Line Balancing Presentation

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A Practical Approach to solving

Multi-objective Line Balancing


Dave Sly PE, PhD

Prem Gopinath MS
„ Introduction & Examples
„ Objectives & constraints
„ Academic versus Industry focus
„ Solution approaches
„ Mixed Model Balancing
„ Operator Constraints
„ Effect of MPM on Line Balancing
„ References & Resources
Assembly Line Balancing Problem
„ The decision problem of optimally partitioning (balancing) the assembly
work (tasks) among the stations with respect to some objective is
known as the assembly line balancing problem (ALBP)
„ Tries to achieve the best compromise between labor, facility and
resource requirements to satisfy a given volume of production
„ Characteristics
„ NP hard problem - existing optimization procedures have a complexity of at
least 2N
„ Usually a multi-objective problem
„ Reduces to the traditional bin-packing problem if task precedence constraint
is removed
„ Common formulation
„ Given set of tasks, precedence graph of tasks and cycle time, solve for
number of stations
„ Cycle time bounds:

„ Long - Mid term strategic problem in assembly line design

ALBP – Illustrative Example
a b e

f g h
c d

Figure 1: Precedence Graph for an assembly process

Task Description Task Time

Position controller lowing 0.2
a housing

Position bimetal coil 0.2

Attach power cord from heating 0.8
c unit

Position controller upper 0.6

d housing

Attach male plug to line cord 0.3

Attach fuse to line cord 1.0
Affix logo 0.4
Seal controller housing 0.3
Total Time 3.8 Note: Minimum possible cycle time = 1 min
Figure 2: Task times
Measures used in ALBP
Minimum IDLE time Maximum IDLE time


Task time d
IDLE time

Cycle time
c Line Efficiency
h j
Station time


t i
a b
S1 S2 S3
Stations t = task time for i
j = number of tasks
No. of stations
Task operating time
(station count) C = cycle time
Station IDLE time n = number of stations
Objectives used in ALBP
„ Base Objective - Capacity related objectives (90%)
„ Type 1: Minimize number of stations given cycle time
„ Type 2: Minimize cycle time for given number of stations
„ Type F: Given cycle time & number of stations determine
„ Type E: Minimize both cycle time & number of stations
„ Problem Type - Line Design
„ Single, Mixed or Multi-Model Lines
„ Simple, Parallel or U-Lines
„ Multi-Objective problems - Constraints modeled as
„ For example, determining number of fixed & floating
„ Minimize operator delays (IDLE)
„ Minimize assignment of tasks to one side of the line
„ Minimize resource violations on the line
Constraints used in ALBP
„ Task Grouping
„ Resource Dependent Task Times
„ Stochastic Task Times
„ Task splitting
„ Incompatible Task Assignments
„ Temporary tasks with unknown durations
„ Work Zone (line side) related constraints
„ Containerization constraints
„ Operator related constraints
„ Ergonomic constraints
„ Reduction of work overload
„ Reduction of task dispersion
„ Printed circuit board (PCB) and Robotic line constraints
„ Throughput improvement and scrap reduction
„ Balancing U shaped JIT lines (The N U-line balancing problem)
„ Dynamic line balancing (DLB)
Academic vs. Industry Focus
„ A “Gap” exits between Academic & Industrial
„ Possible reasons
„ Researches tend to model simple problems with
convenient assumptions to aid in solving &
benchmarking solutions.
„ Focus is on ”optimality” rather than on
“practicality” – Need to consider cost of optimality.
„ Scientific results could not be transferred back to
practical applications – Problems not generic.
„ The problems were covered, but could not be
solved to satisfaction.
„ Line Balancing is not the only manufacturing
problem to solve – Time limitations in the practical
world limits good analysis
Academic vs. Industry Focus
Academic Industry

