it will be noticed when the engine characteristics, Total: = 255 max. value
Bit 5. . . . . . . . . . A6
e.g. improve with lower values. Then should in this direction with various other lower
Bit 6. . . . . . . . . . A7
Values continue to be experimented until they found an optimal engine settings by feel.
Bit 7. . . . . . . . . . A8
I - Control: affected property of the motor control
Dimming mask 2 for coupling two outputs: the outputs are to be selected, the clutch output.
Here is an optimum value was found from the factory. Changes should be through their own efforts and with higher
52 be made with lower values. Quickly it will be noticed when the engine characteristics, 40 0 – 255 This determines which outputs will act as a coupling outputs A1 to Ax. These can be switched with function button fx Bit value calculation for CV 58:
e.g. improve with lower values. Then should in this direction with various other lower that were set in CV33. The couplings are working with voltages in the x% of rail voltage, which was set in CV55 and
Values continue to be experimented until they found an optimal engine settings by feel. turn only so long as it was set in CV56. As in all CVs can also be written up to 8 bits (bit 0 to bit 7), so therefore, a Bit 0: value 1 = A1 set
maximum of 8 function outputs can be defined as the output coupler. The selection is done according to the adjacent Bit 1: value 2 = A2 set
Special CV: Lock and unlock the decoder table, the calculated value is entered in decimal this CV 58. Due to their design, only the first 8 outputs are defined as Bit 2: value 4 = A3 set
output coupler. Bit 3: value 8 = A4 set
If you programmed a decoder ready, it can be locked against accidental reprogramming by the value 66 in CV 53 writes. If you want to change again this CVs 58 Bit 4: value 16 = A5 set 0 0-
decoder, lift the lock with a value of 77 to again. Interestingly this lock is especially multiple decoders or additional sound modules in the locomotive. After you Bit 0 specifies the output A1 as output coupler for the dimming mask 2, which is the light front Bit 5: value 32 = A6 set 255
finished with the decoder, it can be blocked and work on other modules or decoders. This is one way to electrically separate programming two decoders in one Bit 1. . . . . . . . . . A2 is the light behind Bit 6: value 64 = A7 set
loco at CV overlays. Bit 2. . . . . . . . . . A3 Bit 7: value 128 = A8 set
CV programming and report back 53 = 66 to lock Bit 3. . . . . . . . . . A4
CV programming and report back 53 = 77 to unlock Bit 4. . . . . . . . . . A5 Total: = 255 max. value
Bit 5. . . . . . . . . . A6
Especially for users of the Roco Lokmaus: CVs and values higher than 99 with the Roco Lokmaus Bit 6. . . . . . . . . . A7
Bit 7. . . . . . . . . . A8
In order to program values over 99. If CV53 = 1 or 2 is added when writing CVs arbitrary value of 100 or 200 to the programmed value. Users with the central
processing units support the full range of values do not need this detour. 0-
59 Train control: "L" speed selected for L - section, see also CV137, 96, 97.98 168
0 0 – 255 255
CV53 = 1 100 + programmed value 0-
60 Train control: "U" speed selected for U - section, see also CV137, 96, 97.98 84
53 CV53 = 2 200 + programmed value 255
Acceleration time: time between release and transfer admission to the HLU - operation unit in Sec. See also CV137, 96, 97.98 0-
Examples: 61 1
If the CV 50 of the value 167 should be written, must be as follows according to the series can be programmed. 0-
64 Control reference: Handling characteristics depending on the voltage rail 110
1) CV 53 = 1 (all subsequently programmed values are increased by 100)
2) CV 50 = 67 (through the CV53 = 1 places the value 167 is written to the CV50) Speed table: The table below, CV 67 to CV 94 is used when bit 4 is set in CV29 = 1.
3) CV 53 = 0 (reset to zero!)
