Bettermaker EQ232D Manual

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Bettermaker EQ232D

Plugin Manual
The Betermaker crew would like to thank all the people that were deeply involved in the development of our frst product, the EQ 230P. Thank
you for the insight and inspiraton you gave us to make it even beter.
Thanks to all the Beta-testers that gave us hands-on tps and all people involved in the conceptual stage. We hope we have listened to you
carefully so as to produce an ideal tool in the hands of every engineer.
As for this amazing manual, it would be nothing without the enormous help of Tim Boyce and Bob Katz.
Thank you guys!

Congratulatons on your purchase of the Addicted to Music Betermaker EQ232D

Welcome to the family! EQ232D now in your possession is the result of years of research and development in emerging digital control
technologies and passion about sound. Finally we ware able to translate what we have achieved in analog domain to the digital world.


Addicted to Music began in 2004 in Warsaw, Poland as a recording and mixing studio. Long before it was a hardware company we were deeply
involved in the internatonal music and recording scene. This is not a company run by scientsts who crunch numbers all day, we are a company run by
engineers who live, eat, and breathe music (like you do). We know good sound, and know frst-hand what it takes on both sides of the glass to capture
the perfect take. We developed the EQ232D to go from the perfect take, and make it even beteer!

Design History

We began with the analog sectons. Choosing modern components and design practces over older traditonal methods helped maintain the transient
response and low noise-foor necessary for today’s recording practces. We hand build every unit, and take a fair number of QC before the unit is done.
Wherever possible we choose over-spec’ed components to ensure trouble free operaton and a long product life. Where feasible we increased the gain
resoluton and frequency range to ensure the greatest fexibility no mater what source (from tracking to 2-bus and mastering applicatons). Most
importantly we listened frst, tested, and then listened again. Finally we ware able to transfer our Classic EQ232P MKII into digital world.
Front Panel
18 3

18 Bypass Secton
On the far lef is the Bypass Secton. Each flter secton can be inserted
(“engaged”) or bypassed as well as the entre unit. A flter is IN when its
3 EQ 1/2
corresponding engage buton is lit. To insert the entre unit, press the The EQ 18/2 secton occupies the space on the lef hand front panel to
ENGAGE buton. When a buton is OUT (not illuminated), the secton is the right of the HPF secton. Each band of this reciprocal parametric
bypassed. When the ENGAGE buton is OUT, the entre unit is EQ has 3 controls (level, frequency, and bandwidth). The two knobs
bypassed. To hear any changes the EQ may be making, the ENGAGE control level (EQ boost or cut) and frequency respectvely. The two
buton must be pressed (illuminated) and the individual EQ flter butons in the middle of each band alter the bandwidth of the flter.
secton(s) must also be engaged. This can be changed from 18/5th an octave at its narrowest, to 3
octaves at its widest. The EQ18 flter has a frequency range of 45 Hz to
18 kHz. The EQ2 flter has a frequency range of 650 Hz to 185 kHz. The
2 High Pass Filter gain range of each flter is +/- 185 dB. In the following picture there is a
very narrow slight boost applied on EQ18. EQ2 is centred at 5 kHz with
The High Pass Filter is located on the lower lef of the panel. The HPF
a medium wide bandwidth, however no boost or cut is being applied.
knob selects the corner frequency of the 24 dB-per-octave high pass
flter. The range is from 18n Hz to 200 Hz. All signals above the selected
frequency are passed along to the next flter secton and onto the
outputs. This is the frst flter that the signal passes through.
Front Panel