Single Model Lines,

Multi-Model Lines Mixed Model Lines Model dependent task
U-Lines, JIT Lines 2 sided lines
Option rule based
Temporary tasks, Task Resource constraints balancing
splitting, Incompatible
tasks Task Grouping Ergonomic constraints
Resource Dependent Work Zone Containerization
Task Times Constraints constraints
Certain Operator Certain Operator
Stochastic Task Times
related constraints related constraints
Reduction of task
Solution Approaches
Work Definition
„ Operations-Routings
„ Collection of tasks assigned to
„ Tasks
„ Smallest amount of movable work
„ Owns Parts, Tools, Time, Workzone,
Model, Option, Ergo, Instructions
„ May be Grouped and Clustered
„ Elements
„ Lowest level of definable work (pick, place,
walk, turn, etc)
COMSOAL Algorithm
„ Computer Method for Sequencing Operations for
Assembly Lines.
„ Developed as part of an industrial OR project in 1966
& later implemented at Chrysler.
„ A simple record keeping procedure that uses several
lists for speed computation
„ Simplifies complex assembly line problems – Easy to
understand & implement.
„ Faster, easier, and more accurate than calculating by
„ Multiple objectives & constraints could be modeled into
the algorithm easily.
„ Solution quality could be improved by increasing the
iterations – today’s computing power makes this easy
COMSOAL Procedure (Type 1)
„ Given TAKT, find min(N stations) which will max(Utilization)
„ Step 1: Initialize lists & variables
„ Cycle Time : C
„ Stopping criteria or Upper Bound: UB
„ Step 2: Start New Iteration
„ LIST A – Set of all tasks
„ NIP – 2D array containing number of immediate predecessors for
each task i in LIST A
„ Set current station count, N = 1
„ Step 3: Precedence Feasibility
„ Compute LIST B : For all task i X A, add i to B if NIP(i) = 0
„ Step 4: Time Feasibility
„ Compute LIST C: For all task i X B, add i to C if ti <= (C - Sn),
where ti is task time & Sn is station time
„ If Count (C) = 0, go to Step 5, else Step 6
COMSOAL Procedure cont…
„ Step 5: Open New Station
„ N = N +1
„ Check for UB or metric & return to Step 7 if the current iteration is
not feasible; Otherwise go to Step 3
„ Step 6: Assign task to station
„ Select task from LIST C
„ Random selection or apply selection criteria / heuristic
„ Update station time Sn.
„ Remove select task i from A, B & C. Update NIP
„ If Count(A) = 0, go to Step 7, else Step 3
„ Step 7: Schedule Completion
„ Compute the required metric such as Total IDLE, violation count,
line efficiency etc.
„ If computed metric is better than previous best store current
solution as BEST solution.
„ Check for stopping criteria & stop. Otherwise go to Step 2 (new
COMSOAL Procedure (Type 2)
„ Fundamental in use for Improvement
„ Given N stations, find min(TAKT) to max(util)
„ Solving Type 2 problems
„ Compute Cmin & Cmax
„ Cmin = max{tmax, [tsum/N]} , where tmax is maximum task
time, tsum is sum of all task times
„ Cmax = 2 * Cmin
„ Run Type 1 COMSOAL for C X[Cmin,Cmax] such that
Nresult ≤ Ngiven.
„ Search could be minimized by checking for N
values in Step 5 (while opening new stations).
„ If no solution is found, increase Cmax and repeat
COMSOAL for Resource Constraints
„ Resource Constraint:
„ Each station has a fixed list of resources: SR(i)
„ S1 = {R1, R2,..}, S2 = {R1, R3, …}
„ Each task has a fixed list of resource it requires/uses: TR(i)
„ T1 = {R1}, t2 = {R1, R2}
„ Assign tasks to station such that the resource requirements of tasks are
„ Monumental vs. Ordinary Resources
„ Modeling as Objective vs. as a constraint
„ Monumental resources are usually modeled as hard constraint
„ COMSOAL Modification – As an objective
„ Step 7: Compute the number of resource violations RV
„ Solution quality could be compared by a rule such as
“least number of stations, followed by least violation count”
a weight could be assigned to station count objective & resource objective
„ COMSOAL Modification – As a constraint:
„ Include an additional step.
„ Step 4.5 - Resource Feasibility: Compute LIST D from LIST C, such that all
resources R X TR(i), is also X SR(i)
Improvement vs Construction
„ Construction
„ Recreates balance of tasks among affected
„ Causes many unnecessary (cost) task moves
„ Improvement
„ Provides ability to select range of tasks at selected
„ Provides ability to remove or add stations
„ Type 2 Comsoal is run on reduced data set find
„ Additionally, pairwise interchange is employed to
evaluate minimal change for maximum benefit
Mixed Model Balancing
„ Mixed model assembly lines (MMAL) manufacture several models
(variants) of a standard product in an intermixed sequence

Figure 1: Example of product variants (models)* Figure 2: Example of intermixed sequence **

„ Mixed Model Balancing assigns operations to stations so that

station loads are balanced across models
„ variation in station loads should be minimal across models
„ Common Formulation
„ Given weighted task times, combined precedence, shift time

* David W. He & Andrew Kusiak, Design of Assembly Systems for Modular Products, IEEE Transactions, Vol 13, No 5, Oct 1997
** Balancing & Sequencing of Assembly Lines, 2nd edition, Armin Scholl, 1999
Mixed Model Lines cont…
„ Mixed Model Balancing
„ Determine where the tasks need to
be performed (station assignment)
so that station loads are balanced
across models