Internally, the decoder works with 255 speed steps. The minimum rate of CV 2 represents the initial value, the maximum CV of 5 corresponds to the final value of the
If the CV 137 of the value 213 should be written, must be as follows according to the series can be programmed. velocity curve. Leaving the middle speed of CV6 before viewing this outside, so CV6 = 0, then distribute the 254 linear speeds on the 28 individual gears of the
manual control. Who wants to pay a certain characteristic in the decoder, works with the following table, which allows hinterlegbar for each of the 28 steps a definite
1) CV 53 = 1 (all subsequently programmed values are increased by 100)
value, freely assignable, fully independent, and individually programmed. 28 steps from the factory have been deposited with nine steps behind.
2) CV 7 = 37 (this is set to CV7 137, all of the following programmed values are stored in CV137)
3) CV 53 = 2 (all subsequently programmed values are added together with 200)
4) CV 8 = 13 (this is set CV137 to 213) 67 Speed table Speed Step 1: 9 0 – 255
5) CV 53 = 0 (reset to zero!) 68 Speed table Speed Step 2: 18 0 – 255
It reduces the average voltage. This is done by pulse width control with a frequency of 1.2 kHz. The pulse width is set in percentage terms, ie the value 50
78 Speed table Speed Step 12: 108 0 – 255
means half the average rail voltage of the system at the coupling outputs. This function is always used when, for example an electric magnetic coupling is used 79 Speed table Speed Step 13: 117 0 – 255
which has been working with 5 volts. Would always here the full rail voltage is applied at the opening of the coupling, it can lead to overheating of the electrical 80 Speed table Speed Step 14: 126 0 – 255
55 coils are small and thus damage. Therefore, we reduce the voltage on these couplings, as far as possible. The value set here is applied to all outputs, which are
stored in CV 58. Note also the function of the 56th CV 81 Speed table Speed Step 15: 135 0 – 255
CV: 82 Speed table Speed Step 16: 144 0 – 255
56,58 Note: Each lamp must be designed in principle to the rail voltage of the system. LEDs have a mandatory 50 0 - 100
83 Speed table Speed Step 17: 153 0 – 255
Series resistor can be connected. CV 54 is not suitable to apply a voltage of eg 16 volts permanently to 8 volts to
reduce. Acknowledgement pulses are always with the full rail voltage, without consideration of the CV54 84 Speed table Speed Step 18: 162 0 – 255
submitted. Similarly, the value of this lost in a decoder reset CV. CV54 is intended to provide a normal light 85 Speed table Speed Step 19: 171 0 – 255
Lamp to dim slightly.
86 Speed table Speed Step 20: 180 0 – 255
Switching time of the clutch output: switch for coupling digital 87 Speed table Speed Step 21: 189 0 – 255
88 Speed table Speed Step 22: 198 0 – 255
Here is the output coupling which is stored in CV58 determines how long they should remain switched on after a keypress. A value of 0 turns it up on time, until
the next keystroke of these outputs will be OFF. The time duration is measured in E = 0.1 sec 89 Speed table Speed Step 23: 207 0 – 255
56 90 Speed table Speed Step 24: 216 0 – 255
example: 60 0 - 255
The value 60 in CV 56 causes an activation of 60 x 0.1 sec = 6 seconds on 91 Speed table Speed Step 25: 225 0 – 255
92 Speed table Speed Step 26: 234 0 – 255
93 Speed table Speed Step 27: 243 0 – 255
94 Speed table Speed Step 28: 252 0 – 255
Lokdecoder DCX 76z Lokdecoder DCX 76z
CV Description Setting
CV Description Setting
138 Braking time (HLU) Deceleration at the HLU section (MX 9 or HLU module) that is an accurate signal possible before stopping 3 0 - 255
96 Train control, "FL" chosen speed between FL (MX9 or HLU) is version 52, see CV 59, 60, 137 212 0 – 255
139 15 0 - 255
Short-circuit threshold 1: immediate shutdown in case of overload of the auxiliary functions
97 Train control, "LU" chosen speed between LU (MX9 or HLU) is version 52, see CV 59, 60, 137 126 0 – 255
140 Short-circuit threshold 2: fast shutdown in case of overload of the auxiliary functions 12 0 - 255
98 Train control, "U-Stop" selected speed between U-Stop (MX9 or HLU) is version 52, see CV 59, 60, 137 42 0 - 255 Short-circuit threshold 3: slow shutdown in case of overload of the additional functions
141 10 0 - 255
User-CV: This CV has on the properties of the decoder no influence. This CV can be written into and read out.
