Jurnal Kanker Paru-Paru
Jurnal Kanker Paru-Paru
Jurnal Kanker Paru-Paru
Case Report Lung Cancer with Skin and Breast Metastasis: A Case Report and Literature
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Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Case Reports in Pulmonology
Volume 2015, Article ID 136970, 6 pages
Case Report
Lung Cancer with Skin and Breast Metastasis:
A Case Report and Literature Review
Bikash Bhattarai, Marie Frances Schmidt, Meenakshi Ghosh, Abhisekh Sinha Ray,
Saveena Manhas, Vikram Oke, Chidozie Charles Agu, Md. Rawshan Basunia,
Danilo Enriquez, Joseph Quist, Catherine Bianchi, Ravi Hans, and Saroj Kandel
Department of Medicine, Interfaith Medical Center, 1545 Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11213, USA
Copyright © 2015 Bikash Bhattarai et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Lung cancer is one of the most common cancers in America. Frequent sites of metastasis include the Hilar lymph nodes, adrenal
glands, liver, brain, and bone. The following case report is of a primary lung cancer with metastases to the breast and skin. Case.A
48- year-old African American male with a past medical history of poorly differentiated left breast cancer status after modified
radical mastectomy (MRM), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and smoking (20 pack-years) presents to the ER with
progressive shortness of breath on exertion, upper back pain, and weight loss for 2 months in duration. On physical examination
he is found to have a MRM scar on his left breast and a left periumbilical cutaneous mass. Chest X-ray and chest CT reveal a
right upper lobe mass and biopsies from the breast, lung, and the periumbilical mass indicate a poorly differentiated carcinoma
of unclear etiology; all tumor markers are negative. The patient is male and a chronic smoker; therefore the diagnosis is made as
lung carcinoma with metastases to the breast and skin. Conclusion. A high index of suspicion for cutaneous metastases should be
cast when investigating cutaneous pathologies in patients at risk for primary lung malignancy.
FIgURe 6: Abdominal wall biopsy specimen: poorly differentiated FIgURe 8: Infiltrating poorly differentiated carcinoma and surgical
neoplastic cells with abundant cytoplasm with hyperchromatic margin free of tumor. No ductal and no parenchymal tissues
nuclei. No gland or sheets of squamous cell formation. identified.
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