4 P-Filter EQ The frequency selectors for each High/Low flter are switched, and
The P-Filter EQ secton occupies almost the entre right hand side of displayed on the front panel in CPS or KCS. (Cycles Per Second = Hertz,
the faceplate, and is organised into 3 sectons (low freq, high freq, and Kilocycles Per Second = kHz). The P-Filter Low band has a 2 buton
bandwidth). Each frequency secton (high/low) features separate boost increment/ decrement frequency selector for both the Boost and
and cut controls. This allows the unique ability to alter and warp the Atenuaton controls (in CPS/Hz). The High band flter has two separate
response of the flter. The PEQ low freq secton has a single frequency frequency selectors for Boost and Atenuaton. The Atenuaton
selector buton that controls both the cut and boost. The PEQ high frequency selector is a single buton selector that rotates through all
frequency selectors have separate butons to allow boostng and choices. The P-flter Boost frequency selector is a 2 buton
cutng simultaneously across difenerent frequencies. This allows the increment/decrement selector (in KCS/kHz).
opportunity for highly creatve sound shaping, making the EQ232D
have the power of a 7-band equalizer or even more.
The Low Frequency P-Filter is a fxed shelf with a constant slope. The 5 Output
P-Filter bandwidth control on the far right of the faceplate controls the The Output secton is placed in botom right corner. It contains three
width of the High Frequency P-Filter only. The following picture shows key elements.
the P-Filter bandwidth control in its middle (default) positon. A First is OUTPUT knob. It allows to controll overall gain.
bandwidth of 7 will closely match the maximum of 184 dB of gain
Second part is showing what channel is displayed on panel. If plugin is
screened on the front panel. The broader the bandwidth, the less the
working in DUAL MONO mode and second panel is closed, you can use
maximum available boost. As with all equalizers, learn their
switch to jump between channels.
characteristcs and then work by ear. Queston: “How much boost do
you need?” Answer: “As much as you need to sound good.” Lastly, there is DISPLAY. It shows values of currently touched knob.
Top toolbar

Save / Recall preset Link

Saves and recalls presets in Betermaker specifc format. It allows to Link buton allows to link parameters on both channels if you are using
use presets from other instance of EQ232D or EQ232P MKII. stereo plugin. It will not change parameters currently set in the plugin.
If you are working with difenerent setngs on channels but you want to
set one flter on both channels use this functon to save tme!
Undo / Redo (Arrows)
Ofeners 32 steps of parameter history.
L→R / R→L / M→S / S→M
This functon allows to copy setngs from one channel to another.
Setngs (A / B / C / D)
Setngs allows you to switch between two totally difenerent setngs
instantly. This feature allows you to make quick mixing or mastering MS Matrix
decisions, by hearing the difenerence between four full setngs without MS Matrix buton engages Mid/Side processing. When this is turned
taking the tme to manually change all the knobs needed and on, the lef channel process the Mid (sum) of both input channels and
potentally losing perspectve. the right channel process the Side (difenerence) of input channels. For
clarity all descriptons changes respectvely.
Copy / Paste / Reset
This functons allows you to copy and paste betweend setngs banks
or reset parameters to default (foat) values. The icon closes and opens the second panel of the plugin while loaded
instance is stereo.
Botom toolbar

PA Logo ? (Icon)
Clicking the Plugin Alliance logo takes you to the Plugin Alliance Clicking the ? icon opens up a context menu that links to the product
website via your web browser, that´s if your computer is online. manual PDF, as well as other helpful links, e.g. to check for product
updates online. You must have a PDF reader installed on your
computer to be able to read the manual.
License Type
The toolbar displays informaton about the type of license you’re
running: Trial licenses will be displayed along with the number of days System Requirements & FAQ (Links)
untl expiraton; there is no note for full licenses as these are unlimited.

For latest System Requirements & Supported Platorms

$ (Icon)
If you are using a demo / trial version of our products, you can always
click this icon to open a browser that redirects you to the respectve
Partcular details for your product
product page in the Plugin Alliance store. This is where you can easily
purchase a product without having to look it up on our website. htps://

Installaton, Actvaton, Authorisaton and FAQ´s

Key (Icon) htps://
Clicking on the key icon brings up the actvaton dialog, allowing you to
manually reauthorize a device in the event of a license upgrade or
additon. You can also use this feature to actvate additonal computers
or USB ash drives.

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