105 0 0 - 255 142 Short-circuit threshold 1: immediate shutdown in case of overload of the motor 90 0 - 255
It can for example here the date of purchase will be deposited. It can be written each decimal number between 0 and 255.
143 Short-circuit threshold 2: fast shutdown of the motor overload 80 0 - 255
User-CV: This CV has on the properties of the decoder no influence. This CV can be written into and read out.
106 0 0 - 255
Short-circuit threshold 3: slow shutdown in case of overload of the motor
It can for example here the date of purchase will be deposited. It can be written each decimal number between 0 and 255. 144 70 0 - 255
Selection of CVs groups: Bit 0 = 0 Standard Group Bit 0 = 1 special group for their own applications 147 Discharge of the coupling: speed when pushing back (locomotive runs in the opposite direction) 20 0 – 126
Departing from cars: speed when driving away from cars, locomotive moves in the direction of current, 126 = max. speed
This decoder has stored the factory CVs listed in this table in its memory with the appropriate values. These values can all change according to the specifications 148 50 0 – 126
taking into account the time set in CV 3
described in broad ranges and are always stored in the default group 0. These are the basic operating parameters. These values were changed individually, the
109 default values are reset group 0 with a hard reset (for details, see CV 1) to the factory settings in the left column. 149 Discharge time: the time for pushing back, that is, unit = 0.1 sec the value 10 = 1 second 10 0 – 126
0 0-1
150 Away time: the time for driving away, that is, unit = 0.1 sec The value 30 = 3 seconds 30 0 – 126
In addition, to be deposited again completely different values in a special group 1 for all these CVs. This alternative set of CV values, e.g. be set for a club operation
(CV109 = 1). Home on your own system is run with the default values (CV109 = 0). With a hard reset (for details, see CV 1), all CV values of the current group will be Selecting the button for the automatic uncouple: 0 = off
reset to factory setting, not the CV109, and CV67-CV94, however deleted.
Value 1 Button F1 Value 7 Button F 7
Intensity of Acknowledgement pulses (ACK): improved programmability, 128 = 50% of max. Acknowledgement pulses (Engine dependent) value of 255 = generally Value 2 Button F2 Value 8 Button F 8
111 well tolerated
255 0 - 255 151 Value 3 Button F3 Value 9 Button F 9 0 0 – 12
Value 4 Button F4 Value 10 Button F10
The dimming effects: lower brightness value for light effects, see CV154 to 161
Value 5 Button F5 Value 11 Button F11
114 0 0 - 100 Value 6 Button F6 Value 12 Button F12
It reduces the average voltage. This is done by pulse width control with a frequency of 1.2 kHz. The pulse width is set in percentage terms, ie the value 50 means half
the average rail voltage of the system at the outputs. The value set here is applied to all effects, which are deposited in CV154 to 161. Uncoupling mask forward: the selection function to be used,
8 0 - 255
115 Pause duration of effects: defines the time (duration) between two effects 0 0 - 255 152 Value 4 = F2 Value 32 = F5
Shunting: f3 button is factory-set (CV37), it is unmappable see CV35-42. the effects. Shunting gears are the only active when bit 0 to Value 8 = F3 Value 64 = F6
Value 16 = F4 Value 128 = F7
bit 2 of these are set CV116.