„ Mixed Model Sequencing

„ Determine Model Mix -
selecting sequence of models
to produce on the line
„ Determine Launch Interval
- selecting the time interval
between successive launches
of units
Balancing with Models & options
„ Models vs. Options in mixed model balancing
„ Product : Toyota Corolla
„ Models : CE, S, LE, XRS
„ Options : Additive (Anti-lock Brake System, MP3
player, etc.)
„ Options: Mutually Exclusive (CD vs FM stereo)
„ Different approaches to include Models &
Options in Balancing
„ Weighted average method (peak model, peak
„ Weighted average method (peak model, avg
„ Peak model method
Task Times
„ One time for each task performed at
each model.
„ Large data sets, complexity and lack of
association to mult. Models as well as
„ One time for a task shared for models
„ Different tasks when time is different
between models
„ Different time to same task when time is
different between models.
Weighted average method
„ Compute composite process times
„ Process times weighted using Model & Option demand
„ Line Balanced for weighted time at each station
„ Depends on station times being balanced across
Large Medium Small Time
Standard Pump Pump Pump (Weighted
Task Time (30 %) (30%) (40%) Time)
PP01S-1 12 3.60 0.00 4.80 8.40
PP01S-2 14 4.20 0.00 0.00 4.20
PP01S-3 16 4.80 4.80 6.40 16.00
PP01S-4 18 0.00 5.40 0.00 5.40
PP01S-5 18 0.00 0.00 7.20 7.20
Weighted Average Method
Balanced for weighted
Peak model method
„ Stations balanced for true model time rather
than average time.
„ More conservative approach.
„ Line could be under utilized if spread between
max & min model times is high.
„ Option times can be a weighted average or
the additive options (Added) and the
exclusive options (Longest).
„ COMSOAL modification
„ Maintain an array of model times for each station
„ In Step 4 (Time Feasibility), check for worst model
time at the station
Peak model method cont…
Balanced for worst model time
Automotive Precedence
Hierarchical Precedence
Operator/Station constraints
„ Multiple operators per station
„ Available time at station factored by number of operators
present at station
„ Floating operators
„ Usually modeled as efficiency% on the operator
„ Available Operator time factored by efficiency%
„ For example, a operator moving between 2 stations could be
given an efficiency of 60% in the first station, and 40% on the
next station.
„ Operator delay/idle time within stations
„ Caused by precedence between tasks assigned to station
„ Ergonomic constraints
„ Cannot overload a single operator with a specific kind of
„ Room for Line-Side Materials
Multiple Operators Per Station

„ Not same as
„ Is precedence
Ergonomic Constraints
Workzone Constraints
„ Part Zones (R, L, Under, Above)
„ Detailed Part Zones (downstream)
Balance Efficiency
Balance Implementation
Work Instructions
Lean Charting
„ LEAN charting during balancing could help in reducing Non-
Value Added work at stations
„ Analyzing operator walks (Non-Value Added) at bottle-neck
stations could help in reducing overall cycle time
Operator Walk Analysis
Operator Walk Analysis cont…
Case Study: Process Improvement at Skid-Loader Manufacturer
Before After

The engineers calculated that the walk-distance and time per unit was 551 feet
and 3.5 minutes respectively. After the layout was changed the engineers
calculated an estimated walk-distance and time of 166 feet and 1.1 minutes.
The goal of the project was to cut down the existing 19 minute cycle time to
15 minutes per end unit assembled. This is a reduction of over 20%, and
resulted in saving of $500 per unit assembled.
MPM & Line Balancing
„ Manufacturing Process Management (MPM): Central
repository & work bench for manufacturing data similar
to PDM for design data
„ Design tools such as Line Balancing could harness the
relational data attached to process steps
„ Tasks have related data such as Time Studies, Ergonomic studies,
Consumption data, Work Instructions, etc.
„ Allows for frequent & better balancing
„ Reuse of process information
„ Easy access to process information
„ Automated workflow & reports
„ Availability of Sensitivity & Impact analysis tools
„ PDM has reduced New Product Design times.
„ Manufacturing needs to adapt to frequent & faster design changes
„ Currently assembly line changes a major bottle neck in launch of
new products
MPM & Line Balancing
Station 1
Work Instruction Assignment
Ergonomic Study
Station 2
Time Study Station 1 Station 2
Task 1 Task 3
Task 1
Line Balancing
Task 2 Task 4

Task 2

Task 3
Task 4

Ergonomics Parts LEAN Reports

Work Instructions
complied by Analysis by station consumption
stations By station

Shop-floor Logistics
Viewer System
References & Resources
„ References
„ Scholl, A.: Balancing and sequencing of assembly lines. 2nd
ed., Physica, Heidelberg, 1999
„ Becker, C. and A. Scholl: A survey on problems and methods
in generalized assembly line balancing. European Journal of
Operational Research 168 (2006), pp. 694-715.
„ Scholl, A. and C. Becker: A note on "An exact method for
cost-oriented assembly line balancing". International Journal
of Production Economics 97 (2005), pp. 343-352.
„ Boysen, N.; M. Fliedner and A. Scholl: A classification for
assembly line balancing problems. Jenaer Schriften zur
Wirtschaftswissenschaft 12/2006.
„ Resources
„ - Contains
recent research papers & sample problem sets.
„ – Commercial product
containing additional line balancing information & product
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