Uncoupling mask backwards: the selection function to be used,
Bit 0 = 1 CV3 (acceleration) and CV4 (deceleration) are turned off, ie with active shunting (f3 is key Bit value calculation
"On"), whose values are set to 0. The engine then converts each setting of the manual control immediately. 153 Value 4 = F2 Value 32 = F5 8 0 - 255
for CV 116:
Value 8 = F3 Value 64 = F6
Bit 1 = 1 The max. Speed is halved forward and backward. This allows the engine driven more sensitive be.
Value 16 = F4 Value 128 = F7
Bit 2 = 1 reverse the max. Speed of only 65%. This setting is independent of the key Bit 0: 0 or 1
f3 whether the shunting is now switched on or not, just by setting this bit. This feature has Bit 1: 0 or 2
Effects of CV 154-161: *** for CV 154-161, the same values ***
for shunting locomotives, which are well done, very successful. Bit 2: 0 or 4
116 0 0 - 255
Bit 3: 0 or 8 Value 0 no effect
For sound decoder driving AND: new bit of software version in CV116 is 40 and on some hardware Bit 4: 0 or 16 Value 1 Flashing
Bit 5: always 0 Value 2 Flashing Alternating
Bit 3=1 brakes with 4-1 active diode Bit 6: 0 or 64 Value 3 Single Pulse Strobe
Bit 4=1 brakes with diode directional NOT Bit 7 is always 0 Value 4 Double Strobe 0 – 139
Bit 5=0 is not used, must always be 0. (Braking mode also allows for slow speed) Value 5 Flashing Headlight (Brightness between maximum and PWM value of CV114)
Bit 6=1 means that the shunting effect as a command button, that is that the train control Value 6 Ditch-Light left (Brightness between maximum and PWM value of CV114)
(Braking diode and / or HLU) is NOT working! (equivalent to the MAN button) Value 7 Ditch-Light right (Brightness between maximum and PWM value of CV114)
Bit 7 = 0 is not used, must always be 0. Value 8 Rotary beacon (Brightness between maximum and PWM value of CV114)
Value 9 Gyralite (Brightness between maximum and PWM value of CV114)
Number of stop down the function key:
154 Value 10 Mars Light
Modern rail vehicles have head beam and low beam. The decoder can simulate this function electronically. In CV 117 is set which button the remote light switch is. - Value 11 Soft-Start (slow glimmer of functions)
There can be only one key can be defined. Written is a decimal value from 1 - 12 161
Effect-Nr. + value 64 the output Ax is active in forward direction (z.B. 3 + 64 = 65 Flashing alternately in forward drive)
0 1- 12 Result Effect-Nr. + value 128 the output Ax is active only in reverse (z.B. 10 +128 = 138 Mars light with only reverse)
117 Value 1 Button F1 Value 7 Button F 7 CV: Effect-Nr. + value 0 the output Ax is active in both directions (z.B. 4 + 0 = 4 Double Strobe in both directions)
Value 2 Button F2 Value 8 Button F 8 115,
Value 3 Button F3 Value 9 Button F 9 120, At certain outputs determine specific effects, which is a main task of this group CV. The exact nature of these effects can be determined with the CV 114, 115 and
Value 4 Button F4 Value 10 Button F10 120. This can be done universally in both directions or direction-dependent by adding the values 64 and 128 to the values for the effects. This feature is of particular
Value 5 Button F5 Value 11 Button F11 interest to American models. The assignment of outputs to the function keys on the so-called "function mapping" in CVs 33 ff
Value 6 Button F6 Value 12 Button F12
Mask for preview function: This defines to which output is dimmed with the button is CV117. Several, up to 8 outputs can Bit value calculation for CV-118: To award the associated outputs and key from a certain direction CV33 ff function, which is the other main task of this group CV. 161 set to shine also in which
be defined. direction the exit - you have assigned to the output of a particular key (CV33 ff) can be found the above CVs 154th These effects are having the values 0 - omitted
Bit 0: value 0 = off or value 1 = on 11th Instead, only the values 64 and 128 in CVs 154 - worked 161st
Bit 0 switches the output A1 on, which is the light front Bit 1: value 0 = off or value 2 = on
Bit 1 switches the output A2 on, which is the light behind Bit 2: value 0 = off or value 4 = on example:
Bit 2 switches the output A3 on. Bit 3: value 0 = off or value 8 = on The programmed button on f4 A7 output should light up only in the forward direction. It is not a value 0 - 11 filed. For forward motion but the value 64 is stored in CV
118 0 0 - 255 160. Well lit, the output turns on when the key A7 f4 and only lights in forward motion.
Bit 3 switches the output A4 on. Bit 4: value 0 = off or value 16 = on
Bit 4 switches the output A5 on. Bit 5: value 0 = off or value 32 = on
This universal adjustment, which can hardly needs of customization open, we call that "CT function mapping"
Bit 5 switches the output A6 on. Bit 6: value 0 = off or value 64 = on
Bit 6 switches the output A7 on. Bit 7: value 0 = off or value 128 = on
154 Effects of light front: A1 see text, for example where Lv is to be written to flash must in CV 154 value of 1 0 0 – 139
Bit 7 switches the output A8 on.
Total max. Value = 255 155 Effects of light rear: A 2 see text, for example if Lh is to be written to flash must in CV 155 value of 1 0 0 – 139
Dimmer for dimming: dimming for low beam, 50 = 50% of full brightness, 100 = 100% no stopping 156 Effects on output: A3 see text, for example blink when A3 is to be written must in CV 156 value of 1 0 0 – 139
0 0 - 100
119 157 Effects on output: A4 see text, for example if A4 is to be written to flash must in CV 157 value of 1 0 0 – 139
It reduces the average voltage. This is done by pulse width control with a frequency of 1.2 kHz. The pulse width is set in percentage terms, ie value of 50 means half
the average voltage of the rail system for dimmer. The value set here is applied to all outputs, which are stored in CV 118th 158 Effects on output: A5 see text, for example blink when A5 is to be written must in CV 158 value of 1 0 0 – 139
120 Cycle duration of effects: defines how long to take an effect. Thus the speed of an effect is determined. 0 0 - 255 159 Effects on output: A6 see text, for example A6 should be written to flash when it must in CV 159 value of 1 0 0 – 139
Special CV: several special settings 160 Effects on output: A7 see text, for example A7 should flash if it needs to be written in CV 160 value of 1 0 0 – 139
Bit 0: feature selection 0 = 1 = 8 functions 14 functions Calculation for CV 137: 161 Effects on output: A8 see text, for example when flashing A8 to be written must in CV 161 value of 1 0 0 – 139
This is about the MAN bit. The old ZIMO MAN bit controller makes the necessary. If this bit is set incorrectly, then work up the
functions from non-f5. Bit 0: 0 or 1
Bit 1: 0 or 2 Color Code: = Addresses, Speeds, Characteristics . Copyright by:
Bit 1: Zimo - Loco number 0 = off 1 = on (ACK / off) Bit 2: 0 or 4 0 0-
Bit 2: not used Bit 3: 0 or 8 255 = „function mapping“, Configuration of Outputs
137 = Motor Control
Bit 3: not used Bit 4: 0 or 16
Bit 4: Zimo - signal controlled speed influence HLU Bit 5: 0 or 32 = ZIMO – Features
Bit 5: not used Bit 6: 0 or 64 = Protection and Fault Analysis
Bit 6: Evaluate the LGB pulses via f4 0 = no evaluation 1 = evaluation Bit 7: 0 or 128
= Function Effects
1 f4 = f1 press
2 x press f4 = f2 Total: up to 255
3 x = f3 f4 press, etc.
Subject to change without notice.
137 Bit 7: 32 kHz frequency motor control, it is CV 0 = 9 1 = 32 kHz